--- title: Uncompiled Published Letters of Shoghi Effendi author: Shoghi Effendi copyright: subject: Religion:Bahá’í status: unformatted notes: about one quarter formatted --- # Uncompiled Published Letters {.title} # Shoghi Effendi {.author} # © Bahá’í International Community {.copy} ----- ## Table of Contents {pnum="-"} [[toc]] ----- ## 1.
1922-02-06 To Un-named Persian, "I wish to be known as" {.center pnum="1"} The Priceless Pearl, Rú.híyyih _Khánum, p76 {.ref .center} I wish to be known, to realize myself however far I may proceed in future, as one and only one of the many workers in His Vineyards...whatever may betide I trust in His [‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s] wondrous love for me. May I in no wise by my deeds, thoughts or words, impede the stream of His sustaining Spirit which I sorely need in facing the responsibilities He has placed on my youthful shoulders... --- ## 2.
1922-03-19 To Un-named Professor, Position in Faith {.center} Priceless Pearl — Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p49 {.ref .center} Replying to your question as to whether I have been officially designated to represent the Bahá’í Community: ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in his testament has appointed me to be the head of the universal council which is to be duly elected by national councils representative of the followers of Bahá’u’lláh in different countries... --- ## 3.
1922-04-05 To Col Symes as Govenor of Phoenicia, Leaving Haifa for Rest {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p275-6 {.ref .center} As I am compelled to leave Haifa for reasons of health, I have named as my representative during my absence, the sister of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Bahíyyih _Khánum ... To assist her to conduct the affairs of the Bahá’í Movement in this country and elsewhere, I have also appointed a committee of the following Bahá’ís [eight men of the local community, three of them the sons-in-law of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá]... The Chairman of this Committee, to be soon elected by its members, with the signature of Bahíyyih _Khánum has my authority to transact any affairs that may need to be considered and decided during my absence. I regret exceedingly to be unable to see you before my departure, that I may express more adequately the satisfaction that I feel to know that your sense of justice will safeguard the interests of the Cause of Bahá’u’lláh whenever called upon to act. --- ## 4.
1922-12-16 Letter on Return to Haifa {.center} SOTW Volume 13 No. 11, February, 1923, p299 {.ref .center} To the loved ones of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá throughout the continent of America, Dear fellow-workers in the Holy Vineyard of Bahá {.noid .verse} Now that my tong hours of rest and meditation are happily at an end I turn my face with renewed hope and vigour to that vast continent the soil of which is pregnant with those seeds that our beloved Master has so tenderly and so profusely scattered in the past. Prolonged though this period has been, yet I have strongly felt ever since the New Day has dawned upon me that such a needed retirement, despite the temporary dislocations it might entail, would far outweigh in its results any immediate service I could have humbly tendered at the Threshold of Bahá’u’lláh. I am now confident that the energies of my beloved brethren and sisters across the seas, far from being damped by my sudden disappearance from the field of service, will henceforth be fully maintained, nay redoubled in their intensity, that we may all together carry triumphantly to the uttermost corners of the world the glorious Standard of Bahá. Bereft of all news whatsoever during my hours of restful seclusion, I now feel the more the thrill of the various tidings, few but indeed promising, that have been awaiting my return to the Holy Land. The work of the noble Edifice that the mighty hands of the All-Wise Master has reared in this world can suffer no delay, nor can its foundations be made to totter, whatever the apparent obstacles its enemies in their impotent wrath and despair may throw in its way. We need not wait too long, for already from various quarters there comes the news that the awful promises of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá regarding the Covenant-breakers have been strikingly fulfilled. But it behooves us not to dwell for a moment on these doomed and darkened efforts for the shining light of the Master’s unfailing guidance is beckoning us to more constructive service, to nobler and worthier achievements. We have, not a long time ago, with tearful eyes commemorated the world over the passing hour of our beloved Master. Would to God it has marked in our lives which we all have consecrated to his service a fresh, solemn and unswerving re solution of devotion and fidelity to his Cause. Haifa, Palestine, December 16th, 1922. Your brother and co-worker, (Signed) {.sig} --- ## 5.
1922-12-16 To Colonel Symes Governor of Phoenicia, Return to Haifa {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p276-7 {.ref .center} It is my pleasant duty to inform you of my return to the Holy Land after a prolonged period of rest and meditation and of my assumption of my official functions ... I had felt after the passing of my beloved Grandfather too exhausted, overwhelmed and sorrowful to be able to conduct efficiently the affairs of the Bahá’í Movement. Now that I feel again restored and refreshed and in a position to resume my arduous duties, I wish to express to you on this occasion my heartfelt gratitude and appreciation for the sympathetic consideration you have shown towards the Movement during my absence... . It is a great pleasure and privilege for me to be enabled to renew my acquaintance with you and Mrs. Symes which I am confident will in the course of time grow into warm and abiding friendship. Kind regards and best wishes, Shoghi {.sig} --- ## 7.
1922-12-16 To the Bahá’ís of France on Returning to Holy Land {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p65 {.ref .center} AWAITING YOUR JOYFUL TIDINGS IN THE HOLY LAND --- ## 8.
1922-12-16 To Bahá’ís of Great Britain on Returning to Holy Land {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p64 {.ref .center} SOLACED AND STRENGTHENED, I NOW JOIN MY HUMBLE STRIVINGS TO YOUR UNTIRING EXERTIONS FOR THE CAUSE OF BAHÁ’U’LLÁH --- ## 10.
1922-12-16 To Bahá’ís of India on Returning to Holy Land {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p64 {.ref .center} MAY OUR REUNION IN THE GLORIOUS ARENA OF SERVICE PROVE IN THE SPIRITUAL FIELD OF THAT LAND THE HERALD OF TRIUMPHAL VICTORIES --- ## 11.
1922-12-16 To Bahá’ís of Mesopotamia on Returning to Holy Land {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p65 {.ref .center} WITH ZEAL UNABATED AND WITH STRENGTH RENEWED I NOW AWAIT YOUR JOYFUL TIDINGS IN THE HOLY LAND --- ## 12.
1922-12-16 To Bahá’ís of Switzerland on Returning to Holy Land {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p65 {.ref .center} PRAY CONVEY MY SWISS FRIENDS ASSURANCE OF MY UNFAILING COOPERATION ON MY HAPPY RETURN TO THE HOLY LAND --- ## 13.
1922-12-16 To Bahá’ís of Turkey on Returning to Holy Land {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p65 {.ref .center} BACK TO THESE HALLOWED SURROUNDINGS I EXTEND TOWARDS YOU MY HAND OF FELLOWSHIP AND SERVICE IN THE CAUSE OF BAHÁ’U’LLÁH --- ## 14.
1922-12-16 To Persian Bahá’ís on Returning to Holy Land {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p64 {.ref .center} THAT THE LORD OF HOSTS MAY, UPON MY RE-ENTRY TO THE FIELD OF SERVICE, BESTOW A FRESH BLESSING UPON HIS VALIANT WARRIORS OF THAT FAVOURED LAND IS INDEED MY EARNEST PRAYER --- ## 15.
1922-12-16 To Unknown on Returning to Holy Land {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p65-6 {.ref .center} ...I shall now eagerly await the joyful tidings of the progress of the Cause and the extension of your activities and will spare no effort in sharing with the faithful, here and in other lands, the welcome news of the progressive march of the Cause. --- ## 16.
1922-12-18 To Bahá’ís of Italy on Returning to Holy Land {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p65 {.ref .center} CONVEY ITALIAN FRIENDS MY BEST WISHES ON MY RETURN HOLY LAND --- ## 17.
1922-12-19 To Palestine High Commissioner on Return to Holy Land {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p70 {.ref .center} PRAY ACCEPT MY BEST WISHES AND KIND REGARDS ON MY RETURN TO HOLY LAND AND RESUMPTION OF MY OFFICIAL DUTIES. --- ## 18.
1922-12-29 To Chicago Bahá’ís {.center} SOTW Volume 13 #12, p330 {.ref .center} To the beloved of the Lord and the handmaids of the Merciful in Chicago, Ill., U. S. A. Care of the members of the Spiritual Assembly. Beloved brethren and sisters in the Cause of God: {.noid .verse} May I assure you in this short message of mine of my sincere admiration for and firm attachment to those old and tried believers who have been engaged ever since the earliest days of the Cause in that land in the noble pursuit of spreading far and wide the Universal Teachings of Bahá’u’lláh. Your city so far-famed for its intimate association with the history of the rise of the Ma_shriqu’l-A_dhkár will, I trust, witness in the not distant future while this majestic Structure is being raised a swift regeneration in the spiritual lives of its inhabitants, that it may become truly the throbbing centre of Bahá’í activities throughout the land. We all look forward with eager hearts to the time when this noble Edifice, with all its various accessories completed, will become the focal centre of spiritual, humanitarian and intellectual achievements to which the friends of that city, the pioneers of such a glorious work, will have a distinct share to contribute. May my prayers together with yours hasten the advent of such a crowning period in the history of the Cause in that land! Your brother and co-worker, Haifa, Palestine, December 29th, 1922. (Signed) {.sig} --- ## 19.
1922-12-xx To Paris Bahá’ís, Hoping for Election of LSA {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p344 {.ref .center} ... it would give me genuine satisfaction and pleasure to learn of the establishment of a local Spiritual Assembly, properly constituted, efficiently functioning, and officially recognized by the members of the great Bahá’í family. I would strongly urge you if such an assembly has not yet been founded to establish such a definite and fixed centre for the Cause which, though at first may appear a mere matter of form, will not only fill a gap in the uniform administration of the Movement throughout the world but would, I am certain, prove a nucleus around which would gather many a soul in future... --- ## 20.
1923-01-05 To Cleveland Bahá’ís {.center} SOTW Volume 13 #12, p330 {.ref .center} The beloved of the Lord and the handmaids of the Merciful in Cleveland, Ohio, U. S. A. Care of the members of the Spiritual Assembly. {.noid .verse} My beloved friends: {.noid .verse} I trust now that I have returned refreshed and strengthened from my needed retirement, I shall very soon hear from you such news as shall encourage and strengthen me in my labours for His Holy Cause. I look forward with eager anticipation to the welcome news of increased unity among the loved ones of God, of renewed ardour in their ceaseless service to the Cause and of crowning achievements in their field of service throughout that country. True, in this day the Light of the Covenant is hidden from mortal eyes, yet the unfading Splendour of His Spirit, freed from earthy limitations, shines more brilliantly than ever before and is sure to guide our steps if we but seek His Guidance and walk steadfastly in His Way. May the radiance of His Inspiration illumine our hearts and the hope of Eternal Reunion be our stay and solace in these days of bereavement and service to His Cause. Supplicating the Divine Favours on your behalf, I am your brother in His Service, {.sig} Haifa, Palestine, January 5, 1923. (Signed) Shoghi {.sig} --- ## 21.
1923-01-06 To a U.S. LSA, Hopes for America {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p340 {.ref .center} Whenever I recall the messages of love, of confidence and of hope our Beloved has expressed in such glowing terms in His innumerable Tablets to the loved ones in America, I feel that sooner or later the secret of this unbounded love must appear and that great continent so near and dear to His heart, must soon unfold itself entirely to the glory of His Revelation. --- ## 22.
1923-01-07 To Berkeley Bahá’ís {.center} Cited in Youth in the Vanguard, Marion Yazdí, pp46-47, USBNC archives {.ref .center} The beloved of the Lord and the handmaids of the Merciful in Berkeley, Calif., U.S.A. Care of the members of the Spiritual Assembly. {.verse .noid} Dear Friends! {.noid} I need not tell you how pleased I feel at this moment when I enter into correspondence with the loved ones of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in that city, who I am sure, fired with the spirit of service and teaching which His passing has kindled in every heart, are striving to proclaim His Word and promote His Teachings in that great country. The services you have rendered and are still rendering in the Path of God, the accounts of which have been reaching the Holy Land, have served to renew my unshaken confidence in those faithful children of ‘Abdu’1-Bahá to whom He has shown abundant favors in the past and from whom He expects an undying devotion to the service of His Cause. No need for me to remind you of the assurance He has so repeatedly given in His tablets to His friends in America as to the glorious triumphs that await every believer, who with determination, selflessness and ardor, arises for the diffusion of the Light of this Divine Revelation throughout the world. And we, who witness from every quarter the crying need of humanity, what nobler service can we render, than to raise the call of Yá Bahá’u’1-Abhá-a call which amid the rising tumult of so many conflicting sects and creeds can alone assure to distracted mankind the reign of true felicity and lasting peace. Remembering you in my prayers at the Holy Shrines, I am your brother and co-worker, (signed) Shoghi Haifa, Palestine, January 7th, 1923 {.sig} --- ## 23.
1923-01-08 To Various Bahá’í Communities {.center} SOTW Vol 14, #2, p48 USBN No. 72, April 1933, page 5 {.ref .center} The beloved of the Lord and the handmaids of the Merciful in Asbury Pork, N. J.; Augusta, Ga.; Beverly-Salem, Mass.; Bisbee, Ariz.; Buffalo, N. Y.; Eliot, Maine; Cambridge Springs, Penn.; Fernandina, Fla.; Fruitport, Mich.; Grand Rapids, Mich.; Geyserrville, Cal.; Grand Haven, Mich.; Haverhill, Mass.; Ithaca, N. Y.; Johnstown, N. Y.; Miami, Fla.; Milwaukee, Wis:.; Ncw Haven, Conn.; Omaha, Neb.; Okanagan, Wash.; Peoria, Ill.; San Diego, Cal.; Santa Barbara, Cal.; Santa Paula, Cal.; Santa Rosa, Cal.; Springfield, Ill. ; St. John, N. B.; St. Louis, Mo.; St. Paul, Minn.; Trenton, N.J., Worcester, Mass. {.sit} Care of the members of the National Spiritual Assembly. {.noid} “Dearest Fellow-workers in the Vineyard of God: {.noid} “Though your number in each of these cities be small and limited, yet by virtue of that Celestial Potency bequeathed to every one of you by our departed Master, you are assured that ere long your small company shall expand and wield such power and influence as no earthly power can ever hope for or attain. Who can doubt that He is ever watching from His Station on high over His scattered fold and is guiding and strengthening His faithful lovers who toil and labor for the fulfilment of His word and the realization of His purpose for mankind? “As we observe the sad conditions of the world and the complexity of the problems that are besetting humanity, we may at times lose heart and grow forgetful of the promised dawn of the New Day, so repeatedly and emphatically foretold in the Sacred Writings. But we need only refer to some of the earliest writings of our beloved Master to regain that confidence which the vicissitudes of the world, however distressing, can never shake. Are not these words wherein He assures us of the onward march of the Cause — a march which no one can resist and which is sure to lead humanity to its glorious destiny? “‘Now in the world of being, the Hand of Divine Power hath firmly laid the foundations of the all-highest bounty and this wondrous gift. Whatsoever is latent in the innermost of this Holy Cycle shall gradually appear and be made manifest, for now is but the beginning of its growth and the dayspring of the revelation of its signs. Ere the close of this century and of this age it shall be made clear and evident how wondrous was that springtide and how heavenly was that gift!’ “And as the outlook grows darker and despondency overtakes the hearts, it is incumbent upon us to arise with greater confidence than ever before, endeavoring to clear the mists of hate and prejudice that have dimmed the vision of mankind and, relying upon these assuring words of His, point out to a weary world the way of true Salvation. “I very eagerly await the news of the progress of the Movement in your cities and shall be grateful and delighted to hear that you have reinforced your numbers, extended your activities, established a center and founded a Spiritual Assembly that shall direct and coordinate your efforts for the promotion of the Cause. “Awaiting your joyful news and beseeching the blessings of the Almighty on your efforts, I am Your brother and co-worker, SHOGHI. Haifa Palestine, January 8, 1923.” {.sig} --- ## 24.
1923-01-11 Future of Russia {.center} Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union A Compilation From the Bahá’í Writings, #31 Compiled by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice {.ref .center} There is no doubt that the day will come when the very people who are now engaged in destroying the foundations of faith in God and promoting this baseless doctrine of materialism will arise and, by their own hand, snuff out the flame of this commotion. They will sweep away the entire structure of their unrestrained godlessness and will arise with heart and soul, and with hitherto unmatched vigour, to atone for their past failures. They will join the ranks of the followers of Bahá’u’lláh and arise to promote His Cause... If the friends remain steadfast, and discharge their duties with loyalty and prudence, the veils of God’s inscrutable wisdom will be lifted and extraordinary events will be witnessed. The hosts of divine confirmation, fortified by the power of the Spirit, will, in unimaginable ways and from unexpected quarters, provide the means for the triumph of the Cause of our Self-Subsisting Lord, and in so doing will brighten the eyes of the faithful throughout the world. (11 January 1923 to the Bahá’ís of Kirmánsháh — translated from the Persian) {.ref} --- ## 25.
1923-01-23 Awaken and Quicken Land of China {.center} Compilation of China compiled by the Bahá’í Committee for China (Macau) p2 #2 {.ref .center} Let the friends in the East and the West both enter the field. Let them awaken and quicken the land of China — a land which has its own world and civilization, whose people constitute one-fourth of the population of the globe, which ranks foremost among all nations in material, cultural and spiritual resources and potentialities, and whose future is assuredly bright. Let them draw that vast and mighty land under the shadow of the Word of God, cause its people to associate with the other nations of the world, and demonstrate the true oneness of mankind, which can alone be established through the power of Bahá’u’lláh. (23 January 1923 letter from the Guardian to the Bahá’ís of the East) (2) {.ref} --- ## 26.
1923-01-xx To Ḥusayn Afnán — I stand for absolute sincerity {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p70 {.ref .center} I presume you have gathered from past experience that I stand for absolute sincerity, scrupulous justice in all matters pertaining to the Cause, and an uncompromising attitude with regard to the enemies of the Movement, the Nakezeens, whose vile and unceasing efforts God alone shall frustrate. .... {.noid} With a pure heart, I eagerly look forward to those signs that will unmistakably reveal your desire and resolve to stand by the Will of the Master and avoid in every way the breakers of the Covenant. Soon after this letter, Ḥusayn Afnán, a grand-son of Bahá’u’lláh, become an open supporter of his uncle’s (Muḥammad-‘Alí’s) claim to the Bahá’í properties over Shoghi Effendi. He was later involved in Iraqi government and politics. {.ed} --- ## 27.
1923-01-xx To London Bahá’ís, Competent Assistant in my Translation Work {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p91 {.ref .center} The presence of a competent assistant in my translation work at present in Haifa would be most welcome, and highly desirable and I submit this matter to the members of the Council that they may consider the matter of sending for a time one of the English friends who would attend with me to this all-important work. --- ## 28.
1923-01-xx To a U.S. local Assembly, Whirlwind may Destroy Civilization {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p353 {.ref .center} Individuals and nations are being swept by a whirlwind of insincerity and selfishness, which if not resisted may imperil, nay destroy civilization itself. It is our task and privilege to capture gradually and persistently the attention of the world by the sincerity of our motives, by the breadth of our outlook and the devotion and tenacity with which we pursue our work of service to mankind. --- ## 29.
1923-02-03 To NYC Bahá’ís {.center} SOTW Vol 14 #4, p122 {.ref .center} To the beloved of the Lord and the handmaids of the Merciful, throughout the City of New York, U. S. A. Care of the members of the Spiritual Assembly. {.noid} Dear and faithful friends of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá {.noid} The welcome letter which the members of your Spiritual Assembly have sent me is indeed a fresh and remarkable testimony of your wise, patient and persistent efforts to promote the Cause of God and deepen its foundations in the heart of that great city. All throughout the various vicissitudes which the Movement has encountered during this past year of bereavement and uncertainty, the faithful lovers of the Master in New York have, by their wisdom in teaching, the range and character of their activities, their perseverance in their labors and their unity in service, proved themselves worthy of the blessings which our beloved ‘Abdu’I-Bahá showered upon them during his repeated visits to their city. It is my earnest hope and prayer that now at this decisive hour of the Cause of God the friends may with clear vision and redoubled energy endeavor to deepen still further the essential truths of the Cause in their own lives, and then extend the sphere of their activity, endeavoring at all times to infuse the regenerating Spirit of Bahá’u’lláh into the divers communities, creeds and classes that arc represented in that most cosmopolitan city of the American continent. From the leaflets, the circular letter and the pamphlet enclosed in the letter of your Spiritual Assembly, I can see clearly how well you have undertaken the task of acquainting the intellectual and religious circles of your city with the Divine Teachings, how admirably you have co-ordinated your efforts for service and how beautifully you have immortalized the memory of the Be· loved’s sojourn in your midst. As I have already intimated in my first letter to the National Spiritual Assembly, I shall be most pleased to receive from every Bahá’í center throughout America regular and comprehensive reports on the position of the Cause and the activity of the friends. These I shall gladly transmit to the friends throughout the East, who in their present hour of restlessness and turmoil will, I am sure, be cheered to hear of the steady and peaceful growth of the Cause in your land. I have already shared the news you have conveyed to me with the resident friends in the Holy Land, and shall soon, by the aid of the Spiritual Assembly of Haifa, send them to the believers throughout the East. Our departed Master, whose Call first awakened that city, who later visited it and with his own hands watered its soil, and who to last hour bestowed his tenderest care upon it, is now, as ever before, watching ‘from his Station on High the progress of the work which he entrusted to you, his beloved children, ready to bless, guide and strengthen you in your efforts to achieve success for his Cause. Awaiting your joyful news, and wishing you from alt my heart the highest success in all your endeavors, I am your devoted brother, Haifa, Palestine, February 3, 1923. {.sig} --- ## 30.
1923-02-03 To Editors and Manager of SOTW {.center} SOTW Vol 14 #1, April 1923 {.ref .center} To the Editors and Manager of the STAR OF THE WEST: {.noid} Mr. Albert Vail Miss Edna True Dr. Zia M. Ba_ghdádí Mírzá Aḥmad Sohrab {.noid .verse} Care of the members of the National Spiritual Assembly. {.noid} Dear Co-workers in the Holy Vineyard: {.noid} I have read with deep interest the recent numbers of the STAR OF THE WEST, and note with intense delight and gratitude the rapid advance it has made toward the fulfillment of that noble aim which the Master has clearly set before it. I have had its contents carefully translated and circulated among the resident friends in the Holy Land and the surrounding regions, and they, one and a1l, feel gratified and hopeful of the pre-eminent role it is destined to play in future. I have requested every Spiritual Assembly throughout Persia, Turkestan. Caucasus, India, Egypt, ‘Iráq, Turkey, Syria and Palestine to contribute periodically carefully written articles to your Magazine, and submit regularly for publication a special report on their spiritual activities and the progress of the Cause in their own province. I trust that thereby you may be enabled to revive and enrich the Persian Section, and add considerably to the size and importance of the STAR as a whole. True, the rays it now sheds are as yet faint and insignificant, yet our hopes and reliance are in the Master’s Words, that by your ceaseless efforts. reinforced in time by the assistance of friend s and Assemblies the world over, this STAR OF THE WEST shall grow to become so powerful a propounder of the Holy Writ of God and may so mirror forth the beauty of the Abhá Revelation as to become itself the Day — Star of the world. Broad in its outlook, forceful in its appeal, universal and comprehensive in the range of its articles, wise and tactful in its selection of materials for publication, at once elevated and simple in its style, correct and reliable in the translations it publishes, the interpretations it makes, the information it gives — -in a word, illuminating and convincing in all its aspects-such is the standard of excellence which every reader of the STAR and every contributor to its columns wishes it to attain. May it achieve its glorious purpose! {.sig} Your brother and co-worker (signed) Haifa, Palestine, February 3rd. 1923. {.sig} --- ## 31.
1923-02-07 To Colonel Symes, Charity Ball for the Poor of Haifa {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p294-5 {.ref .center} I have just heard of the Charity Ball which Mrs. Symes is organizing to aid the poor of Haifa. Realizing how their cause was consistently upheld by my beloved Grandfather, and it being my earnest endeavour to follow in his footsteps, I beg to enclose the sum of 20 [pounds] — as a contribution to the fund... I trust you have had a very enjoyable time in Egypt, and hoping to meet you and Mrs. Symes in the near future... --- ## 32.
1923-02-27 To the Friends in Persia, Participation in Elections {.center} Spiritual Institutions: The Foundation for Oneness compiled by US NSA, 2000 {.ref .center} On the election day the friends must whole-heartedly participate in the elections, in unity and amity, turning their hearts to God. --- ## 33.
1923-02-xx To Washington D.C. Bahá’ís {.center} SOTW Vol 14 #5, p155 {.ref .center} The beloved of the Lord and the handmaids of the Merciful in Washington, D.C., U.S.A. Care of the members of the Spiritual Assembly. {.noid .verse} Dearest Friends: {.noid} I welcome gladly and heartily this first opportunity of expressing to you in writing what I have always felt in the depths of my heart of my confident hopes for your whole-hearted assistance in the great task that is before me. I know too well of the spirit of ardent devotion and steadfast love that animates you in your labors for the Cause, and it is primarily upon this that I confidently rely in facing the great responsibilities of the future. The world is sadly stricken and in a state of continuous turmoil and signs of weariness and despondency are apparent everywhere. But we, fired with the hope of the Abhá Kingdom and ever mindful of the unfailing promises of the dawn of a new and better day, must weather every storm and endeavor to impart to every earnest seeker that firm faith and inner peace which the world cannot give. It is our vital and most urgent duty to at whatever cost the safety and the unity of the Cause of God, and with harmony and concord firmly established amongst us, to arise with confidence and courage for the enlightenment of the world and the salvation of mankind. With my best wishes and earnest prayers for your success in these noble endeavors, I am your brother and co-worker, (Signed) {.sig} --- ## 34.
1923-02-xx To Swiss Bahá’ís, Haifa News Letter {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p348 {.ref .center} The Spiritual Assembly which has been established in Haifa will from now on send you regularly the news of the Holy Land... --- ## 35.
1923-02-xx To US NSA, Register all mail {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p70 {.ref .center} REGISTER ALL MAIL. INFORM FRIENDS He had become concerned that not all mail was reaching him. {.ed} --- ## 36.
1923-02-xx To editor of Indian Bahá’í News, Following its Progress {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p348 {.ref .center} I have recently requested the friends of throughout Persia, Turkistan, Caucasus, ‘Iráq, Egypt, Turkey, America, Great Britain, Germany, Syria and Palestine to contribute regularly to the Bahá’í News of India reports of their activities and carefully written articles on spiritual matters, hoping thereby to widen its sphere and enhance its value as one the leading organs of the Bahá’í community throughout the world... I shall follow every stage of its progress with hopeful interest and shall not fail to contribute by share of assistance in the noble task it has purposed to achieve. --- ## 37.
1923-03-11 note on review {.center} Reviewing :: Practice and Functions of Literature Review #2 Compiled by Universal House of Justice Research Department. 1990-05 {.ref .center} In case you are thinking to publish this explanation of yours, Shoghi Effendi would like you to present it to the National Spiritual Assembly and ask their approval before you do so. The Cause is still in its stage of infancy, it has to be reared with motherly care. Such precautionary measures, therefore, are to hasten its development and safeguard the consistency of its publications. (11 March 1923 to an individual believer) {.ref .center} --- ## 38.
1923-03-18 To Pasadena CA Bahá’ís {.center} SOTW Vol 14 #5, p156 {.ref .center} The Beloved Children of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, (Pasadena, California) Marjorie McGee, Harry McGee, Whilhelm Madsen, Anne Vollmer, Richard Alderson, William Alderson, Winston Alderson, Hope Willis Baily. {.noid .verse} Care of Mrs. Collins. {.noid} My dearly beloved brethren and sisters in ‘Abdu’l-Bahá; {.noid} Your sweet messages of love and greeting transmitted through the kindness of our beloved Bahá’í sister, Mrs. Collins, have deeply touched my heart and have strengthened my hope and confidence in the great service which the Bahá’í youth will render in future to the Cause of Bahá’u’lláh. I have read your individual letters with the deepest interest and enclose for you all in this short answer of mine flowers planted in the close vicinity of the Holy Shrine and placed upon the Sacred Thresholds of the Báb and ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. And as I placed them on those hallowed spots I remembered you most tenderly, and prayed on your behalf, beseeching the Almighty to guide and protect you in your earnest endeavours to learn and to teach the Cause of God. I very strongly urge you to devote your time to a very serious and profound study of the history of the Cause and of the various Writings of Bahá’u’lIah and ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. The study of the Cause and its Teachings and the daily endeavour to exemplify its Spirit in our dealings with our fellow men are the most essential obligations of all Bahá’ís, whether young or old, who aspire to see this Divine Message spread throughout the world. As to a name for your Club, “Bahá’í Fellowship” seems to be the best reminder of the spirit that must animate continually its members in their work of service to mankind. I cherish the hope that you will all show forth in all your activities the spirit of true Bahá’í fellowship, and grow to become efficient workers in His Divine Vineyard. Wishing you success from all my heart, I am your devoted brother, {.sig} (Signed) Haifa, Palestine March 18, 1923. {.sig} --- ## 39.
1923-03-xx To Brooklyn N.Y. Bahá’ís {.center} SOTW Vol 14 #5, p156 {.ref .center} The beloved of the Lord and the handmaids of the All Merciful in Brooklyn, N.Y., U.S.A. Care of the members of the Spiritual Assembly {.noid .verse} Dear brethren and sisters in ‘Abdu’l-Bahá: {.noid} In these days of world unrest, of political upheavals, of social disruption and spiritual ferment, the one Power that can bind effectively together the scattered and conflicting elements of human society and breathe into them the vivifying and eternal Spirit of Life is indeed the power of the Call of Yá Bahá’u’l-Abhá! We, of this noble Faith, the chosen ones of God, who carry with us this wholesome Medicine for the ills and sicknesses of this world, must now bestir ourselves to further activity and relentless efforts in the great and urgent mission entrusted to us by Bahá’u’lláh, that we may minister freely and effectively to the needs of mankind. Our primary duty is to create by our words and deeds, our conduct and ex· ample, the atmosphere in which the seeds of the words of Bahá’u’lláh and ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, cast so profusely during well-nigh eighty years, may germinate and give forth those fruits that alone can assure peace and prosperity to this distracted world. Clear in our vision, broad in our out look, tireless in our energies and steadfast in our hopes, let us promote one and all this great work of Reconciliation of which the world stands in such groat need at present. May the Light of His Divine Guidance illumine our path and lead us to our glorious destiny. Your brother, (Signed) {.sig} --- ## 40.
1923-04-21 To High Commissioner, Measures for Stable Organization of the Faith {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p282 {.ref .center} As you had expressed in your last letter to me the desire to learn of the measures that have been taken to provide for the stable organization of the Bahá’í Movement... I shall be only too glad to throw further light on any point which Your Excellency might desire to raise in connection with the enclosed letter, or regarding any other matter bearing upon the interests of the Movement in general. The “enclosed letter” was probably the letter of Letter of March 12, 1923 in Bahá’í Administration. {.ed} --- ## 42.
1923-04-21 To US NSA, Elect LSAs Every Riḍván {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p344 {.ref .center} STRONGLY URGE RE-ELECTION ALL LOCAL ASSEMBLIES FIRST RIḌVÁN APRIL 21 --- ## 43.
1923-04-xx To Editors of The Dawn [Burma], May it Advance Towards Destiny {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p347 {.ref .center} Universal in its outlook, progressive and practical in the measures it advocates, faithful to its sacred traditions and principles of the Cause, thorough in its methods, impartial in its views, and elevated and impressive in style, may it advance resolute and unhindered, towards the fulfillment of its destiny. --- ## 44.
1923-05-xx To Haifa Governor, Haifa Assembly to Direct Affairs in Region {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p282 {.ref .center} Haifa Bahá’í Spiritual Assembly officially reconstituted and will, in conjunction with me, direct all local affairs in this region. I have lately informed H.E. the High Commissioner of this matter... --- ## 45.
1923-12-xx To an American Assembly, Inscrutable Wisdom of God {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p74-5 {.ref .center} The inscrutable wisdom of God has so decreed that we, who are the chosen bearers of the world’s greatest Message to suffering humanity, should toil and promote our work under the most trying conditions of life, amidst unhelpful surroundings, and in the face of unprecedented trials, and without means, influence or support, achieve, steadily and surely, the conquest and regeneration of human hearts. --- ## 46.
1923-12-xx To Unknown, The Progress of our Work {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p75 {.ref .center} ... True, the progress of our work, when compared to the sensational rise and development of an earthly cause, has been painful and slow, yet we firmly believe and shall never doubt that the great spiritual Revolution which the Almighty is causing to be accomplished, through us, in the hearts of men is destined to achieve, steadily and surely, the complete regeneration of all mankind. --- ## 47.
1923-xx-xx To NYC LSA, Turning Hopeful Eyes Towards America {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p338 {.ref .center} Conscious of the clear and emphatic predictions of our beloved Master as to the predominant part of the West is destined to play during the early stages in the universal triumph of the Movement, I have, ever since His departure, turned my eyes in hopeful expectation to the distant shores of that continent... --- ## 50.
1923-xx-xx To a local Assembly, Foundation of Constructive Work {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p300 {.ref .center} Full harmony and understanding among the friends, outside and within the Spiritual Assembly; implicit confidence on the part of the non-members in every decision passed by their elected representatives; and the determination of these to disregard their likes and dislikes and seek naught but the general interests of the Movement — these constitute the only and sure foundation upon which any constructive work can be built in future and prove serviceable to the interests of the Cause. --- ## 51.
1924-01-xx Bear our Burden with Steadfastness and Fortitude {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p75 {.ref .center} However great our tribulation may be, however unexpected the miseries of life, let us bear in mind the life He [the Master] has led before us, and, inspired and grateful, let us bear our burden with steadfastness and fortitude, that in the world to come, in the divine Presence of our loving Comforter, we may receive His true consolation and reward of our labours. --- ## 52.
1924-01-xx However Dark the Future may Appear {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p75 {.ref .center} Whatever may befall us, and however dark the prospect of the future may appear, if we but play our part we may rest confident that the Hand of the Unseen is at work, shaping and moulding the events and circumstances of the world and paving the way for the ultimate realization of our aims and hopes for mankind. --- ## 53.
1924-01-xx Let us Arise to Teach His Cause {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p75 {.ref .center} ... let us arise to teach His Cause with righteousness, conviction, understanding and vigour...let us make it the dominating passion of our life. Let us scatter to the uttermost corners of the earth, sacrifice our personal interests, comforts, tastes and pleasures, mingle with the divers kindreds and peoples of the world; familiarize ourselves with their manners, traditions, thoughts and customs. --- ## 54.
1924-01-xx Our Primary Duty {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p75 {.ref .center} Our primary duty is to create by our words and deeds, our conduct and example, the atmosphere in which the seeds of the words of Bahá’u’lláh and ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, cast so profusely during well-nigh eighty years, may germinate and give forth those fruits that alone can assure peace and prosperity to this distracted world. --- ## 55.
1924-02-13 One of First Letters to Martha Root {.center} Martha Root: Lioness at the Threshold, M. R. Garis, p205 {.ref .center} My dearest Bahá’í sister:— {.noid} Your letters laden with the perfume of love & service revive & invigorate our souls & cheer our spirits. We thirst for more. You are always guided, inspired & sustained by the spirit of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. Go forth therefore confident & unafraid proclaiming far & wide the Divine Message of Bahá’u’lláh. You have my prayers & you may ever rely upon my boundless affection, my high esteem, my wholehearted & undiminished support. --- ## 56.
1924-02-23 Various Assemblies as Bedrock of the Universal House of Justice {.center} USBN No. 7 — September 1925 — page 3 {.ref .center} The various Assemblies, local and national, constitute today the bedrock upon which the strength of the Universal House is in future to be firmly established and raised. Not until these function vigorously and harmoniously can the hope for the termination of this period of transition be realized. --- ## 57.
1924-02-xx To NYC LSA, Info from U.S. Assemblies Being Distributed to the East {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p346 {.ref .center} As I have already intimated in my first letter to the National Spiritual Assembly, I shall be most please to receive from every Bahá’í Centre throughout America regular comprehensive reports on the position of the Cause and the activity of the friends. These I shall gladly transmit to the friends throughout the East who in their present hour of restlessness and turmoil will, I am sure, be cheered to hear of the steady and peaceful growth of the Faith in your land... awaiting your joyful news... --- ## 58.
1924-11-27 To US NSA {.center} USBN January 1925 insert {.ref .center} To my dear friends and fellow-workers, the members of the American National Spiritual Assembly c/o the Secretary, Mr. Horace Holley, New York City, U.S.A. {.noid .verse} My Friends and Fellow-Workers: — {.noid} The letters which our able and devoted friend, Mr. Horace Holley, has addressed in your behalf to the Greatest Holy Leaf and myself have all been received, and, together with their enclosures, read with the closest attention. It is indeed highly gratifying to observe that notwithstanding the strain and stress of the critical period through which our beloved Cause is passing, the elected representatives of the friends in America have, with unflinching faith, undaunted courage, and conspicuous ability, perse[r]vered in their task and fulfilled their arduous duties. The splendid contribution you have made to the efforts of your fellow-workers in England in connection with the Conference on the Living Religions within the British Empire, we all heartily appreciate and regard as a fresh evidence of the growing power and solidarity of the Cause of God. Both in the admirable paper which you arranged to be drafted and prepared, and in the person of your devout, trusted and talented President, who performed his duty with absolute fidelity and high distinction, you have rendered the Cause of Bahá’u’lláh a fresh and distinguished service. May the results achieved lend a fresh impetus to the onward march of the Cause in the West. The recent measures you have adopted in view of the necessity of promoting fuller confidence and a greater measure of understanding and cooperation between the body of the believers and the local and National Assemblies, will, I am confident, be of the greatest value, and indicate clearly that you are fully aware of the true position, the privileges and responsibilities of every Bahá’í Assembly. We all long to hasten by wise and effective measures the completion of the Ma_shriqu’l-A_dhkár, and we fervently supplicate the All-Bountiful to bless richly our Teaching work that our numbers may be reinforced in time by men who with sufficient means at their disposal may voluntarily and abundantly support this vast and noble endeavor. I trust that you will encounter no further obstacles in receiving the necessary support to meet the immediate needs of this Universal House of Worship as decided at your recent general gathering in Chicago. The Star of the West, the latest issues of which I have read with genuine satisfaction, has admittedly made a notable advance towards the ideal which the Master has set before it. Articles on broad humanitarian lines, well-conceived, adequately treated, and powerfully presented, should have their proper place in every issue together with such accounts of the History and the teachings of the Cause as will portray to the Bahá’í and non-Bahá’í alike the unique beauty as well as the compelling power of the Bahá’í spirit. Matters political and partisan in character should be carefully avoided as they would eventually lead to entanglements that would be not only futile but positively harmful. As regards the Persian Section: I feel that in view of the severe restrictions imposed on the friends in Persia its temporary suspension would be well-advised, particularly as it makes such a disproportionate demand on the meagre resources of the friends in America. The increasing efforts displayed by my beloved brothers and sisters in America, both individually and collectively, and the action taken by you in constituting regional Teaching Committees are of vital importance to the spread of the Cause in the present stage of our work. I feel that we should all collaborate in widening its scope, intensifying its influence, assuring its continuity, and endeavoring to subordinate every other activity to this most urgent and vital task. It is our bounden duty to do all in our power to give the Cause from day to day a fuller publicity, to maintain and stimulate the interest aroused, and to concentrate at the same time our attention on a chosen few, endeavoring tactfully and persistently to make of them earnest and unreserved supporters of the Bahá’í Faith. I am deeply conscious of the manifold and unavoidable difficulties that confront you in your labors for the administration of the affairs of the Cause. Vast distances; personal professional pre-occupations; insufficient number of capable and experienced teachers, unhampered by the necessity of earning their means of livelihood; the inadequacy of the means at your disposal, financial and otherwise; the prevailing tendencies in the general thought, sentiment, and manners of the people in whose midst you work — all these, though insuperable obstacles at present, will, if we stand steadfast and faithful, be one by one removed, and pave the way for the ultimate ascendency of the Cause and the fruition and triumph of our labors. As to the projected prayer-book, I feel the need for a specially prepared compilation of the prayers of Bahá’u’lláh and ‘Abdu’l-Bahá designed for the general public which would both prove of value for devotional purposes and act as a fresh incentive to eager and inquiring minds. I am enclosing copies of prayers which you may have not yet received and trust to send you more in future. I should be glad to receive any particulars you might wish me to consider in this connection. Our untiring and devoted sister, Dr. Moody, (the handmaid of the Most High), has had to her profound regret to discontinue for a time the invaluable and unique services she has been rendering to the Cause in Persia. She is proceeding to America, and will familiarize you with the deplorable state of affairs in that unhappy country. You will get first-hand information from her regarding the present condition and activities of our long-suffering friends in Persia, and she will take counsel with you as to the best way to meet the needs and serve the Cause of Education in Ṭihrán. I hope and pray that as soon as circumstances permit, the friends in America may enable Dr. Moody to take back with her to Persia suitable, capable and ardent collaborators who will contribute their distinct share towards the uplift and the advancement of their brethren and sisters in that land. Concerning the magazine “Reality,” I feel we must make it unmistakeably plain to those in charge of it that the Bahá’ís would gladly and gratefully respond to the invitation to cooperate with those that are responsible for it immediately they are fully satisfied that nothing is or will be published by them, whether in the magazine or elsewhere, that would, however indirectly, prejudice or reflect upon their conception of what the Bahá’í Movement is or stands for. Should this be refused, and unfriendly and harmful matters be published against them, the attitude of all of us should be a definite refusal to help and absolute non — interference, as well as the absence of any form of retaliation which will instead of achieving our end defeat our purpose. We should leave him in the hands of God. As to the suggestion of the Annual Convention being held next summer at Green Acre, I believe it to be both wise and helpful, and trust that it will forge another link between the Bahá’ís as a body and its founders and trustees, and will serve to draw them closer and closer to the outward form as well as to the spirit of the activities of the friends in America. The financial help extended recently by the friends in America to their fellow-workers of the Faith in Qadiyan, Punjab, has given us all intense satisfaction and made us deeply grateful. Their contribution has immediately been forwarded to them through the National Spiritual Assembly of India and Burma, and will, I am certain, enhance the prestige and the influence of the Cause. I feel that the conditions are now favorable for the circulation of the Will and Testament of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá only in manuscript form and among recognized believers in America. Every such believer should be trusted with a single copy with the express understanding that no duplicate copies or extracts of it be made or published anywhere. The suggestion made by my dear and able friend, Mr. Horace Holley, as to the compilation of an annual “Bahá’í Year Book” is extremely valuable and timely. I am much impressed by it, and feel that an immediate start should be made. I believe it can best be now undertaken under the direction and supervision of your Assembly until the time should come for the friends in the East and particularly Persia to participate effectually in its development. I trust you will send me a copy of the skeleton of the material you propose to include, and I shall here attempt to fill up any gap and render any assistance I can to make it as comprehensive, as attractive, and as authoritative as possible. I am sending through my dear brother, Mr. M. Mills, various relics and Tablets of our beloved ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, the only and priceless treasures of the devoted gardener of Bahá’u’lláh’s Shrine, Ustad Abú’l-Qásim _Khurasáni, who has offered them to be preserved on his behalf in the Archives of the friends in America. I am hoping to be able to send you in future precious additions to what the Archives Committee has already collected, and may I in this connection express to those who have conceived so admirable a plan my profound admiration and heartfelt gratitude. I wish to assure you in conclusion of my readiness and genuine desire to help you and serve you to the utmost of my ability. I fully realize the enormous burden that weighs on your shoulders, and am constantly mindful of the distinct and eminent share you are contributing to the advancement of the Cause. I wish you from the depths of my heart entire satisfaction in your glorious work. Our beloved Master is surely watching from the Realm Beyond over His children whom He nurtured and loved so well, and will certainly guide you in every step you take, and crown your patient efforts with signal success. Your brother and fellow-worker. (signed) SHOGHI Haifa, Palestine, November 27, 1924. {.sig} --- ## 59.
1924-11-11 To Kathryn Frankland, The Chester Rasmussen Memorial Library in Berkeley {.center} Cited in Youth in the Vanguard, Marion Yazdí, pp48-9, USBNC archives {.ref .center} My dear Bahá’í sister. {.noid} It gave our dear Shoghi Effendi much joy to read your interesting and encouraging letter and he is looking forward with great hopes to see the spread of the Cause in the Western States as never before. Indeed whenever we remember how much our dear Master spoke of that country and what a great deal He expected from every pioneer worker there, we feel assured that the glorious days He foretold are not far distant. Our Guardian wishes you all to realize what a stirring pleasure it is for him to cooperate with you in the promulgation of the Cause we all adore and it gives him great joy to help you and give you his advice in the task you have so gladly chosen. In respect to the little library for the Juniors in memory of Mrs. Rasmussen’s dear son, Chester, he wishes me to write you of his deep pleasure in its establishment; and he feels that her son who now dwells in realms more holy, will have his name remembered forever by all the children who will use that little library. The fact that Mrs. Rasmussen has had to save that sum from her little earnings will certainly add a touch of true self-sacrifice to that library. It might interest you to know that we already have a very large group of Western friends here in Haifa and how we would wish everybody could come over. The members of the family all join me in sending you our very best wishes and heartfelt regards. I am yours in His service (signed) Soheil {.sig} My spiritual sister:— {.noid} I assure of my deep affection and ardent prayers for the success of your spiritual activities. Convey to Mrs. Rasmussen my highest appreciation of her noble, self-sacrificing efforts. I remember her most tenderly at the Three Holy Shrines. Your true brother, (signed) Shoghi {.sig} --- ## 60.
1925-01-01 To Martha, Whose Travels Make it Difficult to Keep Track of {.center} Martha Root: Lioness at the Threshold, M. R. Garis, p206 {.ref .center} “Your restless activities in the service of the Cause have carried you so far and wide that it has already become quite a difficult matter to locate your whereabouts on any map.” My dearest most precious sister:— {.noid} I am always anxious to hear from you as I deeply realize the signal service you are rendering to the Cause as well as the unsatisfactory state of your health. I pray for you from the bottom of my heart & I assure you that you are never never forgotten.... You are under His wings. He will surely guide you and lead you to success. I indeed have nothing to add, for your work is perfect, your efforts magnificent, your achievements glorious. I pray you may achieve your heart’s desire. --- ## 61.
1925-02-06 Nayríz Flood Cable {.center} USBN #3 — March 1925 — page 2 {.ref .center} Cablegram {.ref .center} Flood destroyed 500 Bahá’í homes in Nayríz. Grave disaster. May America contribute her share. --- ## 62.
1925-02-14 To Visalia California {.center} 14th Feb.1925 Alláh’u’Abhá! {.noid .verse} Mrs. Grace B. Holley, Secy. Bahá’í Spiritual Assembly Visalia, California, U.S.A. {.noid .verse} Dear Bahá’í Sister, {.noid} Shoghi Effendi was very pleased to receive your letter of 14th Jan. and has asked me to reply to it. We are glad to hear that some of the seed Mr. Hyde Dunn patiently sowed there years ago has now taken root. Shoghi Effendi has been greatly cheered by reports of the fine work Mr. and Mrs. Hyde Dunn have been doing in Australasia. By this time I think they will have established Spiritual Assemblies in all of the Capitals of Australia except Brisbane and also in Auckland, New Zealand. Within two years they hope to have a National Spiritual Assembly in Australia. Both Mr. and Mrs. Dunn appear to be very devoted souls and their work is being greatly blessed. We hope that Mrs. Brittingham’s prophetic intuition will be fulfilled and that your assembly will “sound the trumpet which will arouse the great San Joaquin Valley.” Limited financial means and the care of children will not prove insuperable obstacles. Christ and his disciples had but little of this world’s goods, and Bahá’u’lláh and the Master were prisoners for many years and unable to travel, but that did not prevent them from raising the Call of the Kingdom very effectually. As for the children, they will, it is to be hoped, soon become Heralds of the Cause themselves, and carry the Glad Tidings wherever they go. The great thing is to “live the life” — to have our lives so saturated with the Divine teachings and the Bahá’í Spirit that people cannot fail to see a joy, a power, a love, a purity, a radiance, an efficiency in our character and work that will distinguish us from worldly-minded people and make people wonder what is the secret of this new life in us. We must become entirely selfless and devoted to God so that every day and every moment we seek to do only what God would have us do and in the way He would have us do it. If we do this sincerely then we shall have perfect unity and harmony with each other. Where there is want of harmony, there is lack of the true Bahá’í spirit. Unless we can show this transformation in our lives, this new power, this mutual love and harmony, then the Bahá’í teachings are but a name to us. There is no need to fear opposition from without if the life within be sound and vigorous. Our Heavenly Father will always give us the strength to meet and overcome tests if we turn with all our hearts to Him, and difficulties if they are met in the right spirit only make us rely on God more firmly and completely. We hope and pray that you will find many souls in your neighbourhood who are ready to receive the teachings and who will soon themselves become devoted Bahá’ís, heralds and teachers of our beloved Cause. Shoghi Effendi, the members of the Holy Family and all the friends here join in sending most cordial Abhá greetings, and we pray that the confirmations of the Spirit may descend upon you in torrents. Your brother in His service (Signed) J. E. Esslemont. {.sig} My dearest spiritual brothers & sisters: — {.noid} Your most welcome letter has rejoiced my heart. I cannot but express personally to you all my loving greetings and profound admiration for your perseverance, devotion and determination to labour unceasingly for our Beloved Cause. I wish to assure you of my ardent prayers for your Assembly. May it raise the Call and attract in times to come a vast concourse of capable, sincere and devoted souls. Persevere in your work and victory will surely be yours in the end. I am eager to hear of the progress and expansion of your activities and wish you to keep always cheerful, radiant and active. Your true brother, Shoghi {.sig} [Photocopy from Research Department, Bahá’í World Center. A portion of this letter, from ‘The great thing...’ to ‘...but a name to us.’ is cited in ‘Lights of Guidance, second edition, #376’ (with incorrect date and attribution to an individual) and in the Compilation ‘Living the Life’ found in Compilation of Compilations Vol II, #1271, (with incorrect attribution to an individual)] {.ed} --- ## 63.
1925-02-xx To Colonel Symes, Haifa Charitable Fund {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p295 {.ref .center} The perusal of your circular letter of February 16th, 1925 with reference to the establishment of the Haifa Charitable Fund has served to remind me of the keen interest ‘Abdu’l-Bahá took in charitable institutions. Animated by the same sentiment and desirous to walk in the footsteps of my beloved Grandfather, I hasten to enclose herewith the sum of 20 [pounds] — towards the relief of the sufferings of the poor in Haifa. --- ## 64.
1925-03-03 Persecutions in Írán {.center} Published in The Bahá’í News Letter, March 1925 {.ref .center} To the beloved of the Lord and the handmaids of the Merciful throughout the West. {.noid} My dear friends :— {.noid} From various reliable reports, recently received from Persia, it is becoming increasingly evident that this most unhappy country is passing through yet another crisis of extreme violence and far-reaching results. The growing instability of its affairs, the unceasing turmoil caused by conflicting personalities and factions, the economic stagnation of the country, are all signs that are highly disquieting to every well-wisher of Persia. These evidences of discontent may conceivably lead to an upheaval that might react most unfavorably on the fortunes of the Movement in Persia. Already the exigencies of the present political life of the country have brought about a gradual recrudescence of religious fanaticism which, in its stubbornness and ferocity, can hardly find a parallel even in the semi-civilized countries of the world. I have just received a communication addressed by the secretary of the Qaghan Spiritual Assembly to the National Assembly of Persia, dated January 7th, and recording the following facts:— “In the village of Qamṣar, not very far from Ṭihrán, a Persian, Áqá Riḍá by name, embraces the Bahá’í faith. His friends and relatives are indignant and furious. They determine to persecute him. He is several times beaten severely and injured. They secure the sanction of the local Mullá to enable his wife, without obtaining a divorce, to marry another man. This unhappy person hastens desperately to Ká_shán and appealing to local authorities seeks and obtains temporary and partial relief. A few days ago, the son of a Mullá, Áqá Aḥmad by name, visited Qamṣar. Mischief-makers instantly incite him to humiliate, torment, and even murder the miserable convert. He immediately orders his arrest. His agents without notice and in a barbaric manner break into the house of a believer called Naṣru’lláh, accuse him of having sheltered his co-religionist, and command him to deliver the refugee immediately. Unsatisfied by his protestations and emphatic assurances, they start to search his house, violate the privacy of his home, enter the chamber of his wife, find her lying in bed having given birth to a child the night before, approach her, violently expose her, and shamelessly injure her to the point of almost ending her life. They then turn to her wretched husband and, with the aid of clubs, sticks, and chains, pitilessly mutilate his body. Fallen unconscious, they leave him, thinking him dead, and continue their search. Having fully investigated the matter they find that the husband was right after all and that Áqá Riḍá had fled to Mazkan. Reinforced by two Siyyids they immediately resolve to pursue him, and arriving in the village suddenly make their appearance at a meeting where the Bahá’ís were gathered and there instantly recognize their victim. They mercilessly drag him out, bind his hands behind his back, thrust him to the front, and with their whips, chains, and the butt end of their rifles drive him on to Qamṣar. The Bahá’í women in the vicinity, alarmed and grief-stricken, run after these heartless villains, and with loud lamentations vainly implore their mercy. Annoyed by their wailing they fire at them and disperse them. They drag him to Qamṣar till at last he is brought before the Mullá’s son who orders him to recant. But this ardent devotee, though young in faith, refuses to yield and with remarkable fortitude and sublime composure disdains the threats and insults of his enemies. The Mullá’s son, angry and exasperated, gives order first to throw him into the river, then to tie him to the trunk of a tree and inflict on him the most severe corporal punishment. The people, however, with unutterable cruelty drag him through the streets into the main throughfare and start to force handfuls of straw into his mouth and with blows and kicks strive to compell him to swallow. They then befoul his face with filth. Finally they so disgrace and dishonor him and resort to such vile methods that the pen would shrink from recording the further unspeakable indignities to which this unfortunate man was subjected...” {.blockquote} A previous communication addressed to me by the same National Spiritual Assembly and dated October 22nd, reveals a parallel incident:— “In Farahán, province of ‘Iráq-i-Ajám, an old believer, Riḍá-Qulí _Khán, who for years past had at the instigation of the fanatical clergy suffered humiliations and heavy losses at the hands of the mob, proceeded a few days ago to Sulṭán-Abád in order to renew his complaints to the provincial authorities. Profiting by his absence, a band of ruffians break into his house at night in order to carry away any valuable property. His wife, an expectant mother, is awakened and offers resistance. Armed with poignards they rush on her and inflict on her in a most brutal fashion several mortal wounds. They even proceed to murder her son and are only prevented from doing so by the cry of the neighbors who rush forth to intervene.” {.blockquote} In the province of Fárs, Yazd, and _Khurasán similar cases of atrocities and outrageous conduct have been witnessed. Houses have been sacked, property confiscated, homes destroyed. In addition to the murder of the American Consul in Ṭihrán, we know of three Bahá’ís who in the course of the past year have suffered martyrdom. A considerable number have deserted their homes and belongings, and, panic-stricken, have either migrated to another province or sought refuge in neighboring mountains. To this sad tale of unbridled cruelty must be added the devastation caused by the recent floods which have destroyed nearly half of Nayríz including five hundred houses which belonged to the Bahá’ís of that town. Mindful as we are of the repeated and emphatic injunctions of our beloved ‘Abdu’l-Bahá to scrupulously avoid meddling by word or deed with the political affairs of Persia, we cannot but feel gravely concerned at the plight and the perilous position of a vast number of our brothers and sisters in that beloved yet most backward of countries. Whilst we disassociate ourselves with the confused political aspirations of the contending factions in Persia, we should, if we be faithful to our trust, watch carefully every development in the situation, and by every lawful and legitimate means strive to alleviate the sufferings of our patient friends and ensure the protection of our Sacred Cause. Free from every desire to be offensive or provocative, without seeking in the least to accuse or denounce any nation or individual, we should as much as it lies in our power broadcast the true facts of the situation. We should intelligently endeavor to enlighten the public opinion of the world on these ugly incidents and incredible happenings that will stain for ever the memory of this twentieth century civilization. Conscious as all Bahá’ís are, of the absolute necessity and wisdom of non-resistance and abiding loyalty to the sovereign authority in the land they live in, we can have but one recourse and can appeal for redress only to the recognized authority in whose jurisdiction such glaring offences are being committed. You will gather from the above-mentioned reports how grievous and perplexing the situation is at present. You will realize with horror the shameless brutality of the ignorant masses as well as the insatiable hostility and unrestrained power of the clerical element. You will admire the tenacity of faith and the Spirit of magnificent heroism displayed with undiminished splendor by those who only recently have adhered to the Cause. Should the friends on the spot fail to obtain redress and this calamitous condition continue unchecked, I will I then inform you by cable, and request your National Spiritual Assemblies to communicate both by cable and letter with the recognized authority in Persia. You will in the name of all the Bahá’ís in your respective countries demand that prompt and effective action be taken for the protection and well-being of your fellow-workers in Persia. Any grievance that is submitted should be supported by evidence based on the actual facts of the situation. It should be expressed and presented in a sober yet firm language, should be conciliatory in tone, and moving in its appeal. We must make it abundantly clear that in giving publicity to these disgraceful and atrocious acts, the Bahá’ís the world over are in no wise animated by a hostile and revengeful spirit, that their purpose is not to retaliate nor to accuse or offend any soul, but only to ensure the safety and tranquility of law-abiding, devoted and patriotic citizens. And having resorted to very practical and legitimate means for that end, and done our best, through prayer and supplication, to mitigate the endless sufferings of our dear ones in Persia, let us rest assured of the high destiny of their sorely-tried fatherland. Let us also remember that having done our duty towards them whatever else befalls Persia is truly ordained from on high and is but the means for the working out of His purpose for ‘that chosen country. Let us finally recall His promise that in the fullness of time the Government of Bahá’u’lláh’s native land will he universally recognized as the most honored of all earthly governments, that its sons will be so raised in the esteem of mankind as to become the envy and the admiration of all the world. I feel confident that my dearly-beloved friends throughout the West, desirous to maintain the growing solidarity of the Cause, and fully alive to the critical conditions in Persia, will arise to do their utmost for the immediate relief as well as the ultimate deliverance of their long-suffering expectant fellow-workers in Persia, May Bahá’u’lláh bless richly your efforts. {.noid} Your brother and fellow-worker, (signed) Shoghi. Haifa, Palestine; March 3, 1925. {.sig} P.S. Copies of this circular should be distributed only among declared believers, and extracts from it may be published in the Press. {.noid} (Shoghi.) {.sig} --- ## 65.
1925-03-06 To May Maxwell, Congratulations of Activities {.center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani, p25 {.ref .center} Your marvellous magnificent efforts in the days of my absence from the Holy Land are indelibly engraved upon my grateful heart. Every step you took with your characteristic determination & passionate fervour has been guided by our beloved Master to Whom in His hour of need you have rendered memorable service. I congratulate you on your splendid achievements, on your undaunted courage, on your exemplary devotion & self-sacrifice. I am so glad to know you are so actively engaged in the all-important work of the National Spiritual Assembly... --- ## 66.
1925-04-01 Representation at National Convention {.center} USBN No. 5 — May-June 1925, page 3 Cablegram sent to the National Spiritual Assembly on April first, 1925: {.ref .center} Less than nine no representation. Proxy question left decision National Assembly. Praying guidance. No Bahá’í group of less than nine recognized believers will he entitled to send a delegate to National Convention this year. {.ed} --- ## 67.
1925-04-25 To Martha Root, Appreciation for Services {.center} Martha Root: Lioness at the Threshold, M.R. Garis, p217 {.ref .center} My dearest & most precious Martha {.noid} The fragrance of your visit has overpowered us all & as the days go by we feel more & more the penetrating power of your sublime love for & devotion to this mighty Cause. On behalf of the Family who love you dearly, & myself whose heart has drawn of late so close to you I wish to assure you again of our deepest gratitude for your stupendous efforts, our heartfelt appreciation of your magnificent achievements & our increasing prayers for your good health, happiness, prosperity & spiritual success. You are always with us wherever you go. --- ## 69.
1925-05-03 To Marion Carpenter, College Teaching {.center} Cited in Youth in the Vanguard, Marion Yazdí, pp148-50, USBNC archives {.ref .center} c/o Shoghi Effendi, Persian Colony, Haifa, Palestine, 3rd May, 1925 {.noid .verse} To Miss Marion Carpenter 1209 Stanford University California {.noid .verse} Alláh-u-Abhá! {.noid} Dear Bahá’í Sister, {.noid} Shoghi Effendi was greatly interested and pleased by your letter of March 31st — so much so that he had it translated into Persian and read at a meeting of the friends. We are delighted to hear that you have managed to establish a regular weekly Bahá’í meeting in the Club House in the campus and we pray that it may become permanent and grow in numbers and influence, and that soon you may have a Local Spiritual Assembly in the University. I was greatly interested lately in reading a book called “The Life Changers”, by Harold Bigbie, describing a movement among University Students for a consecrated Christian life, initiated by a man called Frank Buckmann [Buchman], which has already become international and seems to have achieved really remarkable results in many cases. Mr. Buckmann [sic] and a party of his friends called on Shoghi Effendi a few months ago. I hope this start you have made at Leland Stanford University may be the beginning of a work among University undergraduates that will spread to other Universities and become something much bigger even than that of Mr. Buckmann [sic] and his group of “Life-changers.” If, as we believe, Bahá’u’lláh is the prophet of the new age in which we live, then in the light of His teachings and in the strength of the new spiritual outpouring through Him, we ought to achieve even greater things than are possible to those who walk in the light of the “old dispensation” and have not yet become fully aware of the value of the New Revelation. We hope that soon you may find opportunities of carrying the message to the undergraduates of other universities, or of linking up with Bahá’í students at other Universities and encouraging them to start Bahá’í meetings also. Then inter-university meetings of Bahá’í groups could be arranged, exchange of speakers and so on, and from this germ you have started an organization might grow that would have very powerful and far-reaching effects. A “summer school” or Bahá’í Camp for undergraduates in Vacation time might prove very valuable. We are very glad to hear that the lectures given by Mr. Remy [Remey], Mrs. Cooper, Jináb-i-Fádil and others were so successful and that your friend... has already become a devoted and active Bahá’í. Entire and selfless devotion is what is most needful. The brighter our torch bums, the more light will it give and the more readily will it impart its blaze to others. It is fine too that you have the cooperation of your brother Howard, and of friends on the staff of the college paper. The blessings of Bahá’u’lláh and the Beloved Master will assuredly be with you in this work and Shoghi Effendi and the friends here will offer heartfelt prayers that you may be richly confirmed in your service to the Kingdom. Shoghi Effendi does not think it necessary for you to come to Haifa at present. His correspondence and other duties leave him very little time for translation work, and the Girls School on Mt. Carmel cannot be started until there is a good deal more money in hand for it. Conditions in Persia are at present too unsettled to make it advisable for you to go there. So it seems as if, for the near future, it would be better for you to work in America, where there is certainly ample opportunity. We pray that you will be clearly guided to whatever God would have you do, and we hope you will keep us informed of your activities, from time to time, so that we may keep in as close touch as possible with you and your group of coworkers.Shoghi Effendi was very pleased to see the articles by your brother, Barbara Probasco and yourself in the March Star and hopes that you will all three be enabled to do great service to the Cause both by tongue and pen. With kindest regards and best wishes in which Shoghi Effendi and all the friends here join. {.noid} Your brother in the service of the Beloved, J. E. Esslemont {.sig} My precious fellow-worker: {.noid} Your letter with its refreshing news rejoiced my heart. Surely the seeds which our Beloved has so abundantly sown in the fertile soil of that great University are germinating under your loving care and I trust great results will be speedily achieved. I would be delighted to learn of the formation of a regular, elected, Spiritual Assembly in the heart of that far-famed seat of learning and assure you of my keen desire to help it grow in power and influence in any way I can. As to your future career, I feel that for the present, until the conditions in Persia are stabilized you should concentrate your energies and efforts on publicity work, through the spoken as well as the written word. I will not fail to pray for you from the bottom of my heart and assure you of my deep appreciation of your much-valued efforts. Shoghi {.sig} [Frank Buchman was the head of the evangelical Christian “Oxford Group”, later to be organized as Moral Re-armament.] {.ed} [The articles by Barbara Probasco, Howard and Marion were in the March 1925 SOTW Vol 15, #12, pp369-372 under the section titled, The Larger Vision: How Three University Students See The Needs.] {.ed} --- ## 70.
1925-05-17 To Colonel Stewart Symes, Decline to Attend Various Public Functions {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p275-6 {.ref .center} In view of various considerations arising out of the still undefined status of the Bahá’í Community I find it, to my regret and sorrow impossible to participate in person in the various public functions arranged in your honour. I thus find myself denied the great pleasure and privilege of raising my voice not only in the name of the local community but also on behalf of the Bahá’ís throughout the world in appreciation and gratitude for the good will and high sense of justice which have characterized your attitude towards the various problems arising out of the sudden passing of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. I am sure you will realize that my enforced absence from these public gatherings implies in no way a want of cordiality and friendship towards the representative of an administration which the Bahá’ís have every reason to regard with high esteem and deep confidence. He did invite Symes and his wife to tea {.ed} --- ## 71.
1925-06-03 Activities Revolve Around National Assembly {.center} USBN No. 7 — September 1925 — page 3 {.ref .center} It would be impossible at this stage to ignore the indispensability or to overestimate the unique significance of the institution of the National Spiritual Assembly — the pivot round which revolve the activities of the believers throughout the American continent. Supreme is their position, grave their responsibilities, manifold and arduous their duties. --- ## 72.
1925-06-08 To the NSA of Persia, Translated from Persian, Promotion of Learning {.center} Science and Technology #1 Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. {.ref .center} Among the sacred obligations devolving upon the Spiritual Assemblies is the promotion of learning, the establishing of schools and creation of the necessary academic equipment and facilities for every boy and girl. Every child, without exception, must from his earliest years make a thorough study of the art of reading and writing, and according to his own tastes and inclinations and the degree of his capacity and powers, devote extreme diligence to the acquisition of learning beneficial arts and skills, various languages, speech, and contemporary technology. --- ## 73.
1925-06-15 To Sir Herbert Samuel Near the End of his Term {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p283 {.ref .center} ... kind and noble attitude which Your Excellency has taken towards the various problems that have beset them since the passing of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá... The Bahá’ís... remembering the acts of sympathy and good will which the Palestine Administration under your guidance has shown them in the past, will confidently endeavour to contribute their full share to the material prosperity as well as the spiritual advancement of a land so sacred and precious to them all. --- ## 74.
1925-06-xx Youness _Khán in U.S. {.center} USBN No. 6 — July-August 1925 — page 7 {.ref .center} Cablegram {.ref .center} Doctor Youness _Khán, distinguished member Persia’s Assembly, visiting American Bahá’ís. Expecting far-reaching results from consultation with him. Praying for successful Convention. 1925 National Conv held July 6,7,8 {.ed} --- ## 75.
1925-07-01 To Lady Blomfield, Work in Geneva {.center} Lady Blomfield: Her Life and Times, Robert Weinberg, p169 {.ref .center} DEAR LADY’S PIONEER WORK IN GENEVA GRAVEN UPON MY HEART. DEPLORE MISUNDERSTANDING. SINCERELY TRUSTING IN YOUR SUSTAINED HIGHLY VALUED COLLABORATION. --- ## 76.
1925-07-25 Temple Building Operations {.center} USBN No. 6 — July-August 1925 — page 7 Cable from Shoghi Effendi sent through Bahíyyih _Khánum, 25 July 1925: {.ref .center} Guardian wires following: Heartily endorse Convention’s choice. May America’s National representatives fulfill our fondest expectations. Resumption Temple building operations conditioned upon raising full sum of four hundred thousand dollars. Abundant blessings shall crown your self-sacrifice. — SHOGHI. (signed) BAHÍYYIH. {.sig} The Guardian’s answer to the following cablegram sent by the Convention delegates: “Convention contributed sufficient pay all remaining Temple obligations including bank loans, Lovingly request your instructions next step Temple building plan,” {.ed} --- ## 77.
1925-07-xx Bahá’í Archives, Commendable Undertaking {.center} Published in Bahá’í Studies Review, 11, pages 100-102 {.ref .center} Another necessary and highly commendable undertaking is the founding of a Bahá’í Archives in each of the Bahá’í provincial administrative centres... Anyone who, spontaneously and of his own free will, donates material to the Archives of his National Spiritual Assembly — whether this be Tablets, books, pictures, objects or the like — and especially if his inheritors are not accounted of the people of Bahá, or are not considered by him as trustworthy or reliable, will have performed a highly meritorious act in the sight of God, and his name will be perpetuated in the records of the Spiritual Assemblies and his memory enshrined in the Archives for ever. An Archives has also recently been established in the Holy Land, and whatever Sacred Writings and precious relics the individual believers and the Spiritual Assemblies donate voluntarily to this Archives — in particular those items that are more suitably and profitably collected together in one place, and whose dispersal would be a source of loss and detriment — will remain guarded and preserved in their name in a place set aside for the purpose. With the passage of days, visitors to the Holy Land from all quarters of the globe will have the privilege of viewing these items, and, remembering those faithful servants of the Threshold of Grandeur, will commemorate their mention and offer up prayers on their behalf. July 1925 to the Bahá’ís of the East — translated from the Persian Writings, Bahá’í: “Importance of collecting and safeguarding” compiled by Bahá’í International Archives. {.ref .center} --- ## 78.
1925-10-28 Collecting Copies of Tablets {.center} Writings, Bahá’í: Importance of collecting and safeguarding, compiled by Bahá’í International Archives. Published in Bahá’í Studies Review, 11, pages 100-102 {.ref .center}   Last year... the matter of collecting the originals or photographic copies of the Tablets addressed to the... friends (with translations) was mentioned. The meeting was entirely favourable to the suggestion and ___ offered to see that all Tablets or copies of Tablets or other interesting Bahá’í relics or treasures sent to him would be properly stored in safe-deposit.   ... Such a matter requires someone who is keenly interested and sufficiently energetic, tactful and persistent to overcome the apathy or dilatoriness of friends who are in possession of the materials, to see the thing through. 28 October 1925 to an individual believer on behalf of Shoghi Effendi {.ref .center} --- ## 79.
1925-10-28 Collection by NSA Copies of Tablets {.center} 31 October 1925 to a National Spiritual Assembly on behalf of Shoghi Effendi Writings, Bahá’í: Importance of collecting and safeguarding, compiled by Bahá’í International Archives. Published in Bahá’í Studies Review, 11, pages 100-102 {.ref .center} Shoghi Effendi received ... a few days ago a letter dealing chiefly with two matters which he has very much at heart: 1 ) the collection by the National Spiritual Assembly of the originals or photographic copies of all available Tablets sent to friends in ___, with translations, with a view to their safe preservation and the publication of the translations. {.blockquote} 2 ) the preparation for the press ... of the talks given to ___ by the Master in Palestine, with full notes regarding the circumstances under which these talks were given. {.blockquote} Shoghi Effendi warmly approves of both these suggestions and hopes the friends will co-operate in carrying them out as speedily and thoroughly as is practicable.  ... If the Tablets (originals) were presented to the National Archives, then the donors might receive one or more photographic copies, while if the owners did not wish to part with the originals the committee could have photographic copies prepared for the Archives and return the original to the owner. --- ## 80.
1925-11-04 Verdict Against Ba_ghdád House {.center} [cablegram recieved 4 Nov 1925, published in Bahá’í News Dec 1925/Jan 1926] {.ref .center} “‘Iráq’s highest tribunal unexpectedly pronounced verdict against us regarding Ba_ghdád Houses. Situation of unprecedented gravity. Effective prompt action urgently required. Strongly urge National Spiritual Assembly and every local Assembly and group immediately communicate by cable and letter ‘Iráq High Commissioner through British Consular authorities if feasible, protesting vigorously against courts glaring injustice, appealing for redress to British sense of fairness, asserting spiritual claims of Bahá’ís to this sanctified abode and declaring their unfailing resolve to do their utmost to vindicate their legitimate and sacred rights. Similar appropriate communications to King of ‘Iráq and British central authorities. Highly desirable cable any suggestions. America’s action in present circumstances of unique significance and value. Messages should not be identical in wording. (Signed) “SHOGHI.” {.sig} --- ## 81.
1925-11-20 Cable on Election of 1st Berkeley LSA {.center} Cited in Youth in the Vanguard, Marion Yazdí, p74, USBNC archives {.ref .center} Received at 2104 Allston Way Tel. Berkeley 5794 Berkeley, California SF26BR (RCJX) 11 Halifax Nov 20, 1925 LCO Frankland 1199 Spruce St Berkeley — California {.noid .verse} CAUSE WELCOMES BERKELEY ASSEMBLY Shoghi 11:07 AM Nov 21 1925 {.sig} --- ## 82.
1925-11-24 Election of 1st Berkeley CA LSA {.center} Cited in Youth in the Vanguard, Marion Yazdí, p74-5, USBNC archives {.ref .center} Haifa Nov. 24 — [19]25 Mrs. K. Frankland 1199 Spruce Street Berkeley, Calif. U.S.A. {.noid .verse} My dear Bahá’í sister, {.noid} Your letter of Oct. 25th written to our beloved Guardian Shoghi Effendi has arrived and rejoiced his dear heart with its good news. He has instructed me to write this acknowledging the receipt of your letter and conveying to you his loving greeting together with his appreciation for your devoted services in Berkeley and San Francisco. As to whether your assembly in Berkeley is recognized by our Guardian or not, he wishes that you all should remember his instruction that in every locality where the number of adult and declared believers is nine or exceeds nine, they have the right to stablish a Spiritual Assembly, and as this is the case in Berkeley, surely your Spiritual Assembly is recognized by him. The members of the Holy Household join him in sending you love and greeting and assure you of their prayers for you and the other friends in Berkeley. Your humble brother, (signed) ‘Azíz’u’lláh S. Bahádur {.sig} My dear fellow-worker: {.noid} Your magnificent services, your patient endeavors, your great devotion to the Cause of God will ever be remembered with gratitude and joy. May our Beloved reinforce your efforts and fulfill your fondest hopes. Your brother and well-wisher, (signed) Shoghi {.sig} --- ## 83.
1925-12-25 To Keith-Roach District Commissioner, Christmas greetings {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p278 {.ref .center} Haifa, 25-12-25 {.noid} My dear Mr. Keith-Roach: {.noid} I am touched by your welcome message of good-will and greeting and I hasten to assure you that I fully reciprocate the sentiments expressed in your letter. With best wishes for a happy Christmas, I am yours very sincerely, Shoghi Rabbání --- ## 84.
1925-xx-xx To Montford Mills re customs and traditions of the past” {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p76 {.ref .center} It is difficult to break with some of the customs and traditions of the past, and familiarize the vast number of Bahá’ís, so diverse in their outlook and conception, with the necessary changes and requirements of this new phase in the history of the Cause. Possible dating and recipient from “Fires in Many Hearts”, by Doris McKay, p33 {.ed} --- ## 85.
1925-xx-xx To a National Assembly, Cornerstone of Edifice of Divine Administration {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p300-1 {.ref .center} An active, united, and harmonious National Spiritual Assembly, properly and conscientiously elected, vigorously functioning, alert and conscious of its many and pressing responsibilities, in close and continuous contact with the international centre in the Holy Land, and keenly watchful of every development throughout the length and breadth of its ever-expanding field of work — is surely in this day of urgent necessity and paramount importance, for it is the cornerstone on which the edifice of Divine Administration must ultimately rest. --- ## 86.
1925-xx-xx To a National Assembly, Prime Requisite of Every Undertaking {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p300 {.ref .center} The prime requisite, however, of every undertaking in which the friends may engage is the maintenance of a spirit of unsullied fellowship and whole-hearted and loyal co-operation... the spirit of true Bahá’í fellowship — the only remover of our many perplexities in life, the one solvent of those inevitable problems that we shall encounter in the course of our labours for our beloved Cause. --- ## 87.
1926-01-26 Ideals of Spiritual Assemblies {.center} Agriculture and Rural Life Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. {.ref .center} Its high ideals are “to improve the characters of men; to extend the scope of knowledge; to abolish ignorance and prejudice; to strengthen the foundations of true religion in all hearts; to encourage self-reliance, and discourage false imitation; ... to uphold truthfulness, audacity, frankness, and courage; to promote craftsmanship and agriculture; ... to educate, on a compulsory basis, children of both sexes; to insist on integrity in business transactions; to lay stress on the observance of honesty and piety; ... to acquire mastery and skill in the modern sciences and arts, to promote the interests of the public; ... to obey outwardly and inwardly and with true loyalty the regulations enacted by state and government; ... to honour, to extol and to follow the example of those who have distinguished themselves in science and learning”. ...to help the needy from every creed or sect, and to collaborate with the people of the country in all welfare services. (30 January 1926, to the Local Spiritual Assemblies of Írán, Translated from the Persian) {.ref .center} --- ## 88.
1926-01-30 Responsibilities of the Members of the Spiritual Assemblies {.center} Agriculture and Rural Life Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. {.ref .center} The responsibilities of the members of the Spiritual Assemblies that are engaged in teaching the Cause of God in Eastern lands have been clearly laid down in the holy Texts. These bid them to work towards the improvement of morals and the spread of learning; to strive to eradicate ignorance and unenlightenment, eliminate prejudice, and reinforce the foundation of true faith in people’s hearts and minds; to seek to develop self-reliance and avoidance of blind imitation;to aim to enhance the efficient management of their affairs, and observe purity and refinement in all circumstances; to show their commitment to truthfulness and honesty, and their ability to conduct themselves with frankness, courage and resolution. They similarly enjoin them to lend their support to agricultural and industrial development, to consolidate the foundations of mutual assistance and co-operation, to promote the emancipation and advancement of women and support the compulsory education of both sexes, to encourage application of the principles of consultation among all classes, and to adhere in all dealings to a standard of scrupulous integrity. (30 January 1926, to the Local Spiritual Assemblies of Írán, translated from the Persian) {.ref .center} --- ## 89.
1926-01-xx re Plan of Unified Action {.center} USBN #10 February 1926 {.ref .center} Congratulate National Assembly on plan. Noble in conception, sound in method, forceful in its appeal. Fully endorse it. Commend it to every declared believer, joyously pledging ninety-five dollars per month as my humble share. Beseeching Divine assistance. Signed. Shoghi: {.sig} --- ## 90.
1926-02-07 To Lady Blomfield re Support for Geneva Bureau {.center} Lady Blomfield: Her Life and Times, Robert Weinberg, p169 {.ref .center} I specially request you dear Sitárih _Khánum to lend your invaluable support to the Bureau which has been established in Geneva and the firm foundations of which you have so diligently laid in the past... I would particularly urge you to utilize it as often as you can as an instrument for a direct reference to the Cause and Bahá’u’lláh. --- ## 91.
1926-02-07 To Lady Bromfield, Program Supporting League of Nations {.center} Lady Blomfield: Her Life and Times, Robert Weinberg, p271-2 {.ref .center} He approves fully the programme you set out in the leaflet and hopes that you will advance the cause of peace that way. The spirit underlying it is surely Bahá’í and therefore is bound to obtain cordial reception from many open-minded seekers. It is just as you say, there are some persons who are ready to accept social teachings and work for them if they do not bear a special religious stamp, nor have the taint of some creed. This movement of yours, therefore, serves the purpose admirably and can appeal to such tastes. There was one point, however, which Shoghi Effendi particularly wanted Sitárih to bear in mind, ... namely that all these are means followed in the pursuit of another still nobler aim, which is the progress of the Cause. Such movements help the cause of peace, but real peace cannot be established until and unless the whole Bahá’í programme is adopted. While working for this new movement, therefore, you should remember that the real aim in view is to teach them the Cause and make them active supporters of the only lasting movement... My dearest Ladee! {.noid} It was a real joy, the more so because it was unexpected, to receive a letter direct from you. If I have not been corresponding with you of late it has been not because of indifference and forgetfulness on my part, but simply due to the fact that I am assured that you are continually, devotedly and effectively engaged in spreading the Cause no matter how often you receive messages of encouragement from Haifa or elsewhere ... --- ## 92.
1926-02-19 To Corinne True, Contributions to the Fund {.center} Collected Passages On Business, Development And The Bahá’í Funds, 2nd Edition p39 USNSA Dept of the Treasurer, 1993 {.ref .center} “Both orally and in his letters Shoghi Effendi has tried to encourage the friends to contribute to the Central Fund and has made an effort to explain the advantages that we would have in having a large Central Fund and in giving regular appropriations to each of the different activities of the Cause. And yet in spite of that, Shoghi Effendi has expressly stated that the friends are not in the least required to send their contributions unlabelled but are absolutely free to state whether they wish it to go to the Central Fund or to some specific fund such as the Temple. And moreover the friends must be assured that funds that are labeled will never be used except for the specified purpose. Mrs. ...’s aim in that letter is to encourage them to send unlabelled contributions which as long as they do not at all require the funds is quite in conformity with Shoghi Effendi’s desire.” With regard to the National Fund, it must not be felt that the believers are required to send unlabelled contributions to the Fund but that it is only extremely desirable to do so. Individuals are free to specify the purpose of their donations. --- ## 93.
1926-02-19 to Corinne True, Earmarking Contributions {.center} Corinne True: Faithful Handmaid of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Nathan Rutstein, p195 {.ref .center} ... With regard to the National Fund, it must not be felt that the believers are required to send unlabelled contributions to the Fund but that it is only extremely desirable to do so. Individuals are free to specify the purpose of their donations ... --- ## 94.
1926-04-11 To _Shíráz Bahá’ís, Notice of Jahrum Martydoms {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p98 {.ref .center} HORRIFIED SUDDEN CALAMITY. SUSPEND ACTIVITIES. APPEAL CENTRAL AUTHORITIES. CONVEY RELATIVES TENDEREST SYMPATHY Telegram he had received: Twelve friends in Jahrom martyred agitation may extend elsewhere {.ed} --- ## 95.
1926-04-12 To Ṭihrán Bahá’ís, Further Reactions to Jahrum Martydoms {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p98 {.ref .center} GRIEFSTRICKEN JAHROM MARTYRDOM. CONVEY HIS MAJESTY ON BEHALF ALL BAHÁ’ÍS AND MYSELF OUR PROFOUND APPRECIATION HIS PROMPT INTERVENTION AND OUR EARNEST ENTREATY TO INFLICT IMMEDIATE PUNISHMENT ON PERPETRATORS OF SUCH ATROCIOUS CRIME. URGE ALL PERSIAN ASSEMBLIES SEND SIMILAR MESSAGE. On recieving more detailed wire from _Shíráz advising that the chief instigator of the agitation there had been arrested {.ed} --- ## 97.
1926-04-24 Queen Marie’s Work in Eastern Europe {.center} Her Eternal Crown: Queen Marie of Romania and the Bahá’í Faith by Della L. Marcus, p56 {.ref .center} Shoghi Effendi wishes me to acknowledge the receipt of your letters dated January 10, March 29 and 8, April 12 and 6, a letter which was not dated, and a postcard. I consider this a great pleasure because I thereby obtain a chance of reading your letters and informing myself of the splendid work you are doing in Eastern Europe. As Europe, especially the Eastern section, has suffered a great deal from the last war the people are quite ready and anxious to hear about peace... Shoghi Effendi’s handwritten addition to this letter reads: {.noid} I have read your glowing reports with thankfulness and pride and I continue — nay redouble — my prayers for you that your heart’s desire may ere long be fulfilled. I will also remember those with whom you have recently come in contact and trust that Europe may in the not distant future turn ablaze as a result of your unique, memorable and unprecedented services. You have truly endeared yourself to all the Bahá’í world and your name whether in the East or in the West evokes the deepest sentiments of admiration, praise and gratitude... I am thrilled by your account about the Queen!!! --- ## 98.
1926-04-24 Effect of Jahrum Martydoms {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p98-9 {.ref .center} ... my unfortunate illness, amounting almost to a break-down, combined with the receipt of the most distressing news from Persia reporting the martyrdom of twelve of our friends in the town of Jahrum, south of _Shíráz. I have wired for full particulars and will communicate them to the various Bahá’í centres immediately I receive detailed information. Political considerations and personal rivalries appear to have played no small part...I have transmitted a message to the _Sháh through the Persian National Spiritual Assembly..I have also requested foreign Assemblies to give in an unoffensive language full publicity to these reports in their respective newspapers, but have thought it premature for them to get into direct relation with the _Sháh... It is sad and annoying to reflect that the Bahá’ís, pressed as they are by so many afflicting and humiliating circumstances, seem at the present time quite impotent and helpless in their efforts to secure the needed assistance from recognized authorities. There must surely be some wisdom underlying this apparent futility of their strenuous efforts. --- ## 99.
1926-04-xx To Commissioneer of the Northern District, Suffering of Recent Disturbances {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p295 {.ref .center} Fully aware of the intense suffering caused by recent disturbances, and mindful of the loving care bestowed by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá on the suffering and needy, I take great pleasure in enclosing the sum of 30 [pounds] — as my contribution towards the relief of the poor and shelterless...I shall be grateful if you will let me know from time to time if any such need arises, in whatever place and on behalf of whatever denomination. --- ## 100.
1926-05-08 Methods of Improvement {.center} EXTRACTS PROM SHOGHI EFFENDI’S LETTERS TO RUTH J. MOFFETT AND ROBERT LEE MOFFETT {.ref .center} May 8, 1926, Haifa. {.noid .date} “... As to the methods of improvement, it is only to try and reflect more and more the true spirit of the Cause and to make them more prepared and finally win their sincere interest in the Cause. Your true brother, Shoghi. {.sig} --- ## 101.
1926-05-15 To Victoria Bedekian {.center} USBN No. 13 — September 1926 — page 3 {.ref .center .date} “As I have already urged you, concentrate for the present all your splendid resources and priceless efforts on the ‘Plan for Unified Action’ that the work of the Temple may be no more neglected. Arouse the Assemblies of the East by the aid of your admirable letters to fresh consciousness of their grave responsibility concerning this mighty and noble structure. Such efforts as you may now exert will, I am confident, be richly blessed by our Beloved. Be happy and hopeful.” Your true brother, SHOGHI. {.sig} --- ## 102.
1926-05-17 To May Maxwell, Pilgrimage of Mary {.center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani, p69 {.ref .center} The visit of your dear daughter, Mary, has reminded me of your sojourn in the Holy Land, the memory of which will ever linger in my mind. I am glad and grateful to learn from her of your good health for as I have already said I greatly value and prize your welfare and happiness realizing that every ounce’ of your energy and every minute of your time is consecrated to the service of our beloved Cause. Let not the difficulties and disappointments overpower you. Remember my prayers and love for you. My earnest hope is that Mary may follow in your footsteps and render memorable services to the Cause you love so well. --- ## 103.
1926-05-18 Glad to Know you Hoping to Enter Harvard {.center} Bahá’í Youth: A Compilation Prepared By: National Spiritual Assembly Of The Bahá’ís Of The United States (1973) {.ref .center} “He was very glad to know that you are well and happy and that you are hoping to enter Harvard. He earnestly hopes that you will have a prosperous and successful career at Harvard and will graduate with brilliance. I am sure then you would want to devote much of your efforts to the service of a Cause so near and dear to the hearts of your parents. It is a great privilege to be able to prepare one’s self for life with such a noble aim in view and it will prove a constant source of inspiration to the aspiring mind.” (From letter dated May 18, 1926, written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer) {.ref .center} --- ## 104.
1926-05-28 Marion Carpenter Engagement to ‘Alí Yazdí {.center} Cited in Youth in the Vanguard, Marion Yazdí, p160 USBNC archives {.ref .center} My dear fellow-worker: {.noid} May this projected union prove happy, enduring and fruitful. I will supplicate on your behalf at the holy Shrines that your heart’s desire may erelong be fulfilled, that your life in future may stand as a living testimony to the harmony and fellowship which the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh has established between the East and the West. --- ## 105.
1926-05-28 to May Maxwell, Champney House” in NYC {.center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani, p24-5 {.ref .center} I have urged the National Spiritual Assembly to give their earnest consideration to the choice of the Masters house in New York as a national executive centre. I heartily endorse the idea if it be found feasible and practicable. Its destiny is assured and nothing can mar its unique significance. This is the house of Mrs. Champney @ 309 West 78th St.. that was rented for ‘Abdu’l-Bahá {.ed} --- ## 106.
1926-05-28 To May Maxwell, Marys training & education {.center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani, p307 {.ref .center} In my conversations with Mary I have strongly urged her to take up seriously her studies on her return to Canada & thus lay a broad & secure foundation for her future services to the Cause. A sound education is absolutely essential for her. I trust that her health will so improve as to enable her to deepen & extend her knowledge of those things that are essential for a successful career of service to the Cause. I cherish great hopes for her. Your affectionate brother Shoghi {.sig} --- ## 107.
1926-05-29 To Martha Root, Queen Marie’s Statement {.center} Her Eternal Crown: Queen Marie of Romania and the Bahá’í Faith, Della L Marcus, p59 {.ref .center} The copy of the Queen’s appreciation which I enclose is a well — deserved and memorable testimony of your remarkable and exemplary endeavours for the spread of our beloved Cause. It has thrilled me and greatly reinforced my spirit and strength. Yours is a memorable triumph, hardly surpassed in its significance in the annals of the Cause. I have received the paper from Canada, sent to me by Helen Grand whom Lady Blomfield and Mrs Coles know well. I have immediately cabled you care Mr Simpson: “‘Toronto Daily Star” of May 4 published magnificent statement by Rumanian Queen on Cause. Your high endeavours gloriously successful. Consult promptly Mountfort Mills care Banktrust Paris on advisability to approach her regarding Jahrum martyrdom. Exert utmost endeavour. Praying fervently for your success. Mailing copy. Boundless gratitude.’ Dearest Martha: I am also enclosing copies of my circulars on the recent vile atrocities in Persia. I feel strongly the necessity for some vigorous action on their behalf. I wish you to consider carefully and prayerfully the advisability of approaching the Queen. I leave all details, if you so decide, to your discretion and your reliance upon Divine Guidance. Do not press the issue if you do not find it feasible. I advise you to consult Mr Mills, Lady Blomfield and others who might help in their advice and assistance. I have, last night, being Ascension night, specially and tenderly remembered you at Bahá’u’lláh’s Shrine and supplicated for you from the bottom of my heart Divine Guidance and Strength. I would greatly appreciate any particulars you can give me about the Queen’s ‘Book of Love’, any references to it in newspapers, reviews, and periodicals and, if it can be secured, a copy of the book itself. I hold myself in readiness to do all I possibly can to assist in this vital and far-reaching task. Your perseverance, your indomitable faith, your heroic courage, your sweet and gentle nature are yielding the promised fruit! Persevere, nay redouble in your efforts and be always assured that my earnest and continued prayers follow you wherever you go. --- ## 108.
1926-05-29 To Mountford Mills, Queen Marie {.center} Her Eternal Crown: Queen Marie of Romania and the Bahá’í Faith, Della L Marcus, p60 {.ref .center} I trust you have received by now my cable to you regarding Queen Marie’s glowing appreciation of the Teachings of the Cause. I felt when I read it a strong impulse to communicate with you and request you to consult Martha on the advisability of approaching her about the persecutions in Persia. I realize the delicacy and the peculiar difficulties of such a work as this. I do not wish you to feel constrained in any way to press the matter unduly. I would also request you to endeavour in every possible way to secure detailed information and the fullest particulars regarding this most astonishing and highly significant event in the progress of the Cause. I wonder whether the whole book treats of the Cause, and what measure of publicity it has had so far in the European press, and particularly in English periodicals. I feel that with patience, tact, courage and resource we can utilize this development to further the interests, and extend the influence of the Cause. I shall be only too glad to give any assistance I possibly can. --- ## 109.
1926-06-30 To Hyppolyte Dreyfus-Barney, Need for Secretary to Replace Esslemont {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p92 {.ref .center} I stand in need of a capable, trustworthy, hard-working, methodical, experienced secretary who will combine the gift of literary expression with a recognized standing in the Bahá’í world. Dr. Esslemont was a most suitable companion, unhampered, painstaking, devoted, lowly and capable. I mourn his loss... A capable, painstaking secretary, wholeheartedly devoted to his work, and two chief advisers who would represent the Movement on specific occasions, with dignity and devotion, together with two Eastern associates, mentally awake and expert in knowledge, would I feel set me on my feet and release the forces that will carry the Cause to its destined liberation and triumph...I cannot express myself more adequately than I have for my memory has greatly suffered. --- ## 110.
1926-07-10 To Dr. John Herman Randall {.center} USBN #16 — March 1927 — page 3/4 {.ref .center} We are privileged to quote from a letter written by Shoghi Effendi in his own hand to Dr. John Herman Randall of the Community Church of New York, dated July 10th, 1926. {.blockquote .noid .ed} “I desire to take the present opportunity to assure you in person of my deep admiration for those unique gifts which have characterized your able presentation of the Bahá’í Principles as well as my unshaken confidence in the part you are destined to play for their universal recognition and triumph. Your clear vision, your high courage, your grasp of the needs of present-day society, your eminent position and penetrating eloquence qualify you in a remarkable manner to champion the Cause of Bahá’u’lláh and establish its truth in the West. “We are gradually and imperceptibly entering upon a new stage of our progressive life and the qualities which are needed to supplement the essential characteristics that are common to the followers of the Faith are just the ones you are in a position to contribute and increase. That is why every well-wisher of the Cause looks upon you as the chief instrument and factor that can provide and contribute those necessary elements which a gradually unfolding movement imperatively demands at present. I would therefore earnestly request you to pursue your labors, untrammeled and unhampered by the existing conditions, striving in your own admirable manner to add to the number of those capable, enlightened and devoted servants of the Cause, who will eventually by the force of their numbers and the brilliancy of their powers, revitalize the Cause, widen its scope, establish its Principles and vindicate its truth. “It would undoubtedly grieve me to learn that any imperfections and failings on the part of the friends whether individually or collectively have tended to damp the zeal, or lessen the enthusiasm with which you are upholding and expounding the Bahá’í Principles, for I cherish the greatest hopes for your eventual triumph in such a glorious field of service.” [see Dr. John Herman Randall folder] {.ed} --- ## 111.
1926-07-10 To Martha Root, Queen Marie {.center} Her Eternal Crown: Queen Marie of Romania and the Bahá’í Faith, Della L Marcus, pp64 {.ref .center} Your letters dated June 1, 6, 15th have given me strength, joy and encouragement at a time when I felt depressed, tired and disheartened. I am so gratified to learn that you have directly communicated with the Queen and I am impatiently waiting to hear the result. Do let me know immediately you hear from her, whether directly or indirectly. I have disseminated the glad — tiding of your highly successful interviews with her, and Her Majesty’s gracious response, throughout the East, that the oriental believers may be more fully acquainted with the heroic efforts and high courage of one who is destined to contribute so distinct a share to their ultimate deliverance. You have surely achieved a historic mission which will illuminate the annals of our Cause. Do write to me, if you are informed, of the circumstances and manner in which the Queen was moved to write her appeal and broadcast it throughout the world. Is it addressed exclusively to American women, to the American nation or to the world at large? Has she written a book on this subject? Any information you can glean and send to me will be most valuable in the influence it will exert throughout the East. --- ## 112.
1926-07-17 To Martha Root {.center} Her Eternal Crown: Queen Marie of Romania and the Bahá’í Faith, Della L Marcus, pp64-5 {.ref .center} Your unique services will ever be remembered with pride and gratitude and generations yet unborn will exult in the memory of one who has so energetically, so swiftly and beautifully paved the way for the universal recognition of the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh. Do write me every particular and detail of your activities, particularly about your relations with the Queen, your correspondence with her, your plans to win her even more effectively to the Cause. I am hoping to write soon a letter to Her Majesty and will send you a copy immediately it is written ... The card sent you by the Queen I shall preserve as a precious reminder of your invincible faith, your high courage, your glorious victory. Keep in constant touch with dear Mountfort and acquaint him with all the facts of the situation and with all future developments. --- ## 113.
1926-07-28 To Queen Marie {.center} Her Eternal Crown: Queen Marie of Romania and the Bahá’í Faith, Della L Marcus, pp65-6 {.ref .center} To her Majesty Queen Marie of Rumania: {.noid} Your gracious Majesty: {.noid} As one of the humble followers of the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh, upon whose youthful shoulders have fallen the responsibilities of His mighty Cause, may I venture to approach your Majesty and express in the name of the Bahá’ís of both the East and the West our feelings of joyous admiration and boundless gratitude for the queenly tribute which your Majesty has paid to the beauty and nobility of the Bahá’í teachings. To my dear fellow-workers in Persia, particularly — the downtrodden victims of relentless religious fanaticism — your Majesty’s eloquent testimony to the potency of the message they bear has been of immense significance and will certainly prove a great relief. Broadcast at the very time when they were just emerging from one of those severe trials which periodically afflict them, your soul-stirring message has been to them a most welcome consolation as well as an abiding assurance of ultimate deliverance and victory. They rejoice to observe that the sufferings borne so long and so heroically by the Báb, by Bahá’u’lláh and ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, and the unspeakable atrocities which unnumbered martyrs of the Faith have silently and patiently endured, are but beginning to yield their promised fruit. They cannot but wonder and feel truly grateful at the thought that the call to Universal Peace and Brotherhood so clearly voiced by Bahá’u’lláh, yet so cruelly ignored, nay stifled, for over eighty years by their own fellow-countrymen, has at last found in the heart of an honoured and beloved Queen a warm and ready response. My dearly-beloved brethren of the East and the West, whose one object in life is to promote and in some measure to establish the sublime Principles proclaimed by Bahá’u’lláh, are convinced that the moving appeal penned by your Majesty will prove of incalculable benefit to the Cause so dear to their hearts. They recall with profound emotion the explicit promise of Bahá’u’lláh to every Sovereign that rises to summon the multitude to the Message He has given to the world, and they feel confident that the unfailing grace of the Almighty will be abundantly showered upon the eminent advocate of so noble a Cause. And in conclusion, may I convey to your Majesty on behalf of the family of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá and myself the expression of our profound and heartfelt sympathy in the sorrows that have recently weighed so heavily upon you. Your beautiful and spontaneous appreciation of our beloved Cause, the memory of which we shall preserve and cherish, has forged a link of abiding affection and fellowship that will unite our hearts. We earnestly pray that this darkening cloud may soon pass away and yield to the sunshine of a joyous reunion. With deepest and truest love, Shoghi {.sig} My address: Shoghi Effendi Haifa, Palestine {.sig} --- ## 114.
1926-08-10 To May Maxwell, Take Care of your Health {.center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani, p54-5 {.ref .center} My dear and most precious May, {.noid} Though resting in the calm and invigorating atmosphere of the Swiss mountains I can always find time to correspond with you, which I assure you is a great pleasure to me. I have read your letter and am deeply grateful to learn of the services which you are continuing to render to our beloved Cause. All I ask you is to consider your health for it is the prerequisite of lasting and efficient service. I have great hopes in your collaboration with that radiant and beautiful soul Mrs. Greenleaf and shall expect to hear of the progress of your joint efforts in that promising country ... --- ## 115.
1926-08-23 To Martha Root, Queen Marie’s Letter {.center} Her Eternal Crown: Queen Marie of Romania and the Bahá’í Faith, Della L Marcus, pp73 {.ref .center} I am glad to share with you the contents of the Queen of Rumania’s” answer to my letter. I think it is a remarkable letter, beyond our highest expectations. The change that has been effected in her, her outspoken manner, her penetrating testimony and courageous stand are indeed eloquent and convincing proof of the all-conquering Spirit of God’s living Faith and of the magnificent services you are rendering to His Cause. I shall not publish this letter, but will share one or two passages in it with the friends in my next general letter wherein I shall make mention in befitting terms of your noble, inestimable, unforgettable contribution to such an astonishing success. Do not show the letter to any one but to the most reliable and intimate associates that you have among the believers. --- ## 116.
1926-08-30 To Jean Stannard, German not be Omitted from any Official Report {.center} Germany, France, Italy, and Switzerland Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. Published in Bahá’í Studies Review 4:1 {.ref .center} I trust you have received my cable to you concerning the need for publishing any future Bahá’í Bulletin in Geneva in the 3 dominant languages in Europe, i.e. English, French and German. I strongly feel and it is my firm and personal conviction, influenced by no one whomsoever, that the German language should not under any circumstances be omitted from any officially recognized report on world Bahá’í activity issued from the International Bahá’í Bureau at Geneva. I even feel that we should exert the utmost effort to include the German language in our report on the progress of local Bahá’í work in Geneva. The growing number of German Bahá’í centres and adherents, the glorious words spoken by our Beloved regarding their destined and dominant part in the future spiritual awakening of Europe, and the qualities of hard work, earnestness and thoroughness which they invariably display in their labours, make it imperative that we recognize officially their language.... (30 August 1926) {.date .noid} [To Jean Stannard, Bahá’í International Bureau??] {.ed} --- ## 117.
1926-08-30 Possible Formation of Secretariat in Haifa {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p248 {.ref .center} I am anxiously considering ways and means for the formation of some sort of efficient, competent Secretariat in Haifa... I have thought of it a great deal and I am still exploring and searching for a competent, reliable, methodical, and trained associate who, untrammeled and unhampered, can devote... continuous months to such a delicate and responsible task. When this is achieved I cherished the brightest hopes for the strengthening of the vital bonds that bind the Centre in Haifa with all the Assemblies in the Bahá’í world. --- ## 118.
1926-08-xx To Jean Stannard, Functioning of Geneva Bureau {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p249 {.ref .center} Bahá’í Bulletin Geneva Bureau publishes to be in the three dominant languages in Europe i.e. English, French and German... I have expressed in my cable to you my readiness to extend regular and financial assistance to you in order to ensure that the proposed circular will be published in the three recognized official languages of the western section of the Bahá’í world... Your Centre in Switzerland and the Bahá’í Esperanto Magazine published at Hamburg are both destined to shoulder some of the functions and responsibilities which will in future be undertaken by the International Bahá’í Assembly when formed. --- ## 119.
1926-09-10 Green Acre Fellowship {.center} No. 14 — November 1926 — page 7 {.ref .center} “Guardian wires following — ‘May newly confirmed union achieve its purpose by increasingly demonstrate universality of Bahá’í Cause. Affectionately, Shoghi.’ (Signed) Bahíyyih.” {.sig} Following the action of the annual meeting of Green Acre Fellowship in August, which voted to confirm the resolution passed by the same body in 1925 placing the control of Green Acre in the hands of the Bahá’ís of the United States and Canada through their National Spiritual Assembly {.ed} --- ## 120.
1926-09-20 Recent report from Ṭihrán {.center} USBN #14 p2, Nov 1926 {.ref .center} “Guardian wires following: ‘Recent report from Ṭihrán states criminals unpunished. officials indifferent. Your powerful. eminently suitable appeal to _Sháh shared with Eastern Assemblies, will rejoice and console oppressed hearts, Affectionately, Shoghi.’ (Signed), Bahíyyih. {.sig} --- ## 121.
1926-09-25 Should Queen Marie visit the U.S {.center} USBN #14 p2, Nov 1926 {.ref .center} “Guardian wires: ‘Should Roumanian Queen visit States, friends refrain communicating with her unless National Assembly Sanction. Excuse restrain. (Signed) Bahíyyih.” (Note. The meaning of the last phrase is not quite clear, as the message seems to have been slightly confused in transmission.) {.ed} --- ## 122.
1926-09-xx Fountain that is Continually Emptying Itself {.center} USBN #13 — Sept 1926 — page 1 Cited in Directives of the Guardian, #83 {.ref .center} “We must be like the fountain or spring that is continually emptying itself of all that it has and is continually being refilled from an invisible source. To be continually giving out for the good of our fellows undeterred by fear of poverty and reliant on the unfailing bounty of the Source of all wealth and all good — this is the secret of right living.” SHOGHI EFFENDI. {.sig} --- ## 123.
1926-09-xx To Star of the West Editors {.center} USBN No. 13 — September 1926 — page 3 {.ref .center} The editors of the Star have recently received the following message from Shoghi Effendi: {.noid} “I was delighted to see the various appreciations testifying to your able management of the affairs of the Star. I myself have noted with increasing satisfaction and delight its marked progress, its widening scope, its improved style, its faithful, convincing and worthy presentation of the divers phases of our Glorious Cause. I pray that your efforts may be richly blessed and reinforced by our Beloved who I feel certain is well pleased with your notable achievements. “Lovingly and gratefully. “SHOGHI.” {.sig} --- ## 124.
1926-09-xx Transcribing Collecting & Despatching Sacred Writings {.center} September 1926 to the Bahá’ís of the East — translated from the Persian Writings Bahá’í: Importance of collecting and safeguarding, compiled by Bahá’í International Archives. {.ref .center} Published in Bahá’í Studies Review, 11, pages 100-102 {.ref .center} Another essential requirement is the expediting of the tasks of transcribing, collecting and despatching the Sacred Writings to the Holy Land, and recording the general history of the Cause of God. The Western believers in the far-flung reaches of the free world. who have set about prosecuting important plans, are anxious and expectant that these two tasks be speedily completed and the necessary preparations for their forthcoming projects be made without delay, thus enabling them to give concrete expression to their hopes and plans for the future, and to impart a great momentum to the spread of the Holy Cause. --- ## 125.
1926-10-16 To Treasurer, Plan of Unified Action {.center} USBN #21 — January 1928 — page 2 {.ref .center} Oct. 16, 1926. My dear co-worker: {.noid .verse} I am glad to hear from a recent letter of the increasing interest and support of the friends to the Plan. We must continually repeat, appeal and urge them to realize afresh the vital urgency of the task before them. I am herewith enclosing the sum of $95 as my October contribution towards the Plan for Unified Action. Please assure the friends of my continued prayers for the success of their persistent efforts and devoted labors for the spread of the Cause. Your true brother, SHOGHI. {.sig} --- ## 126.
1926-10-16 Ba_ghdád Case {.center} USBN #14 p2, Nov 1926 {.ref .center} “Ba_ghdád case progressing most favorably, Inform friends. (Signed) Shoghi.” --- ## 127.
1926-11-01 To Treasurer, Plan of Unified Action {.center} USBN #21 — January 1928 — page 2 {.ref .center} Nov. 1, 1926. My dear co-worker: {.noid .verse} I am anxious to learn of the response of the friends to the Plan for Unified Action since June 30th: I attach extreme importance to it and I wish you to concentrate your splendid efforts on this so as to insure its success. So much that is vital depends upon this Plan. We must at all costs make it a success, for its failure would be a reflection on the Cause and would delay indefinitely and lamentably the construction of the Temple. Exert every effort along this line and rest assured of my constant prayers for the success of your efforts. Your true brother, SHOGHI. {.sig} --- ## 128.
1926-11-16 To Mr. Furútan, Teaching Possible under all Circumstances {.center} Lights of Fortitude, pp. 211-22, by Barron Harper {.ref .center} Your letter was received by the Guardian of the Cause of God... and brought much joy to his heart. He spoke of you and praised God that you... are assisted by divine confirmations in your education, that you intend to complete it and wish to diffuse the heavenly fragrances, to serve the Faith, and to teach the Cause of God. This intention attracts the confirmations of the One true God and the favours of the Kingdom of eternity. Therefore, he cherishes the hope that you will eventually attain the goal of your desire... Teaching the Cause of God is possible under all circumstances, even through trade and commerce and through proper conduct, as it is said that goodly deeds and a praiseworthy character are in themselves the teachers of the Cause. Therefore, any individual, in whatever profession he may be engaged if he conduct himself in a praiseworthy manner and exemplify the human perfections, he will himself become the sign of the propagation of the Word of God and will hoist the banner of the glory of the Cause of God. Concerning the determination of your duty the Guardian stated that you should in no way be disturbed and distressed. If in all circumstances you resort and cling to the cord of consultation you will be confirmed in all your efforts. In all cases, you should refer to the Spiritual Assembly and act according to the wishes and approval of its respected and elected members. Whatever the result of the consultation of the Spiritual Assembly may be, that is the correct course of action and will meet with the good pleasure of the Lord... The beloved Guardian also remembered your parents and prayed for them. Shoghi Effendi wrote in his own hand in the margin of this letter: {.noid} O spiritual Friend: {.noid} This servant in this illumined spot prays at the Sacred Threshold from the depths of his heart for your peace of mind, prosperity and success, so that you may excel in divine knowledge and material learning.. --- ## 129.
1926-11-24 Activities with Sanction of National Assembly {.center} Reviewing :: Practice and Functions of Literature Review #3 Compiled by Universal House of Justice Research Department. 1990-05 {.ref .center} To keep the unity of action in the Cause it is absolutely essential that all activities be with the approval and sanction of the National Assembly of that locality. Shoghi Effendi, therefore, would like you to obtain the sanction of the National Assembly before you undertake the publication of any matter. (24 November 1926 to an individual believer) {.ed} --- ## 130.
1926-11-28 Youth Need Firm Foundation of Scientific and Literary Training {.center} Science and Technology #2 Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. {.ref .center} We had heard through various channels the wonderful way your children had grown to speak about the Cause in public. Shoghi Effendi’s hope is that they will, the three of them, become able and devoted speakers on the Cause and subjects akin to it. To do this properly they will need a firm foundation of scientific and literary training which fortunately they are obtaining. It is just as important for the Bahá’í young boys and girls to become properly educated in colleges of high standing as it is to be spiritually developed. The mental as well as the spiritual side of the youth has to be developed before he can serve the Cause efficiently. 1926-11-28 On Behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an Individual {.ref} --- ## 131.
1926-12-02 To May Maxwell, Circumstances of Mr. and Mrs. Randall {.center} Quoted in William Henry Randall, Bahíyyih Randall-Winkler, p239 {.ref .center} Shoghi Effendi is very glad to see that some of the friends are appreciating the difficult and depressing circumstances Mr. and Mrs. Randall are living through, and sympathizing with them, are arising to give them that Bahá’í love and affection which should characterize our relations. In many instances we cannot extend to a friend any material help which would relieve him of the very cause of worry. But that does not prevent us from showing sympathy, assuring him of our love and readiness to do our best. It is a great relief for a suffering person to see around him some loving friends who, though unable to extend an appreciable amount of help, share in his sorrows. Mr. and Mrs. Randall were and are devoted servants of the Master. Everything you do for them we do for the Master. --- ## 132.
1926-12-02 To Mary Maxwell, Encourage Study & art of Public Speaking {.center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani, p135 {.ref .center} Dear Mary: {.noid} Shoghi Effendi has given me the pleasure of acknowledging the receipt of your first letter to him dated November 1st, 1926. He was very glad to see that you have made the service to this beloved Cause the primary aim of your life & will pray that you should succeed in it. This is the goal for which every Bahá’í youth should mobilise his forces ... My spiritual sister: {.noid} Your first written message has touched me deeply & has served to reinforce the bonds that unite me with your dear family in the service of the Cause. I cherish great hopes for you, & I will continue to pray for you that you may grow to become a shining example of virtue, of zeal, & of capacity to every worker in the Divine Vineyard. Study profoundly the Teachings, deepen your knowledge of social subjects & practice the art of public speaking that you may mirror forth the glory & beauty of this wondrous Revelation. Your true brother, Shoghi {.sig} --- ## 133.
1926-xx-xx Correspondence with the Guardian {.center} 1926?-XX-XX Correspondence w/ the Guardian {.ref .center} USBN #15, p1, Jan 1927 {.ref .center} “Shoghi Effendi wishes me to inform the beloved friends that if, at any time, any of the friends feels that it is necessary, in the interest of the Cause, to correspond with him about any matter, he should do so without the slightest hesitation, and his letters will be gladly and promptly considered.” The following commentary was attached to the above — {.ed} A circular letter issued bv the Spiritual Assemblv of Haifa, through Badi‘ Bushrui. secretary. contains the following reference to the subject of correspondence with Shogbi Effendi. “The Cause is fast advancing, new centers are being established. introduction of more system and organization is indispensable, events of great consequence transpire, all calling for the concentrated attention of the beloved Guardian. Under such circumstances it is eyident that we should strain every nerve to lighten the burden of correspondence which is increasingly pouring in from different parts of the world. The idea seems, however, to be taking root with some of the friends that individual correspondence with Shoghi Effendi should be discontinued under all circumstances; which is quite a wrong interpretation of the case.” This announcement was undoubtedly the result of the resolution passed by the last National Convention of the Bahá’ís of the United States and Canada, which however did not express the delegates as desiring to advise individuals not to write the Guardian, but rather aimed to bring home to all American believers the thought that we should refrain from giving utterance to personal complains which ought to be removed through local or national consuItation. --- ## 134.
1926-xx-xx To a U.S. non-Bahá’í Youth Leader, Spirit of the Cause {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p362 {.ref .center} We believe that the spirit of the Cause is gradually directing peoples and nations, and that all Bahá’ís are called upon to do is to persevere in their advocacy of the sublime principles revealed by Bahá’u’lláh. They will never hold aloof from the great humanitarian endeavours of the true leaders of public thought and always welcome every opportunity of raising their voice, in conjunction with other movements, on behalf of peace, truth and justice. --- ## 135.
1927-01-08 To Treasurer, the Plan of Unified Action {.center} USBN #21 — January 1928 — page 2/3 {.ref .center} My dear and valued co-worker: {.noid} It is my earnest hope and prayer that the friends will more universally, substantially and regularly contribute to this Plan. They should be strenuously and continuously urged to do so. The National Assembly must be on their guard and watch carefully the developments of the activities of the friends lest any new issue should arise that would tend to obscure the most vital issue which is of paramount importance, lest it should dissipate the energies of the friends and cause this Plan to fall into the background. I will continue to supplicate the blessings of Bahá’u’lláh upon your highly valued efforts. Your true brother, SHOGHI. {.sig} --- ## 136.
1927-02-02 To Corinne True, Community Membership {.center} Corinne True: Faithful Handmaid of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Nathan Rutstein, p195 {.ref .center} I strongly feel that this matter is within the province of the National Assembly. I have laid down the principle in a general way; it is for the local assemblies in collaboration with their national Representatives to apply the principles to the difficult and complex circumstances and situation in their own sphere of activity... A response to True when she asked to be able to remain a member of the Chicago community tho’ no longer residing in it. {.ed} --- ## 137.
1927-02-04 to Martha Root, Gift from _Khurasán {.center} Her Eternal Crown: Queen Marie of Romania and the Bahá’í Faith, Della L Marcus, pp86-7 {.ref .center} It gives me the greatest pleasure to enclose herewith a most precious relic, presented to you, in recognition of your unrivalled services to the Bahá’í Faith, by the Bahá’ís of _Khurasán, one of the most important eastern provinces of Persia. On this illuminated sheet is inscribed a prayer of Bahá’u’lláh revealed to one of the handmaids of God. It is adorned and blessed in the centre by a ring of Bahá’u’lláh’s own sacred hair. This has been forwarded to me through the Spiritual Assembly of Mashhad, the chief town of the province. Will you kindly send me the receipt that I may forward it to the Mashhad Assembly ... You see, dearest Martha, what you have achieved, what you have deserved, and what a turmoil of enthusiasm your self — sacrificing devotion has caused in the hearts of the faithful in Bahá’u’lláh’s native land! You are the truest and best example to every labourer in the Divine Vineyard. --- ## 138.
1927-02-20 Encourage Individuals and Groups {.center} USBN #77 — September 1933 — page 3 {.ref .center} “It is the duty and privilege of the National and Local Assemblies if they find that the pressing requirements of their local and national budgets have been adequately met, to encourage individuals and groups to initiate and conduct, with their knowledge and consent, any undertaking that would serve to enhance the work which they have set themselves to achieve. Not content with appeals addressed to each and every believer to offer any constructive suggestions or plan that would remedy an existing grievance, they should, by every means in their power, stimulate the spirit of enterprise among the believers in order to further the teachings as well as the administrative work of the Cause. They should endeavor by personal contact and written appeals, to imbue the body of the faithful with a deep sense of personal responsibility, and urge every believer, whether high or low, poor or wealthy, to conceive, formulate and execute such measures and projects as would redound, in the eyes of their representatives, to the power and the fair name of this sacred Cause.” --- ## 139.
1927-02-24 Mountfort Mills to States {.center} USBN #16 — March 1927 — page 6 {.ref .center} “Mountfort (Mills), America’s distinguished representative rendering most valuable services in London (and) Holy Land (is) proceeding temporarily (to the United) States to deliberate with National Assembly issues affecting international status of Cause. His statements fully authorized.” (signed) Shoghi. --- ## 140.
1927-02-26 Passing of Afnán Mírzá Mohsen {.center} USBN #16 — March 1927 — page 6 {.ref .center} “Afnán Mírzá Mohsen, Beloved’s son in law and distinguished servant of His Cause, ascended (to the) Abhá Kingdom. Hearts grief stricken. Inform American believers.” (signed) Shoghi. [Husband of Rúḥá _Khánum and father of Rúḥí Afnán.] {.ed} --- ## 141.
1927-02-xx To Colonel Symes, Egypt Situation {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p277 {.ref .center} I take the liberty of enclosing for your information a copy of latest communication addressed to Bahá’ís in Western lands regarding the Egyptian situation...We are greatly heartened by the thought that at a time when we are faced with delicate and perplexing issues, Palestine is under an Administration which is actuated by the highest motives of fairness and justice, and for which we Bahá’ís have every reason to be appreciative and thankful. I am glad the Bahá’í Year Book has interested you... Likely refers to letter in Bahá’í Administration dated 12 February 1927 {.ed} --- ## 142.
1927-03-23 To Treasurer, Plan of Unified Action {.center} USBN #21 — January 1928 — page 3 {.ref .center} March 23, 1927. {.ref .center} My dear and valued co-worker: {.noid} I am enclosing my April contribution to the National Fund. It is a matter of deep concern to me that the response of the believers to the call embodied in the Plan of Unified Action has been so feeble and uncertain. The National Assembly, while not justified to oppose specific contributions for newly originated activities, should by every means in its power impress upon the friends the paramount necessity of unlabelled contributions to the National Fund. The Ma_shriqu’l-A_dh_kár undoubtedly undoubtedly constitutes the most important item in the activities provided by the Plan, but these must not be unduly restricted or neglected in order to further the interests of the Temple. I would be grieved to learn that any believer would ever attempt to support an activity that lies outside the province of the Plan and would neglect thereby his sacred obligation towards the Budget. May the believers, one and all, arise to support the Plan as they have never done before and with all the resources at their disposal secure its triumph. SHOGHI. {.sig} --- ## 143.
1927-03-24 To Martha Root, Queen Marie {.center} Her Eternal Crown: Queen Marie of Romania and the Bahá’í Faith, Della L Marcus, pp88 {.ref .center} I am eagerly awaiting to hear of the response of the Queen to your letter. Will you please send me a copy of her answer whenever you receive it. We all expect her to continue her services to the Faith through the medium of the Press and otherwise and thus prove to the many who have read her appreciations that her interest is genuine, profound, and determined. May the Beloved’s guidance and grace and your own continued efforts yield the most abundant fruit in such a glorious field of service. --- ## 144.
1927-03-xx Assuring Martha of Prayers Wherever She Goes - Scandinavia Central Europe etc. {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p105 {.ref .center} ... I assure you, dearest Martha that wherever you be, in Scandinavia, Central Europe, Russia, Turkey or Persia, my fervent and continued prayers will accompany you and I trust that you may be protected, strengthened and guided to fulfil your unique and unprecedented mission as the exemplary advocate of the Bahá’í Faith. --- ## 145.
1927-04-17 To Martha Root, Contacts with Queen Marie {.center} Her Eternal Crown: Queen Marie of Romania and the Bahá’í Faith, Della L Marcus, pp88-9 {.ref .center} I urge you not to miss any chance that presents itself to impress Queen Marie with our love and best wishes and prayers for her and of our earnest hope that she will find it possible to render her share of service to the Cause of Bahá’u’lláh. The Bahá’ís in every land, inspired and thankful in connection with her splendid appreciations of their beloved Cause, look forward with intense hope and expectation to still greater and more glorious evidences of her praise and admiration of the Bahá’í Faith. Do you think that in the event of the death of the King, whose condition seems critical, a telegram of condolence on behalf of the Family, the Bahá’ís and myself addressed to her would be well-advised? I wonder whether she would expect it. --- ## 146.
1927-04-27 To Dr Forel, Persecutions {.center} Bahá’í World, Vol. 18 (1979-1983), page 973 {.ref .center} My dear Dr. Forel, {.noid} I am taking the liberty of sending you enclosed a copy of Shoghi Effendi’s letter to the Assemblies in the West, in connection with the martyrdom of still another brother of the Faith in Persia. The horrible news of this evil happening has just broken upon us and Shoghi Effendi would be very grateful if you could communicate the news to some papers in Switzerland and Germany for publication. With all our grief and feelings we can extend no helping hand to our fellowBahá’ís in that distracted country. All that we can do is to help through publicity, and acquaint humanity in the civilized world with such terrible tales of horror. In the event of publication of the news contained in the enclosed letter, Shoghi Effendi would deeply appreciate it if you could send him a copy of it. My dear and valued co-worker: {.noid} Your letter dated March 24 and the copy of ‘Der Freidenker’ have safely reached me and I thank you warmly for your continued efforts for the spread of the Bahá’í Faith. I trust that the journals with which you are in touch will publish the account given in my letter, and I shall be pleased to receive copies of such publications. Their sufferings, so heroically borne, surely deserve the most strenuous efforts on our part to give them the widest possible publicity. Your true and grateful co-worker, Shoghi {.sig} --- ## 147.
1927-04-xx Interracial Amity {.center} USBN #18 — June 1927 — page 5 {.ref .center} Dr. Ba_ghdádí read his letter from Shoghi Effendi, just received: “My dear and precious Co-worker: {.noid} I desire you to redouble your efforts in connection with the promotion of inter-racial amity and understanding. “Urge the believers to show more affection, confidence, fellowship and loving kindness to the colored believers. No trace of mistrust, no sense of superiority, no mark of discord and aloofness should characterize the relations of the white and colored believers. They should openly, bravely and sincerely follow the example of our Beloved and banish prejudice from their hearts. May He reinforce and bless your efforts in such an important field of work.” (Signed) SHOGHI. {.sig} --- ## 148.
1927-04-xx To National Convention {.center} USBN #18 — June 1927 — page 3 {.ref .center} “Affectionate remembrance Riḍván Festival. Ardently praying America’s national representatives and delegates to 19th convention may by fervor of their love and the soundness of their deliberations inaugurate new cycle of unprecedented achievement.” --- ## 149.
1927-05-05 To Newly Elected NSA {.center} USBN #18 p1, June 1927 {.ref .center} “Heartily welcome delegates’ choice. May your exalted ministry be crowned with enduring success.” (Signed) Shoghi. Haifa, May 5. 1927 {.sig} Allen B. McDaniel, chairman; Roy C. Wilhelm, vice-chairman; Horace Holley, secretary; Carl Scheffler, treasurer: Mesdames Florence R. Moron, May Maxwell and Amelia Collins, Messrs. Alfred E. Lunt and Louis G. Gregory, {.ref .center} --- ## 150.
1927-05-09 To Mr. Allen B. McDaniel, Banish Racial Prejudice {.center} USBN #18 — June 1927 — page 8 {.ref .center} My dear valued co-worker: {.noid} I have emphatically appealed through a recent letter to the American believers to banish from their hearts and minds every trace of racial prejudice — as an essential pre-requisite of an effectual campaign conducted by them on behalf of racial amity. There is much to be accomplished by them as fellow-believers before they face the outside world and claim the attention of their fellow-men, as the exponents of these sublime Teachings of Bahá’u’lláh. I trust they will realize their responsibilities and resolve to wage eternal battle with their natural instincts if they desire to ensure the efficacy of their concerted efforts in this field. Your true brother, SHOGHI. Haifa, May 9, 1927. {.sig} Possibly a reference to the letter read by Dr. Ba_ghdádí at Convention {.ed} --- ## 151.
1927-05-25 Concentrate on Plan of Unified Action {.center} USBN #19 — August 1927 — page 3 {.ref .center} “I trust and pray that the efforts of the newly elected National Assembly will be concentrated this year on the Plan of Unified Action, and that the believers in every locality will whole-heartedly and unitedly arise to insure its success by every means at their disposal. What we require is unity of purpose, singleness of mind and concerted and sustained effort. Every endeavor to achieve this purpose will surely be assisted from on high and will receive the full measure of the Beloved’s blessings.” SHOGHI EFFENDI, May 25, 1927. {.sig} --- ## 152.
1927-06-28 To Treasurer, Plan of Unified Action {.center} USBN #21 — January 1928 — page 3 {.ref .center} June 28, 1927 {.ref .center} My dear Bahá’í brother: {.noid} I am instructed by my beloved Guardian Shoghi Effendi, to forward to you the enclosed checque of $95 as his contribution to the Budget for the month of June. He earnestly hopes that the friends have by now realized the supreme necessity of contributing regularly and unlabelled towards the Plan of Unified Action which is the corner stone of Bahá’í administration for this coming year. Wishing you success in your unsparing efforts to promote the Plan, I am, Yours sincerely, R. Rabbání. {.sig} --- ## 153.
1927-06-29 to Martha Root hoping will meet Maries relatives {.center} Her Eternal Crown: Queen Marie of Romania and the Bahá’í Faith, Della L Marcus, pp89-90 {.ref .center} I hope you will succeed in meeting not only the Rumanian Queen but her daughter, the Queen of Serbia and King Boris of Bulgaria as well and I trust you will not hesitate to send all particulars and details regarding your work in such important field. --- ## 154.
1927-07-22 Queen Marie, Death of King Ferdinand {.center} Her Eternal Crown: Queen Marie of Romania and the Bahá’í Faith, Della L Marcus, pp94 {.ref .center} HER MAJESTY QUEEN MARIE BUCAREST {.verse .noid} ‘ABDU’L-BAHÁS FAMILY AND BAHÁ’ÍS WORLD OVER TENDER YOUR MAJESTY HEARTFELT CONDOLENCES SHOGHI {.sig} --- ## 155.
1927-08-16 To Treasurer, Plan of Unified Action {.center} USBN #21 — January 1928 — page 3 {.ref .center} August 16, 1927. {.ref .center} Dear and valued co-worker: {.noid} I know full well how exacting your task is and I fully appreciate your difficult position. Perseverance will alone ensure the success of the work to which we are so closely attached and I trust that you will continue to acquaint the friends with every development of your work that confidence may grow deeper and result in a wider and more substantial response. Do not lose heart and remember always the eventual success of God’s Divine Plan. Your true brother, SHOGHI. {.sig} --- ## 156.
1927-08-19 To Martha Root, Marie’s Response to Condolences {.center} Her Eternal Crown: Queen Marie of Romania and the Bahá’í Faith, Della L Marcus, pp95-6 {.ref .center} He has with your approval sent a cable of condolence to Queen Marie — the following answer has been received: ‘Grateful thanks to you and all yours with whom I feel spiritually so closely in touch. He trusts that your next visit to her will serve to stimulate her to further action in a manner that will fulfil the hopes that the Bahá’ís cherish for her future work in the Cause. You will, he feels sure, assure her of our Guardian’s deep sympathy and love as well as his earnest prayers for her welfare and success in facing the responsibilities of her high position. . , I trust you will do all you can to stimulate the ardour and faith of the Queen and infuse in her a desire to lend a helping hand to the sufferers in Persia. Only last week a fresh case of persecution in the town of Kirmán has been reported to me, and the same indifference, neglect has been shown by the authorities. The hope of our downtrodden brethren in Persia lies in the action that the free and devoted servants of the Cause in the West can take on their behalf and I pray that you will continue in your unique mission of drawing the attention of those who are in authority to the incredible atrocities so frequently perpetrated in Persia. --- ## 157.
1927-08-25 Aqdas & Temple interior {.center} USBN #20 — November 1927 — page 7 {.ref .center} “The Kitáb-i-Aqdas should not be published as the existing translation is most inadequate. As the Laws in the Aqdas are not all of them designed for immediate application, our Guardian hopes to make extracts of the more immediate and essential provisions of it for the guidance of the friends, who should be urged to adopt and enforce them within the limits imposed by the civil law in their respective countries. “Regarding the Ma_shriqu’l-A_dhkár, our Guardian feels that the National Assembly should take no step whatsoever concerning the interior design or constructions of the Temple if that step involves, however indirectly, any financial obligation on the part of the National Fund, as the Temple Fund is solely for building purposes. As to the character of the design, our Guardian feels that this is a matter to be decided by the architect and those friends who have a special knowledge of such matters.” --- ## 158.
1927-09-11 To Martha, Possibility of War is Remote {.center} Martha Root: Lioness at the Threshold, M. R. Garis, p217 {.ref .center} Dearest Martha, {.noid} The prospect is very remote, the danger for the near future is non-existent. Should complications arise, and travelling become perilous in Europe, you must rest assured that the Beloved Family will receive you in their midst with open arms, and the haven of Mount Carmel will be your Shelter and refuge in case a storm breaks out in Europe. Do not feel disturbed at present, however, and with an assured heart and mind, concentrate all your powers and splendid gifts upon the pursuit of your noble and arduous task. Bahá’u’lláh watches over you and the Supreme Concourse overshadows you, as their heroic and exemplary herald on this earthly plane. --- ## 159.
1927-09-29 To Treasurer, Plan of Unified Action {.center} USBN #21 — January 1928 — page 3 {.ref .center} September 29, 1927. {.ref .center} My dear co-worker: {.noid} It is my earnest hope that the Cause will not incur further liabilities this year and I want you to urge the National Assembly to be exceedingly careful in voting appropriations that are not strictly urgent and necessary at present. We must concentrate on what is specified and stressed in the Budget for the coming year. With best wishes, SHOGHI. {.sig} --- ## 160.
1927-09-xx Magnitude of the Work {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p93 {.ref .center} I look forward to the work this winter with concern as I realize the magnitude of the work and my single-handedness in the face of my stupendous task. As I have already observed, conferences won’t do, what I need is close, continuous collaboration, in order to initiate and execute the measures that are necessary for the spread and consolidation of the Cause. Meanwhile I will have to pursue my present line of work which I feel is secondary in importance and could easily be undertaken by a secretariat... --- ## 161.
1927-10-18 Petty Details of Bahá’í Administration {.center} USBN #42 July 1930 p2 October 18, 1927. {.ref .center} ... The absorption of the petty details of Bahá’í administration by the personnel of the National Spiritual Assembly is manifestly injurious to efficiency and an expert discharge of Bahá’í duties, whilst the granting of undue discretion to bodies that should be regarded in no other light than that of expert advisers and executive assistants would jeopardize the very vital and pervading powers that are the sacred prerogatives of bodies that in time will evolve into Bahá’í National Houses of Justice.” --- ## 162.
1927-10-27 Martha, Stones for Marie {.center} Her Eternal Crown: Queen Marie of Romania and the Bahá’í Faith, Della L Marcus, pp95-6 {.ref .center} I am in receipt of your most welcome letters dated August 30, 18, September 15, and October 14 and I am thrilled by the news they contained, particularly your remarkable and historic interview with the Queen and Princess. I am sending you a number of Bahá’í stones under separate cover to be presented or sent by you on my behalf to the Queen, the Princess and any other member of the Royal Family who you think would appreciate and prize them. You have been surely inspired in all that you have said and done, and the power and guidance of Bahá’u’lláh have been clearly manifested all throughout your visit to Bucharest... Please assure the Queen and the Princess of our great love for them, our prayers for their happiness and success and of out warm and cordial invitation to visit the Holy Land and be received at the Beloved’s home. The Princess would be most welcome to write to me and I would welcome any message from her. --- ## 163.
1927-10-28 Economic Problems {.center} Extracts from Shoghi Effendi’s Letters to Ruth and Robert Moffett {.ref .center} October 28, 1927, Haifa. {.sig} “...He was much interested in your ideas over the solution of the economic problem in the West. A question that must have meant a good deal of thought among enlightened people, and he is delighted to see in your thoughts, much that runs along the same general lines as in principles laid out by the Movement. Of course, conditions in the East differ where the countries are rarely industrial and mostly agricultural. We should have to apply different laws from the West, and that is why the principles of the Movement strike at the root, which is common to them both. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá has developed in various of His talks, which you will find in different compilations, the principles upon which the Bahá’í economic system would be based. A system that prevents, among others, the gradual control of wealth in the hands of a few and the resulting state of both extremes, wealth and poverty. I strongly advise you to make a thorough research and study of the economic teachings of the Cause, as you seem to have the necessary background for a complete understanding of their significance and value. I will pray that you may diffuse by your words and deeds the spirit that animates the Faith and thus render distinguished and memorable service to our Beloved Cause.” Your true brother, Shoghi {.sig} --- ## 164.
1927-11-xx Condition of Mansion at Bahjí {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p231 {.ref .center} The Qasr is still occupied by Muḥammad-‘Alí and Majdiddin [his cousin] has sent a message requesting us to repair the roof which may collapse at any time. He has been told emphatically that we shall not proceed with any repair unless and until they evacuate the entire building. --- ## 165.
1927-12-01 To May Maxwell, Hopes for Daughter Mary. {.center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani, p114 {.ref .center} Your notable achievements in the teaching field are graven upon my heart, and I cherish the brightest hopes for the extension and consolidation of your present activities. Kindly assure your dear husband and daughter of my best wishes and prayers for them, that they may in the days to come effectively reinforce your heroic endeavours for the spread and consolidation of the Bahá’í Faith. --- ## 166.
1927-12-14 To Mary Maxwell Emphasize Social Studies Over Sciences {.center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani, p135-6 {.ref .center} Of course he quite well understands your interest in science and hopes that it will mature into a sound & enlightened outlook, and your study of social sciences will prepare you, he hopes, to [have] a better understanding of some of the greatest problems of the world to-day and the illuminating light that the teachings of the Cause throws upon their ultimate and justifiable solution. I am sure you will find both fields equally interesting and absorbing. My dear Bahá’í Sister: {.noid} I feel that while acquiring the fundamental facts of science, you should concentrate your energy on social studies, that you may teach in future with knowledge & understanding, & thus be enabled to attract people of standing, of influence & learning. I will pray for you at the holy Shrines, that you may mirror forth in your life & activities the glory & power of this Divine Revelation. Your well-wisher, Shoghi {.sig} --- ## 167.
1927-12-30 To Martha, Ileana & Ringstones {.center} Her Eternal Crown: Queen Marie of Romania and the Bahá’í Faith, Della L Marcus, pp127 {.ref .center} The letters addressed to you by Princess Ileana are most gratifying indeed. They have brought tears of joy to the eyes of the Greatest Holy Leaf, who has learned to love you, to admire you, and to appreciate to the full the significance of your work for the Cause. I trust you will convey to her and to her mother our sincerest appreciation of their sustained interest in the Cause as well as of our continued prayers for their welfare and happiness ... I am enclosing for you six Bahá’í ringstones to be disposed by you as you think best. I am sure you do not realize what you are doing for the Cause of God. Only future generations can adequately appreciate the extent and significance of your present services, the circumstances under which you labour, and the stimulating influence you are exerting throughout the Bahá’í world. 1927-12-30 to Martha re Ileana & ringstones {.ref .center} --- ## 168.
1927-xx-xx Plan of Unified Action {.center} USBN #18 — June 1927 — page 3 {.ref .center} “I am anxious to learn of the response of the friends to the plan for unified action since June 30th. I attach extreme importance to it and I wish you to concentrate your efforts on this so as to insure its success. So much that is vital depends upon this plan. We must at all cost make it a success, for its failure would be a reflection upon the Cause and would delay indefinitely the construction of the Temple. Exert every effort along this line and rest assured of my constant prayers for the success of your efforts.” [Quoted by Mr. Carl Scheffler, Treasurer, from a letter written by Rúḥí Afnán and signed by Shoghi Effendi at 1927 Convention] {.ed} --- ## 169.
1927-xx-xx Publicity Bureau {.center} USBN #16, p3 March 1927 1927?-XX-XX re Publicity Bureau No. 16 — March 1927 — page 3 [USBN #17, April 1937] {.ref .center} Shoghi Effendi has referred to the Bureau [Bahá’í Publicity Bureau] in a recent letter to one of the American friends: “It is my earnest prayer that this newly conceived Publicity Bureau will draw many a spiritually minded capable soul to this Cause, and prove a real dynamic force that will carry the Cause forward with greater vigor and increased vitality.” This was started in about Jan 1936 — - — {.ed} During December a number of believers voluntarily offered to meet the expenses of a Publicity Bureau in order that the activities of the Cause might be more extensively and officially made known to the general public. The Bureau has been functioning for a period of three months. during which time they have received clippings of their publicity to the extent of about thirty-three newspaper columns. The subjects presented so far have been the Year Book. the World Unity Conferences and the Green Acre Institute of World Unity, in addition to which special articles have been prepared and issued by the Bureau. It would be well for the Assemblies to give this subject very careful attention in order that we may all learn how to cooperate with these new facilities for publicity. Meanwhile, we should feel distinct gratitude to .those whose generosity has made this important service possible. --- ## 170.
1927-xx-xx Clean Break With Past Required. {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p377 {.ref .center} A clear break with the past is required... . Otherwise those whose faith is still unripe may thereby remain indefinitely along the circumference and continue in their attitude of half-hearted allegiance to the teachings of the Cause in their entirety. 1927-xx-xx re clean break with past required. --- ## 171.
1927-xx-xx Sustaining the Budget {.center} Reported at 1927 National Convention USBN #18 p4 {.ref .center} Mr. Vail: Shoghi Effendi writes: “Will you please impress upon the believer the vital spiritual obligation of sustaining the budget, as this is the only feasible way of fulfilling the Master’s dearest wish, the gradual building of the Mashriq’ul Adhkar?” --- ## 172.
1927-xx-xx To United Esperantist Association Introducing Bahá’í Representatives {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p272 {.ref .center} ...trusts that official Bahá’í representatives will serve to strengthen the ties of fellowship that bind the Esperantists and the followers of Bahá’u’lláh, one of whose cardinal principles... is the adoption of an international auxiliary language for all humanity. The representatives are Martha Root and Julia Goldman {.ed} --- ## 173.
1927-xx-xx To Delegates to 19th Universal Congress of Esperantists {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p272 {.ref .center} My dear fellow workers in the service of humanity {.noid} I take great pleasure in addressing you and wishing you...from all my heart the fullest success in the work you are doing for the promotion of the good of humanity. It will interest you, I am sure, to learn that as the result of the repeated and emphatic admonitions of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá His many followers even in the most distant villages and hamlets of Persia, where the light of Western civilization has hardly penetrated as yet, as well as in other lands throughout the East, are strenuously and enthusiastically engaged in the study and teaching of Esperanto, for whose future they cherish the highest hopes... --- ## 174.
1928-01-15 To Treasurer, Plan of Unified Action {.center} USBN #22 — March 1928 — page 1 {.ref .center} The following letter received recently by Mr. Scheffler, Treasurer of the National Assembly, contains a message for us all. “My dear Bahá’í brother: — I am instructed by our beloved Guardian to thank you for your welcome letter of December 18th with enclosures, all of which he was very glad to receive. He has always thought it a great pity and one that should certainly be remedied, that the friends should cease or refuse to support the Plan of Unified Action on such ill-founded and illegitimate excuse as the extravagance of the members, especially when they have all the figures they want given them. He does hope that it really is not an indirect expression of their lack of confidence in their duly elected National Assembly or their unwillingness to cooperate. At any rate, one thing should be made clear, that when it has the full and wholehearted support of our Guardian, it simply means that they must contribute to it if they really have the interest of the Cause at heart. It is to be lamented if the best interests of the Cause are made to suffer only due to lack of cooperation and perhaps personal sentiment. However, our Guardian thinks that it is very urgent and necessary that the National Assembly make a special effort to explain and remove all difficulties and encourage all the various Assemblies to save the Plan even at the eleventh hour, especially as our Guardian has such high hopes in that. With all Bahá’í hopes and greetings, Sincerely in His service, SOHEIL AFNAN. {.sig} My dear and valued co-worker: — {.noid} I grieve to learn of the inadequate response on the part of the friends to the National Fund. I have talked the matter over with Mr. Schopflocher and urged him to transmit my earnest plea to all the believers to make a supreme and self — sacrificing effort to raise the necessary sum before the end of this year, as otherwise the prestige of the Cause will be gravely affected. Not only those who have ample means at their disposal should display a greater effort, but those who are of humbler position must also make a self-sacrificing effort, that the Temple may become the embodiment of the self-sacrifice of all the believers. Praying for your success, SHOGHI.” Haifa, Palestine, January 15th, 1928. {.sig} --- ## 175.
1928-01-27 To Persian NSA, Bahá’ís Charged in Turkey {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p317-8 {.ref .center} URGE IMMEDIATE REPRESENTATIONS TURKISH AMBASSADOR BEHALF IMPRISONED BAHÁ’ÍS STAMBOUL AND ADANA CHARGED POLITICAL MOTIVES --- ## 176.
1928-02-29 Tablet of Aḥmad {.center} EXTRACTS PROM SHOGHI EFFENDI’S LETTERS TO RUTH J. MOFFETT AND ROBERT LEE MOFFETT February 29, 1928, Haifa. {.ref .center} “... He appreciates especially the assurance of your devotion to and loving services for the Cause. As a member of the National Teaching Committee, you carry great responsibility in arranging ways and means to make the Cause more felt and better known throughout the length and breadth of your mighty continent. We have indeed hardly as yet scratched the surface; there still remain endless strata underneath to whom the Cause is as yet absolutely unknown, if not unknowable. It is gratifying to our dear Guardian to receive such good news about New York and Chicago. Ho does wish that this timely outburst of enthusiasm and unity may become universal in America and the friends may learn to realize more and more the urgency, the indispensable need of a thorough understanding, of noble enthusiasm and of unity of purpose and action... In connection with the two versions of the Tablet of Aḥmad, our Guardian feels that the more correct one is the last one done by Dr. Esselmont and corrected by Shoghi Effendi. You might make that known to the friends.” Your true brother, Shoghi. {.sig} --- ## 178.
1928-03-07 To Emeric Sala on his Declaration {.center} Tending the Garden: A Biography of Emeric and Rosemry Sala, p27 March 7,1928 {.ref .center} My dear co-worker: {.noid} I wish you from all my heart the fullest success in your efforts to teach and spread our beloved Cause, and trust that you may some day undertake the pilgrimage to the Holy Land and visit the Bahál sacred Shrines and there obtain a clearer vision of the mission and significance of the Faith. Your true brother, Shoghi {.sig} --- ## 179.
1928-04-06 Vienna Must Become a Great Bahá’í Centre {.center} Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union A Compilation From the Bahá’í Writings, #5 Compiled by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice {.ref .center} It is such a joy to him that the friends in Vienna are holding the unity feasts and that will surely help Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union to keep the friends together and encourage them to greater action. Through your efforts as pioneer workers, Vienna must become a great Bahá’í centre in Central Europe. This is what Shoghi Effendi awaits and eagerly hopes. (6 April 1928 to an individual believer on behalf of the Guardian) {.ref .center} --- ## 180.
1928-04-24 to National Convention {.center} 1928-04-24 to National Convention USBN #24 — June 1928 — page 1 Communications from Shoghi Effendi {.ref .center} “National Spiritual Assembly: Pray convey friends assembled at inauguration ceremony Foundation Hall my earnest and pressing plea for heroic, sustained and self-sacrificing effort to pledge necessary requirements for early resumption Temple building operations. May delegates’ solemn resolution, reinforced by entire body of believers and effectively carried out by incoming National Assembly, immortalize memory of this year’s Riḍván Festival as a most notable landmark in history of our beloved Faith. (signed) SHOGHI, Haifa, Palestine, April 24, 1928. {.sig} --- ## 182.
1928-04-30 to Convention delegates {.center} USBN #24 — June 1928 — page 1 {.ref .center} “McDaniel, care National Assembly: Kindly assure assembled delegates on behalf family (and) myself our love, appreciation, prayers, gratitude. (signed) SHOGHI, Haifa, Palestine, April 30, 1928. {.sig} --- ## 183.
1928-05-02 re Delegates Response {.center} USBN #24 — June 1928 — page 1 {.ref .center} “National Spiritual Assembly: Overjoyed delegates’ spontaneous, most generous response. Praying for sustained effort by entire body (of) believers. Wish newly formed Assembly speedy, unqualified success. Congratulate Rúḥí. (signed) SHOGHI. Haifa, Palestine, May 2, 1928. {.sig} [I assume this is a ref to the fact that cash and pledges to the Temple building project totalled $40,000, 10% of the estimate need of $400,000.] {.ed} --- ## 184.
1928-05-05 to Martha re His Activities re Marie {.center} Her Eternal Crown: Queen Marie of Romania and the Bahá’í Faith, Della L Marcus, pp147 {.ref .center} Your marvellous and historic interviews with the members of the Rumanian and Serbian Royal families have inspired and thrilled us all, and their memory will illuminate the path of many a pioneer worker in future. The Rumanian Queen and her daughter Ileana were lately in Cyprus and were the guests of General Storrs, the Governor of the island. I cabled through him on behalf of the family and friends of the Master our deep and ‘heartfelt appreciation of the noble tribute paid by them both to the ideals that animate the Bahá’í Faith’. They transmitted their appreciative reply through General Storrs, who wrote me on their behalf. The papers here published the news of their intended visit to Haifa but nothing official or direct was received from them in this connection. The news, however, which has been widely circulated, has created a deep impression in all circles, and has greatly stimulated interest and inquiry among all classes both far and near. I wonder whether they had in mind such a visit and whether these premature disclosures deterred them from accomplishing their intended pilgrimage. --- ## 185.
1928-05-07 National Teaching Committee {.center} EXTRACTS PROM SHOGHI EFFENDI’S LETTERS TO RUTH J. MOFFETT AND ROBERT LEE MOFFETT May 7, 1928, Haifa. {.ref .center} “...He was so pleased to learn of your work as an active member of the National Teaching Committee and of the progress you report in the various centers and cities you had visited. The members of the Teaching Committee shoulder one of the most difficult and delicate duties that devolves upon any Bahá’í,and our Guardian prays that both individually and collectively they may fulfil the high trust placed in them. Your true brother, Shoghi. {.sig} --- ## 186.
1928-05-09 to Scheffler re NSA & Convention {.center} USBN #24 — June 1928 — page 1 {.ref .center} “To Mr. McDaniel: My very dear and precious co-worker: I rejoice to learn of the result of the National elections. Such a splendid and united group with such a splendid start made at the Convention, should be able to contribute a notable share to the success of the Plan. I will pray for them all, that through their wise, sustained and concerted efforts, and reinforced by the generous, spontaneous and continued support of the body of the believers, they may in the course of a year or two bring to a successful conclusion the first stage in the construction of the Ma_shriqu’l-A_dhkár. (signed) SHOGHI. Haifa, Palestine, May 9, 1928. {.sig} [NSA members: Allen McDaniel, Chairman, Alfred E. Lunt, Vice Chairman, Horace Holley, Secretary, Carl Scheffler, Treasurer, Roy C. Wilhelm, May Maxwell, Louis G. Gregory, Amelia Collins, Nellie S. French] {.noid .verse} --- ## 187.
1928-05-31 Sufferings Serve to Invigorate Spiritual Life {.center} Fire and Gold: Benefiting from Life’s Tests”, p207 as compiled by Brian Kurzius {.ref .center} The Guardian is fully aware of the trials and tests through which you have passed. But he is confident that these sufferings, though sad and even unbearable in their immediate effects, will ultimately serve to invigorate and enrich your spiritual life. [from a letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual, 31 May 1928] {.ed} --- ## 188.
1928-06-02 Reaction to Convention to Wilhelm {.center} 1928-06-02 reaction to Convention (to Wilhelm) USBN #25 July 1928 p1 {.ref .center} I am filled with joy and hope at the marvelous manifestation of heroic self sacrifice displayed by the friends assembled at the sessions of the Convention. This is a magnificent beginning and I will pray from the depths of my heart that the entire body of believers may by their sustained, generous and determined support insure, ere the year comes to a close, the successful conclusion of the Plan of Unified Action.” --- ## 189.
1928-06-07 Justice and Mercy both Attributes of God {.center} Fire and Gold: Benefiting from Life’s Tests”, p172 as compiled by Brian Kurzius {.ref .center} Your letter raises a highly abstruse and philosophical issue which it is impossible for our finite minds to grasp and fully comprehend. Justice and mercy are both attributes of God and it is not for us to attempt to analyse why and how the Almighty in His infinite wisdom exercises and manifests these attributes to the righteous and sinner in the world to come. We must do our share in this world and place our trust in Him. [Shoghi Effendi to an individual, 7 June 1928] {.ed} --- ## 190.
1928-06-22 To ‘I_shqábád LSA, Nationalization of Temple {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p313 {.ref .center} REFER MOSCOW ASSEMBLY ADDRESS PETITION AUTHORITIES BEHALF ALL BAHÁ’ÍS RUSSIA. ACT FIRMLY ASSURE YOU PRAYERS --- ## 191.
1928-06-22 to Moscow LSA re nationalization of ‘I_shqábád Temple {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p313 {.ref .center} INTERCEDE ENERGETICALLY AUTHORITIES PREVENT EXPROPRIATION MA_SHRIQU’L-A_DHKÁR. ENQUIRE PARTICULARS ‘I_SHQÁBÁD... --- ## 192.
1928-08-30 Role of House of Justice on International Auxiliary Language {.center} Compiled by the Research Dept at the direction of the House of Justice, 1 Nov 79(?) {.ref .center} What Bahá’u’lláh says is that the Supreme House of Justice will appoint a committee that will study the whole matter and then either choose one of the existing languages or create a new one, to function as an international language. The Master never went beyond that, i.e. He never tried to solve the problem Himself and choose that language. He still leaves it to the Supreme House of Justice. But He says that Esperanto will spread and even went so far as to encourage all the friends who possibly can to study it. In fact the knowledge of Esperanto has proven very useful for one who tries to teach in different countries of the world. But whether Esperanto will become the international language which is to be a part of our religious and social duties to study, no one knows, and we have no evidence that the Master made any definite statement along that line. The Master has scarcely ever assumed the solution of a problem that Bahá’u’lláh has referred to the Supreme House of Justice. Esperanto may become an international language, but it depends upon the House of Justice to choose it as the international language. And no one is in a position to foretell. (30 August 1928 to an individual believer) {.ref .center} --- ## 193.
1928-09-xx To Martha Root re Situation in Russia {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p314 {.ref .center} It has been a very depressing summer this year for me as the condition of the Cause in Russia is going from bad to worse. The Ma_shriqu’l-A_dhkár has been appropriated by the State, closed and sealed. A very large sum is required from the friends if rented to them, otherwise they threaten to sell it to others in parts. The situation is very critical and many families have migrated to Persia. Meetings are suspended, Assemblies dissolved, heavy restrictions and penalties imposed...this and other happenings have made me feel very down — hearted and sad. --- ## 194.
1928-10-12 Vienna a Very Important Centre {.center} Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union A Compilation From the Bahá’í Writings, #6 Compiled by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice {.ref .center} He is always very glad to hear of the good news of the progress of the Cause, especially in Vienna. That is a very important centre from which the Cause could spread to Eastern Europe and the Balkans. Those regions, being occupied by people of diverse nationality and religious belief, are always a hotbed of dissension and strife. They need the teachings of the Cause to pacify them and create among them the spirit of love and comradeship... (12 October 1928 to an individual believer) {.ref .center} --- ## 195.
1928-10-14 To Mary Maxwell, Friend’s Suicide {.center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani, p136-7 {.ref .center} Dear Mary: {.noid} Shoghi Effendi wishes me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated September 6th. He was very sorry to hear of this act that your friend did in a moment of despair. Life is a divine gift with, undoubtedly, a purpose in it. It is not for us to check the working out of that purpose by putting an end to it. But at the same time we cannot blame such an individual. We do not know of his sufferings, nor of the reasons that led him to such an act. Shoghi Effendi will, however, pray that God may treat him with His mercy & shower upon him His divine Blessings. Undoubtedly such prayers will help him, for the Master assures us that prayers for departed souls is the greatest help we can render them. Shoghi Effendi will also remember you in his prayers & ask for you divine blessings, so that you may succeed to render inestimable services to our beloved Cause. Dear Bahá’í Sister: {.noid} Rest assured that my fervent prayers will be offered at the holy Shrines for your friend as well as yourself, that you may both be graciously assisted, guided & blessed by Him. I trust that you may be enabled by His grace & power to render inestimable services to His Cause in the days to come & thus fulfil your dear mothers dearest wish. Wishing you success & happiness from all my heart, Your true brother, Shoghi {.sig} --- ## 196.
1928-10-31 Admiration & Gratitude for the Heroic Constancy of Louis Gregory {.center} “To Move the World”, Morrison, p177 {.ref .center} My very dear & precious co-worker: {.noid} Your letter has infused strength & joy in my heart. ... I have nothing but admiration & gratitude for the heroic constancy, mature wisdom, tireless energy, and shining love with which you are conducting your ever-expanding work of service to the Cause of Bahá’u’lláh. You hardly realize what a help you are to me in my arduous work. Your grateful brother, Shoghi {.sig} [letter to Louis Gregory 31 Oct 128, USBNC Archives] {.ed} --- ## 197.
1928-12-11 to ‘Azíz’u’lláh _Khán Azizi {.center} Crown of Glory, Memoirs of Jinab-i-‘Azíz’u’lláh Azizi, p23-4 {.ref .center} Ṭihrán. {.noid} Mr. Mírzá ‘Azíz’u’lláh _Khán Azizi, {.noid} Upon him rest the Glory of the All-Glorious! May my soul be a sacrifice for your devotion! Your letter arrived this very moment, and was given special attention by the dearly beloved Guardian of the Faith — may my soul be a sacrifice to his friends! The glad-tidings of your arrival home — safe and sound with your respected family — brought joy and assurance. What likewise imparted joy and happiness was the spiritual glad — tidings of meetings with the friends of God in various cities and countries along the way. The spiritual attraction and enkindlement of these divine friends, inspiring them to each arise and teach, in fulfilment of their sacred obligation — all this added to that joy and happiness. Especially welcome was news of spiritual activities in Ṭihrán, which is in effect like a heart throbbing and pulsing spirit in the sacred body of Írán, imparting life-giving power through the veins and arteries of the Bahá’í community in that glorious land. This news is worthy of the praise and recognition of the Concourse on High, and was the cause of joy and happiness for the Guardian. I pray that God might increase your honour and power, that you might attain an apparent victory. Regarding the matter between Khajeb Ibrahim Shalim and Jinab-i-Qassabchi in Ba_ghdád — a telegram was sent to Ibrahim Shalim. The response came from him that he has changed his mind altogether and will not mention the matter further. Moreover, a very knowledgeable teacher was sent to ‘Iráq, rest assured. Written in accordance with the blessed order, Núri’d-Dín Zayn 11 December 1928 {.sig} O spiritual friend! {.noid} This servant has, with utmost supplication, turned towards the sacred Threshold and sought continuous divine confirmation and invisible bestowals for that mighty pillar of the Cause of God in that land. The wonderful endeavours and continuous efforts of that active, compassionate and self-sacrificing servant of His Holiness, the Unique One, is most praiseworthy, deserving of acclaim from the Concourse on High. Its traces are engraved as well on the heart of this servant. I pray that God might increase your honour, power, victory and success. You are not, nor ever shall be forgotten in this place. Rest assured. Servant at His Threshold, Shoghi {.sig} (unauthorized translation) {.ed} --- ## 198.
1928-12-21 Death of Hippolyte Dreyfus Barney {.center} [http://bahai-library.com/dreyfus-barney_biography_hippolyte_dreyfus-barney] {.ref .center} Telegram to Dreyfus-Barney Paris 15 [rue] Greuze Haifa December 21, 1928 {.noid .verse} FAMILY FRIENDS GRIEF STRICKEN PROFOUNDLY FEEL HIS LOSS OFFERING HEARTFELT CONDOLENCES PRAYING FOR HIS BELOVED SOUL — SHOGHI From article by Thomas Linnard {.ref .center} --- ## 199.
1928-12-21 Passing of Hippolyte Dreyfus-Barney {.center} USBN #29 January 1929 p2 On December 21, 1928, the National Assembly received the following cablegram from Shoghi Effendi: {.ref .center} “Bahá’u’lláh’s distinguished, beloved servant Hippolyte Dreyfus-Barney passed away. Hearts greatly afflicted. Urge holding befitting memorial. (Signed) Shoghi.” {.sig} --- ## 200.
1928-12-21 Second Telegram on Death of Hippolyte Dreyfus Barney {.center} [http://bahai-library.com/dreyfus-barney_biography_hippolyte_dreyfus-barney] {.ref .center} Telegram to Dreyfus-Barney 15 [rue] Greuze Paris Haifa December 21, 1928 {.noid .verse} MOTHER MYSELF OVERWHELMED WITH UNSPEAKABLE SORROW MEMORY OF HIS INESTIMABLE LOVING SUPPORT IN DAYS OF DARK AFFLICTION FOLLOWING MASTERS PASSING EVER ENSHRINED IN OUR HEARTS ASSURE YOU TENDEREST SYMPATHY — SHOGHI From article by Thomas Linnard {.ref .center} --- ## 201.
1928-12-21 To Laura Dreyfus Barney, Condolences on Death of Hippolyte {.center} [http://bahai-library.com/dreyfus-barney_biography_hippolyte_dreyfus-barney] {.ref .center} Haifa, Palestine Dec. 21, 1928 {.noid .verse} My dear Laura _Khánum: {.noid} We were all profoundly moved when we received the news of the passing of our dear Hippolyte, and I assure you that since the ascension of our Beloved, the family, and myself included, never felt the sense of loss & the pain of overwhelming sorrow as acutely as we did the night we received your wire, announcing the passing of one who was close & dear to us all. Needless to say how overpowering is the sense of his loss to me, in particular, who received from him such comfort and support in perhaps the darkest days of my life, & cherished the fondest hopes for his future contribution to the advancement of the international work of the Cause. None, I can confidently assert, among the Bahá’ís of the East & the West, combined to the extent that he did the qualities of genial & enlivening fellowship, of intimate acquaintance with the manifold aspects of the Cause, of sound judgement & distinctive ability, of close familiarity with the problems & condition of the world — all of which made him such a lovable, esteemed & useful collaborator & friend. I have, impelled by my love & admiration for him, addressed the enclosed message to my co-workers throughout the West, that those who knew him not may recognise his standing & appreciate his achievements. I am certain that the National Spiritual Assemblies of America & Persia, responding to my cabled request, will take the necessary measures for the holding of memorial gatherings as a tribute to one who advanced so effectively the international interest of the Cause. I will for ever regret that, not realizing the gravity & the hopelessness of the illness which afflicted him, I failed to demonstrate in a fuller manner, the sentiments of profound & abiding affection that I have always cherished for him in my heart. My mother wishes me to express to you her deep sense of affectionate sympathy in the loss of one who proved such a sustaining & sympathetic friend in her gloomiest hours of anxiety & sorrow. Rest assured, dear Laura _Khánum, that in my hours of prayer & meditation at the holy Shrines, I will frequently & tenderly remember my dearly-beloved friend & fellow-worker who has served so well our beloved Cause & is now receiving from the hands of our Master the reward of his notable achievements. With kind regards & deepest sympathy, Yours affectionately, Shoghi {.sig} From article by Thomas Linnard {.ref .center} --- ## 202.
1928-12-22 Pioneer Work in Central Europe is Difficult {.center} Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union A Compilation From the Bahá’í Writings,#7 {.ref .center} Compiled by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice {.ref .center} I am sure you would be glad to know that Shoghi Effendi hears frequently from your wife, who is engaged in pioneer work in central Europe -- a work that is difficult and needs much patience... . (22 December 1928 to an individual believer) {.ref .center} --- ## 203.
1928-12-xx To Martha Root, Ring She Had Sent {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p102 {.ref .center} I have received the gold ring which you sent me... and have offered it, after wearing it myself, to the Greatest Holy Leaf...you cannot realize what a moral assistance, what comfort and inspiration you are bestowing upon our harassed and sorely — stricken brethren in Persia. Great indeed will be your reward in the world to come! More power to your elbow! --- ## 204.
1928-xx-xx Literature Presented to Emperor and Empress of Japan {.center} USBN #28 — November 1928 — page 2 {.ref .center} “May the perusal of Bahá’í literature enable Your Imperial Majesty to appreciate the sublimity and penetrative power of Bahá’u’lláh’s Revelation and inspire you on this auspicious occasion to arise for its world wide recognition and triumph.” (Signed) Shoghi. {.sig} ========= {.noid}     At the time of His Majesty the Emperor of Japan’s coronation in the fall of 1928, through the suggestion of Dr. R. Masujima, seven especially bound volumes of Bahá’í books were sent from American Bahá’ís as a gift to him. When the books reached Tokyo, the coronation ceremonies had already taken place in Kyoto, and the presentation of the books was delayed. On May twenty-second, Dr. Masujima received a letter from the Minister of the Imperial Household, stating that the seven books, which were named, had been presented to His Imperial Majesty on that day. Accompanying the books were these words from Shoghi Effendi. {.ed} [“History of the Bahá’í Faith in Japan 1914-1938” by Agnes Baldwin Alexander, p77] {.ed} --- ## 205.
1928-xx-xx The Matter of Teachers’ Expenses {.center} USBN #22 — March 1928 — page 8 {.ref .center} “He would personally much prefer, if any of the friends think of helping ... to do so not personally but through either the local or National Assembly.” Certain sincere believers, for the sake of what they have felt to be a distinctive and ‘fundamental principle: of the Cause, have consistently held the opinion that living and traveling expenses of Bahá’í teachers should not be defrayed from the Bahá’í Fund, The well known passage in the Tablets of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá granting permission to individuals to make it possible for others to serve as teachers does not, it was felt, apply to Local or National Spiritual Assemblies administering a Bahá’í Fund. The National Assembly recently referred to the Guardian the question whether, in one particular instance brought to its attention for consultation, the donations made by a believer should be transmitted through the National Fund or to the teacher direct. The following reply, which we understand represents the Guardian’s views, was received through his secretary “He would personally much prefer, if any of the friends think of helping ... to do so not personally but through either the local or National Assembly.” This statement makes it dear that a Spiritual Assembly is perfectly justified in voting an appropriation of this character during the present transitional era of the Cause. {.ed} --- ## 206.
1929-01-24 To Laura Dreyfus-Barney Requesting Photo of Hippolyte {.center} [http://bahai-library.com/dreyfus-barney_biography_hippolyte_dreyfus-barney] {.ref .center} Jan. 24, 1929 {.noid} Dear Laura _Khánum, {.noid} I thank you for the beautiful & touching poem you sent me as well as for the two previous letters you wrote me in connexion with the passing of our dear Hippolyte. I have shared their contents with the family who deeply sympathize with you in your sorrow & loneliness. I very much desire to have a good portrait of my departed friend to keep in my study wherein we have spent delightful hours conversing & collaborating with regard to the affairs of the Cause. With your consent I should very much like to forward a copy to America for publication in the next issue of the Bahá’í World. I am sending to your address a copy of the one recently published & would welcome any comment you wish to make. Wishing you the best of health, & success in your work. Believe me, dear Laura _Khánum, Yours affectionately Shoghi {.sig} --- ## 207.
1929-01-24 To Mme Paul Meyer-May, Passing of Hippolyte {.center} [http://bahai-library.com/dreyfus-barney_biography_hippolyte_dreyfus-barney] {.ref .center} Envelope : Madame Paul Meyer-May 21 Boulevard Beausejour, Paris, France Jan. 24, 1929 {.noid .verse} Dear Madam: {.noid} I am deeply touched & grateful to you for your beautiful translation of my circular letter in connexion with the passing of our dear Hippolyte. What I have written & attempted to express is indeed only an inadequate tribute to the many & unforgettable services he has rendered to the Cause & humanity in the course of his rich & fruitful life. I deeply sympathize with you in the severe loss you sustain, and will supplicate the almighty comforter to cheer & sustain you in your sorrow. Hoping to meet you some day in Haifa, & welcome you in our home, I am yours very sincerely, Shoghi {.sig} From article by Thomas Linnard {.ref .center} Hippolyte’s sister Mrs. Yvonne Meyer-May {.ref .center} --- ## 208.
1929-01-xx To Believers in the East, Translated from Persian, Elements of Education {.center} Science and Technology #3 {.ref .center} Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. {.ref .center} In philanthropic enterprises and acts of charity, in promotion of the general welfare and furtherance of the public good including that of every group without any exceptions whatever, let the beloved of God attract the favourable attention of all, and lead all the rest. Let them, freely and without charge, open the doors of their schools and their higher institutions for the study of sciences and the liberal arts, to non-Bahá’í children and youth who are poor and in need. ...and next is the propagation of learning and the promulgation of Bahá’í rules of conduct, practices and laws. At this time, when the nation has awakened out of its sleep of negligence, and the Government has begun to consider the promotion and expansion of its educational establishment, let the Bahá’í representatives in that country arise in such a manner that as a result of their high endeavours in every hamlet, village and town, of every province and district, preliminary measures will be taken for the setting up of institutions for the study of sciences, the liberal arts and religion. Let Bahá’í children without any exceptions learn the fundamentals of reading and writing and familiarize themselves with the rules of conduct, the customs, practices and laws as set forth in the Book of God; and let them, in the new branches of knowledge, in the arts and technology of the day, in pure and praiseworthy characteristics - Bahá’í conduct, the Bahá’í way of life - become so distinguished above the rest that all other communities, whether Islámic, Zoroastrian, Christian, Judaic or materialist, will of their own volition and most gladly enter their children in such advanced Bahá’í institutions of learning and entrust them to the care of Bahá’í instructors. --- ## 209.
1929-02-12 Passing of Harry Randall {.center} USBN #30 March 1929 {.ref .center} “Grief-stricken passing Harry Randall, distinguished and beloved servant of Bahá’u’lláh. Assure family, friends, fervent prayers, heartfelt condolences on behalf Holy Leaves and myself. Hold be fitting memorials. (signed) SHOGHI.” {.sig} --- ## 210.
1929-02-13 Manifestation as Source of Inspiration {.center} EXTRACTS FROM SHOGHI EFFENDI’S LETTERS TO RUTH J. MOFFETT AND ROBERT LEE MOFFETT {.ref .center} February 13, 1929, Haifa {.ref .center} “...We all know that the recognition of the Manifestation is itself the source of all inspiration. Without that the world cannot be carried.a step further. Many beautiful philosophies have been voiced in the past, but it is only the simple teachings of Christ, of Muḥammad, etc., that have shaped the conduct of the masses. Likewise, it is only through Bahá’u’lláh that the Golden Era will be ushered in. Meantime, all these different movements that are humanitarian in their aspect, do their share in getting the world ready for hearing these Teachings by which Bahá’u’lláh will heal the ills that have befallen humanity.” Your true brother, Shoghi. {.sig} --- ## 211.
1929-02-14 To an Afnán, Work on Shrine of the Báb Begun {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p235 {.ref .center} WORK ON MAQAM STARTED --- ## 212.
1929-02-15 Rights of Covenant-Breakers {.center} Covenant-Breaking {.ref .center} Prepared by the The International Teaching Centre — 28 November 1999 {.ref .center} You must of course send Avarih (a Covenant-breaker) his title deed through the Qamṣar Local Spiritual Assembly, as it is his right. The friends must have full regard for his rights inasmuch as civil rights have no relation whatsoever to the beliefs of individuals. The Bahá’ís must be free and sanctified from religious prejudice and from ignorant fanaticism. (From a letter to a Local Spiritual Assembly dated 15 February 1929 — Translated from the Persian) {.ref .center} --- ## 213.
1929-02-15 To Caswell, News from Portland {.center} Divine Springtime — Louise Caswell Recalls, p8 {.ref .center} My dear Mrs. Caswell, {.noid} I am directed by the Guardian I to thank you for your welcome letter of January 17th with enclosures. The news of the friends’ constant activities and services in Portland is specially gratifying to our Guardian, as we learned with pleasure from Rúḥí, of their staunch faith, proper understanding of the Cause and of their eager desire to help in its progress and establishment. Not least your endeavors are looked to with very great hopes and expectations. (Signed) Soheil Afnán {.sig} ====== {.noid} My dear Co-worker, {.noid} I deeply appreciate the spirit of your unsparing devotion to the Cause, and will supplicate the Almighty to guide you, protect you, and sustain you in your labours. Your true brother, (Signed) Shoghi {.sig} --- ## 214.
1929-02-27 Formation of New Assemblies {.center} USBN #31 — April 1929 — page 6 {.ref .center} The following words, written on February 27, 1929, on behalf of the Guardian by one of his secretaries... {.ref .center} “Concerning the institution of new Assemblies, Shoghi Effendi believes that the present form of the By-laws which considers April 21 as the only date on any year, though it has some disadvantages, yet as a whole is better than otherwise. One year of experience will better enable it to participate in the important nation (Bahá’í) affairs. Then there will be a sort of uniformity throughout the Bahá’í world.” --- ## 215.
1929-02-27 Attitude toward Ruth White {.center} Instructions Concerning Attitude Toward Those Attacking Cause {.ref .center} “The Bahá’í News Letter,” no. 31, April 1929. {.ref .center} A copy of the pamphlet published by Mrs. Ruth White was sent to Shoghi Effendi in January. {.ed} February 27, 1929 {.noid} “I have in a letter addressed to the National Assembly set forth my views regarding the contents of Mrs. White’s pamphlet. I have thus far received no intimation from the Palestine authorities, and have no reason to believe that they will consider it worthy of their consideration. The friends, however, should avoid hurting her feelings and should abstain from provocation. Her case will suffer the fate which has met Dyar’s opposition in ‘Reality,’ and should be totally disregarded by the believers. What will endure and gather strength are the institutions which the believers are rearing in the heart of the continent, all else is shifting sand and doomed to extinction. (signed) Shoghi.” {.sig} --- ## 216.
1929-02-27 Passing of Harry Randall {.center} Bahá’í World Volume III, p213 {.ref .center} I wish to refer, in conclusion, to the sad and untimely death of our dearly beloved and highly distinguished brother and fellow-worker, Mr. Harry Randall. The unsparing efforts which he exerted for the promotion of the Faith, the passionate eloquence with which he diffused its teachings, the mature judgment and ripe experience which he contributed to its councils, the liberality with which in days of prosperity he supported its institutions, and above all his upright and generous character, are traits that will long live after him, and which bodily separation can never remove. I will most fervently supplicate at the holy Threshold, and wish you to join with me in my prayers, for the spiritual advancement in the realms beyond of a soul that has already achieved such a noble standing in this world. Your true brother, Shoghi Haifa, Palestine February 27th, 1929 {.sig} --- ## 217.
1929-03-12 To Laura Dreyfus-Barney, Receipt of Hippolyte Photo & Tribute {.center} [http://bahai-library.com/dreyfus-barney_biography_hippolyte_dreyfus-barney] {.ref .center} Haifa, Palestine March 12, 1929 {.noid .verse} My dear Laura _Khánum: {.noid} I have delayed answering your very kind letter till the receipt of the most welcome photos of our departed & beloved Hippolyte, one of which I will take the liberty with your consent, to send to America for publication in the next issue of the Bahá’í World. I am deeply appreciative of your generous offer of a scholarship in memory of your dear husband, & I feel that the best procedure would be to send the pamphlet you sent me to the Ṭihrán Assembly who will be acquainted thereby with the nature of the work of the university & will be better qualified to appoint the suitable student. I will myself communicate with them & will ask them to write to you directly in connexion with any matters that may arise in future. I find it difficult to make the appointment in person, as I find no one here in Haifa or the adjoining countries that could really use to the best advantage the opportunities presented by such a university. Furthermore, a direct connexion with the recognized national representatives of the Bahá’ís of Persia, would I feel, be more appropriate & closer to the wish of Hippolyte himself. Please, be assured, dear Laura _Khánum, of my profound sympathy with you in your great bereavement, as well as of my lively gratitude for your noble & generous action. Yours affectionately, Shoghi {.sig} --- ## 218.
1929-03-xx Petition Regarding Bahá’u’lláh’s House {.center} USBN #31 — April 1929 — page 6 {.ref .center} Cablegram {.ref .center} “League Council pronounced in favor Bahá’í Petition regarding Bahá’u’lláh House. Faith triumphant over deadliest enemy. Inform believers. Avoid for present widespread publicity. Cause much indebted to Mountfort’s magnificent achievement. (signed) Shoghi.” {.sig} --- ## 219.
1929-03-xx Wilmette, Eleventh-Hour Fund Goals {.center} USBN #31 — April 1929 — page 8 {.ref .center} ...the beautiful message which has just come through Rúḥí Afnán, as follows: {.noid} “The problem that in these days is arousing his (Shoghi Effendi’s) anxiety is the way this large sum is to be collected in such a very short period of time, to resume the building operations right after the convention. He, as well as some of the other friends who are motivated by a great force of faith, believe firmly that God’s miracles will not fail to perform their wonders and at the very eleventh hour the full sum will be collected. Shoghi Effendi wishes you to express his loving greetings to all the friends in Wilmette and ask them to join with him in their moments of private prayer and meditation, and ask God not to fail them, but as heretofore send them His confirmations and blessings.” --- ## 220.
1929-03-xx Land-Mark in the History of the Cause in America {.center} USBN #31 — April 1929 — page 5 {.ref .center} “My dear and precious co-worker: {.noid} The progress of the Fund is highly satisfactory and I will pray that the efforts so strenuously exerted may be sustained and blessed by the Master who is vigilantly watching from on high the self-sacrifice of His faithful disciples. I am sure that the friends realize by now the vital necessity of doing their utmost to insure the success of the Plan by the next Convention, which I sincerely hope and pray may constitute a land-mark in the history of the Cause in America.” --- ## 221.
1929-03-xx Prayers for Wilmette Assembly {.center} USBN #31 — April 1929 — page 8 {.ref .center} Rest assured that my prayers will continue to be offered for the esteemed members of the Wilmette Assembly, whose sacred mission is to play a leading part in the stimulating interest and action in behalf of the Ma_shriqu’l-A_dhkár. Your true brother, Shoghi. {.sig} --- ## 222.
1929-04-25 Donating Rug from Shrine of Bahá’u’lláh {.center} USBN #38 February 1930 insert {.ref .center} “Am sacrificing the most valuable ornament of Bahá’u’lláh’s Shrine in order to consecrate and reinforce the collective endeavors of the American believers speedily to consummate Plan for Unified Action. Appeal for unprecedented self-sacrifice.” A Persian Silk Rug, or Palace Carpet, of Tabriz weave, measuring nine feet eleven inches by fourteen feet, exclusive of fringe and margin. {.ed} A narrow strip of woven gold thread forms a margin around the rug. Beautifully sustained floral motives in crimsons and browns occupy the center on a field of rich ivory. The fine and characteristic border is of dark and very rich coloring, a fine dark crimson being predominant, enriched with a beautiful pale blue. {.ed} The rug appears to be between sixty and eighty years old and is in flawless condition. {.ed} --- ## 223.
1929-04-25 Insights into World Problems {.center} EXTRACTS PROM SHOGHI EFFENDI’S LETTERS TO RUTH J. MOFFETT AND ROBERT LEE MOFFETT {.ref .center} April 25, 1929, Haifa. {.noid} “... For undoubtedly, the friends possess an insight into world problems that far surpass those claimed by men of learning who view them only from a material point of view, and therefore fail to appreciate their true significance. As Bahá’u’lláh states in one of His Tablets, the world has been suffering from individuals who have prescribed the remedy without knowing the ills of humanity and also have hindered the True Physician from helping man.” Your true brother, Shoghi. {.sig} --- ## 224.
1929-04-28 Message to the Convention {.center} USBN #32 — May 1929 — page 3 {.ref .center} “Overjoyed remarkable evidences vitality of Faith. Glorious self-sacrifice American believers. Soon shipping silken carpet (from) Bahá’u’lláh’s Shrine as crowning gift on altar of Bahá’í sacrifice. Boundless gratitude, truest, deepest love. Shoghi” Haifa, April 28-29, 1929. {.sig} --- ## 225.
1929-04-28 Shipping Rug from Shrine {.center} USBN #38 February 1930 insert {.ref .center} “Soon. shipping silken carpet from Bahá’u’lláh’s Shrine as crowning gift on altar of Bahá’í sacrifice.” — Cablegram, April 28, 1929. --- ## 226.
1929-05-01 Meetings in Foundation Hall {.center} USBN #33 — July 1929 — page 4 {.ref .center} to Mrs. Corinne True ... {.noid} “My dear co-worker: The meetings in the Temple Foundation Hall should be primarily devotional in character, and any addresses delivered there must be of a strictly Bahá’í character. The Teachings must be referred to, quoted, explained and amplified, and if non-Bahá’í subjects are referred to, they should be considered in the light, and in confirmation of, Bahá’í principles and teachings. We must preserve the identity and purity of the Faith, without restricting it to a rigid and exclusive dogma. Your true brother and well-wisher, (Signed) SHOGHI.” Haifa, Palestine May 1, 1929 {.sig} --- ## 227.
1929-05-07 to Mayor of Haifa, Prevention of Mendicancy {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p296 {.ref .center} Fortunately, this is a problem which does not affect the Bahá’í Community, as under our laws begging is strictly prohibited. I appreciate, however, the importance and timeliness of the measure you are considering and take pleasure in enclosing a cheque to your order for 50 [pounds] — in behalf of the Bahá’í Community in anticipation of any plan that the Municipality may devise for the alleviation of poverty and the help of the needy in Haifa. You may be assured that the Community will rigidly observe any regulations that may be put into effect. --- ## 228.
1929-05-25 Greeting to Convention {.center} USBN #32 — May 1929 — page 1 {.ref .center} “Convey assembled friends (in) Convention deep appreciation substantial progress Temple Fund. Am sacrificing the most valuable ornament (of) Bahá’u’lláh’s Shrine in order (to) consecrate and reinforce (the) American believers speedily to consummate Plan (of) Unified Action. Appeal for unprecedented self-sacrifice. Riḍván greetings. (I) desire (to) remind all believers (of the) necessity (for) unconditional acceptance (of) whatever position and duties (may be) assigned by delegates and National Assembly. (I) deprecate all refusals (of) candidature.” SHOGHI. Haifa, Palestine, April 25. 1929. {.sig} --- ## 229.
1929-05-29 To Mary Maxwell, On the Profession of Flying {.center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani, p137 {.ref .center} Concerning the profession you have chosen, namely flying, Shoghi Effendi does not consider himself in a position to give you any advice along that line. What he wishes you to do is to abide by what your parents, both your father & mother consent to. What they mutually agree upon is his wish. My dear co-worker: {.noid} I am much pleased to learn of your growing activities in the Cause & I will supplicate from the depths of my heart in your behalf at the holy Shrines that the Beloved may graciously guide you & assist you to render inestimable services to His Cause in the days to come. Your true brother, Shoghi {.sig} --- ## 230.
1929-05-29 To Incoming National Assembly {.center} USBN #32 — May 1929 — page 1 {.ref .center} “May incoming Assembly’s term of office so auspiciously inaugurated culminate in actual completion first unit of Ma_shriqu’l-A_dhkár. Invoking Bahá’u’lláh’s blessing on your deliberations.” — Shoghi. --- ## 231.
1929-05-29 Unfortunate Case when Parents and Children Differ {.center} Marriage, Consent of Parents to {.ref .center} Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. {.ref .center} It is surely a very unfortunate case when the parents and children differ on some grave issues of life such as marriage, but the best way is not to flout each other’s opinion nor to discuss it in a charged atmosphere but rather try to settle it in an amicable way. Written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi 29 May 1929 to two believers. {.ref .center} --- ## 232.
1929-05-31 To May Maxwell, Disharmony in NYC, Sohrab Situation {.center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani, p122 {.ref .center} Your most welcome letter has truly cheered my heart. I trust & pray that you may be instrumental in restoring perfect harmony & cooperation among the friends in New York. I have the utmost admiration for your deep sense of loyalty, your tact, your lovingkindness & high endeavours & I will pray that you may be given the strength to carry on & consolidate the noble work you have already achieved. Your true brother, Shoghi {.sig} --- ## 233.
1929-06-12 Sending Martha Root to Federation of Educational Association Conference {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p104 {.ref .center} To the Third Biennial Conference on the world Federation of Educational Associations {.noid} My dear co-workers for humanity: I am sending Miss Martha L. Root, American journalist and international Bahá’í speaker and teacher, as an international Bahá’í representative to your Congress in July. She will present to you my letter of greetings to your great Congress. With all best wishes for you in your noble undertaking, I am, your brother and co-worker, Shoghi. {.sig} --- ## 234.
1929-06-xx “Star of the West” Improving {.center} USBN #33 — July 1929 — page 7 {.ref .center} “The Star is decidedly improving in scope, style, and effectiveness, and I wish to congratulate you both on the progress already achieved. I will continue to pray for your efforts at the Holy Shrines, that the “Star may grow to mirror forth in all their power and beauty the sublime and dynamic principles of the Bahá’í Faith.” --- ## 235.
1929-07-08 Preserved Tablet” {.center} References of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá and Shoghi Effendi to the Hidden Words Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. Published in Bahá’í Studies Review 9 {.ref .center} The “Preserved Tablet” is a spiritual expression and has no actual existence. It sometimes refers to the Manifestation Himself, Whose knowledge encompasses the knowledge of the former and the latter generations. (In the handwriting of Shoghi Effendi on the margin of an incoming letter dated 8 July 1929, instructing his secretary — translated from the Persian) {.ed} --- ## 236.
1929-07-29 Central American Teaching {.center} USBN #129 August 1939, p5 {.ref .center} He wishes you now to ask all the newly-incorporated local Assemblies to have a photograph of their Assembly taken and sent through your Assembly to Haifa. These Assembly pictures are needed to accompany the certificates of incorporation when published in the next issue of The Bahá’í World. In closing he wishes me to stress once again the vital importance of the present stage in the collective teaching undertaking of the American believers represented in the opening up and definite settlement of the Central American Republics-which, as emphasized only recently in his cabled message to the N. S. A., constitute the chief and immediate teaching objective of the American believers throughout the present Bahá’í year. No effort, he feels, should be spared to open up, however tentatively, each of the remaining Central American Republics in the course of the remaining eight months, and every facility and encouragement extended by the N. S. A. to all those who volunteer to settle and work in these territories. Only through such systematic teaching effort, guided by the N. S. A., and collectively supported by the entire body of the friends, can the Inter-American teaching campaign, which ushers in the period of the world spiritual mission of the American believers, forge ahead, be steadily extended in its southward penetration, and the high teaching goal set up by the Seven Year Plan completely attained at the appointed time. Let us take courage, and consecrate our all to the furtherance of this divinely-appointed task. July 29, 1939. {.ref .center} --- ## 237.
1929-08-01 Encourage Economy {.center} USBN #34 — October 1929 — page 3 {.ref .center} To Mr. McDaniel on {.noid} My dear and precious co-worker: {.noid} Your subsequent letter of June 19 has also been received and I hasten, though exceedingly tired by my unceasing and ever extending activities, to assure you of my keen eagerness to witness a definite achievement regarding the Plan of Unified Action by the American believers. I trust and pray that before the end of this year the full amount will have been subscribed and I would again urge the utmost economy and careful consideration of every preliminary expenditure. A body of experts should be consulted that unnecessary expenditures may be strictly avoided. May the Beloved guide you and sustain you in your efforts. Your true brother, SHOGHI. {.sig} --- ## 238.
1929-08-20 Collecting and Publishing Tablets {.center} members.cox.net/bahai.libraries.archives/preserving_writings.htm {.ref .center} Writings, Bahá’í: Importance of collecting and safeguarding, compiled by Bahá’í International Archives. Published in Bahá’í Studies Review, 11, pages 100-102 {.ref .center}     The work of collecting and publishing the Tablets is one of the most important tasks that this generation has to undertake for upon it depends our true understanding of the Cause and its principles. The more we put it off, the more we are apt to lose some of the original writings.     Yet, important as this task may be, it is fraught with difficulties. The early translations are far from being accurate, no matter who the translator may be. Shoghi Effendi firmly believes that only Tablets with the Master’s signature and in the original tongue should be recognized. Any translations or copies of them fail from having real authority. This shows the importance of collecting the original Tablets that bear the Master’s signature. 20 August 1929 to an individual believer on behalf of Shoghi Effendi {.ref .center} --- ## 239.
1929-09-10 To Sir John Chanallor, Outbreak of Trouble in Palestine {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p283 {.ref .center} Your Excellency: {.noid} I have learned with profound regret of the lamentable occurrences in Palestine, and hasten, while away from home, to offer Your Excellency my heartfelt sympathy in the difficult task with which you are faced. The Bahá’í Community of Palestine, who, by reason of the Faith, are deeply attached to its soil truly deplore these violent outbursts of religious fanaticism, and venture to hope that, as the influence of Bahá’í ideals extends and deepens, they may be enabled in the days to come to lend increasing assistance to your Administration for the promotion of the spirit of good will and toleration among the religious communities in the Holy Land. I feel moved to offer Your Excellency in their behalf the enclosed sum as their contribution for the relief of the suffering and needy, irrespective of race or creed... --- ## 240.
1929-09-20 collecting ‘Abdu’l-Bahá Tablets {.center} USBN #35 — November 1929 — page 1 {.ref .center} Dear Mrs. True: {.noid} Shoghi Effendi wishes me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated July 7th and to assure you of his ardent prayers for the success of the work you are undertaking. The work of collecting and publishing the Tablets is one of the most important tasks that this generation has undertaken, for upon it depends our true understanding of the Cause and its principles. The more we put it off, the more we are apt to lose some of the original writings. Yet, important as this task may be, it is fraught with difficulties. The early translations are far from being accurate, no matter who the translator may be. Shoghi Effendi firmly believes that only tablets with the Master’s signature and in the original tongue should be recognized. Any translations or copies of them fail from having real authority. This shows the importance of collecting the original Tablets that bear the Master’s signature. May I in closing reassure you of Shoghi Effendi’s prayer and extend to your his loving greetings. Yours sincerely, Rúḥí Afnán. Haifa, Palestine. September 20, 1929. {.sig} The National Assembly urgently requests those believers who possess original Tablets from ‘Abdu’l-Bahá to cooperate in the special effort now being made by Mrs. Corinne True, acting under appointment by the Assembly, to catalog all available Tablets with a view to the publication of a Volume Four of Tablets from ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. {.ed} The three volumes edited with such loving care and distinction by Mr. Albert Windust contain only Tablets received before 1914. The unpublished Tablets consequently were revealed in the last years of the Master’s earthly life, and their importance for present and future believers is beyond our capacity to appreciate. {.ed} --- ## 241.
1929-09-20 To Individual, Need for Broad Outlook {.center} Science and Technology #4 {.ref .center} Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. {.ref .center} As to your entrance to Reed College as an undergraduate... No one could think more than the Master did of the great need for capacity, knowledge and a broad scientific outlook in the service of the Cause, but as against the hard and dry intellectuals, he wished such knowledge to be coupled with an intense love for the welfare of humanity. --- ## 242.
1929-11-01 His Birthday Anniversary {.center} USBN #29 — January 1929 — page 2 {.ref .center} “My dear and valued co-worker: I wish to add a few words in person regarding the commemoration of my birthday anniversary. I would earnestly request all believers and Assemblies not to observe, under any circumstances, whether officially or privately, my birthday anniversary. I strongly feel that only anniversaries in connection with the life of the Báb, Bahá’u’lláh and ‘Abdu’l-Bahá should be celebrated by the believers. It will, I am sure, prove conducive to my own spiritual growth and happiness, and would be in the best interests of our beloved Faith. I trust that you will acquaint all the believers with this insistent request of mine and I feel sure that they will all joyfully respond. Your true brother, Shoghi.” {.sig} --- ## 243.
1929-11-24 Response to Report from Nayríz {.center} Against Incredible Odds, pp65-6 {.ref .center} That spiritual friends letter has attained the glance of His Highness, the Guardian of the Faith, may my spirit be sacrificed for his friends. The account of the recent tragic events in Nayríz and the description of the calamities sustained by the loving friends there have become known in his presence and caused him sadness. He said: ‘This Servant will, with tongue and heart, offer thanks at the Court of the Munificent Lord for having enabled His tested servants and trusted friends to appear, in the face of a deluge of trials and an onslaught of adversities and afflictions, with such firmness, steadfastness and integrity as to cause the Concourse on High to utter their praise and the dwellers of the Abhá Paradise to glorify them. Neither had the blade and shaft of the ungodly any effect on their glorious spirits, nor has the fatal poison and torture affected their illumined and attracted inner selves. Undoubtedly those sincere, detached and steadfast believers have, with their acceptance of various persecutions, caused the Blessed Tree to grow further throughout the world, have added to the splendours of the light of the brilliant truth of BahauTláhs Cause and the manifestation of the power and might of the Word of God.’ He then said: {.noid} This Servant, with a heart throbbing with love and a soul overflowing with affection for those gems of firmness and steadfastness, praises and extols the spirit of fidelity and sacrifice evinced by those chosen by the Almighty in the path of that Luminous Moon, and will continually pray in the Holy Shrine, beseeching God to protect and preserve those servants of His Sacred Threshold from the cruelty of tyrants and the oppression of the ungodly, and to cut off the hands of the transgressors. Assure all the persecuted and dear admirable friends of Nayríz of this Servants loving-kindness. Impart to their hearts the hope that, God willing, soon will the ancient glory reveal the beauty of its countenance and the sun of aspiration of the people of Bahá will shine on the highest peak. Patience and composure are essential, calmness and tranquillity needed. The evildoers will definitely pay for their evil deeds and will serve as a lesson to others. The praise in his holy presence of the extraordinary steadfastness shown by Jináb-i Ḥájí Mírzá Aḥmad, the merchant, upon him be the glory of God, caused his bounteous favours to flow. Convey loving-kindness and favours on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to your esteemed wife, Amatu’lláh Túbá _Khánum, your mother, Amatu’lláh Núríyyih _Khánum, and your children, Áqá Mírzá ‘Abdu’l-Ḥusayn, Áqá Mírzá Masíh and Shamsu’d-Duhá. Also gladden the hearts of Jináb-i Áqáy-i Tírandáz, Áqá Isfandyár-i Khursand, Jináb-i Áqá Khudádád, the Parsí merchants, upon them be the glory of God, with the glad-tidings of His favours. Written at the instruction of his blessed person. Rajab 1348, 24 November 1929. Núrud-Dín Zayn. {.ref .center} Postscript in the handwriting of Shoghi Effendi: {.ref .center} This Servant will, in these holy precincts, remember that friend who hath endured patiently at times of calamity, affliction and adversity. I will also implore the Almighty to ease the affairs of those loved ones and to release them from tyranny. Be assured. The Servant of His Threshold, Shoghi. {.sig} source : Khátirát-i Talkh va Shírín p176-7 {.ed} After the Nayríz uprising, Mirzá Muḥammad-Shafí (Rúḥáni) wrote a report of the atrocities to Shoghi Effendi and received this reply. {.ed} --- ## 244.
1929-11-29 cooperate with others {.center} EXTRACTS PROM SHOGHI EFFENDI’S LETTERS TO RUTH J. MOFFETT AND ROBERT LEE MOFFETT {.ref .center} November 29, 1929, Haifa. {.noid} “... The Cause, we hope, is the heart and soul of each and every one of its adherents, but that does not prevent us from working and co-operating with all who stand for the same ideals.” Your true brother, Shoghi. {.sig} --- ## 245.
1929-11-xx lull in funds for Temple {.center} [to Treasurer Carl Sheffler] {.ref .center} USBN #36 December 1936 p4 {.ref .center} “I grieve to learn of the comparative lull in the flow of funds for the Temple. I still entertain the fondest hope for the collection of the entire sum by the next Convention and feel strongly as I have already cabled the National Spiritual Assembly that no expenses whatever should be incurred unless absolutely and urgently required, until the sum of $400.000 is attained. Do not feel disheartened. Persevere in your labors and be assured of my ‘constant prayers.” --- ## 246.
1929-11-xx response to Plan {.center} USBN #29 Jan 1929 p1 {.ref .center} I wish to ... express in person, the deep sense of my appreciation and gratitude in view of the sustained, unanimous and generous response of the body of the believers to the Plan. Much still remains to be achieved, and the future still holds its perils and uncertainties. I would, however, renew, with the utmost earnestness, my plea for perseverance, concentration and self-sacrifice, that the eyes of an expectant world may soon witness the concrete evidence of the undiminished vitality of the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh in that land.” --- ## 247.
1929-12-03 To Queen Marie with Invite to Pilgrimage {.center} Her Eternal Crown: Queen Marie of Romania and the Bahá’í Faith, Della L Marcus, pp157-8 {.ref .center} Haifa, Palestine 3 December 1929 Her Majesty The Dowager Queen Marie of Rumania Bucharest Your Majesty: {.noid .verse} I have received, through the intermediary of my dear Bahá’í sister, Miss Martha Root, the autographed portrait of your Majesty, bearing in simple and moving terms the message which your Majesty has graciously been pleased to write in person. I shall treasure this most excellent portrait, and I assure you that the Greatest Holy Leaf and the Family of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá share to the full my feelings of lively satisfaction at receiving so strikingly beautiful a photograph of a Queen whom we have learned to love and admire. I have followed during the past few years with profound sympathy the disturbed course of various happenings in your beloved country, which I feel must have caused you much pain and concern. But whatever the vicissitudes and perplexities which beset your Majesty’s earthly path, I am certain that even in your saddest hours you have derived abundant sustenance and joy from the thought of having, through your glowing and historic utterances on the Bahá’í Faith as well as by your subsequent evidences of gracious solicitude for its welfare, brought abiding solace and strength to the multitude of its faithful and long-suffering adherents throughout the East. Yours, surely, dearly-beloved Queen, is the station, ordained by Bahá’u’lláh in the realms beyond, to which the strivings of no earthly power can ever hope to attain. I have, immediately upon the publication of the second volume of ‘The Bahá’í World’ by the American Bahá’í Publishing Committee, forwarded directly to Bucharest, to the address of your Majesty and that of H.R.H. Princess Ileana, copies of this most recent and comprehensive of Bahá’í publications. I will take the liberty of presenting in the course of the coming year the third volume of this same publication, which I trust will prove of interest to your Majesty. May I, in closing, reiterate the expression of profound appreciation and joy which the Family of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá and Bahá’ís in every land universally feel for the powerful impetus which your Majesty’s outspoken and noble words have lent to the onward march of their beloved Faith. The Family also join me in extending to your Majesty, as well as to H.R.H. Princess Ileana, a most cordial welcome, should your Majesty ever purpose to visit the Holy Land, to ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s home in Haifa, as well as to those scenes rendered so hallowed and memorable by the heroic lives and deeds of Bahá’u’lláh and ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. With deepest affection, Shoghi {.sig} --- ## 248.
1929-12-05 Progress of Work on Bahjí {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p232 {.ref .center} ... the Mansion of Bahá’u’lláh, occupied for about forty years by Muḥammad-‘Alí and his followers, has at last been evacuated and the enclosed photograph will indicate in what a state they have left it! Restorative work has commenced and the pilgrims are already visiting the room where Bahá’u’lláh passed away and where He passed the most peaceful and happiest days of His life. --- ## 249.
1929-12-06 Bahá’í World {.center} USBN #37 — January 1930 — page 7 {.ref .center} “Kindly urge Bahá’í World Editors to take immediate steps ensure arrival manuscript final form Haifa by end of April. Exercise great care maintenance high standard. (SHOGHI)” The following cablegram was then sent to our Guardian: {.noid} “Supplicate you urge all National Assemblies send Bahá’í World material to Editorial Secretary at once. (W INDUST)” ========= {.noid} “Have written Assemblies. Your Committee should urge them also directly. (SHOGHI)” {.sig} --- ## 250.
1929-12-12 Can Sell Rug from Shrine to Non-Bahá’ís {.center} USBN #38 February 1930 insert {.ref .center} “Shoghi Effendi informs you that the rug can be offered for sale among Bahá’ís and non-Bahá’ís alike.” — Soheil Afnán In accordance with the Guardian’s purpose and instructions, the National Assembly has requested Mr. George Spendlove, a believer exceptionally qualified by expert knowledge and experience, to undertake the responsible task of arranging for the sale of this rug. Its value has been established at the sum of $20,000, at which figure offers will be considered whether from Bahá’ís or non-Bahá’ís, but no offer from a non-Bahá’í will be accepted until those interested among the believers have been given full opportunity to acquire the rug for the Cause. {.ed} --- ## 251.
1929-12-31 Sohrab {.center} USBN #46 — November 1930 — page 9 {.ref .center} To the National Assembly {.noid} “Feel strongly Aḥmad Sohrab should uphold unconditionally authority local and national Assembly. Have in no letter of mine departed from this basic principle which alone safeguards unity of Cause.” --- ## 252.
1929-12-xx Persian letter of intro for Martha Root {.center} Martha Root: Lioness at the Threshold, M. R. Garis, p338 {.ref .center} ... the Leader of the men and women teachers, Her holiness Miss Martha Root.... It is incumbent and obligatory upon all the beloved of God and hand maidens of the Merciful One in that sacred land to receive that noble soul with their hearts and souls, and to perform the ceremonies of hospitality towards her with all respect and the utmost affection.... [He urged them to] spread banquets and adorn gatherings and assemblages ... [for] that chosen one of His Holiness the Almighty and the bearer of the fame of the cause of Bahá, both in words and in deeds. For this unique believer with an astonishing power and matchless courage and constancy has raised the cry of Ya Bahá’u’alláh [sic] in the loftiest places and brought the sacred name of our blessed Faith to the hearing of mighty personages including Princes, Ministers, erudites and royalty. She has thus represented before the eye of the great men of the world the wronged ones and workers of that land as a people of eminence and excellence. She deserves every kind of love and affection and is worthy of infinité honor and glorification. --- ## 253.
1929-xx-xx Great and Manifold Services of the Star of the West {.center} USBN #33 — July 1929 — page 8 {.ref .center} And in a letter from Soheil Afnán to Mr. Dale S. Cole of Cleveland (with Shoghi Effendi’s handwriting at the bottom of the letter) {.ref .center} “It has been a great pleasure to our dear Guardian to receive your letter and to learn of your close cooperation with the “Star of the West”. “It is to the Star of the West and the great and manifold services that it can render that Shoghi Effendi looks with the greatest expectations.... At this time of world-wide doubt and general perplexity, it is perhaps the greatest services to be able to breathe out in your writings what will ultimately prove to be the greatest solution for the troubles of today.” .. the following from our Guardian.... {.ref .center} “We should strive in all our utterances to combine the discretion and noble reticence of the wise with the frankness and passionate loyalty of the ardent advocate of an inspiring Faith.” --- ## 254.
192X-XX-XX To a Distant Cousin, Handling Correspondance {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p67-8 {.ref .center} One of my most pressing problems is that of individual correspondence. To copy the Master, is presumptuous on my part, and in view of the rapid extension of the Movement, impracticable. To correspond in person with some and not write to others, I am sure you realize will lead gradually to friction, discouragement and even animosity, as you know fully well the considerable number of friends who expect much and do little. To do away utterly with individual correspondence, and rely on indirect written messages, penned by my helpers and associates, whilst I would devote my time to direct correspondence with the Assemblies throughout the world, is also a difficult problem. I would indeed value your views on this thorny problem. The latter course has the obvious objection of severing all personal relationships with the individual friends. --- ## 255.
1930-01-01 Mrs. Chanler {.center} USBN #46 — November 1930 — page 9 {.ref .center} “In none of the Guardian’s letters to Mrs. Chanler has Shoghi Effendi approved of her attitude toward the local and national Assemblies. One of those who was over-zealous about The New History Society wrote Shoghi Effendi that the members of the New York Assembly are gradually becoming milder and perhaps drawn to the History Society. This is to solve the problem in the wrong way. It is not the Assembly that has to be won to the cause of some rebellious person, but that person brought back under the authority of the Assembly.” --- ## 256.
1930-01-02 Russia will Become a Delectable Paradise {.center} Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union A Compilation From the Bahá’í Writings, #33 {.ref .center} Compiled by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice {.ref .center} Russia will in the future become a delectable paradise, and the teaching work in that land will be carried out on an unprecedented scale. The House of Worship established in its very heart will shine forth with dazzling splendour, and the call of the Most Great Name will reverberate in its temples, its churches, and its places of worship. We need to show forth patience and forbearance. In these momentous convulsions there lie concealed mighty and consummate mysteries, which will be revealed to men’s eyes in the days to come. (2 January 1930 to an individual believer — translated from the Persian) {.ref .center} --- ## 257.
1930-01-26 To Coswell, Teaching Work {.center} Divine Springtime — Louise Caswell Recalls, p9 {.ref .center} January 26th, 1930, {.noid} “He (the Guardian) was much touched by your assurance to devote your endeavors to the progress of His Faith, and in welcoming such spontaneous enthusiasm and sincerity, he wishes me to assure you of his ardent prayer that all your efforts may be successful and that you may render increasing services to the onward march of the Cause in America. (Signed) Soheil Afnán. {.sig} --- ## 258.
1930-01-30 Attending History Society Meetings {.center} USBN #46 — November 1930 — page 9 {.ref .center} The Guardian’s Reply (January 23, 1930) {.noid} “Attendance Aḥmad meeting conditioned upon Aḥmad’s unquestioned acceptance to conduct meetings on lines fully sanctioned by National Spiritual Assembly. True unity can only be preserved by maintenance paramount position National Spiritual Assembly.” response to 4 NYC query — 1930-01-23 {.ed} “Is it your desire for sake of unity New York that we attend Chanler meeting?” {.ed} --- ## 259.
1930-01-xx Bahá’ís in Holy Land Contribute to Temple Fund {.center} USBN #37 — January 1930 — page 3 {.ref .center} “Bahá’ís of Haifa, Acre and Adasiyyih, conscious of America’s glorious self-sacrifice, jointly contributing no less than four thousand dollars, toward Ma_shriqu’l-A_dhkár. Cabling sum next week. Have addressed appeal to believers throughout East to reinforce noble endeavors (of) their American brethren.” (signed) SHOGHI. {.sig} --- ## 261.
1930-01-xx Response Temple Fund Status {.center} USBN #37 — January 1930 — page 1 {.ref .center} “Much gratified. Urge continued self-sacrifice. Loving appreciation.” (Signed) SHOGHI. {.sig} The impressive response made to Shoghi Effendi’s recent general letter concerning the Temple, has brought the Construction Fund almost to the point of completion. If all pledges reported to the Treasurer are paid, only $22,000 must be contributed in order to make the total sum of $400,000 required for resuming construction. {.ed} Mr. Scheffler reported the following balance as of January 16, 1930: Temple Construction Fund Cash ............... $356,000 Pledges ............. $22,000 Total ............... $378,000 National Bahá’í Fund .. $10,000 {.ed} When these facts were reported to the Guardian by cablegram, the above reply was received. {.ed} --- ## 262.
1930-02-03 To May Maxwell, 19 Distinguished Western Bahá’ís {.center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani, p163-4 {.ref .center} Shoghi Effendi is in these days busy collecting interesting material for the forthcoming number of the year-book. Among others he is collecting the pictures of some of the old friends who have passed away and who have rendered distinguished services to the Cause. He has already gathered the pictures of nineteen distinguished figures among those who have rendered eminent services to the Cause in the East. He wishes now to gather an equal number from among the old Western Bahá’ís who have passed away and who have done great services to the Cause. --- ## 263.
1930-02-15 To Editor of ‘The Palestine Bulletin {.center} Her Eternal Crown: Queen Marie of Romania and the Bahá’í Faith, Della L Marcus, pp165-6 {.ref .center} Haifa, Palestine 15 February 1930 To the Editor of ‘The Palestine Bulletin’ P.O.B. 683 Jerusalem {.noid .verse} Dear Sir, {.noid} This is to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of the 13th instant in which you express your desire to devote the columns of your ‘Bulletin’ to an account of the rise and progress of the Bahá’í Faith. I feel that the best I can do is to send you under separate cover a copy of the latest edition of ‘The Bahá’í World’, a production which portrays, fully and faithfully, the manifold activities as well as the essential character and purpose of the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh. You will find on pages 173-177 the text of the open letters which the Dowager Queen of Romania has felt impelled to pen as a testimony of her faith, in admiration for the Message of Bahá’u’lláh. With kind regards and best wishes, Yours sincerely, Shoghi {.sig} This resulted in an article in the Palestine Bulletin on 18 Feb 30 {.ed} --- ## 264.
1930-02-15 To Alaine Locke, Translation of Íqán {.center} This letter was first published in “Alain Locke: Bahá’í Philosopher,” p. 48, republished in Alain Locke: Faith and Philosophy, p. 285. {.ref .center} Persian Colony, Haifa 15-11-30 [sic] {.noid .verse} Dear Dr. Locke: {.noid} Shoghi Effendi has been lately spending his leisure hours translating the Book of Íqán for he considers it to be the key to a true understanding of the Holy Scriptures, & [sic] can easily rank as one of the most, if not the most, important thing that Bahá’u’lláh revealed explaining the basic beliefs of the Cause. He who fully grasps the purport of that Book can claim to have understood the Cause. Yet, Shoghi Effendi believes that mere translation into English phrases is not sufficient. It is essential to make the idioms & expressions lively English, a thing which he alone cannot possibly achieve. Thinking, therefore, that you will be the best fitted to render him an assistance along that line, he is sending you the part that he has already completed. He would be most appreciative if you go over it carefully, studying every sentence— its structure as well as choice of words — & giving him your criticism as well as constructive suggestions that would make it more lucid, English [sic] & forceful. As it is a Holy Scripture, Shoghi Effendi has tried to put it in the English of the Bible, preferring its ways of expression better than any other. What he sends you now is half of the book, the rest he will mail as it is translated. The form that it is in at present is far from being the last one. Yet he wishes to have all the possible suggestions before he puts it in its final form. Shoghi Effendi is fully aware of the many duties you have & how pressing your time is, & had he known of an equally fitting person he would surely have saved you the trouble. Yet he finds himself to be compelled. He hopes, therefore, that you will give this work your close attention. If the book is completed & rendered into a lucid & forceful language, the service it will render to the Cause will surely repay all your endeavours. In many places you will see the same idea expressed in other words & inserted in paranthesis [sic]. You can chose [sic] any of the two. In case you have any suggestions just mention in what page & line it is. You need not send him back the copy after going over it, for he may desire to refer to them later. He has enough copies here. Though he wishes you to give it all your attention he will be much obliged if you take it up immediately. With deepest appreciation Yours ever sincerely Rúḥí Afnán {.sig} --- ## 265.
1930-03-01 Response to NYC LSA Cable, Chanler {.center} USBN #46 — November 1930 — page 9 {.ref .center} The Guardian’s Reply (March 1, 1930) {.ref .center} “Much relieved, gladdened, fervently supplicating dear valued Mrs. Chanler and Assembly may through fire (of) Bahá’í fellowship be welded, unitedly uphold unity of faith and supremacy (of) Bahá’í representative Assemblies.” response to this cable fm NYC LSA {.ed} “Mrs. Chanler’s request (to) continue her classes (in) Bahá’í Center granted, Implore divine confirmation.” [28 Feb 1930] {.ed} On receiving the Guardian’s cablegram the New York Assembly courteously invited Mrs. Chanler to meet and consult upon the significance of the Guardian’s message. This invitation was refused. {.ed} --- ## 266.
1930-03-01 To Blomfield Requesting Come to Haifa {.center} Lady Blomfield: Her Life and Times, Robert Weinberg, p288 {.ref .center} GREATEST HOLY LEAF AND MYSELF APART FROM OUR LONGING MEET YOU FEEL EXTREME DESIRABILITY YOUR PRESENCE IN HAIFA BEFORE MARCH TWENTY-FIRST IN VIEW OF IMPENDING FAR-REACHING DEVELOPMENTS. STRONGLY FEEL YOU ARE ONLY PERSON SUITED TO OCCASION. WIRING EXPLANATION IN PERSIAN TO ASGHARZADEH. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. KINDLY WIRE. LOVE. 1930-03-01 to Blomfield requesting come to Haifa {.ref .center} ========= {.noid} This was written in anticipation of visit of Queen Marie. {.ed} --- ## 267.
1930-03-29 thanks for Tablets {.center} members.cox.net/bahai.libraries.archives/preserving_writings.htm {.ref .center}     I am directed by the Guardian to express his grateful appreciation for your letter ... with the volume containing copies of the Tablets revealed to the friends in ___ by the Master and Bahá’u’lláh.     In accomplishing this task you have rendered a most valued and permanent service to the Cause in ___and posterity will owe you a debt of gratitude very hard to repay.     Furthermore this compilation shall be of indispensable value and use to the Guardian and to all International bodies that may meet in Haifa whether in the distant or near future. You are quite aware, of course, with the fashion in which both Bahá’u’lláh and the Master gave some of their most important teachings as part of their Tablets addressed to far-away friends. Hence the necessity of such compilations throughout the world. 29 March 1930 to an individual believer on behalf of Shoghi Effendi {.ref .center} Writings, Bahá’í: Importance of collecting and safeguarding, compiled by Bahá’í International Archives. Published in Bahá’í Studies Review, 11, pages 100-102 {.ref .center} --- ## 270.
1930-03-xx To Mr Roa for SE re trans BNE into French {.center} Bahá’í Studies Bulletin Vol 5 #1-2 September 1985 pp92 {.ref .center} I am directed by Shoghi Effendi to acknowledge receipt of two chapters of the French translation of Dr. Esslemont’s book which you had sent him. He has read them and is well pleased except that he wishes me to remind you and Mrs. Roa not to attempt a too literal rendering because that is bound to affect the language of the French translation unfavourably. He wishes you rather to attempt a faithful rendering of the thought and meaning of the original in as good French as possible without of course deviating too much. (March 1930) {.sig} 1930-03-xx To Mr Roa for SE re trans BNE into French {.ref .center} --- ## 271.
1930-04-02 to Martha Root deserves honors have been ill {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p105 {.ref .center} You fully deserved all the honour, the love and the hospitality which the Persian friends have so remarkably shown towards you. I have been so busy after my long and sever illness, that I have felt unable to answer promptly your letters, you have, however, been always in my thoughts, particularly during those hours when I visit the Holy Shrines and place my head on the sacred threshold. 1930-04-02? to Martha Root deserves honors, have been ill {.ref .center} --- ## 272.
1930-04-02 to Martha re situation with Queen Marie {.center} Her Eternal Crown: Queen Marie of Romania and the Bahá’í Faith, Della L Marcus, pp173-4 {.ref .center} I am now writing to you quite confidentially regarding the projected visit of the Queen to Haifa. Unfortunately it did not materialize. The reason, I absolutely ignore. Although I sent her two wires, renewing my invitation to her already expressed in the letter I wrote her when you were here, and deploring the unauthorized publicity given by the Press in Palestine, England and America, I have had no reply from her whatever. All I received was a wire from Cairo on March 28 from the Romanian Minister, Lahovary, who wired as follows: ‘Her Majesty regrets that, not passing through Palestine, she will not be able to visit you’. I do not know whether my letter of December last, which I showed you, and in which I acknowledged receipt of her photograph, as well as my two wires to her after her arrival in Egypt, have been intercepted or miscarried. The two wires I sent her were as follows ...’Deeply regret unauthorized publicity given by the Press.’ I should not be surprised if these communications as well as your letters and the rosaries have not reached her at all. I so much wish to know the real situation, whether any malicious propaganda has not damped her enthusiasm, or whether she is unable to communicate with us. Reporters who called on me, representing the United Press of America, telegraphed to their newspapers just the opposite I told them. They perverted the truth. I wish we could make sure that she would at least know the real situation! But how can we ensure that our letters to her Majesty will henceforth reach her. I feel that you should write to her, explain the whole situation, assure her of my great disappointment. I hope your letter will reach her ... I cherish the hope that these unfortunate developments will serve only to intensify the faith and love of the Queen, and will reinforce her determination to arise and spread the Cause. Please, let me know of any news you receive. I thirst for news and find all ways to her barred and blocked. Be not sad or distressed, dearest Martha. The seeds you have so lovingly, so devotedly and so assiduously sown will surely germinate. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá is guiding you and will bless your heroic efforts. Persevere, and never lose heart. 1930-04-02 to Martha re situation w/ Queen Marie {.ref .center} --- ## 273.
1930-04-23 to May Maxwell re photos of early believers {.center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani, p166 {.ref .center} I am directed by Shoghi Effendi to thank you so much for your letter of March 15th with the photograph of Mrs. Knobloch and her Tablet enclosed. Also for the photographs you sent him under separate cover which have already reached him and in good time, thanks to your endeavour & enterprise. Of course you know that they are intended for the forthcoming issue of the ‘Bahá’í World’. My dear and precious co-worker; The photos you sent me have all reached safely, and I am deeply appreciative of your efforts. 1930-04-23 to May Maxwell re photos of early believers {.ref .center} --- ## 274.
1930-04-xx financial questions that confront the Cause {.center} 1930-04-xx financial questions that confront the Cause {.ref .center} USBN #40 — April 1930 — page 17 {.ref .center} A recent letter from Haifa to the finance chairman — - — {.ref .center} — “ The financial questions that confront the Cause are all very pressing and important. They need a judicious administration and a wise policy. We should study the needs of the Cause, find the fields which will give the greatest yield and then appropriate the necessary funds. And such a task is surely most difficult and responsible.” ... ... {.noid} — “Please convey to the members of the National Assembly Shoghi Effendi’s loving greetings. He is fully conscious of the burdens they have to bear, but he is confident that through their sincerity and wisdom they will guide the Cause through even the greatest storms... .” --- ## 275.
1930-04-xx resumption of construction of Temple {.center} 1930-04?-XX resumption of construction of Temple {.ref .center} USBN #40 — April 1930 — page 2 {.ref .center} “Nothing will be more conducive to my refreshment and strength than the news of the resumption of the construction of our sorely-neglected Temple. This is the reason why I feel that everything else, however urgent and weighty, should be subordinated to the Temple activity, which must for the present and for some time to come be regarded as the paramount and vital issue facing the American believers.” — SHOGHI EFFENDI {.sig} --- ## 276.
1930-05-11 to Martha encouraging to return to Germany & Balkans {.center} Her Eternal Crown: Queen Marie of Romania and the Bahá’í Faith, Della L Marcus, pp176 {.ref .center} I feel that on your return to Europe, you should concentrate your efforts on Germany and the Balkans. I hope and pray that in the Balkans you may be enabled to establish Bahá’í centres where the believers may be able to carry on the work which you have so gloriously and devotedly initiated. I feel also that you should make an attempt to meet the Queen, who has already expressed the hope to see you. I will continue to pray for you from the depths of my heart. 1930-05-11 to Martha encouraging to return to Germany & Balkans {.ref .center} --- ## 277.
1930-05-23 to May Maxwell re situation with Sohrab argument for administration {.center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani, p122-3 {.ref .center} Every one who has studied the Cause deeply cannot but be certain that Bahá’u’lláh’s purpose in His Mission was not merely to expound certain principles & renew the spirit that the previous prophets brought to the world, but also to establish a definite social fabric that would make those principles of practical value. In a word what Bahá’u’lláh has come to this world for is a World State — the Kingdom of God — the greatest institution that the world has yet seen. The administrative side of the Cause which is the embryonic stage of that world order, is therefore just as much an intrinsic & indispensable part of the teachings, as the principle of unity of mankind etc. To consider a person a Bahá’í, who does not believe in the administration, is just as if we were to consider him as such when he takes exception to those basic principles ... Shoghi Effendi does not have anything to say against Mrs. Chanler for she is making all that sacrifice for a certain noble ideal of service. He only pities her to be so duped by Aḥmad. All of Shoghi Effendis grudge is against Aḥmad who, appearing in the garb of a servant, is doing nothing more than to injure the Cause by sowing the seeds of dissension among the friends, & of securing his own means of livelihood ... Regarding Aḥmad, I feel that if the friends individually & collectively are not watchful, a gradual departure from the spirit & form of the Faith on his part, aided by the resources placed at his disposal by Mrs. Chanler, may soon bring about a state of grave confusion among the believers, & create a split in their ranks. We should be both firm and conciliatory. I look to you as a powerful instrument for the preservation of the unity & of the integrity of our beloved Faith, & will continue to pray for your high endeavour from the depths of my heart. 1930-05-23 to May Maxwell re situation w/ Sohrab, argument for administration {.ref .center} --- ## 278.
1930-05-25 Convention greetings {.center} 1930-05-25 Convention greetings {.ref .center} USBN #41 May 1930 p2 {.ref .center} “Convey assembled delegates expression profound gratitude, heartfelt con — gratulations their heroic achievement. May speedy construction fntire edi — ficc usher in era unprecedented triumphs beloved Faith as promised by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. “America’s sustained, glorious sacrifice will assuredly endow rising edifice with such spiritual potencies as shall excite wonder, admiration all peoples. Befittingly inaugurate resumption Temple construction. Consecrated carpet need neither be sold nor returned. Dedicated as permanent ornament first Ma_shriqu’l-A_dhkár of the West. Advise Convention cable National Assemblies news this historic ceremony. “Martha’s triumphal, unhindered progress through Persia has paved way for delegation representing western Bahá’í’s visit to advance interests of Faith in Bahá’u’lláh’s native land, Deepest love.” {.sig} (Signed) Shoghi. {.sig} --- ## 279.
1930-05-30 instructions re BW Vol III {.center} 1930-05-30 instructions re BW Vol III {.ref .center} USBN #48 — February 1931 — page 9-10 {.ref .center} to the BW Editorial Secretary {.noid} Dear Mr. Windust: {.noid} Shoghi Effendi desires me to acknowledge the receipt of your letters of April 6th and March 23rd. The packages of photographs that you sent for “The “Bahá’í World have all reached him. He has selected the most appropriate and has returned the rest to your address in a number of packages. He is deeply grateful to you for the painstaking efforts and the thoroughness and the devotion with which you have collected the material for the forthcoming issue. The entire manuscript has reached him safely. He went over it most carefully, rearranged the whole material, added a few articles, prepared a table of contents which he inserted in the manuscript, arranged the photographs and the captions for each, divided the material into Four Parts and sent them under three separate covers a few days ago to your address. He is delighted with the illuminated manuscript insert which he has chosen as a frontispiece of the book, and has placed it in its proper place in Part One. We need not insert the translation of the text of the manuscript. He prefers the non-varnished copy. If you think, however, that moisture will affect it, he has no objection to your inserting instead the varnished copy. The photographs for “The Bahá’í World, he has inserted them all in the manuscript. He would advise the Committee neither to add to, nor to discard, any of the photographs already inserted. He has divided each of the Four Parts into Sections. He has grouped the photographs of each Section and added them to their respective Sections. As to the exact locality of each photograph in these Sections, he has left it to the discretion of the Committee. He would not advise to displace these photographs from one part to another. He would ask you to kindly return to him all the photographs that are within the manuscript after the printing of the book. Among these photographs are two collective ones. On each page of these two collective photographs are nineteen reproductions of outstanding Bahá’ís in the East and in the West. The one is entitled, “Apostles of Bahá’u’lláh”; the other, “Disciples of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá.” He has joined to each a list of the name and title of these Bahá’ís. He would request the Committee to arrange the two collective photographs in a manner that they would face each other in the book. In the back of each he feels the list of their respective names should be inserted. Shoghi Effendi has not yet received Horace’s article on “Survey of Current Bahá’í Activities in the East and West.” He would advise you to insert it immediately if it is finished without awaiting a further word from Shoghi Effendi. He feels that the sooner the book is printed the better. He would advise the utmost care both on the part of the proof reader and the printer. Particularly regarding the transliteration of Oriental terms, he would urge you to exercise the minutest care. He has carefully revised both the list and the articles in this connection. The book should present a distinctive scholarly character and should be free from all manner of type error. The appreciative replies he has received from eminent men to whom he has sent “The Bahá’í World and to whom he hopes to send Volume III, makes it absolutely imperative to maintain, nay even to improve if possible, the standard already attained. He would particularly request you to insert in the beginning of the book, on a separate page, a statement saying that all the photographs in Volume III are strictly copyrighted and should not, without specific authorization, be reproduced. As to the color of the book, Shoghi Effendi feels that as Volume I has a green cover and Volume II a blue one, that Volume III should be red. He is sending you enclosed the particular shade of red which he feels it advisable to adopt. He would request you to ensure that the cloth cover of Volume III should be exactly in this shade. Shoghi Effendi is sending enclosed a check for twenty pounds as his promised contribution towards the expense involved in the preparation of the illuminated manuscript. He has already informed the friends in the East and particularly Persia to take the necessary measures for a prompt and substantial order immediately the book is published. The sacred photographs, most of which have never been published before, are of such a nature as to excite the interest of both the Bahá’ís of the East and the West. The graphic and detailed description of the declaration of the Báb in _Shíráz, which Shoghi Effendi has included in Part One is bound to arouse much interest, as the details of that historic meeting are unknown to even the old believers in Persia. That is why he feels that the greatest care should be exercised in the printing of the book. Shoghi Effendi would wish to have mailed to his name, immediately the book is published, which he hopes will be by the middle of the summer, one hundred (100) copies. He hopes that the friends in every part of the world will cooperate in making the issue of this book a successful financial undertaking. He wishes in conclusion to express his deepest appreciation of your continued and devoted endeavors and wishes me to assure you of his prayers for your success in your many services to the Cause. This letter should not be published in “The Bahá’í World. It is only for the information of “The “Bahá’í World Committee. Yours Sincerely, {.sig} Rúḥí Afnán. {.sig} P.S. — Shoghi Effendi will be pleased to send the price of the hundred copies he has ordered immediately he receives them. R.A. My Dear and precious co-worker: {.noid} I cannot refrain from adding a few words to this already detailed letter, the expression of may deepest admiration for your unsparing efforts in the service of our beloved Faith. Your whole-hearted devotion, conscientious labors, and thoroughness of service are greatly valued and prized by me, and I trust that in the days to come your scope of service may increasingly widen and bear the richest fruit. I have asked Rúḥí to convey my messages and suggestions in my behalf in this letter regarding “The Bahá’í World, and I am sure that they will be duly considered, as I have great hopes in this publication. I am sending you under separate cover a photo of the London friends which I would suggest to be inserted before or after George Townshend’s “Reflection” on the Hidden Words in Part IV. Lovingly and gratefully, {.sig} SHOGHI. {.sig} Haifa, {.sig} May 29, 1930. {.sig} --- ## 280.
1930-05-30 to Alfred Lund re New History Society & Sohrab {.center} Bahá’í Studies Bulletin Vol 2 #1 June 1983 pp73-4 {.sig} Persian Colony {.noid} Haifa, Palestine {.noid} 30-5-30 {.noid} Dear Mr. Lunt: {.noid} Shoghi Effendi wishes me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated May 12th 1930 as well as the enclosed minutes of the N.S.A. He hopes that the changes made in the secretarial work will be for the good, for generally dividing the work between heads brings confusion. After a few years of labour the secretarial work became systematic, and organized. Shoghi Effendi hopes that the present form it has taken will be a step forward. Anyhow you have his earnest prayers and best-wishes. Concerning the New History Society which seems to have aroused great admiration among some — & great indignation among others, it has really become a problem very difficult to solve. Even though both the Assembly and individuals have written to Shoghi Effendi & asked his opinion none seems daring enough to take a stand. As long as Aḥmad does not want to accept the administration, Shoghi Effendi cannot conscientiously trust him. To accept the Cause without the administration is like to accept the teachings without acknowledging the divine station of Bahá’u’lláh. To be a Bahá’í is to accept the Cause in its entirety.To take exception to one basic principle is to deny the authority & sovereignty of Bahá’u’lláh, & therefore is to deny the Cause. The administration is the social order of Bahá’u’lláh. Without it all the principles of the Cause will remain abortive. To take exception to this, therefore, is to take exception to the fabric that Bahá’u’lláh has prescribed, it is to disobey His law. In his letters to the Assembly as well as to the individual friends, Shoghi Effendi has made it clear that the friends should in no way associate themselves with the New History Society if these fail to obey the Assemblies. What the friends have been doing is to win over the Assemblies to the New history Society rather than by showing a firm stand make the History Society come to the Assemblies. And this has greatly displeased Shoghi Effendi. In the May Number of the ‘Psychology’ a copy of which the History Society sent one there is an article on the Bahá’í movement. It definitely states that there are “two sister organizations; one meetting at 110 West 57th Street; the other the New History Society.” It is strange that old and experienced Bahá’ís should acquiesce with such articles that strike at the unity of the Cause, that the Master tried to secure. It may be that the New History Society has succeeded to attract many souls into the Cause. No one denies that. But there is no reason why such work should not be achieved by the Bahá’ís. The teachings are Bahá’í teachings only polluted. The only thing they have is that they possess on their staff a person who refuces to accept the social order of Bahá’u’lláh & whose main object is personal ascendancy. That they succeed only shows that the Bahá’ís are failing to do their duty and nothing more. Excuse me for writing so strongly but it is a candid expression of Shoghi Effendi’s attitude. Notwithstanding this, however, it all rests with the National Assembly to see what is advisable. It is a local problem that they have to solve. Shoghi Effendi only hopes that the members of that spiritual body will be guided in their work and will follow what is to the best interest of the Cause. Shoghi Effendi hopes that this newly elected assembly will succeed to accomplish a great deal in the field of teaching. We have to add to our numbers & get in new blood if we desire to live and inaugurate the social status that Bahá’u’lláh has brought to the world. With best wishes and loving greetings, Yours ever sincerely, {.sig} Rúḥí Afnán {.sig} My dear co-workers {.noid} The newly established Secretariat as well as the character of the proceedings of this year’s memorable convention have filled my heart with joy and hopefulness. I strongly feel that the teaching work should be regarded henceforth as the paramount issue facing the American believers. Aḥmad Sohrab’s activities should be watched carefully, lest a weak handling of this extremely delicate situation may confuse the minds of the friends & cause a split in the Cause. The Cause has already triumphed over such cases which flare up for a tine & then recede into the shadows of oblivion & are thought of no more. The case of _Khayru’lláh, Fareed, Dyar, Mrs. Whyte and others testify to this truth. May the Beloved guide your steps, inspire your hearts & bless your efforts. Shoghi. {.sig} 1930-05-30 to Alfred Lund re New History Society & Sohrab {.ref .center} --- ## 281.
1930-05-30 watch Sohrab {.center} 1930-05-30 watch Sohrab {.ref .center} USBN #46 — November 1930 — page 9 {.ref .center} “Aḥmad Sohrab’s activities should be watched carefully, lest a weak handling of this extremely delicate situation may confuse the minds of the friends, and cause a split in the Cause. The Cause has already triumphed over such cases which flare up for a time then recede into the shadows of oblivion and are thought of no more. The case of Khyrellah, Fareed, Dyer, Mrs. White and others testify to this truth.” --- ## 282.
1930-05-xx To May Maxwell re Choice of Distinguished Early Believers {.center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani, p166 {.ref .center} I have already cabled my joyous satisfaction and appreciation of your prompt response to my request. I am greatly pleased with your choice and these will in due course appear in the ‘Bahá’í World’. When published in the BW, Shoghi Effendi designated them as Apostles of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá {.ed} --- ## 283.
1930-06-30 re Kitáb-i-Íqán {.center} 1930-06-30 re Kitáb-i-Íqán {.ref .center} USBN #46 — November 1930 — page 2 {.ref .center} To the National Assembly {.noid} “As the ‘Íqán is the most important book wherein Bahá’u’lláh explains the basic beliefs of the faith, he thought a proper rendering of it would infinitely enhance the teaching work in the West. He hopes that this new rendering will be an improvement on the previous one, but he fully admits that it is far from perfect, far from the original itself. Shoghi Effendi has given the proper transliteration of the Eastern terms and wants you to abide by them, keeping every dash, point, accent or inverted comma. To help you in this, he has also on a separate sheet written these in their proper form. He wishes you further not to include the introduction that exists in the last edition, for he does not think it worthwhile and enlightening. Drop also the glossary that exists at the end of the last edition and form a glossary using the definitions that he has sent to be put in the forthcoming Bahá’í World. As Shoghi Effendi has been emphasizing the need of submitting all publications to the Reviewing Committee, he wants to be the first to abide by that rule, though he hopes that they will not make unnecessary delay. In Germany they have translated the Íqán from the last translation and they are waiting for Shoghi Effendi’s rendering to make the necessary alterations and publish their own. The proceeds of the sale of the book Shoghi Effendi wishes to go to the American National Assembly in an unlabelled form. This is a gift of his own personal labors that he wishes to present that body and he wishes it to be considered as a token of appreciation for the help they have rendered him in carrying on his arduous task.” (Signed) RUHI AFNAN. {.sig} “Unable to find a good typist, I have had to do the work myself, and I trust that the proofreaders will find it easy to go over and will not mind the type errors which I have tried to correct. I would especially urge you to adhere to the transliteration which I have adopted. The correct title is, I feel, ‘The Kitáb-i-Íqán,’ the sub-title ‘The Book of Certitude.’ May it help the friends to approach a step further, and obtain a clearer idea of the fundamental teachings set forth by Bahá’u’lláh.” (Signed) SHOGHI. {.sig} ========= {.noid} This accompanied the manuscript of his translation of the Íqán. {.ed} --- ## 284.
1930-07-04 to Blomfield re her help with his translating {.center} Lady Blomfield: Her Life and Times, Robert Weinberg, p297 {.ref .center} You know how appreciative he is for this help and therefore I need not express it... . ... . {.noid} He hopes you will give to it as much of your time as you can spare ... I am sure you will find the task very interesting, because the history as it develops is becoming more and more absorbing ... My deepest thanks for your suggestions in connection with the Íqán which I deeply appreciate. I am sending to your address today a further instalment of Nabíl which I trust you will iind interesting. I am soon leaving for my summer rest which I need badly, though I am hoping to devote most of my time to the translation of the narrative. I hope to send you some more as soon as I receive the instalment which I am mailing today. --- ## 285.
1930-07-05 to Alaine Locke re translation of Íqán {.center} First published in “Alain Locke: Bahá’í Philosopher,” p. 49, republished in Alain Locke: Faith and Philosophy, p. 287. {.ref .center} 49 Persian Colony {.noid} Haifa, Palestine {.noid} 5-7-30 {.noid} Dear Prof. Locke: {.noid} Shoghi Effendi wishes me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter as well as the mss. of the Íqán which you had so kindly gone over. Though they were not so many, he found the suggestions you gave most helpful. In translation work the greatest difficulty is to give the thought a lively English expression. This is most difficult for the person who gets absorbed into the original form & is charmed with its beauty. Shoghi Effendi has already incorporated your suggestions & sent his manuscript to the National Assembly for publication. It naturally depends upon that body & the reviewing & publishing committees to decide whether it should come out immediately or not. The most important service that can now be rendered to the Cause is to put the writings of Bahá’u’lláh in a form that would be presentable to the intellectual minds of the west. Shoghi Effendi’s hope in this work has been to encourage others along this line. In closing may I express Shoghi Effendi’s best wishes for your health as well as for the services you are rendering to the Cause. Yours ever sincerely {.sig} Rúḥí Afnán {.sig} My dear co-worker: {.noid} I wish to add a few words expressing my deep appreciation of your valued suggestions in connexion with the translation of the Íqán. I wish also to express the hope that you may be able to lend increasing assistance to the work of the Cause, as I have always greatly admired your exceptional abilities & capacity to render distinguished services to the Faith. I grieve to hear of the weakness of your heart which I trust may through treatment be completely restored. I often remember you in my prayers and ever cherish the hope of welcoming you again in the Master’s home. Your true brother, {.sig} Shoghi {.sig} --- ## 286.
1930-08-30 for Shoghi Effendi to a National Spiritual Assembly {.center} Unlocking the Power of Action, #27 {.sig} Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. {.sig} The work of the Assembly should be to capitalize the energy and devotion that exists among the friends and guide them along proper channels, whereby good work would be accomplished and no harm be done to the Cause. The first quality for leadership, both among individuals and Assemblies, is the capacity to use the energy and competence that exists in the rank and file of its followers. --- ## 287.
1930-08-30 response to individual re History Society {.center} 1930-08-30 response to individual re History Society {.ref .center} USBN #46 — November 1930 — page 9 {.ref .center} Letter from the Guardian, Through His Secretary, to a Believer of Yonkers, N.Y. {.ref .center} “A year ago, Mrs. Chanler wrote Shoghi Effendi of her plan to work independently of the Assembly. In answer he expressed his disapproval in a most unquestionable term. In the letters and cables that Mrs. Chanler wrote subsequent to that, Shoghi Effendi expressed the same view again. He knew that for a body to defy the Assembly is contrary to the best interests of the Cause; that not only will conflict arise but it will react unfavorably in other parts of the world. “Some persons in the (United) States feel that the History Society was badly represented to Shoghi Effendi. The source of all our information is the writings of Aḥmad, and the publications of that group. In all his circular letters he harped on the note of freedom, and denounced the red tape that characterizes organizations. Freedom, which Aḥmad reiterates... is not a bad thing if considered in view of the interpretation that Bahá’u’lláh gives in the Aqdas. (See quotation No. 1, above — Editor). The freedom that He commends is a freedom which is a fruit and result of law and proper administration. The other kind of freedom which is in defiance of law He considers to be animal, and far from being of any good to man. He says, ‘True freedom is in obedience to My law.’ “No one wrote to Shoghi Effendi against the History Society; it is Aḥmad’s reports that caused Shoghi Effendi’s mistrust. This literature has not had this effect only on Shoghi Effendi but also on the friends of Australia and New Zealand. In the last two weeks we have had two letters from prominent and firm Bahá’ís of New Zealand and Australia who referred to the History Society and its literature with greatest disapprobation, and with great astonishment that nothing is being done. “The Cause is an international institution. Every act done in one Center will have some reaction in some other locality. What if the spirit that Aḥmad preaches should be practised in its full? The whole Cause will as a result be destroyed.” --- ## 288.
1930-08-30 to Alfred Lunt re Sohrad & New History Society {.center} Bahá’í Studies Bulletin Vol 2 #1 June 1983 pp74-5 {.ref .center} 30-8.30 {.noid} Dear Kr. Lunt: {.noid} Shoghi Effendi wishes me to acknowledge receipt of your letters dated June 20th, July 14th, 17th & 18th, copies of the Bahá’í directory & the minutes of the National Assembly of June 17th to 29th 1930. Concerning Aḥmad’s attitude towards the Assembly & the decision you have taken, Shoghi Effendi has already sent you a cable heartily approving the language as well as the purport of the decision. Since then we have received letters from different parts of the world such as Australia & New Zealand informing us that Aḥmad has been sending them his literature & keeping them informed of his activities. They all expressed indignation at his attitude & were astonished that nothing had been done. Anyhow, Shoghi Effendi is glad that the decision was taken for it would have had a very bad offset upon those countries where the friends are still unexperienced & where the Assemblies cannot stand the flouting of some individuals. I Personally believe that the reason why the New History Society succeeded in attracting new individuals was because that were so many devoted Bahá’ís found there a field for teaching & lend the society their whole-hearted assistance. I think if the Assembly provides a similar field for service & gives them a chance for work such greater work would be achieved.The work of the Assembly should be to capitalize the energy & devotion that exists among the friends and guide them along proper channels, whereby good work would be accomplished & no harm be done to the Cause. The first quality for leadership, both among individuals and Assemblies, is the capacity to use the energy & competence that exists in the rank and file of its followers, otherwise the more competent members of the group will go at a tangent & and try to find elsewhere a field of work & where they could use their energy. Shoghi Effendi hopes that the Assemblies will do their utmost in planning such teaching activities that every single soul will be kept busy. In a cable that he sent about ten days ago Shoghi Effendi left left the question of the publication of the Íqán in the hands of the Assembly. The help he could render was in translation work, the financial side has to be considered by the Assembly itself. Only a few days after sending the first part he mailed the second. I hope you have received that also. Please convey to all the friends Shoghi Effendi’s loving greetings, especially to the members of the National Assembly & the blessed angels working at the Evergreen Cabin. Yours ever sincerely, {.sig} Rúḥí Afnán {.sig} PS. Concerning the cornerstone of the Temple which was laid by the Master, Shoghi Effendi says that it has no other special significance than a great honour conferred by the Master upon that building & it should be treated as a cornerstone & nothing more. Rúḥí. {.sig} [Postscript by Shoghi Effendi] {.noid} With the assurances of my deep appreciation of your high endeavours & of my prayers for the success of your manifold activities. Your true brother, {.sig} Shoghi. {.sig} 1930-08-30 to Alfred Lunt re Sohrad & New History Society {.ref .center} --- ## 289.
1930-08-xx passing of Bourgeois {.center} 1930-08-xx passing of Bourgeois {.ref .center} USBN #45 — October 1930 — page 1 {.ref .center} “Grieve passing (of) Bourgeois. May Almighty reward richly his high, unforgettable endeavors. Convey his family heartfelt condolences.” (Signed) {.sig} SHOGHI. {.sig} --- ## 290.
1930-08-xx re New History Society {.center} 1930-08-xx re New History Society {.ref .center} USBN #44 — September 1930 — page 2 {.ref .center} “Approve action regarding History Society. Deeply appreciative loyalty (of) believers.” — (Signed) SHOGHI. ========= {.noid} Under these conditions it becomes the obvious responsibility of the National Spiritual Assembly to inform the friends that the activities conducted by Aḥmad Sohrab through the New History Society are to be considered as entirely independent of the Cause, as outside the jurisdiction of the Local and National Assembly, and hence in no wise entitled to the cooperation of Bahá’ís. [USBN #43 August 1930] {.ref .center} --- ## 291.
1930-09-19 to Nancy Bowditch primary purpose of Assemblies {.center} “The Artist’s Daughter” , Nancy Douglas Bowditch, p224 {.ref .center} 20. Letter to Mrs. Harold Bowditch from Shoghi Effendi via Rúḥí Afnán. Dated 19-9-30. The Persian Colony, Haifa, Palestine. {.ref .center} Dear Bahá’í Sister; {.noid} Shoghi Effendi wishes me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated August 18th, 1930. He hopes that as chairman of the Assembly you will succeed to render many services to the Cause in Boston. Such offices carry with them great responsibilities, but these are blessings for they enable us to serve the Cause so much more. The primary duty of the Assemblies is to take the initiative and find the ways and means for spreading the Cause and strengthening its position. Teaching in these days is of paramount importance. Shoghi Effendi hopes that the Boston friends will do their best to provide nice meetings where the public is attracted and then encourage personal contact with those who are interested. The Cause needs new blood, it needs more and more new adepts, new and competent servants. If we do not achieve that we will soon discover ourselves a secluded dying institution. A group can either progress or die, it can never linger idle and survive. Shoghi Effendi will remember the members of the Boston Assembly in his prayers and ask for them divine guidance and help. Yours ever sincerely, {.sig} Rúḥí Afnán. {.sig} Note in Shoghi Effendi s handwriting: {.noid} Assuring you of my fervent prayers for your success and spiritual advancement. Your true brother, {.sig} Shoghi. {.sig} --- ## 292.
1930-09-19 to Nancy Bowditch re services in Boston {.center} The Artist’s Daughter, Nancy Douglas Bowditch, p224 {.ref .center} Dear Bahá’í Sister; {.noid} Shoghi Effendi wishes me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated August 18th, 1930. He hopes that as chairman of the Assembly you will succeed to render many services to the Cause in Boston. Such offices carry with them great responsibilities, but these are blessings for they enable us to serve the Cause so much more. The primary duty of the Assemblies is to take the initiative and find the ways and means for spreading the Cause and strengthening its position. Teaching in these days is of paramount importance. Shoghi Effendi hopes that the Boston friends will do their best to provide nice meetings where the public is attracted and then encourage personal contact with those who are interested. The Cause needs new blood, it needs more and more new adepts, new and competent servants. If we do not achieve that we will soon discover ourselves a secluded dying institution. A group can either progress or die, it can never linger idle and survive. Shoghi Effendi will remember the members of the Boston Assembly in his prayers and ask for them divine guidance and help. Yours ever sincerely, {.sig} Rúḥí Afnán. {.sig} Assuring you of my fervent prayers for your success and spiritual advancement. Your true brother, {.sig} Shoghi. {.sig} 1930-09-19 to Nancy Bowditch re services in Boston {.ref .center} --- ## 293.
1930-09-30 to Blomfield re translation of Dawnbreakers {.center} Lady Blomfield: Her Life and Times, Robert Weinberg, p297-8 {.ref .center} It brings the story to the banishment of Bahá’u’lláh from Persia, a most logical place to stop, Shoghi Effendi hopes that you have received the previous pages. He has not yet had time to go over the suggestions you have sent him but he is delighted to see that they are numerous ... ‘My dear Sitarih _Khánum,’ added the Guardian. ‘I am indeed most thankful to you for your painstaking efforts in going over the manuscript and of giving me your valuable suggestions. I trust that you will not be finding it too tedious and exacting a work. I have been working very hard on it, and I trust that it will help advance the interests of the Cause in the West. Again thanking you from the bottom of my heart, Yours affectionately, Shoghi. 1930-09-30 to Blomfield re translation of Dawnbreakers {.ref .center} --- ## 294.
1930-10-19 to May Maxwell re Chanler & Sohrab {.center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani, p124 {.ref .center} The situation in New York is certainly confused & critical. The utmost firmness & vigilance are required at the present moment on the part of the old believers, who have already experienced such crises & know full well that the Cause has eventually surmounted them. Aḥmad is the one who will precipitate this crisis. Mrs. Chanler is his dupe. He will through her do his utmost to bring about a division among the believers. I urge you to endeavour to save Mrs. Chanler from his grasp & to open her eyes to the truth. I will pray that the Beloved may guide your steps, cheer your heart & sustain your devoted efforts. Be not sad nor disheartened, the Cause will eventually triumph. Shoghi {.sig} 1930-10-19 to May Maxwell re Chanler & Sohrab {.ref .center} --- ## 295.
1930-10-24 appeal to believers re Historical Society situation {.center} 1930-10-24 appeal to believers re Historical Society situation {.ref .center} USBN #46 — November 1930 — page 10 {.ref .center} “Appeal American believers, New York believers in particular, (to) recall (during) these days of stress (the) sacredness of their trust (and the) nobility of their calling. Slightest evidence (of) internal division highly detrimental.” --- ## 296.
1930-10-24 re Ruth White {.center} 1930-10-24 re Ruth White {.ref .center} No. 47 — January 1931 — page 1 {.ref .center} (Mrs. Ruth) White’s base, preposterous imputations should be entirely ignored. Her machinations can never succeed impede onward march of Cause. Present agitation will assuredly die down. Appeal American Bahá’ís, New York believers in particular, recall these days of stress sacredness of their trust, nobility of their calling. Slightest evidence internal division highly detrimental. Have just completed rough rendering of most detailed authentic narrative early days of Faith trusting its eventual publication may serve heighten enthusiasm deepen faith American believers. --- ## 297.
1930-11-04 to Blomfield re translation and publication of Dawnbreakers {.center} Lady Blomfield: Her Life and Times, Robert Weinberg, p298 {.ref .center} I wish to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the pains you have taken in going so thoroughly over the manuscript which I am afraid you have found in parts tedious and wearisome,’ wrote Shoghi Effendi. ‘Would you advise its publication? I trust that you are feeling well, and that opportunities to sow the seed and disseminate the knowledge of the Cause are easily forthcoming. I feel rather tired after my strenuous work this summer, and I am now again plunged into an ocean of work on my return to Haifa. Wishing you all success, and assuring you of my prayers at the holy Shrines... 1930-11-04 to Blomfield re translation and publication of Dawnbreakers {.ref .center} --- ## 298.
1930-11-30 participation in the Inter-Religious Congress {.center} 1930-11-30 participation in the Inter-Religious Congress {.ref .center} USBN #62 — May 1932 — page 11 {.ref .center} World’s Fair (1933) Religious Congress Committee {.ref .center} “I feel that every effort should be made to secure from the authorities their approval for the holding of a special Bahá’í session in connection with the Inter-Religious Congress, at which a paper should be read on the Cause, its purpose, teachings and activities. The American believers, and if feasible, believers from Europe, should be adequately and befittingly represented. It would, I am sure, be of great value to the Cause, and if properly organized, would considerably enhance the prestige of the Cause. An international Bahá’í Congress would, on the other hand, due to manifold obstacles in our way, not produce this result. I trust and pray that the Assembly will be divinely assisted and inspired in taking the most effective preliminary measures for such a valuable and far-reaching undertaking.” SHOGHI. {.sig} --- ## 299.
1930-11-30 politics of Fellowship of Faiths {.center} 1930-11-30 Politics of Fellowship of Faiths {.ref .center} USBN #72 — April 1933 — pp. 3 {.ref .center} Your letter of November 17 reveals the character of the Fellowship of Faiths and I would urge the Assembly to exercise the utmost possible pressure on any believer no matter how influential he or she may be to withdraw from participation in its political activities. (signed) SHOGHI. {.sig} Haifa, Palestine, {.sig} November 30, 1932 {.sig} --- ## 300.
1930-11-xx greetings to Emperor of Japan via Martha Root {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p105 {.ref .center} KINDLY TRANSMIT HIM IMPERIAL MAJESTY EMPEROR OF JAPAN ON BEHALF MYSELF AND BAHÁ’ÍS WORLD OVER EXPRESSION OF OUR DEEPEST LOVE AS WELL AS ASSURANCE OUR HEARTFELT PRAYERS FOR HIS WELL-BEING AND PROSPERITY HIS ANCIENT REALM. 1930-11-xx greetings to Emperor of Japan via Martha Root {.ref .center} --- ## 301.
1930-12-07 all letters approved {.center} 1930-12-07 all letters read and approved {.ref .center} USBN #53 — July 1931 — page 5 {.ref .center} (From letter to Mrs. Marion Little, New York) {.ref .center} “I wish to add and say that whatever letters are sent in my behalf from Haifa are all read and approved by me before mailing. There is no exception whatever to this rule.” (Signed) SHOGHI {.sig} --- ## 302.
1930-12-30 to Philip Hainsworth re teaching in Africa {.center} Looking back in Wonder, Philip Hainsworth, p101-2 {.ref .center} Dear Bahá’í Brother; {.noid} Your two letters, one undated, and one dated April 19, have been received by our beloved Guardian, as well as the pamphlet — which he was delighted to see. He would be delighted to see you go as a pioneer to Africa and to later have your mother join you. She seems the true heroic pattern! He feels that in as far as possible the African pioneers should seek to get a job which will take them to one of the countries chosen and ensure employment for them there. It does not seem wise or necessary for a Bahá’í to stress the fact he or she is going there to teach. A people’s religion is their own business, and they can talk about it privately as much as they like without neglecting their employer’s work. Also, he feels no rules can be laid down about how to teach. Usually one teaches those receptive souls one finds. The same should apply to the beginning of the work in Africa. Any direct teaching work with the more primitive tribes would have to be done after finding out the best and most tactful way of doing it. The first step is to get to Africa, and, in view of the cost involved, and the state of the Fund, the pioneers should make every effort to get sent out there or at least get employment after arriving, thus relieving the Bahá’í Fund as much as possible. If this fails, then of course all the expense will have to be paid by the Fund. The Guardian is very pleased over the publications in African languages, and greatly appreciates what you have accomplished in this field, as well as your many other services. He will certainly pray you may settle your affairs satisfactorily at home, and then find a way to go to Africa. At present no pilgrims are permitted, as you know, but he feels sure some day you will again be a welcome guest in Haifa. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbání. ‘ {.sig} May the Almighty bless your strenuous’, constant and high endeavours, and enable you to enrich continually the splendid record of your valuable services to His Faith and its nascent institutions. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi. {.sig} 1930-12-30 to Philip Hainsworth re teaching in Africa {.ref .center} --- ## 303.
1930-12-xx effect of progress of Temple {.center} 1930-12-xx effect of progress of Temple {.ref .center} USBN #47 Jan 1931 p2 {.ref .center} ‘The progress of the Temple work is already reacting most favorably on the believers throughout the East, and will through them bring about a great reaction in favor of the Cause. I would appeal to all American Bel i eyers for concentrated and sustained effort in the prosecution of this great and holy enterprise. n.Iay the Beloved bless their high endeavors and fulfil their hearts’ desire.’” --- ## 304.
1930-12-xx To Indian Asian Womens Conf re profound interest {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p273 {.ref .center} CONVEY TO INDIAN ASIAN WOMEN’S CONFERENCE BEHALF GREATEST HOLY LEAF ‘ABDU’L-BAHÁ’S SISTER AND MYSELF OUR GENUINE PROFOUND INTEREST THEIR DELIBERATIONS. MAY ALMIGHTY GUIDE BLESS THEIR HIGH ENDEAVOURS 1930-12-xx To Indian Asian Women’s Conf re profound interest {.ref .center} --- ## 305.
1930-xx-xx Concerning the corner-stone {.center} 1930?-XX-XX Concerning the corner-stone {.ref .center} USBN #46 — November 1930 — page 6 {.ref .center} “Concerning the corner-stone of the Temple, which was laid by the Master, Shoghi Effendi says that it has no other special significance than a great honor conferred by the Master upon that building and it should be treated as a corner-stone and nothing more.” --- ## 306.
1930-xx-xx the example of Master in teaching {.center} 1930-xx-xx the example of Master in teaching {.ref .center} USBN #47 — January 1931 — page 6 {.ref .center} Let us bear in mind the example which our beloved Master has clearly set before us. Wise and tactful in His approach, wakeful and attentive in His early intercourse, broad and liberal in all His public utterances, cautious and gradual in the unfolding of the essential verities of the Cause, passionate in His appeal yet sober in argument, confident in tone, unswerving in conviction, dignified in His manners — such were the distinguishing features of our Beloved’s noble presentation of the Cause of Bahá’u’lláh.” --- ## 307.
1930-xx-xx To Tudor Pole re effect of Ruth White campaign {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p119 {.ref .center} the most powerful and determined opponents of the Faith in the East, who have challenged the very basis of Bahá’u’lláh’s Message, ... have not even hinted at the possibility of the Will being a forged document. They have vehemently attacked its provisions, but never questioned its authenticity. I feel that the greater the publicity given this vital issue, even if it should involve any government, the better for the Cause ... I feel pity rather than alarm at the efforts Mrs. White is exerting ... so great and weighty an issue which she raises, involving as it does the honour of the Cause, is bound sooner or later to be verified ... I am convinced that the stir she may create will be not detrimental but advantageous to the Faith. 1930-xx-xx To Tudor Pole re effect of Ruth White campaign {.ref .center} --- ## 308.
1930-xx-xx To unkown re Shoghi Effendis station {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p76 {.ref .center} Concerning Shoghi Effendi’s station: he surely has none except what the Master confers upon him in His Will and that Will also states what Shoghi Effendi’s station is. If anyone misinterprets one part of the Will he misinterprets all the Will. 1930-xx-xx To re Shoghi Effendi’s station {.ref .center} --- ## 309.
1931-01-08 necessity of unity {.center} EXTRACTS PROM SHOGHI EFFENDI’S LETTERS TO RUTH J. MOFFETT AND ROBERT LEE MOFFETT {.ref .center} January 8, 1931, Haifa. {.sig} “...What is the use of building an edifice to stand for Universal Peace when those who are to occupy it are divided among themselves? The very first consideration of the friends should be to establish the necessary spirit of love and kindliness among themselves and then try to reflect it to the world outside. True unity is of the hearts of men. We have to secure it before we go to building of Temples. Once that is achieved, then the friends should devote their time and energy toward the attraction of new souls. ... Surely the best form of service is when we can pay our own expenses but sometimes we cannot afford it. In such cases the Master permits us to accept the help offered us by others.” Your true brother, {.sig} Shoghi {.sig} --- ## 310.
1931-01-14 Commends BW Vol III {.center} 1931-01-14 Commends BW Vol III {.ref .center} USBN #49 — March 1931 — page 2-3 {.ref .center} My dear Mrs. Little: {.noid} I am directed by our Guardian to express his grateful thanks for your letter written on behalf of the Publishing Committee and dated December 16, 1930. He has received the copy of the Bahá’í World Vol. III, with the greatest pleasure and he wishes me to hasten and assure you that he is highly satisfied with the work. I am also asked to express Shoghi Effendi’s unqualified gratitude to the members of the Publishing Committee and not least yourself for their labors and industry in producing such a noteworthy publication. With his greetings and good wishes to you all, Sincerely yours, {.sig} (Signed) Soheil Afnán. {.sig} My dear Co-worker: {.noid} I am extremely pleased with the third volume of the Bahá’í World and have already sent a copy to Persia and encouraged the friends throughout the East to order copies directly from New York. Your true brother, {.sig} (Signed) SHOGHI. {.sig} Haifa, Palestine, {.sig} January 14, 1931. {.sig} --- ## 311.
1931-01-19 To Blomfield re Dawnbreakers {.center} Lady Blomfield: Her Life and Times, Robert Weinberg, p299 {.ref .center} [The Guardian’s] hope in undertaking this task was to present to the western friends the bare facts of the early days of the Movement, so that the same spirit that animated its early servants may again inspire the friends and arouse them to further exertions and sacrifices. My dear Ladee, {.noid} I wish to thank you most deeply for the painstaking efforts entailed in going so carefully over the entire manuscript. I greatly value your suggestions and will gladly incorporate them in the final copy. I have been revising it very drastically of late ... I have been working ten hours a day since I returned home and hope to send it for publication by the end of next month. Again thanking you from all my heart, and with my best wishes to Parvene _Khánum, Your true brother, Shoghi. I have added about two hundred pages of notes, all of which I trust will not weary the reader. Shoghi 1931-01-19 To Blomfield re Dawnbreakers {.ref .center} --- ## 312.
1931-01-30 re upcoming Bahá’í World volume {.center} 1931-01-30 re upcoming Bahá’í World volume {.ref .center} USBN #48 — February 1931 — page 8-9 {.ref .center} to the BW Editorial Secretary {.ref .center} My Dear Mr. Windust: {.noid} I am directed by the Guardian to thank you for your letter of January 8th with enclosures, all of which he has read with much interest. In view of the importance which, as you are well aware, Shoghi Effendi attaches to “The Bahá’í World publications, he wishes me to express his grateful and profound appreciation at every available opportunity for the painstaking efforts you lavish upon its publication. He is already looking forward to a still more instructive and attractive production this year and he patiently awaits the Manuscript next April. You can collect on the other side of the Atlantic all the material you want. He will sift and decide upon them here, after having your recommendation. With the assurance of his affection and prayers for you and your daughters, and with his sincere trust in the materialization of your visit to Haifa, Sincerely yours, {.sig} Sohiel Afnán. {.sig} My dear and precious co-worker: {.noid} I feel strongly that the forthcoming issue of “The Bahá’í World”, to which you are so devotedly attached, will arouse keen and widespread interest. I eagerly await the Manuscript by the end of April. I would like to urge that the original colors of the Manuscript which has been sent to you for reproduction should be distinctly and faithfully reproduced, inasmuch as the colored reproduction of the Master’s photograph on the frontispiece of Vol. II is slightly different and inferior in shade as compared with the original. May the Beloved guide you, sustain you, and fortify you in your historic task. Your affectionate brother, {.sig} SHOGHI. {.sig} Haifa, {.sig} January 30, 1930. {.sig} --- ## 313.
1931-01-xx Passing of Consul Schwarz {.center} 1931-01-xx Passing of Consul Schwarz {.ref .center} USBN #49 — March 1931 — page 5 {.ref .center} “Inexpressibly sad, profoundly deplore passing (of) Germany’s outstanding Bahá’í pioneer worker. The memory (of) his distinguished services (will be) imperishable. (The) Greatest Holy Leaf joins me (in) assurance (of) affectionate prayer (and) heart-felt condolences.” (Signed) SHOGHI. {.sig} --- ## 314.
1931-02-07 vigilance regarding Orientals {.center} 1931-02-07 vigilance regarding Orientals {.ref .center} USBN #53 — July 1931 — page 5 {.ref .center} to New York spiritual Assembly {.ref .center} “Appeal believers recall Master’s repeated warnings exercise vigilance discrimination reception Orientals otherwise great mischief will result; their credentials, behavior should be critically examined.” (Signed) SHOGHI. {.sig} --- ## 315.
1931-02-11 prevailing distress in America {.center} [http://www.9facets.org/9F/Arden_Lee_Collection_files/Guardian%20letters.pdf] {.ref .center} Mrs. Edris Rice-Wray Carson, {.noid} 413 Blackhawk Street, {.noid} Chicago, Ill. {.noid} Persian Colony, {.noid} Haifa, Palestine, {.noid} 2.11.31 {.noid} Dear Mrs. Carson: {.noid} Shoghi Effendi wishes me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter. He was very glad to hear of the determination of you and the other young members of the Bahá’í group to arise in serving the Cause. The prevailing distress in America and Europe should awaken the Youth to the futility of concentrating their whole life on purely material pursuits. They should learn the lesson that spiritual considerations should be the dominating factors of our life, that our guiding purpose should be to enhance our moral life and seek what is eternal and abiding. Should the different nations continue to go wrong and be guided by the selfish desire of personal aggrandisement, you will be the group that will suffer most. Our present policies bear their fruits only in the future, and it is the Youth of the present that are the men and women of the future. In his moments of prayer and meditation Shoghi Effendi will remember you all and ask for divine guidance, that you may spread the teachings of the Cause and raise the standard of peace and goodwill throughout the world. Yours ever sincerely. {.sig} (Signed) Rúḥí Afnán. {.sig} With the assurance of my loving prayers few your spiritual advancement and success in the service of the Cause, Your true brother. {.sig} (Signed) Shoghi. {.sig} --- ## 316.
1931-02-xx passing of Francis William Breed {.center} 1931-02-xx passing of Francis William Breed {.ref .center} USBN #49 — March 1931 — page 3 {.ref .center} “ Assure you sympathy, prayers, departed father; love. SHOGHI.” {.sig} ========= {.noid} [Mr. Breed was father of Florence, wife of ‘Alí Kuli _Khán]. {.ed} --- ## 317.
1931-03-03 to Martha Root re the work Dawnbreakers entailed. {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p217 {.ref .center} I have just completed, after eight months of continuous and hard labour, the translation of the history of the early days of the Cause and have sent the manuscript to the American National Assembly. The work comprises about 600 pages and 200 pages of additional notes that I have gleaned during the summer months from different books. I have been so absorbed in this work that I have been forced to delay my correspondence... I am now so tired and exhausted that I can hardly write... The record is an authentic one and deals chiefly with the Báb. Parts of it have been read to Bahá’u’lláh and been revised by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá... I am so overcome with fatigue caused by the long and sever strain of the work I have undertaken that I must stop and lie down. 1931-03-03 to Martha Root re the work Dawnbreakers entailed. {.ref .center} --- ## 318.
1931-03-09 association with Orientals {.center} 1931-03-09 association w/ Orientals {.ref .center} USBN #53 — July 1931 — page 4-5 {.ref .center} My dear co-workers: [New York Spiritual Assembly] {.noid} I wish to add a few lines and remind you of the necessity of refusing to admit to your assembly, or associate with, any Oriental who does not have proper credentials from a recognized Spiritual Assembly. I am sure that a few are trying to cause mischief and bring about a split in the ranks of the believers in these days of stress, and the utmost caution should be exercised, lest these mischief-makers succeed in undermining the foundations of the Cause. Your true brother and well wisher, {.sig} (Signed) SHOGHI. {.sig} Haifa, Palestine, {.sig} March 9, 1931. {.sig} --- ## 319.
1931-03-13 give Faith due position {.center} EXTRACTS PROM SHOGHI EFFENDI’S LETTERS TO RUTH J. MOFFETT AND ROBERT LEE MOFFETT {.ref .center} March 13, 1931, Haifa. {.ref .center} “... Now that the Temple work is progressing and nearing completion so rapidly, he hopes that the friends will keep pace in their teaching work. When the News Letter arrives, the two most attractive subjects are, the progress of the Temple, and the report of the Teaching Committee. As far as its organization is considered, the teaching work is made very effective, but that is not sufficient, for we are awaiting results. What we want is persons who give the Cause its due position in their lives and desire to come to our help in furthering its hopes and aspirations.” Your true brother, {.sig} Shoghi {.sig} --- ## 320.
1931-03-15 To Publishing Committee {.center} 1931-03-15 To Publishing Committee {.ref .center} USBN #51 — April 1931 — page 7 {.ref .center} “Much of the progress of the Cause depends upon you, for more people are attracted through reading than by hearing lectures given. The first requisite, however, is that everything that is put before the public should be of the highest type, both literary and artistic. The Cause is in great need of first class publications.” through Rúḥí Afnán Effendi {.sig} --- ## 321.
1931-03-23 to May Maxwell — ignore Aḥmad try to win back Chanler {.center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani, p126-7 {.ref .center} My dear and valued co-worker: {.noid} Your letter so eloquently testifying to your immovable faith and abiding loyalty to the Cause, has greatly refreshed me. In these days of stress, of suffering and turmoil — out of which the Cause must needs emerge purer, stronger and nobler than ever — 1 look to you as a shining light, a pillar of faith and a tower of strength overshadowing all who falter and feel disheartened. I strongly feel that the best way to meet the situation is to ignore Aḥmad entirely, neither to openly denounce him nor to financially assist him. Try however to win unreservedly to our beloved Cause that pure and tender hearted Mrs. Chanler, for whom I feel a great love and sympathy. Much love to Mary and her father. Shoghi {.sig} 1931-03-23 to May Maxwell: ignore Aḥmad, try to win back Chanler {.ed} --- ## 322.
1931-04-02 To USNSA {.center} 1931-04-02 To USNSA {.ref .center} USBN #55 September 1931 pp1 & 5 {.ref .center} TO THE MEMBERS OF THE NATIONAL SPIRITUAL ASSEMBLY, APRIL 2, 1931 {.ref .center} Read at the Annual Convention {.ref .center} Chicago, May. 1931. {.noid} Dear Mr. Lunt: {.noid} Shoghi Effendi wishes me to acknowledge in his behalf the letters that you have written him on behalf of the National Spiritual Assembly dated September 27th, December 10th, February 18th, January 20th and March 3rd. all of which he read with the deepest interest, but was unable to answer in view of the pressure of work due to his translation of Nabíl’s history. Concerning individual teaching, Shoghi Effendi would urge every Bahá’í who feels the urge to exercise his right of teaching unofficially the Cause, to keep in close touch with the Local Spiritual Assembly of the locality in which he is working. The Local Spiritual Assembly while reserving for itself the right to control such activities on the part of individual Bahá’ís, should do its utmost to encourage such teachers and to put at their disposal whatever facilities they would need in such circumstances. Should any differences arise, the National Spiritual Assembly would naturally have to intervene and adjust matters. Shoghi Effendi feels that in any locality where the number of adult believers reaches nine, A Local Assembly should be established. He fed* this to be an obligation rather than a purely voluntary act. Only in exceptional cases has the National Spiritual Assembly the right to postpone the formation of an Assembly if it feels that the situation does not warrant such a formation. This right, however, should be exercised if the situation absolutely demands it. As to the principle according to which the area of the jurisdiction of a Local Assembly is to be determined, he feels this to be the function of the National Spiritual Assembly; whatever principle they uphold should be fairly applied to all localities without any distinction whatever. As to the character of the meetings in the Auditorium of the Temple, he feels that they should be purely devotional in character, Bahá’í addresses and lectures should be strictly excluded. For the present, he feels that there would be no objection to having Bahá’í meetings including addresses and the business sessions of the Convention held in the Foundation Hall. Shoghi Effendi would urge that choir singing by men, women and children be encouraged in the Auditorium and that rigidity in the Bahá’í service be scrupulously avoided. The more universal and informal the character of Bahá’í worship in the Temple the better. Images and pictures, with the exception of the Greatest Name, should be strictly excluded. Prayers revealed by Bahá’u’lláh and the Master as well as the sacred writings of the Prophets should be read or chanted as well as hymns based upon Bahá’í or non-Bahá’í sacred writings. Shoghi Effendi would wish you to get in touch with the Egyptian authorities and press for Bahá’í recognition in that land. The petition that you have prepared should be forwarded and the National Spiritual Assembly in Egypt should be pressed to take whatever measure is necessary to insure its success. The letter you have received from Constantinople is by no means representative of the actual conditions there, and Shoghi Effendi is urging the friends in that city to re-establish their Assembly and resume their relationships with the Bahá’í world. Concerning the qualifications required for voting, Shoghi Effendi has laid down the essential conditions already in his letters, no further restrictions should be added to them. It is for the Local Assembly to decide in this matter. They should exercise this right with extreme tact and caution and avoid rigidity and formalism. There is no distinction in this respect between new and old believers, nor should contributions to the national or local funds be made a condition for voting. Shoghi Effendi feels deeply the delicacy and complexity of these problems with which you are constantly being faced, and he will pray for you all that you may be guided in your efforts to extend the scope and consolidate the foundations of God’s Holy Faith. Yours ever sincerely. {.sig} Rúḥí Afnán. {.sig} My dear co-workers: {.noid} I wish to add a few words in person and assure you of my deep sense of appreciation of the wisdom, the energy and the determination With which you are facing and handling the many issues involved in the extension of the Cause, I feel that the Bahá’í world is greatly indebted to you for the splendid manner in which you have arisen to propagate the Faith and to consolidate its basis May the Almighty sustain you in your high endeavors. Your true brother, {.sig} SHOGHI. {.sig} --- ## 323.
1931-04-02 various to NSA {.center} 1931-04-02 various to NSA {.ref .center} USBN #55 — September 1931 — page 1 and 5 {.ref .center} To the Members of the National Spiritual Assembly, April 2, 1931 {.ref .center} Dear Mr. Lunt: {.noid} Shoghi Effendi wishes me to acknowledge in his behalf the letters that you have written him on behalf of the National Spiritual Assembly dated September 27th, December 10th, February 18th, January 20th and March 3rd, all of which he read with the deepest interest, but was unable to answer in view of the pressure of work due to his translation of Nabíl’s history. Concerning individual teaching, Shoghi Effendi would urge every Bahá’í who feels the urge to exercise his right of teaching unofficially the Cause, to keep in close touch with the Local Spiritual Assembly of the locality in which he is working. The Local Spiritual Assembly while reserving for itself the right to control such activities on the part of individual Bahá’ís, should do its utmost to encourage such teachers and to put at their disposal whatever facilities they would need in such circumstances. Should any differences arise, the National Spiritual Assembly would naturally have to intervene and adjust matters. Shoghi Effendi feels that in any locality where the number of adult believers reaches nine. A Local Assembly “should be established. he feels this to be an obligation rather than a purely voluntary act. Only in exceptional cases has the National Spiritual Assembly the right to postpone the formation of an Assembly if it feels that the situation does not warrant such a formation. This right, however, should be exercised if the situation absolutely demands it. As to the principle according to which the area of the jurisdiction of a Local Assembly is to be determined, he feels this to be the function of the National Spiritual Assembly; whatever principle they uphold should be fairly applied to all localities without any distinction whatever. As to the character of the meetings in the Auditorium of the Temple, he feels that they should be purely devotional in character, Bahá’í addresses and lectures should be strictly excluded. For the present, he feels that there would be no objection to having Bahá’í meetings including addresses and the business sessions of the Convention held in the Foundation Hall. Shoghi Effendi would urge that choir singing by men, women and children be encouraged in the Auditorium and that rigidity in the Bahá’í service be scrupulously avoided. The more universal and informal the character of Bahá’í worship in the Temple the better. Images and pictures, with the exception of the Greatest Name, should be strictly excluded. Prayers revealed by Bahá’u’lláh and the Master as well as the sacred writings of the Prophets should be read or chanted as well as hymns based upon Bahá’í or non — Bahá’í sacred writings. Shoghi Effendi would wish you to get in touch with the Egyptian authorities and press for Bahá’í recognition in that land. The petition that you have prepared should be forwarded and the National Spiritual Assembly in Egypt should be pressed to take whatever measure is necessary to insure its success. The letter you have received from Constantinople is by no means representative of the actual conditions there, and Shoghi Effendi is urging the friends in that city to re-establish their Assembly and resume their relationships with the Bahá’í world. Concerning the qualifications required for voting, Shoghi Effendi has laid down the essential conditions already in his letters, no further restrictions should be added to them. It is for the Local Assembly to decide in this matter. They should exercise the right with extreme tact and caution and avoid rigidity and formalism. There is no distinction in this respect between new and old believers, nor should contributions to the national or local funds be made a condition for voting. Shoghi Effendi feels deeply the delicacy and complexity of these problems with which you are constantly being faced, and he will pray for you all that you may be guided in your efforts to extend the scope and consolidate the foundations of God’s Holy Faith. Yours ever sincerely, {.sig} Rúḥí Afnán. {.sig} My dear co-workers: {.noid} I wish to add a few words in person and assure you of my deep sense of appreciation of the wisdom, the energy and the determination with which you are facing and handling the many issues involved in the extension of the Cause. I feel that the Bahá’í world is greatly indebted to you for the splendid manner in which you have arisen to propagate the Faith and to consolidate its basis. May the Almighty sustain you in your high endeavors. Your true brother, {.sig} SHOGHI. {.sig} --- ## 324.
1931-04-xx Riḍván Greetings to Germany {.center} 1931-04-xx Riḍván Greetings to Germany {.ref .center} USBN #48 — February 1931 — page 7 {.ref .center} “Loving appreciation Riḍván greetings fervently supplicating Beloved continued blessings upon His dearly beloved loyal and valiant followers in that Land. Shoghi.” --- ## 325.
1931-04-xx Riḍván greetings to German NSA {.center} 1931-04-xx Riḍván greetings to German NSA {.ref .center} USBN #48 — February 1931 — page 7 {.ref .center} A second cable to the Chairman followed with the contents: {.ref .center} “Convey Bahá’í Congress my admiration for their loyalty, noble endeavor praying for harmony your selection Spiritual National Assembly deepest love Riḍván greetings. Shoghi.” --- ## 326.
1931-05-01 Greetings to U.S. National Conv {.center} 1931-05-01 Greetings to U.S. National Conv {.ref .center} USBN #52 — May 1931 — page 1 {.ref .center} “The Greatest Holy Leaf joins me in requesting delegates assembled under Ma_shriqu’l-A_dhkár’s sacred dome convey all American believers expression our heartfelt congratulations, boundless joy, profound gratitude practical completion superstructure glorious edifice. Fervently appeal all associated this holy enterprise, consummate their achievement by upholding whatever manner national representatives may deem necessary for provision exterior ornamentation. Inestimable blessing shall crown America’s sustained, self — sacrificing endeavor. SHOGHI.” {.sig} --- ## 327.
1931-05-01 appeal for exterior ornamentation temple {.center} 1931-05-01 appeal for exterior ornamentation temple {.ref .center} USBN #53 July 1931 p3 {.ref .center} “Fervently appeal all associated this holy enterprise, consummate their achievement by upholding whatever measures National representatives may deem necessary for provision exterior ornamentation. Inestimable blessing shall crown America’s sustained self-sacrificing endeavors.” — (Signed) SHOGHI. {.sig} --- ## 328.
1931-05-02 response to election of NSA {.center} 1931-05-02 response to election of NSA {.ref .center} USBN #52 — May 1931 — page 1 {.ref .center} [Upon transmitting news of re-election of entire membership of National Assembly:] {.ref .center} “Welcome your action as befitting tribute to National Assembly’s magnificent record of service. Deeply appreciate. Profoundly moved. Striking evidence Bahá’í solidarity. Continued self-sacrifice.” “SHOGHI.” {.sig} --- ## 329.
1931-05-31 new era when temple completed {.center} 1931-05-31 new era when temple completed {.ref .center} USBN #55 Sept 1931 p4 {.ref .center} “Shoghi Effendi wishes me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated May 9th, 1931. He sincerely hopes that now that the Temple is completed it will be filled to the full with pure, seeking souls. It should be different from other houses of worship, where, even if they are filled, their source of attraction is the music heard. Here the spirit should be so powerful as to awaken the heart of every one that enters, to the glory of Bahá’u’lláh and to the importance of the message of peace He has brought to the world. Please God, the Master’s promise will be fulfilled and the construction of the Temple will inaugurate a new era in the history of the Cause in America.” --- ## 330.
1931-05-xx greeting to German Convention {.center} 1931-05-xx greeting to German Convention {.ref .center} USBN #53 — July 1931 — page 7 {.ref .center} Cable-greeting from Shoghi Effendi {.ref .center} “Haifa — Schwarz-Alexanderstrasse — Stuttgart {.ref .center} Convey convention delegates expression profound admiration constancy German believers overjoyed their successful resistance severe trials assure them loving continued prayers.” (Signed) SHOGHI. {.sig} --- ## 331.
1931-05-xx passing of Claudia Coles {.center} 1931-05-xx passing of Claudia Coles {.ref .center} USBN #53 — July 1931 — page 7 {.ref .center} Claudia Coles — funeral May 27. {.ref .center} “Deeply grieved passing such staunch indefatigable Bahá’í worker. Assure her daughter, relatives, friends, heartfelt condolences, fervent prayers.” (Signed) SHOGHI. {.sig} --- ## 332.
1931-06-04 re Limited Edition of Nabíls Narrative {.center} 1931-06-04 re Limited Edition of Nabíl’s Narrative {.ref .center} No. 55 — September 1931 — page 3 {.ref .center} “Shoghi Effendi was delighted with the splendid suggestion of your husband (Mr. Raymond D. Little) regarding the Nabíl Narrative and he is glad that your Publishing Committee has approved it. He has already hastened in cabling ‘yes’ and he wishes me to write in full to assure you that he would he quite ready to autograph the volumes for the de luxe edition. The initial cost of the publication was something that worried him, hence his gratitude for the able suggestion of your husband.” ========= {.noid} This is in response to the idea that there be a Limited Edition of the Dawn-Breakers, consisting of 150 copies signed by Shoghi Effendi. --- ## 333.
1931-06-20 Teaching and the Temple {.center} 1931-06-20 Teaching and the Temple {.ref .center} USBN #53 — July 1931 — page 3 {.ref .center} “Shoghi Effendi believes that the Temple and teaching work should be continued to be regarded as the twin outstanding activities of the Believers in America. Everything else should be subordinated to this urgent need. The work of applying the exterior ornamentation to the completed structure should proceed steadily and as speedily as possible. Shoghi Effendi feels that the full effect and influence of the Temple can be revealed only when the work in its entirety is accomplished. All the beauty and glory of the Temple depends upon the exterior garment of stone with which it is to be adorned, while the consummation of the task will in itself act as a magnet that will draw the promised blessings of the Master. Nothing short of continued self-sacrifice can achieve this end. In fact, the greater the obstacles in our way, the greater will be the reward we are destined to reap. The present financial depression should be regarded both as a challenge and an opportunity to prove the reality and potency of our faith. Shoghi Effendi will continue to pray for the American Believers who are destined to render still more glorious services to the Cause in the future.” --- ## 334.
1931-06-xx exterior ornamentation of Temple {.center} 1931-06-xx exterior ornamentation of Temple {.ref .center} USBN #79 — November 1933 — page 2 {.ref .center} Perhaps also it is not too late to recall the Guardian’s message to the 1931 Convention: {.ref .center} “Fervently appeal to all associated with this holy enterprise to consummate their achievement by upholding whatever measures National representatives may deem necessary for provision of exterior ornamentation. Inestimable blessing shall crown America’s sustained, self-sacrificing endeavors.” --- ## 335.
1931-07-24 to British Bahá’ís re Rosenburg and Coles {.center} Lady Blomfield: Her Life and Times, Robert Weinberg, p299 {.ref .center} Although this year has been on the whole very disastrous because of the terrible loss which the English friends have suffered by the passing of Miss Rosenberg and Mrs Claudia Coles, yet the Guardian hopes that the believers far from being discouraged will be enabled to unite their efforts and to carry on a successful campaign of teaching. He wishes the friends to follow the example of our two distinguished Bahá’í sisters who have recently passed away and to never cease to deliver the Holy Message by every means at their disposal. 1931-07-24 to British Bahá’ís re Rosenburg and Coles {.ref .center} ========= {.noid} Weinberg gives as a source a memorandum fm the Research Dept, rather than a copy in an archives. It is also not contained in the “Unfolding Destiny”, which makes it unclear to whom the msg was sent. --- ## 336.
1931-07-31 to Latimer obo SE re Geyserville & public {.center} Leroy Ioas, Hand of the Cause of God, Chapman, p58 The Geyserville Summer School should be considered as one of the best means through which the public can be acquainted with the teachings and the principles of the Faith. 1931-07-31 to Latimer obo SE re Geyserville & public {.ref .center} --- ## 337.
1931-08-03 to Martha re Queen Maries response {.center} Her Eternal Crown: Queen Marie of Romania and the Bahá’í Faith, Della L Marcus, pp180 {.ref .center} MARTHA CARE WILHELMITE NEW YORK DELIGHTED MARIES RESPONSE. KINDLY TRANSMIT PRINCESS ILEANA CONGRATULATIONS BEST WISHES SHOGHI {.sig} 1931-08-03 to Martha re Queen Marie’s response {.ref .center} ========= {.noid} “Maries response” is a ref to material the material she sent of use in the BW. Princess Ileana had just gotten married. --- ## 338.
1931-08-05 re Nabíls narrative {.center} 1931-05-xx re Nabíl’s narrative {.ref .center} USBN #52 may 1931 p4 {.ref .center} “Heartily endorse plan to secure co-operation believers publication Nabíl’s Narrative. Mailing October check for hundred copies.-SHOGHI.’”” --- ## 339.
1931-08-10 To Nancy Bowditch re appreciation for named svcs {.center} The Artist’s Daughter, Nancy Douglas Bowditch, p254-5 Dear Mrs. Bowditch: Shoghi Effendi wishes me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter written from Dublin. He was pleased to know of the work you and Mrs. Parsons succeeded to do this last summer, and hopes that it is the beginning of a greater work in the future. He trusts that every one of those who were interested will keep on studying the literature until they become well grounded in the tenets of the Faith. Shoghi Effendi saw your article published in the Star and was so pleased with it that he hopes to include it in the Bahá’í World. Shoghi Effendi does not know of any special Tablet of the Master concerning Dublin. He would however like to see Mrs. Parsons stress the dynamic influence the Master’s personality had upon those who entered His presence, and also state some incidents to confirm that fact. Shoghi Effendi was very glad to hear that you are busy working on a portrait of Dr. Esslemont. When completed, he would like to see it hung in the Mansion of Bahá’u’lláh in Bahjí, adjoining to His room. Please extend Shoghi Effendi’s greetings to Mr. Frank Chant; he hopes that you will keep in touch with him, for without a personal touch such persons may gradually be lost to the Cause. Though the seed planted in their heart will never die out completely, yet they will fail to bear fruit and render some service to the Faith. Shoghi Effendi was also glad to hear that Polly is keeping up her interest and conscientiously studying the literature. Please remember him to her. In closing may I assure you of Shoghi Effendi’s prayers and of his appreciation for the services you are rendering to the Cause. Yours ever sincerely, Rúḥí Afnán. Dear and valued co-worker: I very much regret the unavoidable delay in answering your most welcome letter. I wish to assure you in person of my keen appreciation of the moving article you have contributed to the Star. It has greatly touched me. I am looking forward to your painting which I trust will ere long adorn the walls of the Mansion at Bahjí. The memory of your visit is still fresh in my mind. I will continue to pray for you that the beloved may inspire your pen and tongue in the service of His Cause. Your true brother, {.sig} Shoghi. {.sig} 1931-08-10 To Nancy Bowditch re appreciation for named svcs {.ref .center} --- ## 340.
1931-08-10 re Nancy Bowditch portrait of Esslemont {.center} “The Artist’s Daughter” , Nancy Douglas Bowditch, p254-5 54. Letter from The Guardian via RúḥíAfnán to Nancy Bowditch. Dated 8-10-31, Persian Colony, Haifa, Palestine. Dear Mrs. Bowditch: Shoghi Effendi wishes me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter written from Dublin. He was pleased to know of the work you and Mrs. Parsons succeeded to do this last summer, and hopes that it is the beginning of a greater work in the future. He trusts that every one of those who were interested will keep on studying the literature until they become well grounded in the tenets of the Faith. Shoghi Effendi saw your article published in the Star and was so pleased with it that he hopes to include it in the Bahá’í World. Shoghi Effendi does not know of any special Tablet of the Master concerning Dublin. He would however like to see Mrs. Parsons stress the dynamic influence the Master’s personality had upon those who entered His presence, and also state some incidents to confirm that fact. Shoghi Effendi was very glad to hear that you are busy working on a portrait of Dr. Esslemont. When completed, he would like to see it hung in the Mansion of Bahá’u’lláh in Bahjí, adjoining to His room. Please extend Shoghi Effendi’s greetings to Mr. Frank Chant; he hopes that you will keep in touch with him, for without a personal touch such persons may gradually be lost to the Cause. Though the seed planted in their heart will never die out completely, yet they will fail to bear fruit and render some service to the Faith. Shoghi Effendi was also glad to hear that Polly is keeping up her interest and conscientiously studying the literature. Please remember him to her. In closing may I assure you of Shoghi Effendi’s prayers and of his appreciation for the services you are rendering to the Cause. Yours ever sincerely, Rúḥí Afnán. Note in Shoghi Effendi’s handwriting: Dear and valued co-worker: I very much regret the unavoidable delay in answering your most welcome letter. I wish to assure you in person of my keen appreciation of the moving article you have contributed to the Star. It has greatly touched me. I am looking forward to your painting which I trust will ere long adorn the walls of the Mansion at Bahjí. The memory of your visit is still fresh in my mind. I will continue to pray for you that the beloved may inspire your pen and tongue in the service of His Cause. Your true brother, {.sig} Shoghi. {.sig} --- ## 341.
1931-08-22 to Martha {.center} Her Eternal Crown: Queen Marie of Romania and the Bahá’í Faith, Della L Marcus, pp180-1 {.ref .center} No words can adequately express my pleasure at the receipt of your letter enclosing the precious appreciation which will constitute a valuable and outstanding contribution to the forthcoming issue of The Bahá’í World’ ... I shall retain it until I receive the manuscript of ‘The Bahá’í World’, and will insert it myself in its proper place. You will I am sure express our deepest thanks to her for her response. You will, I presume, acquaint Mrs French with this noteworthy contribution to the work in which she is so devotedly engaged. I hope that you will be able before you leave the States to send to Mrs French a graphic and illuminating report of your worldwide and unique activities during the past two years. I am certain that next to the Queen’s appreciation, your article will be regarded as the most noteworthy and inspiring contribution to the book. 1931-08-22 to Martha {.ref .center} --- ## 342.
1931-08-25 NSA Palestine Branch incorporated {.center} 1931-08-25 NSA Palestine Branch incorporated {.ref .center} USBN #57 — December 1931 — page 3 {.ref .center} “It would interest you to know that the American National Spiritual Assembly, Palestine Branch, has been incorporated according to the law in Palestine, not as a foreign corporation or a charitable trust, but as a “religious society” enjoying all the privileges attaching to recognized religious institutions in the Holy Land. Shoghi Effendi hopes to transfer to the name of your Assembly additional plots of land in the vicinity of the shrine of Bahá’u’lláh in ‘Akká and of the Báb at Mount Carmel as soon as he obtains the necessary authorization from the authorities, inasmuch as the right of holding real estate by religious institutions is strictly limited according to Palestinian law. This step which he has taken, which has necessitated many months of careful and delicate negotiations with both the local and central authorities, our Guardian feels will constitute the prelude to the eventual formation and recognition, by the Palestine Government, of a properly constituted International Bahá’í Assembly, functioning as an independent religious body in the Holy Land.” --- ## 343.
1931-08-25 Re True pilgrims notes of 1931 {.center} 1931-08-25 Re True pilgrim’s notes of 1931 {.ref .center} USBN #57 — December 1931 — page 4 {.ref .center} “Regarding the quotation from Mrs. True’s notes, Shoghi Effendi wishes me to assure you of both their authenticity and present application. The celebration of November 26th as the Day of the Covenant should be observed by the believers {.sig} throughout the world.” ========= {.noid} see notes at USBN #57 December 1931 p4 --- ## 344.
1931-08-29 to Corrine True various {.center} 1931-08-29 to Corrine True, various {.ref .center} USBN #57 — December 1931 — page 4 {.ref .center} Letter to Mrs. Corinne True, dated August 29th, 1931 Dear Bahá’í Sister: I am charged by Shoghi Effendi to acknowledge on his behalf the receipt of your kind letter of July 30th, 1931, and to extend to you his loving appreciation of your precious and continued services to our beloved Cause. He wishes me also to inform you of the receipt of the picture of the first Convention which you had sent for him, and he has placed it in the Mansion at Bahjí. Regarding the statements which you had made in your recent talk to the Racine Bahá’ís, Shoghi Effendi fully approves their validity and urges all the American believers to abide by them. He wishes you, therefore, to write again and recommend Dr. Morris, whose last letter addressed to you he read with careful attention, to not let himself become involved in the policies of the different new movements that are springing up in the States, and to concentrate all his efforts on activities which are purely Bahá’í in character. This should not mean that the ideal which these societies are promoting are contrary to those proclaimed by Bahá’u’lláh. Most of them present great similarities to the Bahá’í teachings. But the chief difference is that the Bahá’í principles and the Bahá’í institutions are divine in their origin and their character and that they are under the divine protection of Bahá’u’lláh. It is in His Name therefore, that the Bahá’ís should strive. It is to Him that they should look for help, and it is in His Bounty that they should have an unswerving faith. With the renewed assurance of Shoghi Effendi’s best wishes and of his constant and fervent prayers for your spiritual advancement and success. Yours in His Service, (Signed) H. Rabbání. {.sig} Written on the above letter by Shoghi Effendi: “Dear and esteemed co-worker: I have corroborated, in my recent letter to Mr. Lunt, the statement that you have made regarding my conversations with you in Haifa. They have been accurately and faithfully conveyed. Your staunch, unswerving faith, your boundless devotion and assiduous care to preserve the integrity and extend the bounds of the Cause, are among the most richly valued assets that the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh has in that land. Every visit you pay us in Haifa serves to confirm this conviction. I would now urge you to remind, encourage and appeal to all believers you meet, to arise, however great the obstacles, to contribute their share to the New Plan of Unified Action recently announced by the National Spiritual Assembly. The Plan has my wholehearted and unqualified approval. May every believer speedily and generously respond. Your true brother, {.sig} “SHOGHI.” --- ## 345.
1931-08-31 re new Plan of Unified Action {.center} 1931-10-xx re new Plan of Unified Action {.ref .center} USBN #56 — October-November 1931 — page 1 {.ref .center} “My dear and esteemed co-workers: The new Plan of Unified Action conceived, adopted and published by your Assembly is an admirable one. It is at once concise, appealing in tone, dignified in presentation and practical in its conception. It fully and truly deserves the unreserved support of every American believer. I shall be glad to associate myself with this further collective and heroic effort exerted by the friends by contributing to your National Fund, every month for a period of three years, the sum of $95. Your Assembly, faithful to its trust and conscious of its high calling, has sounded the call for a further and final effort on the part of the followers of Bahá’u’lláh in that land. It is for them, now if ever, to arise for the speedy consummation of a divinely appointed task. Shoghi.” --- ## 346.
1931-09-05 to Mrs. Victoria Bedikian {.center} 1931-09-05 to Mrs. Victoria Bedikian {.ref .center} No. 55 — September 1931 — page 5 Dear Bahá’í Sister: Shoghi Effendi wishes me to acknowledge on his behalf the receipt of your letter dated July 15th, 1931, and to assure you of his profound appreciation of your continued and precious services to the Cause. The Guardian was particularly gratified to receive your enclosed letters addressed to some of the believers encouraging them to endorse the New Plan of Unified Action recently issued by the National Assembly. He wishes you, however, to persevere in your efforts and to be wholly confident in the promises of the Master concerning the ultimate triumph of the Faith. We are passing through an age of scepticism and unbelief; but we should not let our faith lose in its strength or be dimmed by the mischief clouds of hesitation and doubt. With the assurance of Shoghi Effendi’s best wishes and of his ardent prayers for your advancement and success. Yours in His Service, H. Rabbání. My dear co-worker: Your unremitting labors are a great encouragement to me and a source of real joy. You should continue, with undivided attention and undiminished energy, your historic work of enlisting world-wide support for the New Plan of Unified Action which I have already heartily endorsed. May the Almighty sustain and bless your exemplary endeavors. SHOGHI. {.sig} --- ## 347.
1931-09-10 to Willard Hatch {.center} 1931-09-10 to Willard Hatch {.ref .center} USBN #56 — October-November 1931 — page 3 {.ref .center} to Mr. Willard Hatch, “I hope and pray that you will be able to concentrate your efforts on arousing the believers and urging them to attain to still greater mass-sacrifice and self-abnegation. The new plan must not fall into abeyance, it deserves the sustained and energetic support of every believer in the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh. Inestimable blessing shall crown America’s high and self-sacrificing endeavors.” --- ## 348.
1931-09-xx To USNSA various {.center} 1931-09?-XX to USNSA various {.ref .center} USBN #56 — October-November 1931 — page 3 {.ref .center} To the National Spiritual Assembly Mr. Alfred Lunt, Secretary. Dear Bahá’í Brother: I am directed by Shoghi Effendi to acknowledge on his behalf the receipt of your three letters dated July 6th, June 4th and July 9th, together with their enclosures, all of which he has read with careful attention and deep interest. Our Guardian wishes me to express his lively satisfaction at the efficiency and promptness with which the National Spiritual Assembly have undertaken the publication of “Nabíl’s Narrative. The plan you have conceived to further the means for its production has met with his unqualified approval, and he hopes that the response of the believers, not only among the English speaking Bahá’ís, but the friends throughout the world, will be such as to repay fully the painstaking efforts which you have exerted to insure its success. He has already cabled you expressing his desire to associate himself with the effort that you have made, and he will be glad to forward in the month of October a check for the hundred copies of the standard edition which he has {.sig} requested you to send him. In addition he will mail a sum of three-hundred dollars for nine copies of the special edition which he hopes to send to a few well-known friends of the Cause. Shoghi Effendi would be pleased to hear of the response of the believers to the call for both editions and would be glad to help in any way he possibly can for a wide and prompt distribution of the volume published by your committee... . Shoghi Effendi was rather affected to learn of the meagre response of the believers to the call urging them to maintain the standard of their self — sacrificing endeavors in connection with the Temple. He is fully alive to the critical character of the financial situation throughout the world and is well aware of the extent of sacrifice that the completion of the structure has already entailed. The publication of the “New Plan of Unified Action,” he fervently hopes and prays, will prove the signal for a fresh outburst of self-sacrificing zeal which can alone carry this sacred enterprise to a successful conclusion. Regarding the report of the Committee on Persian travel, Shoghi Effendi feels that the paramount needs of the Temple should be given first consideration by the believers. Not until the work of the exterior ornamentation on the first unit (superstructure) of the Temple has sufficiently advanced would he advise the American believers to embark on a fresh financial enterprise, however valuable and significant it might be. Our Guardian trusts that a careful reading of Nabíl’s Narrative will not only serve to familiarize the American believers with the character of the stirring events that have marked the birth of the Cause in that land, but will serve to deepen their realization of the spirit that animated those who have achieved such immortal renown on its soil. With Shoghi Effendi’s renewed assurance of unqualified admiration for the manner in which you have arisen, in collaboration with the other members of the National Spiritual Assembly, to discharge your sacred and arduous duties. Yours sincerely, (Signed) H. Rabbání. {.sig} My dear and esteemed co-worker: The “New Plan of Unified Action: conceived, adopted and published by your Assembly is an admirable one. It is at once concise, appealing in tone, dignified in presentation and practical in its conception. It fully and truly deserves the unreserved support of every American believer. I shall be glad to associate myself with this further collective and heroic effort exerted by the friends by contributing to your National Fund every month for a period of three years, the sum of ninety-five dollars. Your Assembly, faithful to its trust and conscious of its high calling, has sounded the call for a further and final effort on the part of the followers of Bahá’u’lláh in that land. It is for them, now if ever, to arise for the speedy consummation of a divinely appointed task. (Signed) SHOGHI. {.sig} --- ## 349.
1931-10-08 obo SE to Juanita Storch re effect of Geyserville {.center} Leroy Ioas, Hand of the Cause of God, Chapman, p58 ... those who assemble there, then disperse throughout the Western states with a new spirit and added determination to spread the Cause. 1931-10-08 obo SE to Juanita Storch re effect of Geyserville {.ref .center} --- ## 350.
1931-10-19 re finances {.center} 1931-10-19 re finances {.ref .center} USBN #56 — October-November 1931 — page 3 {.ref .center} ... the following cablegram just received from Shoghi Effendi — “Profoundly deplore stringency (the) financial situation. An appeal to individuals and Assemblies alike (to) maintain despite world-wide depression, (their) high standard (of) self-sacrificing efforts (for the) National Fund is imperative. Abundant blessings shall be vouchsafed its staunch supporters. — SHOGHI.” {.sig} --- ## 351.
1931-11-02 study Nabíls Narrative {.center} 1931-11-02 study Nabíl’s Narrative {.ref .center} USBN #56 — October-November 1931 — page 2 {.ref .center} Important Cable from Shoghi Effendi dated November 2, 1931 “Urge all English speaking Believers concentrate study Nabíl’s immortal Narrative as essential preliminary to renewed intensive Teaching Campaign necessitated by completion Ma_shriqu’l-A_dhkár. Strongly feel widespread use of its varied rich and authentic material constitutes most effective weapon to meet challenge of a critical hour. Unhesitatingly recommend it to every prospective visitor of Bahá’u’lláh’s native land. — SHOGHI.” --- ## 352.
1931-11-09 prayers for new blfvs in Bulgaria {.center} Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union A Compilation From the Bahá’í Writings, #19 Compiled by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice In his moments of prayer Shoghi Effendi will think of you and the other new believers of Bulgaria. He sincerely hopes that each of you will become a flaming light and become a centre of radiation throughout that region. The Balkans have for over a century been a hot-bed of political conflicts and war; may they through your spirit and the teachings of Bahá’u’lláh become the fountain-head of peace and goodwill for all that continent. National hatreds and political and economic strife have almost ruined the civilized world; may you help to turn the steps of the people back to love of God and human brotherhood. (9 November 1931 to an individual believer) --- ## 353.
1931-11-11 Bahá’u’lláhs promise promise to regions around Adrianople {.center} Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union A Compilation From the Bahá’í Writings, #21 Compiled by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice Shortly after His departure from Adrianople where He was exiled for five years, Bahá’u’lláh wrote a Tablet in which He states that under every stone He has laid a seed which will soon germinate.1 This promise refers to the regions around Adrianople which naturally include Bulgaria. His actual words are very promising and who knows but now is the beginning of the day when those promises are to be fulfilled. The Balkan people have for long been suffering from war and social and political strife. It is high time that peace may reign, that differences may be set aside, that strife may cease... (11 November 1931 to the Bahá’ís of Sofia on behalf of Shoghi Effendi) 1  “‘Say,’ Bahá’u’lláh Himself declares in the Súriy-i-Ra’ís, ‘this Youth hath departed out of this country and deposited beneath every tree and every stone a trust, which God will erelong bring forth through the power of truth.’” (“God Passes By” (Wilmette: Bahá’í Publishing Trust, 1987), p. 181) --- ## 354.
1931-11-11 thankful for work in Bulgaria {.center} Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union A Compilation From the Bahá’í Writings, #20 Compiled by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice He feels deeply thankful and gratified for the wonderful work you and Miss Jack have been doing in Bulgaria. He sincerely hopes that as a result of your work a centre will be created there which in turn will spread the Message through the Balkans. Those countries are in great need of the Divine Message because they have been divided into warring factions that have endangered the life of Europe. Through constant war those countries have come to the verge of ruin. They need the Message of Bahá’u’lláh to bring peace and change the prevailing hatred between the factions into a mutual understanding based upon the love of God and human brotherhood. (11 November 1931 to an individual believer) --- ## 355.
1931-11-13 to Illinois Wisconsin inter-assembly meeting {.center} 1931-11-13 to Illinois Wisconsin inter-assembly meeting {.ref .center} USBN #48 — February 1931 — page 4 {.ref .center} “Assure members Illinois-Wisconsin Conference my loving prayers Holy Shrines. Heartily share their joys. Shoghi.” --- ## 356.
1931-11-15 great duty towards the Cause and then society {.center} 1931-11-15 great duty towards the Cause and then society {.ref .center} USBN #71 — February 1933 — pp. 2 {.ref .center} “The friends have a great duty, first towards the Cause and then towards society at large. Bahá’u’lláh has come to the world with a divine Message and devoted all His life and withstood all forms of persecution in the hope of establishing it firmly. We are now the trustees of that Mission. It is for us to bring that task begun by Bahá’u’lláh to a final consummation. Should we fail, we have been untrue to our Lord and also remained deaf to the cry of humanity seeking salvation.” — (To Miss Elsa Nordquist, Seattle, Washington, through Rúḥí Afnán, Haifa, November 15, 1931). --- ## 357.
1931-11-15 world is reaching the verge of ruin {.center} 1931-11-15 world is reaching the verge of ruin {.ref .center} No. 69 — December 1932 — page 3 “See how through national hatreds, economic shortsightedness and racial prejudice the world is reaching the verge of ruin. Should we stay our hand and fail to apply the Divine remedy Bahá’u’lláh has prescribed in His Writings, all the people of the civilized world will perish.” — From a letter written by the Guardian, through his secretary, to Mr. C. G. Nordquist, Seattle, dated Haifa, Palestine, November 15, 1931. --- ## 358.
1931-11-17 Balkans a very fertile field {.center} Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union A Compilation From the Bahá’í Writings, #22 Compiled by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice The Balkans, Shoghi Effendi believes, are a very fertile field, their people very ready. They have so long and severely suffered from wars, and their aftermath, that they undoubtedly long to enjoy a reign of permanent peace. But the work is nevertheless not so very easy, and not free from its own stumbling blocks. There is undoubtedly much prejudice to overcome, and much religious antagonism to be faced. But these are the thorns that any new field will have. We should not mind them. We should concentrate upon the promise given by Bahá’u’lláh that the hosts of the Kingdom are ever ready to pour down and assist anyone who would rise with a determined mind and a free heart. (17 November 1931 to two believers) --- ## 359.
1931-11-19 Balkan states in awful condition {.center} Quoted in Never be Afraid to Dare, Jasion, p186-7 It is needless to say how deeply he was interested in the news you had to give him, especially in the names of those who have accepted the message and those who show enough interest to study it. He sincerely hopes that you will pursue your work and establish a regular Assembly. If you already have five believers it is easy to find the rest. Let every person teach one other soul and immediately you will have the necessary number completed ... The Balkan states are in an awful condition. It has been for the last century a centre of constant strife and hatred, and wars that have sprung up there have invariably brought misery to others also. It is therefore very essential that the message of peace be brought to these lands, that swords may be changed into ploughshares and the love of God be inculcated in the heart of the people. Among them are undoubtedly some ready and receptive souls who are fit to act as a leaven of goodness to those regions. Try to win them over and enlist them in the army of God. In his moments of prayer and meditation Shoghi Effendi will surely remember you and ask for you divine guidance and help. Look not to your own ability to present the message; look to the promise of Bahá’u’lláh that He would help every soul who would rise to His service. [In Guardian’s handwriting] ... Your splendid services, rendered with such faith, such humility, such perseverance and devotion, have at last been crowned with success. You have achieved a task that will ever live in, nay adorn and enrich, the annals of Goďs immortal Faith. What is now necessary is to consolidate the work already achieved. I have already cabled you urging a prolongation of your stay which I consider as vital and essential. [to Marion Jack, 19 Nov 1931] --- ## 360.
1931-11-20 inter-faith activities {.center} EXTRACTS PROM SHOGHI EFFENDI’S LETTERS TO RUTH J. MOFFETT AND ROBERT LEE MOFFETT November 20, 1931, Haifa. {.sig} “... Concerning your association with the Fellowship of Faiths, Shoghi Effendi has no objection for any friend to work with some group if his real aim is to interest the people in the Cause, and is not at the same time involving himself with political affairs or associating the Cause with any unworthy school of thought, it is for the individual to find out whether the work they are undertaking falls within these limits. He wishes he had some more in the field who, with determined mind and consecration of their time and means, would arise to the spread of the tenets of the Faith. The Master is, from His place of Glory, beholding our activities, and considering how truly we are keeping our covenant with Him, to servo His Cause. May we help in the realization of His hopes and win His favor and blessings. Your true brother, {.sig} Shoghi {.sig} --- ## 361.
1931-11-xx Calamity and suffering {.center} 1931-11?-XX Calamity and suffering {.ref .center} USBN #58 — January 1932 — page 1 {.ref .center} Letter from Shoghi Effendi — To a Believer Shoghi Effendi wishes me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated October 14, 1931. You seem to complain about the calamities, that have befallen {.sig} humanity. In the spiritual development of man a stage of purgation is indispensable, for it is while passing through it that the over-rated material needs are made to appear in their proper light. Unless society learns to attribute more importance to spiritual matters, it would never be fit to enter the golden era foretold by Bahá’u’lláh. The present calamities are parts of this process of purgation, through them alone will man learn his lesson. They are to teach the nations, that they have to view things internationally, they are to make the individual attribute more importance to his moral, than his material welfare. In such a process of purgation, when all humanity is in the throes of dire suffering, the Bahá’í should not hope to remain unaffected. Should we consider the beam that is in our own eye, we would immediately find that these sufferings are also meant for ourselves, who claimed to have attained. Such world crisis is necessary to awaken us to the importance of our duty and the carrying on of our task. Suffering will increase our energy in setting before humanity the road to salvation, it will move us from our repose for we are far from doing our best in teaching the Cause and conveying the Message with which we have been entrusted. Shoghi Effendi, will pray for you as well as the other friends, so that you may arise with greater determination in the consummation of this noble work. Yours very sincerely, (Signed) Rúḥí Afnán. {.sig} Dear and valued co-worker: This is to assure you in person of my profound sense of loving appreciation of your continued and splendid services to the Cause. I wish you to persevere despite seemingly insurmountable obstacles and to rest assured that my prayers will continue to be offered in your behalf. Concentrate on your work for the colored, for this is a work that will attract the mightiest confirmations and blessings of Bahá’u’lláh and will earn you the abiding gratitude of future generations in the Cause. Your true brother, {.sig} (Signed) SHOGHI. {.sig} --- ## 362.
1931-12-20 completion of Temple {.center} 1931-12-20 completion of Temple {.ref .center} USBN #59 February 1932 p3 {.ref .center} “I deeply appreciate the continued and self-sacrificing endeavors of the American believers in the face of the grave financial and economic depression into which their country and the whole world is now plunged. That the Temple edifice should arise under such circumstances, that its elaborate and exquisite ornamentation should be carried out, through the efforts of a mere handful of Bahá’í followers despite the gloom, the uncertainty and the dangers which surrounded them is but another evidence of the mysterious, all-compelling power of Bahá’u’lláh whose blessings will be bountifully vouchsafed to all who arise to carry out His purpose. The Cause is entering upon a period of unprecedented achievements. The full measure of its glory and power will be gradually manifested, if we, on our part, execute in their entirety the instructions and bequests bequeathed to us by our beloved Master. The American believers have made a speedy and successful termination a task which they have so nobly initiated and which they alone are destined to accomplish.” December 20, 1931. --- ## 363.
1931-12-25 Public speaking & contacts with social movements {.center} 1931-12-25 Public speaking & contacts w/ social movements {.ref .center} USBN #64 — July 1932 — page 4 {.ref .center} “Public speaking is undoubtedly very important for a person who desires to teach, but this should be learned in schools and classes especially arranged for such training. We should not permit an inferior presentation of the Cause to the public for the sole reason that we desire to learn to do it better in the future. The youth should be encouraged to train themselves in public speaking while they are still pursuing their studies in schools or colleges. “It is surely very necessary that the friends should keep in touch with the modern social movements, but their main objective should be to draw more people to the spirit and teachings of the Cause. They should learn from the experience of others and not permit themselves to go (off) at a tangent, and finally be so absorbed in other movements as to forget the Cause of God.” (To Mrs. Harding, Urbana, through Rúḥí Afnán. Received December 25, 1931). --- ## 364.
1931-12-25 approve NYC Declaration of Trust {.center} 1931-12-25 approve NYC Declaration of Trust {.ref .center} USBN #59 — February 1932 — page 3-4 {.ref .center} Shoghi Effendi approves New York Declaration of Trust The chairman of the Local Spiritual Assembly .... of New York City has received from Shoghi Effendi a letter and also a cablegram.... The first portion of the letter was written through his secretary: “It is surely very important to give to the Local Spiritual Assemblies some legal standing, for as the Cause progresses and its adherents increase, they will be confronted with duties they cannot even imagine at present. Not only will they have to make contracts for acquiring halls for their meeting place, but also they will be obliged to create new institutions to care for their sick, pure and aged people. We hope that before long the Bahá’ís will even (be able to) afford to have schools that would provide the children the intellectual and spiritual education as prescribed in the writings of Bahá’u’lláh and the Master. “For such duties that will naturally devolve upon the Local Spiritual Assemblies there will be an increasing need for a legal standing. They will have to be considered as a legal person with the power of making binding contracts. “In small centers where the friends are still few, the taking of such steps is rather premature and may add to the complexity of Bahá’í administration. Not so, however, with New York which, I suppose, is the largest center in the United States.” The Guardian added the following words in his own handwriting: “Kindly convey to the members of your distinguished Assembly and through them to the entire Bahá’í Community in New York, the expression of my heartfelt gratification, admiration and gratitude for the historic step that has been taken by the Bahá’ís of New York, the City of the Covenant, for the consolidation of their local activities. I am entirely in agreement with the provisions of the Declaration of Trust, endorse its principles, approve its purpose, and believe it {.sig} to be eminently practicable, useful and serviceable to the interests of the Cause. It will serve as a pattern for every Bahá’í Local Spiritual Assembly in America and a model for every local community throughout the Bahá’í world. This document, being the first of its kind, should, I feel, be published, in its final form and in its entirety, in “The “Bahá’í World .” --- ## 365.
1931-12-28 request photos of NYC LSA {.center} 1931-12-28 request photos of NYC LSA {.ref .center} USBN #59 — February 1932 — page 4 {.ref .center} “Urge mail promptly two photographs, one (of) New York Assembly, another (of) entire local community to accompany (the) publication (in) “Bahá’í World (of) New York’s splendid Declaration of Trust. Heartfelt congratulations.” (Signed) SHOGHI. {.sig} ========= {.noid} see also 1931-12-25 approve NYC Declaration of Trust USBN #59 — February 1932 — page 3-4 {.ref .center} --- ## 366.
1931-12-29 re Divine Art of Living” {.center} 1931-12-29 re “Divine Art of Living” {.ref .center} USBN #59 — February 1932 — page 8 {.ref .center} Letter received by the Publishing Committee Persian Colony Haifa, Palestine {.sig} 12-29-31. Dear Mrs. Little: Shoghi Effendi wishes me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter, written on behalf of the Publishing Committee, regarding the Publication of the “Divine Art of Living. Shoghi Effendi has laid down a principal that the Bahá’ís should not attribute much importance to talks, reported to have been given by the Master, if there have not in one form or another obtained His sanction. Bahá’u’lláh has made it clear enough that only those things that have been revealed in the form of Tablets have a binding power over the friends. Hearsays may be matters of interest but can in no way claim authority. This basic teaching of Bahá’u’lláh was to preserve the Faith from being corrupted like Islám which attributes binding authority to all the reported sayings of Muḥammad. This being a basic principle of the Faith we should not confuse Tablets that were actually revealed and mere talks attributed to the founders of the Cause. The first have absolute binding authority while the latter can in no way claim our obedience. The highest thing this can achieve is to influence the activities of the one who has heard the saying in person. Those talks of the Master that were later reviewed by Him and corrected or in some other form considered authentic by Himself, such as the “Some Answered “Questions, these could be considered as Tablets and therefore be given the necessary binding power. All the other talks such as are included in Aḥmad’s diary or the other diaries of pilgrims, do not fall under this category and could be considered only as interesting material to be taken for what they are worth. For this reason Shoghi Effendi has not been encouraging the publication of reported sayings that were not authenticated by the Master Himself. Shoghi Effendi is trying to prevent the friends from considering as actual words of the Master things that were not authenticated by Him. Now in so far as the “Divine Art of Living is concerned, some of the friends wrote Shoghi Effendi and stated that the book is very much liked, so he did permit its publication in its old form. The question, however, totally changes when the plates no more exist. He would surely not advise you to undertake that expense at this time and bring out a book where authentic and non-authentic material is hopelessly confused. It greatly detracts from the worth of a book to have in it quotations from Tablets which are absolutely binding and reported sayings that have no authority. In closing may I assure you of Shoghi Effendi’s prayers and best wishes and assure you of his loving greetings. Yours ever sincerely (Signed) Rúḥí Afnán. {.sig} --- ## 367.
1931-xx-xx Introduction To Nabíls Narrative {.center} 1931-xx-xx Introduction To Nabíl’s Narrative {.ref .center} Introduction To Nabíl’s Narrative The Bahá’í Movement is now well known throughout the world, and the time has come when Nabíl’s unique narrative of its beginnings in darkest Persia will interest many readers. The record which he sets down with such devoted care is in many respects extraordinary. It has its thrilling passages, and the splendour of the central theme gives to the chronicle not only great historical value but high moral power. Its lights are strong; and this effect is more intense because they seem like a sunburst at midnight. The tale is one of struggle and martyrdom; its poignant scenes, its tragic incidents are many. Corruption, fanaticisms and cruelty gather against the cause of reformation to destroy it, and the present volume closes at the point where a riot of hate seems to have accomplished its purpose and to have driven into exile or put to death every man, woman, and child in Persia who dared to profess a leaning towards the teaching of the Báb. Nabíl, himself a participant in some of the scenes which he recites, took up his lonely pen to recite the truth about men and women so mercilessly persecuted and a movement so grievously traduced. He writes with ease, and when his emotions are strongly stirred his style becomes vigorous and trenchant. He does not present with any system the claims and teaching of Bahá’u’lláh and His Forerunner. His purpose is the simple one of rehearsing the beginnings of the Bahá’í Revelation and of preserving the remembrance of the deeds of its early champions. He relates a series of incidents, punctiliously quoting his authority for almost every item of information. His work in consequence, if less artistic and philosophic, gains in value as a literal account of what he knew or could from credible witnesses discover about the early history of the Cause. The main features of the narrative-the saintly heroic figure of the Báb, a leader so mild and so serene, yet eager, resolute, and dominant; the devotion of his followers facing oppression with unbroken courage and often with ecstasy; the rage of a jealous priesthood inflaming for its own purpose the passions of a bloodthirsty populace-these speak a language which all may understand. But it is not easy to follow the narrative in its details, or to appreciate how stupendous was the task undertaken by Bahá’u’lláh and His Forerunner, without some knowledge of the condition of church and state in Persia and of the customs and mental outlook of the people and their masters Nabíl took this knowledge for granted. He had himself travelled little if at all beyond the boundary of the empires of the _Sháh and the Sulṭán, and it did not occur to him to institute comparisons between his own and foreign civilisations. He was not addressing the Western reader. Though he was conscious that the material he had collected was of more than national or Islámic importance and that it would before long spread both eastward and westward until it encircled the globe, yet he was an Oriental writing in an Oriental language for those who used it, and the unique work which he so faithfully accomplished was in itself a great and laborious task. There exists in English, however, a literature about Persia in the nineteenth century which will give the Western reader ample information on the subject. From Persian writings which have already been translated, or from books of European travellers like Lord Curzon, Sir J. Malcolm, and others not a few, he will find a lifelike and vivid if unlovely picture of the Page 17 17 Augean conditions which the Báb had to confront when He inaugurated the Movement in the middle of the nineteenth century. {.sig} All observers agree in representing Persia as a feeble and backward nation divided against itself by corrupt practices and ferocious bigotries. Inefficiency and wretchedness, the fruit of moral decay, filled the land. From the highest to the lowest there appeared neither the capacity to carry out methods of reform nor even the will seriously to institute them National conceit preached a grandiose self-content. A pall of immobility lay over all things, and a general paralysis of mind made any development impossible. To a student of history the degeneracy of a nation once so powerful and so illustrious seems pitiful in the extreme. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, who in spite of the cruelties heaped on Bahá’u’lláh, on the Báb, and on Himself, yet loved His country, called their degradation “the tragedy of a people”; and in that work, “The Mysterious Forces of Civilisation,” in which He sought to stir the hearts of His compatriots to undertake radical reforms, He uttered a poignant lament over the present fate of a people who once had extended their conquests east and west and had led the civilisation of mankind. “In former times,” he writes, “Persia was verily the heart of the world and shone among the nations like a lighted taper. Her glory and prosperity broke from the horizon of humanity like the true dawn disseminating the light of knowledge and illumining the nations of the East and West. The fame of her victorious kings reached the ears of the dwellers at the poles of the earth. The majesty of her king of kings humbled the monarchs of Greece and Rome Her governing wisdom filled the sages with awe, and the rulers of the continents fashioned their laws upon her polity. The Persians being distinguished among the nations of the earth as a people of conquerors, and justly admired for their civilisation and learning, their country became the glorious centre of all the sciences and arts, the mine of culture and a fount of virtues. ...How is it that this excellent country now, by reason of our sloth, vanity, and indifference, from the lack of knowledge and organisation, from the poverty of the zeal and ambition of her people, has suffered the rays of her prosperity to be darkened and well-nigh extinguished?” Other writers describe fully those unhappy conditions to which ‘Abdu’l-Bahá refers. At the time when the Báb declared His Mission, the government of the country was, in Lord Curzon’s phrase, “a Church-State.” Venal, cruel, and immoral as it was, it was formally religious. Muslim orthodoxy was its basis and permeated to the core both it and the social lives of the people. But otherwise there were no laws, statutes, or charters to guide the direction of public affairs. There was no House of Lords nor Privy Council, no synod, no Parliament. The _Sháh was despot, and his arbitrary rule was reflected all down the official scale through every minister and governor to the lowliest clerk or remotest headman. No civil tribunal existed to check or modify the power of the monarch or the authority which he might choose to delegate to his subordinates. If there was a law, it was his word. He could do as he pleased. It was his to appoint or to dismiss all ministers, officials, officers, and judges. He had power of life and death without appeal over all members of his household and of his court, whether civil or military. The right to take life was vested in him alone; and so were all the functions of government, legislative, executive, and judicial. His royal prerogative was limited by no written restraint whatever. Descendants of the Sháhs were thrust into the most lucrative posts throughout the country, and as the generations went by they filled innumerable minor posts too, far and wide, till the land was burdened with this race of royal drones who owed their position to nothing better Page 18 18 than their blood and who gave rise to the Persian saying that “camels, fleas, and princes exist everywhere.” Even when a _Sháh wished to make a just and wise decision in any case that might be brought before him for judgment, he found it difficult to do so, because he could not rely on the information given him. Critical facts would be withheld, or the facts given would be distorted by the influence of interested witnesses or venal ministers. The system of corruption had been carried so far in Persia that it had become a recognised institution which Lord Curzon describes in the following terms: “I come now to that which is the cardinal and differentiating feature of Iranian administration. Government, nay, life itself, in that country may be said to consist for the most part of an interchange of presents. Under its social aspects this practice may be supposed to illustrate the generous sentiments of an amiable people; though even here it has a grimly unemotional side, as, for instance, when, congratulating yourself upon being the recipient of a gift, you find that not only must you make a return of equivalent cost to the donor, but must also liberally remunerate the bearer of the gift (to whom your return is very likely the sole recognised means of subsistence) in a ratio proportionate to its pecuniary value. Under its political aspects, the practice of gift-making, though consecrated in the adamantine traditions of the East, is synonymous with the system elsewhere described by less agreeable names. This is the system on which the government of Persia has been conducted for centuries, and the maintenance of which opposes a solid barrier to any real reform. From the _Sháh downwards, there is scarcely an official who is not open to gifts, scarcely a post which is not conferred in return for gifts, scarcely an income which has not been amassed by the receipt of gifts. Every individual, with hardly an exception, in the official hierarchy above mentioned, has only purchased his post by a money present either to the _Sháh, or to a minister, or to the superior governor by whom he has been appointed. If there are several candidates for a post, in all probability the one who makes the best offer will win. “...The ‘madakhil’ is a cherished national institution in Persia, the exaction of which, in a myriad different forms, whose ingenuity is only equalled by their multiplicity, is the crowning interest and delight of a Persian’s existence. This remarkable word, for which Mr. Watson says there is no precise English equivalent, may be variously translated as commission, perquisite, douceur, consideration, pickings and stealings, profit, according to the immediate context in which it is employed. Roughly speaking, it signifies that balance of personal advantage, usually expressed in money form, which can be squeezed out of any and every transaction. A negotiation, in which two parties are involved as donor and recipient, as superior and subordinate, or even as equal contracting agents, cannot take place in Persia without the party who can be represented as the author of the favour or service claiming and receiving a definite cash return for what he has done or given. It may of course be said that human nature is much the same all the world over; that a similar system exists under a different name in our own or other countries, and that the philosophic critic will welcome in the Persian a man and a brother. To some extent this is true. But in no country that I have ever seen or heard of in the world, is the system so open, so shameless, or so universal as in Persia. So far from being limited to the sphere of domestic economy or to commercial transactions, it permeates every walk and inspires most of the actions of life. By its operation, generosity or gratuitous service may be said to have been erased in Persia from the category of social virtues, and cupidity has been elevated into the guiding principle of human conduct.... Hereby is instituted an arithmetical progression of plunder from the sovereign to the subject, each unit in the descending scale remunerating himself from the unit next in rank below his, and the hapless peasant being the ultimate victim. It is not surprising, under these Page 19 19 circumstances, that office is the common avenue to wealth, and that cases are frequent of men who, having started from nothing, are found residing in magnificent houses, surrounded by crowds of retainers and living in princely style. ‘Make what you can while you can’ is the rule that most men set before themselves in entering public life. Nor does popular spirit resent the act; the estimation of any one who, enjoying the opportunity, has failed to line his own pockets, being the reverse of complimentary to his sense. No one turns a thought to the sufferers from whom, in the last resort, the material for these successive ‘madakhils’ has been derived, and from the sweat of whose uncomplaining brow has been wrung the wealth that is dissipated in luxurious country houses, European curiosities and enormous retinues.” To read the foregoing is to perceive something of the difficulty of the Báb’s mission; to read the following is to understand the dangers he faced, and to be prepared for a story of violence and heinous cruelty. “Before I quit the subject of the Persian law and its administration, let me add a few words upon the subject of penalties and prisons. Nothing is more shocking to the European reader, in pursuing his way through the crime-stained and bloody pages of Persian history during the last and, in a happily less degree, during the present century, than the record of savage punishments and abominable tortures, testifying alternately to the callousness of the brute and the ingenuity of the fiend. The Persian character has ever been fertile in device and indifferent to suffering; and in the field of judicial executions it has found ample scope for the exercise of both attainments. Up till quite a recent period, well within the borders of the present reign, condemned criminals have been crucified, blown from guns, buried alive, impaled, shod like horses, torn asunder by being bound to the heads of two trees bent together and then allowed to spring back to their natural position, converted into human torches, flayed while living. “...Under a twofold governing system, such as that of which I have now completed the description-namely, an administration in which every actor is, in different aspects, both the briber and the bribed; and a judicial procedure, without either a law or a law court-it will readily be understood that confidence in the Government is not likely to exist, that there is no personal sense of duty or pride of honour, no mutual trust or co-operation (except in the service of ill-doing), no disgrace in exposure, no credit in virtue, above all no national spirit or patriotism.” From the beginning the Báb must have divined the reception which would be accorded by His countrymen to His teachings, and the fate which awaited Him at the hands of the mullás. But He did not allow personal misgivings to affect the frank enunciation of His claims nor the open presentation of His Cause. The innovations which He proclaimed, though purely religious, were drastic; the announcement of His own identity startling and tremendous. He made Himself known as the Qá’im, the High Prophet or Messiah so long promised, so eagerly expected by the Muḥammadan world. He added to this the declaration that he was also the Gate (that is, the Báb) through whom a greater Manifestation than Himself was to enter the human realm. Putting Himself thus in line with the traditions of Islám, and appearing as the fulfilment of prophecy, He came into conflict with those who had fixed and ineradicable ideas (different from His) as to what those prophecies and traditions meant. The two great Persian sects of Islám, the shí’ah and the sunnís, both attached vital importance to the ancient deposit of their faith but did not agree as to its contents or its import. The shí’ah, out of whose doctrines the Bábí Movement rose, held that after the ascension of the High Prophet Muḥammad He was Page 20 20 succeeded by a line of twelve Imáms. Each of these, they held, was specially endowed by God with spiritual gifts and powers, and was entitled to the whole-hearted obedience of the faithful. Each owed his appointment not to the popular choice but to his nomination by his predecessor in office. The twelfth and last of these inspired guides was Muḥammad, called by the shí’ah “Imám-Mihdí, Hujjatu’lláh [the Proof of God], Bagíyyatu’lláh [the Remnant of God], and Qá’im-i-‘Alí-Muḥammad [He who shall arise of the family of Muḥammad].” He assumed the functions of the Imám in the year 260 of the Hegira, but at once disappeared from view and communicated with his followers only through a certain chosen intermediary known as a Gate. Four of these Gates followed one another in order, each appointed by his predecessor with the approval of the Imám. But when the fourth, Abu’l-Ḥasan-‘Alí, was asked by the faithful, before he died, to name his successor, he declined to do so. He said that God had another plan. On his death all communication between the Imám and his church therefore ceased. And though, surrounded by a band of followers, he still lives and waits in some mysterious retreat, he will not resume relations with his people until he comes forth in power to establish a millennium throughout the world. The sunnís, on the other hand, take a less exalted view of the office of those who have succeeded the High Prophet. They regard the vicegerency less as a spiritual than as a practical matter. The Khalíf is, in their eyes, the Defender of the Faith, and he owes his appointment to the choice and approval of the People. Important as these differences are, both sects agree, however, in expecting a twofold Manifestation. The shí’ahs look for the Qá’im, who is to come in the fulness of time, and also for the return of the Imám Ḥusayn. The sunnís await the appearance of the Mihdí and also “the return of Jesus Christ.” When, at the beginning of his Mission, the Báb, continuing the tradition of the shí’ahs, proclaimed His function under the double title of, first, the Qá’im and, second, the Gate, or Báb, some of the Muḥammadans misunderstood the latter reference. They imagined His meaning to be that He was a fifth Gate In succession to Abu’l-Ḥasan-‘Alí. His true meaning, however, as He himself clearly announced, was very different. He was the Qá’im; but the Qá’im, though a High Prophet, stood in relation to a succeeding and greater Manifestation as did John the Baptist to the Christ. He was the Forerunner of One yet more mighty than Himself. He was to decrease; that Mighty One was to increase. And as John the Baptist had been the Herald or Gate of the Christ, so was the Báb the Herald or Gate of Bahá’u’lláh. There are many authentic traditions showing that the Qá’im on His appearance would bring new laws with Him and would thus abrogate Islám. But this was not the understanding of the established hierarchy. They confidently expected that the promised Advent would not substitute a new and richer revelation for the old, but would endorse and fortify the system of which they were the functionaries. It would enhance incalculably their personal prestige, would extend their authority far and wide among the nations, and would win for them the reluctant but abject homage of mankind. When the Báb revealed His Bayán, proclaimed a new code of religious law, and by precept and example instituted a profound moral and spiritual reform, the priests immediately scented mortal danger. They saw their monopoly undermined, their ambitions threatened, their own lives and conduct put to shame. They rose against Him in sanctimonious indignation. They declared before the _Sháh and all the people that this upstart was an enemy of sound learning, a subverter of Islám, a traitor to Muḥammad, and a peril not only to the holy church but to the social order and to the State itself. Page 21 21 The cause of the rejection and persecution of the Báb was in its essence the same as that of the rejection and persecution of the Christ. If Jesus had not brought a New Book, if He had not only reiterated the spiritual principles taught by Moses but had continued Moses’ rules and regulations too, He might as a merely moral reformer have escaped the vengeance of the Scribes and Pharisees. But to claim that any part of the Mosaic law, even such material ordinances as those that dealt with divorce and the keeping of the Sabbath, could be altered— and altered by an unordained preacher from the village of Nazareth-this was to threaten the interests of the Scribes and Pharisees themselves, and since they were the representatives of Moses and of God, it was blasphemy against the Most High. As soon as the position of Jesus was understood, His persecution began. As He refused to desist, He was put to death. For reasons exactly parallel, the Báb was from the beginning opposed by the vested interests of the dominant Church as an uprooter of the Faith. Yet, even in that dark and fanatical country, the mullás (like the Scribes in Palestine eighteen centuries before) did not find it very easy to put forward a plausible pretext for destroying Him whom they thought their enemy. The only known record of the Báb’s having been seen by a European belongs to the period of His persecution when an English physician resident in Tabríz, Dr. Cormick, was called in by the Persian authorities to pronounce on the Báb’s mental condition. The doctor’s letter, addressed to a fellow practitioner in an American mission in Persia, is given in Professor E. G. Browne’s “Materials for the Study of the Bábí Religion.” “You ask me,” writes the doctor, “for some particulars of my interview with the founder of the sect known as Bábís. Nothing of any importance transpired in this interview, as the Báb was aware of my having been sent with two other Persian doctors to see whether he was of sane mind or merely a madman, to decide the question whether he was to be put to death or not. With this knowledge he was loth to answer any questions put to him. To all enquiries he merely regarded us with a mild look, chanting in a low melodious voice some hymns, I suppose. Two other siyyids, his intimate friends, were also present, who subsequently were put to death with him, besides a couple of government officials. He only deigned to answer me, on my saying that I was not a Musulman and was willing to know something about his religion, as I might perhaps be inclined to adopt it. He regarded me very intently on my saying this, and replied that he had no doubt of all Europeans coming over to his religion. Our report to the _Sháh at that time was of a nature to spare his life. He was put to death some time after by the order of the Amír — Nizám, Mírzá Taqí _Khán. On our report he merely got the bastinado, in which operation a farrásh, whether intentionally or not, struck him across the face with the stick destined for his feet, which produced a great wound and swelling of the face. On being asked whether a Persian surgeon should be brought to treat him, he expressed a desire that I should be sent for, and I accordingly treated him for a few days, but in the interviews consequent on this I could never get him to have a confidential chat with me, as some government people were always present, he being a prisoner. He was a very mild and delicate-looking man, rather small in stature and very fair for a Persian, with a melodious soft voice, which struck me much. Being a Siyyid, he was dressed in the habit of that sect, as were also his two companions. In fact his whole look and deportment went far to dispose one in his favour. Of his doctrine I heard nothing from his own lips, although the idea was that there existed in his religion a certain approach to Christianity. He was seen by some Armenian carpenters, who were sent to make some repairs in his prison, reading the Bible, and he took no pains to conceal it, but on the contrary told them of it. Most assuredly the Musulman fanaticism does not exist in his religion, as applied to Christians, nor is there that restraint of females that now exists.” Page 22 22 Such was the impression made by the Báb upon a cultivated Englishman. And as far as the influence of His character and teaching have since spread through the West, no other record is extant of His having been observed or seen by European eyes. His qualities were so rare in their nobility and beauty, His personality so gentle and yet so forceful, and His natural charm was combined with so much tact and judgment, that after His Declaration He quickly became in Persia a widely popular figure. He would win over almost all with whom He was brought into personal contact, often converting His gaolers to His Faith and turning the ill-disposed into admiring friends. To silence such a man without incurring some degree of public odium was not very easy even in the Persia of the middle of last century. But with the Báb’s followers it was another matter. The mullás encountered here no cause for delay and found little need for scheming. The bigotry of the Muḥammadans from the _Sháh downwards could be readily roused against any religious development. The Bábís could be accused of disloyalty to the _Sháh, and dark political motives could be attributed to their activities. Moreover, the Báb’s followers were already numerous; many of them were well-to-do, some were rich, and there were few but had some possessions which covetous neighbours might be instigated to desire. Appealing to the fears of the authorities and to the base national passions of fanaticism and cupidity, the mullás inaugurated a campaign of outrage and spoliation which they maintained with relentless ferocity till they considered that their purpose had been completely achieved. Many of the incidents of this unhappy story are given by Nabíl in his history, and among these the happenings at Mázindarán, Nayríz, and Zanján stand out by reason of the character of the episodes of the heroism of the Bábís when thus brought to bay. On these three occasions a number of Bábís, driven to desperation, withdrew in concert from their houses to a chosen retreat and, erecting defensive works about them, defied in arms further pursuit. To any impartial witness it was evident that the mullás’ allegations of a political motive were untrue. The Bábís showed themselves always ready-on an assurance that they would be no longer molested for their religious beliefs-to return peacefully to their civil occupations. Nabíl emphasises their care to refrain from aggression. They would fight for their lives with determined skill and strength; but they would not attack. Even in the midst of a fierce conflict they would not drive home an advantage nor strike an unnecessary blow. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá is quoted in the “Traveller’s Narrative,” pp. 34–35, as making the following statement on the moral aspect of their action: “The minister (Mírzá Taqí _Khán), with the utmost arbitrariness, without receiving any instructions or asking permission, sent forth commands in all directions to punish and chastise the Bábís. Governors and magistrates sought a pretext for amassing wealth, and officials a means of acquiring profits; celebrated doctors from the summits of their pulpits incited men to make a general onslaught; the powers of the religious and the civil law linked hands and strove to eradicate and destroy this people. Now this people had not yet acquired such knowledge as was right and needful of the fundamental principles and hidden doctrines of the Báb’s teachings, and did not recognise their duties. Their conceptions and ideas were after the former fashion, and their conduct and behaviour in correspondence with ancient usage. The way of approach to the Báb was, moreover, closed, and the flame of trouble visibly blazing on every side. At the decree of the most celebrated doctors, the government, and indeed the common people, had, with irresistible power, inaugurated rapine and plunder on all sides, and were engaged in punishing and torturing, killing and despoiling, in order that Page 23 23 they might quench this fire and wither these poor souls. In towns where there were but a limited number, all of them with bound hands became food for the sword, while in cities where they were numerous, they arose in self-defence in accordance with their former beliefs, since it was impossible for them to make enquiry as to their duty, and all doors were closed.” Bahá’u’lláh, on proclaiming some years later His Mission, left no room for uncertainty as to the law of His Dispensation in such a predicament when He affirmed: “It is better to be killed than to kill.” Whatever resistance the Bábís offered, here or elsewhere, proved ineffective. They were overwhelmed by numbers. The Báb Himself was taken from His cell and executed. Of His chief disciples who avowed their belief in Him, not one soul was left alive save Bahá’u’lláh, who with His family and a handful of devoted followers was driven destitute into exile and prison in a foreign land. But the fire, though smothered, was not quenched. It burned in the hearts of the exiles who carried it from country to country as they travelled. Even in the homeland of Persia it had penetrated too deeply to be extinguished by physical violence, and still smouldered in the people’s hearts, needing only a breath from the spirit to be fanned into an all-consuming conflagration. The Second and greater Manifestation of God was proclaimed in accordance with the prophecy of the Báb at the date which He had foretold. Nine years after the beginning of the Bábí Dispensation-that is, in 1853—Bahá’u’lláh, in certain of His odes, alluded to His identity and His Mission, and ten years later, while resident in Ba_ghdád, declared Himself as the Promised One to His companions. Now the great Movement for which the Báb had prepared the way began to show the full range and magnificence of its power. Though Bahá’u’lláh Himself lived and died an exile and a prisoner and was known to few Europeans, His epistles proclaiming the new Advent were borne to the great rulers of both hemispheres, from the _Sháh of Persia to the Pope and to the President of the United States. After His passing, His son ‘Abdu’l-Bahá carried the tidings in person into Egypt and far through the Western world. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá visited England, France, Switzerland, Germany, and America, announcing everywhere that once again the heavens had opened and that a new Dispensation had come to bless the sons of men. He died in November, 1921; and to-day the fire that once seemed to have been put out for ever, burns again in every part of Persia, has established itself on the American continent, and has laid hold of every country in the world. Around the sacred writings of Bahá’u’lláh and the authoritative exposition of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá there is growing a large volume of literature in comment or in witness. The humanitarian and spiritual principles enunciated decades ago in the darkest East by Bahá’u’lláh and moulded by Him into a coherent scheme are one after the other being taken by a world unconscious of their source as the marks of progressive civilisation. And the sense that mankind has broken with the past and that the old guidance will not carry it through the emergencies of the present has filled with uncertainty and dismay all thoughtful men save those who have learned to find in the story of Bahá’u’lláh the meaning of all the prodigies and portents of our time. Nearly three generations have passed since the inception of the Movement. Any of its early adherents who escaped the sword and the stake have long since passed away in the course of nature. The door of contemporary information as to its two great leaders and their heroic disciples is closed for ever. The Chronicle of Nabíl as a careful collection of facts made in the Page 24 24 interests of truth and completed in the lifetime of Bahá’u’lláh has now a unique value. The author was thirteen years old when the Báb declared Himself, having been born in the village of Zarand in Persia on the eighteenth day of Safar, 1247 A.H. He was throughout his life closely associated with the leaders of the Cause. Though he was but a boy at the time, he was preparing to leave for _Shay_Kh Ṭabarsí and join the party of Mullá Ḥusayn when the news of the treacherous massacre of the Bábís frustrated his design. He states in his narrative that he met, in Ṭihrán, Ḥájí Mírzá Siyyid ‘Alí, a brother of the Báb’s mother, who had just returned at the time from visiting the Báb in the fortress of Chihríq; and for many years he was a close companion of the Báb’s secretary, Mírzá Aḥmad. He entered the presence of Bahá’u’lláh in Kirmansháh and Ṭihrán before the date of the exile to ‘Iráq, and afterwards was in attendance upon Him in Ba_ghdád and Adrianople as well as in the prison-city of ‘Akká. He was sent more than once on missions to Persia to promote the Cause and to encourage the scattered and persecuted believers, and he was living in ‘Akká when Bahá’u’lláh passed away in 1892 A.D. The manner of his death was pathetic and lamentable, for he became so dreadfully affected by the death of the Great Beloved that, overmastered by grief, he drowned himself in the sea, and his dead body was found washed ashore near the city of ‘Akká. His chronicle was begun in 1888, when he had the personal assistance of Mírzá Músá, the brother of Bahá’u’lláh. It was finished in about a year and a half, and parts of the manuscript were reviewed and approved, some by Bahá’u’lláh, and others by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. The complete work carries the history of the Movement up to the death of Bahá’u’lláh in 1892. The first half of this narrative, closing with the expulsion of Bahá’u’lláh from Persia, is contained in the present volume. Its importance is evident. It will be read less for the few stirring passages of action which it contains, or even for its many pictures of heroism and unwavering faith, than for the abiding significance of those events of which it gives so unique a record. --- ## 368.
1931-xx-xx plans for BW Vol IV {.center} 1931-xx-xx plans for BW Vol IV {.ref .center} USBN #54 August 1931 p5 {.ref .center} “In preparation for Vol. IV, which is to cover the period from April 1930 to April 1932 all Local Spiritual Assemblies, Groups and Committees throughout the {.sig} Bahá’í world are requested to plan with their respective National Spiritual Assemblies the gathering of suitable material for that volume. Photographs and articles of interest may be forwarded at any time. Reports to be incorporated in the “Survey of Current Bahá’í Activities in the East and West,” should be in the hands of the Committee not later than November 1st, 1931. The contents of Vol. III will suggest the various materials desired for such an important and historic publication as the Bahá’í World. Articles and photographs that show the present progress of the Cause, as well as records of past events, are particularly desired.” --- ## 370.
1932-01-04 To Emeric Sala re Montreal Youth activities {.center} Tending the Garden: A Biography of Emeric and Rosemry Sala, p38 Haifa, Palestine, {.sig} 1-4-32 Shoghi Effendi was very glad to read and obtain first hand information as to the way the young people in Montreal have succeeded to attract many souls and inspire them with the spirit of service to our beloved Faith. Once the youth learns that this Cause is their Cause, and that through it they can ensure their future social tranquility and spiritual progress, then they will arise and consecrate their life to the promotion of this Faith. And as you clearly state in your report, no one can awaken the youth of the world to a consciousness of this road to salvation except from their own numbers — youths already inspired with the Bahá’í spirit. 1932-01-04 To Emeric Sala re Montreal Youth activities {.ref .center} --- ## 371.
1932-01-13 sufferings make more receptive {.center} EXTRACTS PROM SHOGHI EFFENDI’S LETTERS TO RUTH J. MOFFETT AND ROBERT LEE MOFFETT January 13, 1932 Haifa. {.sig} “... The sufferings that prevail in the world and the salvation of the spirit and teachings of Bahá’u’lláh promise, should awaken the people from their slumber and make them more open-minded and receptive. Your true brother, {.sig} Shoghi. {.sig} --- ## 372.
1932-01-14 re recent general letter {.center} 1932-01-14 re recent general letter. {.ref .center} USBN #59 — February 1932 — page 2 {.ref .center} Persian Colony Haifa, Palestine {.sig} Jan. 14, 1932 {.sig} Dear Roy: ... Concerning the general letter he has sent lately to the Western friends, to which you refer in your letter; Shoghi Effendi thinks that the friends should spread the message it conveys to the public. It should undoubtedly be done in a very judicious way lest the people think that we have entered the arena of politics with rather drastic programs of reform. But we should at the same time show the lead that the teachings take towards the realization of the international ideal. The primary importance of the Cause among the existing religions of the world is that, whereas the others have no coherent program upon which they are united, the Movement is rich with the very spirit and teachings of world needs for solving its present international problems. It is wonderful chance for the Cause to absorb the interest of the intelligent elements in the public... . Please convey Shoghi Effendi’s greetings to your Mother as well as to the Members of the National Spiritual Assembly. Yours every sincerely, (Signed) Rúḥí Afnán. {.sig} ========= {.noid} This is a reference to the World Order letter titled “The Goal Of A New World Order” dated November 28, 1931. --- ## 373.
1932-01-16 establishment of the international Bahá́í archives {.center} Guidance Regarding Bahá’í Archives Compiled by Bahá’í International Archives Finally a reference should be made to the establishment of the international Bahá’í archives on Mount Carmel occupying the two chambers adjoining the Shrine of the Báb. Here have been collected, arranged and preserved the relics, articles of clothing, writings and photographs of the Báb, Bahá’u’lláh and the Master, as well as a mass of invaluable documents and manuscripts, consisting mostly of unpublished and untranslated and authenticated Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh, some of them beautifully illuminated and Guidance Regarding Bahá’í Archives mounted. Some of these have been so arranged that the pilgrims visiting the Holy Land will be able to view these priceless relics. This institution, Shoghi Effendi hopes, will serve as a model and stimulus to the National Spiritual Assemblies in the different parts of the world to establish similar institutions which will serve to collect, arrange and preserve for posterity any documents, sacred or otherwise, connected with the Bahá’í Faith. From a letter dated 16 January 1932 to a National Spiritual Assembly --- ## 374.
1932-01-21 hope for Assembly in Budapest {.center} Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union A Compilation From the Bahá’í Writings, p8 Compiled by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice Shoghi Effendi was very glad to hear of your trip to Budapest and your lecture together with Prof. R. Vambery on the Bahá’í outlook on peace. He sincerely hopes that before long we will have a group of believers there with a properly constituted Spiritual Assembly. Miss Martha Root hopes to visit there while travelling through Europe. We hope that her activities will enhance that work. Central Europe is in great need of the teachings for it has fully felt the consequences of war and international hatred. The people are seeking a spiritual light that will lead them to salvation. (21 January 1932 to an individual believer) --- ## 375.
1932-01-27 John Bosch re purpose of summer schools {.center} 1932-01-27 John Bosch re purpose of summer schools {.ref .center} No. 63 — June 1932 — page 3 “Shoghi Effendi feels that the real purpose of these Summer Schools is to deepen the knowledge of the friends. Lectures are very essential for they give a wonderful picture of the subject matter. But it is not sufficient to have a picture; the friends should deepen their knowledge and this can be achieved if, together with the lectures, there are study classes and seminar work carried on by the same lecturer. The world is undoubtedly facing a great crisis and the social, economic and political conditions are becoming daily more complex. Should the friends desire to take the lead in informing the world, they should start by educating themselves and understand what the troubles and problems really are which baffle the minds of men. It is in these Summer Schools that this training should be provided for the friends.” ========= {.noid} Date taken from Scholarship (BSB) --- ## 376.
1932-01-29 Central & Eastern Europe more receptive than western countries {.center} Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union A Compilation From the Bahá’í Writings, #9 Compiled by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice Central and Eastern Europe are much more receptive than any of the western countries. They have felt the evils of war and therefore are more receptive to spiritual matters. (29 January 1932 to an individual believer) --- ## 377.
1932-01-29 failure of material civilization {.center} 1932-01-29 failure of material civilization {.ref .center} USBN #61 — April 1932 — page 3 {.ref .center} January 29. 1932. {.sig} My dear Roy [Wilhelm] Many thanks /or your card of Jan. 12th ... . Shoghi Effendi and the rest of us are delighted as to the work that is being accomplished in America. This failure of material civilization should bring man near to spiritual matters. Working for material comfort and prosperity is becoming so useless and hopeless that we may well turn our attention more to God and the future life. The Temple also seem. to be attracting so much attention and arousing so much interest in the teachings. We do hope that the friends are availing themselves of these opportunities and are really active in spreading the Message. Shoghi Effendi and the rest of the family are well and send you their loving greetings. Yours ever sincerely. RUHI AFNAN. --- ## 378.
1932-01-31 To Miss Craighead on declaration {.center} [http://www.9facets.org/9F/Arden_Lee_Collection_files/Guardian%20letters.pdf] Persian Colony Haifa, Palestine {.sig} 31-1-32 Dear Miss Craighead: Shoghi Effendi wishes me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dates Jan 13th 1932 telling him that you have decided to join the Bahá’í group in Pittsburgh. This news gave him great pleasure, both because you have seen and appreciated the source of divine guidance in the present day and have thereby been lead to the Faith of Salvation, and also because in you we can expect a servant as devoted and self-sacrificing as your spiritual Mother Miss Martha Root. If complete destruction of our civilization is to be averted, if the world is to become a land of peace and good-will where our personality an be enhanced and developed spiritually, souls will have to arise who will first get imbued with the spirit of God revealed in this age through Bahá’u’lláh, and the diffuse it into the consciousness of mankind. Unless this happens the darksome clouds that threaten a terrific storm to an already ravaged society, will not be dissipated, and the era ‘when the lion and the lamb shall lie together’ will never dawn. Shoghi Effendi will remember you in his prayers and ask God to assist you. He trusts that you will exert all your efforts to deepen your knowledge of the history and teachings of the Faith and then arise to spread, what you have received, throughout the land. With best wishes Yours ever sincerely Rúḥí Afnán With the assurance of my best wishes and fervent prayers for your spiritual advancement, and the success of your most welcome efforts for the promotion of our beloved Cause. Your true brother {.sig} Shoghi --- ## 379.
1932-01-xx finishing the temple {.center} 1932-01-xx finishing the temple {.ref .center} USBN #59 — February 1932 — page 1 {.ref .center} The Guardian has recently sent the following word through one of his secretaries : “It is very gratifying to see the National Spiritual Assembly and the friends whole-heartedly arise for the completion of this edifice which was so dear to the Master’s heart. If this spirit of co-operation and sacrifice should be sustained it will indirectly affect all the other phases of our activity and usher in a new era in the history of the progress of the Movement in that country.” --- ## 380.
1932-02-02 Complete decoration of dome {.center} 1932-02-02 Complete decoration of dome {.ref .center} USBN #66 September 1932 p1 {.ref .center} “I wish to add a few words in person in order to reaffirm the paramount, the urgent necessity of devising ways and means that will ensure the success of the Plan of Unified Action, and compensate for the disadvantage it has, unavoidably and owing to unforeseen circumstances, suffered. I would appeal to every conscientious follower of the Faith in that land not to rest until the means have been made available to ensure the completion of the decoration of the Dome of this imposing and marvelous Edifice before the end of the spring of next year. The Cause will suffer, its prestige will no doubt be affected if the Plan, so admirably conceived, should again fall into abeyance. This we must at all cost prevent.” February 2, 1932. --- ## 382.
1932-02-02 To Harlen Ober various {.center} 1932-02-02 To Harlen Ober, various {.ref .center} USBN #60 — March 1932 — page 7 {.ref .center} Letter from Shoghi Effendi to Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Ober Haifa, Palestine. {.sig} February 2, 1932. {.sig} Dear Mr. and Mrs. Ober: Shoghi Effendi wishes me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated January 22nd, 1932. You inquired concerning the Ḥuqúq. Shoghi Effendi would much {.sig} prefer if the friends in America concentrate their financial resources towards the completion of the Temple, rather than dissipate their energy along the channels that do not as yet call for immediate attention. When the time comes that the Cause would need the enforcement of this religious donation Shoghi Effendi would say it and would set forth the amount prescribed. It is only gradually that the teachings of Bahá’u’lláh can be enforced. The time has to become ripe of the desired result is to be obtained. Concerning the number of Bahá’ís throughout the world. This is a very difficult question to answer. Shoghi Effendi has been trying hard to obtain even an approximate figure but without result. This is true especially in Persia where besides the large number of the friends who are declared believers, there are innumerable souls who for some reason or other prefer to keep their faith a secret. Orientalists who wrote many years ago gave the figure as two million. Sir Dennison Ross in an article published last year in the “London Times said that over one-half of the educated people of Persia are Bahá’ís. All these, however, are personal impressions, the best thing is to say that we do not know. Shoghi Effendi hopes that before long the friends in Persia would send him an approximate figure, but he does not know when that will be, for he has been waiting for this figure ever since he took up the reins of the administration. In closing may I assure you of Shoghi Effendi’s prayers and best wishes for the services you are rendering the Cause. Yours very sincerely, Rúḥí Afnán. Dear and Precious co-workers: I wish you to urge the friends, far and near, to concentrate their energy, attention and resources on the immediate needs and requirements of the Temple. Everything else, except the Teaching work, must be sub-ordinated to this pressing issue, this high enterprise, this noble ideal. I will continue to pray at the Shrine of Bahá’u’lláh for the success of your unsparing efforts, and wish to assure you in person of my great love and appreciation of your many past and present services to our beloved Faith. Your true brother, {.sig} SHOGHI. {.sig} --- ## 383.
1932-02-03 crisis that exists in the world {.center} Agriculture and Rural Life Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. The crisis that exists in the world is not confined to the farmers. Its effects have reached every means of livelihood. The farmers are in a sense better off because they at least have food to eat. But on the whole the crisis is serving a great purpose. It is broadening the outlook of man, teaching him to think internationally, forcing him to take into consideration the welfare of his neighbours if he wishes to improve his own condition. In short it is forcing humanity to appreciate the significance of and follow the precepts laid by Bahá’u’lláh. (3 February 1932, written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer) --- ## 384.
1932-02-03 To an individual believer re distinguish btwn words of faithful and of evil wishers {.center} Scholarship (BSB) Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. Published in Bahá’í Studies Bulletin Vol 1-1, June 1982 Shoghi Effendi was astonished to hear that Dr._ ___ lost his faith in the Cause because of come statements he heard here in Halfa. A person like him should be able to distinguish between the words of a faithful believer and statements made by an enemy who entertains evil thoughts.This is why the Master so constantly reminded us to be careful of the evil wishers of the Faith. Any how Shoghi Effendi hopes that he will gradually change his attitude and resume his services for the Cause. 1932-02-03 To an individual believer re distinguish btwn words of faithful and of evil wishers {.ref .center} --- ## 385.
1932-02-14 To Martha re translations {.center} Her Eternal Crown: Queen Marie of Romania and the Bahá’í Faith, Della L Marcus, pp182-3 {.ref .center} From Geneva I feel you should concentrate your attention on Central Europe and then on the Balkans. Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland are the countries which stand in the greatest need of your valiant support. The utmost effort should be exerted to establish Bahá’í centres in those countries. We already have centres in Bulgaria, Albania and Austria but none in Yugoslavia, Romania, Poland, Czechoslovakia and Greece. I would urge you to take the necessary steps to have Dr Esslemonťs book translated into the language of any one of these above-mentioned countries. I would be so glad to assist in their translation and printing. You need not wait until a believer can undertake to translate the book. I am enclosing a small sum which I trust will be of help to you in your vast and historic work for the Cause. 1932-02-14 To Martha re translations {.ref .center} --- ## 386.
1932-02-20 need for capable and enlightened souls {.center} 1932-02-20 need for capable and enlightened souls {.ref .center} USBN #61 — April 1932 — page 2-3 {.ref .center} Haifa, Palestine. {.sig} February 20, 1932. {.sig} Dear Mr. McDaniel: Shoghi Effendi wishes me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated Dec. 8th, 1931. You mention the need of the Cause for capable and enlightened {.sig} souls who would arise and help the promotion of our beloved Faith and the carrying through of its divine plans. This has been for long the earnest prayer of Shoghi Effendi but for some reason or other it does not seem to be realized. It may be because we have failed to do our best, in living the life, and promoting the spread of the Message to the best of our ability. We have first to create the material with which we have to work and then hope to succeed. In the Bayán the Báb says that every religion of the past was fit to become universal. The only reason why they fail to attain that mark was the incompetence of their followers. He then proceeds to give a definite promise that this would not be the fate of the revelation of “Him whom God would make manifest,” that it will become universal and include all the people of the world. This shows that we will ultimately succeed. But could we not through our shortcoming, failures to sacrifice and reluctance to concentrate our efforts in spreading the Cause, retard the realization of that ideal. And what would that mean? It shall mean that we will be held responsible before God, that the race will remain longer in its state of waywardness, that wars would not be so soon averted, that human suffering will last longer. Shoghi Effendi will pray that the friends of God be helped in their task, that the hand of divine mercy lead us on to victory and that we may win the goodpleasure of our Lord. Assuring you of his loving greeting, I remain, Yours ever sincerely, Rúḥí Afnán. --- ## 387.
1932-02-20 re 2nd Plan of Unified Action {.center} 1932-02-20 re 2nd Plan of Unified Action {.ref .center} USBN #60 — March 1932 — page 1 {.ref .center} I wish to add a few words in person in order to re-affirm the paramount, the urgent necessity for devising ways and means that will ensure the success of the Plan of Unified Action, and compensate for the disadvantages it has, unavoidably and owing to unforseen circumstances, suffered. I would appeal to every conscientious follower of the Faith in that land, not to rest until the means have been made available to insure the completion of the decoration of the Dome of this imposing and marvelous edifice before the end of the spring of next year. The Cause will suffer, its prestige will no doubt be affected if the Plan, so admirably conceived, should again fall into abeyance. This we must at all costs prevent. May the Almighty inspire and sustain you in your arduous task. SHOGHI. {.sig} --- ## 388.
1932-02-28 companionship {.center} 1932-02-28 companionship {.ref .center} USBN #60 — March 1932 — page 7 {.ref .center} Letter from Shoghi Effendi to Mr. Albert Windust, Haifa, Palestine. {.sig} February 28, 1932. {.sig} Dear Mr. Windust: Shoghi Effendi wishes me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated February 7th, 1932, written on your arrival in Chicago. {.sig} The account of your trip, of the centers you have visited and the friends you have met, was very interesting. Shoghi Effendi is sure that they have enjoyed seeing you as much as you have obtained from meeting them. There is always a mutual give and take in such visits and commerce of love. How much Shoghi Effendi hopes that other pilgrims would do the same! The service rendered is far beyond what we can estimate at the time. Shoghi Effendi was especially glad to hear of the nice re-union you had with your relatives in England. He sincerely hopes that this introduction you have given them to the Cause, will awaken their interest and induce them to study the teaching. While visiting the Shrines, Shoghi Effendi will pray for them and ask for them all divine guidance and blessings. The Cause in England is at a standstill. It is only occasionally that someone enters the folds as a confirmed believer. They generally get interested and then drop off. The friends there are constantly writing Shoghi Effendi to ask the Bahá’ís who come to Haifa, to so arrange their plan as to visit England on their way home. They need assistance and the friends in America are in a position to render it. Shoghi Effendi hopes that by now your business has taken some shape and that you do not find life so very exacting. Please convey his greetings to all the friends, especially to your daughters. Assuring you of his prayers and loving greetings. Yours ever sincerely, Rúḥí Afnán. Dearly-beloved co-worker: The days of our companionship under the shadow of the holy shrine, our collaboration, our discussions, and prayers at the sacred threshold, will long linger in my memory. Much as I had heard, and through correspondence learned, of your tenacity of faith, your thoroughness, your passionate devotion to our beloved Cause, the intimate experience of our meeting in this sacred spot has served only to heighten my admiration for the spirit that animates you in the service of the Cause. The sequel of your pilgrimage, your journey to Europe, I regard as an added blessing and invaluable service which I greatly value. The letters I received regarding your visit to the Bahá’í centers testify to the deep impression you have made upon the believers. I will from the depth of my heart supplicate for you and your daughter, the Almighty’s richest blessings. Your true brother, {.sig} SHOGHI. {.sig} --- ## 389.
1932-02-xx Masters photo #9 {.center} 1932-02-xx Master’s photo, #9 {.ref .center} USBN #61 — April 1932 — page 3 {.ref .center} Letter from Shoghi Effendi to Mrs. Corinne True “Shoghi Effendi wishes me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated January 28, 1932, together with the enclosed photograph of the Master. {.sig} Concerning the number nine: the Bahá’ís reverence this for two reasons, first because it is considered by those who are interested in numbers as the sign of perfection. The second consideration, which is the more important one, is that it is the numerical value of the word “Bahá.” (B equals 2, h equals 5, a equals 1, and there is an accent at the end of the word which also equals 1; the “a” after the “B” is not written in Persian so it does not count). In the Semitic languages, both Arabic and Hebrew, every letter of the alphabet has a numerical value, so instead of using figures to denote numbers they used letters and compounds of letters. Thus every letter had both a literal meaning and also a numerical value. This practice is no more in use but during the time of Bahá’u’lláh and the Báb it was quite in vogue among the educated classes, and we find it very much used in the Bahan. As the word Bahá also stood for the number nine it could be used interchangeably with it. Besides these two significances the number nine has no other meaning. It is, however, enough to make the Bahá’ís use it when an arbitrary number is to be chosen. Rúḥí Afnán. Dear and precious co-worker: The news of the splendid results of the completion of the Temple superstructure is a source of great joy and satisfaction and greatly heartens me in my arduous work. I would urge you to do all in your power to arouse the believers, far and near, to continue in their heroic efforts for the completion of their great enterprise. You should regard it as your first and most sacred obligation to stimulate the friends to maintain, nay to raise, if possible, the already high standard of their self-sacrifice. You will thereby be ennobling and enriching the record of your manifold and unforgettable services to the Cause in that land. Your true brother, {.sig} SHOGHI. {.sig} --- ## 390.
1932-03-09 On Behalf Of To An Ind re contribs fm someone on public assistance {.center} Stewardship and Development p9 compiled for the USNSA 2005 “Concerning your question whether a person is to contribute to the Bahá’í Fund when he obtains his means of livelihood through public charity. Practically this is impossible, for a person who is so dependent upon the community cannot be of much help to others. Generally he does not have sufficient even for himself alone. In principle however, this is a secondary issue. Donations to the Cause are free. It is for every person to judge for himself whether he is in a position to contribute and whether he desires to do it; how he has obtained that sum is immaterial. A poor person may be readier than a rich man in sharing with others, and if he does, his sacrifice would be greater. A rich man’s gift may not be a sacrifice, but a poor man’s is sure to be.” 1932-03-09 On Behalf Of To An Ind re contribs fm someone on public assistance {.ref .center} --- ## 391.
1932-03-09 Roy Wilhelm re inactive Bahá’ís {.center} 1932-03-09 Roy Wilhelm re inactive Bahá’ís {.ref .center} USBN #64 — July 1932 — page 4 {.ref .center} “You mentioned in one of your letters that some of the old believers who for many years had kept away are not coming back and attending the meetings. How wonderful it would be if all such persons, together with all those who met the Master and whose life was changed through His influence would come along and help us in spreading these divine teachings! Perhaps the friends should take the initiative and make their meetings so inspiring and their activities so interesting and far-reaching in importance that they would of their own accord come forward and lend us their help.” (To Roy C. Wilhelm, West Englewood, through Rúḥí Afnán, March 9, 1932). --- ## 392.
1932-03-09 spiritual advantages of Convention consultation {.center} 1932-03-09 spiritual advantages of Convention consultation {.ref .center} USBN #60 — March 1932 — page 1 {.ref .center} Haifa, Palestine, March 9, 1932. Spiritual advantages derived from {.sig} deliberations of delegates in Convention assembled outweigh financial considerations. Urge eliminate unnecessary expenses. SHOGHI. {.sig} --- ## 393.
1932-03-13 present condition of the world & youth {.center} 1932-03-13 present condition of the world & youth {.ref .center} No. 68 — November 1932 — page 3 “The present condition of the world — its economic instability, social dissensions, political dissatisfaction and international distrust — should awaken the youth from their slumber and make them inquire what the future is going to bring. It is surely they who will suffer most if some calamity sweep over the world. They should therefore open their eyes to the existing conditions, study the evil forces that are at work and then with a concerted effort arise and bring about the necessary reforms — reforms that shall contain within their scope the spiritual as well as social and political phases of human life.” (To Mrs. Claude Gaudreaux, Yonkers, New York, through Rúḥí Afnán, Haifa. March 13, 1932). --- ## 394.
1932-03-14 To Martha re BNE translation languages {.center} Her Eternal Crown: Queen Marie of Romania and the Bahá’í Faith, Della L Marcus, pp183 {.ref .center} MARTHA CARE BAHÁ’Í GENEVA FEEL STRONGLY NECESSITY PROMPT TRANSLATION ESSLEMONTS INTO CZECH, HUNGARIAN, ROMANIAN, GREEK AS PRELIMINARY INTENSIVE TEACHING CAMPAIGN EUROPE. EAGER ASSIST FINANCIALLY AWAITING ESTIMATES. LOVE. 1932-03-14 To Martha re BNE translation languages {.ref .center} --- ## 395.
1932-03-14 Winthrop Lee re Esperanto {.center} 1932-03-14 Winthrop Lee re Esperanto {.ref .center} No. 63 — June 1932 — page 3 to Mr. Winthrop Lee, one of the officers of Esperanto Informo: “The Bahá’ís have always considered with deep interest and esteem the wonderful work of the Esperantists are achieving in putting into practise one of the foremost principles of their Faith. Many of their numbers have been encouraged to study that language and participate in promoting its many interests. They would therefore be very willing to cooperate with you in matters that are of mutual interest... . May God hasten the day when your hopes as well as ours will be realized.” --- ## 396.
1932-03-14 appeal regarding new Plan {.center} 1932-03-14 appeal regarding new Plan {.ref .center} USBN #61 — April 1932 — page 1 {.ref .center} March 14, 1932 {.sig} Dear and valued co-workers: I grieve, beyond words, to learn of the scanty response of the friends to the Plan of Unified Action to which the sacred interests of the Faith are at present so vitally and closely related. I am acutely conscious of the unprecedented character of the depression under which you labor. I am fully aware of the sacrifices you have already made, and realize the urgent need of allaying the burden which weighs so heavily on some of the poor and distressed believers. But I realize also the uniqueness of the opportunity which it is our privilege to seize and utilize. The world is watching the progress of our Faith and the steady expansion of our institutions. The eyes of countless men and women, both high and low, whether in the East or in the West, friendly or critical, are fixed upon the Ma_shriqu’l-A_dhkár, eager and expectant to know whether the growing vicissitudes and the successive crises that afflict your country are such as to deflect the American believers from their high purpose or to paralyze their efforts in the prosecution of their sacred task. Ours is the duty to vindicate the vitality and invincible power of our Faith. SHOGHI. {.sig} --- ## 397.
1932-03-15 not sufficient to have merely interested people {.center} EXTRACTS PROM SHOGHI EFFENDI’S LETTERS TO RUTH J. MOFFETT AND ROBERT LEE MOFFETT March 15, 1932, Haifa. {.sig} ... You should not let the work drop after you leave. You should try to keep up the interest that has been created by paying them regular visits and helping those who have been interested to definitely join the group and take part in their activities. It is not sufficient to have merely interested people; we need confirmed Bahá’ís ready to stake anything for the progress of the Faith.” Your true brother, {.sig} Shoghi {.sig} --- ## 398.
1932-04-04 economic world dislocated {.center} EXTRACTS PROM SHOGHI EFFENDI’S LETTERS TO RUTH J. MOFFETT AND ROBERT LEE MOFFETT April 4, 1932, Haifa. {.sig} “... The economic world is, due to international affairs, completely dislocated, and as a result many innocent souls have to suffer, but this shall not continue long. Conditions will change, and better days will soon dawn. ... First try and deepen your knowledge of the teachings and then arise to lend an effective help in spreading them throughout the world. For it is only with the saving grace of God, revealed in this Day through the Bahá’í Faith, that the world can hope to be relieved from its many social and spiritual ills.” Your true brother, {.sig} Shoghi {.sig} --- ## 399.
1932-04-04 need for people who take responsibilities {.center} 1932-04-04 need for people who take responsibilities {.ref .center} USBN #64 — July 1932 — page 4 {.ref .center} “Every now and then we hear that a new Assembly has been formed and that more people are being attracted to the Cause, but there is still much to be desired. As you mention in your letter the Cause needs some more people who are able to shoulder its responsibilities and extend real help in promoting its many interests, both spiritual and material. These people whom we are so eagerly awaiting to appear will not, however, come of their own accord. They have to be brought in. it is for us to become active and really spread the Message.” (To Allen B. McDaniel, Washington, D.C., through Rúḥí Afnán, April 4, 1932). --- ## 400.
1932-04-06 deepen before acting {.center} 1932-04-06 deepen before acting {.ref .center} No. 67 — October 1932 — page 4 “Shoghi Effendi hopes that you two, who have come to appreciate the light of guidance shed so gloriously by Bahá’u’lláh [Baba’u’llah sic.], will first try and deepen your knowledge of the teachings and then arise to lend an effective help in spreading them throughout the world. For it is only with the saving grace of God, revealed this day through the Bahá’í Faith, that the world can hope to be relieved from its many social and spiritual ills.” (To Mr. John B. Richardson, Chicago, through Rúḥí Afnán, April 6, 1932). --- ## 401.
1932-04-13 constantly urged to study the literature of the Cause {.center} 1932-04-13 constantly urged to study the literature of the Cause {.ref .center} USBN #64 — July 1932 — page 4 {.ref .center} “Another essential thing is that those who do embrace the Faith should be constantly urged to study the literature of the Cause. It is not sufficient that our numbers should increase, we want people whose faith stands on a rock no trial can move. We want people who in turn arise and carry the message to other people and guide other souls. “From every corner of the earth letters come to Shoghi Effendi asking for teachers, but he is far, far from being able to answer all the demands. The only way we can satisfy that need is to have every Bahá’í follow the command of Bahá’u’lláh and become himself a teacher. And that task is not so very impossible; it only needs a thorough knowledge of the teaching and a burning desire to spread the message.” (To Spiritual Assembly of Fruitport, Mrs. Frazer, Secretary, through Rúḥí Afnán, April 13, 1932.) --- ## 402.
1932-04-14 it is with sacrifice that this Temple is to be built {.center} 1932-04-14 it is with sacrifice that this Temple is to be built. {.ref .center} USBN #64 — July 1932 — page 4 {.ref .center} “A group that does not progress and show signs of life will soon die out and be forgotten. We have to keep virile and remain active if we desire our Cause to prosper and become an active force in shaping the destiny of the world... . You asked concerning some plans whereby funds could be gathered for the Temple. Shoghi Effendi believes that the best and noblest method is to have free donations that are made spontaneously and with the sense of making some sacrifice in furthering the Cause. it is with sacrifice that this Temple is to be built. This is the truly worthy method. This principle therefore excludes any method whereby the help of non-Bahá’ís is included.” (To Kenosha Spiritual Assembly, through Rúḥí Afnán, April 14, 1932.) {.sig} --- ## 403.
1932-04-14 passing through difficult times {.center} 1932-04-14 passing through difficult times {.ref .center} USBN #64 — July 1932 — page 4 {.ref .center} “He (Shoghi Effendi) was very sorry to learn that you are passing through difficult times, but such seems to be the fate of every single person on the surface of the earth at the present time. When such a crisis sweeps over the world no person should hope to remain intact. We belong to an organic unit and when one part of the organism suffers all the rest of the body will feel its consequences. This is in fact the reason why Bahá’u’lláh calls our attention to the unity of mankind. But as Bahá’ís we should not let such hardships weaken our hope in the future. Read the last general letter of Shoghi Effendi (“The Golden Age of the Cause of Bahá’u’lláh”) and see the description of the future which he has tried to put before our eyes. We may be suffering at present but that will soon cease and glorious days will dawn. “In all such matters as you mention in your letter, Shoghi Effendi wishes the friends to take the Assemblies into their confidence and discuss it with them. Being on the spot they can judge better and take into consideration all the different aspects of the problem. We should always trust the Assemblies and go to them for advice. Our debts, however, should be considered as sacred and take precedence over any other thing (i.e., payment of debts comes before contributions to the Cause) for upon this principle does the foundation of our economic life rest. (To a Bahá’í family of Kenosha, through Rúḥí Afnán, April 14, 1932.) --- ## 404.
1932-04-14 To Louise Drake Wright {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp17-19 Louise Drake Wright, 14 April 1932 Dear Miss Wright: Shoghi Effendi wishes me to drop you these few lines to acknowledge the receipt of your cable asking his advice concerning your teaching tour. He believes that the most advisable thing is to concentrate upon northern Germany and Holland. He has already asked Miss Jack to stay in Sofia and Mr. Benke [George Adam Benke] is going to join her. Mrs. Gregory and Martha are to devote most of their time to Central Europe especially Hungary, Austria and Poland. This makes Eastern and Central Europe well provided for. Shoghi Effendi therefore believes that you could render greater services if you visit the centers in Germany especially the northern part and also include Holland. As far as we can learn through the correspondence we receive, the greatest amount and most lasting work has been achieved by those teachers who instead of covering much ground stay for at least a few weeks in the same city and try to confirm those whom they interest. Mere meeting the people and speaking to them about the general aspects of the Cause does not generally produce a lasting result. So if you chose some of the towns in Northern Germany and Holland and stay at least [a] few weeks in each place you could achieve more. Holland is a totally new country to the Cause so it will be true pioneer service. We do not know how receptive the people are but through the grace of God some real opening could be made. We have only one Bahá’í there and his name is: Herr G.I. Bertelink [Gerrit Jan Bertelink ], Hoogstraat 3, Enschede, Holland. Perhaps you could use his help; other wise you will have to rely on your own resources and divine help. Anyhow Shoghi Effendi hopes you will succeed and create a new and prosperous center in Holland. Assuring you of his prayers and best wishes I remain. Yours ever sincerely, Rúḥí Afnán --- ## 405.
1932-04-14 To Louise Wright re svc in Germany and Holland {.center} The Artist’s Daughter, Nancy Douglas Bowditch, p228-9 Dear Miss Wright: Shoghi Effendi wishes me to drop you these few lines to acknowledge the receipt of your cable seeking his advice concerning your teaching tour. He believes that the most advisable thing is to concentrate upon Northern Germany and Holland. He has already asked Miss Jack to stay in Sofia and Mr. Benke is going to join her. Mrs. Gregory and Martha are to devote most of their time to Central Europe especially Hungary, Austria and Poland. This makes Eastern and Central Europe well provided for. Shoghi Effendi therefore believes that you could render greater service if you visit the centers in Germany especially the Northern part and also include Holland. As far as we can learn through the correspondence we receive, the greatest amount and most lasting work has been achieved by those teachers who instead of covering much ground, stay for at least a few weeks in the same city and try to confirm those whom they interest. Mere meeting the people and speaking to them about the general aspects of the Cause does not generally produce a lasting result. So if you chose some of the towns in Northern Germany and Holland and stay at least for a few weeks in each place, you could achieve more. Holland is a totally new country to the Cause so it will be true pioneer service. We do not know how receptive the people are but through the Grace of God some real opening could be made. We have only one Bahá’í there. His name is: Herr G. I. Bertelinck, Hoogstraat S, Enschede, Holland. Perhaps you could use his help; otherwise you will have to rely on your own resources and divine help. Anyhow Shoghi Effendi hopes you will succeed and create a new and prosperous center in Holland. Assuring you of his prayers and best wishes I remain, Yours ever sincerely, Rúḥí Afnán. 1932-04-14 To Louise Wright re svc in Germany and Holland {.ref .center} --- ## 406.
1932-04-14 To May Maxwell re photo & reports of Montreal youth {.center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani, p179 {.ref .center} Dear and precious co-worker: Please thank Mr. Maxwell for the splendid photographs of the Montreal Youth Group which I was very pleased to receive. The report of their activities was highly encouraging, & I have forwarded it to Horace for incorporation in the Bahá’í World. I would have so wished to include your article in the forthcoming issue, but in view of my decision to reserve all the material I had received for the future publication, I felt it unfair to discriminate in favour of your splendid account. You will, I am sure, realize the delicacy & difficulty of my position. I trust & pray that you will continue in close collaboration with Mary & her father your inestimable services to the Cause of Bahá’u’lláh. Your true brother & well-wisher, {.sig} Shoghi {.sig} 1932-04-14 To May Maxwell re photo & reports of Montreal youth {.ref .center} --- ## 407.
1932-04-18 To Coswell re teaching along with radio work {.center} Divine Springtime — Louise Caswell Recalls, p9 April 18, 1932, her work in {.sig} But together with this method (radio) there should be intensive teaching whereby those interested are made to study thoroughly and fully embrace the Faith. The cause wants adherents who are willing to shoulder responsibility and when the occasion arises sacrifice their life and all in its path. Shoghi Effendi trusts that you are doing that as well, as he is fully familiar with the services you have been rendering along that line.” (Signed) Rúḥí Afnán. {.sig} 1932-04-18 To Coswell re teaching along w/ radio work {.ref .center} --- ## 408.
1932-04-21 Effect of martyrs blood on Germany {.center} Germany, France, Italy, and Switzerland, #20 Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. Published in Bahá’í Studies Review 4:1 O spiritual brothers and sisters: Think for a while of the signs of greatness, of supremacy and victory which have appeared in this first century of the Bahá’í Dispensation within the two continents of Europe and America, and indeed across the whole earth. These have come about solely from the powerful effect of the bitter cruelty tasted as if it were purest honey all these long years by those who are overwhelmed in tribulation at the hands of the malevolent in that sorely afflicted land. It is the shedding of the sacred blood of the martyrs in Persia which has turned the lofty heart of Her Majesty the Queen {Queen Marie of Romania} toward this new-sprung plant of God, and caused her, through her successive and stirring messages, to awaken and alert a whole world. It is the shedding of the sacred blood of the martyrs in Persia which has enabled the knights of the arena of servitude unto God to win the honour of raising and completing, in the heart of America, the noble and exalted structure of the first Ma_shriqu’l-A_dhkár in the Western world, so that great multitudes from different races, religions, sects and classes were fascinated by and enamoured of that manifest sign, that safe haven, that entrancing Temple of the Cause of the Lord of the worlds. It is the shedding of the sacred blood of the martyrs in Persia which has guided and assisted the standard-bearers of this oppressed community in the remotest West, to establish distinguished administrative institutions, to found Bahá’í endowments, to obtain official recognition from the high authorities, to put into effect divine laws and ordinances and to formulate a constitution for National Spiritual Assemblies.... It is the shedding of the sacred blood of the martyrs in Persia which, in Germany, has raised up those who have held fast to the strong handle of faith, with such constancy and firmness that, mountain-solid in face of the bitter blasts of tests and the fiery storms of delirious outcries from the foes-which except in America had never blown so fiercely across the West-they withstood every mischief-maker and their feet never stumbled on the narrow path. Nay rather, their fervour, their boldness, their endurance, their help to one another, only increased, and they toiled more than ever to extend in their country the scope of the Cause of God and the range of Bahá’í publications, and to consolidate the institutions of the Faith. (21 April 1932 to the Bahá’ís of the East — translated from the Persian) --- ## 409.
1932-04-26 providing financial assistance {.center} 1932-04-26 providing financial assistance {.ref .center} No. 68 — November 1932 — page 3 “He (Shoghi Effendi) was very glad to see you offer to help Mr. and Mrs... ... . to stay in ... ... and serve the spread of the movement. They are surely wonderful souls and very competent to deliver the message to others. They are versed in the teachings and have the true Bahá’í spirit, and these are the only capital a real teacher of the Bahá’í Cause needs to he successful in his work. Moreover, it is the duty of the Bahá’ís to help one another in time of difficulty — in times such as these when our economic life is disrupted and as a result innumerable people are left without work and proper means of livelihood. “But though your offer is most commendable, Shoghi Effendi would prefer to have the local Assembly of ... ... or the National Assembly decide whether the stay of Mr. andMrs... ... . in ... ... . is vital enough for the Cause as to necessitate so much sacrifice on your part.” {To Mrs. Bessie F. Seker, Pittsburgh, Pa., through Rúḥí Afnán, Haifa, April 26, 1932.) --- ## 410.
1932-04-27 Marion Jacks teaching style {.center} Quoted in Never be Afraid to Dare, Jasion, p149 Shoghi Effendi is sure therefore that Miss Jack has no desire to rule. It is against her spirit. If she by chance asserts her idea, it is because she consciously believes that it is best for the Cause: for she has no other motive but to serve & no other hope but to carry the message of Bahá’u’lláh to as many Bulgarian houses as she can. [on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to Aleksandar Lepchev, 27 Apr 32] --- ## 411.
1932-04-27 membership of NSA {.center} 1932-04-27 membership of NSA {.ref .center} No. 67 — October 1932 — page 4 “Shoghi Effendi has never said that the members of the National Assembly have to be renewed partially every year. The important thing is that they should be properly elected. It would be nice if there should be new members elected, for new blood always adds to the energy of the group and will keep up their spirit. But this depends entirely upon the will of the delegates as represented in the result of their voting. “The teachers of the Cause can surely become members of any Assembly or committee. There should be no incapacity attached to them. But Shoghi Effendi would just prefer to see them devote all their time to teaching and leave the administrative functions for those who cannot serve as teachers.” (To Mr. Willard Hatch, Los Angeles, through Rúḥí Afnán, April 27, 1932.) --- ## 412.
1932-04-xx teaching work in colleges and universities {.center} 1932-04-xx teaching work in colleges and universities {.ref .center} USBN #64 — July 1932 — page 4 {.ref .center} “As to teaching work in colleges and universities, this is very important, for students as a whole are open-minded and little influenced by tradition. They would easily enter the Cause if the subject is properly presented and their intellect and sentiments properly satisfied. This, however, should be attempted only by persons who have had university training and are therefore acquainted with the mind of the intelligent and educated youth. “The movement surely needs educated and devoted souls who will through their deeds as well as pen promulgate the teachings throughout the world.” (To Mrs. Mabel Paine and Miss Sylvia Paine, Urbana, through Rúḥí Afnán, received in April, 1932.) {.ref .center} --- ## 413.
1932-05-01 Summer Schools {.center} 1932-05-01 Summer Schools {.ref .center} No. 67 — October 1932 — page 4 “How wonderful it would be if all the friends could arrange to spend at least a few days in one of these summer schools and take an active part in their development. These centers could attract many souls if properly arranged and made interesting; those non-Bahá’ís who visit them will then have some time to get into the spirit of the place and make a study of the Cause... We constantly receive letters from people who became Bahá’ís by visiting one of these centers and obtaining the Message there.” (To Miss Cora Gray, received about May 1, 1932, through Rúḥí Afnán.) --- ## 414.
1932-05-03 completion dome Ma_shriqu’l-A_dhkár crown {.center} !932-05-03 completion dome Ma_shriqu’l-A_dhkár crown USBN #66 September 1932 p2 {.ref .center} “May completion dome Ma_shriqu’l-A_dhkár crown united labors newly elected National Assembly.” (Cablegram) May 3, 1932. --- ## 415.
1932-05-03 To Martha re effect of her contacts {.center} Her Eternal Crown: Queen Marie of Romania and the Bahá’í Faith, Della L Marcus, pp183-4 {.ref .center} Your letters with the wonderful reports of your activities in teaching the Cause and interesting distinguished persons always bring him much joy and pleasure. He wished he had a large number of your type, so devoted to the Faith and so determined to spread its message throughout the world. Even though the men you contact do not immediately embrace the Cause and whole-heartedly support it, yet the word of God that has penetrated their mind and heart will not remain idle. They will be bound, once they read something or lend an attentive ear, to unconsciously modify their views, for the message will be gradually working in their subconscious mind and thereby moulding their views and interests. One day the Cause will pass the threshold of their consciousness and they will become completely converted. But even before that day, they will be expressing that spirit in their deliberations and thereby helping the progress of the cause of peace throughout the world. 1932-05-03 To Martha re effect of her contacts {.ref .center} ========= {.noid} Among those whom Martha had made contact with were Queen Marie of Romania, King Zog of Albania, King Boris II of Bulgaria, King Faisal of ‘Iráq, King Haakon of Norway, President Thomas Masaryk of Czechoslovakia, President Herbert Hoover of the United States, Prince Paul and Princess Olga of Yugoslavia and Princess Ileana of Romania. --- ## 416.
1932-05-07 The Dawn-Breakers” book {.center} 1932-05-07 “The Dawn-Breakers” book {.ref .center} No. 67 — October 1932 — page 4 “You may be interested to know that many of the distinguished men to whom Shoghi Effendi sent a copy of “The Dawn-Breakers as a present, wrote him in answer that it is one of the most beautiful books they have seen for a long time. This proves how succesful you have been in that important task.” (To Mrs. Marion Little, Secretary of the Publishing Committee, New York, through Rúḥí Afnán, May 7, 1932.) In the same letter, written by the Guardian: “I wish to reaffirm in person the cable I was moved to send to your address expressing my keen appreciation of and profound gratitude for the manner you as well as your collaborators have cooperated in producing such a splendid and impressive edition. It is a striking and abiding evidence of the efficiency and exemplary devotion which characterize your work for the Cause.” --- ## 417.
1932-05-08 results of teaching {.center} EXTRACTS PROM SHOGHI EFFENDI’S LETTERS TO RUTH J. MOFFETT AND ROBERT LEE MOFFETT May 8, 1932, Haifa. {.sig} “... How wonderful it would have been if we had a large group to such self-sacrificing and competent teachers who would spread about the world and confirm the seeking souls to the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh! In a few years then war would cease, hatreds be changed into love and the Kingdom of God be established amongst men.” Your true brother, {.sig} Shoghi {.sig} --- ## 418.
1932-05-09 The Dawn Breakers” and teaching {.center} 1932-05-09 “The Dawn Breakers” and teaching {.ref .center} No. 67 — October 1932 — page 4 “Shoghi Effendi undertook the translation of “The Dawn Breakers only after being convinced that its publication will arouse the friends to greater self — sacrifice and a more determined way of teaching. Otherwise he would not have devoted so much time to it. Reading about the life and activities of those heroic souls is bound to influence our mode of living and the importance we attach to our services in the Cause. Shoghi Effendi therefore hopes that the friends will read, nay rather, study that book, and encourage their young people to do that as well. “It is also very important to hold study classes and go deep in the Teachings. A great harm is done by starting to teach without being firmly grounded in the literature. ‘Little knowledge is dangerous’ fully applies to the teaching work. The friends should read the Writings and be able to quote from the Tablets when discussing subjects pertaining to the Faith.” (To Mrs. Edith Hildebrand, Clearlake Highlands, California, through Rúḥí Afnán, May 9, 1932.) --- ## 419.
1932-05-13 Country people should be much readier for Message {.center} Agriculture and Rural Life Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. Shoghi Effendi was very glad to hear of your work among the ranchers. He sincerely hopes that they will advance in spirituality and become imbued with the spirit of Bahá’u’lláh. Country people should be much readier for the Message, for they are not so completely carried away by material civilization and its blinding influence. They ought to be more receptive and more pure in heart. (13 May 1932, written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer) --- ## 420.
1932-05-13 re country” people {.center} 1932-05-13 re “country” people {.ref .center} No. 67 — October 1932 — page 4 “Shoghi Effendi was glad to hear of your work among the ranchers. He sincerely hopes that they will advance in spirituality and become imbued with the Spirit of Bahá’u’lláh. Country people should be much readier for the Message, for they are not so completely carried away by material civilization and its blinding influence. They ought to be more receptive and more pure in heart.” (To Mrs. _Shahnáz Waite, Los Angeles, through Rúḥí Afnán, May 13, 1932.) --- ## 421.
1932-05-22 To Martha re deluxe copy of Dawnbreakers for Marie {.center} Her Eternal Crown: Queen Marie of Romania and the Bahá’í Faith, Della L Marcus, pp183-4 {.ref .center} Europe, especially Central and Eastern Europe, is a wonderful field for work. The great difficulties they have passed through these last years have made the people there peace-seeking and more ready to listen to a spiritual message proclaiming universal brotherhood. They are far more ready than the Latin countries that still possess the arrogance of victory in the last war. Shoghi Effendi wishes to send a copy of the de luxe edition of ‘The Dawn-Breakers’ to Queen Marie. As he is not sure whether it will reach her if sent directly from here, he is sending it over to you. You could use your own judgement whether to send it to her by mail or wait and take it yourself when you go to see her during your visit to the Balkans. So he is sending it to you under separate cover ... I will mail a copy of the de luxe edition of ‘The Dawn-Breakers’ to your address in a few days, bearing an inscription for Queen Marie. May the Beloved guide you in the manner of its presentation to Her Majesty. 1932-05-22 To Martha re deluxe copy of Dawnbreakers for Marie {.ref .center} --- ## 422.
1932-05-28 On Collection of Bahá’í Funds {.center} 1932-05-28 On Collection of Bahá’í Funds {.ref .center} No. 67 — October 1932 — page 4 “Shoghi Effendi wishes me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated May 8th, 1932, telling him of some incidents that transpired during the Convention {.sig} this year, especially when funds were collected for the Temple. He was very glad to learn of the wonderful spirit that prevailed in those gatherings; for it is only through such a spirit of devotion and sacrifice that the Cause can prosper and its message embrace the whole world. It was also wonderful to see the interest shown by the public in the general gatherings that formed part of the Convention program. “Shoghi Effendi hopes that as the Temple is gradually completed this interest will increase and they will try to share in the spirit that motivates the friends and accepting the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh, arise to serve it and dedicate their life to its spread. “Such gatherings for collections of funds are permissible if it is done with a true spirit of sacrifice, not when the audience is especially aroused to a frenzy and mob psychology is used to induce them to pay. “Shoghi Effendi has repeatedly stated that no pressure should be used upon the friends and psychological pressure falls under that category. But there is much difference between such gatherings often used by religious bodies, and a true quiet, prayerful atmosphere when a person is, of his own accord, aroused to make some sacrifice. The distinction is very delicate, but it is for the Chairman to use his power to see that one desirable form is not corrupted into the other. All the activities of the Cause should be carried through in a dignified manner. “Shoghi Effendi is sure that the funds gathered at the last Convention was not due to the play of mob psychology but to the prayerful attitude of the friends and their desire to make further sacrifice.” (to Mrs. Corinne True, Wilmette, through Rúḥí Afnán, May 28, 1932.) --- ## 423.
1932-05-30 on teaching {.center} 1932-05-30 on teaching {.ref .center} No. 67 — October 1932 — page 4 “Administrative work and teaching do not exclude each other. Even though you will find yourself forced to give more time to the former, Shoghi Effendi hopes that you will keep up the latter form of service and continue to draw new souls into the movement. “Shoghi Effendi read the plan of work you have set for the National Teaching Committee with great care. It surely depends ultimately upon the National Assembly to approve it, or to modify it, but it seems as a whole to be most promising. “Shoghi Effendi has seen, through the experience of the international teachers that keep him informed regarding their activities, that intensive work is ultimately of a more lasting nature. It has proven to be far better that a teacher should spend a month or two in one center and wait until a group is formed, than to cover a larger area and not stay enough in a center to help the progress of those interested to the stage that they would feel themselves able to embrace the Cause and identify themselves with it.” (To Mr. Leroy Ioas, San Francisco, through Rúḥí Afnán, May 30, 1932.) --- ## 424.
1932-05-xx advice to Leroy Ioas on election to NSA {.center} Leroy Ioas — Hand of the Cause of God, Anita Chapman, pp92-3 1932-05?-XX advice to Leroy Ioas on election to NSA {.ref .center} [Shoghi Effendi] was very glad to see your name among the members of the National Assembly, because it shows that new blood is entering the administrative work ... Your election to the N.S.A. answers fully your desire to have some guidance as to the form of service you ought to render the Cause. Administrative work and teaching do not exclude each other. Even though you will find yourself forced to give more time to the former, Shoghi Effendi hopes you will keep up the latter form of service and continue to draw new souls into the Movement ... Even though you are the youngest member of that group he hopes you will be a source of inspiration to them and an example of servitude to the friends. I wish to add a few words in order to reaffirm my deep sense of satisfaction at your having been elected a member of the National Assembly — a position which, I feel confident, you will fill with ability and distinction. May Bahá’u’lláh guide and sustain you in your responsible task and enable you to lend a fresh impetus, by your advice and executive ability, to the work that the Assembly has arisen to accomplish. Your activities in the teaching field are worthy of the highest praise, and I trust that your administrative services will be no less enduring and remarkable. --- ## 425.
1932-06-08 status of the national finances {.center} 1932-06-08 status of the national finances {.ref .center} No. 66 — September 1932 — pp. 2 “I am eager to learn of the status of the national finances of the Cause, and of the prospects of an early resumption of the construction of the Temple. I have already appealed to the American believers in this connection and wish to reiterate my plea and reaffirm my conviction that the completion of the dome before the end of the spring of 1933 is vital to the highest interests of the Cause in that land, and is the supreme obligation of every conscientious and loyal believer in the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh. Great damage will be inflicted on the prestige of the Cause if this glorious plan fails to materialize, while, on the other hand, its fulfilment will confer untold blessings on all branches of the activities of our beloved Faith.” June 8, 1932. --- ## 426.
1932-06-08 To NSA re gold investments {.center} 1932-06-08 To NSA re gold investments {.ref .center} No. 67 — October 1932 — page 4 “Regarding the hoarding of gold, Shoghi Effendi would not advise that, but have your investments very secure.” --- ## 427.
1932-06-10 re actions taken by Temple Trustees {.center} 1932-06-10 re actions taken by Temple Trustees {.ref .center} USBN #64 — July 1932 — page 1 {.ref .center} “Assembly’s momentous decision fraught with incalculable consequences, worldwide benefits. Greatest Holy Leaf filled with delight. Both devoutly praying (for) unrelaxing determination (to) consummate heroic enterprise. Abiding gratitude.” (Signed) SHOGHI. {.sig} Haifa, June 10, 1932. {.sig} --- ## 428.
1932-06-14 If the Jews study the teachings {.center} HOLOCAUST AND THE GREATER PLAN OF GOD (Revised 1998) A compilation by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice If the Jews study the teachings they will find in them the hopes and aspirations that they have always cherished. Bahá’u’lláh bears a wonderful message to the Jews and many of them have come to appreciate it and are active in carrying it to others of their race. Through Bahá’u’lláh, the Master tells us, they shall regain their ancient glory and become loved by all the people of the whole world. (14 June 1932 to an individual believer) --- ## 429.
1932-06-18 individual interpretation {.center} 1932-06-18 individual interpretation {.ref .center} No. 68 — November 1932 — page 3 “As regards the statement of our own views and explanations of the teachings: Shoghi Effendi believes that we should not restrict the liberty of the individual to express his own views so long as he makes it clear that these views are his own, In fact, such explanations are often helpful and are conducive to a better understanding of the teachings. God has given man a rational power to be used and not killed. “This does not, however, mean that the absolute authority does not remain in the revealed Words. We should try and keep as near to the authority as we can and show that we are faithful to it by quoting from the Words of Bahá’u’lláh in establishing our points. To discard the authority of the revealed Words is heretic and to suppress completely individual interpretation of those Words is also bad. We should try to strike a happy medium between these two extremes.” (To Dr. E. C. Getsinger, Los Angeles, Calif., through Rúḥí Afnán, Haifa, June 18, 1932.) --- ## 430.
1932-06-20 re two young architects in Prague {.center} “The Artist’s Daughter” , Nancy Douglas Bowditch, p255-6 55. Letter from The Guardian via Rúḥí Afnán to Nancy Bowditch. Dated 20-6-‘32, Persian Colony, Haifa, Palestine. Dear Mrs. Bowditch: Shoghi Effendi wishes me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated May 18th, 1932. He is very glad to know that you have liked the “Dawn-Breakers’, for his greatest reward is to see that this work, which has cost him much labour and anxiety, is helping the friends to understand better and more fully the spirit that animates the movement and the exemplary life of the heroic souls that ushered it into the world. The Guardian sincerely hopes that by reading this book the friends will be stirred to greater activity and a higher measure of sacrifice, that they will obtain a deeper realization of this Cause whose spread and ultimate victory is entrusted to their care. As some who have read the book have remarked: no one can become familiar with those lives and not be inspired to follow in their way. It is surely true that the spirit of those heroic souls will stir many artists to produce their best. It is such lives that in the past inspired poets and moved the brush of the painters. Shoghi Effendi wishes me to impress you with the importance of keeping in touch with those two young architects in Prague. The Cause has not yet been established in that country and Shoghi Effendi is doing his best to start something there. Through correspondence you could help them to be confirmed. Shoghi Effendi was very glad to hear of the engagement of Polly. May God help her to establish a family fully representative of the true Bahá’í spirit. The Guardian will pray for both of them and ask God to shower His blessings upon them. Please convey to her as well as to the other members of your family Shoghi Effendi’s loving greetings and best wishes. With best wishes and loving greetings, Yours very sincerely, Rúḥí Afnán. Note in Shoghi Effendis handwriting: Dear and valued co-worker: I wish to assure you in person of my deep and genuine appreciation of the splendid work you have achieved and the valuable contribution you have made to the Mansion of Bahá’u’lláh in Bahjí. The portrait will adorn its walls, and serve as a constant reminder of your last visit to the Shrines, the memory of which is still fresh in my mind. I pray that you may be sustained and guided by the beloved Master to accomplish all that is your hearts desire in the service of the Cause, and may be enabled to undertake another pilgrimage to the Holy Land in the not distant future. Your true brother, {.sig} Shoghi. {.sig} --- ## 431.
1932-06-20 To Nancy Bowditch re Dawnbreakers” {.center} The Artist’s Daughter, Nancy Douglas Bowditch, p255-6 Dear Mrs. Bowditch: Shoghi Effendi wishes me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated May 18th, 1932. He is very glad to know that you have liked the “Dawn-Breakers”, for his greatest reward is to see that this work, which has cost him much labour and anxiety, is helping the friends to understand better and more fully the spirit that animates the movement and the exemplary life of the heroic souls that ushered it into the world. The Guardian sincerely hopes that by reading this book the friends will be stirred to greater activity and a higher measure of sacrifice, that they will obtain a deeper realization of this Cause whose spread and ultimate victory is entrusted to their care. As some who have read the book have remarked: no one can become familiar with those lives and not be inspired to follow in their way. It is surely true that the spirit of those heroic souls will stir many artists to produce their best. It is such lives that in the past inspired poets and moved the brush of the painters. Shoghi Effendi wishes me to impress you with the importance of keeping in touch with those two young architects in Prague. The Cause has not yet been established in that country and Shoghi Effendi is doing his best to start something there. Through correspondence you could help them to be confirmed. Shoghi Effendi was very glad to hear of the engagement of Polly. May God help her to establish a family fully representative of the true Bahá’í spirit. The Guardian will pray for both of them and ask God to shower His blessings upon them. Please convey to her as well as to the other members of your family Shoghi Effendi’s loving greetings and best wishes. With best wishes and loving greetings, Yours very sincerely, Rúḥí Afnán. Dear and valued co-worker: I wish to assure you in person of my deep and genuine appreciation of the splendid work you have achieved and the valuable contribution you have made to the Mansion of Bahá’u’lláh in Bahjí. The portrait will adorn its walls, and serve as a constant reminder of your last visit to the Shrines, the memory of which is still fresh in my mind. I pray that you may be sustained and guided by the beloved Master to accomplish all that is your heart’s desire in the service of the Cause, and may be enabled to undertake another pilgrimage to the Holy Land in the not distant future. Your true brother, {.sig} Shoghi. {.sig} 1932-06-20 To Nancy Bowditch re “Dawnbreakers” {.ref .center} --- ## 432.
1932-06-21 regarding study of Nabíls Narrative {.center} 1932-06-21 regarding study of Nabíl’s Narrative {.ref .center} USBN #64 — July 1932 — page 1 {.ref .center} “Feel impelled appeal entire body American believers (to) henceforth regard Nabíl’s soul-stirring Narrative as essential adjunct to reconstructed Teaching program, as unchalleangeable (sic) textbook in their Summer Schools, as source of inspiration in all literary (and) artistic pursuits, as an invaluable companion in times of leisure, as indispensable preliminary to future pilgrimage (to) Bahá’u’lláh’s native land, and as unfailing instrument to allay distress and resist attacks of critical, disillusioned humanity.” (Cablegram signed) SHOGHI. Haifa, June 21, 1932. {.sig} --- ## 433.
1932-07-15 meditation on passing of Bahíyyih _Khánum {.center} Bahíyyih _Khánum, compiled by the Research Department pp23-30 O ye who burn in the flames of bereavement! By the Day-star of the World, my bereaved and longing heart is afire with a grief that is beyond my description. The sudden, the grievous and calamitous news that the Most Exalted, the pure, the holy, the immaculate, the brightly shining Leaf, the Remnant of Bahá, and His trust, the eternal fruit and the one last remembrance of the Holy Tree-may my life be offered for the wrongs she suffered-has ascended, reached me like live coals cast into a frail and afflicted heart. The foundations of my serenity were shattered, and tears of desolation came like a flood that carries all away. Alas, that I was prevented from being with her at the close of her earthly days, at that moment when she ascended to her Lord, her Master, and when her delicate body was placed in the tomb. Not mine that honour, that high privilege, for I was far away, deprived, bereft, excluded. O brothers and sisters in the spirit! In this solemn hour, from one direction we can hear the sounds of loud weeping, and cries of mourning and woe, rising out of the throats of the people of Bahá throughout this nether world, because of their separation from that rich mine of faithfulness, that Orb of the heaven of eternal glory-because of her setting below the horizon of this holy Spot. But from another direction can be heard the songs of praise and holy exultation from the Company on High and the undying dwellers in Paradise, and from beyond them all God’s Prophets, coming forth to welcome that fair being, and to place her in the retreats of glory, and to seat her at the right hand of Him Who is the Centre of God’s Mighty Covenant. The community of Bahá, whether in the East of the world or the West, are lamenting like orphans left destitute; fevered, tormented, unquiet, they are voicing their grief. Out of the depths of their sorrowing hearts, there rises to the Abhá Horizon this continual piercing cry: ‘Where art thou gone, O torch of tender love? Where art thou gone, O source of grace and mercy? Where art thou gone, O symbol of bounty and generosity? Where art thou gone, O day-spring of detachment in this world of being? Where art thou gone, O trust left by Bahá among His people, O remnant left by Him among His servants, O sweet scent of His garment, shed across all created things!’ O ye who loved that luminous face! The oil within that shining lamp was used up in this world and its light was extinguished; and yet, in the lamp-niche of the Kingdom, the fingers of the Lord of the heavenly throne have kindled it so bright, and it has cast such a splendour on the maids of Heaven-dwelling in chambers of red rubies and circling about her-that they all called from out their souls and hearts, ‘O joy upon joy!’ and with shouts of, ‘Well done! Well done! Upon thee be God’s blessings, O Most Exalted Leaf!’ did they welcome that quintessence of love and purity within the towering pavilions of eternity. At that time, as bidden by the Lord, the Protector, the Self-Subsisting, did the heavenly Crier raise up his voice and cry out: ‘O Most Exalted Leaf! Thou art she who did endure with patience in God’s way from thine earliest childhood and throughout all thy life, and did bear in His pathway what none other hath borne, save only God in His own Self, the Supreme Ruler over all created things, and before Him, His noble Herald, and after Him, His holy Branch, the One, the Inaccessible, the Most High. The people of the Concourse on High seek the fragrance of thy presence, and the dwellers in the retreats of eternity circle about thee. To this bear witness the souls of the cherubim within the tabernacles of majesty and might, and beyond them the tongue of God the One True Lord, the Pure, the Most Wondrous. Blessedness be thine and a goodly abode; glad tidings to thee and a happy ending!’ To one who was reared by the hands of her loving kindness, the burden of this direst of calamities is well nigh unbearable; and yet praised be the God of glory that her fragile frame has escaped from the prison of continual ordeals and afflictions which, with an astonishing forbearance, and for more than eighty years, she accepted and endured. Now is she free; delivered from her chains of care and sorrow; safe from all the suffering and pain, released from the ills of this nether world. She rolled up and packed away the years of longing for her mighty Father, and for Him, her loving and well-favoured Brother, and departed to her abode in the midmost heart of the Heavens. This heavenly being, during all the turmoil of her days, did not rest for a moment, nor ever did she seek quiet and peace. From the beginning of her life, from her very childhood, she tasted sorrow’s cup; she drank down the afflictions and calamities of the earliest years of the great Cause of God. In the tumult of the Year of Hin, as a result of the sacking and plundering of her glorious Father’s wealth and holdings, she learned the bitterness of destitution and want. Then she shared the imprisonment, the grief, the banishment of the Abhá Beauty, and in the storm which broke out in ‘Iráq-because of the plotting and the treachery of the prime mover of mischief, the focal centre of hate-she bore, with complete resignation and acquiescence, uncounted ordeals. She forgot herself, did without her kin, turned aside from possessions, struck off at one blow the bonds of every worldly concern; and then, like a lovelorn moth, she circled day and night about the flame of the matchless Beauty of her Lord. In the heaven of severance, she shone like the Morning Star, fair and bright, and through her character and all her ways, she shed upon kin and stranger, upon the learned, and the lowly, the radiance of Bahá’u’lláh’s surpassing perfection. Because of the intense and deep-seated sorrows and the manifold oppressive trials that assailed her-never failing spring of grace that she was, essence of loving-kindness-in the Land of Mystery her lovely form was worn away to a breath, to a shadow; and during the Most Great Convulsion, which in the years of ‘Stress’ made every heart to quake, she stood as a soaring pillar, immovable and fixed; and from the blasts of desolation that rose and blew, that Leaf of the eternal Lote-Tree did not wither. Rather did she redouble her efforts, urging herself on the more, to servitude and sacrifice. In captivating hearts and winning over souls, in destroying doubts and misgivings, she led the field. With the waters of her countless mercies, she brought thorny hearts to a blossoming of love from the All-Glorious, and with the influence of her pure loving-kindness, transformed the implacable, the unyielding, into impassioned lovers of the celestial Beauty’s peerless Cause. Yet another wound was inflicted on her injured heart by the aggressions and violations of the evil-doers within the prison-fortress, yet another blow was struck at her afflicted being. And then her anguish was increased by the passing of the Abhá Beauty, and the cruelty of the disloyal added more fuel to the fires of her mourning. In the midst of that storm of violation, the countenance of that rare treasure of the Lord shone all the brighter, and throughout the Bahá’í community, her value and high rank became clearly perceived. By the vehement onslaught of the chief of violators against the sacred beliefs of the followers of the Faith, she was neither frightened nor in despair. In the days of the Commission of Investigation, she was a staunch and trusted supporter of the peerless Branch of Bahá’u’lláh, and a companion to Him beyond compare. At the time of His absence in the western world, she was His competent deputy, His representative and vicegerent, with none to equal her. In a Tablet from the pen of the Centre of the Covenant, addressed to His consort, are these words referring to His brilliant sister: ‘To my honoured and distinguished sister do thou convey the expression of my heartfelt, my intense longing. Day and night she liveth in my remembrance. I dare make no mention of the feelings which separation from her has aroused in my heart, for whatever I should attempt to express in writing will assuredly be effaced by the tears which such sentiments must bring to my eyes.’ After the ascension of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá to the realm of the All-Glorious, that Light of the Concourse on High enfolded me, helpless as I was, in the embrace of her love, and with incomparable pity and tenderness, persuaded, guided, and urged me on to the requirements of servitude. The very elements of this frail being were leavened with her love, refreshed by her companionship, sustained by her eternal spirit. Never for a moment will her kindnesses, her favours, pass from my memory, and as the months and the years go by, the effects of them on this mourning heart will never be diminished. O Liege Lady of the people of Bahá! Broken is our circle by thy going— Broken our circle, broken too, our hearts. That my tongue, my pen could thank thee were a hopeless task, nor can any praise of mine befit thine excellence. Not even a droplet of all thine endless love can I aspire to fathom, nor can I adequately praise and tell of even the most trifling out of all the events of thy precious life. In the courts of the Almighty, for this frail being thy sacred spirit intercedeth, and in this darksome world, the sweet memory of thee is the succourer and friend of this lowly one. Thy comely face is etched for ever on the tablet of my grieving soul, those smiles that refreshed my life are forever and safely imprinted in the innermost recesses of my stricken heart. Let me not be forgotten by thee in the glorious precincts on high; leave me not despairing, nor excluded from the never-ceasing reinforcements that come from the living Lord; and in this world and the Kingdom, help me to reach what thou knowest to be my dearest hope. O faithful friends! It is right and fitting that out of honour to her most high station, in the gatherings of the followers of Bahá’u’lláh, whether of the East or the West, all Bahá’í festivals and celebrations should be completely suspended for a period of nine months, and that in every city and village, memorial meetings should be held, with all solemnity, spirituality, lowliness and consecration-where, in the choicest of language, may be described at length the shining attributes of that most resplendent Leaf, that archetype of the people of Bahá. If it be possible for the individual believers to postpone their personal celebrations for a period of one year, let them unhesitatingly do so thus to express their sorrow at this agonizing misfortune. Let them read this letter, this supplication, in their memorial gatherings, that perchance the Almighty will lighten my burden, and dispel the clouds of my bereavement; that He will answer my prayers, and fulfil my hopes, out of His bounty, His power, His grace. [To the Bahá’ís of the East, 15 Jul 1932] --- ## 435.
1932-07-18 response to condolences {.center} Bahíyyih _Khánum, compiled by the Research Department p45 YOUR MESSAGE ALLEVIATED LOAD MY AGONIZING SORROW. NOTHING LESS INFLEXIBLE RESOLVE CARRY OUT HER DEAREST PARTING WISH HOLD FAST CAUSE HER ALMIGHTY FATHER CAN LIFT ITS CRUSHING BURDEN. [response to individual condolences on passing of Bahíyyih _Khánum 18 July 1932] --- ## 437.
1932-07-21 To John Bosch re format of Summer Schools not just lectures {.center} Leroy Ioas, Hand of the Cause of God, Chapman, p59 Lectures are very important, for they give a wonderful picture of the subject matter. But it is not sufficient to have a picture, the friends should deepen their knowledge and this can be achieved if together with the lectures there are study classes and seminar work carried on by the same lecturer ... Should the friends desire to take the lead in informing the world, they should start by educating themselves and understand what the troubles and problems really are which baffle the minds of men. 1932-07-21 obo SE to John Bosch re format of Summer Schools, not just lectures {.ref .center} --- ## 438.
1932-07-30 dont value teaching by number who embrace Cause. {.center} Quoted in Never be Afraid to Dare, Jasion, p188 Your sojourn in Sofia seems to have been on the whole quite successful and Shoghi Effendi trusts that if you persevere in your work many new souls will be awakened. You should not, however, measure the value of your teaching services by the number of those who actually embrace the Cause. For conversion is not an easy process. It often takes a long, a very long time. What is essential for you to do is to present the Message in a comprehensive and adequate manner and let time do the rest. [To Marion Jack, 30 July 1932] --- ## 439.
1932-07-30 To Louise Drake Wright {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp19-20 Louise Drake Wright, 30 July 1932 Dear Bahá’í Sister, It was with a great sense of appreciation and joy that Shoghi Effendi received your letter of July 3th, 1932 which he read with deep care and interest, and he has directed me to address you these lines expressing his heartfelt thanks for your manifold services to our beloved Faith. The detailed narrative of your most interesting experiences throughout your visits to the different European countries, the many contacts you made with both Bahá’ís and non-Bahá’ís and especially with some distinguished University professors such as Dr. Fisher of the department of Oriental studies in the University of Leipzig, filled our Guardians heart with thanks and joy and confirmed his hopes for the future of your pioneering work in the many countries you visited. I need not assure you how appreciative the Guardian is of all the precious efforts you are making for the spread of the Bahá’í teachings. He cherishes the brightest hopes for the future of your work. Your literary and intellectual power, your devotion and invincible faith as well as your perseverance and constancy, all these qualities of your heart and mind make you assuredly equal to the noble and most delicate task you have set yourself to achieve. However meagre the immediate results of your efforts may be, however sceptical nay cynical the attitude of the public may seem to appear, you should always be confident that wherever you may go and to whomsoever you may speak the Hand of Divine Guidance is with you and will always lead you in the right path. Shoghi Effendi will be always delighted to hear of your news and he wishes you to keep him in touch with your activities. And be assured that he will be always glad to give you any advice or help you may need. In his moments of meditation and prayer he will always remember you and ask the Almighty that He may cheer and comfort you and give you the necessary strength for the fulfilment of your most precious task. Yours in His Service, H. Rabbání Dear and valued co-worker: Your message of sympathy cabled in connection with the passing of our beloved _Khánum has touched me and relieved the burden of grief that weighs so heavily on my heart. Our loss is irreparable, our grief immense. The example of her saintly life will inspire us to follow in her footsteps. Your pioneer services in Holland are highly meritorious in the sight of God and I wish you to persevere in your noble task and not to allow either grief or the apathy of the people to deflect you from your high purpose. Your true brother, Shoghi --- ## 440.
1932-07-30 translation of ‘Paris Talks {.center} Quoted in Never be Afraid to Dare, Jasion, p188 Your delightful and highly encouraging letter was a ray of light amidst the anxieties and cares of my arduous work. I was cheered, strengthened and relieved. I believe that the translation of the ‘Paris Talks’ is an excellent idea. Our Beloved, who watches over your devoted labours from on high, is highly pleased with your perseverance, your efficiency, your high endeavours. Perceive and never, never feel disheartened. The Almighty is guiding you in your great work for so great and sacred a Cause. ... ... . My dear & precious sister: Your prolonged stay in Bulgaria, so providential, so timely, has been attended by blessings only future generations can rightly estimate. You should feel thankful 8c elated. Your work, however, is by no means completed. I am continually praying that the Beloved whom you have served so well may continue to inspire, sustain and guide you. The translation into Bulgarian of Paris Talks is an excellent suggestion & will, I feel, be greatly appreciated. More power to your elbow! Your grateful brother, Shoghi. {.sig} [letter to Marion Jack 30 July 1932] --- ## 441.
1932-08-03 To live to teach today is like being martyred {.center} 1932-08-03 To live to teach today is like being martyred {.ref .center} No. 68 — November 1932 — page 3 “Every day has certain needs, In those early days the Cause needed Martyrs and people who would stand all sorts of torture and persecution in expressing their faith and spreading the mess-age sent by God. Those days are, however, gone. The Cause at present does not need martyrs who would die for their faith, but servants who desire to teach and establish the Cause throughout the world. To live to teach in the present day is like being martyred in those early days. It is the spirit that moves us that counts. not the act through which that spirit expresses itself; and that spirit is to serve the Cause of God with our heart and soul.” (To Ṭáhirih Mann, Baltimore. Md., through Rúḥí Afnán, Haifa, ·August 3, 1932.) --- ## 442.
1932-08-05 To Ioas re Geyserville emphasis on both history and admin {.center} Leroy Ioas, Hand of the Cause of God, Chapman, p58-9 ... . special stress [should] be put on the history of the Movement as well as on the guiding principles of Bahá’í Administration. For on these two points most of the believers are not adequately informed. 1932-08-05 To Ioas re Geyserville emphasis on both history and admin {.ref .center} --- ## 443.
1932-08-08 response to passing of Greatest Holy Leaf {.center} 1932-08-08 response to passing of Greatest Holy Leaf {.ref .center} No. 66 — September 1932 — pp. 2 “Pray assure American believers (on) behalf (of the) Holy Family (and) myself abiding gratitude (for the) numerous evidences (of) their valued sympathy. Our sorrow laden hearts much relieved (and) filled with gratitude. Out of (the) pang of anguish (which) bereaved America experienced in her sudden separation from ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, (the) administration (of) God’s invincible Faith was born. Might not this present grief at loss (of) Bahá’u’lláh’s precious daughter release such forces as will ensure speedy completion (of) Ma_shriqu’l-A_dhkár, (the) administration’s mighty bulwark, (the) symbol of its strength and harbinger (of) its promised glory.” (Cablegram) August 8, 1932. --- ## 444.
1932-08-15 response to passing Greatest Holy Leaf {.center} “The Artist’s Daughter” , Nancy Douglas Bowditch, p256-7 56. Letter from The Guardian via H. Rabbání to Nancy Bowditch, Agnes Parsons, and Mrs. Lucy Wilson. Dated August 15, 1932. Dear Bahá’í Sisters, I am directed by the Guardian to acknowledge on his behalf and on the behalf of the members of the Holy Family, the receipt of your kind letter of condolence and sympathy, dated July 17th 1932, and to extend to you all the expression of the heartfelt appreciation and thanks. Your touching words in connection with the sudden removal of the Greatest Holy Leaf from their midst have greatly alleviated the burden of sorrow that weighs so heavily upon their hearts, and have demonstrated that in their great and irreparable loss, the Friends are faithfully sharing their sorrow and grief. The passing of the Greatest Holy Leaf, so tragic in its suddenness, has, indeed, divested the Holy Family from its unique adornment and the Bahá’í world at large from one of its noblest and most precious members. She was to us all not only a true friend, but the real embodiment of those traits and characteristics of that genuine and profound love that are born of God, and that we had learned to admire in the Master. Her life at once so eventful and so glorious, is so closely interwoven with the history of the Faith itself, that I will not attempt to describe. Suffice it to say that the share she has had in shaping some of the chief events in the annals of the Faith, though yet in the main unrecorded and unknown, will be one day revealed and its significance will be deeply realized. In this great loss that the followers of the Faith both in East and West have come to suffer, our Guardians share is the greatest and perhaps the most cruel. His sole comfort in this calamity, is to see the Friends united by working for the spread of the Cause for which our departed _Khánum had given up all of her life, and for the triumph of which she cherished the highest hopes. The expressions of highest zealous enthusiasm and hope, of genuine self-abnegation and love that the American believers and especially our precious sister Mrs. Agnes Parsons demonstrated in their last Convention meeting have greatly brightened the closing days of her life. (1) Shoghi Effendi trusts that her memory will increasingly serve to cheer and hearten the Friends in their ever widening activities. —Yours in His service, H. Rabbání. (1). Refers to the Annual Convention held in April 1932, at which the delegates and friends responded in an impressive manner to the need of the Fund associated with the name of the Greatest Holy Leaf, initiated in order to complete the exterior ornamentation of the House of Worship in Wilmette, Illinois. Mrs Parsons spontaneously removed a valuable pearl necklace from her neck to assist in meeting the Fund’s goal. See Bahá’í News, No. 62, May 1932 for a report of that Convention. Postscript by Shoghi Effendi I deeply appreciate your sympathy. My loss is tremendous and my sorrow so profound. I will pray that you, who have felt the power of her spirit at so advanced an age may be enabled to mirror forth its splendour and reveal its beauty to the world. I will continue to pray in your behalf. You are often in my thoughts. Rest assured and persevere in your devoted efforts. [Bahíyyih _Khánum, compiled by the Research Department p46-7] --- ## 445.
1932-08-15 To Louise Drake Wright {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp21-22 Louise Drake Wright, 15 August 1932 Dear Bahá’í co-worker, Your letters dated July 19th and 25th, 1932 addressed to Shoghi Effendi were duly received and read with deep interest. He has directed me to address you these few lines expressing his warmest thanks and his lively appreciation of your kind words of condolence and sympathy in connection with the sudden passing of the Greatest Holy Leaf. Your beautiful and touching words greatly alleviated the burden of his sorrow and comforted his aching heart. At this terrible hour, when hearts are filled with grief and minds are turned towards God imploring His grace, our Guardians sole comfort is to see you as ever active in the service of the Cause. In this great calamity which has affected all the friends both in East and West, his loss has been the greatest and the most cruel. But his heart is overflowing with thanks to God for the guidance and help which His blessings confer to all those who, scattered in every part of the globe, are striving to promote and consolidate the interests of the Faith. He has, already, cabled to you regarding your teaching work in Holland and has urged you to concentrate on those few people who are truly interested in the teachings of the Cause and to make of them sincere Bahá’ís. It is no use delivering the Message to the public in a general way. You should strive to take hold of some persons who have a genuine interest in the Faith and to deepen their knowledge and make them ready for teaching. Assuring you once more of Shoghi Effendi’s warmest thanks and of his continued prayers on your behalf. Yours in His service, H. Rabbání Dear and precious co-worker: Your services in Europe, and particularly in Holland, are deeply appreciated. I trust that through your constant efforts a center will be established in that country and will start to function vigorously and prove a prelude to still greater achievements in the future. I am urging Mrs. Greeven in Bremen to hasten the translation of Dr. Esslemont’s book into Dutch, as I feel it to be an essential preliminary to an intensive teaching campaign in that land. May the Beloved assist you to render memorable services and to establish His Faith in the hearts of its inhabitants. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi --- ## 446.
1932-08-15 To Nancy Bowditch re passing of Greatest Holy Leaf {.center} The Artist’s Daughter, Nancy Douglas Bowditch, p256-7 Dear Bahá’í Sisters, I am directed by the Guardian to acknowledge on his behalf and on the behalf of the members of the Holy Family, the receipt of your kind letter of condolence and sympathy, dated July 17th 1932, and to extend to you all the expression of the heartfelt appreciation and thanks. Your touching words in connection with the sudden removal of the Greatest Holy Leaf from their midst have greatly alleviated the burden of sorrow that weighs so heavily upon their hearts, and have demonstrated that in their great and irreparable loss, the Friends are faithfully sharing their sorrow and grief. The passing of the Greatest Holy Leaf, so tragic in its suddenness, has, indeed, divested the Holy Family from its unique adornment and the Bahá’í world at large from one of its noblest and most precious members. She was to us all not only a true friend, but the real embodiment of those traits and characteristics of that genuine and profound love that are born of God, and that we had learned to admire in the Master. Her life at once so eventful and so glorious, is so closely interwoven with the history of the Faith itself, that I will not attempt to describe. Suffice it to say that the share she has had in shaping some of the chief events in the annals of the Faith, though yet in the main unrecorded and unknown, will be one day revealed and its significance will be deeply realized. In this great loss that the followers of the Faith both in East and West have come to suffer, our Guardian’s share is the greatest and perhaps the most cruel. His sole comfort in this calamity, is to see the Friends united by working for the spread of the Cause for which our departed Kha’num had given up all of her life, and for the triumph of which she cherished the highest hopes. The expressions of highest zealous enthusiasm and hope, of genuine self-abnegation and love that the American believers and especially our precious sister Mrs. Agnes Parsons demonstrated in their last Convention meeting have greatly brightened the closing days of her life. Shoghi Effendi trusts that her memory will increasingly serve to cheer and hearten the Friends in their ever widening activities. —Yours in His service, H. Rabbání. 1932-08-15 To Nancy Bowditch re passing of Greatest Holy Leaf {.ref .center} --- ## 447.
1932-08-23 response to Younkers NY LSA condolences {.center} Bahíyyih _Khánum, compiled by the Research Department p69 The ascension of the Greatest Holy Leaf is, indeed, an irreparable loss to us all and will continue to be deeply felt for many, many long years. Her presence among us was such a source of blessings and inspiration! She was to every one of us not only a friend but a real mother, through whose maternal care and love we had learned to feel and experience that consuming love which is born of God and which alone can galvanize the souls of men. Her departure from our midst, though cruel and heart-rending in its immediate results cannot but ultimately serve the very best interests of the Cause. For this invincible Faith of God has, ever since its inception in darkest Persia, grown and flourished amidst all sorts of tribulations and sufferings and has welcomed all these as providential forces destined to ensure its unity, promote its interests and consolidate its work. Let us, therefore, not remain disconsolate and hopeless and withstand in a heroic way the shock occasioned by the passing of our beloved _Khánum. Her ascension is a challenge to us all, a challenge to our faith, to our sincerity and to our love. May her memory continue to strengthen and deepen our spiritual insight and enable us to render the Faith as many services as we can. {.sig} Postscript by Shoghi Effendi quoted in Bahíyyih _Khánum, compiled by the Research Department p47 I greatly value your sympathy in my cruel, my irreparable loss. My only comfort is the assurance of her devoted lovers to remain firm and steadfast in the Cause and to strive to follow in her footsteps. The example of her life is our solace, our inspiration and strength. May the Beloved aid you to follow in her way, and to perpetuate her glorious memory. [response to Younkers NY LSA condolences on passing of Bahíyyih _Khánum 23 Aug 1932] --- ## 448.
1932-08-23 response to individual condolences {.center} Bahíyyih _Khánum, compiled by the Research Department p68-9 The passing of the Greatest Holy Leaf, so cruel in the feelings of unalterable grief that it has evoked, is, indeed, a tremendous loss to us all and particularly to our Guardian. Her presence among us was such a source of inspiration and joy that we cannot too deeply grieve the immensity of our loss. She was a real mother to every one of us, a comforter in our pains and anxieties, and a friend in our moments of utter loneliness and despair. But alas! [69] We failed to appreciate adequately what her presence among us meant and it is only now, when she has gone for ever, that we come to realize the irreparable character of our loss. And yet, however deep our consciousness of her unexpected removal from our midst may be, we cannot but feel certain that from her heavenly retreat she is continually showering her blessings upon everyone of us and is interceding on our behalf so that we may recover our energies and unanimously arise and dedicate our lives to the service of her Father’s glorious Cause. Her memory will, assuredly, continue to inspire us for many, many long years and will prove, when the hour of adversity is at its darkest, to be our best sustainer. May her glorious spirit inspire us with faith and hope, steel our energies and enable us to make every sacrifice in the path lighted by her saintly and eventful life. {.sig} Postscript by Shoghi Effendi quoted in Bahíyyih _Khánum, compiled by the Research Department p46-7 I deeply appreciate your sympathy. My loss is tremendous and my sorrow so profound. I will pray that you, who have felt the power of her spirit at so advanced an age may be enabled to mirror forth its splendour and reveal its beauty to the world. I will continue to pray in your behalf. You are often in my thoughts. Rest assured and persevere in your devoted efforts. [response to individual condolences on passing of Bahíyyih _Khánum 31 Aug 1932] --- ## 449.
1932-08-23 response to letter re passing Holy Leaf {.center} http://www.9facets.org/9F/Arden_Lee_Collection_files/Bahíyyih%20_Khánum.pdf [rcvd by Arden Lee fm Jeanne R Bolles?] August 23, 1932 {.sig} Beloved Sisters in the Faith — Your letter of condolence and sympathy of July 24th, 1932 addressed to our beloved guardian brought immense to and satisfaction to his aching heart and greatly relieved the burden of his sorrow. He has, accordingly directed me to thank you most warmly on his behalf and to convey to you all the expression of his lively appreciation and sincere love. though overflowing with grief at the unexpected removal of the Greatest Holy Leaf from our midst yet his heart is thankful to God for having given us the privilege of learning through her saintly and eventful life the efficacy of God’s power in moulding our entire existence and making us worthy instruments for the realization of His Divine plan. The Greatest Holy Leaf’s eventful career of more than eighty years is, indeed, so full of precious incidents, each of which is a living testimony to her devotion, faith, and selfless efforts, that every Bahá’í cannot but feel the necessity of meditating upon its sacredness and of drawing from it the necessary inspiration and hope. Though gone from our midst yet we feel certain that from her heavenly retreat she is continually showering her blessings upon everyone and is watching expectant to see us arise and dedicate our lives to a cause for the progress of which she toiled so much and for the future of which she cherished the brightest hopes. The expressions of unqualified devotion and self-sacrifice, of enthusiasm and zeal that signalized the proceedings America’s last annual convention greatly cheered and brightened the closing days of her life. May her saintly memory continue to guide our steps, inspire us with faith and hope and keep us ever constant in the faith. Yours in His Service H. Rabbání Ḥusayn Rabbání [The following is in the same file as the above msg. it is not obvious whether it was attached or a separate msg fm the Guardian. The fact it is not signed suggests it is a typescript copy of some type.] Dearly-Beloved Co-Workers: Yur message redolent of your great attachment and devotion to Bahá’u’lláhs unique and exalted daughter, has brought considerable solace to my aching heart. I am greatly comforted to realize that in so promising a center, and through the efforts of so distinguished an assembly, so befitting a tribute has been paid to so exalted a memory. May Her spirit continue to guide, bless, and sustain your deliberations, and enable you to mirror forth the sublimity of Her life. She will undoubtedly intercede for every one of yu before the Throne of Her Almighty Father. Rest assured and perservere in your high endeavors. Your True Brother Shoghi {.sig} --- ## 450.
1932-08-23 To Corinne True on passign of Holy Leaf {.center} Corinne True: Faithful Handmaid of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Nathan Rutstein, p198 Dear and precious sister[,] I greatly value your words of sympathy as I am fully aware of the Greatest Holy Leafs attachment to you and of her keen and abiding appreciation of all that you have done for the Cause of her Father. May He enable you to mirror forth the sublimity of her life, and to hand on to future generations her noble heritage. [From a letter written by the Guardian to Corinne True, 23 August 1932.] --- ## 451.
1932-08-25 response to individual condolences {.center} Bahíyyih _Khánum, compiled by the Research Department p70-1 His grief is too immense and his loss too heavy to be adequately expressed in words. But the many letters of condolence he has already received, and especially your message that indicated your profound attachment to our departed _Khánum, greatly comforted his sorrow-stricken heart and gave him the assurance that in this calamitous event the friends are amply sharing his grief. However irreparable and heart-rending our loss may be, we cannot but thank God for having released our beloved Holy Leaf from the oppression and bondage of this world. For more than eighty years this Exalted Leaf bore with a fortitude that bewildered every one who had the privilege of knowing her, sufferings and tribulations that few of our present-day believers did experience. And yet, what a joy and what a saintlike attitude she manifested all through her life. Her angelic face was so calm, so serene in the very midst of sufferings and pains. Not that she lacked tenderness of heart and sympathy. But she could overcome her feelings and this because she had put all her trust in God. And now that she has gone for ever we should rejoice at the thought that she is still living in our hearts and is animating our soul with a devotion, a courage, and a hope of which we are in such a dire need in these days of sufferings and hardships. May the memory of her saintly life inspire you with faith and hope, cheer and strengthen your heart and make of you a servant worthy to promote and consolidate the interests of the Faith! {.sig} Postscript by Shoghi Effendi, quoted in Bahíyyih _Khánum, compiled by the Research Department p47 Your sweet and touching message imparted strength and solace to my heart. I value the sentiments you express and am deeply grateful. My grief is profound and my only comfort is the thought that her many lovers, East and West, are straining every nerve to promote those very ideals for which she suffered and toiled all the days of her eventful and sacred life. I will continue to pray for your welfare and success from the depths of my heart. Rest assured. [response to individual condolences on passing of Bahíyyih _Khánum 25 Aug 1932] --- ## 452.
1932-08-30 response to Berkeley CA LSA condolences {.center} Bahíyyih _Khánum, compiled by the Research Department p71-2 The irreparable loss which the Faith has suffered through the passing of the Greatest Holy Leaf is too immense to be adequately expressed in words, and we cannot fully realize its significance at the present stage of the evolution of the Cause. Future generations stand in a better position to appreciate what her significance was during the early days of the Revelation and especially after the ascension of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. And now that she has gone for ever and is in direct communion with God we should rejoice at the thought that from the Realm Above she is watching over us all and is sending us her blessings. May the memory of her saintly life be our comforter in our hours of sadness and despair, and may we learn through her example how to live the true life of the spirit, of self-abnegation and of service. {.sig} Postscript by Shoghi Effendi quoted in Bahíyyih _Khánum, compiled by the Research Department p48 My great love for the Greatest Holy Leaf and my attachment to each one of you prompt me to add these few words in person and to express to you my gratitude for the expression of your valued sympathy. I greatly value your message, and will pray that the Almighty may bless your efforts in the service of a Cause for the sake of which our loved _Khánum sacrificed her precious life. [response to Berkeley CA LSA condolences on passing of Bahíyyih _Khánum 30 Aug 1932] --- ## 453.
1932-08-30 response to Racine WI LSA condolences {.center} Bahíyyih _Khánum, compiled by the Research Department p72-3 In these days, when we are all mourning the loss of our beloved Greatest Holy Leaf, Shoghi Effendi’s sole comfort is to see the friends as ever devoted and active and striving day and night to promote the teachings of the Cause. However cruel our separation from Bahíyyih _Khánum may be, especially at a time when her presence among us was such a source of inspiration and strength, yet we feel confident that from her Heavenly Retreat she is sending us her blessings and is quickening our weary souls. Concerning the suspension of festivities for a period of nine months it should be made clear that what is meant by this is that all gatherings, whether outdoor or indoor, which are not of a strictly devotional character should be abolished all through the period of our mourning. However, meetings and services that are wholly spiritual as well as those that are necessary for the carrying on of the administration should continue to be held as usual. Postscript by Shoghi Effendi quoted in Bahíyyih _Khánum, compiled by the Research Department p48 The many evidences of your increasing zeal and activities in the service of our beloved Cause, have to a great measure, relieved my sorrow-laden heart. I will continue to pray for your unsparing efforts, and wish you to persevere, whatever the vicissitudes which this immortal Faith may encounter in future. Rest assured, and never feel disconsolate... The celebration of Bahá’í festive anniversaries, I feel, should also be suspended during a period of nine months. [response to Racine WI LSA condolences on passing of Bahíyyih _Khánum 30 Aug 1932] --- ## 454.
1932-08-30 response to individuals condolences {.center} Bahíyyih _Khánum, compiled by the Research Department p72-3 Your message of condolence and sympathy, dated July 22nd, 1932 which so fully conveyed your profound grief at the loss occasioned by the unexpected passing of the Greatest Holy Leaf was received and read with great interest. The Guardian’s sorrow was much relieved and the burden of his agonizing pain immensely alleviated. He sincerely hopes that out of the pangs of this crushing calamity the Faith will strengthen its foundations and extend the sphere of its ever-widening influence. Our loss is, indeed, immense and even irreparable. But our joy should also be great, for the Greatest Holy Leaf has at least been released from the bondage of this world after more than eighty years of continued suffering. It would take me too long to relate in their fullness those incidents which eloquently proclaim her as one of the greatest sufferers the world has yet seen. And yet, with what a fortitude she bore all these tribulations for she was confident in the grace of God. Though now gone for ever from our midst we should be hopeful that from her Celestial Realm she will send us her blessings and will extend to us her help. Her memory will continue to cheer and strengthen our souls, deepen our spiritual insight and bring us to a strong determination to serve till [74] the very last breath of our life a Cause for which our departed _Khánum gave up her entire existence and for the future of which she cherished the brightest hopes. [response to individual’s condolences on passing of Bahíyyih _Khánum 30 Aug 1932] --- ## 455.
1932-08-xx capitalize talents of all members of group {.center} 1032-08-XX capitalize talents of all members of group No. 68 — November 1932 — page 3 “Shoghi Effendi wishes me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated May 1, 1932. as well as the enclosed general letter of the Los Angeles Spiritual Assembly. He was deeply interested to read of the activities of the friends in attracting new souls to the teachings of the Cause. “Of special interest was the fact that the talents of the younger members of the group were also used. The best Assembly is the one that capitalizes the talents of all the members of the group and keeps them busy in some form of active participation in serving the Cause and spreading the message.” (To Oni A. Finks, Corresponding Secretary, Spiritual Assembly of Los Angeles. through Rúḥí Afnán, Haifa. August, 1932.) --- ## 456.
1932-08-xx To May Maxwell response her letter re passing Greatest Holy Leaf {.center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani, p174 {.ref .center} Your messages of condolence & sympathy dated July 22nd and 28th, 1932 were received and were greatly appreciated by the Guardian. His sorrow-laden heart was much relieved at the thought that you are so kindly sharing his grief, and the news of your unceasing efforts towards a greater spread of the Cause brightened his hopes for the future of your work ... In your last communication you had enclosed a letter to you by Lily Armstrong which indicated how eager this devoted woman is to spread the teachings of the Faith. Shoghi Effendi trusts that through your devotion, care and wisdom she will soon embrace the Cause and will be able to,render it as many services as she can. In his moments of meditation & prayer he will always remember her & ask the Almighty to strengthen her faith, deepen her spiritual insight & open before her new fields of service. Dear & valued sister: I greatly prize your message as it comes from one whose past, & particularly her present, services have to a great extent served to cheer the heart of _Khánum, in the closing days of her earthly life. This thought should alleviate your sorrow & impart fresh strength to your heart in the many services you are so nobly energetically rendering to the Cause of God. I will continue to pray for you that the Beloved may sustain, bless & guide your high endeavours. Your true brother, {.sig} Shoghi {.sig} 1932-08-xx To May Maxwell response her letter re passing Greatest Holy Leaf {.ref .center} ========= {.noid} Lily Armstrong Perry Goding was a NYC Bahá’í who had programs on various NYC and NJ radio stations. USBN Feb 1934 May’s first radio experience was on one of her programs. {.sig} --- ## 457.
1932-09-01 proper response to passing of Bahíyyih _Khánum {.center} Bahíyyih _Khánum, compiled by the Research Department p49 The passing of the Greatest Holy Leaf has filled my heart with unutterable sorrow. My comfort is the thought that the measure of success achieved, under your wise and able leadership, by the collective efforts of the American believers has brightened considerably the last days of her precious life. Would to God that the continued endeavours of this little band of her devoted lovers who have brought so great a joy to her blessed heart, may bring further satisfaction to her soul, and realize, at the appointed time, her dearest wish and fondest hopes for the Cause in your land. To complete the Temple, to clothe its naked dome, and terminate its exterior elaborate ornamentation, is the best and most effective way in which the American believers, the recipients of her untold favours, can demonstrate their fidelity to her memory and their gratitude for the inestimable blessings she showered upon them. [To USNSA 1 Sept 1932] --- ## 458.
1932-09-01 response to Washington D.C. LSA condolences {.center} Bahíyyih _Khánum, compiled by the Research Department p74 ...The news of the Memorial Service you had held for the Greatest Holy Leaf gave him the assurance that the friends are faithfully sharing his grief and are demonstrating in a befitting manner their profound devotion to one whose very life was an example of faithfulness and sincerity, of self-abnegation and love. The ascension of the Greatest Holy Leaf is, indeed, both a calamity and a blessing. It is an overwhelming calamity since it has deprived us of the presence in our very midst of the last Remnant of that Heroic age of the Cause that gave birth to so many noble and faithful souls. The mere presence of our beloved _Khánum among us was a source of inspiration and blessing. And now that she has gone we cannot too deeply deplore the immensity of our loss. But thanks to God for having released her, after so many long years of agonizing pain, of the bondage of this world and given her the priceless privilege of being in direct communion with God. May her everlasting spirit continue to guide our efforts and enable us to serve a Cause, for which she suffered so much, with all our might, our enthusiasm and hope. {.sig} Postscript by Shoghi Effendi quoted in Bahíyyih _Khánum, compiled by the Research Department p48 Your highly impressive and touching message brought much relief to my weary soul. I thank you from the depths of my heart. I greatly value the sentiments expressed on behalf of a local community, the members of which have, by their services, their devotion and loyalty, contributed, to so great an extent, to the joy and satisfaction of the hearts of both ‘Abdu’l-Bahá and the Greatest Holy Leaf. My great attachment to each one of you, as well as my immense love for our departed and beloved _Khánum, have prompted me to add these few words in person. I will continue to pray for the success of your efforts, as well as for your spiritual advancement. [response to Washington D.C. LSA condolences on passing of Bahíyyih _Khánum 1 Sept 1932] --- ## 459.
1932-09-02 purchase of Mount Carmel lot {.center} 1932-09-02 purchase of Mount Carmel lot {.ref .center} No. 67 — October 1932 — page 2 On September 2, Shoghi Effendi cabled this important information: “Prolonged delicate negotiations resulted purchase (for) $5,000 a lot adjoining the precincts of the Báb’s Shrine. The deed has been officially registered (in the name of) American National Assembly, Palestine branch. Mailing documents to national Secretary. Inform all believers who, in response to my appeal, transmitted their donations through the National Assembly.” ========= {.noid} This refers to the appeal which the Guardian made in his letter dated October 24, 1925, at which time it had become apparent that certain non — Bahá’í interests were contemplating the purchase of land on Mount Carmel. As the result of that appeal, a number of believers sent contributions to the Guardian. who purchased various pieces of land in the name of the individual donors. Other believers contributed to this special fund through the National Spiritual Assembly, and it is these combined and joint donations which have made possible the latest purchase mentioned in the cablegram. Within the past few months, the Spiritual Assembly of Honolulu has taken steps to transfer to the National Assembly, Palestine branch, the title to the property on Mount Carmel which they purchased some years ago through the Guardian and had held in the name of one of their members as trustee. It is for the best interests of the Cause that as many individual believers as possible, who now hold land on Mount Carmel! follow the example of the Honolulu friends. The Guardian will have the transfer of title made at Haifa, and believers may write him of their intention. --- ## 460.
1932-09-05 Consolation on Passing of Bahíyyih _Khánum {.center} Bahíyyih _Khánum, compiled by the Research Department p75-6 The letter from that spiritual friend has reached the beloved Guardian, and he is aware of your bitter grieving over the calamitous news that a most glorious fruit of the Holy Tree, the Most Exalted Leaf, the Remnant of Bahá, has passed away. This disastrous event has had an effect on the Guardian so terrible that no pen can describe it nor paper bear the words; for that bright and surpassingly fair presence, that quintessence of the perfections and attributes of God, was his close companion, and the consolation of his heart, so that his separation from her whom the world wronged, and the ascension of that loved one of the community of love, was unspeakably hard for him to bear. She was a divine trust, a treasure of the Kingdom, and she spent all the days of her precious life as an exile and a captive, and her every priceless hour was passed under tests and afflictions and ordeals that she endured at the hands of merciless foes. From early childhood she had her share of the sufferings of Bahá’u’lláh, subjected even as He was to hardships and calamities, and she was as well the partner in sorrows and tribulations of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. For her there was never a night of peaceful sleep, for her no day when she found rest, and always, like a moth, would her comely person circle about the bright candle of the Faith. The words of her mouth were ever to glorify the Abhá Beauty, her only thought and her high purpose were to proclaim the Cause of God and to protect His Law, while the [76] dearest wish of her glowing heart was to waft far and wide the sweet breathings of the Lord. Her heavenly ways were a model for the people of Bahá, and those who dwell in the pavilions of devotion and the denizens of the Abhá Paradise found in her celestial attributes their prototype and their guide. Glory be to God, Who created her, fashioned her, called her into being, sent her forth and revealed her, whose like the eye of the world had never seen. The Guardian sends his message of consolation to your honoured self and all the friends, and he says that it is fitting that the righteous should hold fast to the cord of resignation and acquiescence, and adorn themselves with the ornaments of faithfulness and servitude, and take for their example that priceless treasure of the Kingdom. Postscript by Shoghi Effendi quoted in Bahíyyih _Khánum, compiled by the Research Department p49 O well-loved friend, The emotions that have possessed my grieving [50] heart are such that they cannot be put into words, and tongue and pen are helpless to describe them. The one consolation of this servant is the steadfastness and the redoubled services of those dearly-loved ones in Írán, and the good news of energetic efforts being exerted by the friends in that land. This is what dissipates the clouds of my grieving, and dispels the darkness of my anguish, and quiets the flames that consume my very being, and casts a ray of joy across the darkened sky of my agonized and stricken heart. [To individual 5 Sept 1932, translated fm Persian] --- ## 461.
1932-09-09 effect of passing of Greatest Holy Leaf {.center} Bahíyyih _Khánum, compiled by the Research Department p78-80 What you had written concerning the memorial gatherings of men and women believers to mourn the Most Exalted Leaf, who was the peerless fruit of the Holy Tree, and to commemorate the ascension of her who was the most glorious trust left on earth by the Lord-may the souls of holy men and women be a sacrifice for her sacred resting-place-has been received by the Guardian. It cannot be imagined to what a degree this terrible and calamitous event has saddened him, and, more than words can tell, clouded the radiance of his heart. For that holy being, that resplendent person, with all her heart and soul and endless love, had ever fostered and cherished him in the warm embrace of her celestial tenderness. She was his single, dear companion, she was his one and only consolation in the world, and that is why he is so burdened down with the passing of her high and stately presence, and why the departure of that comely spirit is so hard for him to bear. She who was left in trust by Bahá’u’lláh was the symbol of His infinite compassion, the day star in the heaven of His bounty and grace. That sanctified spirit revealed the loving-kindness of Him who was the Beauty of the All-Glorious, and was the welling spring of the favours and bestowals of Him Who was the Lord, the Most High. She was the comforter of anyone who grieved, the solace of any with a broken heart. She, that Remnant of Bahá, was a loving mother to the orphan, and for the hapless and bewildered it was she who would find a way. Her holy life lit up the world; her heavenly qualities and ways were a standard for people all over the earth. Like a cloud of grace, she showered down gifts, and her bestowals, like the morning winds, refreshed the soul. Stranger and friend alike were captured by her loving-kindness, her spiritual nature, her unceasing care for them and tender ways; enamoured of her great indulgence toward them, and how she favoured them and cherished them. The mind could only marvel at that subtle and ethereal being, at the majesty and greatness of her, and the heavenly modesty, and the forbearance and long suffering. Even in the thick of the worst ordeals, she would smile like an opening rose, and no matter how dark and calamitous the times, like a bright candle she would shed her light. The Guardian sends messages of heartfelt condolence to all of you, and asks you to be submissive and acquiescent and patient, and loyally to arise and serve, and take for your model that precious treasure of the Abhá Paradise. You had asked the Guardian as to the nine months of mourning, during which all Bahá’í festivities are to be suspended. His answer is that this refers to nine solar months. He says further that the blessed and exalted Leaf ascended at one hour after midnight, on the eve of Friday, July 15. [to an individual, 9 Sept 1932, translated from the Persian] --- ## 462.
1932-09-09 re passing of Greatest Holy Leaf {.center} Bahíyyih _Khánum, compiled by the Research Department p76-8 The letter dated 5 August 1932, from that spiritual friend has been received by the Guardian of the Cause of God, may our lives be sacrificed for him, and he has been informed of your receiving his telegram regarding the ascension of that matchless fruit of the Tree of Glory, the Most Exalted Leaf. There is no question but that the burden of grief on his sorrowing heart, because of this terrible ordeal, this great calamity, is heavier than minds can conceive, or words can tell. That gem of immortality, that precious and exalted being, was the one consolation, the one companion of the Guardian in his sorrow-filled life; and she, with her sweet encouragement, her gentle words, her never-ceasing, soothing care of him, her smiles that came like fair winds from heavenly gardens, could always gladden and refresh his spirit. No one has understood the tender, spiritual and celestial bond between the Guardian and her who was the Remnant of Bahá, nor can any mind conceive that plane of being, nor reckon its sublimity. During her whole life span, that heavenly being was subjected to ordeals and tribulations. She confronted the attacks of the hostile, and she suffered afflictions any one of which could well have shattered a mountain of iron. And yet the sweet and comely face of that spirit-like dove of holiness, was wreathed till her very last hour in life-giving smiles, nor did that patience and endurance, that greatness, that majesty and dignity, ever desert her delicate and fragile person. She who was the trust left by Bahá’u’lláh had no other aim nor goal but these: to proclaim the Cause of God and exalt His Word; to praise and glorify the Blessed Beauty’s name; to bear ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in mind and serve Him ever; to pity the sorely-troubled and give them endless, loving care; to cherish and comfort them, and bring them joy. There is, then, good reason, that with the passing of this peerless gem, this precious, matchless pearl, we should rend our garments in mourning, and that our eyes should stream with bitter tears. The Guardian conveys his message of condolence, and says that in this severest of afflictions, it would befit the people of Bahá to hold fast to resignation and acquiescence, and to rise up and loyally serve the Faith, taking for their example that priceless treasure of the Abhá Paradise. [to an individual, 9 Sept 1932, translated from the Persian] --- ## 463.
1932-09-10 Response to Glendale CA LSA condolences {.center} Bahíyyih _Khánum, compiled by the Research Department p50 I wish to add a few words in person as a token of my deepfelt appreciation of your loving message of sympathy in the great loss the family of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá and myself have sustained. My prayer for each one of you is that the Almighty may aid you to perpetuate her glorious memory, to walk in her footsteps and to transmit to future generations the tradition she has bequeathed to us all. [Response to Glendale CA LSA condolences 10 Sept 1932] --- ## 464.
1932-09-10 development of local Bahá’í community life {.center} 1932-09-10 development of local Bahá’í community life {.ref .center} No. 68 — November 1932 — page 2 In a letter dated Haifa, September 10, 1932, the Guardian has written the National Spiritual Assembly, through his secretary, as follows: “The Guardian fully agrees with your idea that the permanent welfare of the Faith demands the steady development of local Bahá’í community life. The policy your Assembly has adopted regarding the publication of Bahá’í News, the signing of a new contract regarding the dome of the Temple, and various measures involving a strict retrenchment of administrative expenditure, have met with the Guardian’s whole-hearted and unqualified approval. He truly admires the spirit which enables you to face the rigors and surmount the obstacles of a crisis unprecedented in its gravity and worldwide in its effects. The constancy, wisdom, courage and loyalty you have so thoroughly displayed are beyond all praise, and are worthy of your high station as the standard-bearers of the Administration of the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh.” To this letter the Guardian added the following words: “I am moved to add a few words with my own pen, to what has been written on my behalf, renewing my plea to you, and through you, to each member of your beloved community, to prosecute with undiminished vigor, the enterprise which you have so splendidly inaugurated. The Greatest Holy Leaf, from her retreat of Glory, is watching over you, is interceding for every one of you and is expecting you to play your part in the great task with which the prestige of her Father’s glorious Cause is so closely associated. You have, while she lived among us, contributed to a remarkable degree to the brightening of her earthly life. By your persistent, your heroic endeavors, you will, I am sure, bring added joy to her soul, and will vindicate afresh your undying loyalty to her memory.” --- ## 465.
1932-09-10 effect of Bahíyyihs passing on SE {.center} Bahíyyih _Khánum, compiled by the Research Department p81 The profound sorrow occasioned by the sudden passing of the Greatest Holy Leaf, as well as the unnumbered messages of sympathy received from friends and believers in East and West, all of which the Guardian acknowledged in person, have caused the unavoidable delay in giving his immediate attention to various matters referred to in your communications to him. He deeply regrets the obstacles which stood in his way and which by their very nature he found them impossible to surmount. [to the USNSA 10 Sept 1932] --- ## 466.
1932-09-10 plea to prosecute temple project {.center} Bahíyyih _Khánum, compiled by the Research Department p81 The profound sorrow occasioned by the sudden passing of the Greatest Holy Leaf, as well as the unnumbered messages of sympathy received from friends and believers in East and West, all of which the Guardian acknowledged in person, have caused the unavoidable delay in giving his immediate attention to various matters referred to in your communications to him. He deeply regrets the obstacles which stood in his way and which by their very nature he found them impossible to surmount. Postscript of Shoghi Effendi quoted in Bahíyyih _Khánum, compiled by the Research Department p50-1 I am moved to add a few words with my own pen, to what has been written on my behalf, renewing my plea to you and through you, to each member of your beloved community, to prosecute, with undiminished vigour the enterprise which you have so splendidly inaugurated. The Greatest Holy Leaf, from her retreat of Glory, is watching over you, is interceding for every one of you, and is expecting you to play your part in the great task, with which the prestige of her Father’s glorious Cause is so closely associated. You have, while she lived amongst us, contributed to a remarkable degree to the brightening of her earthly life. By your persistent, your heroic endeavours you will, I am sure, bring added joy to her soul, and will vindicate afresh your undying loyalty to her memory. [To USNSA 10 Sept 1932] --- ## 467.
1932-09-10 re Bahá’ís of Monroe WA condolences {.center} Bahíyyih _Khánum, compiled by the Research Department p80 His loss is too immense to be adequately expressed in words. But his joy is also great. For such calamitous events, though cruel in their immediate effects, nevertheless, serve to stimulate the friends and quicken their souls. Ours, therefore, is the opportunity to arise and serve the Cause and put all our trust in God. Surely, He will guide our steps and will inspire us with the necessary enthusiasm and strength. May the immortal spirit of our departed _Khánum quicken our energies and give fresh lustre to our endeavours for the greater extension of the Cause. {.sig} [to the Bahá’ís of Monroe WA, 10 Sept 1932] [the Monroe LSA was formed Riḍván 1935 w/ Rosamond Bays as secretary] --- ## 468.
1932-09-10 re Jacksonville FL Bahá’ís condolences {.center} Bahíyyih _Khánum, compiled by the Research Department p80 ...He is eagerly awaiting to see the friends as ever burning with the desire to serve a Cause for the sake of which our departed Holy Leaf gave up her entire existence. May her glorious spirit cheer your hearts, strengthen your faith and inspire you with renewed courage and hope. {.sig} [to the Bahá’ís of Jacksonville FL, 10 Sept 1932] --- ## 469.
1932-09-10 tnx for care of Bahíyyih _Khánum {.center} Bahíyyih _Khánum, compiled by the Research Department p51 The passing of the beloved _Khánum has plunged me in unspeakable sorrow. What a gap she has left behind her! It is terrible to contemplate. Your message, which I greatly value, lessened considerably the burden of my grief as I am fully conscious of the extent to which you have, in so many different ways, contributed to her physical well-being, and to the joy and satisfaction of her soul. We are all indebted to you for the many evidences of your loving and unfailing solicitude for her welfare, and we can only pray at her grave that her spirit may intercede for you before the throne of her glorious Father, and aid you to accomplish still greater things for a Cause, in the path of which she toiled and suffered all the days of her precious life. [to individual 10 Sept 1932] --- ## 470.
1932-09-15 Bahíyyih as token of spiritual attributes {.center} Bahíyyih _Khánum, compiled by the Research Department p82-3 The Guardian’s anguish, because of this tragic occurrence, is such that it can neither be [83] plumbed nor described in words. That sublime and gloried Leaf, that precious jewel of the Kingdom, was the one great solace of his life; she was his glorious companion, and her disappearance, and the separation from her, and her ascending into the heavenly presence and court of her Lord was the direst ordeal to be visited upon the people of Bahá. Alas for any future time that might produce such a calamity, when the world’s eye might see its like. That sacred treasure, that jewel of Heaven, was the very sign and token of spiritual attributes and qualities and perfections, the very model of high honour and nobility and heavenly ways. The sufferings she bore in the pathway of God were the cruellest ones, the afflictions that assailed her were the severest of all. Fortitude was the rich dress she wore, serenity and tranquil strength were her splendid robe, virtue and detachment, purity and chastity, were all her jewels, and tenderness, care and love for humankind, her beauty’s bright adornings. The Guardian conveys his message of consolation and comfort, enjoining submission and acquiescence in this calamity, and the need for arising to serve and to be steadfast, and to take for our model that gem of the Abhá Paradise. [to an individual, translated from the Persian, 15 Sept 1932] --- ## 471.
1932-09-15 Greatest Holy Leaf the Trust of Bahá’u’lláh amongst us {.center} Bahíyyih _Khánum, compiled by the Research Department p83-4 Indeed, the Greatest Holy Leaf, the Trust of Bahá’u’lláh amongst us, was the emblem of His boundless grace, a luminary shining in the heaven of [84] tender mercy and gracious providence, the embodiment of the manifold favours of the Abhá Beauty, a repository of the bounty and loving-kindness so characteristic of the Báb, the Exalted One. To every disconsolate one she was an affectionate comforter, to every heart-broken and grief-stricken soul, a token of unfailing sympathy, of kindliness, of cheer and comfort. Her blessed life was a source of spiritual illumination for the whole world and her noble traits and heavenly attributes served as a shining example, an object of emulation for all mankind. Like the showers of heavenly grace, her generosity knew no bounds, and as the breeze of celestial blessing and favour, she breathed a new life into every soul. Both friends and strangers were drawn by her sense of spirituality, her tenderness and refinement, her unfailing solicitude, and were attracted by the magic of her unbounded affection and goodwill. That heavenly being displayed throughout her life such evidence of glory and dignity, such manifestations of majesty and greatness, such a degree of patience and resignation as bewildered the minds and souls. In the midst of trials her radiant face bore the likeness of a sweet rose and in moments of sore tribulation she was resplendent as a brilliant candle. [to _Shíráz LSA, translated from the Persian, 15 Sept 1932] --- ## 472.
1932-09-15 effect of Bahíyyih passing on SE {.center} Bahíyyih _Khánum, compiled by the Research Department p81-2 The Guardian of the Cause of God has received your letter of 21 July 1932, telling of your and the other friends’ profound distress on receiving word of this calamity, this dire ordeal, that is, the ascension of the Most Exalted Leaf, that brightest fruit of the Eternal Tree. It is certain that this anguish, this harrowing event, has reached into the very depths of his being, and oppressed and darkened his radiant heart more than words can ever tell. For the subtle and spiritual attachment that the Guardian felt for her, and the heavenly tenderness and affection between that lovely fruit of the divine Lote-Tree and himself, was a bond so strong as to defy description, nor can the mind encompass that exalted state. That secret is a secret well-concealed, a treasured mystery unplumbed, and to a plane such as this, the minds of the believers can never find their way. On this account the Guardian’s anguish at being parted from that bright and comely denizen of Heaven is beyond our conceiving. She who was a sparkling light of God, she who was so full of grace-that widespread ray of Heaven’s splendour, that sign of God’s mercy-was made to appear with all perfections, all goodly attributes, all blessed ways; and never had the world’s eye gazed upon such a welling spring of tender love, of pity and compassion, and never will it behold again such a gem of loving-kindness, such a fount of God’s munificence. How many a night did she whom the world wronged spend as a prisoner, worn with care, tormented, banished from her home. How many a day did she live through as an exile and a captive! There was no venom of affliction, at the hands of this Faith’s foes, that was not given her to drink, no arrow of cruelty but struck her holy breast. Yet in spite of the endless tribulations and disasters, she who was a spirit of holiness and a songster of Heaven, would even in the midst of dire ordeals, her face aglow, bloom like a rose. The Guardian sends messages of consolation to you and all the friends in this bereavement, and he says that in this calamitous time all must bow down their heads and be acquiescent, arise in faithful service to His Cause, and model themselves upon that most exalted, sacred and resplendent presence. [to an individual, translated from the Persian, 15 Sept 1932] --- ## 473.
1932-09-15 suspension of religious festivity {.center} Bahíyyih _Khánum, compiled by the Research Department p84-5 The Guardian trusts that the explanation he has given by wire regarding the suspension for a period of nine months of Bahá’í religious festivity has been made clear. The Nineteen Day Feast being of a quasi-administrative character should continue to be held, but should be conducted with the utmost simplicity and should be devoid of any features associated with feasts and entertainment. The celebration of Naw-Rúz, the anniversary of the birth of Bahá’u’lláh and of the Báb should be altogether cancelled as a token of our deep mourning for so distinguished and precious a member of Bahá’u’lláh’s family. The period of nine months should be reckoned from the 15th of July to the 15th of April. To USNSA 15 Sept 1932 --- ## 474.
1932-09-15 To Martha re gratitude for services in response to Holy Leafs death {.center} Martha Root: Lioness at the Threshold, M. R. Garis, p387 {.ref .center} I hasten to express in person my keen & abiding sense of appreciation of your stupendous efforts for the spread of our beloved Cause. I have been too overwhelmed with grief to write during the weeks following so terrific a blow. Your words of cheer & sympathy I immeasurably value as they come from one whose share in bringing genuine satisfaction to the heart of the Greatest Holy Leaf stands unrivalled. My heart overflows with love & gratitude for the imperishable example you are setting to the followers of God throughout the world. 1932-09-15 To Martha re gratitude for services in response to Holy Leaf’s death {.ref .center} --- ## 475.
1932-10-02 transferring Holy Land property {.center} 1932-10-02 transferring Holy Land property {.ref .center} USBN #72 — April 1933 — page 3 {.ref .center} “Shoghi Effendi wishes me to send you these few lines to enclose a copy of the power of attorney that our lawyer here has framed in case any one of the friends desires to transfer the property he holds around the Shrine to the name of the National Assembly. “As I told you in my previous letter, by law such lands can only be transferred during one’s lifetime. Otherwise it will go to the heirs according to prescribed shares. The will of the deceased is inoperative in such cases. Shoghi Effendi does not want to bring any form of pressure upon the friends. They are naturally free to keep the property in their name and have it go to their heirs. “In case they express the desire to make such a transfer and have the property revert to the Cause then they have to sign this power of attorney before a Notary Public and then have it countersigned by the British Consul in that locality. “The power of attorney is in my name and not in the name of the Guardian because he represents the N.S.A. and will sign for them. He cannot represent both parties to the transfer. “For the transfer there are some expenses, among them 3 per cent of the value of the land, which is government taxes. They do not, however, amount to very much. “Please note that besides putting their name and signature they have also to state the number of the deed which is mentioned on the Certificate of Registration which they hold. “Assuring you of Shoghi Effendi’s prayers and best wishes, I remain, Yours ever sincerely, Rúḥí Afnán. Haifa, Palestine, {.sig} October 2, 1932.” {.sig} “Power of Attorney I/we the undersigned ................. do hereby give power of attorney to Mr. Rúḥí Agnan [sic] of Haifa, authorizing him in my/our place and name to sell, transfer and register in the name of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of the United States and Canada — Palestine Branch the property registered in my/our name under deed No. ...... situate in Haifa and also to administer the said property, to effect partition, parcellation, correction of area and boundaries, sue in Courts and generally do such things and steps in connection with the said property as my said agent shall think fit, and for that purpose to appear before the Land Registries, Courts and Government Offices, sign applications, deeds and other documents, admit receipt of purchase price, and also to appoint other and others in his place and revoke at pleasure such substitutes. In Witness Whereof I/We Have Set Hereunto My/Our Hands. --- ## 476.
1932-10-04 Bahíyyih source of constant joy and inspiration {.center} Bahíyyih _Khánum, compiled by the Research Department p85-6 Even though during these last years she was weak and most of the time confined to her room, yet she was a source of constant joy and inspiration to those that met her. The Guardian feels her loss tremendously because the greatest part of his leisure hours he used to spend in her company. His only comfort is that she has been delivered from the worries and weaknesses of a body that could no more withhold her spirit and help her to express all her desire in meeting the friends and serving them. At present, in the presence of her Father and Lord we trust she is remembering us and asking for us His divine grace and blessings. [To the Phoenix AZ LSA, 4 Oct 1932 --- ## 477.
1932-10-04 loss of the Greatest Holy Leaf {.center} Bahíyyih _Khánum, compiled by the Research Department p85 The loss of the Greatest Holy Leaf will be bitterly felt by all those friends who had the pleasure and privilege to meet her. She always kept such a wonderful atmosphere of joy and hope around her that was bound to influence those that were present and help them to go out into the world with added zeal and determination to consecrate all in the path of God. The only consolation of Shoghi Effendi is in the knowledge that she has been delivered from earthly worries and physical weakness and that she is now in the presence of Bahá’u’lláh, her Father and Lord, enjoying the infinite blessings of His eternal Kingdom. To Bahá’ís of Australia, 4 Oct 1932 --- ## 478.
1932-10-05 To May Maxwell re poss teaching trip to Nova Scotia {.center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani, p182 {.ref .center} Shoghi Effendi wishes me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated August 31st, 1932, telling him that you now feel strong enough to start on a teaching trip with Mary. When visiting the Shrines the Guardian will think of you two & ask God to guide your steps & make your words penetrate to the heart of those that hear you & change them. The spirit of love & service you carry with you & your power of conviction is bound to win for you many victories & make of you a perfect channel for the life-giving spirit of Bahá’u’lláh. 1932-10-05 To May Maxwell re poss teaching trip to Nova Scotia {.ref .center} --- ## 479.
1932-10-06 Bahíyyih a precious soul {.center} Bahíyyih _Khánum, compiled by the Research Department p86 The passing away of the Greatest Holy Leaf was a loss every Bahá’í will feel deeply if only he stops to think about it. She was such a precious soul and so radiantly happy and hopeful even under most adverse circumstances. Every believer that came in contact with her left her presence with a more determined spirit of service and self-sacrifice. Both Shoghi Effendi and the rest of the Bahá’ís will mourn her loss bitterly. Their only consolation can be her own deliverance from a life of hardship and difficulties, and her entrance into a realm which is naught but eternal bliss and infinite divine grace. [to an individual 6 Oct 1932] --- ## 480.
1932-10-07 Bahíyyih with us in spirit {.center} Bahíyyih _Khánum, compiled by the Research Department p86-7 Even though the Greatest Holy Leaf has left us in body she is with us in spirit, inspiring us in our work and beseeching for us God’s loving mercy and fatherly care. She will never forget her loving friends nor leave them in their woes. Shoghi Effendi was very sad to hear of your difficulties, especially as they have encompassed you at an age when you cannot confront them but must have comfort and peace. You should, however, take courage and resign to the will of God when you see what the Greatest Holy Leaf had to face during her life. All you may suffer is nothing compared to what she had to endure; and yet how joyous and hopeful she used always to be! This is the way of the world. The greatest among us seems to be the one who has suffered most and withstood best the battles of life. [to an individual 7 Oct 1932] --- ## 481.
1932-10-08 Cause in Central Europe needs well established centres {.center} Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union A Compilation From the Bahá’í Writings, #11 Compiled by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice The Guardian firmly believes that it is preferable for you to stay in a centre and gradually establish an Assembly rather than cover much ground and leave no appreciable result once you are gone. What the Cause in Central Europe needs are well established centres that could take care of themselves and they in turn become focal points for radiating the light of guidance to the surrounding regions. And this can be achieved only by personal contact and meeting small groups as you are doing at present. With a little experience you will find for yourself how true and efficacious this method is. (9 October 1932 to an individual believer) --- ## 482.
1932-10-08 loss of Bahíyyih bitterly felt {.center} Bahíyyih _Khánum, compiled by the Research Department p87 Shoghi Effendi wishes me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated August 25th 1932 and to extend his deep appreciation for your kind words of sympathy. This loss is a thing that will be bitterly felt by every Bahá’í throughout the world, because she used to be a source of inspiration to every one of them. The mere coming into her presence and thinking of the trials and difficulties she had to pass through in her life, was sufficient to create in us new hope and arouse us to stronger determination to promote the Cause she suffered for. [to Adelaide Australia LSA 8 Oct 1932] --- ## 483.
1932-10-10 Bahíyyih-very few such souls who have suffered so much {.center} Bahíyyih _Khánum, compiled by the Research Department p87-8 You should be very happy to have had the privilege of meeting her upon this physical plane of existence, for the world has seen only very few such souls who have suffered so much for the sake of God and yet kept their cheer and uttered words of hope and encouragement to those who were around them. What a source of inspiration she was to the pilgrims who came from the four corners of the world to seek spirituality and attain a new birth by visiting the Holy Shrines. They should surely remember those blessed moments they spent in her room or in her presence elsewhere, and remembering her suffering, take courage in confronting the problems of their life. May God help us all to follow her example and like her be a blessing to others. [to an individual 10 Oct 1932 --- ## 484.
1932-10-10 the arts {.center} 1932-10-10 the arts {.ref .center} USBN #73 — May 1933 — page 7 {.ref .center} Mrs. Clara Weir of Hollywood has received a letter from the Guardian..... [Last spring Mrs. Weir staged a “Pageant of Nations” .... lines ...selected by Mrs. Weir from “The Promulgation of Universal Peace”.] “Shoghi Effendi was very much interested to learn of the success of the ‘Pageant of Nations’ which you produced. He sincerely hopes that all those who attended it were inspired by the same spirit that animated you while arranging it. “It is through such presentations that we can arouse the interest of the greatest number of people in the spirit of the Cause. That day will the Cause spread like wildfire when its spirit and teachings are presented on the stage or in art and literature as a whole. Art can better awaken such noble sentiments than cold rationalizing, especially among the mass of the people. “We have to wait only a few years to see how the spirit breathed by Bahá’u’lláh will find expression in the work of the artists. What you and some other Bahá’ís are attempting, are only faint rays that precede the effulgent light of a glorious morn. We cannot yet estimate the part the Cause is destined to play in the life of society. We have to give it time. The material this spirit has to mould is too crude and unworthy, but it will at last give way and the Cause of Bahá’u’lláh will reveal itself in its full splendor.” --- ## 485.
1932-10-11 Bahíyyih undoubtedly conscious of our activities {.center} Bahíyyih _Khánum, compiled by the Research Department p88 Surely there is nothing that will console the Guardian more than the happy news that the Cause for which the Greatest Holy Leaf lived and suffered is gradually spreading and embracing the whole of the people of the world. She is undoubtedly conscious of our activities, following our work and impatiently awaiting the result of our battles. Let her passing, therefore, be a source of added sacrifice and more energetic striving on the part of her devoted friends and lovers. [to Bahá’ís of Teaneck NJ 11 Oct 1932 --- ## 486.
1932-10-11 response to Teaneck LSA condolences {.center} Bahíyyih _Khánum, compiled by the Research Department p51-2 I greatly value the expression of your loving sympathy and am greatly relieved by the sentiments your message conveyed. I will pray that you may be assisted, individually and collectively, to follow her inspiring example, to bring happiness to her soul, and to proclaim far and wide the purity of her life, the immensity of her love, and the supreme nobility of her character. [response to Teaneck LSA condolences, 11 Oct 1932] --- ## 487.
1932-10-11 unity of friends {.center} 1932-10-11 unity of friends {.ref .center} USBN #71 — February 1933 — pp. 2 {.ref .center} “What impressed him (Shoghi Effendi) most in the account of your services was the statement that the old and the young Bahá’ís are firmly united and cooperating in bearing the burden of the Faith in that locality. Nothing will attract God’s blessings and grace more than the unity of the friends, and nothing is more destructive of their highest purpose than divisions and misunderstandings. Cling therefore to unity if you desire to succeed and abide by the will of your Lord Bahá’u’lláh; for that is the true objective of His Mission in this world.” — (To the Spiritual Assembly of West Englewood, New Jersey, through Rúḥí Afnán, Haifa, October 11, 1932). --- ## 488.
1932-10-18 9 months of mourning for Bahíyyih {.center} Bahíyyih _Khánum, compiled by the Research Department p88-9 These nine months during which the Guardian has asked the friends to discard feast days, are meant to be months of mourning for the passing away of the Greatest Holy Leaf. The friends should also use it as a period of redoubled energy in serving the Cause in expression of our deep love for her as well as for the Cause she so much suffered for. to an individual 18 Oct 1932 --- ## 489.
1932-10-18 academic fashions and fads {.center} 1932-10-18 academic fashions and fads {.ref .center} USBN #80 — January 1934 — pages 5 {.ref .center} He sincerely hopes and prays that the literature and letters you are sending to eminent men in the different parts of the country will have their desired effect and that the Word of God will gradually penetrate into their heart and win it. It however takes time. Such men are generally captive in the hands of some cherished ideas and principles which they cannot give up so quickly. The mere fact that a person is learned does not mean that he is free from prejudice. The academic life also has its fashions and fads, even though they are of different nature from the fads of the man on the street. These fashions are not permanent; they are bound to change. Today the fad is a materialistic view of life and of the world. A day will soon come when it will become deeply religious and spiritual. In fact, we can discern the beginning of such a change in the writings of some of the most eminent souls and liberal minds. When the pendulum will start its full swing, then we shall see all such eminent men turn again to God. — (To Mr. Willard Hatch, October 18, 1932.) --- ## 490.
1932-10-18 need for deepening {.center} 1932-10-18 need for deepening {.ref .center} USBN #71 — February 1933 — pp. 2 {.ref .center} “The report of your teaching work in Milwaukee made him (Shoghi Effendi) very happy. He sincerely hopes that every one of those individuals who expressed his desire to join the Movement will gradually become so confirmed that no amount of trials and tribulations will deter him from sharing in the work of spreading the Faith throughout the world. “Before undertaking such a task, however, it is necessary that they should deepen their knowledge of the Teaching. They should learn to study the words for themselves and both grasp their significance and also become imbued with their spirit. The hope of Shoghi Effendi is not only to increase the number of the friends but also to have true and more understanding Bahá’ís. The task of the teachers is to produce such efficient servants for our beloved Faith... . These nine months, during which the Guardian has asked the friends to discard Feast Days, are meant to be months of mourning for the passing away of the Greatest Holy Leaf. The friends should also use them as a period of redoubled energy in serving the Cause, in expression of our deep love for her as well as for the Cause for which she suffered so much.” — (To Mrs. Ruth Moffett, Chicago, Illinois, through Rúḥí Afnán, Haifa, October 18, 1932). --- ## 491.
1932-10-20 Louis Gregory — maintain the positive attitude and look to future {.center} “To Move the World”, Morrison, p236-7 : Shoghi Effendi wishes me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated September 25th 1932. He deeply sympathises with you in your difficulties and earnestly prays that God will guide you and enable you to take the right step at this cross-road of your life. He is sure that ultimately you will appreciate the wisdom of all this and will not be in the least sorry for what has transpired. What is however essential is that you have faith in the love and guidance of Bahá’u’lláh and be certain that He will not forsake a person like you who has for so many years spread his Cause so devotedly. It may be a period during which He will test your power of endurance and tenacity of faith, but with His help you shall win and see yourself victorious both spiritually and also in managing your material affairs. Shoghi Effendi knows that you can render inestimable service both if you go to Persia and also if you join Mrs. Gregory in Europe... . but Shoghi Effendi thinks that the place you are needed most is America. The Master asked you to work for the colored and among them and Shoghi Effendi would urge you to do the same. Your own people need you most and you have a duty towards them that you have to fulfil. Shoghi Effendi wishes you to take a kind of work like the one Mr. [Hyde] Dunn has taken in Australia, that would enable you to travel throughout the U. S. and both win your bread and serve the Cause. The kind of work Miss [Orcella] Rexford has [i.e., paid lecturing] Shoghi Effendi would not advise you for even though there is no harm in it, it may cause misunderstanding. The people may confuse what you say on the subject of the Cause with what you say in your other lectures. Keep also in mind that the Faith cannot spare your services totally. You should take up a work that will give you ample time to teach among the colored. In his moments of prayer at the Shrine Shoghi Effendi will pray for you and ask God to guide and assist you in this very critical period of your life. At the bottom of the letter, as was his custom, Shoghi Effendi added a postscript in his own hand: Dear and precious co-worker: The spirit which you have demonstrated and which your welcome letter so powerfully reveals is indeed worthy of the praise and admiration of the Supreme Concourse. The place you occupy in my heart and the measure of admiration I cherish for the sublimity of your faith, I cannot describe. ... I wish you to concentrate, within the limits which your changed material position imposes, on the teaching work in America and particularly among the colored inhabitants. My prayers will accompany you, wherever you may be. With a heart filled with love and gratitude, Your true brother, (Signed) Shoghi {.sig} [To Louis Gregory, 20 October 1932] --- ## 492.
1932-10-21 the Covenant & inheritance {.center} 1932-10-21 the Covenant & inheritance {.ref .center} USBN #80 — January 1934 — pages 5 {.ref .center} As regards the meaning of the Bahá’í Covenant: The Guardian considers the existence of two forms of Covenant both of which are explicitly mentioned in the literature of the Cause. First is the covenant that every prophet makes with humanity or, more definitely, with His people that they will accept and follow the coming Manifestation who will be the reappearance of His reality. The second form of Covenant is such as the one Bahá’u’lláh made with His people that they should accept the Master. This is merely to establish and strengthen the succession of the series of Lights that appear after every Manifestation. Under the same category falls the Covenant the Master made with the Bahá’ís that they should accept His administration after Him.... To divide the inheritance as it is prescribed by Bahá’í we have to divide it into 2,520 shares. But we can also divide it into 42 shares. Then every one of the beneficiaries will take so many of these shares. These numbers form like a highest denominator for the different individuals that will benefit in case of intestacy. In case of the non-existence of one class of inheritors the Aqdas mentions how it should be divided. As a general rule a part goes to the House of Justice, a part to the children. — (To Mr. Dales S. Cole, October 21, 1932.) --- ## 493.
1932-10-22 re political involvement {.center} 1932-10-22 re political involvement {.ref .center} No. 69 — December 1932 — page 4 “As regards the participation of the friends in general elections, Shoghi Effendi has written about it in his letters explaining his views on the subject. He strongly feels that the friends should abstain from any election that is along party lines. In elections that are not political the friends can enter but not when it is in any way political. The Assembly can judge best as to what is political and what is not.” The postscript: “The Bahá’í Faith as it forges ahead throughout the western world and particularly in lands where the political machinery is corrupt and political passions and prejudices are dominant among the masses, should increasingly assert and demonstrate the fact that it is non-political in character, that it stands above party, that it is neither apathetic to national interests nor opposed to any party or faction, and that it seeks through administrative channels, rather than through diplomatic and political posts to establish, beyond the shadow of a doubt, the capacity, the sane patriotism, the integrity and high-mindedness of its avowed adherents. This is the general and vital principle; it is for the National representatives to apply it with fidelity and vigor.” ========= {.noid} ...in the letter published as “The Golden Age of the Cause of Bahá’u’lláh,” Shoghi Effendi declared, “I feel it, therefore, incumbent upon me to stress, now that the time is ripe, the importance of an instruction which, at the present stage of the evolution of our Faith, should be increasingly emphasized, irrespective of its application to the East or to the West. And this principle is no other than that which involves the non-participation by the adherents of the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh, whether in their individual capacities or collectively as local or national Assemblies, in any form of activity that might be interpreted, either directly or indirectly, as an interference in the political affairs of any particular government.” This instruction raised among American believers the important question whether the act of voting, in the normal pursuance of the function of citizenship, should be construed as a participation in political matters. The question was referred to the Guardian by the National Spiritual Assembly, and the following explicit reply has now been received. The reply was dated Haifa, Palestine, October 22, 1932, and consisted of a letter written by Shoghi Effendi through his secretary, with a postscript in the Guardian’s own hand. --- ## 494.
1932-10-25 functioning of LSAs {.center} 1932-10-25 functioning of LSA’s {.ref .center} No. 67 — October 1932 — page 2 ...a statement which the Guardian wrote on August 25, through his secretary, to Mr. and Mrs. Bishop Brown, members of the National Teaching Committee: “You have rightly realized that there is a great need for the Local Spiritual Assemblies to learn to function, and they have hitherto been rather passive in the hope that the National Assembly can by itself do all the work.” --- ## 495.
1932-10-27 United Will and Concerted Action {.center} 1932-10-27 “United Will and Concerted Action” {.ref .center} No. 69 — December 1932 — page 1 Words of Shoghi Effendi to the Chairman of the National Spiritual Assembly “I am deeply conscious of the many obstacles that stand in the path of the American believers in their stupendous endeavor to attain their goal — a goal on which our dearly beloved Greatest Holy Leaf had set her fondest hopes. I cannot, however, overlook, much as I sympathize with them in their financial tribulations and anxieties, the mysterious power that resides in the united will and concerted action of all the members of that self-sacrificing community — a community which, since the passing of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, has put an impetus to the advancement of the Cause out of all proportion to its numerical strength, its youthfulness, and experience of the powers latent in this sacred Faith. What an untold wealth of blessings will flow out of a renewed, an irrevocable resolution, representing the combined will of all the steadfast lovers of the Cause of God in that land, to carry out in its entirety during the few remaining months a Plan on which so much that is vital to its world-wide interests depend? The American believers, the stout-hearted supporters of the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh, have already given too many evidences of their preponderating influence in the direction of its affairs to allow the slightest disappointment to mar the radiance of their past achievements. Their will to succeed must eventually triumph.” (signed) SHOGHI. {.sig} Haifa, Palestine, {.sig} October 27, 1932. {.sig} --- ## 496.
1932-10-27 membership of Youth Committee {.center} 1932-10-27 membership of Youth Committee {.ref .center} USBN #71 — February 1933 — page 5-6 {.ref .center} “Shoghi Effendi believes that the best solution is to have some reasonable age limit for the actual membership of the body of the organization so that only the young people may take part in the different activities and have no older person usurp the floor or deprive themselves and express their ideas. At the same time the National Assembly could appoint on the National Committee that is to supervise their work some older and experienced persons who could cooperate with them and guide them in their activities. The National Committee should be composed both of people within the age limit and also older people.” --- ## 497.
1932-10-27 re Shoghi Effendi tribute to Bahíyyih _Khánum {.center} Bahíyyih _Khánum, compiled by the Research Department p52 I wish to express to your distinguished assembly my gratitude for the action they have taken in reproducing in facsimile my humble tribute to the Greatest Holy Leaf. The hundred copies you sent me have been received and are splendid reproductions of the original. The finest and most enduring tribute which can be paid to her memory lies within the grasp, and constitutes the supreme opportunity, of the American believers. Her earthly life, as it drew to a close, was much brightened by the brilliant accomplishments of her devoted lovers in the American continent. May her pure angelic soul in the realms beyond derive added satisfaction from the uninterrupted progress and the eventual completion of an enterprise on which she had centered the one remaining joy of her life. [to USNSA,27 Oct 1932] --- ## 498.
1932-10-27 re tribute to Greatest Holy Leaf {.center} 1932-10-27 re tribute to Greatest Holy Leaf {.ref .center} USBN #72 — April 1933 — pp. 3 {.ref .center} I wish to express to your distinguished Assembly my gratitude for the action they have taken in reproducing in facsimile my humble Tribute to the Greatest Holy Leaf. The hundred copies you sent me have been received and are splendid reproductions of the original. The finest and most enduring tribute which can be paid to her memory lies within the grasp and constitutes the supreme opportunity of the American believers. Her earthly life, as it drew to a close, was much brightened by the brilliant accomplishments of her devoted lovers in the American continent. May her pure, angelic soul in the realms above derive added satisfaction from the uninterrupted progress and the eventual completion of an enterprise on which she centered the one remaining joy of her life. (signed) SHOGHI. Haifa, Palestine, October 27, 1932. {.sig} --- ## 499.
1932-10-29 Bahíyyih services to mankind {.center} Bahíyyih _Khánum, compiled by the Research Department p89 Surely no matter what we say about her still we have not done justice to the abounding love she had and the services she rendered to Bahá’u’lláh and the Master. Her life was full of events, full of sacrifices in the path of God. Ever since her childhood she had to endure hardships and share the exile and persecution that Bahá’u’lláh had to suffer. In her face one could easily read the history of the Cause from its earliest days to the present moment. Notwithstanding all this she never grumbled nor lost her faith in the future. She kept cheerful and tried to give cheer to others. She was a real source of inspiration to every person that met her. The only adequate way to show our love and devotion to her is to arise and serve the Cause for which she so earnestly laboured during all her mortal life. Her deeds and sacrifices should act as examples for us to follow. to an individual 29 Oct 1932 --- ## 500.
1932-10-31 use of BNE in Bulgaria {.center} Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union A Compilation From the Bahá’í Writings, #23 Compiled by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice As the Faith is beginning to expand over the Bulgarian country, it is necessary to bring the people into contact with the Bahá’í literature; indeed this book2 will give them [the opportunity] to obtain extensive knowledge of the teachings and history of the Faith, and will prepare their minds and hearts to accept the claim of Bahá’u’lláh. (31 October 1932 to an individual believer) 2. Esslemont’s BNE --- ## 501.
1932-11-02 systematic study of early history and principles {.center} 1932-11-02 systematic study of early history and principles {.ref .center} USBN #80 — January 1934 — pages 5 {.ref .center} I wish to urge the necessity of concentrating at your next summer session, on the systematic study of the early history and principles of the Faith, on public speaking, and on a thorough discussion, both formally and informally, of various aspects of the Cause. These I regard as essential preliminaries to a future intensive campaign of teaching in which the rising generation must engage, if the spread of the Cause is to be assured in that land. — (To Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Eggleston, November 2, 1932.) --- ## 502.
1932-11-06 self-sacrificing servants not lukewarm followers {.center} EXTRACTS PROM SHOGHI EFFENDI’S LETTERS TO RUTH J. MOFFETT AND ROBERT LEE MOFFETT November 6, 1932, Haifa. {.sig} “He hopes that these receptive souls you have succeeded to attract into the movement will through deep study and living the life become like firm rocks upon which the Cause can build its future spiritual temple-the temple of the hearts. In one of His very beautiful and stirring poems written in the early days of His Mission, Bahá’u’lláh bids us stay away and not become an encumbrance if we desire to live and have our well being. In case, however, we are ready to sacrifice our all in the path of God, then we should hasten to Him and follow His way. What the Cause needs is such ardent and self-sacrificing servants and not lukewarm followers who are ready to reap the fruit but unwilling to take a part in winning that victory. Shoghi Effendi, therefore, hopes that you will endeavor to make your spiritual children of the type that Bahá’u’lláh sought to have and create not passive admirers, but active servants of the New World Order.” Your true brother, {.sig} Shoghi {.sig} --- ## 503.
1932-11-09 Bahíyyih a source of courage and hope {.center} Bahíyyih _Khánum, compiled by the Research Department p90 He fully appreciates the deep sorrow that you, as well as the other friends, feel for the passing away of the Greatest Holy Leaf. All those who met her cannot feel but an emptiness in their hearts. She was always such a source of courage and hope to those pilgrims that came from all parts of the world and had the pleasure of meeting her, that they left her presence with added hope and greater determination to serve the Cause and sacrifice their all in its path. This was especially true of them after the passing away of the Master when they felt that she was the only worthy remnant of Bahá’u’lláh’s immediate kin. May her passing stir the friends to greater measures of sacrifice and direct their attention towards the spiritual duties that have been laid upon their shoulders. {.sig} to an individual 9 Nov 1932 --- ## 504.
1932-11-09 Bahíyyih-follow the example of her saintly life {.center} Bahíyyih _Khánum, compiled by the Research Department p89-90 Indeed it would have been for you such a joy to meet the Greatest Holy Leaf during her earthly life, but the Guardian does not wish you to feel depressed about it; this beloved soul will from the Heaven of her Almighty Father guide you to serve the Cause which has been so dear to her. Shoghi Effendi values your sincere sympathy in this irreparable loss; he hopes that we all will follow the example of her saintly life. to an individual 9 Nov 1932 --- ## 505.
1932-11-11 politics and letters to Guardian {.center} 1932-11-11 politics and letters to Guardian {.ref .center} USBN #71 — February 1933 — pp. 2 {.ref .center} “Shoghi Effendi wishes me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated October 24, 1932, regarding elections in the United States. {.sig} “The Guardian has written the National Assembly in detail and given them the principle upon which he would like to see them act. He has asked them to advise the friends accordingly and also to expound the principle so as to apply to the local conditions in America. “To facilitate matters and avoid misunderstandings he prefers to refer you and the individual friends to them (the National Assembly). He is sure that you will obtain full satisfaction by putting the question to them. The purpose of the Guardian in this is not to avoid the issue but only to facilitate matters and eliminate misunderstandings. In all such matters the friends should first approach the Local, then the National Assembly and only in case they can obtain no satisfaction should they approach the Guardian on these matters. This way many difficulties will be avoided.” — (To Mrs. Corinne True, Wilmette, Illinois, through Rúḥí Afnán, Haifa, November 11, 1932). --- ## 506.
1932-11-14 Bahá’í center of West Englewood {.center} 1932-11-14 Bahá’í center of West Englewood {.ref .center} USBN #80 — January 1934 — pages 5 {.ref .center} The growth and development of the Bahá’í center of West Englewood is a source of intense and genuine satisfaction. I particularly welcome their exemplary activity in associating themselves with the social and humanitarian efforts exerted by the local authorities in that center and in demonstrating, in a tangible manner, the universality of the Cause of Bahá’u’lláh and the vitality of His Faith. May its sister Assemblies follow the example which West Englewood has so nobly set, and by their perseverance and concerted efforts hasten the advent of the golden age of our beloved Faith. — (To Mr. Roy C. Wilhelm, November 14, 1932.) --- ## 507.
1932-11-15 effect of music {.center} 1932-11-15 effect of music {.ref .center} USBN #71 — February 1933 — pp. 2 {.ref .center} “The Guardian values your Hymns which you so beautifully composed. They certainly contain the realities of the Faith, and will indeed help you to give the Message to the young people. It is music which assists us to affect the human spirit; it is an important means which helps us to communicate with the soul.” — (To Mrs. _Shahnáz Waite, Los Angeles, California, through Rúḥí Afnán, Haifa, November 15, 1932). {.sig} --- ## 508.
1932-11-16 World Fellowship of Faiths {.center} 1932-11-16 World Fellowship of Faiths {.ref .center} USBN #72 — April 1933 — pp. 3 {.ref .center} Before you extend any sort of help to, or affiliate yourself with, the World Fellowship of Faiths, Shoghi Effendi feels that the N.S.A. should find out whether its purpose is in any way political, especially now that its leadership is transferred from Rabbi Wise to Mr. Das Gupta. In case it is non — political and its purpose is not a form of Indian propaganda, then the Guardian feels you should take part in their gatherings. The first task is to find out the underlying motive of the Society and then, in case it coincides with the Bahá’í spirit, lend them help and advise the friends to cooperate with them. Otherwise the Guardian believes we will be involved in grievous difficulties. (signed) Rúḥí Afnán. {.sig} Haifa, Palestine, {.sig} November 16, 1932. {.sig} ========= {.noid} gen info see http://www.worldfaiths.org/TheBeginning.php For Bahá’í involvement, see “GEORGE TOWNSHEND: Hand of the Cause of God” by David Hofman, p123+ --- ## 509.
1932-11-16 letters to individuals {.center} 1932-11-16 letters to individuals {.ref .center} USBN #71 — February 1933 — pp. 1 {.ref .center} “As regards Shoghi Effendi’s letters to the individual Bahá’ís, he is always very careful not to contradict himself. He has also said that whenever he has something of importance to say, he invariably communicates it to the National Spiritual Assembly or in his general letters. His personal letters to individual friends are only for their personal benefit and even though he does not want to forbid their publication, he does not wish them to be used too much by the Bahá’í News. Only letters with special significance should be published there.” --- ## 510.
1932-11-16 publication of The Bahá’í World” {.center} 1932-11-16 publication of “The Bahá’í World” {.ref .center} USBN #72 — April 1933 — pp. 3 {.ref .center} The responsibility which the American believers have so generously and spontaneously assumed through their national elected representatives for the preparation and publication of “The Bahá’í World — an international activity of the utmost importance — is yet another evidence of their preponderating influence and their decisive share in the prosecution of this mighty Cause. (signed) SHOGHAI.[sic] {.sig} Haifa, Palestine, {.sig} November 16, 1932. {.sig} --- ## 511.
1932-11-17 To Martha re Marie and Nabíls Narrative {.center} Her Eternal Crown: Queen Marie of Romania and the Bahá’í Faith, Della L Marcus, pp195-6 {.ref .center} The Guardian has already sent you a large bottle of attar of roses. He could not find beautiful small bottles here in which he could pour it. You could there find better ones and divide the quantity as you deem best. As the attar is very volatile you should be very careful in choosing the bottles. The Guardian fully endorses your plan of having the Queen write a foreword to the Romanian translation of Dr Esslemonťs book. It will surely have great effect in helping the spread of the book and raise it in the esteem of the public ... The Guardian would very much like to know how the Queen will receive Nabíl’s narrative; so in case she writes you anything to that effect please let Shoghi Effendi know about it. He sincerely hopes that the reading of that book and acquaintance with those heroic lives will deepen her faith and strengthen her bond with the Cause. It is surely impossible for a noble and altruistic soul to read those accounts of self-sacrifice and not become deeply stirred, or find a complete change in his outlook ... I only wish to add a few words in person, immersed as I am in a sea of correspondence, and assure you of my ever-deepening admiration for the spirit and manner in which you are promoting the interests of our beloved Faith. I feel that a prolonged stay of two years in central and south-eastern Europe would be most valuable and I would leave it to your discretion as to the time you should spend in the countries and cities in that part of Europe. May the Beloved bless richly your high endeavours. 1932-11-17 To Martha re Marie and Nabíl’s Narrative {.ref .center} --- ## 512.
1932-11-17 To Martha re contribution & translations {.center} Her Eternal Crown: Queen Marie of Romania and the Bahá’í Faith, Della L Marcus, pp194 {.ref .center} I trust the duplicate cheque of £110 has already reached you and that you have been able to cash it. Do not feel perturbed, and never allow any happening, within or outside the Cause, to becloud the radiance of your manifold activities or to lessen the scope of your eminent and meritorious services. Regarding the translation of the ‘New Era’ into Hungarian, Romanian and Greek, I leave, with absolute confidence, the whole matter to your discretion and judgement, as to the person, the time and place where the work should be undertaken. Persevere, be happy and confident. 1932-11-17 To Martha re contribution & translations {.ref .center} --- ## 513.
1932-11-20 To Keith-Roche re monument to Bahíyyih _Khánum {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p279 {.ref .center} May I ask your help in connexion with the marble monument which is to be erected above the grave of Shoghi Effendi’s sister and which was landed safely at Haifa yesterday afternoon. A subordinate official of the Custom’s Department is willing to exempt it from duty if the necessary authorization is granted by higher authorities. I therefore appeal to you and feel confident that you will do all you can to facilitate the entrance into Palestine of a work of art which, in some of its features, may well be regarded as unique in this country. With deepest appreciation and gratitude, Yours very sincerely {.sig} 1932-11-20 To Keith-Roche re monument to Bahíyyih _Khánum {.ref .center} ========= {.noid} Edward Keith-Roach OBE (Born 1885 Gloucester, England — died 1954). Keith-Roach was the British Colonial administrator during the British mandate on Palestine, who also served as the governor of Jerusalem from 1926 to 1945 (excluding a period in the 1930s when he was governor of the Galilee). He was nicknamed “Pá_Shá of Jerusalem”. He approved exemption from duties and established a policy that was continued by Israel that allowed materials for the BWC to enter duty free, such as the marble for the bldgs on the Arc. --- ## 514.
1932-11-22 To Keith-Roche re exemption fm duty of materials for Bahjí {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p279-80 {.ref .center} Haifa, Nov. 26, 1932 Dear Mr. Keith-Roach: I am sure you will be interested to learn that I am taking the necessary preliminary steps for the extension of the terraces, forming an integral part of the Shrine, and leading to the German Colony. I have approached the Municipal Engineer and found him very sympathetic and favourable. I intend, therefore, to submit to the Town Planning Commission an official statement of the conditions under which we are prepared to open and extend the terraces, at our own expense and following the general design already adopted. It is my earnest hope that before the end of the year 1933 the wish that you have expressed, and for the realization of which I will heartily endeavour, will be completely realized. I am sure that the application which I have recently submitted to you regarding the sacredness of the Mansion at Bahjí, which forms an integral part of the Shrine of Bahá’u’lláh, will receive your sympathetic consideration, and that the necessary certificate will be granted for the exemption from custom duty of the articles consigned for that building. 1932-11-22 To Keith-Roche re exemption fm duty of materials for Bahjí {.ref .center} --- ## 515.
1932-11-22 To Keith-Roche re monument to Bahíyyih _Khánum delivered {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p279 {.ref .center} May I offer you my deepest thanks for your kind and prompt response to my request. The monument has been safely delivered, and I have given the necessary instructions for its immediate erection. Thanking you again and with kind regards and best wishes... {.sig} 1932-11-22 To Keith-Roche re monument to Bahíyyih _Khánum delivered {.ref .center} --- ## 516.
1932-11-30 Bahíyyih a source of comfort and inspiration {.center} Bahíyyih _Khánum, compiled by the Research Department p90-1 He is sure that all the Bahá’ís throughout the world share with him in this sorrow, for she was a source of comfort and inspiration to them all. No one left her presence without being deeply impressed by her spirit. All the sufferings that she had endured during her life and that had left their traces upon her feeble form, had not in the least affected [91] her spirit of joy and hopefulness. She liked to see the people happy, and exerted all her efforts to make it easy for them to realize it. How badly we need such souls in the world at present when it seems so full of sorrows and discouragements! Every one is suffering and no person to give them courage and brighten their hearts. Shoghi Effendi hopes that the friends will follow her example and become a source of inspiration to the world at large, giving hope to the depressed and joy to the disconsolate. Moreover, he trusts that her passing will operate as a great impetus in our services to the Cause for which she suffered so long and so hard. to an individual 30 Nov 1932 --- ## 517.
1932-11-30 sacrifice {.center} 1932-11-30 sacrifice {.ref .center} USBN #77 — September 1933 — Page 1 {.ref .center} “Shoghi Effendi sincerely hopes that through these sacrifices that Edifice will be completed and become a focal center for the spirit and Teachings of the Cause in that land; that from it the light of guidance will spread and bring joy and hope to the heart of this depressed humanity. If you will study the history of Nabíl, you will see how the Faith has been fed by the constant sacrifices of the friends. Under hardships, persecutions and constant worries has the Message of Bahá’u’lláh been established throughout the world.” (To Miss Rachel Small, Roxbury, Mass., dated Haifa, November 30, 1932.) --- ## 518.
1932-11-30 work by Earley on Temple {.center} 1932-11-30 work by Earley on Temple {.ref .center} USBN #71 — February 1933 — page 3 {.ref .center} “I would infinitely deplore any cessation, or even an interruption, however brief, in the magnificent work which is now being undertaken by Mr. Earley and his associates. It is for the American believers, and particularly those whose financial resources have been relatively less impaired, to assure, through their concerted, their constant and self-sacrificing endeavors, the uninterrupted progress and the successful termination of an enterprise on which so much that is vital to our beloved Faith must depend. Blessings, unimaginable and incomparably more potent than any in the past, will assuredly crown their efforts if they only persevere.” Your true brother, {.sig} SHOGHI. {.sig} Haifa, Palestine {.sig} November 30, 1932 {.sig} --- ## 519.
1932-11-xx Poona India contrib to Temple {.center} 1932-11-xx Poona India contrib to Temple {.ref .center} USBN #72 — April 1933 — page 8 {.ref .center} “He (Shoghi Effendi) was very glad and gratified to learn that the friends of Poona have contributed the sum of one thousand rupees towards the construction of the Temple in America. It is a most appropriate and timely contribution because the friends have undertaken to complete the exterior decoration of the dome before the end of spring, that is, before the opening of the World Fair that is to be opened in Chicago about June of next year. And the sum needed for the purpose, due to the existing depression, is not flowing in. Any sum offered by the friends at this time is most welcome and will be deeply appreciated by Shoghi Effendi and the friends in America. “The Guardian is most pleased with the way the friends in Poona are striving to serve the Faith and consecrating their life for its promotion. In his hours of prayer at the blessed Shrines he will think of them and ask God to help them and sustain their noble endeavors. He trusts that, through their persistent efforts and Bahá’u’lláh’s infinite blessings the Cause will be established in that land and thousands of pure souls will be brought under its banner.” Rúḥí Afnán. And in our Guardian’s own blessed hand this postscript: — “Dear co-workers: I am eagerly awaiting the news of the completion of the Urdu, the Hindi, the Gujrati, and the Burmese translations, and eventual publication of Dr. Esslemont’s valued book, for I regard them as essential preliminaries to an intensive campaign of teaching among the unbelieving masses in that great and promising country. May your efforts, in collaboration with the believers of that land hasten the fulfilment of this, my heart’s cherished desire.” — SHOGHI. --- ## 520.
1932-12-04 photograph of exterior decoration of Temple dome {.center} 1932-12-04 photograph of exterior decoration of Temple dome {.ref .center} No. 70 — January 1933 — page 2 ... by Shoghi Effendi to the National Treasurer on December 4, 1932: “The photograph of a section of the exterior decoration of the dome has thrilled me. What a great and priceless opportunity lies before the American believers! How great a responsibility rests upon their shoulders! It is in their power by their self-denial, their heroism and concerted efforts, to lend an impetus to the world-wide spread of the Faith, such as no believer has ever yet witnessed ever since the inception of our glorious Cause. Let them ponder the assurances, the promises, the warnings, of our departed Master and, despite the prevailing depression, arise to carry out the last wishes of His beloved sister, the Greatest Holy Leaf.” --- ## 521.
1932-12-13 tribute to Greatest Holy Leaf {.center} Bahíyyih _Khánum, compiled by the Research Department p52-8 O ye who share my anguish and are my comforters in my distress and bereavement! In these past few months, from the day of the passing of that fairest fruit of the Undying Tree, of the setting of that wondrous Star in the heavens of endless glory, and of that bright Ray from the well spring of pre-existent light, [‘Abdu’l-Bahá], the Ancient Beauty, the Most Great Name-may the spirits of the Concourse on High be sacrificed for Him-has witnessed what has come upon me, whom she had surrounded at all times with her loving-kindness, her unceasing favours, and what a wound this loss has inflicted on my suffering heart. This parting from her has left my whole being in turmoil, burning with the fire of my love and longing for her. When, in the morning and the evening, I call her beloved face to mind, and let her smiles, that nourished the spirit, pass again before my eyes, and I think over all her bounty to me, all her unnumbered kindnesses, and remember that astonishing meekness she showed in her sufferings-then the flames of yearning love are kindled yet again, and sighs come out of my heart, and tears flow from my eyes, so that all control is lost and I sink into a sea of anguish without end. Bearing witness to this, at this very moment, is her own pure and radiant soul, her bright and sacred spirit, that soars in the atmosphere of the invisible realm, and gazes, from beyond the throne of the Most High, upon me and upon those others on earth who are enamoured of her well-beloved name. O thou Scion of Bahá! I weep over thee in the night season, as do the bereaved; and at break of day I cry out unto thee with the tongue of my heart, my limbs and members, and again and again I repeat thy well-loved name, and I groan over the loss of thee, over thy meekness and ordeals, and how thou didst love me, over the sufferings thou didst bear, and the terrible calamities, and the wretchedness and the griefs, and the abasement, and the rejection-and all this only and solely for the sake of thy Lord and because of thy burning love for those, out of all of creation, who shared in thine ardour. Whensoever, in sleep, I call to mind and see thy smiling face, whensoever, by day or night, I circumambulate thine honoured tomb, then in the innermost depths of my being are rekindled the fires of yearning, and the cord of my patience is severed, and again the tears come and all the world grows dark before my eyes. And whensoever I remember what blows were rained upon thee at the close of thy days, the discomforts, trials and illnesses-and I picture thy surroundings now, in the Sanctuary on High, in the midmost heart of Heaven, beside the pavilions of grandeur and might; and I behold thy present glory, thy deliverance, the delights, the bounties, the bestowals, the majesty and dominion and power, the joy, thine exultation, and thy triumph-then the burden of my grieving is lightened, the cloud of sorrow is dispelled, the heat of my torment abates. Then is my tongue loosed to praise and thank thee, and thy Lord, Him Who did fashion thee and did prefer thee to all other handmaidens, and did give thee to drink from His sweet-scented lips, Who withdrew the veil of concealment from thy true being and made thee to be a true example for all thy kin to follow, and caused thee to be the fragrance of His garment for all of creation. And at such times I strengthen my resolve to follow in thy footsteps, and to continue onward in the pathway of thy love; to take thee as my model, and to acquire the qualities, and to make manifest that which thou didst desire for the triumph of this exalted and exacting, this most resplendent, sacred, and wondrous Cause. Then intercede thou for me before the throne of the Almighty, O thou who, within the Company on High, dost intercede for all of humankind. Deliver me from the throes of my mourning, and confer upon me and those who love thee in this nether world what will remove our afflictions, and bring assurance to our hearts, and quiet the winds of our sorrows, and console our eyes, and fulfil our hopes both in this world and the world to come-O thou whom God hast singled out from amongst all the countenances of the Abhá Paradise, and hast honoured in both His earth and His Kingdom on high, and of whom He has made mention in the Crimson Book, in words which wafted the scent of musk and scattered its fragrance over all the dwellers on earth! O thou Greatest Holy Leaf! If I cry at every moment out of a hundred mouths, and from each of these mouths I speak with a hundred thousand tongues, yet I could never describe nor celebrate thy heavenly qualities, which are known to none save only the Lord God; nor could I befittingly tell of even the transient foam from out the ocean of thine endless favour and grace. Except for a very few, whose habitation is in the highest retreats of holiness, and who circle, in the furthermost Sanctuary, by day and by night about the throne of God, and are fed at the hand of the Abhá Beauty on purest milk-except for these, no soul of this nether world has known or recognized thine immaculate, thy most sacred essence, nor has any befittingly perceived that ambergris fragrance of thy noble qualities, which richly anoints thy brow, and which issues from the divine wellspring of mystic musk; nor has any caught its sweetness. To this bear witness the Company on High, and beyond them God Himself, the Supreme Lord of all the heavens and the earths: that during all thy days, from thine earliest years until the close of thy life, thou didst personify the attributes of thy Father, the Matchless, the Mighty. Thou wert the fruit of His Tree, thou wert the lamp of His love, thou wert the symbol of His serenity, and of His meekness, the pathway of His guidance, the channel of His blessings, the sweet scent of His robe, the refuge of His loved ones and His handmaidens, the mantle of His generosity and grace. O thou Remnant of the divine light, O thou fruit of the Cause of our All-Compelling Lord! From the hour when thy days did set, on the horizon of this Snow-White, this unique and Sacred Spot, our days have turned to night, our joys to great consternation; our eyes have grown blind with sorrow at thy passing, for it has brought back that supreme affliction yet again, that direst convulsion, the departing of thy compassionate Brother, our Merciful Master. And there is no refuge for us anywhere except for the breathings of thy spirit, the spotless, the excellently bright; no shelter for us anywhere, but through thine intercession, that God may inspire us with His own patience, and ordain for us in the other life the reward of meeting thee again, of attaining thy presence, of gazing on thy countenance, and partaking of thy light. O thou Maid of Bahá! The best and choicest of praises, and the most excellent and most glorious of salutations, rest upon thee, O thou solace of mine eyes, and beloved of my soul! Thy grace to me was plenteous, it can never be concealed; thy love for me was great, it can never be forgotten. Blessed, a thousand times blessed, is he who loves thee, and partakes of thy splendours, and sings the praises of thy qualities, and extols thy worth, and follows in thy footsteps; who testifies to the wrongs thou didst suffer, and visits thy resting-place, and circles around thine exalted tomb, by day and by night. Woe unto him, retribution be his, who disputes thy rank and station, and denies thine excellence, and turns himself aside from thy clear, thy luminous and straight path. O ye distracted lovers of that winsome countenance! It is meet and fitting that in the gatherings of the loved ones of God and the handmaids of the Merciful in all the countries and lands of the East, these shining words and clear tokens from the Supreme Pen and His Interpreter’s wonder-working hand-verses which were revealed for that priceless treasure of the Kingdom-should be repeatedly recited, most movingly with devotion and lowliness, and great attention and care, so as to perpetuate her blessed memory, and extol her station, and out of love also for her incomparable beauty. May the honoured members of the Central Assembly of Írán circulate these Writings, immediately and with great care, to the countries of the East, through their Local Spiritual Assemblies; for this task is a great bounty especially set apart for the trustees of His devoted loved ones in that noble homeland. May God reward them with excellent rewards, in both this world of His, and in His Kingdom. {.sig} [to Central Assembly of Írán, 13 Dec 1932, translated fm Persian] --- ## 522.
1932-12-27 NSAs and translations {.center} Reviewing :: Practice and Functions of Literature Review #4 Compiled by Universal House of Justice Research Department. 1990-05 (1) When Shoghi Effendi orders someone to translate some book it does not mean that the work could be published without the sanction of the National Spiritual Assembly even though that sanction may be a function of formality, for Shoghi Effendi has submitted for the sanction of the National Spiritual Assembly things that he has himself translated. (2)  The National Assembly should be interested in such translations and help as much as possible for it is, after all, a service to the Cause. That body should therefore be responsible for copyrights and other matters. Their attitude should be that of assistance rather than obstruction. (3)  The National Spiritual Assembly should feel interested and help in such translations. (4)  The National Spiritual Assembly is free to help in its publication or not, according to whether they deem the work worthwhile. Their objective should be the highest good of the Cause and not obstruction of individual initiative. (27 December 1932 to an individual believer) --- ## 523.
1932-19-18 deepening after declaration {.center} EXTRACTS PROM SHOGHI EFFENDI’S LETTERS TO RUTH J. MOFFETT AND ROBERT LEE MOFFETT October 18, 1932, Haifa. {.sig} “...He sincerely hopes that every one of those individuals who expressed his desire to join the Movement will gradually become so confirmed that no amount of trials end tribulations will deter him from sharing in the work of spreading the Faith throughout the world. Before undertaking such a task, however, it is accessary that they learn to study the words for themselves, and both grasp their significance and also become imbued with their spirit. The hopes of Shoghi Effendi are not only to increase the number of the friends but also to have true and more understanding Bahá’ís. The task of the teacher is to produce such efficient servants for our beloved Faith. These nine months during which the Guardian has asked the friends to discard feast days, are meant to be months of mourning for the passing away of the Greatest Holy Leaf. The friends should also use it as a period of redoubled energy in serving the Cause in expression of our deep love for her as well as for the Cause she so much suffered for. Concerning the future life, what Bahá’u’lláh says is that the soul will continue to ascend through many worlds. What those worlds are and what their nature is we cannot know. The same way that the child in the matrix cannot know this world, so we cannot know what the other world is going to be.” Your true brother, {.sig} Shoghi {.sig} --- ## 524.
1932-xx-xx use of material resources {.center} 1932-xx-xx use of material resources {.ref .center} USBN #59 — February 1932 — page 3 {.ref .center} Shoghi Effendi has directed me to write this in answer to your letter, expressing his appreciation of your aspirations and conveying to you his loving greetings. As to material sacrifices toward the welfare of the Cause, he wishes you to understand that the general interests of the Cause take precedence over the interests of the particular individuals. For instance, contributions to the welfare of individuals are secondary to contributions to the National and Local Funds and that of the Temple. This is a general instruction. Of course helping the individuals in case one is able to help, is also desirable and merits appreciation. He is glad to learn that you have been helping .... Surely God will reward you. He prays for you and for ... . so that you may prosper more day by day and ... may also be released from the inconveniences of life. Your humble brother in His Name, (Signed) Aziullah S. Bahador. {.sig} --- ## 525.
1933-01-11 activities of the Economics Committee {.center} 1933-01-11 activities of the Economics Committee {.ref .center} USBN #73 — May 1933 — page 7 {.ref .center} “As regards the activities of the economic committee of the National Assembly; Shoghi Effendi fully sympathizes with the desire of some of the members to see the committee find ways and means to put into practice the economic teachings of the Cause, as explained in some of the recorded writings and sayings of Bahá’u’lláh and the Master. But he believes that the time is not yet ripe for such activities. First we have to study the economic teachings in the light of modern problems more thoroughly so that we may advocate what the founders of the Faith say and not what we conjecture from their writings. There is great difference between sounding a great general principle and finding its application to actual prevailing conditions. “Secondly, the Cause is not financially in a position to launch itself in such undertakings at present. Such plans need great financial backing to be worked out in a permanent form. In time, Shoghi Effendi hopes all these things will come to pass. For the present we have to consolidate our basic institutions and spread the teachings and spirit of the Faith among the public. “This is, in short, the attitude of the Guardian; but as you are a committee of the National Assembly he wishes you to follow its directions. In creating your committee the N.S.A. had undoubtedly some definite purpose in mind for which they asked you to labor and it is your task to work for that purpose. “In his moments of prayer at the Blessed Shrine the Guardian will think of you as well as the members of the Committee and ask God to guide and assist you in the service of His Faith.” --- ## 526.
1933-01-11 re Trues request for pilgrimage {.center} Corinne True: Faithful Handmaid of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Nathan Rutstein, p198-9 Dear and valued co-worker: .......... Your absence from Chicago, during the Exposition would, I feel certain, leave a gap that few could fill. Your experience, your exemplary devotion to whatever affects the interests of our beloved Faith, your high purpose and tenacity of faith eminently qualify you to introduce the Cause, explain its aim, reveal its spirit, and demonstrate the significance of its institutions, to the countless visitors who will throng that city this summer. Personally I would prefer to have you and your dear daughter entertained by me and the Master’s family in Haifa, but for the sake of the Cause, I feel the urge to address you this request. Your services are engraved upon my heart. I can never forget them or overestimate their value. [to Corinne True, 11 January 1933.] ========= {.noid} After the death of the Greatest Holy Leaf, Corinne True was depressed and asked permission to come on pilgrimage, missing the Century of Progress Exposition in Chicago. --- ## 527.
1933-01-12 beginning Vol V of The Bahá’í World” {.center} 1933-01-12 beginning Vol V of “The Bahá’í World” {.ref .center} USBN #72 — April 1933 — pp. 3 {.ref .center} From Mrs. French’s letter I gather that steps are being taken to gather the necessary material for Vol. V of “The Bahá’í World. I am delighted, for it seems to indicate that Vol. IV will soon be published. I earnestly hope that its early publication will be reconsidered by your Assembly, as an indefinite postponement of such a valuable international record will damage the prestige of our beloved Cause. (signed) SHOGHI. {.sig} Haifa, Palestine, {.sig} January 12, 1933. {.sig} --- ## 528.
1933-01-14 re passages about Greatest Holy Leaf {.center} Bahíyyih _Khánum, compiled by the Research Department p58-9 Moved by an unalterable devotion to the memory of the Greatest Holy Leaf, I feel prompted to share with you, and through you with the concourse of her steadfast lovers throughout the West, these significant passages which I have gleaned from various Tablets revealed in her honour by Bahá’u’lláh and ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. Impregnated with that love after which the soul of a humanity in travail now hungers, these passages disclose, to the extent that our finite minds can comprehend, the nature of that mystic bond which, on one hand, united her with the Spirit of her almighty Father and, on the other, linked her so closely with her glorious Brother, the perfect Exemplar of that Spirit. The memory of her who was a pattern of goodness, of a pure and holy life, who was the embodiment of such heavenly virtues as only the privileged inmates of the uppermost chambers in the Abhá Paradise can fully appreciate, will long live enshrined in these immortal words-a memory the ennobling influence of which will remain an inspiration and a solace amid the wreckage of a sadly shaken world. Conscious of the predominating share assumed, in recent years, by the American believers in alleviating the burden which that most exalted Leaf bore so heroically in the evening of her life, I can do no better than entrust into their hands these prized testimonies of the Founder of our Faith and of the Centre of His Covenant. I feel confident that their elected representatives will take whatever measures are required for their prompt and wide circulation among their brethren throughout the West. They will, thereby, be contributing still further to the repayment of the great debt they owe her in the prosecution of a mighty and divinely-appointed task. [to USNSA 14 Jan 1933, cover letter for passages on the Greatest Holy Leaf included in the compilation Bahíyyih _Khánum, Sections I and II] --- ## 529.
1933-01-15 attaining peace {.center} 1933-01-15 attaining peace {.ref .center} USBN #77 — September 1933 — Page 1 {.ref .center} “The different nations of the world will never attain peace except after recognizing the significance of the teachings and wholeheartedly upholding them, for through these precepts all international problems will be solved and every man will secure the spiritual environment in which his soul can evolve and produce its highest fruits.” (To Miss Agnes Alexander, Tokyo, dated Haifa, January 15, 1933.) --- ## 530.
1933-01-18 BNE being translated into Balkan languages {.center} Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union A Compilation From the Bahá’í Writings #12 Compiled by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice Martha [Root] is now in the Balkans and Central Europe attempting to start some permanent groups. Shoghi Effendi has arranged that Dr. Esslemont’s book be translated into Greek, Rumanian and various other languages spoken in the Balkans as a preparation for intensive teaching work. When this work will be completed then Martha will be able to do her best, for with the present lack of proper literature she is greatly handicapped. {.sig} (18 January 1933 to an individual believer) --- ## 531.
1933-01-26 letter of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá to Chase in 1907 {.center} 1933-01-26 letter of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá to Chase in 1907 {.ref .center} USBN #72 — April 1933 — page 4 {.ref .center} re : Tablet which the Master revealed to Mr. Thornton Chase in 1907. “The Guardian fully recognizes the authenticity and controlling influence of this instruction from ‘Abdu’l-Bahá upon the question. He, however, feels under the responsibility of stating that the attitude taken by the Master implies certain reservations. He, therefore, lays it upon the individual conscience to see that in following the Master’s instructions no Bahá’í vote for an officer (i.e., in a civil election) nor Bahá’í participation in the affairs of the Republic shall involve acceptance by that individual of a program or policy that contravenes any vital principle, spiritual or social, of the Faith.” “Dear Co-workers: I feel it incumbent upon me to clarify the above statement, written on my behalf, by stating that no vote cast, nor office undertaken, by a Bahá’í, should necessarily constitute acceptance, by the voter or office-holder, of the entire program of any political party. No Bahá’í can be regarded as either a Republican or Democrat as such. He is, above all else, the supporter of the principles enunciated by Bahá’u’lláh, with which, I am firmly convinced, the program of no political party is completely harmonious. Your true brother, SHOGHI.” {.sig} --- ## 532.
1933-01-27 Persia re Bahá’ís Constantinople and Adana {.center} 1933-01-27 re Bahá’ís Constantinople and Adana {.ref .center} Priceless Pearl pp317-8 Persian National Assembly: “Urge immediate representations Turkish Ambassador behalf imprisoned Bahá’ís Stamboul and Adana charged political motives” --- ## 533.
1933-01-27 re Bahá’ís Constantinople and Adana {.center} 1933-01-27 re Bahá’ís Constantinople and Adana {.ref .center} USBN #71 — February 1933 — page 4 {.ref .center} “Bahá’ís Constantinople and Adana, numbering about forty, imprisoned, charged subversive motives. Urge induce Turkish minister Washington make immediate representations his government release law-abiding followers (of this) non — political Faith. Advise also National Assembly cable authorities (at) Angora and approach State Department.” SHOGI. ========= {.noid} See Priceless Pearl p317 --- ## 534.
1933-01-28 Ismat Pá_Shá re Bahá’ís Constantinople and Adana {.center} 1933-01-27 Ismat Pá_Shá re Bahá’ís Constantinople and Adana {.ref .center} Priceless Pearl pp318 His Excellency Ismat Pá_Shá Ankara As Head of Bahá’í Faith learned with amazement and grief imprisonment followers of Bahá’u’lláh in Stamboul and Adana. Respectfully appeal your Excellency’s intervention on behalf followers of a Faith pledged loyalty to your government for whose epochal reforms its adherents world over cherish abiding admiration. ========= {.noid} Ismat Pá_Shá was Prime Minister of Turkey at the time and became president in 1938 on the death of Ataturk. see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/İsmet_İnönü --- ## 535.
1933-02-02 date for National Conv {.center} 1933-02-02 date for National Conv {.ref .center} USBN #71 — February 1933 — page 5 {.ref .center} “Advise June 1st. Beseech entire body American believers by love they bear departed Greatest Holf [sic] Leaf not allow slightest interruption progress Temple work, so near her heart, (to) dim (the) splendor (of their) past achievements. Beg them ponder (the) extreme urgency (of my) entreaty.” — SHOGHI ========= {.noid} On January 28, 1933, the National Spiritual Assembly cabled Shoghi Effendi as follows: “Please advise Convention date whether as usual or later for Chicago Fair.” --- ## 536.
1933-02-23 conclusions of scholars {.center} 1933-02-23 conclusions of scholars {.ref .center} USBN #77 — September 1933 — Page 1-2 {.ref .center} “As regards what Mírzá Abu’l-Faḍl has said concerning the Seven Religions of the past, Shoghi Effendi wishes to emphasize that what is truly authoritative are the words of the Master. In all such cases we should try and find out what He has said and abide by His words, even thought they seem to conflict with the findings of modern scholars. If He does not say anything on the subject, then the individual is free to accept, or refute what scholars such as Abu’l-Faḍl, say. Through the discussion of these (statements by scholars), the truth will ultimately be found, but at no time should their decision be considered as final.” (To Mrs. _Shahnáz Waite, Los Angeles, dated Haifa, February 23, 1933.) --- ## 537.
1933-02-25 Cause will need more people really versed in branch of learning {.center} Bahá’í Youth: A Compilation Prepared By: National Spiritual Assembly Of The Bahá’ís Of The United States (1973) “He deeply sympathizes with the situation you are facing. But there are undoubtedly millions of young educated people throughout the world facing the same issue, youths who have to continue studying just because, they have no available means of taking up an occupation. “But these may be called the fortunate ones of their generation, for they have at least a sure means of livelihood and can afford studying in the colleges and developing themselves as preparation for better days. Those must be pitied who have to sit in the parks and public places waiting for a job, and whose spirit is actually killed by inaction. “Anyhow, Shoghi Effendi feels that you should feel thankful to God for your situation, even as it is. As the Cause develops it will need more and more people who are really versed in their branch of learning and who can interpret the teachings to suit the facts. You will, therefore, be preparing yourself for a higher form of service if you use this forced leisure in going deeper in your branches of study. The Guardian feels it would be wonderful if, after obtaining your Master’s degree, you would continue and work for your doctorate. At the same time you will be in college circles, associated with students and therefore able to spread the teachings among them. It is very important that the movement should enter the colleges and start to acquire the support of student bodies. No one can attempt such a task better than Bahá’í students like you.” (From letter dated February 25, 1933, written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer) --- ## 538.
1933-02-26 All spiritual movements have some spark of truth {.center} 1933-02-26 All spiritual movements have some spark of truth {.ref .center} USBN #80 — January 1934 — pages 5 {.ref .center} All the spiritual and social movements existing in the world, and undoubtedly there are many of them, have some spark of the divine truth. Their very existence shows that they have something to offer to man and fulfil some purpose. But what the world needs, at such a critical moment in its history, is not a mere palliative. It needs a movement that goes deep into its social and spiritual illness and brings about a complete, fundamental change — a change that will include in its scope both the social and spiritual reform of man. But such a movement cannot be inaugurated save by a messenger of God, revealed by Him for that very object. In similar critical moments that have punctuated the history of man in the past, a Zoroaster, a Moses, a Christ and a Muḥammad appeared, and in this day, the Bahá’ís declare, Bahá’u’lláh has been revealed. Just as in the past the Prophets have been persecuted and their Mission was ridiculed, so has the message of Bahá’u’lláh been scoffed at as a mere impractical idealism. From His earliest youth He was put in chains, expatriated and persecuted. But what do we observe in this day? less than forty years after His death, the principles He advocated are the only solution for practical politics, the spiritual truths He voiced are the crying needs of man and the very thing he requires for his moral and spiritual development. He does not ask us to follow Him blindly; as He says in one of His Tablets, God had endowed man with a mind to operate as a torchlight and guide him to truth. Read His words, consider His teachings, and measure their value in the light of contemporary problems and the truth of His mission, as well as the true spirit He creates in whosoever follows His ways. — (To Mrs. Paxton, February 26, 1933.) --- ## 539.
1933-02-27 obedience to the Assemblies {.center} Criticism : compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. “At such a time when the political world is chaotic and society seems to be on the verge of death, as a result of the activities of societies that contain only half-truths, the friends of God should be united and act as one single organism. The greater their unity the surer they can be of winning the day. And this unity cannot be achieved save through obedience to the Assemblies. It is true that these are still immature and may at times act unwisely. But supporting them will help more their advance toward an administration that is truly representative of the Cause, than by criticizing them and ignoring their advice. Bahá’u’lláh has not only advocated certain principles, but has also provided a mechanism whereby that ideal can be established and perpetuated. Both of these phases are essential for the realization of His goal of world unity.” (on behalf of the Guardian to individual believer, February 27, 1933) --- ## 540.
1933-03-05 Istanbul friends acquitted {.center} 1933-03-05 Istanbul friends acquitted {.ref .center} Priceless Pearl pp318 “Istanbul friends acquitted 53 still imprisoned Adana urge renew energetically representations immediate release” --- ## 541.
1933-03-05 progress of the Temple work {.center} 1933-03-05 progress of the Temple work {.ref .center} USBN #77 — September 1933 — Page 1-2 {.ref .center} “Whenever he receives news of the progress of the Temple work he (Shoghi Effendi) becomes extremely happy, not only because that edifice comes thereby one step nearer completion, but also because it is an added proof to the world that there is a mighty spirit that animates the friends, that there is nothing impossible to them and that they shall attain ultimately their goal, which is the spiritual regeneration of mankind.” (To Mr. Roy C. Wilhelm, National Treasurer, dated Haifa, March 5, 1933.) --- ## 542.
1933-03-07 Istanbul friends acquitted {.center} 1933-03-07 Istanbul friends acquitted {.ref .center} USBN #72 — April 1933 — pp. 4 {.ref .center} Istanbul friends acquitted, 53 still imprisoned Adana. Urge renew energetically representations immediate release. SHOGHI (Received March 7, 1933) {.sig} --- ## 543.
1933-03-07 ever-increasing efforts of the American believers {.center} 1933-03-07 ever-increasing efforts of the American believers {.ref .center} USBN #73 — May 1933 — page 1 {.ref .center} “I am overjoyed at the news of the remarkable impetus which the sustained and ever-increasing efforts of the American believers have lent to the progress of our glorious enterprise. The intensest effort, and a still higher, a more compelling evidence of the vitality of our Faith are required to insure the realization of our fondest hopes.” — Shoghi Effendi. (March 7, 1933). --- ## 544.
1933-03-11 Eastern and Northern Europe {.center} Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union A Compilation From the Bahá’í Writings, #13 Compiled by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice In Eastern Europe the Cause is making wonderful headway. We earnestly hope Northern Europe will do the same. They are very enlightened and should appreciate the importance of peace and a spiritual regeneration of man. (11 March 1933 to an individual believer on behalf of Shoghi Effendi) --- ## 545.
1933-03-11 to Louise Drake Wright {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp23-24 Louise Drake Wright, 11 March 1933 Dear Miss Wright: Shoghi Effendi was very glad to receive your two letters dated September 30th, 1932 and February 19th, 1933 together with the enclosed. As regards the election of new members on the National Assembly, Shoghi Effendi finds no other practical method that is in conformity with the spirit of the Teachings, except through better acquaintance of the friends during the annual convention and summer schools. It is the duty of the individual friends to come to know one another and find out who are the persons best fitted to become members of that body. This is a slow process but surely the best one and gives the greatest amount of freedom of choice to the electors. It is the duty of the friends individually to become more intelligent voters and vote only after studying the situation conscientiously. As regards the chart representing creation, we should always remember that no matter how useful such charts may be for beginners, the real authority lies in the Tablets of Bahá’u lláh and the Master. They have to say the last word. It is by them that we should be guided, rather then by charts that help the beginners. The Guardian was very glad to hear that you are contemplating a second visit to Holland.13 According to the reports we have received from Mrs. Greeven, Captain Liebau14has completed the translation of Dr. Essle — monfs book. Should it go immediately to the printers, as Shoghi Effendi hopes it will, it will be a source of great assistance to you.15 In Eastern Europe the Cause is making wonderful head-way. We earnestly hope Northern Europe will do the same. They are very enlightened and should appreciate the importance of peace and a spiritual regeneration of man. In his moments of prayer at the blessed Shrines, the Guardian will think of you and Mrs. Nelson16 as well as the other friends in Boston and ask for you all divine guidance and help. Yours ever sincerely, Rúḥí Afnán Dear co-worker: The problems which confront the believers at the present time, whether social, spiritual, economic or administrative will be gradually solved as the number and the resources of the friends multiply and their capacity for service and for the application of Bahá’í principles develops. They should be patient, confident and active in utilizing every possible opportunity that presents itself within the limits now necessarily imposed upon them. May the Almighty aid them to fulfil their highest hopes. Your true brother, Shoghi --- ## 546.
1933-03-14 suggest travel teach in Adrianople {.center} Quoted in Never be Afraid to Dare, Jasion, p189 Even though Shoghi Effendi would like you to stay in Bulgaria until the group is matured enough to take care of itself, yet he does not mind such short absence. It helps the friends to rely upon their own resources and to learn to become independent of someone to mother them. So there is no harm in prolonging your absence a little more. Shoghi Effendi believes that it would be very nice if you should go with Martha to Belgrade for the Esperanto Congress* and proceed to Adrianople for a stay of about two weeks in that city. There you could make some paintings of the Mosque of Sulṭán Selim that Bahá’u’iláh used to frequent, and also of some of the houses He occupied. It would also be nice to start a group there. In Adrianople you could separate: Martha would go to Greece and you to return to Sofia to your spiritual family. [postscript by Shoghi Effendi] Your historic work, so nobly initiated in Sofia and so strenuously followed in that capital and the neighbouring cities of Bulgaria, must, I feel, be further consolidated by the early resumption of your activities in that country. I would like you, however, to stay longer with our dearly — beloved Martha, and to visit with her Serbia and Adrianople. May this tour refresh and strengthen you, and enable you to extend still further the scope of y our valued activities and exemplary labours in the Divine Vineyard. [* 6th Jugoslavija Esperanto-Kongress, 4-5 June 1933 letter to Marion Jack 14 Mar 1933] --- ## 547.
1933-03-15 SE deprived of sustaining influence {.center} Bahíyyih _Khánum, compiled by the Research Department p91 He deeply appreciates your sincere, well-expressed reference, to the tribute he has written to the dearly beloved Greatest Holy Leaf. You cannot imagine to what an extent our dear Guardian has, in this loss, been deprived for ever of the sustaining influence and kindness that this Most Exalted Leaf used to shower daily upon him. In this beautiful Tribute we can trace the life of this beautiful soul, witness with anguish all the sufferings and deprivations that she has endured. Now we should, all of us, try in turn to follow her saintly path and direct all our energy to serve the Cause, which has been so dear to her. to individual Bahá’ís 15 Mar 1933 --- ## 548.
1933-03-16 construction of the dome {.center} 1933-03-16 construction of the dome {.ref .center} USBN #73 — May 1933 — page 7 {.ref .center} “Shoghi Effendi read. the admirable report on the construct£ O/I of the dome ... He believes that it is miraculous for the friends to have done so much in such difficult days. It reveals their inflexible determination to serve the Cause and their readiness to sacrifice their all in that path. The Guardian hopes, however, that they will persevere on this road and attain their final goal. Their faith should never fail them, and their vision of the future and its victories must never grow dim. The Master’s spirit will guide them and, through their instrumentality, will perform astounding miracles.” (A letter to the National Spiritual Assembly from the Guardian, written .through Rúḥí Afnán, dated Haifa, March 16, 1933.) --- ## 549.
1933-03-16 re NSA statement on politics {.center} 1933-03-16 re NSA statement on politics {.ref .center} USBN #72 — April 1933 — page 4 {.ref .center} ... “Elaborate, emphasize in News Letter excellent explanation paragraph five, page two, February News Letter. (signed) SHOGHI.” {.sig} ... ========= {.noid} “The instruction not to take part in political elections leaves us free to vote in any election where the various political parties have combined upon one candidate or one ticket. While Bahá’ís should not run for offices dominated by party politics. they are perfectly free to hold administrative posts based upon personal capacity, as for example the posts within the field of civil service examinations. Local Spiritual Assemblies should surely assume that each believer is entirely loyal to the Guardian’s request, and not take the step of requiring explicit obedience in advance. It is only in the event of deliberate disloyalty, when every effort of local consultation has failed that the question of depriving anyone of his Bahá’í membership is involved.” --- ## 550.
1933-03-18 to Martha re BNE her services & bottle of attar of roses. {.center} Her Eternal Crown: Queen Marie of Romania and the Bahá’í Faith, Della L Marcus, pp203 {.ref .center} ‘Also he would like you to hasten the completion of the Romanian translation ...’ Pressure of voluminous, ever-increasing correspondence constantly interferes with my immediate acknowledgement of your soul-refreshing letters. How much each one of them contributes to the removal of the obstacles, material, mental and spiritual that stand in my way! How much they alleviate my cares and sorrows! How intensely they brighten my vision of the future glory, the present vitality of our beloved Faith! I am mailing to your address a small bottle of attar of rose, and am deeply sorry that such a mistake has been made. Where and how it occurred it is impossible to tell. 1933-03-18 to Martha re BNE, her services & bottle of attar of roses. {.ref .center} the bottle of attar of rose was for Queen Marie. A previous bottle was tampered with in transit --- ## 551.
1933-03-24 to Martha re followup on bottle of attar of rose for Marie {.center} Her Eternal Crown: Queen Marie of Romania and the Bahá’í Faith, Della L Marcus, pp203 {.ref .center} Shoghi Effendi wishes me to write you this short note to inform you that he is not going to send you the bottle of attar of roses as he promised to do in his last letter. The mail is unsafe and they may do this time as they did the last time, for it is almost sure that it is in the post office that the bottle was opened and the attar changed into honey. He will wait until some person is found who is likely to meet you, and will give him the bottle to hand it to you personally. This way there will be no risk incurred. 1933-03-24 to Martha re followup on bottle of attar of rose for Marie {.ref .center} --- ## 552.
1933-03-25 direct attention towards Europe {.center} 1933-03-25 {.ref .center} USBN #77 — September 1933 — Page 1 {.ref .center} “The Bahá’í world should direct its attention towards Europe more than to any other land, because it is a hotbed of strife and rancor. The political hatreds that exist there will if not subdued not only consume its inhabitants but will ravage the whole world and bring devastation to the entire surface of the globe.” (To Mrs. Louise Erickson, Brooklyn, dated Haifa, March 25, 1933.) --- ## 553.
1933-03-27 role of Green Acre {.center} 1933-03-27 role of Green Acre {.ref .center} USBN #73 — May 1933 — page 2 {.ref .center} to Mrs. Ivy Edwards, Secretary of the Eliot Spiritual Assembly: (through his secretary) “Your group occupies an important position in the Bahá’í world for you are situated in that locality where the Green Acre Summer School is held — the most important institution of its kind in the world. Through your persistent efforts all the people living in that vicinity should learn of the true spirit of the Faith and be drawn to it. They should not only be made to befriend the Cause, but arise for its active service. “The world is in great turmoil and its problems seem to become daily more acute. We should therefore not sit idle; otherwise we would be failing in carrying out our sacred duty. Bahá’u’lláh has not given us His teachings to treasure them and hide the for our personal delight and pleasure. He gave them to us that we may pass them from mouth to mouth until all the world becomes familiar with them and enjoys their blessings and uplifting influence. “You inquired regarding the meaning of the sentence, ‘The Mysterious Power that creates new spiritual worlds.’ This, Shoghi Effendi believes, refers to the transcendental Essence of God who is the Creator of this world and the worlds to come; for as Bahá’u’lláh says, God’s worlds are infinite.” And in the Guardian’s hand: “May the Almighty bless you and enable you, together with your diligent, able and devoted collaborators in Eliot to hoist the standard of the Faith in that part of your native land, where its institutions are fast developing and where its light will be fully and resplendently revealed.” --- ## 554.
1933-03-28 to Inez Greeven {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp24-5 Inez Greeven, 28 March 1933 Dear Mrs. Greeven:17 I am directed by the Guardian to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated March 20th, 1933. He feels deeply thankful and gratified for your readiness to act promptly and print the book. As Miss Louise Drake Wright of Boston is shortly coming to Holland to resume the teaching work she started there last year, the sooner the book is ready for circulation the more it will help her in her work. The Guardian sincerely hopes that no unnecessary delay will be permitted. When the book is out of the press please send one hundred copies to Haifa to the address of Shoghi Effendi, fifty to America to the address of the Publishing Committee, fifty to the National Assembly of Germany, fifty to the Bahá’í Bureau in Geneva18 and the remainder, please keep yourself for future demands. Perhaps, on her coming to Holland, Miss Wright will desire to have some for her work there. Please extend Shoghi Effendi’s greetings to Mr. Greeven19 and express his deep appreciation for the services he is so kindly rendering. Assuring you both of the Guardians prayers and best wishes, I remain, yours ever sincerely, Rúḥí Afnán. P. S. The Guardian fully approves of your suggestion to place copies of the book in the bookshops of Rotterdam. We have just heard that Miss Wright has reached Amsterdam. Her address is still unknown. Rúḥí Dear and precious co-worker: I wish to assure you again of my genuine and lively appreciation of the prompt response on your part to my request — a response which I know involves self-sacrifice, and will, I am sure, attract the blessings of our beloved Master. Your name will thereby be forever associated with the birth and history of the Cause in Holland, a further evidence of the predominating share which the American believers are assuming in the international spread of the Cause. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi --- ## 555.
1933-04-02 Adana friends released {.center} 1933-04-02 Adana friends released {.ref .center} Priceless Pearl pp318 “Adana friends released. Advise convey appreciation Turkish Ambassador”. --- ## 556.
1933-04-02 to May Maxwell re poss Shoghi Effendi trip to America {.center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani, p192 {.ref .center} I deeply value the sentiments & motive that have prompted you to extend an invitation to me to visit a land on which the Master has bestowed His manifold blessings. Not until, however, I feel the urge to undertake such a journey, will my presence in your midst prove of any value to our beloved Cause or promote those interests that are so near & dear to my heart. Your valued collaboration in so many fields of activity, above all the spirit that prompts you to render such inestimable services, bring immense joy & great relief to my heart. I feel so deeply grateful for them all. Shoghi {.sig} 1933-04-02 to May Maxwell re poss Shoghi Effendi trip to America {.ref .center} --- ## 557.
1933-04-04 to Sydney Sprague re progress on Temple {.center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani, p195 {.ref .center} Dearest Roy: The cable I received yesterday from Mrs. Maxwell, informing me of her stupendous efforts in collaboration with Mason and Philip, on behalf of the Temple filled my heart with intense joy, hope and gratitude. It is my earnest hope and constant prayer, that at least a major section of the dome will be completed by the beginning of June, and that the work, which is involving so great a measure of self-sacrifice, will continue unabated until our supreme objective is attained. No words of mine can convey the gratitude and admiration I feel for those who in such times and circumstances, are displaying such magnificent efforts for a cause of such unique and eternal significance. Shoghi {.sig} 1933-04-04 to Sydney Sprague re progress on Temple {.ref .center} --- ## 558.
1933-04-10 Martha Root in central Europe {.center} Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union A Compilation From the Bahá’í Writings, #14 Compiled by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice In one of your letters you mention Martha [Root]. She is surely doing wonderful work in Central Europe. She has not only interested many competent souls, but also has managed to have Dr. Esslemont’s book translated and published in several languages. And this will render her work much more fruitful and lasting in effect. (10 April 1933 to an individual believer on behalf of Shoghi Effendi) --- ## 559.
1933-04-11 various {.center} 1933-04-11 various {.ref .center} USBN #73 — May 1933 — page 5 {.ref .center} To the National Spiritual Assembly. The Guardian is fully familiar with the difficult circumstances facing the Assembly, especially in providing for the financial needs of the Cause and completing the construction of the dome. Yet he is confident in God’s blessings and assistance and the persistence and sacrifice of the friends in fulfilling their sacred pledges. In his moments of prayer at the Blessed Shrines the Guardian will think of you all and ask God to assist you and reinforce your efforts. As regards the admittance of new members into the different groups as declared Bahá’ís, and the expulsion of any from the community, Shoghi Effendi believes that the Assemblies should not act hurriedly. They should be wise and most considerate, otherwise they can do much harm to the body of the Cause. They should see to it that the new-comer is truly conversant with the teachings, and when he expresses his belief in the revelation of Bahá’u’lláh, knows what he is saying and what are the duties he undertakes. On the other hand when any person is expelled, the Assembly should not act hurriedly. There is a great spiritual responsibility attached to the act. The Assemblies do not have only rights against the individuals, they have great duties also. They should act like the good shepherd whom Christ mentions in His well — known parable. We also have the example of the Master before us. The individual Bahá’ís were organic parts of His spiritual being. What befell the least one of the friends brought deep affliction and sorrow to him also. If by chance one of them erred he counselled him and increased His love and affection, if the Master saw that that friend is still stubbornly refusing to reform his ways, and that his living among the other Bahá’ís endangered the spiritual life of the rest, then He would expell him from the group. This should be the attitude of the Assemblies toward the individuals. The best criterion whereby you can measure the spiritual attainment of an Assembly, is the extent its members feel themselves responsible for the welfare of the group. And perchance they feel forced to deprive a person from his vote it should be only to safeguard the rest and not merely to inflict punishment. The Guardian was very glad to learn that the work of the fourth volume of “The Bahá’í World is progressing rapidly. He hopes that it will be soon out for circulation for undoubtedly the public is waiting for it. Please convey the Guardian’s loving greetings and best wishes to the members of the Assembly. He hopes that throught their endeavors the spirit of the Faith will permeate that land and solve the pressing problems of its suffering people. Yours ever sincerely, Rúḥí Afnán. P.S. As regards the Tablet of the Master to Mr. James Morton, Shoghi Effendi would prefer to see the original Persian to decide as to its authenticity. Rúḥí. (In the Guardian’s hand-writing.) “Dear and precious co-workers: I greatly value the Tablets addressed to Sarah Farmer and I thank you for having sent them to me. Will you kindly send me a few more copies of the Study Guide to Nabíl’s Narrative and the reprint of the Declaration of Trust, copies of both of which I wish to distribute among those who {.sig} are deeply interested. Your letters of March 31 and 30th, written on behalf of the Assembly, have just reached me. Concerning the removal of believers I feel that such a vitally important matter should be given the most serious consideration and preferably be referred to the National Assembly for further consideration and final decision. We should be slow to accept and reluctant to remove. I fully approve and whole-heartedly and unreservedly uphold the principle to which you refer that personalities should not be made centres around which the community may revolve but that they should be subordinated under all conditions and however great their merits to the properly constituted Assemblies. You and your co-workers can never overestimate or overemphasize this cardinal principle of Bahá’í Administration. Your true brother, {.sig} SHOGHI. {.sig} Haifa, Palestine, {.sig} April 11, 1933. {.sig} --- ## 560.
1933-04-12 to Louise Drake Wright {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp25-7 Louise Drake Wright, 12 April 1933 Dear Miss Wright: Shoghi Effendi was delighted to receive you letter of March 31st, 1933 and obtain the news of your safe arrival to Holland. He sincerely hopes that you will pick up the threads of the work you did there last year and gradually confirm in the teachings those you had interested. You may be interested to know that Mr. and Mrs. Max Greeven will soon be in Rotterdam, if they are not there already, to attend to the publication of Dr. Esslemonťs book into Dutch.21 As they are expecting to get in touch with Captain Liebau who is now in Holland, you can therefore reach them through him. There is also a young man by the name of Grosfeld, who is Dutch and has been living in the Dutch East Indies, who is coming back to reside in Holland.22 He is travelling through the United States to meet the friends there. With all you people centered in Holland some really lasting and wonderful work should be accomplished. But, naturally, much will depend upon you, who will act as the teacher and will stay in the country for some time. They can be very helpful to create for you new contacts, and introduce you to circles where they are known, and in which you could not otherwise enter, or obtain access to. The introductions that you possess are also very valuable and helpful. Shoghi Effendi wishes me to assure you of his prayers and best wishes for a successful campaign. He trusts that God will guide you and enable you to create a strong and permanent center in that country. He will be eagerly awaiting the news of your activities and the progress of your work. With best wishes, yours ever sincerely, Rúḥí Afinán Dear and precious co-worker: Your two letters dated April 6th and 7th have just arrived and I am delighted to learn of the splendid start you have made. I wish you could induce Mr. [...] to undertake and finish as soon as he can the translation of the Íqán* 23, which has already been published into four languages, the latest being the Chinese version. The book constitutes an essential preliminary to an intensive and intelligent campaign of teaching in Holland. I wish he could complete the translation before the end of the present year! If he cannot undertake it in person, I trust his collaborators may enable him to complete it. The uNew Era” is being translated into fifteen additional languages! May the Beloved bless richly your historic work. Rest assured, I will continue to pray for you. Your true brother, Shoghi --- ## 561.
1933-04-15 to True re poss trip to America {.center} Corinne True: Faithful Handmaid of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Nathan Rutstein, p199 I deeply appreciate the sentiments expressed in your letter and am deeply grateful for the services you are rendering and the spirit which animates you in your work. I must feel the urge to undertake the journey to which you refer, otherwise any service I can render will fail to achieve its purpose. The friends in America should concentrate on their task, their glorious and divinely-appointed task, and never allow considerations of my presence or absence to deflect them from their high purpose. .......... [to Corinne True re poss trip to America by Guardian, 15 April 1933.] --- ## 562.
1933-04-20 teaching and training of Bahá’í children {.center} 1933-04-20 teaching and training of Bahá’í children. {.ref .center} USBN #77 — September 1933 — Page 2 {.ref .center} “He (Shoghi Effendi) was deeply gratified to hear that the friends are attaching such a great importance to the teaching and training of Bahá’í children. The education of the youth is, undoubtedly of paramount importance as it serves to deepen their understanding of the Cause and to canalize their energies along the most profitable lines. Inasmuch, however, as the national expenses of the Cause in America are daily increasing, the members of your Committee should be very careful not to extend beyond their financial resources the sphere of their activities. The plans your Committee has made should not develop to such an extent as to hamper the progress of the Temple work.” (To members of Committee on the Teaching and Training of Children, dated Haifa, April 20, 1933.) --- ## 563.
1933-04-22 wonderful progress in Germany {.center} Germany, France, Italy, and Switzerland Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. Published in Bahá’í Studies Review 4:1 The Cause is surely making wonderful progress in Germany. Shoghi Effendi hopes that the present changes that have taken place will not divert the interest of the people from spiritual matters and that the number of the friends will steadily increase. Occupying a central position geographically in Europe, it could also become the centre of its spiritual life and radiate the light of Bahá’u’lláh to all the different nations in that continent. (22 April 1933) --- ## 564.
1933-04-24 to Louise Wright re pub of Íqán in Dutch {.center} The Bábí Question you mentioned ...Jelle deVries, p186 1933-04-24 to Louise Wright re pub of Íqán in Dutch {.ref .center} Dear and precious co-worker, your two letters April 6th and 7th have just arrived and I am delighted to hear of the splendid start you have made. I wish you could induce Mr. Verhulst to undertake and finish as soon as he can the trans, of the Íqán, which has already been published in four languages, the latest being the Chinese version. The book constitutes an essential preliminary to an intensive and intelligent campaign of teaching in Holland. I wish he could complete the translation before the end of the present year! If he cannot undertake it in person. I trust his collaborators may enable him and complete it. The “New Era” is being trans, into fifteen additional languages! May the Beloved bless richly your historic work. Rest assured, I will continue to pray for you. Your true brother Shoghi. {.sig} --- ## 565.
1933-04-30 reportsw of Bulgaria and countries of Eastern Europe {.center} Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union A Compilation From the Bahá’í Writings, #15 Compiled by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice Dr. and Mrs... . are now here and give a glowing report of what is being accomplished in Bulgaria and the other countries of Eastern Europe. Shoghi Effendi hopes that these seeds, which these few American ladies are sowing so lovingly, will receive showers of divine blessings and gradually start to germinate. Those countries, more than anywhere else in Europe, should feel the disastrous and ravaging effects of war and conscientiously strive to achieve peace by an orientation of their human interests to what is spiritual and uplifting... (30 April 1933 to an individual believer) --- ## 566.
1933-05-06 every book should obtain sanctionof NSA {.center} Reviewing :: Practice and Functions of Literature Review #5 Compiled by Universal House of Justice Research Department. 1990-05 Shoghi Effendi would, however, like to draw your attention to the fact that every book that a Bahá’í desires to publish, on any phase of the Movement, should obtain the sanction of the National Assembly under whose jurisdiction he lives, or of the country in which he desires to publish the book. In this case it is a mere formality for the Guardian is sure that the National Assembly of the British Isles have known of this book and have been anxiously awaiting its publication. Shoghi Effendi submits even the books he himself writes to such a procedure. It is really to safeguard the teachings from being misinterpreted by friends who have not deepened their knowledge of the teachings. (6 May 1933 to an individual believer) --- ## 567.
1933-05-07 to Louise Drake Wright {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp27-8 Louise Drake Wright, 7 May 1933 Dear Miss Wright: The Guardian received your letter which you had left undated, and read it with a sense of deep pleasure and satisfaction. He sincerely hopes that God will reinforce your sacrificial efforts and enable you to sow some good seeds in that country, for it is sure that the land is ready and the people are far more restless to obtain something new, to help them out of their present troubles, than they were a few years ago. The Guardian will surely pray for you, while visiting the Blessed Shrines, and ask God to guide and assist you. As regards the translation and publication of the Íqán, Shoghi Effendi believes that as long as Mr. [...] is going to translate it free of charge we should not let the chance be left to slip away. Encourage him to start that work and complete it as soon as possible. Meanwhile will you obtain some estimate as to how much its publication will cost and inform the Guardian? He is very eager to have this wonderful book translated well, for it is the best means of grounding those who become interested in the fundamental teachings of the Faith. The Íqán and Dr. Esslemont’s book will be sufficient to make any seeker a true believer in the divine nature of the Faith. The Guardian is eagerly awaiting the news of the progress of your work. He hopes you will keep him informed as to any interesting developments especially regarding the translation of the Íqán. Assuring you of his prayers and best wishes, yours ever sincerely, Rúḥí Afnán Dear and precious co-worker: I wonder whether it would be possible to induce the translator to print the Íqán at his own expense and obtain whatever profit he can make from the sale of the books, with a definite assurance that we would purchase from him a fixed percentage of the books immediately they are published. If this is not acceptable, I would appreciate an estimate of the cost of publication, and trust it will be possible, in the near future, to provide the sum that is required. I trust and pray that the Beloved may guide and sustain you in your arduous, your pioneer and highly meritorious endeavours for the spread of the Cause in Holland. Shoghi 24 --- ## 568.
1933-05-11 concerning the mind the self and the soul {.center} EXTRACTS PROM SHOGHI EFFENDI’S LETTERS TO RUTH J. MOFFETT AND ROBERT LEE MOFFETT May 11, 1933, Haifa. {.sig} “... With all these calamities that are befalling humanity, there should be more receptivity to what is spiritual and divine, hence there should be a larger field for work for the friends, who carry the only spiritual teachings that have any worth in these days. As regards the mind, the soul, and the spirit: In answering such a question, Bahá’u’lláh says, “You asked concerning the mind, the self and the soul (or spirit). Know that these three, and similar powers attributed to man, are manifestations of that reality which is the ground of his being ... the difference between these powers is due to the difference of organs through which that reality is manifested, otherwise that reality is the same ... .” This subject is explained thoroughly in the talks of the Master, especially “Some Answered Questions”. There are also many Tablets explaining it.” Your true brother, {.sig} Shoghi. {.sig} --- ## 569.
1933-05-15 to Martha re BNE translations {.center} Her Eternal Crown: Queen Marie of Romania and the Bahá’í Faith, Della L Marcus, pp204-5 {.ref .center} As regards the translations of Dr Esslemonťs book: He has already asked you to send him 50 Hungarian and 20 Czech copies. When the Romanian and Serbian are also published please send him fifty copies of each of those editions. The Guardian is enclosing a draft on London for £100; this is to cover the translation and publication of the Romanian and Serbian editions. He believes that with all the expenses the Cause has, especially in connection with the Temple, we should be very careful in spending our funds. He wants you therefore to find out whether we cannot publish these books at a lesser cost, for example whether we can arrange with a publisher to publish the book at his own cost and we buy from him only a certain number of copies. The publisher could benefit from any profit made on the sale and we will have the book available to the public. Another advantage in such a method is that the publisher will help the sale and distribution of the books. This is only in case such a method will make us undertake less financial responsibility. The Guardian wishes you to use your own judgement but’ take this matter also into consideration. ... After attending to the Greek translation in Greece you could go to Albania for a short visit and then return to Bulgaria and visit Romania. 1933-05-15 to Martha re BNE translations {.ref .center} --- ## 570.
1933-05-16 to Martha re follow-up to BNE translations {.center} Her Eternal Crown: Queen Marie of Romania and the Bahá’í Faith, Della L Marcus, pp204-5 {.ref .center} Yesterday I wrote you a letter on behalf of the Guardian and enclosed in it a draft for £100 to cover the expenses of the translation and publication of Dr Esslemont’s book into Romanian and Serbian. I addressed it care of the American Consul, Belgrade. Please write him a note and ask him to keep it until your arrival. Shoghi Effendi asked me to address the letter to Belgrade thinking you might find some difficulty in taking money out of Budapest with you. 1933-05-16 to Martha re follow-up to BNE translations {.ref .center} --- ## 571.
1933-05-18 Persian Brethren still Maltreated {.center} 1933-05-18 “Persian Brethren still Maltreated” {.ref .center} USBN #75 — July 1933 — page 3 {.ref .center} “Persian Brethren still Maltreated” Cablegram from the Guardian Recent reports confirm Persian brethren still maltreated. Ban (on) entry Bahá’í literature maintained. Printing (and) circulation within Persia prohibited. Urge Convention delegates earnestly consider grave issues involved. Feel essential National Assembly renew through Keith strong representations Ṭihrán authorities. Appoint also delegation (of) American representatives (to) meet Persian Minister (at) Washington, pressing him intervene remove intolerable burden present disabilities. (signed) SHOGHI. {.sig} Received May 18, 1933. --- ## 572.
1933-05-18 to Louise Wright re pub of Íqán {.center} The Bábí Question you mentioned ...Jelle deVries, p187 1933-05-18 to Louise Wright re pub of Íqán {.ref .center} Dear and precious co-worker, I wonder whether it would be possible to induce the translator to print the Íqán at his own expense to obtain whatever profit he can make from the sale of the books, with a definite assurance that we would purchase from him a fixed percentage of the books immediately they are published. If this is not acceptable I would appreciate an estimate of the cost of publication, and trust it will be possible in the near future, to provide the sum that is required. I trust and pray that the Beloved may guide and sustain you in your arduous, your pioneer and highly meritorious endeavours for the spread of the Cause in Holland. Shoghi. {.sig} [on being informed publisher Carolus Verhulst, Servire publishing, was interested in publishing the Íqán in Dutch.] --- ## 573.
1933-05-29 memory saintly life Bahíyyih will sustain and feed {.center} Bahíyyih _Khánum, compiled by the Research Department p91-2 ...He was deeply touched by the strong attachment of the friends to one who, besides being the beloved daughter of Bahá’u’lláh, exemplified perhaps more than anyone the true spirit that animates His teachings. His sincere hope is that your love for our departed Greatest Holy Leaf will attain such depth and intensity as to enable you to follow on her footsteps and to carry out with increasing devotion and vigour all that she cherished so much during the entire course of her earthly life. The memory of her saintly life will undoubtedly sustain and feed your energies and will provide you with that spiritual potency of which we are all in such a great need. to Bahá’ís of Bournemouth England, 29 May 1933 --- ## 574.
1933-05-29 to Louise Drake Wright {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp29-30 Louise Drake Wright, 29 May 1933 Dear Bahá’í Sister, Shoghi Effendi has directed me to address you these few lines, informing you of a letter he has recently received from Mr. [...] in which he has proposed to translate the Kitáb-i-Íqán into Dutch and to have it published partly on his own account. Mr. [...], who is a journalist, seems to be deeply interested in the Baháï teachings and, although himself not a Bahá’í, yet his genuine belief is that the Íqán is a highly-important and interesting book that can be of an invaluable help to every thoughtful person with some knowledge of religious literature. His proposition for the publication of the book is as follows. The cost of the publication of 1000 copies he estimates to be 330 dollars and the price of each copy will not exceed 1,50 dollars. He is willing to translate the book free of any charge and he is ready to bring out the book provided Shoghi Effendi purchases from him 350 copies at a total price of 350 dollars, of which to be paid 175 dollars at once and 175 dollars at the date of publication. The Guardian is very glad that Mr. [...] is ready to facilitate and expedite the publication of the Íqán, and he is ready to contribute his share for the immediate completion of this work. Inasmuch, however, as he is not sufficiently acquainted with the man he would prefer not sending him the sum directly. He thinks it would be much wiser and safer to have the amount sent directly to you so as to prevent any possible difficulty or misunderstanding. With the assurance of his best and loving greetings and of his continued prayers for the advancement and success of your work. Yours in His Service, H. Rabbání P.S. Shoghi Effendi would like you to find out whether Mr. [...] s proposition is wholly genuine and in case you confirm it, he is ready to send you half of the sum immediately.24 H.R. Dear and valued co-worker; Your deeply interesting letters of May 12 brought deep joy to my heart. I am so sorry to hear of the delay in the publication of the ‘New Era. Do please make every effort to expedite the work, and ensure its early publication. The services you are rendering in protecting the Cause, in defending its institutions, in explaining its principles, in diffusing its spirit and circulating its literature are indeed highly praiseworthy, most appropriate and meritorious in the sight of God. Your pioneer work will surely be richly blessed and enrich the annals of our immortal Faith, if you persevere in your high endeavours. Immediately you confirm and approve the proposition of Mr. [...] I will send you the sum of $175 as first instalment. Your true brother, Shoghi Shoghi Effendi has postponed answering Mr. [...] s letter until he hears from you. Please write to him immediately. --- ## 575.
1933-06-01 to U.S. National Convention {.center} 1933-06-01 to U.S. National Convention {.ref .center} USBN #75 — July 1933 page 1 {.ref .center} [to National Convention]: “Entire Bahá’í world stirred with expectation witness results American believers momentous convention. On its proceedings hang issue of incalculable benefit world-wide faith Bahá’u’lláh. To its delegates given great opportunity release forces which will usher in era whose splendor must outshine heroic age our beloved Cause. Supreme Concourse waiting for them to seize it. SHOGHI.” {.sig} --- ## 576.
1933-06-05 to incoming National Spiritual Assembly {.center} 1933-06-05 to incoming National Spiritual Assembly {.ref .center} USBN #75 — July 1933 — page 5 {.ref .center} Praying fervently success newly elected Assembly. Love. (signed) SHOGHI. {.sig} --- ## 577.
1933-06-08 travel teaching {.center} 1933-06-08 travel teaching {.ref .center} USBN #76 — August 1933 — page 3 {.ref .center} “The important visits you have made to various Bahá’í centers throughout the United States, together with the enthusiasm you have been able to create among the friends are, indeed, highly praiseworthy. You have set a good example before the friends. It is hoped that every one of them will arise to serve, as devotedly as you did, the beloved Temple and will be ready to suffer for its sake every possible deprivation.” (From letter to Mr. Philip Sprague, dated Haifa, June 8, 1933.) {.ref .center} --- ## 578.
1933-06-09 re Tree of Anisa in HW Persian #19 {.center} References of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá and Shoghi Effendi to the Hidden Words Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. Published in Bahá’í Studies Review 9 Persian No. 19 This has many spiritual meanings. Among them is that it designates the Tree of life, and at times it refers to the Temple of the Manifestation.9 (From a letter dated 9 June 1933 written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi — translated from the Persian) [Response to an inquiry about the meaning of the Tree of Anísá.] --- ## 579.
1933-06-12 take care in presentation of teachings {.center} 1933-06-12 take care in presentation of teachings {.ref .center} USBN #80 — January 1934 — pages 5 {.ref .center} The believers, and particularly those who have not had sufficient experience in teaching, should be very careful in the way they present the teachings of the Cause. Sincerity, devotion and faith are not the sole conditions of successful teaching. Tactfulness, extreme caution and wisdom are equally important. We should not be in a hurry when we announce the message to the public and we should be careful to present the teachings in their entirety and not to alter them for the sake of others. Allegiance to the Faith cannot be partial and half-hearted. Either we should accept the Cause without any qualification whatever, or cease calling ourselves Bahá’ís. The new believers should be made to realize that it is not sufficient for them to accept some aspects of the teachings and reject those which cannot suit their mentality in order to become fully recognized and active followers of the Faith. In this way all sorts of misunderstandings will vanish and the organic unity of the Cause will be preserved. — (To Mrs. _Shahnáz Waite, June 12, 1933.) --- ## 580.
1933-06-13 to Inez Greeven {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp30-31 Inez Greeven, 13 June 1933 Dear Bahá’í Sister, Your letters dated Apr. 4 th and 14th, 1933 addressed to Shoghi Effendi were received and were read with great care and deepest appreciation. He wishes me to extend to you his heartfelt thanks for your splendid efforts in connection with the translation of Dr. Esslemonťs book into Dutch.25 He hopes that through your perseverance and your zeal the whole work will be soon ready for distribution. The Guardian is fully confident that the circulation of this book will greatly facilitate the teaching efforts of the friends and that through its reading many eager souls will be attracted to the Cause. In closing may I assure you once more of his loving greetings and of his best wishes for your husband and for yourself. In his hours of meditation and prayer at the Blessed Shrines he will surely remember you and will ask the Lord to sustain your efforts, cheer your heart, and enable you to render His Faith yet more outstanding services. Yours in His service, H. Rabbání Dear and valued co-worker: I am eagerly awaiting the news of the publication of the book, and I trust that nothing unexpected has happened to delay the work in which you are so devotedly engaged. I wish to reaffirm my deep sense of thankfulness for all that you have done and for the efforts you are still exerting in this connection. The Beloved is, I feel certain, well pleased with your achievements. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi --- ## 581.
1933-06-14 consolidation activities {.center} 1933-06-14 consolidation activities {.ref .center} USBN #80 — January 1934 — pages 5-6 {.ref .center} Do not lose heart and never relax in your worldwide activities your magnificent endeavors for the consolidation of the Faith of God and the completion of the Temple. Confine your appeals to the Bahá’í Assemblies, familiarize them with the deeds, the sufferings, the ideals and sacrifices of the immortal heroes of the Cause of Bahá’u’lláh — heroes the record of whose labors Nabíl has so vividly described. May such familiarity arouse those who receive such letters from you to set a still nobler example of self-abnegation, of courage and sacrifice. — (To Mrs. Victoria Bedekian, received June 14, 1933.) --- ## 582.
1933-06-17 association with the World Fellowship of Faiths {.center} 1933-06-17 association with the World Fellowship of Faiths {.ref .center} USBN #76 — August 1933 — page 3 {.ref .center} “Regarding association with the World Fellowship of Faiths and kindred Societies, Shoghi Effendi wishes to reaffirm and elucidate the general principle that Bahá’í elected representatives as well as individuals should refrain from any act or word that would imply a departure from the principles, whether spiritual, social or administrative, established by Bahá’u’lláh. Formal affiliation with and acceptance of membership in organizations whose programs or policies are not wholly reconcilable with the Teachings is of course out of the question. In the case of the World Fellowship of Faiths, however, Shoghi Effendi sees no objection if the American National Assembly decides to appoint one or two Bahá’í representatives to address such gatherings on one or two occasions on a subject which is in harmony with the spirit of the Teachings does not constitute acceptance by the Bahá’í speaker of the entire program of the Fellowship. We should welcome and seize every opportunity that presents itself, however modest it may be, to give a wider publicity to the Cause, to demonstrate its all — inclusiveness and liberal attitude, its independence and purity, without committing ourselves, whether by word or by deed, to programs or policies that are not in strict conformity with the tenets of the Faith. Shoghi Effendi hopes that this principle will guide your distinguished Assembly in its dealings with various associations which will increasingly seek, in the days to come, the support of Bahá’í individuals and Assemblies for the attainment of their ends.” ========= {.noid} note previous statements about the World Fellowship --- ## 583.
1933-06-17 difference between taxes and spiritual offerings {.center} 1933-06-17 difference between taxes and spiritual offerings {.ref .center} USBN #77 — September 1933 — Page 2 {.ref .center} “There is a difference between taxes and spiritual offerings. The House of Justice has certain revenues such as inheritance shares, fees and fines. These are the taxes which, according to the Aqdas, go directly not to the Guardian but to the House of Justice. According to the Master’s Will which complements the Aqdas, the Ḥuqúq goes only to the Guardian.” (To Mr. George O. Latimer, Portland, Oregon, dated Haifa, June 17, 1933.) --- ## 584.
1933-06-17 uninterrupted progress of the ornamentation work” {.center} 1933-06-17 “uninterrupted progress of the ornamentation work” {.ref .center} USBN #76 — August 1933 — page 2 {.ref .center} And in a letter addressed to the National Spiritual Assembly, dated June 17: “The thing, however, that is most urgent and of supreme importance is to insure by every means at our disposal the uninterrupted progress of the ornamentation work of the Temple. The cessation of work in connection with so noble and so sacred an edifice at so critical a time would not only create an unfavorable impression in the minds of the millions of visitors who will gather in Chicago this summer but will inflict grave injury on the prestige and the international standing of the Cause throughout the world. That the American believers, who have already on several occasions contributed so strikingly to the strengthening and widening of the basis of Bahá’í institutions will allow them to suffer as a result of their failure to prosecute this glorious enterprise, the Guardian refuses to believe. He will continue to pray, and has sufficient confidence in the vitality of the Faith that animates them to feel assured that the hopes and expectations centered on them by the Bahá’ís of the world will not be disappointed, and that the successful termination of what is only the first stage in this historic enterprise will serve to ennoble the heritage bequeathed to them by a wise and loving Master.” In the Guardian’s hand: “I am so eager to hear of the latest developments in connection with an enterprise in which so much that is vital to the immediate future of the Cause is involved. The American believers are deeply and solemnly committed to this stupendous task. It was gloriously conceived and nobly initiated. Its triumphal progress must suffer no setback. Its termination must be hastened with zeal, determination and vigor. Its concluding stages must redound as much to the glory and fair name of our beloved Faith as the initial steps taken for its establishment. I appeal to each of the champion builders of this majestic and unique Structure not to rest until the final section of the external ornamentation of the dome has been cast and set in position.” --- ## 585.
1933-06-27 to Louise Drake Wright {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp31-2 Louise Drake Wright, 27 June 1933 Dear Bahá’í Sister, Your letters dated June 8th and 11th, 1933 were received and read with deep appreciation by the Guardian. He is very sorry to learn that the publication of the Íqán has to be given up in view of the fact that the publisher is not a very reliable person and that his sympathies are not quite in harmony with the teachings of the Cause. But now that the publication of the Íqán has been temporarily abandoned, you should try to give a fuller publicity to the Dutch translation of Dr. Esslemont’s book and thus pave the way for a further and more intense campaign of teaching. Shoghi Effendi, however, would not like you to undergo further sacrifices in case you feel that you have to go back to the States for reason of health. He is fully alive to the tremendous difficulties that have for so long stood in your way and he is firmly convinced that if you find that your leaving Holland is imperatively necessary, you should not hesitate to leave your work for some time and take all the rest you need. In closing may I assure you once more of his best wishes and of his ardent prayers for the further advancement of your work. Yours in His service, H. Rabbání Dear and precious co-worker: It is sad and regrettable that the plan for the publication of so important a book had to be abandoned. I still cherish the hope that Bahá’u’lláh will guide you in your devoted and persistent efforts to prepare the way for the consummation of this great and notable service to the Cause. Do not, I pray you, lose courage or hope. I will continue to pray for you and for those you have been so devotedly striving to interest and attract to this Divine Revelation. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi --- ## 586.
1933-06-xx The World Religion {.center} The World Religion A summary of Its Aims, Teachings and History by SHOGHI EFFENDI {.sig} Guardian of the Bahá’í Faith (From a letter written by Shoghi Effendi to the High Commissioner for Palestine, June 1933) THE Revelation proclaimed by Bahá’u’lláh, His followers believe, is divine in origin, all-embracing in scope, broad in its outlook, scientific in its method, humanitarian in its principles and dynamic in the influence it exerts on the hearts and minds of men. The mission of the Founder of their Faith, they conceive it to be to proclaim that religious truth is not absolute but relative, that Divine Revelation is continuous and progressive, that the Founders of all past religions, though different in the non-essential aspects of their teachings, “abide in the same Tabernacle, soar in the same heaven, are seated upon the same throne, utter the same speech and proclaim the same Faith.” His Cause, they have already demonstrated, stands identified with, and revolves around, the principle of the organic unity of mankind as representing the consummation of the whole process of human evolution. This final stage in this stupendous evolution, they assert, is not only necessary but inevitable, that it is gradually approaching, and that nothing short of the celestial potency with which a divinely ordained Message can claim to be endowed can succeed in establishing it. The Bahá’í Faith recognizes the unity of God and of His Prophets, upholds the principle of an unfettered search after truth, condemns all forms of superstition and prejudice, teaches that the fundamental purpose of religion is to promote concord and harmony, that it must go hand-in-hand with science, and that it constitutes the sole and ultimate basis of a peaceful, an ordered and progressive society. It inculcates the principle of equal opportunity, rights and privileges for both sexes, advocates compulsory education, abolishes extremes of poverty and wealth, exalts work performed in the spirit of service to the rank of worship, recommends the adoption of an auxiliary international language, and provides the necessary agencies for the establishment and safeguarding of a permanent and universal peace. Born about the middle of the nineteenth century in darkest Persia, assailed from its infancy by the forces of religious fanaticism, the Faith has, notwithstanding the martyrdom of its Forerunner, the repeated banishments of its Founder, the almost life-long imprisonment of its chief Promoter and the cruel death of no less than twenty thousand of its devoted followers, succeeded in diffusing quietly and steadily its spirit throughout both the East and the West, has established itself in no fewer than forty countries of the world, and has recently obtained from the ecclesiastical and civil authorities in various lands written affirmations that recognize its independent religious status. The Forerunner of the Faith was Mírzá ‘Alí-Muḥammad of _Shíráz, known as the Báb (The Gate) Who proclaimed on May 23, 1844, His twofold mission as an independent Manifestation of God and Herald of One greater than Himself, Who would inaugurate a new and unprecedented era in the religious history of mankind. On His early life, His sufferings, the heroism of His disciples, and the circumstances of His tragic martyrdom I need not dwell as the record of His saintly life is minutely set forth in The Dawn-Breakers: Nabíl’s Narrative of the Early Days of the Bahá’í Faith. Suffice it to say that at the early age of thirty-one the Báb was publicly martyred by a military firing squad at Tabriz, Írán, on July 9, 1850. On the evening of that same day His mangled body was removed from the courtyard of the barracks to the edge of the moat outside the gate of the city whence it was carried by His fervent disciples to Ṭihrán. There it remained concealed until such time as its transfer to the Holy Land was made possible. Faced by almost insuperable difficulties and facing the gravest dangers a band of His disciples, acting under the instructions of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, succeeded in transporting overland the casket containing His remains to Haifa. In 1909, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá with his own hands and in the presence of the assembled representatives of various Bahá’í communities deposited those remains within the vault of the Mausoleum he himself had erected for the Báb. Ever since that time countless followers of the Bahá’í Faith have made the pilgrimage to this sacred spot, a spot which ever since 1921 has been further sanctified by the burial of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in an adjoining vault. The Founder of the Faith was Bahá’u’lláh (Glory of God), Whose advent the Báb had foretold. He declared His mission in 1863 while an exile in Ba_ghdád. He subsequently formulated the principles of that new and divine civilization which by His advent He claimed to have inaugurated. He too was bitterly opposed, was stripped of His property and rights, was exiled to ‘Iráq, to Constantinople and Adrianople, and was eventually incarcerated in the penal colony of ‘Akká where He passed away in 1892 in His seventy-fifth year. His remains are laid to rest in the Shrine at Bahjí, North of ‘Akká. The authorized Interpreter and Exemplar of Bahá’u’lláh’s Teachings was His eldest son ‘Abdu’l-Bahá (Servant of Bahá) who was appointed by his Father as the Center to whom all Bahá’ís should turn for instruction and guidance. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá ever since his childhood was the closest companion of his Father, and shared all His sorrows and sufferings. He remained a prisoner until 1908, when the old regime in Turkey was overthrown and all religious and political prisoners throughout the empire were liberated. After that he continued to make his home in Palestine but undertook extensive teaching tours in Egypt, Europe and America, being ceaselessly engaged in explaining and exemplifying the principles of his Father’s Faith and in inspiring and directing the activities of his friends and followers throughout the world. He passed away in 1921 in Haifa, Palestine, and, as already stated, was buried in a vault contiguous to that of the Báb on Mount Carmel. According to the provisions of His Will, I, as His eldest grandson, have been appointed as First Guardian of the Bahá’í Faith and Head of the Universal House of Justice which must, in conjunction with me co-ordinate and direct the affairs of the various Bahá’í communities in East and West in accordance with the principles enunciated by Bahá’u’lláh. The period since ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s passing has been characterized by the formation and consolidation of the Local and National Assemblies, the bedrock on which the edifice of the Universal House of Justice is to be erected. There are, according to the latest reports from Ṭihrán, over five hundred Local Assemblies already constituted in Írán. Organized Bahá’í communities are to be found in every continent of the globe. National Assemblies have already been formed and are functioning in the United States and Canada, in India and Burma, in Great Britain, in Germany and Austria, in Írán, ‘Iráq, Egypt and Australasia. Such Assemblies are in the process of formation in Caucasus, Turkestan, and other countries. Local Assemblies and groups have been already established in France, Switzerland and Italy, In the Scandinavian countries, in the Balkans, in Turkey, Syria, Albania, Abyssinia, China, Japan, Brazil and South Africa. Christians of various denominations, Muslims of both the Sunní and _Shí‘ah sects of Islám, Jews, Hindus, Sikhs, Zoroastrians and Buddhists, have eagerly embraced its truth, have recognized the divine origin and fundamental unity underlying the Teachings of all the Founders of past religions, and have unreservedly identified themselves with both the spirit and form of its evolving institutions. All these centers function as the component parts of a single organism, of an entity the spiritual and administrative center of which lies enshrined in the twin cities of ‘Akká and Haifa. --- ## 587.
1933-07-10 to Martha re Marie & Princesses {.center} Her Eternal Crown: Queen Marie of Romania and the Bahá’í Faith, Della L Marcus, pp205-6 {.ref .center} Shoghi Effendi was delighted to receive your letter of June 15th, 1933 together with the enclosed message addressed to him by Princesses Elizabeth and Marina of Greece and Prince Paul of Yugoslavia. He was particularly glad to witness how effectively God is guiding your steps and is assisting you with His blessings all through your significant and wellnigh unique contacts with important Court personages and he feels confident that through your zeal, devotion and perseverance some of them will be increasingly confirmed in the Cause. The long and most interesting conversation you have had with their Royal Highnesses at the Royal Palace in Belgrade was fully indicative of their profound interest in the Teachings. They have most probably read the Queen’s eloquent and touching appreciation published in Volume IV of ‘The Bahá’í World’ and must have been inspired by it. It is hoped that their interest will be increasingly deepened and that it will lead them to pay a similar tribute to the beauty, power and uniqueness of the Bahá’í Revelation. You will find enclosed a letter addressed to them by Shoghi Effendi and written in his own handwriting. May Bahá’u’lláh open still further their eyes that they may fully realize the Divine Bounties bequeathed by Him to the world ... I am enclosing a letter to the Princesses which I trust you will find proper and suitable. After reading it you will kindly forward it to their address. 1933-07-10 to Martha re Marie & Princesses {.ref .center} --- ## 588.
1933-07-25 confident supreme continuous effort will be exerted” {.center} 1933-07-25 “confident supreme continuous effort will be exerted” {.ref .center} USBN #76 — August 1933 — page 1 {.ref .center} “Much relieved, confident supreme continuous effort will be exerted until entire dome completed ere closing (of) Exposition. On early conclusion this mighty enterprise must chiefly depend satisfactory solution (of) grave issues confronting Faith throughout (the) East.” (signed)SHOGHI. {.sig} ========= {.noid} On July 19 the National Spiritual Assembly sent Shoghi Effendi the following cablegram: “ Temple work proceeding full schedule without interruption. June appropriation fifteen thousand, July eighteen thousand. All making supreme effort.” --- ## 589.
1933-07-xx Critical situation” {.center} 1933-07-xx “Critical situation” {.ref .center} USBN #76 — August 1933 — page 2 {.ref .center} sent to America since the Convention: “Critical situation calling for further sacrifice combined resources. My heart yearns for immediate response.” (Cablegram to Mr. Siegfried Schopflocher). --- ## 590.
1933-07-xx completion of the Temple dome” {.center} 1933-07-xx “completion of the Temple dome” {.ref .center} USBN #76 — August 1933 — page 2 {.ref .center} “The completion of the Temple dome is, indeed, of an imperative necessity, and the Guardian feels that during these five months the believers should persevere more than ever in order to safeguard the prestige of the Cause. Great as has been the measure of their self-sacrifice, yet, unless they redouble their efforts and concentrate all their resources to bring the whole work to a successful completion, their energies will have been spent in vain... I these exceptionally hard days we have to do our best and be confident in God’s unfailing guidance and help. He will surely inspire us with hope and will lead us out of this worldwide and unprecedented chaos.” (Letter to Mr. Philip Sprague.) --- ## 591.
1933-08-06 on behalf of to an individual believer compare principles to philosophy & science {.center} Science and Technology #6 Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. It is hoped that all the Bahá’í students will ... be led to investigate and analyse the principles of the Faith and to correlate them with the modern aspects of philosophy and science. Every intelligent and thoughtful young Bahá’í should always approach the Cause in this way, for therein lies the very essence of the principle of independent investigation of truth. 1933-08-06 on behalf of to an individual believer compare principles to philosophy & science {.ref .center} --- ## 592.
1933-08-11 those few parsons who are specially receptive {.center} EXTRACTS PROM SHOGHI EFFENDI’S LETTERS TO RUTH J. MOFFETT AND ROBERT LEE MOFFETT August 11, 1933, Haifa. {.sig} “... Select those few parsons who are specially receptive, and do your utmost to fully confirm them and to make of them active and faithful believers. This, the Guardian believes, is the teaching method which at present seems to be most fruitful, in view of the fact that the masses are, on the whole, not interested in religious problems and are even opposed to any religious program of social reconstruction. I do not feel it to be in keeping with the spirit of the Cause to impose any limitation upon the freedom of the believers to choose those of any race, nationality, or temperament, who best combine the essential qualifications for the membership of administrative institutions. They should disregard personalities and concentrate their attention on the qualities and requirements of office, without prejudice, passion or partiality. The Assembly should be representative of the choicest and most varied and capable elements of the Bahá’í Community.” Your true brother, {.sig} Shoghi {.sig} --- ## 593.
1933-08-11 those few who are specially receptive {.center} EXTRACTS PROM SHOGHI EFFENDI’S LETTERS TO RUTH J. MOFFETT AND ROBERT LEE MOFFETT August 11, 1933, Haifa. {.sig} “... Select those few parsons who are specially receptive, and do your utmost to fully confirm them and to make of them active and faithful believers. This, the Guardian believes, is the teaching method which at present seems to be most fruitful, in view of the fact that the masses are, on the whole, not interested in religious problems and are even opposed to any religious program of social reconstruction. I do not feel it to be in keeping with the spirit of the Cause to impose any limitation upon the freedom of the believers to choose those of any race, nationality, or temperament, who best combine the essential qualifications for the membership of administrative institutions. They should disregard personalities and concentrate their attention on the qualities and requirements of office, without prejudice, passion or partiality. The Assembly should be representative of the choicest and most varied and capable elements of the Bahá’í Community.” Your true brother, {.sig} Shoghi {.sig} --- ## 594.
1933-08-12 Lunt re adminstrative issues {.center} http://www.9facets.org/9F/Arden_Lee_Collection_files/Guardian%20letters.pdf Mr. Alfred E. Lunt Boston, Mass. August 12th, 1933. {.sig} Dear Bahá’í Brother, I am directed by the Guardian to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated June 24th, 1933, together with your enclosed communication of the same date addressed to the American National Assembly. The issues you have raised in your letter are extremely important, as they vitally concern the Administrative principles of the Faith. In his message to the National Assembly Shoghi Effendi will, in an unequivocal language, make it clear that the N.S.A. is the supreme administrative body throughout the United States and Canada. This body alone has the right to lay down, amend and abrogate the Declaration of Trust and By-Laws governing the administration of the Faith in that land, subject to the Guardian’s approval. Frequent interferences with, and modifications of the provisions of the Declaration and By-Laws are, however, inadvisable as they lead to misunderstanding and confusion and require automatically a similar revision of the provisions of National Bahá’í Constitutions in other lands. The Convention, though not supreme, is vested with definite rights and prerogatives, has special exclusive functions which are defined and safeguarded by the Declaration of Trust and By-Laws. It is a fundamental principle of the Administration not to restrict, under any circumstances, the freedom and privilege of the delegates to express freely and fully their ideas, feelings, grievances and recommendations, so long as they do hot encroach upon the established principles of the Administration. The Guardian feels that non-delegates should be given indirectly the right to express their views through an accredited” delegate, for otherwise it will lead to confusion and make it impracticable if non-delegates are to intervene at the sessions of the Convention. The election of the Chairman of the Convention and of its secretary as well, constitute, however, in the opinion of the Guardian, the sole prerogative of the delegates, whose function and obligation is to express, untrammeled by any previous arrangements limiting their freedom, what they believe to be most conducive to the interests of the Faith. Nothing must be allowed to interfere with the liberty of the assembled delegates in the exercise of their sacred and twofold functions of electing, on the one hand, their national representatives and of submitting, on the other, their considered recommendations to the incoming Assembly. Regarding the principle that the Cause must not be allowed to center around any Bahá’í personality, the Guardian wishes to make it clear that it was never intended that well-qualified individual teachers should not receive from local Assemblies every encouragement and facilities to address the public. What the Guardian meant was that the personality and the popularity of such a — 2 — speaker should never be allowed to eclipse the authority, or detract from the influence of the body of the elected representatives in every local community. Such an individual should not only seek the approval, advice and assistance of the body that represents the Cause in his locality, but should strive to attribute any credit he my obtain to the collective wisdom and capacity of the assembly under whose jurisdiction ho performs his services. Assemblies and not individuals constitute the bedrock on which the Administration is built. Everything else must be subordinated to, and be made to serve and advance the best interests of these elected custodians and promoters of the Law of Bahá’u’lláh. Assuring you of his deepest Bahá’í love and his best wishes for your family and for yourself. Yours in His Service H. Rabbání. Dear and precious Co-worker: ............. I trust that the answers to your questions regarding these fundamental administrative issues will resolve the difficulties and problems which have caused you so much pain and anxiety, and will serve to reestablish the relationships existing between the two leading Bahá’í administrative Institutions in that land on a sound and enduring basis. My prayers for your welfare and success as well as for the members of your family will continue to be offered to Bahá’u’lláh, who I am sure will guide and sustain you in your devoted and exemplary services to His Cause. Your true brother, {.sig} Shoghi. {.sig} --- ## 595.
1933-08-12 relationship of NSA & National Conv {.center} 1933-08-12 relationship of NSA & National Conv {.ref .center} USBN #79 November 1933 p9010 {.ref .center} The Guardian wishes the N.S.A. to remind, and make it quite clear to, the believers in that land that the supreme body in the United States and Canada, whose privilege and function is to lay down, amend and abrogate the administrative principles of the Faith with the approval of the Guardian, is not the Convention, however representative it may be, but the N.S.A. On the other hand, it is the sacred obligation and the primary function of the National Assembly not to restrict under any circumstances, the freedom of the assembled delegates, whose twofold function is to elect their national representatives and to submit to them any recommendations they may feel inclined to make. The function of the Convention is purely advisory and though the advice it gives is not binding in its effect on those on whom rest the final decision in purely administrative matters, yet, the utmost caution and care should be exercised lest anything should hamper the delegates in the full and free exercise of their function. In discharging this sacred function no influence whatever, no pressure from any quarter, even though it be from the National Assembly, should under any circumstances affect their views or restrict their freedom. The delegates must be wholly independent of any administrative agency, must approach their task with absolute detachment and must concentrate their attention on the most important and pressing issues. The Guardian believes that the right to elect the chairman and the secretary of the Convention should be vested in the assembled delegates, lest any objection be raised that the members of the outgoing National Assembly are seeking to direct the course of the discussion in a manner that would be conductive to their own personal interests. The National Assembly, however, must at all times vigilantly uphold, defend, justify and enforce the provisions of the Declaration of Trust and By-Laws which are binding on the Convention no less than on themselves. The N.S.A. has the right to lay down, enforce and interpret the National Constitution of the Bahá’ís in that land. It cannot, if it wishes to remain faithful to that Constitution, lay down any regulations, however secondary in character, that would in the least hamper the unrestricted liberty of the delegates to advise and elect those whom they feel best combine the necessary qualifications for membership of so exalted a body. Non-delegates, however, according to the Guardian’s considered opinion, should not be given the right to intervene directly during the sessions of the Convention. Only through an accredited delegate they should be given indirectly the chance to voice their sentiments and to participate in the deliberations of the Convention. Much confusion and complications must inevitably result in the days to come, if such a restriction be not imposed on a gathering which is primarily intended for the accredited delegates of the Bahá’í communities. Bearing this restriction in mind, it is the duty of the N.S.A. to devise ways and means which would enable them to obtain valuable suggestions, not only from the total number of the elected delegates, but from as large a body of their fellow-workers as is humanly possible. Shoghi Effendi has not departed from any established Administrative principle. He feels he has neither curtailed the legislative authority of the N.S.A. nor invested the Convention with undue powers enabling it to rival or supersede those whom it has to elect. What the Guardian is aiming at is to remind the friends, more fully than before, of the two cardinal principles of Bahá’í Administration, namely, the supreme and unchalleng[e]able authority of the N.S.A. in national affairs working within the limits imposed by the Declaration of Trust and By-Laws, and the untrammelled freedom of the Convention delegates to advise, deliberate on the actions, and appoint the successors of their National Assembly. The Guardian is confident that you will elucidate and give the widest publicity to these already established principles, upon which the progress, the unity and welfare of Bahá’í administrative institutions must ultimately depend. — The utmost care and vigilance should be exercised lest any fresh misunderstandings arise regarding these fundamental issues. The root principle of Bahá’í Administration is unreservedly maintained. No departure from its established tenets is contemplated. The undisputed authority of America’s supreme Bahá’í administrative body has been reaffirmed, while on the other hand, the untrammelled freedom of individual believers and delegates to exercise their functions has been once again reaffirmed and strengthened. On the continuous and harmonious cooperation of the two leading Bahá’í institutions in America, the growth and success of the administration bequeathed by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá must ultimately depend. May next year’s Convention witness the triumph of these basic principles. (the Guardian’s postscript to the foregoing letter). --- ## 596.
1933-08-12 the Cause and personalities {.center} 1933-08-12 the Cause and personalities {.ref .center} USBN #80 — January 1934 — pages 6 {.ref .center} Regarding the principle that the Cause must not be allowed to center around any Bahá’í personality, the Guardian wishes to make it clear that it was never intended that well qualified individual teachers should not receive from local Assemblies every encouragement and facilities to address the public. What the Guardian meant was that the personality and popularity of such a speaker should never be allowed to eclipse the authority, or detract from the influence of the body of the elected representatives in every local community. Such an individual should not only seek the approval, advice and assistance of the body that represents the Cause in his locality, but should strive to attribute any credit he may obtain to the collective wisdom and capacity of the Assembly under whose jurisdiction he performs his services. Assemblies and not individuals constitute the bedrock on which the Administration is built. Everything else must be subordinated to, and be made to serve and advance the best interests of these elected custodians and promoters of the Laws of Bahá’u’lláh. — (To Mr. Alfred E. Lunt, August 12, 1933.) --- ## 597.
1933-08-13 to Caroline Nelson re service in Holland {.center} The Artist’s Daughter, Nancy Douglas Bowditch, p229-30 Dear Bahá’í Sister, Shoghi Effendi wishes me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated July 14th, 1933 and to thank you most warmly for the interesting news you have given him about the progress of the Cause in your community. He sincerely hopes that the arrival of your devoted and capable sister, Miss Louise Drake Wright, will add further to the wonderful activities of the friends in Brookline and that they will be given a fresh impetus to carry out their sacred obligations to the Cause. The Guardian has greatly appreciated the glorious work done by your sister in Holland. Despite the most unfavorable circumstances in which she had to work, she has, nevertheless, been able to awaken the interest of important scholars in the teachings of the Faith. Her work if continued and consolidated by souls as able and as devoted as herself, will undoubtedly yield great fruits. In closing please extend the loving greetings of the Guardian to each and every member of your community. With his deepest Bahá’í love and best wishes, Yours in His Service, H. Rabbání. May the Beloved give you the strength and wisdom you need in the prosecution of your task, and assist you to fulfill your heart’s desire in the service of our glorious Cause. {.sig} Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi. {.sig} 1933-08-13 to Caroline Nelson re service in Holland {.ref .center} --- ## 598.
1933-08-13 to Caroline Nelson re work of sister in Holland {.center} “The Artist’s Daughter” , Nancy Douglas Bowditch, p229-30 From Shoghi Effendi (via H. Rabbání) to Mrs. Nelson. Dated August 13,1933. Dear Bahá’í Sister, Shoghi Effendi wishes me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated July 14th, 1933 and to thank you most warmly for the interesting news you have given him about the progress of the Cause in your community. He sincerely hopes that the arrival of your devoted and capable sister, Miss Louise Drake Wright, will add further to the wonderful activities of the friends in Brookline and that they will be given a fresh impetus to carry out their sacred obligations to the Cause. The Guardian has greatly appreciated the glorious work done by your sister in Holland. Despite the most unfavorable circumstances in which she had to work, she has, nevertheless, been able to awaken the interest of important scholars in the teachings of the Faith. Her work if continued and consolidated by souls as able and as devoted as herself, will undoubtedly yield great fruits. In closing please extend the loving greetings of the Guardian to each and every member of your community. With his deepest Bahá’í love and best wishes, Yours in His Service, H. Rabbání. Postscript in Shoghi Effendi’s own handwriting May the Beloved give you the strength and wisdom you need in the prosecution of your task, and assist you to fulfill your hearts desire in the service of our glorious Cause. {.sig} Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi. {.sig} [“Mrs. Nelson” is Caroline Wright Nelson, sister of Benelux pioneer Louise Drake Wright. She travel taught in Europe w/ her sister.] --- ## 599.
1933-08-27 two lts in HW Persian 77 {.center} References of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá and Shoghi Effendi to the Hidden Words Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. Published in Bahá’í Studies Review 9 [Persian No. 77] Concerning your second question, these two letters — the first and the second — refer to the blessed Name of the Ancient Beauty, namely B and H. What is intended by Bahá́’u’lláh is this: that which is latent and enshrined within the inmost reality of these three letters has not been revealed, inasmuch as the world of being still does not possess the capacity and receptiveness to reflect fully the glorious radiance of this divine Revelation. Thus whatever is hidden in the inmost essence of the third letter of His blessed Name will gradually be unfolded before the eyes of all men. In another sense these letters bear reference to the incalculable sufferings borne by the Blessed Beauty, while the people of the world are acquainted with but a fragment thereof. (From a letter dated 27 August 1933 written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer — translated from the Persian) --- ## 600.
1933-08-30 Approaching Well-known and Important Persons {.center} 1933-08-30 approaching well-known and important persons {.ref .center} USBN #79 — November 1933 — page 3-4 {.ref .center} [to an individual] “To approach such well-known and important persons is always an extremely delicate matter, since it requires a good deal of wisdom, courage and ability. But those friends who really feel the urge to do so, and possess the necessary qualifications, should cultivate such friendships which, if properly done, can be of an immense benefit to the Cause. In any case, however, the assistance and help of either the local or the National Assembly is not only useful but necessary, if important contacts of this sort are to be fruitful and promising. The principle of consultation, which constitutes one of the basic laws of the Administration, should be applied to all Bahá’í activities which affect the collective interests of the Faith, for it is through cooperation and continued exchange of thoughts and views that the Cause can best safeguard and foster its interests. Individual initiative, personal ability and resourcefulness, through indispensable are, unless supported and enriched by the collective experiences and wisdom of the group, utterly incapable of achieving such a tremendous task.” --- ## 601.
1933-08-xx Some Incidents at the Recent Convention {.center} USBN #77 — September 1933 — page 3 {.ref .center} Recently the National Spiritual Assembly has received a copy of a letter written by the Guardian, through his secretary, to a believer who wrote him frankly to state certain views about some incidents at the recent Convention. “He has, however, grieved to learn that, despite his repeated references on the necessity of unity and concord among the friends, there have appeared some misunderstandings among them. Such negative forces have always hampered the progress of the Cause and have resulted in utter disappointment. The spirit of partisanship which is but the outcome of individual passion and selfishness is fundamentally opposed to the basic teachings of the Faith. It is for cooperation, motivated by self-sacrifice, that the Bahá’ís stand, and nothing short of the adequate realization of this ideal can redeem the world and insure its safe and speedy progress.” --- ## 602.
1933-08-xx To Youth Committee regarding Bahá’í Youth {.center} USBN #79 — November 1933 — page 6 {.ref .center} “There are two important points which Shoghi Effendi would like you always to emphasize. In the first place he would strongly urge you to cooperate, heart and soul, with all the various Assemblies, groups and committees throughout the Bahá’í world, to ask for their assistance and help for the successful discharge of your duties and obligations, and in this way to try to build up an active and ready mind among the Bahá’í youth throughout the world. In other words, you should not confine your activities to the national sphere but you should strive to create under the supervision of your N.S.A. an international body of active young Bahá’í men and women who, conscious of their manifold and sacred responsibilities, will unanimously arise to spread the Holy Word. The second point which the Guardian wishes you to stress and to keep always in mind is the necessity for every loyal and active member of your committee to fully concentrate on the thorough study and understanding of the spiritual and administrative principles of the Faith, as a necessary step for active and fruitful teaching. You should first equip yourself with the necessary amount of knowledge about the Cause, and then, and only then, try to teach.” --- ## 603.
1933-09-06 Congregational prayer 19 Day Feast {.center} 1933-09-06 Congregational prayer, 19 Day Feast {.ref .center} No. 79 — November 1933 — page 3 ...the Guardian....in a letter dated September 6, 1933, through his secretary: “Regarding the practice of congregational prayer, the Guardian wishes you to know that this form of prayer has been enjoined by Bahá’u’lláh only for the dead. In all other circumstances there is no obligation whatever imposed upon the believers. When the Aqdas is published the form of congregational prayer prescribed by Bahá’u’lláh will be made clear to all the believers.” “Regarding the nature of the Nineteen Day Feasts, the Guardian feels that the excellent statement on their nature, function and purpose published in one of the recent issues of the News Letter is so comprehensive and faithful in its presentation that he does not find it necessary to restate and enlarge upon the matter. He has no objection, however, if you feel the need to elaborate the thought expressed in that statement, stressing particularly the spiritual, administrative and social aspects of this vital Bahá’í institution.” ========= {.noid} [The statement referred to by the Guardian appeared in the July 1933 Bahá’í News, p8] This institution, established by Bahá’u’lláh, has been described by the Guardian as the foundation of the new World Order. The National Spiritual Assembly understands that it is incumbent upon every believer, unless ill or absent from the city, to attend each of these Feasts. In a general letter issued to Local Spiritual Assemblies several years ago, it was pointed out that the Guardian instructs that the Nineteen Day Feast be held according to the following program: the first part, entirely spi ritual in character, is devoted to readings from Bahá’í Sacred Writings; the second part consists of general consultation on the affairs of the Cause, at which time the Local Spiritual Assembly reports its activities to the community, asks for suggestions and consultation, and also delivers messages received from the Guardian and the National Assembly. The third part is the material feast and social meeting of all the friends. Only voting — believers are invited to attend the Nineteen Day Feasts. but young people of less than twenty-one years of age. who are declared belie,·ers. especially when members of a Bahá’í family. can also be present. These meetings may be regarded as the very heart of our Bahá’í comrnunity life. When properly conducted, and attended by a Bahá’í community which fully appreciates their importance. the Nineteen Day Feasts serve to renew and deepen our spirit of faith, increase our capacity for united action. remove misunderstandings and keep us fully informed of all important Bahá’í activities, local. national and international in scope. --- ## 604.
1933-09-06 re contribs to Temple Fund {.center} 1933-09-06 re contribs to Temple Fund {.ref .center} USBN #78 — October 1933 — page 2 {.ref .center} on the subject of the Temple, written to the National Assembly in his own hand: — “The magnificent achievement of the American believers, the stupendous efforts they have exerted in the month of August on behalf of the Temple Fund cannot be allowed to pass unnoticed. A fresh record of service, an unexampled standard of self-sacrifice has been attained and established through their concerted, their persistent and heroic efforts. The entire Bahá’í world cannot but feel thrilled as it contemplates such striking evidences of Bahá’í solidarity, of spiritual fervor, of self-abnegation. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, from the realms above, looks down upon those responsible for such deeds with feelings of unmitigated pride, joy and satisfaction. The concluding stages of this stirring episode in the history of the Faith in that land must witness still greater triumphs, must establish a still more excellent standard of Bahá’í stewardship. The remaining months of September and October must set the seal of final and complete victory to an enterprise that stands unparalleled in the annals of the Cause in the West. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi.” (September 6, 1933). --- ## 605.
1933-09-10 more re two Checkoslovakian brothers {.center} “The Artist’s Daughter” , Nancy Douglas Bowditch, p257-8 57. Letter from The Guardian via H. Rabbání to Nancy Bowditch. Dated September 10th, 1933. Dear Bahá’í Sister, Shoghi Effendi wishes me to acknowledge on his behalf the receipt of your welcome letter dated June 2nd, ‘33, together with the enclosures, all of which he has read with deepest interest and for which he has directed me to thank you most warmly. He was delighted to learn of the keen interest the two Checkoslovakian brothers you have mentioned, take in the Movement, and wishes you to keep in close touch with them so that their interest may wax stronger and may eventually lead them to embrace the Cause. Such opportunities for spreading the Message are, indeed, God-given, and consequently we should be fully alive to the blessings they procure. As the Master has often told us, we should be always watchful and ready. There are always some people who are specially receptive, and it would be, therefore, a pity if we neglect them and fail to announce to them the glad tidings of this New Day. The Guardian was also gratified to learn of the class held at your home for the study of the “Dawn-Breakers”. I need not tell you of the paramount importance he attaches to such sort of classes. For these do not only serve to intensify the spirit of cooperation among the believers and to create in them a collective consciousness, they give them a great opportunity to acquaint them-selves, through discussion as well as by means of public lectures, with the necessary knowledge of the history of the Cause and thereby prepare them to become active and successful teachers. With the assurance of his best wishes and of his fervent prayers on behalf of your husband and yourself, Yours in His Service, H. Rabbání. Note in Shoghi Ejfendi’s handwriting: Dear and valued co-worker: I cannot refrain from giving expression in person to my deep sense of gratitude for the manifold services you are rendering to the Cause, and above all of my heartfelt and abiding appreciation of the spirit that animates you in your work for our beloved Faith. I will, I assure you, continue to pray for you from the depths of my heart and trust that your highest hopes for the promotion of the Word of God in your vicinity will be fully and speedily realized. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi. {.sig} *Note by Nancy Bowditch on the Czechoslovakian architects referred to in Shoghi EfFendťs Letters September 10, 1933 and 20 June 1932 It was during our pilgrimage to the Bahá’í World Center at Haifa, Palestine in 1931, that we met Cestamir and Lubamír Slapéta. As described in the “Mediterranean Diary” (Chapter 8), Lubo and Mírek were twin brothers from Czecho-Slovakia who had been sent to America to study new methods in architecture. We enjoyed many hours together while visiting the various ports of call along the way, and on arriving in Haifa, I told Shoghi Effendi about the brothers. He advised us not to lose contact with them. When we returned to America, Lubo sent me two designs for a Bahá’í Temple which could be erected in a tropical climate. Through a correspondence spanning 47 years, we have followed their lives-marriages, children, successes, and trials-as Czecho-Slovakia underwent two successive dictatorships! In time we heard from a friend in that country that the brothers had become famous architects, and professors at the University of Prague! The correspondence continues to this day. They are grandparents, but still are very active and successful in their work. A few years ago, Mírek left his country, becoming a refugee in West Germany Lubo remains in Czechoslovakia. Under the present regime, the Šlapéta brothers cannot meet, but in the future, by the aid of God, Bahá’ís believe that the barriers dividing all people will melt away! --- ## 606.
1933-09-10 to Nancy Bowditch re two Czeck brothers {.center} The Artist’s Daughter, Nancy Douglas Bowditch, p257-8 Dear Bahá’í Sister, Shoghi Effendi wishes me to acknowledge on his behalf the receipt of your welcome letter dated June 2nd, ‘33, together with the enclosures, all of which he has read with deepest interest and for which he has directed me to thank you most warmly. He was delighted to learn of the keen interest the two Checkoslovakian brothers you have mentioned, take in the Movement, and wishes you to keep in close touch with them so that their interest may wax stronger and may eventually lead them to embrace the Cause. Such opportunities for spreading the Message are, indeed, God-given, and consequently we should be fully alive to the blessings they procure. As the Master has often told us, we should be always watchful and ready. There are always some people who are specially receptive, and it would be, therefore, a pity if we neglect them and fail to announce to them the glad tidings of this New Day. The Guardian was also gratified to learn of the class held at your home for the study of the “Dawn-Breakers”. I need not tell you of the paramount importance he attaches to such sort of classes. For these do not only serve to intensify the spirit of cooperation among the believers and to create in them a collective consciousness, they give them a great opportunity to acquaint themselves, through discussion as well as by means of public lectures, with the necessary knowledge of the history of the Cause and thereby prepare them to become active and successful teachers. With the assurance of his best wishes and of his fervent prayers on behalf of your husband and yourself, Yours in His Service, H. Rabbání. Dear and valued co-worker: I cannot refrain from giving expression in person to my deep sense of gratitude for the manifold services you are rendering to the Cause, and above all of my heartfelt and abiding appreciation of the spirit that animates you in your work for our beloved Faith. I will, I assure you, continue to pray for you from the depths of my heart and trust that your highest hopes for the promotion of the Word of God in your vicinity will be fully and speedily realized. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi. {.sig} 1933-09-10 to Nancy Bowditch re two Czeck brothers {.ref .center} ========= {.noid} Cestamir and Lubamir Šlapeta, whom Nancy met in 1931 on pilgrimage and maintained contact w/ her entire life. --- ## 607.
1933-09-11 shining stars in the dark and gloomy sky of the Balkans {.center} Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union A Compilation From the Bahá’í Writings, #24 Compiled by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice Miss Jack and Miss Root will surely highly value your assistance and co-operation and will be only too glad to have you with them. You all three are the shining stars in the dark and gloomy sky of the Balkans. For through the Message you have you are able to heal all those who have been for so long, and under so many different circumstances, victims of the crudest and most deep-seated prejudices. (17 September 1933 to an individual believer on behalf of Shoghi Effendi) --- ## 608.
1933-09-25 Bahá’í summer schools {.center} 1933-09-25 Bahá’í summer schools {.ref .center} USBN #79 — November 1933 — page 4 {.ref .center} to Mrs. Kirkpatrick and Mrs. Baker, members of the Central States Bahá’í Summer School Committee: “The basic purpose of all Bahá’í Summer Schools, whether in East or West, is to give the believers the opportunity to acquaint themselves, not only by mere study but through whole-hearted and active collaboration in various Bahá’í activities, with the essentials of the Administration and in this way enable them to become efficient and able promoters of the Cause. The teaching of the Administration is, therefore, an indispensable feature of every Bahá’í Summer School and its special significance can be better understood if we realize the great need of every believer today for a more adequate understanding of the social principles and laws of the Faith. It is now, when the Cause is passing through some of the most difficult stages of its development, that the friends should equip themselves with the necessary knowledge of the Administration. The Guardian wishes you, therefore, to stress again, in all coming summer schools, this vital point, and in this way add to the efficiency and success of your efforts along this line.” The above letter carried these words in the Guardian’s hand: “I certainly advice you to concentrate next year on the “Dawn-Breakers” as well as on the needs, the principles and the purpose of Bahá’í Administration. The Cause in your land is still in its formative period. It needs men and women of vision, of capacity and understanding.” --- ## 609.
1933-09-29 teaching suggestions {.center} Bahá’í World Vol 5, pp126-7 {.ref .center} September 29, 1933: {.sig} “He was particularly gratified to learn of the suggestions you made for the effective and wide spread of the Menage, and he has directed me to inform you that they all have met with his whole hearted approval. “Your proposals center around the problem of indirect teaching and such a method of presenting the Message is on the whole more suitable than the direct method in view of the fact chat the masses today are not spiritually minded and resent anything which is presented to them in the name of religion. The tendency today is to disassociate morality from religion, to separate the human from the Divine as if the two were antagonistic and irreconcilable. Social reconstruction and peace are believed to be independent of any help which religion might offer. In other words, religion has been relegated to the background and everything is done in the name of humanity and of goodness. “It is evident that under such circumstances it is not only difficult, but well nigh impossible, to present and teach the Cause in a direct manner. Religiously minded persons are the exception and not the rule, and it is only with these people that we can speak of the Cause as essentially a religious faith. The masses who are more interested in the social and humanitarian teachings of the Faith should, therefore, be given an opportunity to learn about them and in this way he gradually drawn to study the deeper spiritual principles of the Cause. To start a movement for social peace, like you have suggested is, therefore, very fruitful and may prove of an immense benefit to the Cause. Conversion is not a sudden process. It takes a long time and expresses itself under the pressure of different forces. It is hoped that by following this indirect method of teaching the friends will greatly add to the success. and effectiveness of their efforts. “Concerning the problem of racial prejudice in the United States and that of class prejudice in England, the Guardian wishes you to know that upon the complete abolition of such prejudices must depend the future success of the Cause. There is nothing more non-Bahá’í than that. The friends should, therefore, exert themselves to the utmost that such evil conceptions may be totally eliminated from the minds of the people.” [on behalf of Shoghi Effendi, to Australia and New Zealand] --- ## 610.
1933-09-xx greetings to Cabin John Maryland {.center} 1933-09-xx greetings to Cabin John Maryland {.ref .center} USBN #78 — October 1933 — page 5 {.ref .center} “Shoghi Effendi was very pleased to learn that you have formed an Assembly and sincerely trusts that it will gradually develop into an important and active Bahá’í center. You have now gone one step farther in the administration of the Cause. Such a development carries with it both privileges and responsibilities that are immense. ...Shoghi Effendi will always be with you in spirit and will offer his prayers on behalf of each one of you, so that God may confirm your souls, deepen your vision of the Cause and enable you to render His Faith mighty and imperishable services.” --- ## 611.
1933-10-05 extend your stay in the Balkans {.center} Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union A Compilation From the Bahá’í Writings, #25 Compiled by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice The German friends have been greatly suffering as a result [of national fanaticism], during the last two years, and their activities have been largely hampered. The countries where the people are relatively more sympathetic to the Teachings are Yugoslavia, Bulgaria and Romania. You should do your best, and in case you find it feasible, to extend your stay in the Balkans and try to establish some new centres there... (5 October 1933 to an individual believer) --- ## 612.
1933-10-05 to Martha re translations of BNE emphasize Romanian {.center} Her Eternal Crown: Queen Marie of Romania and the Bahá’í Faith, Della L Marcus, pp208 {.ref .center} Concerning the Roumanian translation of Dr Esslemonťs book, the Guardian wishes me to inform you that it meets with his full approval. He will send you, in the early days of November, the sum of seventy pounds for its immediate publication, and hopes to send you later on an equal sum for the translation and publication of this same book into Greek. But at present he wishes you to concentrate on the Roumanian version ... 1933-10-05 to Martha re translations of BNE, emphasize Romanian {.ref .center} --- ## 613.
1933-10-23 passing Alíce Ives Breed {.center} 1933-10-23 passing Alíce Ives Breed {.ref .center} USBN #79 — November 1933 — page 4 {.ref .center} Shoghi Effendi on October 23 cabled this beautiful message to Mme. ‘Alí Kuli _Khán, daughter of the late Mrs. Alíce Ives Breed, one of the active and influential early believers: “Heartfelt sympathy your great sorrow. Mrs. Breed’s pioneer services ever gratefully remembered. Assure you fervent prayers. Love. (signed) SHOGHI. {.sig} --- ## 614.
1933-10-24 race amity activities {.center} 1933-10-24 race amity activities {.ref .center} USBN #80 — January 1934 — page 7 {.ref .center} “Your warm and welcome message of Sept. 11, 1933, together with the enclosed reports and program of the annual conference for racial amity at Green Acre, were all duly received and their perusal greatly cheered and gladdened our Guardian’s heart. His hope is that these annual gatherings will increasingly develop, and will serve to attract well known and important personalities to the Cause. Competent and eloquent speakers are needed who can present the teachings in a scholarly way, and who cannot merely inform, but inspire the attendants to rally themselves under the banner of the Faith. The keen and continued interest which Mr. Vail and yourself have always had in such activities will undoubtedly be of immense help to the cause of Racial Amity and peace throughout the States. You should therefore persevere and be confident in the complete and eventual success of your efforts in this most important field of activity.” --- ## 615.
1933-10-25 to S Oglesby re race {.center} http://www.9facets.org/9F/Arden_Lee_Collection_files/Guardian%20letters.pdf HAIFA, October 25, 1933. {.sig} Dear Bahá’í Sister: The Guardian wishes me to acknowledge on his behalf the receipt of your welcome letter dated Sept. 9, 1933, as well as the enclosed circular letter you have specially written for distribution among the believers. He hopes that the National Spiritual Assembly will approve of its circulation among the friends and will thereby give you the opportunity of impressing them with the paramount importance of the racial problem in the States. Your letter will, undoubtedly, touch every thoughtful and sincere reader, as it is not only convincing and powerful, but full of inspiration, of hope and of encouragement. The friends must realize that upon the complete abolition of racial prejudice, if not in the entire American Continent, at least among themselves, must depend the success of their efforts for the spread of the Message. Without total unity of consciousness, they can never be able to attain the goal which the Master and our beloved Guardian have so emphatically and so repeatedly summoned them to attain. May your letter awaken them to their manifold obligations and responsibilities to the Cause, and may it serve to create among them that unity of purpose and of means so essential to the safe and speedy development of the Faith. with the assurance of his best wishes and of his fervent prayers on your behalf and on behalf of Mr. Oglesby, Yours in His Service, H — RABBÁNÍ May the Beloved assist you in your efforts to extend the scope of your activities and enable you to attain your heart’s desire in your devoted and persistent services to the Abba Threshold. {.sig} Your true brother {.sig} SHOGHI {.sig} --- ## 616.
1933-10-26 role of teachers {.center} USBN #154 July 1942 p3 {.ref .center} “ Perhaps the reason why you have not accomplished so much in the field of teaching is the extent you have looked upon your own weaknesses and inabilities to spread the Message. Bahá’u’lláh and the Master have both urged us repeatedly to disregard our own handicaps and lay our whole reliance upon God. He will come to our aid if we only arise and become an active channel for God’s Grace. “Do you think it is the teachers who make converts and change human hearts? No, surely not. They are only pure souls who take the first steps and then let the spirit of Bahá’u’lláh move and make use of them. If any one of them should even for a second think, or consider his achievements as due to his own capacities, his work is ended and his fall starts. This is the fact why so many competent souls have, after wonderful services, suddenly found themselves utterly impotent and perhaps thrown aside by the spirit of the Cause as useless souls. The criterion is the extent to which we are ready to have the will of God work through us.” to Mrs. Marie Hopper on October 26, 1933. --- ## 617.
1933-10-27 progress on Temple {.center} 1933-10-27 progress on Temple {.ref .center} No. 80 — January 1934 — pages 4-5 Mr. Roy C. Wilhelm, Dear Bahá’í Brother: I need not express his (the Guardian’s) great joy at the news of the continued progress of the Temple work. For you known only too well how much he is eager to see the entire Edifice brought to successful completion. His repeated emphasis of the imperative necessity of insuring, by every means, the speedy termination of this historic enterprise seems to have created a new spirit of self-sacrifice and of initiative in the entire body of the believers throughout the world. It is of the utmost importance that this spirit should be kept alive through continued encouragement. For any slackness in the energy and enthusiasm of the friends, at this critical and most decisive moment, will have severe repercussions on the Cause. The Guardian will fervently pray that during the next few months the ornamentation of the Temple dome may proceed quickly, so as to impress and stimulate the many visitors and strangers who come to attend the Chicago World Fair. He will also offer his special prayers to Bahá’u’lláh on account of all the members of the National Spiritual Assembly that they may be guided and inspired in all their historic endeavors for the consolidation and the progress of the Cause. Yours in His Service, (signed) H. Rabbání. {.sig} --- ## 618.
1933-10-28 re Security for a Failing World” {.center} 1933-10-28 re “Security for a Failing World” {.ref .center} USBN #80 — January 1934 — Page 8 {.ref .center} ...the Guardian’s view of Dr. Cobb’s book, “Its comprehensiveness, and its clear and convincing presentation of the outstanding aims and features of the Bahá’í Revelation, will greatly appeal to every thoughtful student of present-day religious and social problems. It thus fills a big gap in the literature of the Movement, and will greatly assist all the believers in their efforts for the spread of the Message. We do not have as yet any better introduction to the Cause. Doctor Esslemont’s most valuable book is much more than an introduction. It is far more detailed, and treats of the Cause from a totally different angle. Your treatise, therefore, does not replace the “New Era,” but will serve as the best introduction to it. It is not a substitute, but an important addition to a work which is in many ways unique in the entire literature of the Movement, which has already acquired the widest possible publicity.” Yours in His Service, H. Rabbání. --- ## 619.
1933-10-31 Temple has achieved one of its fundamental purposes {.center} Compilation on the Mother Temple and the Ma_shriqu’l-A_dhkár Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. The Temple has, indeed, achieved one of its fundamental purposes in the Bahá’í community of today. For although its physical structure still remains to be completed yet, it has drawn to itself the attention of every believer throughout the world, and has become the focal centre of every important Bahá’í activity. In this way it has enabled the Faith to achieve the organic unity of its members, and to cement the bonds of co-operation and love between them. The spiritual significance of the Temple is thus made manifest to every fair-minded observer, and this alone is a sufficient proof of the divine potency with which it is endowed. What institution in our world of today has been able to weld together into one unit so many different communities, and has succeeded in concentrating their entire efforts on so noble and so unique an Edifice? Future historians of the Movement will undoubtedly consider such an event, which today seems to be of such slight significance, as one of the landmarks in the history of the world. (On behalf of Shoghi Effendi 31 October 1933 to an individual believer) --- ## 620.
1933-11-01 appeal re Temple Fund {.center} 1933-11-01 appeal re Temple Fund {.ref .center} USBN #79 — November 1933 — page 1 {.ref .center} On November 2, the following cablegram ... “Appeal hard pressed American believers heed this, my last passionate entreaty, not to suffer slightest interruption in Temple construction to dim the magnificence of their epoch making enterprise. The fair name of our beloved Faith is at stake. Its American stalwart defenders will once again vindicate its triumphant glory. I promise one year’s respite upon successful conclusion first stage of ornamentation of our glorious Temple.” (signed) Shoghi. {.sig} ========= {.noid} A payment of $18,000 was due and only $6,000 in the National Fund. --- ## 621.
1933-11-03 Keith Ransom-Kehlers passing {.center} 1933-11-03 Keith Ransom-Kehler’s passing {.ref .center} USBN #80 — January 1934 — pages 3-4 {.ref .center} Mr. Horace Holley Dear Bahá’í Brother: The Guardian was extremely pleased to receive the photograph of the members of the National Spiritual Assembly taken in one of the outer sections of the Temple, and showing very clearly the strikingly beautiful ornamentation work which, thanks to the generous and continued efforts of our American believers, is proceeding quickly and without any interruption. In a recent cablegram to your Assembly the Guardian has given the promise of one year’s respite, provided the dome ornamentation is successfully completed. It is for the distinguished National representatives of the American believers to exert their utmost, and to display the same enthusiasm and the same energetic and wise control which have thus far characterized both their national and their international services to the Faith, in order that this mighty Edifice may come nearer to its completion. ... Mrs. Keith Ransom-Kehler’s passing is, indeed, an irretrievable loss which the Bahá’í world has come to suffer at a time when her presence in their midst was so greatly needed, not only because of her inspiring personality, but due to her intelligent, wise and energetic handling of the many and varied problems confronting the followers of the Faith in Persia. For more than one year she toiled and suffered, undismayed by the forces of darkness which so increasingly challenge the devotion and loyalty, and hamper the progress of the work, of our Persian brethren. Nothing was strong enough to sap the vitality of her faith and neither the opposition of the Government, nor the slackness and inefficiency of those with whom she had to work, could possibly discourage and dishearten her. Her faith was deep, her energy inexhaustible. And she was, indeed, fully repaid for all that she did, whether in connection with the teaching of the Message, or in regard to the consolidation of the nascent administrative institutions of the Cause in the very land of its birth. The Guardian, fully aware of the noble gifts of her heart and mind, has given her not only the station of a martyr but that of a Hand of the Cause of God. In two telegrams addressed to the Ṭihrán and Iṣfahán Assemblies he has requested our Persian friends to fix her final resting place in the vicinity of Sulṭánu’sh — Shuhada’s grave in Iṣfahán. He has also, through the following cablegram, informed your National Assembly of his intention to do so: “Instructed Iṣfahán Assembly inter Keith vicinity grave Sulṭánu’sh-Shuhada surnamed by Bahá’u’lláh ‘King of Martyrs.’” His instructions on this point have been immediately carried out by the Iṣfahán Assembly and it is, therefore, very encouraging to learn that our beloved Keith has been accorded such a befitting restingplace. For as you may know, Sulṭánu’sh — Shuhada, to whom Bahá’u’lláh gave the title of the “King of Martyrs” as a result of the glorious martyrdom he suffered for the Cause, was one of the most eminent and ardent followers of the Faith, not only in Iṣfahán but in the whole of Persia. His brother, surnamed by Bahá’u’lláh the “Beloved of Martyrs” was also a very distinguished and devoted Bahá’u’lláh, who gave up his life for the sake of the Cause. So, as you see, the interment of Keith in the vicinity of the grave of such an outstanding Persian believer is very befitting, and will pass down through the ages as the symbol of the unity of the East and West. In another cablegram to your Assembly dated November 2, 1933, which runs as follows: “Holy Land’s growing and increasingly appreciative inhabitants long witness model, however small, majestic Temple,” he has requested you to send him, without any delay and in case it is not too expensive, a small model of the Temple to be placed either in the International Bahá’í Archives on Mt. Carmel, or in any other place, where the many and increasingly appreciative visitors who come to the Shrines can be given a chance to visualize the glory and grandeur of the Edifice which your untiring hands have so well raised. In closing please extend our Guardian’s loving greetings and best wishes to all the members of the National Assembly. His prayers on their behalf will be continually offered to Bahá’u’lláh, that He may impart to them the wisdom, guidance and faith they need for the complete discharge of their manifold duties to the Cause. Yours in His Service, (signed) H. Rabbání. {.sig} Haifa, Palestine {.sig} --- ## 622.
1933-11-03 deep interest which this glorious Edifice has created {.center} Compilation on the Mother Temple and the Ma_shriqu’l-A_dhkár Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. The wide and deep interest which this glorious Edifice has created in all circles is, indeed, the full realization of the promises of our beloved Master concerning the future glory of the Temple. The latter, as a matter of fact, has become the most effective medium through which the friends can spread the Teachings. Its physical beauty, which combines majesty with grace, its slow, though continued and uninterrupted construction, despite the severe and unprecedented economic crisis in which the entire world is deeply plunged, and above all the spirit of fellowship, of goodwill and of co-operation between peoples of various races and cultural backgrounds which it has been able to create, all these combined cannot but impress the masses of visitors who daily throng its doors with the beauty, power and effectiveness of this mighty Cause of God. (On behalf of Shoghi Effendi 7 November 1933 to an individual) --- ## 623.
1933-11-03 interment of Keith Ransom-Kehler {.center} 1933-11-03 interment of Keith Ransom-Kehler {.ref .center} USBN #79 — November 1933 — page 2 {.ref .center} “Instructed Iṣfahán Assembly to inter Keith in the vicinity of the grave of Sulṭánushushuada, surnamed by Bahá’u’lláh ‘King of Martyrs.’” --- ## 624.
1933-11-03 to Martha re BNE translations and his financial support {.center} Her Eternal Crown: Queen Marie of Romania and the Bahá’í Faith, Della L Marcus, pp208 {.ref .center} As to the Romanian translation of the same work, he would be very grateful if you let him know when and where you would like him to forward to your address the sum necessary for its publication. He fully approves of your intention to go back to Sofia after your return from Adrianople, and thence to Bucharest, where your presence, besides being very helpful to the cause of teaching, will greatly ensure the speedy publication of the Romanian version of Dr Esslemonťs book ... I trust I will soon be able to forward the sum required in addition to the £70 for the Romanian version. 1933-11-03 to Martha re BNE translations and his financial support {.ref .center} --- ## 625.
1933-11-04 Shoghi Effendi getting Cobb book {.center} 1933-11-04 Shoghi Effendi getting Cobb book {.ref .center} USBN #80 — January 1934 — Page 8 {.ref .center} Another letter dated November 4, 19833, was also written Dr. Cobb as follows: “I am directed by Shoghi Effendi to ask you to be kind enough to inform the Bahá’í Publishing Committee of his wish to have fifty copies of your valuable book on the Cause “Security for a Failing World” as soon as it will be published. He feels that this work, together with a recent book published in Germany by our devoted and gifted friend Dr. Hermann Grossmann, have a special appeal to the youth of our present-day generation, and he hopes that their wide circulation, in all circles, and among all types of readers and writers, will greatly stimulate the spread of the Message, and at the same time encourage the friends to reinforce their efforts for the extension and the consolidation of the Faith. It is hoped that all the individual believers, as well as the Local Assemblies, both in America and abroad, will gladly and wholeheartedly respond to the appeal of the Publishing Committee in connection with the publication of your original and much — needed essay on the Cause.” Yours in His Service, H. Rabbání. --- ## 626.
1933-11-07 for SE to Horace Holley re Faith and democratic liberalism {.center} Bahá’í Studies Bulletin Vol 5 #1-2 September 1985 pp74-81 Selected Extracts On Philosophy The Cause stands neither for the democratic liberalism of the West which has proved, particularly since the war, to be a partial failure, nor for the absolutists and authoritarian philosophy of the Idealists of the 19th C., of which Fascism is a direct descendant. The Bahá’í Faith is neither wholly democratic nor solely aristocratic or monarchical. It combines all these elements and has a philosophy of its own which tries to combine various systems of political organisations. 1933-11-07 for SE to Horace Holley re Faith and democratic liberalism {.ref .center} --- ## 627.
1933-11-08 period of systematic persecution in Írán {.center} 1933-11-09 period of systematic persecution in Írán {.ref .center} No. 80 — January 1934 — pages 4 November 8, 1933 {.sig} Mr. Allen B. McDaniel Dear and Prized Co-worker: The situation in Persia is growing more dangerous, more confused and perplexing every day. Bahá’í literature is banned, confiscated and burned. Bahá’í marriage certificates are denied recognition by the civil authorities and the status of those who are married among the believers is fraught with incalculable difficulties and dangers. The printing of Bahá’í news letters, magazines and calendars is tacitly forbidden and constantly interfered with. Intolerable restrictions are being increasingly imposed on Bahá’í gatherings, celebrations, teaching activities, and inter-assembly communications. With the passing of Keith, that indefatigable, brilliant and whole consecrated international champion of the Cause, the Persian believers may be entering upon a period of systematic persecution reminiscent of the sufferings of a by-gone day. I urge your Assembly to obtain the fullest and up-to-date information from the Ṭihrán Assembly and to exert the utmost pressure on the Persian Minister at Washington. Your true and grateful brother, (signed) SHOGHI... {.sig} --- ## 628.
1933-11-09 liberation of persecuted Persian brethren {.center} 1933-11-09 liberation of persecuted Persian brethren {.ref .center} No. 80 — January 1934 — pages 4 Mr. Horace Holley Dear Bahá’í Brother: ... . Regarding the situation in Persia, Shoghi Effendi wishes the N.S.A. to renew their representations to the Persian Minister and to persevere in their glorious efforts for the liberation of their persecuted Persian brethren. Now that our precious Keith is no more it is of vital importance to the success of their endeavors that they should work hard and impress the Minister with the urgency and rightfulness of our case. To cease pressing our case at this critical time will give the authorities the impression that our representations were mere formalities and without any solid foundation. To create such a highly unfavorable impression about the Cause is, indeed, an irreparable mistake which may greatly retard the administrative development of the Cause not only in Persia but also in the West. The latest persecutions to which our beloved Faith has been subjected in the very land of its birth are of a distressing nature and are increasing both in number and in intensity. Not only our literature is confiscated at the frontiers but a number of books are reported to have been burnt by Government officials despite the fact that they contain nothing which can be said to be contrary to the laws of the State or to the basic teachings of its official Church. Furthermore, Bahá’ís are not permitted to use their own marriage certificates, but are indirectly compelled to use those belonging to other religious communities such a Moslems, Jews and Zoroastrians. And all this on the ground that their teachings are not in accordance with the prescribed laws of the Moslem clergy, and also because they do not belong to and do not form an essential part of a new religious Dispensation. Please inform him of the answer which the Persian Minister has given, and if it is a written one, be sure to send him the text of the reply. The Guardian wishes you also to be in close and constant touch with the Ṭihrán Assembly, to obtain from them all the information you need, and to welcome any suggestion they may offer. He hopes that through your continued and di(l)ligent labors much that is vital to the immediate interests of the Faith in Persia will be achieved. He will continue to pray on your behalf that your endeavors may be crowned with success. Yours in His Service, (signed) H. Rabbání. {.sig} Haifa, Palestine {.sig} --- ## 629.
1933-11-10 to Corinne True re what is true and authentic {.center} Corinne True: Faithful Handmaid of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Nathan Rutstein, p197 .......... Concerning what Mr. Remey and other believers, whether Americans or otherwise, have told the friends about Melchizedek, and as to their references in regard to the leading religions of the world, and to the symbolism involved in the numerical number of the Temple doors, the Guardian wishes to restate and to reemphasize the general principle that in all such matters of a specific character the friends should be careful not to accept anything as valid and authentic unless it is based on, and corroborated by, a Tablet bearing the signature of the Master. Oral reports and statements cannot be relied upon, since they lead to the same confusions and difficulties into which the followers of former Dispensations have been and are still entangled. It is now, when the Faith is still in its infancy, that extreme caution should be exercised in the apparently unimportant matters. Otherwise, the purity of the Teachings will be beclouded, and the unity of the Cause greatly jeopardized. To protect the Faith from these forms of traditionalism is the duty of the responsible administrators of the Cause, and nothing short of their wisdom, caution and tact in their handling of such delicate matters, can insure the purity and the effectiveness of the Teachings. .......... [From a letter written on behalf of the Guardian, 10 November 1933.] --- ## 630.
1933-11-13 to Emeric Sala re travel to Europe {.center} Tending the Garden: A Biography of Emeric and Rosemry Sala, p38 November 13,1933 {.sig} ... He thoroughly appreciates the opportunity you have been given to visit some of the important Bahál centers in Europe and particularly Vienna where the friends are growing both in number and influence. ... He has always advised and even urged the friends to emphasize in their Bahá’í activities the necessity of strengthening, through correspondence and particularly by means of frequent and warm visits, the bonds of cooperation and amity between various Bahá’í centers and groups. This, he feels, is an essential step towards the further extension and consolidation of the New World Order. ♦ {.noid} I wish to add a few words in person in order to confirm my deep sense of appreciation of what you have done and are still doing in the service of our beloved Faith in Europe. If you could arrange to visit some of the groups in the Balkans, such as Sofia, Tirana, Budapest and Belgrade, there is no doubt that the friends in these centres will feel greatly stimulated and grateful. Miss Root, Miss Jack and Mrs. Gregory are very active in these regions. 1933-11-13 to Emeric Sala re travel to Europe {.ref .center} --- ## 631.
1933-11-17 Bahá́ulláh present in deliberations. {.center} USBN #190 December 1946 p1 {.ref .center} “Bahá’u’lláh has given the promise that in every Assembly where unity and harmony prevail, there His glorious spirit will not only be present, but will animate, sustain and guide all the friends in all their deliberations. “It is to unity that the Guardian has been continually calling the friends. For where a united will exists, nothing can effectively oppose and hamper the forces of constructive development.’’ to the Evanston and Wilmette Assemblies on November 17. 1933 --- ## 632.
1933-11-17 re Marion Jack trip to Adrianople {.center} Quoted in Never be Afraid to Dare, Jasion, p193 The Guardian was greatly rejoiced to learn that your historic trip to Adrianople has come to a successful end, and that you are once more back in Sofia and are resuming with the help of Miss Root, your important teaching activities. Your message of Nov. 9th was, indeed, very inspiring and refreshing after a long period of silence during which you were slowly and carefully laying down the foundations for the future development of the Cause in that portion of the Balkans which the Almighty had chosen to be blessed by the presence of Bahá’u’iláh. Your services there will, no doubt bear their fruits in a not distant future, provided you maintain with those few souls you have been able to awaken, continued correspondence. Their interest in the Message, however deep it may have been, cannot last unless it is kept alive by means of direct contact if possible, and if not through writing. [By Shoghi Effendi] I wish to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the efforts you have exerted in the course of your splendid and historic visit to Adrianople, ‘The Land of Mystery’. Despite the increasing difficulties which beset you, notwithstanding ill-health and cares and anxieties which such pioneer work in strange surroundings entails, you have nobly persevered, loyally laboured, and splendidly achieved a work of which future generations will be justly proud. I am so glad to know that precious Martha will collaborate with you for one month in Sofia. I will continue to pray for you both. [To Marion Jack, 17 Nov 1933] --- ## 633.
1933-11-17 to Martha re Romanian & Greek trans BNE {.center} Her Eternal Crown: Queen Marie of Romania and the Bahá’í Faith, Della L Marcus, pp209-10 {.ref .center} Concerning the Romanian translation, he wishes you to send him fifty copies when the book is published. He wishes you also to take the necessary steps for the publication of the Greek version, which will be the last one. With the completion of these important translations the friends will be in a position to launch a solid and united teaching campaign all over the Balkans ... You will be interested to know that we have already twenty-five printed versions of the “New Era”, and I feel, in no small measure, indebted to you for so great an achievement. I am eager to receive the Romanian and, eventually, the Greek versions. More power to your elbow! 1933-11-17 to Martha re Romanian & Greek trans BNE {.ref .center} --- ## 634.
1933-11-18 response to contribs to Temple Fund {.center} 1933-11-18 response to contribs to Temple Fund {.ref .center} USBN #80 — January 1934 — page 1 {.ref .center} Cablegram from Shoghi Effendi: Bahá’í Communities East and West acclaim with one voice stupendous accomplishments those responsible for this latest manifestation of America’s superb, sustained self-sacrifice. Supreme Concourse echo praises those whose shining deeds are shedding on Bahá’í name a great, imperishable lustre. My heart swells with admiration (and) gratitude as I contemplate increasing evidences American believers’ well-deserved, steadily-advancing fame. Hour of victory is at hand. America’s invincible heroism must and will achieve it. — Shoghi. Haifa, Palestine, {.sig} November 18, 1933 {.sig} --- ## 635.
1933-11-18 status rights and prerogatives of Convention {.center} 1933-11-18 status, rights and prerogatives of Convention {.ref .center} USBN #81 — February 1934 — page 3 {.ref .center} Concerning the status, rights and prerogatives of the Annual Bahá’í Convention, the Guardian wishes to make it quite clear to all the believers that this annual meeting of the delegates is by no means a continuous consultative body all through the year; that its twofold function of electing the body of the National Spiritual Assembly, and of offering any constructive suggestions in regard to the general administration of the Cause is limited to a definite period; and that consequently the opinion current among some of the believers that the delegates are to serve as a consultative body throughout the year is at variance with the fundamental, though as yet unspecified, principles underlying the Administration. Shoghi Effendi firmly believes that consultation must be maintained between the N.S.A. and the entire body of the believers, and that such consultation, while the Convention is not in session, can best be maintained through the agency of the local Assemblies, one of whose essential functions is to act as intermediaries between the local communities and their national representatives. The main purpose of the Nineteen Day Feasts is to enable individual believers to offer any suggestion to the local assembly which in its turn will pass it to the N.S.A. The local Assembly is, therefore, the proper medium through which local Bahá’í communities can communicate with the body of the national representatives. The Convention should be regarded as a temporary gathering, having certain specific functions to perform, during a limited period of time. Its status is thus limited in time to the Convention sessions, the function of consultation at all other times being vested in the entire body of the believers through the local Spiritual Assemblies. — To the National Spiritual Assembly, November 18, 1933. Dear and precious co-workers: I wish to affirm without the least hesitation or ambiguity, that the annual convention is not to be regarded as a body entitled to exercise functions similar to those which an ordinary parliament possesses under a democratic form of government. The administrative order which lies embedded in the Teaching of Bahá’u’lláh, and which the American believers have championed and are now establishing, should, under no circumstances, be identified with the principles underlying present-day democracies. Nor is it identical with any purely aristocratic or autocratic form of government. The objectionable features inherent in each of these political systems are entirely avoided. It blends, as no system of human polity has as yet achieved, those salutary truths and beneficial elements which constitute the valuable contributions which each of these forms of government have made to society in the past. Consultation, frank and unfettered, is the bedrock of this unique order. Authority is concentrated in the hands of the elected members of the National Assembly. Power and initiative are primarily vested in the entire body of the believers acting through their local representatives. To generate those forces which must give birth to the body of their national administrators, and to confer, freely and fully and at fixed intervals, with both the incoming and outgoing national Assemblies are the twofold functions, the supreme responsibility and sole prerogative of the delegates assembled in Convention. Nothing short of close and constant interaction between these various organs of Bahá’í administration can enable it to fulfill its high destiny. — To the National Spiritual Assembly, November 18, 1933. (The Guardian’s postscript to the foregoing letter.) ========= {.noid} Response to NSA statement in Nov 1933 USBN --- ## 636.
1933-11-24 to May Maxwell re Temple & Sprague illness {.center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani, p197-8 {.ref .center} I need not tell you how grateful Shoghi Effendi is to the entire body of our American brethren, and particularly to those who, like yourself, have had such a notable share in maintaining the uninterrupted construction of the Bahá’í Temple at Wilmette. Their spirit of cooperation & of self-sacrifice, and their strong & broad vision of the imperative needs & requirements of this struggling Faith of God in these days of unprecedented confusion in every department of life, have been responsible for the continued progress of the Temple work. Surely, in such a manifestation of exemplary loyalty & devotion to the Cause must inevitably be found the main key to the success which has attended the many & varied activities of our American believers. The laying of the corner-stone of this unique Edifice by the hands of the Master is itself full of significance, as it symbolizes the truth that the friends in America have been invested with that spiritual primacy which the early followers of the Faith in Persia did so fully possess. To faithfully keep this trust and to fully realize its special significance is the duty of every loyal & responsible believer. Shoghi Effendi was grieved beyond words to learn of the severe illness of our precious Bahá’í co-worker & friend, Mr. Philip Sprague. His prayers on his behalf and on behalf of you all will continue to be offered to Bahá’u’lláh that He may remove all obstacles standing in your path, & that He may impart to you the guidance, help & blessing you need for the development & success of your work for the Cause. Dearest Co-worker: I am deeply touched by this further evidence of your continued self-sacrifice for so noble & sacred a cause. I grieve, however, to learn of your ill-health, & wish to reaffirm my request that you take all the rest you require for a full & speedy recovery. I will continue to pray for you from the depths of my heart. Your true & grateful brother, Shoghi {.sig} 1933-11-24 to May Maxwell re Temple & Sprague illness {.ref .center} --- ## 637.
1933-12-01 Progress of Faith in Sophia {.center} Quoted in Never be Afraid to Dare, Jasion, p191-2 Your messages dated November 16th and 22nd, 1933, have filled our Guardian’s heart with inexpressible joy, and he wishes me to thank each one of your group for the remarkable devotion, zeal and enthusiasm with which you are spreading the Cause of Bahá’u’lláh in your country. It is the conviction that nothing short of the spread and the application of the divine and salutary teachings which lie embedded in the Bahá’í Message can effectively rescue your country and the world at large, which should spur you on to investigate and whole-heartedly embrace the truth of this Revelation, and to rally yourselves under its glorious banner. The Bahá’í Faith gives you not only a definite plan of world reconstruction, but provides you at the same time with the necessary impetus and means whereby you can carry it into full and fruitful action. In it you will find a goal which is definite, namely the unification of mankind in all its aspects and forms. It asserts that political and economic unity cannot be established on a sound basis without the necessary and indispensable unification in the field of religion. The blending of hearts is the foundation-stone of the Bahá’í social order. It is at once its stronghold and its inherent motivating force. Through it no obstacle can withstand the triumph of the constructive forces of the world. And by its means national and racial prejudices of all sorts melt away and make, thereby, the establishment of an international order not a dream but a living reality. It is this fundamental truth, that the basis of world unity is essentially spiritual, that makes the strength of the Bahá’í Faith. And it is because our statesmen and leaders have failed to accept such a truth that they find themselves so helpless in the face of the dark forces that are so vehemently assailing the world. It is Shoghi Effendi’s hope that through the pioneering efforts of Miss Root and of Miss Jack your group will develop both in number and in spiritual fervour, and that you will not merely content yourselves with the study of the Teachings but will arise to play your part in their quick and effective dissemination throughout your country. [postscript by Shoghi Effendi] Dear co-workers: I was so pleased and gratified to learn that the work in which you are engaged is in full swing and that the prospects are bright and promising. A powerful and efficiently functioning Local Spiritual Assembly, permanently established and truly united, is imperative, and will no doubt act as a magnet that will draw the confirmations of Bahá’u’lláh. [to the Bahá’ís of Sophia, 1 Dec 1933] --- ## 638.
1933-12-04 to Martha sending ₤70 for Romanian trans BNE {.center} Her Eternal Crown: Queen Marie of Romania and the Bahá’í Faith, Della L Marcus, pp210 {.ref .center} He is sending you enclosed a cheque for 70 pounds for the immediate publication of Dr Esslemonťs book in Romanian. He hopes that this will enable you to start the work without any delay ... P.S. Will you please send the Guardian 20 copies of the Czech translation of the ‘New Era’ and 50 copies of the Romanian as soon as it is published. 1933-12-04 to Martha, sending ₤70 for Romanian trans BNE {.ref .center} --- ## 639.
1933-12-10 individual bahais and the Guardian {.center} 1933-12-10 individual baha’is and the Guardian {.ref .center} USBN #81 — February 1934 — page 5 {.ref .center} The [Guardian’s] reply is dated December 10, 1933. “As to the important issue you have raised in this connection regarding the nature and significance of the ties which must unite individual Bahá’ís with their Guardian, it should be made clear that such a relationship, though it transcends any relationship to an Assembly, is by no means intended to curtail the authority of the administrative bodies of the Cause, that it rather serves to strengthen and consolidate the unity of the Administration. Administrative efficiency and order should always be accompanied by an equal degree of love, of devotion and of spiritual development. Both of them are essential and to attempt to dissociate one from the other is to deaden the body of the Cause. In these days, when the Faith is still in its infancy, great care must be taken lest mere administrative routine stifles the spirit which must feed the body of the Administration itself. That spirit is its propelling force and the motivating power of its very life. “But as already emphasized, both the spirit and the form are essential to the safe and speedy development of the Administration. To maintain full balance between them is the main and unique responsibility of administrators of the Cause.” (Here follows the Guardian’s postscript.) “It is invariably my purpose and constant effort to uphold and reinforce the administrative principles of the Faith, and I trust that nothing will be allowed to interfere with the proper functioning of these administrative bodies.” --- ## 640.
1933-12-14 three aims and five teachers {.center} 1933-12-14 questions re “America and the Most Great Peace” {.ref .center} USBN #81 — February 1934 — page 5 {.ref .center} In a letter dated December 14, 1933, the Guardian through his secretary has replied to these two questions as follows: “As to the three aims which Shoghi Effendi has stated in his “America and the Most Great Peace” t have been the chief objectives of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s ministry, it should be pointed out that the first was the establishment of the Cause in America. The erection of the Bahá’í Temple in ‘I_shqábád, and the building on Mt. Carmel of a mausoleum marking the resting-place of the Báb, were the two remaining ones. “The following is the list of the five teachers whom the Master sent to America in order to spread the Cause. They were not all Persians. As a matter of fact, the first one was a Syrian. Their names are as follows: _Khayru’lláh, ‘Abdu’l — Karim, Ḥájí Mírzá Ḥasan, Mírzá ‘Abdu’l-Faḍl and Mírzá Asadu’lláh.” --- ## 641.
1933-12-15 to Coswell re travel teaching activities {.center} Divine Springtime — Louise Coswell Recalls, p9-10 December 15th, 1933 we find: {.sig} He (the Guardian)was deeply gratified to learn of the increasing zeal with which you are extending the scope of your teaching activities. The short teaching trip which you, together with some of your young and active believers, have undertaken to Seattle, Monroe and Vancouver will, it is hoped, be abundant and enduring in its results. Such sincere, whole-hearted and united endeavors for the spread of the message cannot but lead eventually to the triumph of the Cause, and to its further penetration into regions and circles where the very name of the movement had for long remained unknown. Shoghi Effendi wishes you, therefore, to attach the greatest importance to the cause of teaching, and and to endeavor, through every means to insure its development and progress in your locality. His prayers on your behalf will continue to be offered to Bahá’u’lláh that, through His grace and mercy, you may be increasingly imbued with the spirit of the Cause and be enabled to spread its light throughout the world. (Signed )H. Rabbání {.sig} 1933-12-15 to Coswell re travel teaching activities {.ref .center} --- ## 642.
1933-12-20 re — bulletin A New World Order” {.center} 1933-12-20 re: bulletin “A New World Order” {.ref .center} USBN #81 — February 1934 — page 5-6 {.ref .center} “The bulletin entitled “A New World Order,” which the N.S.A. has issued to representative people throughout the States is, in the opinion of the Guardian, an important and unique step your Assembly has taken in the direction of teaching. He does not only approve of your plan in this connection, but wishes to encourage you, and to urge you to persevere in your efforts for the further extension of the Cause in important social circles. Your bulletin can develop into an effective and world-wide organ of teaching provided you do your best in order to heighten its literary as well as its intellectual standard.” --- ## 643.
1933-12-25 status of members of the N.S.A. at Convention sessions {.center} 1933-12-25 status of members of the N.S.A. at Convention sessions {.ref .center} USBN #81 — February 1934 — page 3 {.ref .center} Concerning the status of members of the N.S.A. at Convention sessions, the Guardian feels that the members both of the incoming and the outgoing Assemblies should be given the full right to participate in the Convention discussions. Those members of the N.S.A. who have been elected delegates will, in addition to the right of participation, be entitled to vote. The Guardian wishes thereby to render more effective the deliberations and the recommendations of the national representatives. He feels that the exercise of such a right by the members of the N.S.A. will enable them to consult more fully with the assembled delegates, to exchange fully and frankly with them their views, and to consider collectively the interests, needs and requirements of the Cause. This he believes is one of the primary functions of the Convention. — To the National Spiritual Assembly. December 25, 1933. {.sig} --- ## 644.
1933-xx-xx Bahá’í youth committees {.center} 1933-xx-xx Bahá’í youth committees {.ref .center} USBN #80 — January 1934 — Page 7-8 {.ref .center} The Bahá’í Youth Committee of the American N.S.A..... from the Guardian.... His secretary writes, “...He would strongly urge you to cooperate, heart and soul, with all the various assemblies, groups and committees throughout the Bahá’í world, to ask for their assistance and help for the successful discharge of your duties and obligations, and in this way to try to build up an active and ready mind among the Bahá’í youth throughout the world. In other words, you should not confine your activities to the national sphere but should strive to create under the supervision of your N.S.A. an international body of active young Bahá’í men and women who, conscious of their manifold and sacred responsibilities, will unanimously arise to spread the Holy Word.” --- ## 645.
1933-xx-xx entertainment given in honor of the N.S.A.C.P [sic] {.center} 1933-xx-xx entertainment given in honor of the N.S.A.C.P [sic] {.ref .center} USBN #77 — September 1933 — page 4 {.ref .center} Mrs. Louie Mathews, Chairman of the National Amity Committee, received these words from the Guardian, through his secretary: “The entertainment given in honor of the N.S.A.C.P... . made a dignified effect, interesting and beneficial to the cause of unity between the races. It is hoped that your example will be followed and that in the future meetings of this sort will increase both in number and effectiveness.” --- ## 646.
1933-xx-xx teaching the Maori {.center} Bahá’í World Vol 5, pp127 {.ref .center} “It would be wonderful, if the Cause should enter their rank, and give its members a new life and spirit. The Faith of Bahá’u’lláh is not only for the highly civilized people, even though the benefit these can obtain we cannot truly appreciatee at this early stage of its development. To the backward races the Cause should mean even more, for through it they shall obtain true social and intellectual equality with those who are at present their rulers and superiors-a thing they can obtain with difficulty through ordinary channels of legal enactments and ordinary intellectual training. It is only through the Messge of Bahá’u’llaah that the different races shall come to consider one another as true brethren and co-workers in the Faith of God. “The Guardian will therefore deeply value any activity the friends may pursue in bringing the Cause to the Maoris.” [To Australia and NewZealand] --- ## 647.
1933-xx-xx To USNSA re Tablet of Bahá’u’lláh to Greatest Holy Leaf {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p140 {.ref .center} As regards the Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh to the Greatest Holy Leaf, Shoghi Effendi feels it would be rather disrespectful to reproduce the facsimile of the Tablet in the handwriting of Bahá’u’lláh in the proposed pamphlet. He had these reproduced to have them illuminated and sent as gifts to the different National Assemblies to be cherished and kept in their National archives. 1933-xx-xx To USNSA re Tablet of Bahá’u’lláh to Greatest Holy Leaf {.ref .center} --- ## 648.
1934-01-17 re proceeding with the ornamentation {.center} 1934-01-17 re proceeding with the ornamentation {.ref .center} USBN #81 — February 1934 — page 2 {.ref .center} In a letter to the Chairman of the National Spiritual Assembly, dated January 17, 1934, the Guardian writes through his Secretary H. Rabbání: {.noid} “In reply to the N.S.A.’s telegram expressing the hope of the American believers of proceeding with the ornamentation of the clerestory section of the Temple, Shoghi Effendi has sent the following cable and has given his whole — hearted approval to this new step which the friends have been prompted to take and which fully testifies to their exemplary resourcefulness and indomitable will in upholding the Cause of the Temple: (Cable as quoted above). “The Guardian’s motive in giving the believers the promise of one year’s complete respite was to alleviate the financial burden which had for so long been weighing on their shoulders. His intention, however, was by no means to check the free and spontaneous desire of the friends to maintain the contributions to the Temple should they find it possible to do so. And it is really gratifying to witness that the promise instead of retarding, however temporarily, the ornamentation work of the Temple, has on the contrary stimulated the friends to redouble their efforts until the entire construction work on the dome and clerestory have been brought to full completion.” --- ## 649.
1934-01-18 to May Maxwell re Princess de Broglies and Mary article for BW {.center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani, p172 {.ref .center} The Guardian has directed me to inform you of the receipt of your much-appreciated letter of Dec. 29th, and to express his heartfelt thanks for your painstaking efforts in connection with the translation of Princess de Broglies article on the Cause. Your rendering is, indeed, very faithful and fully expressive of the beauty & power of the original. But Shoghi Effendi feels that the publication of the French text would not only do more justice to the author but would greatly enhance the universality & effectiveness of the ‘Bahá’í World’ itself. At his request one of our German believers is also writing an article, the German text of which will be published in the year book, gnd thus will give an opportunity to thenon-English-speaking Bahá’ís to better acquaint themselves with the contents of the Biennial. Dear & precious co-worker: {.noid} I was delighted to read Marys article for the forthcoming issue of the Bahá’í World — a welcome evidence of her initial international activities & services for which I cherish the brightest hopes. I have not yet answered her letter to me preferring to wait until I receive a copy of her play the perusal of which will no doubt deeply interest me & the early publication of which the Reviewing Committee I trust will sanction. I am praying ardently for the speedy & complete realization of the Master’s hopes in, & promises to you, & wish you to take the utmost care of your precious health. You & your dear family are often in my thoughts & prayers, I assure you. Your true brother, Shoghi {.sig} 1934-01-18 to May Maxwell re Princess de Broglies and Mary article for BW {.ref .center} Princess de Broglies was a celebrated 20th-century society figure, acclaimed beauty, minor novelist and poet, Paris Editor of American Harper’s Bazaar, fashion icon, and an heiress to the Singer sewing machine fortune. {.ed} --- ## 650.
1934-01-23 to Marie re her appreciation” & enclosing illuminated Tablet of Bahá’u’lláh {.center} Her Eternal Crown: Queen Marie of Romania and the Bahá’í Faith, Della L Marcus, pp220 {.ref .center} Haifa, Palestine 23 January 1934 {.noid} Your Majesty, {.noid} I am deeply touched by the splendid appreciation your Majesty has graciously penned for The Bahá’í World, and wish to offer my heartfelt and abiding gratitude for this striking evidence of your Majesty’s sustained interest in the Cause of Bahá’u’lláh. I was moved to undertake its translation in person, and feel certain that the unnumbered followers of the Faith in both the East and the West will feel greatly stimulated in their unceasing labours for the eventual establishment of the Most Great Peace foretold by Bahá’u’lláh. I am presenting to your Majesty, through the care of Miss Martha Root, a precious manuscript in the handwriting of Bahá’u’lláh, illuminated by a devoted follower of His Faith in Ṭihrán. May it serve as a token of my admiration for the spirit that has prompted your Majesty to voice such noble sentiments for a struggling and persecuted Faith. With the assurance of my prayers at the threshold of Bahá’u’lláh for your Majesty’s welfare and happiness, I am yours very sincerely, Shoghi {.sig} 1934-01-23 to Marie re her “appreciation” & enclosing illuminated Tablet of Bahá’u’lláh {.ref .center} --- ## 651.
1934-01-24 to Martha re Maries appreciation” {.center} Her Eternal Crown: Queen Marie of Romania and the Bahá’í Faith, Della L Marcus, pp220-1 {.ref .center} ... He was particularly delighted to witness that you have succeeded in obtaining from Her Majesty the Queen such a befitting statement for ‘The Bahá’í World’, and he wishes me to inform you that he is planning to use it, together with the photograph of the grave of the Greatest Holy Leaf, as a frontispiece for volume five of that Biennial. He has himself addressed to the Queen a letter of appreciation, and has forwarded it, together with an illuminated manuscript in the handwriting of Bahá’u’lláh, to your address that you may offer them to Her Majesty in person. He has also requested the American National Spiritual Assembly to address a similar letter of appreciation to the Queen, and to send it to you, that in case you find it advisable, it should be presented through you to her. He hopes that these written expressions of profound gratitude will encourage the Queen in her efforts to serve the Cause, and will convince her of the wide effectiveness of her eloquent tributes to the Faith. Shoghi Effendi has also read with much interest the copy of the communication addressed to you by the Queen. But as you have only sent the second page of that letter he is sending it back to you that you may ascertain whether the whole text of the letter has been forwarded to him or not. He wishes you also to find out whether the Queen has read the copy of ‘The Dawn — Breakers’ sent to her through your care. He has as yet received no acknowledgement from her. Please let him know also whether she has seen the last volume of ‘The Bahá’í World’? ... I am now concentrating on ‘The Bahá’í World’. I feel so grateful for your unique and magnificent collaboration. You will close the letter to the Queen after reading it and I hope you will be able to deliver it to her in person. I pray and hope that the illuminated mau — script will reach you safely. 1934-01-24 to Martha re Marie’s “appreciation” {.ref .center} --- ## 652.
1934-01-27 passing of Agnes Parsons {.center} 1934-01-27 passing of Agnes Parsons {.ref .center} USBN #81 — February 1934 — page 7 {.ref .center} “Greatly deplore loss distinguished handmaid of Bahá’u’lláh. Through her manifold pioneer services she has proved herself worthy of implicit confidence reposed in her by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. Advise American believers hold befitting memorial gatherings. Assure relatives heartfelt sympathy, prayers.” (Signed) SHOGHI. --- ## 653.
1934-01-27 response to Temple plans {.center} 1934-01-27 response to Temple plans {.ref .center} USBN #81 — February 1934 — page 1 {.ref .center} “Heartily welcome proposal. Additional sacrifices entailed clerestory ornamentation will add further laurels to crown already won American believers and hasten fulfillment long cherished expectations.” ========= {.noid} About a month ago the National Spiritual Assembly sent a cablegram to the Guardian requesting his instructions relative to proceeding with the ornamentation of the clerestory sections of the Temple, as increasing expressions from believers allover the country had manifested the hope that during this year and the re-opening of the Chicago Exposition this additional section of the dome ornamentation might be finished. date fm USBN #91 April 1935 p13 --- ## 654.
1934-01-28 Mrs. Parson service {.center} 1934-01-28 Mrs. Parson service {.ref .center} USBN #82 — April 1934 — page 4 {.ref .center} Mrs Parson’s Career of Service Your cablegram announcing the sad news of the sudden passing of Mrs. Parsons into the Kingdom has much grieved the Guardian, and has brought added weight to the burden of sorrow which, only a few months ago, Mrs. Keith Ransom-Kehler’s tragic and unexpected death had placed upon his heart. He greatly deplores this loss which the American believers have once more sustained. But he feels confident that such losses will in the long run deepen in them the spirit of determination to serve the Cause. Mrs. Parson’s long and varied career of service, particularly in the teaching field, the inestimable gifts of her heart, her devotion, her sincerity, her unshakable faith and her implicit obedience to the counsels and injunctions of the Master greatly endeared her to all the believers, and particularly to ‘Abdu’l — Bahá who placed in her such firm confidence. ... May Bahá’u’lláh abundantly reward her in the next world, and may He fully {.sig} sanctify and bless her departed soul and enable it to reach a still higher state of true blessedness and perfection. Yours in His Service, H. Rabbání. Haifa, Palestine. {.sig} January 28, 1934. {.sig} --- ## 655.
1934-01-28 assist new believers {.center} EXTRACTS PROM SHOGHI EFFENDI’S LETTERS TO RUTH J. MOFFETT AND ROBERT LEE MOFFETT January 28, 1934, Haifa. {.sig} “... The new believers should be continually and effectively assisted and guided to deepen their knowledge of the essentials of our Faith, to get in close and direct touch with their local and national representatives, and to participate in the spiritual, the teaching, the administrative, and the humanitarian activities of a constantly evolving Faith. May each one of them grow to become a shining light, of the pillar of the World Order of Bahá’u’lláh, the basis of which is being established in your land.” Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi. {.sig} --- ## 656.
1934-01-28 new believers assisted and guided to deepen their knowledge {.center} EXTRACTS PROM SHOGHI EFFENDI’S LETTERS TO RUTH J. MOFFETT AND ROBERT LEE MOFFETT January 28, 1934, Haifa. {.sig} “... The new believers should be continually and effectively assisted and guided to deepen their knowledge of the essentials of our Faith, to get in close and direct touch with their local and national representatives, and to participate in the spiritual, the teaching, the administrative, and the humanitarian activities of a constantly evolving Faith. May each one of them grow to become a shining light, of the pillar of the World Order of Bahá’u’lláh, the basis of which is being established in your land.” Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi. {.sig} --- ## 657.
1934-01-29 re Persian youth traveling with o credentials {.center} 1934-01-29 re Persian youth traveling w/o credentials {.ref .center} USBN #82 — April 1934 — page 4 {.ref .center} “I am directed by Shoghi Effendi to inform you that Mr. Yadullah Mobasser, to whom you have referred in your note dated Jan. 9th, came last February to Haifa and met the Guardian, and shortly after left for Europe. Having no recommendation whatever from any Assembly in Persia, Shoghi Effendi insisted that he should obtain a recommendation if he wished to meet and associate with the friends. He apparently failed to follow the Guardian’s instructions on this point, and had the Paris Assembly or Madame Dreyfus-Barney been informed of that, they would have certainly refused to give him any letter of introduction. “The Guardian, wishing, therefore, to stress the necessity for every Bahá’í to abide by this important principle of the Administration, requests you to inform the friends not to associate with him in case he comes to the States, unless and until he can produce a recommendation from the Spiritual Assembly of the locality in which he lives. “Yours in His Service,” (signed) H. Rabbání. {.sig} Haifa, Palestine, {.sig} January 29, 1934. {.sig} --- ## 658.
1934-02-02 Change of National Conv date {.center} 1934-02-02 Change of National Conv date {.ref .center} USBN #81 — February 1934 — page 4 {.ref .center} DATE OF 1934 CONVENTION On February first the National Spiritual Assembly cabled Shoghi Effendi: “On account of reopening of Chicago Fair June first, also continuance Temple construction under new contract, Assembly prefers fix Convention date May thirty-first to June third, subject your approval.” The Guardian to this inquiry cabled on June second: “Heartily approve. Deepest loving appreciation. ” --- ## 659.
1934-02-02 To Keith-Roche re exemption fm taxes of Shrine of the Báb and environs {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p280 {.ref .center} Dear Mr. Keith-Roach, In accordance with your suggestion I am enclosing the formal declaration which I have signed as Guardian of the Bahá’í Faith and which I trust will facilitate the exemption from taxation of the area surrounding the international Bahá’í Shrine on Mt. Carmel. I should be grateful if you would issue the authorization required to exempt from custom duty the gilded ornamental gate which forms a part of the entrance to the tomb of the Greatest Holy Leaf. I am enclosing the key to the upper gate of the Shrine, which I hope you will use when passing through the Gardens. Assuring you of my abiding gratitude and heartfelt appreciation of your assistance and sympathetic consideration of the interests of the Bahá’í Community, I am yours very sincerely, 1934-02-02 To Keith-Roche re exemption fm taxes of Shrine of the Báb and environs {.ref .center} --- ## 660.
1934-02-02 To Keith-Roche re tnx for help with exemption fm taxes of Shrine of the Báb and environs {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p280-1 {.ref .center} I wish to express to you my deepest appreciation of the action you have taken to exempt from taxation the entire area surrounding and dedicated to the international Bahá’í Shrines on Mt. Carmel. 1934-02-02 To Keith-Roche re tnx for help w/ exemption fm taxes of Shrine of the Báb and environs {.ref .center} --- ## 661.
1934-02-08 to Martha re delivery of illuminated Tablet of Bahá’u’lláh to Marie {.center} Her Eternal Crown: Queen Marie of Romania and the Bahá’í Faith, Della L Marcus, pp221-2 {.ref .center} I have sent by registered mail to your address the illuminated Tablet in the handwriting of Bahá’u’lláh which I trust has by now reached its destination. The letter I wrote to the Queen I have enclosed in my letter to you, and I hope you will be able to present them in person. I am hoping that you will succeed in obtaining from your distinguished friends and acquaintances further appreciations for ‘The Bahá’í World’ and will send them to me before the end of May. 1934-02-08 to Martha re delivery of illuminated Tablet of Bahá’u’lláh to Marie {.ref .center} --- ## 662.
1934-02-09 to Louise Drake Wright {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp32-3 Louise Drake Wright, 9 February 1934 Dear Bahá’í Sister, Shoghi Effendi has just received your letter of January 30th and he is so happy to learn that you have safely arrived at the Hague, and that you are resuming your teaching activities with the same enthusiasm as that which signalized your first teaching trip to that country.26 He is looking forward to the day when as a result of your unceasing labours a group of young, active and zealous Bahá’ís will be established in Holland, and who will arise to carry forward the message of peace and of salvation among their own countrymen. It will certainly encourage you to learn that Mr. Grosfeld, one of our active and capable Dutch Baháïs who lived formerly in Java is leaving very soon for Holland and is planning to settle there and to teach actively the Cause. He was converted to the Faith a few years ago through the care of one of our Egyptian Bahá’ís. He was on a visit to Cairo when he met that friend, and was so much impressed by the Teachings that he accepted them at once. Ever since he has been living in the East Indies and only a few months ago he left that country for a visit around the world. He has been to China, Japan, and has visited the friends in various parts of the States. He speaks many languages, and is eager to teach the Cause. On his way to Holland, the Guardian has requested him to visit the believers in Syria, Turkey, Bulgaria, Austria and Germany.28 May his presence and his close cooperation with you pave the way for the effective spread of the Teachings. With the assurance of his prayers on your behalf and on behalf of those to whom you have referred in your letter. Yours in His service, H. Rabbání With the assurance of my deepest and abiding appreciation of your continued and notable services to the Faith, and of my prayers for your welfare and spiritual advancement, Your true brother; Shoghi --- ## 663.
1934-02-13 new contract on Temple signed {.center} 1934-02-13 new contract on Temple signed {.ref .center} USBN #83 — May 1934 — page 1-2 {.ref .center} I am overjoyed to hear of the contract that has recently been signed, a fresh and compelling evidence of the indomitable will of the American believers to prosecute, under the inspiring leadership of their able national representatives, their historic enterprise. (signed) Shoghi. — Haifa, February 13, 1934. --- ## 664.
1934-02-17 To whom it may concern re — Wim Grosfeld {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, p33 February 1934 — To whom it may concern re: Wim Grosfeld {.sig} ‘Mr Grosfeld, a devoted and capable Bahá’í from Holland is leaving Haifa for his native land, where he is planning to teach the Cause. On his way home he is at my request endeavouring to visit as many friends and centres as possible. I am sure that all the believers will be delighted to meet him and to make his acquaintance, and will facilitate and render pleasant his stay among them. His devotion to the Faith fully entitles him to such a consideration.’ --- ## 665.
1934-02-19 local newsletter SanFrancisco {.center} 1934-02-19 local newsletter (SanFrancisco) {.ref .center} USBN #84 — June 1934 — page 13 {.ref .center} ...on February 19, 1934, the Guardian, through his secretary, in acknowledging receipt of a copy of San Francisco BAHÁ’Í NEWS, declared: “On behalf of the Guardian I wish to thank you for your welcome letter of Jan. 23d, as well as for the enclosed December and January issues of the San {.sig} Francisco news letter, all of which gave him a clear account of the progress of the Cause in that centre. “He would greatly appreciate if you send him regularly two copies of your local news letter. He would also advise you to send to each of the Bahá’í National Spiritual Assemblies a copy of that circular which will, undoubtedly, prove of great interest to them. “However, in view of the principle that local activities should always be subordinated to the national interests, needs and requirements of the Faith, he feels that your Assembly should be careful not to develop their local organ to the extent that would jeopardize the national activities of the Cause in their country. Just as all local institutions, whether administrative or otherwise, must under all circumstances be considered as subsidiary to national organizations, so also local circular letters should be viewed as secondary in importance compared to the national organ of Bahá’í activities. This principle, however, should not be interpreted as being detrimental to the local interests of the Bahá’í community, but as an essential, nay indispensable means, whereby the administrative system of the Cause can work with efficiency and order.” --- ## 666.
1934-02-20 Local Newsletters NYC {.center} 1934-02-20 Local Newsletters (NYC) {.ref .center} USBN #84 — June 1934 — page 13 {.ref .center} On February 20, a similar letter was sent the New York Assembly from which the following excerpt is quoted: “Just as the local Bahá’í fund must under all circumstances be subordinated to the national fund, so also, every local circular letter should be considered as subsidiary to the national report of Bahá’í activities in every country. Such a coordination between local and national efforts is indispensable, not only because of its economic advantages, but essentially due to the fact that upon the application of the principle underlying this process must inevitably depend the effective working of the entire administrative machinery of the Faith. There is order, coordination and system in the Cause, and not a jungle of conflicting interests and of continually clashing wills.” --- ## 667.
1934-03-05 paid national teachers {.center} 1934-03-05 paid national teachers {.ref .center} USBN #84 June 1934 p12 {.ref .center} Letter to Mr. Ioas, chairman of the Teaching Committee “Concerning the abolition of the institution of paid national teachers, the Guardian wishes to reaffirm his former statements on this matter, and to stress once more that great care be taken to avoid the difficulties and the misunderstandings which in former days had caused so much trouble among the friends. The main point to be emphasized in this connection is that of making the teachings of the Cause not the work of a limited group but the chief duty and responsibility of every Bahá’í. This is why no salaried teachers should any longer exist. But occasionally to defray the expenses of a teaching trip of a certain Bahá’í, particularly when it is done spontaneously, can cause no harm to the Cause. Such an action, provided it is done with care and only when circumstances make it necessary, constitutes no violation of the principle already referred to. The danger in all activities of this nature is to give the impression that the teaching of the Cause is an institution, depending on the support of paid teachers. Those who willingly and with utmost detachment arise to promote the Cause should, undoubtedly, be helped in every way. But they have no claim. whatever on the financial help which some friends may freely choose to extend to them.” --- ## 668.
1934-03-10 to Martha re Queen Maries letter and Romanian pamphlet by Princess Ileana {.center} Her Eternal Crown: Queen Marie of Romania and the Bahá’í Faith, Della L Marcus, pp227 {.ref .center} In one of his last letters Shoghi Effendi requested you to send him the first part of the Queen’s message to you, as you had only sent the page bearing number two. This made him think that there must be a first page to that letter, and which you had probably forgotten to enclose. So, please let him know of that, and in case you have no objection he would prefer to have the original text of the Queen’s communication ... I wish to add a few words in person in order to assure you of my very real and profound appreciation of the success that has attended your efforts in Romania. Greece, I trust and pray, will be as responsive ... Will you kindly send me 200 two hundred copies of the splendid Romanian folder translated by Princess Ileana? I will distribute some of them in Palestine and place a few in the Mansion at Bahjí. 1934-03-10 to Martha re Queen Marie’s letter and Romanian pamphlet by Princess Ileana {.ref .center} --- ## 669.
1934-03-13 to Sir Arthur Wauchope High Commissioner re recent court case {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p284-5 {.ref .center} ...As the case recently referred to Your Excellency concerning the Bahá’í Shrines on Mt. Carmel has vital international importance, I have asked Mr. __ to come to Palestine to confer with me about it. I would greatly appreciate Your Excellency’s kindly according him an interview in order to clarify one or two points which I do not quite understand and upon which my future action in this matter depends. 1934-03-13 to Sir Arthur Wauchope, High Commissioner, re recent court case {.ref .center} ========= {.noid} This was prob the Dumit case bro’t by Haifa real estate interests. --- ## 670.
1934-03-15 Germany destined to lead Europe spiritually {.center} Germany, France, Italy, and Switzerland Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. Published in Bahá’í Studies Review 4:1 As ‘Abdu’l-Bahá has so often remarked Germany will one day be destined to lead all the nations and peoples of Europe spiritually, that from its very heart the Bahá’ís will spread all over the European continent, proclaiming with one voice the glad-tidings of this New Day. (on behalf of Guardian, 15 March 1934) --- ## 671.
1934-03-17 re prejudice {.center} 1934-03-17 re prejudice {.ref .center} USBN #88 — November 1934 — page 10 {.ref .center} “The question of prejudice is a very important one. We should not expect a new believer to be free from every prejudice. It would be asking too much from him. For even a believer cannot claim to have such a station. The main thing on which much stress must be laid when accepting a new member into the community is sincerity and a willingness to discard as much as possible all forms of prejudice and bigotry. More than that we cannot do.”. ========= {.noid} to race amity committee? --- ## 672.
1934-03-21 to USNSA various {.center} 1934-03-21 to USNSA various {.ref .center} USBN #83 — May 1934 — page 1-2 {.ref .center} Shoghi Effendi feels it to be inadvisable that the Temple Foundation Hall be used for dramatic performances. He believes that only Bahá’í meetings, and business sessions of the Convention, can be held in it until such time as the erection of a special edifice for this purpose has been undertaken by the American friends.... Concerning the best method of presenting the Master’s Will to the newcomers, Shoghi Effendi is of the opinion that the N.S.A. should first make some suitable extracts from the testament, and to send these to all the local Assemblies for their use, so that there may be full unity in circulating the provisions of the Will among the new believers. The problem of choosing such excerpts is left entirely to the discretion of the N.S.A. The main thing, as it appears to the Guardian, is that the full station of the Báb, Bahá’u’lláh and ‘Abdu’l-Bahá be clearly explained, and that the origin, nature and working of the Administrative Order of the Faith be clearly stated. The full implications of such a recognition are evidently beyond the comprehension of any new believer. Such a knowledge can be acquired gradually, and only when the essentials of the Faith have been clearly recognized and adequately understood. In regard to the activities of Aḥmad Sohrab, Shoghi Effendi has already stated that such attacks, however perfidious, do not justify the friends replying or taking any direct action against them. The attitude of the N.S.A. should be to ignore them entirely. For any undue emphasis on attacks made upon the Cause by Aḥmad and his supporters would make them feel that they constitute a real challenge to the Cause and a menace to its institutions. Should these attacks continue and acquire a serious importance the Guardian will surely advise the N.S.A. to take definite and decisive action. As regards the general conditions of the future in America, Shoghi Effendi feels that the existing distress will not be rapidly alleviated. There is no danger, however, of any great crisis in the immediate future. Conditions are certainly bad, and dissatisfaction is undoubtedly universal, but the hour of universal relief has not yet approached. The friends need not have any grave anxiety as to the immediate developments of the present situation. May I also draw your attention to the fact that the Báb’s photograph which {.sig} appeared in Nicola’s book “Siyyid ‘Alí Muḥammad di le Báb” many years ago is not authentic, although it presents great similarity to the original drawings of the Báb’s portrait. In closing I must express the Guardian’s deep sense of admiration for the stupendous sacrifices which the American followers of the Faith have gladly and spontaneously and with such an unremitting zeal consented to undergo in order to carry out the oft-repeated wishes of the Master concerning the erection of the Ma_shriqu’l-A_dhkár in America. The early signs of that great spiritual renaissance which the completion of this sacred edifice must inevitably usher in are already manifesting themselves in the growing unity and solidarity with which the new-born Administrative Order of the Cause is functioning and developing in no less than forty countries of the world. Surely the credit for such a truly remarkable development in the administrative field of the Cause must be primarily attributed to the members of the American Bahá’í community and particularly to those who so fittingly represent them in the National Assembly. May Bahá’u’lláh continue to inspire you with His wisdom and guidance, that through your collective endeavors the Cause may progress and its institutions may increase and its unity, both doctrinal and administrative, be effectively safeguarded. (signed) H. Rabbání. (Postscript to the foregoing letter.) The completion of the Done, the mighty emblem of our invincible Faith, marks a notable landmark in the rise and establishment of the World Order of Bahá’u’lláh. The Bahá’í world feels greatly indebted to the American believers for so striking a testimony of the unconquerable spirit of the Cause in these days of unprecedented stress and turmoil. They who by their self-sacrifice have crowned this noble and historic Edifice deserve the praise and are indeed the object of the envy and the admiration of their fellow believers throughout the world. For their imperishable deeds I cannot be feel eternally gratified. (signed) SHOGHI. — Haifa, March 21, 1934. --- ## 673.
1934-03-24 re — five teachers” in America and the Most Great Peace” {.center} 1934-03-24 re: “five teachers” in “America and the Most Great Peace” {.ref .center} USBN #83 — May 1934 — page 2 {.ref .center} Letters from the Guardian to the National Spiritual Assembly Concerning the list of Bahá’í teachers sent to America by the Master, I wish to make it clear that the statement I made on that point on behalf of the Guardian in my communication (see article entitled “Explanation of Passages in ‘America and the Most Great Peace’”, published in BAHÁ’Í NEWS February, 1934. — Editor) is, due to a misunderstanding on my part, incorrect. _Khayru’lláh could not have been one of these teachers, since these were sent to the United States in order to remedy the situation which _Khayru’lláh himself had created through his treacherous actions against the Master and the Cause. A careful perusal of the paragraph on page 14 in “America and the Most Great Peace” makes that point indubitably clear. As to the five teachers referred to in that epistle of the Guardian, there must have been a typographical error, and instead of five we should, therefore, read only four. (signed) H. Rabbání. (Postscript to the foregoing letter.) I wish to add a few words in person to assure you and your dear and distinguished fellow-workers in the National Assembly of my fervent prayers for the success of your strenuous endeavors in connection with the ornamentation of the clerestory section of the Temple. May Bahá’u’lláh bless your efforts and crown your magnificent labors with signal success. (signed) SHOGHI. — Haifa, March 24, 1934. {.ref .center} ========= {.noid} This was changed in later editions --- ## 674.
1934-03-xx re proposal to borrow money to make March payments {.center} 1934-03-xx re proposal to borrow money to make March payments {.ref .center} USBN #82 — April 1934 — page 1 {.ref .center} “Heartily welcome proposal. Additional sacrifices entailed clerestory ornamentation will add further laurels to crown already won (by) American believers and hasten fulfilment long cherished expectations,” — ========= {.noid} In order to make the payments due in March, the National Spiritual Assembly borrowed the sum of $10,000 from the Northern Trust Company, Chicago, which amount must be repaid at the rate of $2.500 every three months with the Guardian’s expressed approval, received in the form of the cablegram. --- ## 675.
1934-04-14 Americas Contribution to Purchase of Mt. Carmel Land {.center} 1934-04-14 America’s Contribution to Purchase of Mt. Carmel Land {.ref .center} USBN #83 — May 1934 — page 3 {.ref .center} “In this connection I feel I must express Shoghi Effendi’s deep and abiding gratitude to the American Bahá’í community for their truly remarkable response to his request for meeting the emergency which the enemies of the Faith had created through their treacherous and malignant action, and in the very international center of the Cause. Their never-to-be-forgotten assistance in the matter passes, indeed, all admiration and praise, and constitutes an example which the entire Bahá’í world must adopt and follow.” (signed) H. Rabbání. (Postscript to the above letter.) “With the assurance of my continued prayers for the friends who through their unsparing and self-sacrificing efforts are so effectively promoting the national as well as international interests of the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh.” (signed) SHOGHI. {.sig} Haifa, Palestine. {.sig} April 14, 1934. {.sig} --- ## 676.
1934-05-01 to Sir Arthur Wauchope re support in Dumit case {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p285 {.ref .center} I deeply appreciated the kind message of sympathy and support for the projected plan of the Bahá’í Community to beautify the slopes of Mt. Carmel which you sent to me through Mr. __. It greatly encouraged me. Unfortunately there are strong and influential interests that are seeking to obstruct the plan. These are in part merely real estate speculators who, in their short-sightedness, are doing their utmost to develop the northern slope of Mt. Carmel for their immediate benefit. More difficult and dangerous for our plan however are those who definitely seek to frustrate the efforts of the followers of Bahá’u’lláh in anything that they may undertake. We believe that these people were back of the case brought against us by the Domets [Dumits], for example, and it was for that reason that we felt justified in our endeavour to have it withdrawn from the jurisdiction of the courts and submitted to Your Excellency’s personal consideration...With kind regards and renewed expression of my warm appreciation of Your Excellency’s sympathy and support... 1934-05-01 to Sir Arthur Wauchope re support in Dumit case {.ref .center} --- ## 677.
1934-05-02 local newsletters USNSA {.center} 1934-05-02 local newsletters (USNSA) {.ref .center} USBN #84 — June 1934 — page 13 {.ref .center} This question is decisively settled in a letter to the National Assembly dated May 10, 1934: “Concerning local Bahá’í news letters, the Guardian strongly feels that they should be primarily devoted to the spread of local news and activities, and should under no circumstances contain any statement implying criticism of or even interference with the policy of the N.S.A. They may occasionally refer to items of a national scope, but this should be done only with the view of assisting and not hindering the national body of the Cause to carry out effectively its program and decisions. There is thus a definite line of demarcation between correspondence initiated by local and National Assemblies. Local activities should always be subordinated to those of a national character and importance. This is intended not to minimize the role of the local Assembly in the administrative order, but to establish and insure a sane relationship between that body and the national organism of the Cause.” --- ## 678.
1934-05-02 to two believers re position of Guardianship in Admin Order {.center} Studying the Writings of Shoghi Effendi compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. published in Studying the Writings of the Guardian, ed. M. Bergsmo       Concerning the institution of the Guardianship and its true position in the Administrative Order of the Cause, the Guardian would urge you to make a careful study of the subject in his last general letter addressed to the West and published under the title of ‘The Dispensation of Bahá’u’lláh’. In the last part of this important treatise you will find an adequate and authoritative analysis of the origins, nature and function of that institution, and of its unique significance in the World Order of Bahá’u’lláh. You should also recommend your fellow-believers to better acquaint themselves with the contents of that same letter, so that their vision of the Cause and their understanding of its present-day administration may acquire in strength and in depth. 1934-05-02 to two believers re position of Guardianship in Admin Order {.ref .center} --- ## 679.
1934-05-05 University training will be of immense help {.center} Bahá’í Youth: A Compilation Prepared By: National Spiritual Assembly Of The Bahá’ís Of The United States (1973) The Guardian ... was gratified to learn of the progress of your academic studies, and of your fixture plans for the study and the teaching of the Cause. The spirit which is moving and sustaining you in the service of the Faith is, indeed, remarkable, and through it you will undoubtedly be moved to render great and imperishable services to the Cause of Bahá’u’lláh. The University training which you are receiving at present will be of immense help to you in your efforts to present the Message in intellectual circles. In these days when people are so skeptical about religion and look with so much contempt towards religious organizations and movements, there seems to be more need than ever for our young Bahá’ís to be well-equipped intellectually, so that they may be in a position to present the Message in a befitting way, and in a manner that would convince every unbiased observer of the effectiveness and power of the Teachings. “In view of that Shoghi Effendi would urge you to persevere in your studies, and trusts that as a result you will be greatly assisted in your teaching activities.” (From letter dated May 5, 1934, written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer) --- ## 680.
1934-05-07 epochmaking achievement {.center} 1934-05-07 epochmaking achievement {.ref .center} USBN #82 — April 1934 — page 1 {.ref .center} informed that the ornamentation of the dome unit was completed, he sent this cablegram: “Overjoyed epochmaking achievement. Intense gratitude. Ardently supplicating still mightier evidences American believers’ exemplary stewardship Faith of Bahá’u’lláh.” --- ## 681.
1934-05-09 to a National Spiritual Assembly re inner & outer meaning of Admin Order {.center} Studying the Writings of Shoghi Effendi compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. published in Studying the Writings of the Guardian, ed. M. Bergsmo       The Guardian would strongly urge each and every member of the National Spiritual Assembly to carefully peruse, and to quietly ponder upon the outer meaning and upon the inner spirit as well, of all his communications on the subject of the origin, nature and present-day functioning of the administrative order of the Faith. A compilation of these letters has been lately published in the States under the title ‘Bahá’í Administration’, and a complete knowledge of that book seems to be quite essential to the right handling of the administrative problems facing your National Spiritual Assembly at present. 1934-05-09 to a National Spiritual Assembly re inner & outer meaning of Admin Order {.ref .center} --- ## 682.
1934-05-10 to NSA various {.center} 1934-05-10 to NSA various {.ref .center} USBN #85 — July 1934 — pages 1-2 {.ref .center} Haifa, May 10, 1934. “He also wishes me to express his approval of your suggestion that as soon as the ornamentation work of the clerestory section of the Temple is completed no new contract be signed for the next unit unless the entire sum required for the contract has already been collected. Economic conditions, both within and without the Cause, are nowadays too unstable to allow us to undertake any extensive scheme before insuring its uninterrupted and succesful prosecution. He would urge the friends, however, to continue exerting themselves in order to complete the ornamentation of the clerestory section of the Temple which they have spontaneously undertaken, towards the end of the summer, and if not, at least by the end of the year. Their resourcefulness, courage and self — sacrifice surely offer a sufficient guarantee that they will not fail in bringing their task to a happy and successful completion. “Concerning local Bahá’í news letters the Guardian strongly feels that they should be primarily devoted to the spread of local news and activities, and should under no circumstances contain any statement implying criticism of or even interference with the policy of the N.S.A. They may occasionally refer to items of a national scope, but this should be done only with the view of assisting and not hindering the national body of the Cause to carry out effectively its program and decisions. There is thus a definite line of demarcation between correspondence initiated by local and National Assemblies. Local activities should always be subordinated to those of a national character and importance. This is intended not to minimize the role of the local Assembly in the administrative order, but to establish and insure a sane relationship between that body and the national organization of the Cause. “The Guardian wishes you to convey to the N.S.A., and through them to the entire body of the American believers the news of the successful negotiations initiated with the Palestine authorities concerning the exemption from taxation of the entire area surrounding and dedicated to the International Sacred Shrines of the Faith on Mt. Carmel. “After long repeated representations Shoghi Effendi has succeeded in obtaining from the Government an exemption which is tantamount to a recognition by the Palestine Administration of the sacredness of our Shrines, and of the importance and significance of the international center of our Faith. The exempted area has been purchased largely through the contributions sent for that purpose by the American believers. A section of it has already been transferred to the Palestine Branch of the American National Assembly, while a portion of the remaining part is still registered in the name of individual American believers. “This exemption granted by the Government constituted, indeed, a triumph which the friends will certainly appreciate, and a step forward towards the further establishment and consolidation of the administrative order of the Cause, in both the Holy Land and beyond its confines. The title deeds which testify to the purchase and transfer of various plots to the name of your Assembly will soon be forwarded to your address. Negotiations are still pending in connection with further purchases and transfers which the Guardian is endeavoring to effect on behalf of the Palestine Branch of the American N.S.A. “In this connection I am directed to extend to you, as well as to the general body of the American believers, Shoghi Effendi’s abiding appreciation of the American Bahá’ís’ splendid cooperation in preventing the area surrounding the Shrines from falling into the hands of non-Bahá’ís. Now that the town of Haifa is developing so rapidly and so many buildings are being erected along the slopes of Mt. Carmel, the friends can realize the full wisdom of their having kept such an extensive area as an open space around the Shrines. This is becoming increasingly manifest to the government officials and also to the increasing number of tourists and visitors who annually flock to the Holy Land and admire the beauty and impressions of so important a center in the Bahá’í world. And the Guardian cannot, indeed, but feel deeply indebted to you and to those who have cooperated with you in taking such a vital and historic step, as a result of which the Faith has seen its prestige heightened and its interests effectively promoted and insured.” (In the Guardian’s hand) “The American believers have in recent years shouldered tremendous responsibilities and have acquitted themselves magnificently of their task. The erection of the superstructure of the Ma_shriqu’l-A_dhkár, the completion of the ornamentation of the dome, their spontaneous decision to proceed with the decoration of the clerestory section, the purchase, the safeguarding and eventual recognition of the precincts of the Shrines on Mt. Carmel, the consolidation of the administrative machinery of the Faith in their country, the generous assistance extended by them to the needy, the harassed and suffering among their brethren in many lands and the activity they now display in the teaching field are deeds for which the entire Bahá’í world may well feel grateful.” --- ## 683.
1934-05-11 to Sir Arthur Wauchope re support of tax exemption of Bahá’í properties {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p285-6 {.ref .center} Your Excellency, The gratifying news has just come to me from the District Commissioner at Haifa that the petition for exemption from taxation of the Bahá’í property holdings on Mt. Carmel has been granted by the Government. I hasten to express to Your Excellency for the World Bahá’í Community and myself our deep appreciation of the sympathetic and effective interest which Your Excellency has taken in the matter and which I know must have contributed in large measure to this outcome. An I venture to hope for the continuation of Your Excellency’s sympathetic support in our plan to gradually beautify this property for the sue and enjoyment of the people of Haifa, for which this action of the Government now opens the way. 1934-05-11 to Sir Arthur Wauchope re support of tax exemption of Bahá’í properties {.ref .center} --- ## 684.
1934-05-11 to an individual believer re continue to study the Dispensation {.center} Studying the Writings of Shoghi Effendi compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. published in Studying the Writings of the Guardian, ed. M. Bergsmo       Shoghi Effendi was also pleased to learn of the response which his last general communication [‘The Dispensation of Bahá’u’lláh’ (in ‘The World Order of Bahá’u’lláh’, pp. 97-161)] addressed to the friends in the West has awakened in your community, It is his hope that the believers will, through their careful and continued study of this important communication, acquire a new vision of the Cause, and will be stimulated to redouble their efforts for the expansion and consolidation of their work for the Faith. 1934-05-11 to an individual believer re continue to study the Dispensation {.ref .center} --- ## 685.
1934-05-12 re anonymous letters {.center} 1934-05-12 re anonymous letters {.ref .center} USBN #84 — June 1934 — page 14 {.ref .center} “Urge believers strictly adhere (to) National Assembly’s instructions regarding anonymous letters.” ========= {.noid} In the spring of 1934, anonymous letters were sent to members of two communities. The NSA published a notice in the May 1934 USBN and in a letter to all LSA’s noting such activity was not in conformity w/ rules of consultation. --- ## 686.
1934-05-18 exemption from taxation area surrounding Shrines {.center} 1934-05-18 exemption from taxation area surrounding Shrines {.ref .center} USBN #84 — June 1934 — page 14 {.ref .center} “Prolonged negotiations (with) Palestine authorities (has) resulted (in) exemption from taxation (of the) entire area surrounding dedicated Shrines (on) Mount Carmel. Mountfort’s notable share in securing implicit recognition (of the) sacredness (of the) Faith’s International Center heightens (the) value (of) his services (to) Bahá’u’lláh’s House in Ba_ghdád.” --- ## 687.
1934-05-19 authority of NSA {.center} 1934-05-19 authority of NSA {.ref .center} USBN #85 — July 1934 — pages 1 3 {.ref .center} Haifa, May 19, 1934. “As to the problem which has arisen in connection with the News Letter published and circulated by the Boston Assembly, the Guardian has already written about it to your N.S.A., expressing the view that under no circumstances should any local Assembly be given the right to criticize and much less oppose, the policy duly adopted and approved by the N.S.A. It is his hope that henceforth the problem of the relationship between the N.S.A. and the local Assemblies in matters of this nature will, in the light of his instructions, be carefully understood by individuals and Assemblies alike.” --- ## 688.
1934-05-31 Bahá’u’lláh as descendant of Joseph {.center} EXTRACTS PROM SHOGHI EFFENDI’S LETTERS TO RUTH J. MOFFETT AND ROBERT LEE MOFFETT May 31, 1934, Haifa. {.sig} “... For Bahá’í Community life implies consciousness of group solidarity strong enough to enable every individual believer to give up what is eventually personal for the sake of the common weal. In regard to the supposed reference to Bahá’u’lláh in the Book of Mormon, he feels that the Writings of the Founder of the Faith do not contain any passage justifying any believer to uphold the view that Bahá’u’lláh is a descendant of Joseph. Such interpretations, if not confirmed by the Holy Text cannot be considered as authoritative.” Your true brother, {.sig} Shoghi. {.sig} --- ## 689.
1934-05-xx To new NSA {.center} 1934-05-xx To new NSA {.ref .center} USBN #84 — June 1934 — page 15 {.ref .center} “Prayers, appreciation Assembly’s distinguished record of service. Love.” (signed) SHOGHI. {.sig} --- ## 690.
1934-06-04 Message to the Convention {.center} 1934-06-04 Message to the Convention {.ref .center} USBN #84 — June 1934 — page 1 {.ref .center} American believers’ inspired leadership steadily unfolding to Bahá’í world over (the) potentialities (of the) majestic edifice heralding formative period (of the) Faith of Bahá’u’lláh. Their unerring vision conceived its matchless design. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s own hands laid its cornerstone. Their dynamic faith reared its structure. Their sustained self-sacrifice crowned it with immortal glory. May (the) flame (of their) unconquerable enthusiasm continue glowing undimmed in their hearts till its naked frame is enveloped in its shining mantle. (signed) SHOGHI. (Cablegram received June 4, 1934). {.sig} --- ## 691.
1934-06-04 on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual re suggestions welcome {.center} Unlocking the Power of Action, #28 Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. The National Spiritual Assembly, and all the national committees as well, would welcome all suggestions of this sort which individual believers feel prompted to make in order to open new ways and adopt fresh methods for the spread and the consolidation of the Cause. 1934-06-04 on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual re suggestions welcome {.ref .center} --- ## 692.
1934-06-06 projected formation of spiritual assembly in Sofia {.center} Quoted in Never be Afraid to Dare, Jasion, p193 Your letters of April 2nd, 24th and May 21st have been duly received, and their contents have been given careful consideration by the Guardian. The gratifying news of the projected formation of a spiritual assembly in Sofia pleased him particularly, and he trusts that under your guidance and attention this assembly will function with effectiveness and vigour. In view of this new and historic step you have moved to take, Shoghi Effendi feels that your stay in the capital is indispensable, although he approves of your leaving occasionally that centre for a teaching trip in the near surroundings. He does not think it necessary that you should start studying the language of the country, as this will take too much of your time and energy. You may, however, devote your spare time to that purpose, but never should you do so at the expense of your teaching work. [Postscript by Shoghi Effendi] Your patient and strenuous labours in the service of so great a cause and in circumstances that are truly most difficult and trying have endeared you to us all and deserve to rank as high as the great achievements that have signalized the establishment of the Administrative Order of the Faith of Bahá’u’iláh. You should be intensely happy, and profoundly grateful for having rendered such distinguished and never-to-be-forgotten services to the Sacred Threshold. [To Marion Jack, 6 June 1934] --- ## 693.
1934-06-11 authority of NSA {.center} 1934-06-11 authority of NSA {.ref .center} USBN #85 — July 1934 — pages 2 {.ref .center} “ ... The Guardian wishes me to again affirm his view that the authority of the N. S. A. is undivided and unchallengeable in all matters pertaining to the ad —. ministration of the Faith throughout the United States and Canada, and that, therefore, the obedience of individual Bahá’ís, delegates, groups and Assemblies to that authority is imperative, and should be wholehearted and unqualified. He is convinced that the unreserved acceptance and complete application of this vital provision of the Administration is essential to the maintenance of the highest degree of unity amongst the believers, and is indispensable to the effective working of the administrative machinery of the Faith in every country.” (In the Guardian’s hand) “I wish to reaffirm in clear and categorical language, the principle already enunciated upholding the supreme authority of the National Assembly in all matters that affect the interests of the Faith in that land. There can be no conflict of authority, no duality under any form or circumstances in any sphere of Bahá’í jurisdiction whether local, national or international. The National Assembly, however, although the sole interpreter of its Declaration of Trust and By-Laws, is directly and morally responsible if it allows any body or institution within its jurisdiction to abuse its privileges or to decline in the exercise of its rights and privileges. It is the trusted guardian and the mainspring of the manifold activities and interests of every national community in the Bahá’í world. It constitutes the sole link that binds these communities to the International House of Justice, the supreme administrative body in the Dispensation of Bahá’u’lláh.” --- ## 694.
1934-06-xx To Leroy Ioas {.center} Leroy Ioas — Hand of the Cause of God, Anita Chapman, pp93 1934-06?-XX to Leroy Ioas {.ref .center} It gives him much pleasure to realize how effectively you are teaching the Cause and how actively you are engaged in extending and consolidating the basis of its new-born administrative institutions ... To vindicate the truth of this Revelation is, indeed, a task which only those who have been truly reborn can claim to achieve. And it is for young, energetic and loyal Bahá’ís like yourself, who are alive to the manifold duties and responsibilities which the Faith has laid upon them, to arise and contribute their share. ... “... as a member of the highest Bahá’í administrative institution in your land you have rendered and are rendering services that are truly notable and praiseworthy.” --- ## 695.
1934-07-02 German believers destined to take leading part {.center} Germany, France, Italy, and Switzerland #23 Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. Published in Bahá’í Studies Review 4:1 I would strongly advise you to include Germany among the countries you wish to visit in Europe as the German believers are destined to take a leading part in the spread and eventual triumph of the Cause of God in that continent. Your past distinguished services I can never forget.... (2 July 1934, appended in the handwriting of Shoghi Effendi to a letter written on his behalf to an individual) --- ## 696.
1934-07-06 on behalf of to an individual re authenticity of the Qur’án {.center} Scriptures of Previous Dispensations Compiled By Research Department Of The Universal House Of Justice. In regard to your question concerning the authenticity of the Qur’án. I have referred it to the Guardian for his opinion. He thinks that the Qur’án is, notwithstanding the opinion of certain historians, quite authentic, and that consequently it should be considered in its entirety by every faithful and loyal believer as the sacred scriptures of the Muḥammadan Revelation. 1934-07-06 on behalf of to an individual re authenticity of the Qur’án {.ref .center} --- ## 697.
1934-07-06 to Martha re Princess Ileanas appreciation” {.center} Her Eternal Crown: Queen Marie of Romania and the Bahá’í Faith, Della L Marcus, pp229-30 {.ref .center} Your telegram addressed from Vienna, and conveying Princess Ileana’s appreciation for the forthcoming issue of ‘The Bahá’í World’ has also been received and deeply appreciated. The Guardian is directing Mr Holley to include it in the manuscript, as the latter has already been forwarded to America for publication. It is, indeed, very kind of the Princess to pay such a beautiful and warm tribute to the Faith, and for this the Guardian, nay the Bahá’í world at large, is deeply grateful. Shoghi Effendi hopes, as soon as he is back in Haifa, to offer through you to the Princess copies of the íqán and of ‘The Dawn-Breakers’, which you have suggested would be suitable material for her studies on the Movement... I am deeply thankful to you for the text of the appreciation which you have wired and will myself arrange for its proper insertion in the manuscript of ‘The Bahá’í World’. What you are achieving is indeed marvellous. Its value can never be over-estimated. You have, more than any individual or Assembly throughout the Bahá’í world, contributed to enrich the material for the forthcoming volume. I heartily congratulate you. 1934-07-06 to Martha re Princess Ileana’s “appreciation” {.ref .center} --- ## 698.
1934-08-08 to May Maxwell re response to letter she sent fm Portland {.center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani, p206 {.ref .center} He wishes me, in particular, to express his feeling of profound gratification at the news of your recent meeting with Miss Agnes Alexander, during which you had been jointly studying the Will & Testament of the Master in the new light thrown upon it by the ‘Dispensation of Bahá’u’lláh’. He is praying that your efforts to better understand, & to more befittingly present the contents of this important pamphlet to the friends & to the non-believers as well, may meet with continued and ever-increasing success. The Guardian is also praying on behalf of your daughter, that she may be effectively assisted and guided in preparing the lectures which she has been appointed to deliver at the Bahá’í Summer School at Lou Helen Ranch. Shoghi Effendi added a postscript in his own hand: Those whom you have mentioned in your last letter to me dated Feb. 19 I have remembered & will continue to remember in my prayers at the holy Shrines. Those to whom you refer in your recent letter & particularly Miss Alexander & Mme Orlova will also be lovingly remembered. Your association & collaboration with Mme Orlova is most welcome & highly satisfactory, as you are eminently qualified to impart to her just those things she most vitally requires in her most promising work of service to our beloved Faith. I am so glad to learn that your precious health is restored & wish you to convey to Mary & to Mr. Maxwell my love & the assurance of my continued & fervent prayers. Your true & grateful brother, Shoghi {.sig} 1934-08-08 to May Maxwell re response to letter she sent fm Portland {.ref .center} --- ## 699.
1934-08-10 on behalf of to an individual re Indian & Sufi reincarnation doctrines {.center} Reincarnation And The Nature And Progress Of The Soul Compiled by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice As to your question concerning reincarnation: The Bahá’í view of the life after death can in no way be reconciled with certain Indian and Sufi doctrines which teach that the human soul can pass from one body to another. This doctrine, known as metempsychosis, is not only too materialistic in its view, but is purely imaginary and fatalistic. Bahá’u’lláh teaches that after its separation from the body, the human soul begins to lead a new life, of which we can have no definite knowledge, in the same way as the child in the embryo cannot visualize the type of life it is destined to lead in this world. 1934-08-10 on behalf of to an individual re Indian & Sufi reincarnation doctrines {.ref .center} --- ## 700.
1934-08-14 names of Prophets in Dispensation {.center} EXTRACTS PROM SHOGHI EFFENDI’S LETTERS TO RUTH J. MOFFETT AND ROBERT LEE MOFFETT August 14, 1934, Haifa. {.sig} “... Concerning your question relative to the names of the Prophets referred to on page twenty-six of the ‘Dispensation of Bahá’u’lláh,’ they are as follows: Abraham, Moses, Joseph, John the Baptist, Jesus the Christ, Imám Ḥusayn, Son of Imám ‘Alí, who was the legitimate heir of Muḥammad, the Báb and Bahá’u’lláh. ... You will find the exact and authoritative date (of writing Hidden Words) in the preface to the edition of Mdm Stannards translation of Hidden Words printed in Cairo, a copy of which I urge you to obtain from the National Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Egypt. The Master has Himself fixed the date and a facsimile of His testimony is reproduced in that booklet.” Your true brother, {.sig} Shoghi. {.sig} --- ## 701.
1934-08-20 re — Alfred Lunt on USNSA {.center} 1934-08-20 re: Alfred Lunt on USNSA {.ref .center} USBN #87 — September 1934 — page 3 {.ref .center} Cablegram from Shoghi Effendi Present controversy agitating American believers if unchecked will through its inevitable worldwide repercussions inflict irreparable injury (upon) Cause (of) Bahá’u’lláh. Nothing short (of the) following measures can avert threatening danger : retension (of) Lunt’s membership, and inflexible resolve by whomsoever directly or remotely concerned (to) refrain from slightest criticism, expressed or implied, that must necessarily impair (the) undivided authority (of the) institution (of the) National Assembly. Even barest reference to issues involved should be instantly dropped (and) forgotten. Concentrate precious energies (upon) uninterrupted prosecution (of) divinely appointed enterprise. Appeal entire community (to) heed (my) passionate entreaty (and) grave warning. (Signed) SHOGHI. {.sig} Haifa, Palestine, {.sig} August 20, 1934. {.sig} ========= {.noid} See “Some Aspects Of The Development Of The Bahá’í Administrative Order In America, 1922-1936”, By Loni Bramson-Lerche, Studies In Bábí And Bahá’í History, Vol I, Moojan Momen, Ed, p291 --- ## 702.
1934-09-09 extending area lands surrounding Shrines {.center} 1934-09-09 extending area lands surrounding Shrines {.ref .center} USBN #88 — November 1934 — page 1 {.ref .center} “The Guardian is still engaged in making further transfers and purchasing new lands in the name of the American National Assembly, and he hopes to send to the National Secretary all the documents as soon as they are available. He feels that during the last few months considerable progress has been achieved in safeguarding and in extending the area of the lands surrounding and dedicated to the Shrines on Mount Carmel. It is his hope that through the generous and self-sacrificing efforts of the believers still further steps will be taken towards the complete safeguard of the entire area surrounding these sacred spots.” ========= {.noid} first sentence from USBN #89 January 1935 p10 --- ## 703.
1934-09-09 to Martha in appreciation of svcs {.center} Martha Root: Lioness at the Threshold, M. R. Garis, p404 {.ref .center} How deeply I appreciate, nay prize, your stupendous efforts in the service of the Cause while in Lithuania, & in the course of your visit to the Balkans, in Central Europe & now in Scandinavia. You are carrying aloft with inspiring courage & exemplary zeal & constancy the standard of Bahá’u’lláh. You are shedding imperishable lustre on His Faith. You are setting an immortal example to His followers. You are rearing for yourself a goodly mansion in His Kingdom. My heart overflows with gratitude for the work you are achieving with such an indomitable faith & in such hard circumstances... . I feel you should concentrate on Scandinavia which stands in such dire need of Bahá’í apostles such as you. Your true & grateful brother, Shoghi {.sig} [appended] “[I] wish you henceforth to expend whatever you may obtain from the sale of the ‘New Era’ in different languages on your own dear self & for the purpose of promoting the work in which you are so devotedly engaged.” 1934-09-09 to Martha in appreciation of svcs {.ref .center} --- ## 704.
1934-09-16 various {.center} 1934-09-16 various {.ref .center} USBN #88 — November 1934 — page 1-2 {.ref .center} “He feels that during the last few months considerable progress has been achieved in safeguarding and in extending the area of the lands surrounding and dedicated to the Shrines on Mount Carmel. It is his hope that through the generous and self-sacrificing efforts of the believers still further steps will be taken towards the complete safeguard of the entire area surrounding these sacred spots.” (September 9, 1934, to National Spiritual Assembly.) “Anything whatsoever affecting the interests of the Cause and in which the National Assembly as a body is involved should, if regarded as unsatisfactory by local Assemblies and individual believers, be immediately referred to the National Assembly itself. Neither the general body of the believers, nor any local Assembly, nor even the delegates to the Annual Convention, should be regards as having any authority to entertain appeals against the decision of the National Assembly. Should the matter be referred to the Guardian it will be his duty to consider it with the utmost care and to decide whether the issues involved justify him to consider it in person, or to leave it entirely to the discretion of the National Assembly. “This administrative principle which the Guardian is now restating and emphasizing is so clear, so comprehensive and simple that no misunderstanding as to its application, he feels, can possibly arise. There are no exceptions whatever to this rule, and the Guardian would deprecate any attempt to elaborate or dwell any further upon this fundamental and clearly-enunciated principle. “The problems with which the Faith is now grappling, whether national or international, are so pressing and momentous that no one among its loyal adherents can afford to dissipate his precious energies on details arising from the application of administrative principles, or even on the perfecting of the machinery of the administration itself. Purely secondary matters can be postponed until the primary tasks are performed. “The situation in Persia which is going from bad to worse, the necessary measures which should be taken to insure the uninterrupted completion of the clerestory section of the Temple, the adoption of such measures as will stimulate the teaching campaign in America, the exercise of the utmost vigilence [sic] lest the authorities in Soviet Russia inflict any injury upon Bahá’í lives and institutions, the extension of any support that may be required to safeguard the interests of the Cause at its most vital and international center to ward off the malicious attacks of enemies from both within and without — these are the outstanding issues which demand the sustained and concentrated attention of every devoted believer... “Regarding the photograph sent to your Assembly the National Assembly of ‘Iráq, Shoghi Effendi wishes me to confirm his previous request regarding the circulation of his own photograph. (That is, photographs of the Guardian are not to be circulated. — Editor.) “With reference to the statement on the Annual Convention which the Guardian had requested you to send to the National Assembly of Persia, he wishes you to send as soon as you possibly can the final draft after having made the following alteration. The Guardian feels that in view of the definite and vital functions of the Annual Convention it would be more proper not to regard its sessions as joint meetings with the National Assembly. The gatherings of the Convention should, the Guardian believes, be given a more distinctive character. As to the rule requiring the National Assembly to present any and all facts that may be required in order to clarify matters discussed at the Convention, he wishes to express his complete approval. “Shoghi Effendi would be very pleased to receive English translations of the Bahá’í News Letters issued by the National Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Germany and Austria. He wishes you in this connection to convey to Mr. Schopflocher his deepest thanks and appreciation of his invaluable assistance in translating such important communications from so promising an Assembly in the Bahá’í world... (The Guardian’s postscript to the above letter.) “I feel urged, in view of the compelling evidence of your exemplary devotion to the interests of our beloved Faith, to renew the expression of my profound and unqualified admiration for the spirit animating you in its service. You have faced a critical situation with marvelous fidelity, high courage and unswerving loyalty. Nothing short of this spirit can enable you to weather the storms and overcome the obstacles that must confront you in the future. His Guidance, you may rest assured, will never fail you in the days to come.” (Signed) Shoghi. --- ## 705.
1934-09-25 maintaining flow of contributions to Temple {.center} 1934-09-25 maintaining flow of contributions to Temple {.ref .center} USBN #88 — November 1934 — page 2 {.ref .center} “He wishes you particularly to impress the believers with the necessity of maintaining the flow of their contributions to the Temple, and also to stress the importance of the institution of the National Bahá’í Fund which, in these early days of the administrative development of the Faith, is the indispensable medium for the growth and expansion of the Movement. Contributions to this fund constitute, in addition, a practical and effective way whereby every believer can test the measure and character of his faith, and to prove in deeds the intensity of his devotion and attachment to the Cause.” (September 25, 1934, to Allen B. McDaniel, Chairman, National Spiritual Assembly.) --- ## 706.
1934-09-30 international expenses of the Faith {.center} 1934-09-30 international expenses of the Faith {.ref .center} USBN #88 — November 1934 — page 2 {.ref .center} (In the Guardian’s hand.) “The international expenses of the Faith are continually increasing, and the emphasis that has been placed of late on the necessity of intensifying and extending the national institutions of the Cause in Persia, America and elsewhere together with the severe restrictions that are being increasingly imposed by the authorities in Ṭihrán have depleted the resources required for the promotion of the vital interests of the community at its world center. For this reason I have felt impelled to suspend temporarily the contributions which I have been making for the Temple. I will pray that the efforts of the friends the world over and particularly the mighty exertions of the American Bahá’í community for the prosecution of the Temple work may soon be abundantly rewarded.” (Signed) Shoghi. (September 30, 1934, to Roy C. Wilhelm, Treasurer, National Spiritual Assembly.) --- ## 707.
1934-10-04 future teaching by M Jack in Bulgaria {.center} Quoted in Never be Afraid to Dare, Jasion, p193-4 The Guardian is deeply gratified to learn from your letter of September 5th of the happy news of the successful formation of the Sofia spiritual assembly. He wishes me to hasten in offering to you his heartfelt congratulations and his grateful thanks for this unique and never-to-be-forgotten service which you have been able to render the Faith in Bulgaria. Your pioneering and sustained endeavours for the establishment of the Cause in that country have, undoubtedly, been amply rewarded. You should, therefore, feel happy, and remain assured that the foundations your able hands have so carefully and so patiently laid down will be further consolidated through the united and combined efforts of our Bulgarian friends, and that upon them the edifice of the cause will be gradually raised and firmly established in their country. As to your return to Sofia, the Guardian leaves it entirely to your discretion. If you feel that the believers in Sofia can conduct their own affairs, and that their assembly is sufficiently strong and united to manage its own work, you need not return, at least for the present, to Bulgaria, and may preferably travel for a few months in Austria where the believers will surely be glad to have you with them, and will, undoubtedly, extend to you every assistance they can for rendering your stay as successful as possible. In any case, the Guardian strongly urges you to keep in close and constant touch with Sofia, and to encourage and guide the believers in spreading the Message, and in extending the scope and in consolidating the foundations of their assembly. [postscript by Shoghi Effendi] I leave it entirely to your discretion as to whether you should extend your stay in Bulgaria or initiate a new chapter of your historic work in some other country in Europe. I have the utmost confidence in your judgement, your loyalty and disinterested service to the Cause of God. Wherever you labour, with whosoever you collaborate and whatever the nature of your activity my prayers will ever accompany you and my thoughts will continue to be with you. I feel truly proud of the constancy and courage that distinguish your pioneer service. --- ## 708.
1934-10-04 re continuance Temple construction {.center} 1934-10-04 re continuance Temple construction {.ref .center} USBN #88 — November 1934 — page 1-2 {.ref .center} Communications from Shoghi Effendi On October 1, 1934 the National Spiritual Assembly cabled the Guardian as follows : “Continuance Temple construction assured. Love.” on Ostober [sic] 4 the following reply was received: “Delighted. Profound gratitude.” (Signed) Shoghi. --- ## 709.
1934-10-24 to Persian NSA re Susan Moody {.center} 1934-10-24 to Persian NSA re Susan Moody {.ref .center} USBN #88 — November 1934 — page 2 {.ref .center} “American believers lament death beloved Susan Moody. Convey loving sympathy her co-workers.” --- ## 710.
1934-10-31 to Blomfield re contact with Queen Marie {.center} Lady Blomfield: Her Life and Times, Robert Weinberg, p313 {.ref .center} It was, indeed, very thoughtful of them to avail themselves of this wonderful opportunity for conveying to her their unbounded appreciation of the great historic services she has been able to render the Faith through her publications. Shoghi Effendi was also deeply gratified to learn that you have been able to present to the Queen the illuminated Tablet of Bahá’u’lláh. You must have surely been guided and inspired in taking such an action, which must have surely deeply impressed the Queen. The Guardian feels, indeed, very happy and grateful to you for having had the faith, courage and confidence to approach that Lady, and to renew to her the sincere and profound interest and appreciation with which the entire community of the believers throughout the world view her noble efforts for the propagation of the Message. I wish to add a few words in person to reaffirm my deep sense of indebtedness to you. The volume will be published before the end of this year. I will gladly send you a copy as a token of my great and abiding attachment to you and gratitude for your manifold kindnesses and services to the Cause of God. Wishing you good health and happiness from all my heart... 1934-10-31 to Blomfield re contact w/ Queen Marie {.ref .center} ========= {.noid} First paragraph refers to London Bahá’ís giving Queen a floral gift. The volume referred to in his comments is the Bahá’í World. --- ## 711.
1934-10-31 to Martha re contacts with Marie {.center} Her Eternal Crown: Queen Marie of Romania and the Bahá’í Faith, Della L Marcus, pp230-1 {.ref .center} The Guardian has just been in receipt of your long-awaited and inspiring message of October 4th, and has taken great pleasure in reading it. He has learned with profound satisfaction and joy of your interview with Queen Marie of Romania, as well as of the floral gift which the London friends have made to her on the occasion of her last visit to that centre. It was, indeed, very thoughtful of them to avail themselves of this wonderful opportunity for conveying to her their unbounded appreciation of the great historic services she has been able to render the Faith through her publications. Shoghi Effendi was also deeply gratified to learn that you have been able to present to the Queen the illuminated Tablet of Bahá’u’lláh. You must have surely been guided and inspired in taking such an action, which must have surely deeply impressed the Queen. The Guardian feels, indeed, very happy and grateful to you for having had the faith, courage and confidence to approach that Lady, and to renew to her the sincere, profound interest and appreciation with which the entire community of the believers throughout the world view her noble efforts for the propagation of the Message. You will certainly be interested to know that the Queen has lately written a beautiful appreciation for special publication in ‘The Bahá’í World’. It will be reproduced together with her photograph, in the forthcoming issue of the Biennial. With the renewed assurance of Shoghi Effendi’s deep-felt appreciation of your precious labours for the Cause, and of his continued prayers on your behalf. I trust my cable expressing deep-felt appreciation of your outstanding services to our beloved Cause has reached you. I wish to add a few words in person to reaffirm my deep sense of indebtedness to you. I am enclosing a reproduction of the latest tribute paid by the Lady to the Cause and written specially for Volume V of ‘The Bahá’í World’. The volume will be published before the end of this year. I will gladly send you a copy as a token of my great and abiding attachment to you and gratitude for your manifold kindnesses and services to the Cause of God. Wishing you good health and happiness from all my heart. 1934-10-31 to Martha re contacts w/ Marie {.ref .center} --- ## 712.
1934-11-05 directions certain prayers great spiritual help {.center} Notes On Obligatory Prayers And Ablutions compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice in a letter to an individual fm the House of Justice 15 April 1987 As Appeared In Bahá’í Studies Bulletin Vol. 4:3-4 2 January 1991 Concerning the directions given by Bahá’u’lláh for the recital of certain prayers, Shoghi Effendi wishes me to inform you that these regulations — which by the way are very few and simple — are of a great spiritual help to the individual believer, in that they help him to fully concentrate when praying and meditating. Their significance is thus purely spiritual (5 November 1934) --- ## 713.
1934-11-06 Importance Of Bahá’í Summer Schools {.center} 1934-11-06 Importance Of Bahá’í Summer Schools {.ref .center} USBN #90 — March 1935 — page 4 {.ref .center} “He fervently hopes that through the earnest and sustained efforts of your committee these annual gatherings will acquire increasing importance in the eyes of the public, and will constitute an effective medium for the dissemination of the Teachings. He feels that in your next summer meetings continued emphasis should be laid upon the teaching of the Administration, especially in its relation to the outside world, so as to impress the non-Bahá’í attendants at the school with the nature, character and world-significance of the World Order of Bahá’u’lláh.” (Letter from the Guardian, through his secretary, to Central States Summer School Committee) . --- ## 714.
1934-11-12 to Martha with books for Ileana {.center} Her Eternal Crown: Queen Marie of Romania and the Bahá’í Faith, Della L Marcus, pp234 {.ref .center} He has mailed to your address copies of ‘The Dawn-Breakers’ and of the Kitáb-i-Íqán for Princess Ileana ... He hopes you will receive them very soon. 1934-11-12 to Martha w/ books for Ileana {.ref .center} --- ## 715.
1934-12-01 various {.center} 1934-12-01 various {.ref .center} USBN #89 January 1935 p1 {.ref .center} [To the Secretary of the National Spiritual Assembly] “With reference to the first of the two questions raised by the San Francisco Spiritual Assembly in connection with ‘The Dispensation of Bahá’u’lláh, he wishes me to explain that although ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s station is not that of a Manifestation of God, nevertheless supplications may be addressed to Him. It is essential, however, that every believer should realize that while doing so he is directing his thoughts towards the Master as an intermediary between him and the Manifestation, and not as the Source of Divine Revelation and spiritual guidance. Provided this distinction is clearly established there can be no harm or objection in addressing prayers to ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. As to the meaning of the quotation, ‘My fears are for Him Who will be sent down unto you after Me’, this refers to the Manifestation Who is to come after a thousand or more years, Who like all previous Messengers of God will be subjected to persecutions, but will eventually triumph over them. For men of ill-will have been and will always continue to be in this world, unless mankind reaches a state of complete and absolute perfection-a condition which is not only improbable but actually impossible to attain. The fundamental difference, however, between this Dispensation and all previous ones is this, that in this Revelation the possibility of permanent schism between the followers of the Prophet has been prevented through the direct and explicit instructions providing for the necessary instruments designed to maintain the organic unity of the body of the faithful. In regard to the use of ringstones and burial stones, the Guardian leaves this matter at present entirely to the discretion of the believers, and has no objection if your Assembly provides facilities for their purchase by the friends. When the Kitáb-i-Aqdas is published the necessary instructions will be given regarding this matter. In this connection he wishes me to inform you that at his repeated directions the National Assemblies of Egypt, ‘Iráq and Persia are adopting the exact text of your Assembly’s Declaration of Trust and By-Laws, as well as the local By-Laws, and are taking the necessary steps for incorporating their Assemblies as duly recognized bodies empowered to administer the national and local affairs of the Faith in their respective countries. The Indian N. S. A., as well as the Bombay Spiritual Assembly, have already set the example in this respect, both in the matter of incorporation, and in the adoption of the text of the constitutions of the American Bahá’í Assemblies. Concerning the union of the two Magazines (THE BAHÁ’i MAGAZINE and the WORLD UNITY MAGAZINE) the Guardian hopes that the N. S. A. will proceed quickly in this matter. He fully approves the action which you contemplate, and any details in this connection he leaves entirely to your discretion. In regard to the question submitted to your Assembly by the Bahá’í group at Maui, Hawaii, concerning the passage on page 88 of the book ‘Bahá’í Administration,’ the Guardian wishes me to inform you that the festivals of the Declaration of the Báb and the birthday of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá referred to in that passage as having been celebrated on the twenty-second of November, 1925, by the Bahá’ís of the Orient, are based on the lunar calendar. For this reason the date of the celebration is not fixed, but shifts every year. Eventually, as the Master has explicitly stated, a uniform system will have to be established by the International House of Justice. Concerning the West Englewood Memorial, Shoghi Effendi’s idea has always been that this memorial should be in the form of a monument and not of a building. He also wishes me to express his approval of your statement in the November issue of the BAHÁ’i NEWS to the effect of creating within the Assemblies and individual believers a more posItIve and active attitude towards the Administration. The need for positive action seems, indeed, to be one of the most urgent needs of the Cause at present. In closing may I convey to you and to the American community of the believers as well the Guardian’s abiding appreciation and gratitude for the striking manner in which the American friends, under the leadership of your Assembly, have each and all arisen to meet the emergency which the lack of sufficient funds had created in connection with the work of the Temple. This constitutes, indeed, an added victory in the series of triumphs which the American believers have, ever since the ascension of the Master, been winning in the field of service to the Faith. Their collective, united and sustained labors in this connection are surely bound to hasten the realization of the Master’s promises concerning the ultimate triumph of the Cause throughout the American continent. ~ray this sublime vision disclosed by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá intensify their zeal and stimulate their ardor in bringing their sacred and mighty task to a speedy consummation. The Guardian wishes me also to extend his heart-felt condolences and loving sympathy to you and to all the bereaved members of the community of the American friends for the new loss they have sustained in the passing away of their indefatigable and pioneer fellow-believer Dr. Susan Moody. The work she had so successfully initiated in Persia, particularly in connection with the founding and development of the Tarbíyát School in Ṭihrán is an abiding monument to her memory, and constitutes a fresh and indissoluble link which will unite forever the believers in East and West in their triumphs as well as sufferings in the path of service to our beloved Faith. Dearly beloved co-workers: It would be impossible for me to refrain from adding these words in person as a token of my increasing admiration for the recent, the marvelous accomplishments of the American believers. Despite the perils and uncertainties with which their country is now beset, and in the face of the financial reverses they have suffered and the unfortunate controversies that have perplexed and agitated them, they have forged ahead and are fast approaching the termination of the first stage in the ornamentation of their consecrate Edifice. Undaunted by the magnitude of this colossal enterprise, undismayed by the smallness of their numbers, the scantiness of their resources and the scorn of their enemies, they have carried triumphantly the banner of Bahá’u’lláh and brought to a successful issue the first stage in the formative period of His Faith. At this stage of their development they can neither halt nor hesitate. Whatever the future may have in store for them, they will, I feel more than ever confident, allow nothing whatsoever to dim their vision or to deflect them from their high purpose. SHOGHI. {.sig} ========= {.noid} to USNSA --- ## 716.
1935-01-04 association with orientals {.center} 1935-01-04 association w/ orientals {.ref .center} USBN #94 August 1935 p5 {.ref .center} “In this connection, the Guardian wishes to draw once more your attention to the all-importance of his instructions to the Western believers regarding association with Orientals. The friends in the West must be wide awake, and be extremely cautious when dealing with Easterners, particularly with those who in the name of the Cause desire to satisfy their own desires and ambitions. The first step which they should take in protecting themselves against such mischief-makers is to insist that they should obtain proper credentials from the Assembly of the locality in which they live. This measure, he feels, is absolutely essential and there can be no exception whatever to it.” (Haifa, January 4, 1935 to NYC LSA). ========= {.noid} reply to a letter reporting that the Assembly had refused to recognize a Persian who presented himself without proper credentials. --- ## 718.
1935-01-19 to Blomfield re Drama of the Kingdom” {.center} Lady Blomfield: Her Life and Times, Robert Weinberg, p314-15 {.ref .center} I am.urging the American National Assembly to order as many copies as they possibly can of “The Drama of the Kingdom”. I am praying from the depths of my heart for your success, your happiness, and the removal of every obstacle that stands in your path. Your past services are engraved upon my heart, and I supplicate the Beloved Master to assist you in your endeavours for the extension and consolidation of your historic work in the service of His Cause. ... . . The word “son” used in this connection is a kind of collective noun meaning mankind and has, therefore, no connotation of any sex discrimination between man and woman whatever. 1935-01-19 to Blomfield re “Drama of the Kingdom” use of “Son” {.ref .center} ========= {.noid} The 2nd paragraph is a ref to “Son” in such phrases as “Son of Existence” and “Son of Spirit”. --- ## 719.
1935-01-19 to Lady Blomfield re capital punishment {.center} Bahá’í Studies Bulletin Vol I #2 September 1982 pp60-1 Dear Lady Blomfield, Shoghi Effendi has read your letter ... . with reference to your question concerning capital punishment, Bahá’u’lláh in the “Kitáb-i-Aqdas” revealed the following (A rough rendering of the passage in question is being given) “If a man purposely kills a man, kill him. Hold to the laws of God with all your strength and forsake the laws of fools. But if you concemn such a man to perpetual imprisonment, this is permitted you according to the Book. Verily God gives judgment in whatever He desires.” Thus, according to the explicit tex of the Aqdas, capital punishment is permitted, but also an alternative has been definitely provided whereby the rigours of such a condemnation can be seriously mitigated. Bahá’u’lláh has given us choice, and has therefore left us free to use our own discretion with certain limitations imposed by his law. 1935-01-19 to Lady Blomfield re capital punishment {.ref .center} --- ## 720.
1935-01-22 to USNSA requesting purchases of Drama of the Kingdom” {.center} Lady Blomfield: Her Life and Times, Robert Weinberg, p314 {.ref .center} ‘This, he feels, would be of great encouragement to Lady Blomfield ... who, in view of her manifold services to the Cause in England, as evidenced by the important contacts she has lately made with many distinguished people in London and elsewhere, should be accounted as one of the leading and most prominent servants of the Cause, and as such worthy of every praise and assistance. 1935-01-22 to USNSA requesting purchases of “Drama of the Kingdom” {.ref .center} --- ## 721.
1935-01-23 to May Maxwell re proposed teaching trip to Belgium & Europe {.center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani, p211 {.ref .center} With reference to your plan for teaching the Cause in Belgium, the Guardian has already informed you through cablegram that your wish in this matter meets with his complete & whole-hearted approval. There are, indeed, great possibilities for teaching the Message in this country. But so far we have had no one to spread the Cause there. So, the Guardian is fervently praying that your plans in this respect may fully materialize, and in this way give you a chance to enrich your national services by means of an added & glorious triumph in the teaching field Your suggestion to teach the Cause in Belgium meets with my whole-hearted approval, & I trust that you will succeed in your efforts in this new & international sphere of Bahá’í activity. The cable I have sent you will I hope stimulate you to undertake this work which I hope & pray will enhance & further ennoble your past & historic services. Wishing you, Mary & Mr. Maxwell happiness & success, Your true brother, {.sig} Shoghi {.sig} 1935-01-23 to May Maxwell re proposed teaching trip to Belgium & Europe {.ref .center} --- ## 722.
1935-01-27 attending LSA meetings {.center} 1935-01-27 attending LSA meetings {.ref .center} USBN #94 August 1935 p8 {.ref .center} In comment on the ruling that members of local Spiritual Assemblies must be able to attend meetings: “He believes that your Assembly was well advised in adopting such a ruling. For it is only too obvious that unless a member can attend regularly the meetings of his local Assembly, it would be impossible for him to discharge the duties incumbent upon him, and to fulfill his responsibilities as a representative of the community. Membership in a local Spiritual Assembly carries with it, indeed, the obligation and capacity to remain in close touch with local Bahá’í activities, and ability to attend regularly the sessions of the Assembly.” (Haifa, January, 27, 1935). ——— Shoghi Effendi’s view of the ruling concerning the residential qualifications of members of local Assemblies adopted by the N. S. A. and published in BAH A’I NEWS of January. --- ## 723.
1935-01-27 dramas; inter-racial marriage {.center} 1935-01-27 dramas; inter-racial marriage {.ref .center} USBN #90 — March 1935 — page 1 {.ref .center} “With reference to your question whether the figures of the Báb and Bahá’u’lláh should be made to appear as characters in dramatic works written by the believers, Shoghi Effendi’s opinion is that such an· attempt to dramatize the Manifestations would be highly disrespectful, and hence should be avoided by the friends, even in the case of the Master. Besides it would be practically impossible to carry out such a plan faithfully, and in a dignified and befitting manner. “In regard to your question concerning the nature and character of Bahá’í marriage. As you have rightly stated, such a marriage is conditioned upon the full approval of all four parents. Also your statement to the effect that the principle of the oneness of mankind prevents any true Bahá’í from regarding race itself as a bar to union is in complete accord with the Teachings of the Faith on this point. For both Bahá’u’lláh and ‘Abdu’l-Bahá never disapproved of the idea of inter-racial marriage, nor discouraged it. The Bahá’í Teachings, indeed, by their very nature transcend all limitations imposed by race, and as such can and should never be identified with any particular school of racial philosophy.” --- ## 724.
1935-03-17 to Martha re Ileanas response to Shoghi Effendis gift of Dawnbreakers & Íqán {.center} Her Eternal Crown: Queen Marie of Romania and the Bahá’í Faith, Della L Marcus, pp238 {.ref .center} The Guardian has just received a message dated March 9th from Archduchess Ileana, and has directed me to communicate it to you for your information, knowing you would be greatly pleased and encouraged by its perusal. The text of the letter runs as follows: ‘Dear Shoghi Effendi — Thank you so much for your wonderful present; both the beautiful binding and the interesting and elevating contents gave me the greatest pleasure. It was so awfully kind of you to think of giving me such pleasure. Once more please accept my most heartfelt thanks, Archduchess Ileana 1935-03-17 to Martha re Ileana’s response to Shoghi Effendi’s gift of Dawnbreakers & Íqán {.ref .center} --- ## 725.
1935-03-25 Dumit contract {.center} 1935-03-25 Dumit contract {.ref .center} USBN #94 August 1935 p13 {.ref .center} “The signature of the contract with the Dumits terminates a protracted and highly annoying and often irritating struggle with “ the forces of fanaticism, ignorance and prejudice. The settlement of this dispute, which has involved the Bahá’í National Assemblies who have petitioned to the High Commissioner for Palestine, constitutes a notable victory, and adds considerably to the material assets of the Faith, at its world center. The area situated between the Shrine and the German colony is now completely and permanently safeguarded.” [to U.S. National Treasurer] --- ## 726.
1935-03-30 contract for Dumit property {.center} 1935-03-30 contract for Dumit property {.ref .center} USBN #94 August 1935 p8 {.ref .center} “Contract for purchase and transfer to Palestine Branch American Assembly (of the) Dumit property situated (at the) center (of) area dedicated to Shrines 011 Mt. Carmel (has been) signed. Four year litigation involving Bahá’í world’s petitions (to) Palestine High Commissioner abandoned. Owners require 4,000 pounds. Half (this) sum (is) available. Will American believers unitedly contribute 1,000 pounds before end of May and remaining 1,000 pounds within nine months. Am compelled appeal entire body American community subordinate national interests of Faith to its urgent paramount requirements at its World Center.” --- ## 728.
1935-03-31 re I Mary Magdalen {.center} Toward the end of March, the Rob­ert Speller Company, New York, will publish a novel written and illustrated by Juliet Thompson entitled “I, Mary Magdalen.” Permission has been given by Shoghi Effendi to report in Bahá’í News his reference to this book, writ­ten in letters addressed to Miss Thompson. ‘’In this connection may I express the Guardian’s deep sense of gratifica­tion at the news of your projected work about Mary of Magdala. He hopes and prays that through this pub­lication many people of capacity and of true spiritual insight will be at­tracted to the Message.” — March 31. 1935. --- ## 729.
1935-03-xx immediate objective to establish group of well-confirmed believers {.center} “To Move the World”, Morrison, p242 “Your immediate objective, as you rightly state, should be to establish a small group of well-confirmed, devoted and active believers who will be able to carry on the work after your departure. The method of intensive teaching seems to be very effective and promising at present. The masses as a whole do not show much interest in religion. But there are always to be found some competent, sincere and eager souls to whom the Message has a profound appeal. It is for the Bahá’í teacher to look for them, and to try to deepen and sustain their interest and thus enable them eventually to embrace the Cause.” [quoted in Bahá’í Teaching Committee, Charlotte Linfoot Secy to Louis Gregory, 26 Mar 1935] --- ## 730.
1935-04-27 msg to convention {.center} 1935-04-27 msg to convention {.ref .center} USBN #92 June 1935 p2 {.ref .center} “Advise delegates visitors hold special devotional gathering Temple auditorium supplicate assistance invisible Host Abhá Kingdom emancipation long suffering brethren in Bahá’u’lláh’s native land. May America’s incessant striving redoubled exertion compensate enforced inactivity so large a section organized body His followers.” --- ## 731.
1935-04-28 Day of the Covenant {.center} 1935-04-28 Day of the Covenant {.ref .center} USBN #93 July 1935 p1 {.ref .center} “The Guardian suggests that the Committee in charge of the publication of The Bahá’í World should change the designation of the Bahá’í Anniversary celebration on the 26th of November, known as ‘Fete Day of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’ to ‘The Day of the Covenant,’ as the latter is a much more appropriate title.”-(Haifa, April 28, 1935.) {.ref .center} --- ## 732.
1935-04-29 msg to convention {.center} 1935-04-29 msg to convention {.ref .center} USBN #92 June 1935 p3 {.ref .center} Heartily reciprocate sentiments conveyed (in) your message. Appeal assembled delegates and incoming National Assembly earnestly deliberate measures required (to) stimulate all local communities (and) groups (to) lend immediate, unprecedented impetus (to) teaching activities throughout United States (and) Canada. Sustained concentration (on) this paramount issue can alone reveal potentialities (of) beloved Temple and enable superb self — sacrifice associated with it (to) yield its fairest fruit. --- ## 733.
1935-04-xx devotions in support of Persian Bahá’ís {.center} 1935-04-xx devotions in support of Persian Bahá’ís {.ref .center} USBN #94 August 1935 p5 {.ref .center} Advise delegates (and) visitors hold special devotional gathering (in) Temple Auditorium (to) supplicate assistance (of the) invisible Host (of the) Abhá Kingdom (for the) emancipation (of) long-suffering brethren in Bahá’u’lláh’s native land. May America’s incessant strivings (and) redoubled exertion compensate (for) enforced inactivity (of) so large a section (of the) organized body (of) His followers. SHOGHI. {.sig} --- ## 734.
1935-05-22 To Philip Sprague {.center} To Philip Sprague, May 22, 1935. Bahá’í News, No. 102, August 1936, p3 “With regard to your wish for reorganizing your business along Bahá’í lines, Shoghi Effendi deeply appreciates the spirit that has permitted you to make such a suggestion. But he feels nevertheless that the time has not yet come for any believer to bring about such a fundamental change in the economic structure of our society, however restricted may be the field for such an experiment. The economic teachings of the Cause, though well known in their main outline, have not as yet been sufficiently elaborated and systematized to allow anyone to make an exact and thorough application of them even on a restricted scale.” --- ## 735.
1935-05-26 title of Mt Carmel land transferred to USNSA {.center} 1935-05-26 title of Mt Carmel land transferred to USNSA {.ref .center} USBN #93 July 1935 p3 {.ref .center} Dearly beloved co-worker: I am deeply appreciative of the spirit animating you, your dear mother, and the American believers in making these contributions for the safeguarding and promotion of the interest of the Faith at its world centre. It will, I am sure, be of interest to you and to your co-workers to learn that so far no less than fifty thousand (50,000) square pics of land within the area dedicated to the shrines on Mt. Carmel has been transferred to the Palestine Branch of your Assembly. The Indian National Assembly has also established its Palestine Branch this year and other Assemblies are following their example. The prestige of the Faith, as a result of these accomplishments, has been considerably enhanced. Your true brother, {.sig} . SHOGHI (From letter to the National Treasurer, dated May 26. 1935.) --- ## 736.
1935-05-31 study and application of the Administration {.center} USBN #105 February 1937,p1 {.ref .center} To Mrs. Elizabeth Greenleaf, May 31, 1935: “Without the study and application of the Administration the teaching of the Cause becomes not only meaningless, but loses in effectiveness and scope.” --- ## 737.
1935-06-15 membership in non-Bahá’í religious associations {.center} 1935-06-15 membership in non-Bahá’í religious associations/teaching {.ref .center} USBN #93 July 1935 p1-2 {.ref .center} “Concerning membership in non-Bahá’í religious associations. The Guardian wishes to re-emphasize the general principle already laid down in his communications to your Assembly and also to the individual believers that no Bahá’í who wishes to be a wholehearted and sincere upholder of the distinguishing principles of the Cause can accept full membership in any non-Bahá’í ecclesiastical organization. For such an act would necessarily imply only a partial acceptance of the Teachings and laws of the Faith, and an incomplete recognition of its independent status, and would thus be tantamount to an act of disloyalty to the verities it enshrines. For it is only too obvious that in most of its fundamental assumptions the Cause of Bahá’u’lláh is completely at variance with outworn creeds, ceremonies and institutions. To be a Bahá’í and at the same time accept membership in another religious body is simply an act of contradiction that no sincere and logically-minded person can possibly accept. To follow Bahá’u’lláh does not mean accepting some of His teachings and rejecting the rest. Allegiance to His Cause must be uncompromising and whole-hearted. During the days of the Master the Cause was still in a stage that made such an open and sharp dissociation between it and other religious organizations, and particularly the Muslim Faith, not only inadvisable but practically impossible to establish. But since His passing events throughout the Bahá’í world, and particularly in Egypt where the Muslim religious courts have formally testified to the independent character of the Faith, have developed to a point that have made such an assertion of the independence of the Cause not only highly desirable but absolutely essential.” There is one more point to which the Guardian wishes to draw again your Assembly’s attention. It is the question of teaching, and its paramount importance in these days of rapid administrative development of the Cause in America. He has already, through Miss Edna True, conveyed this same message to your Assembly, and is gratified to witness the wide and deep response it has awakened among the friends. He hopes and prays that whatever means the N. S. A. in collaboration with the National Teaching Committee may adopt for the furtherance of this most vital objective may meet with complete success. --- ## 738.
1935-06-21 to Keith-Roche requesting help with unidentified court case {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p281 {.ref .center} Any assistance you can find it possible to extend in this respect would, I am sure, be deeply appreciated by me no less than by the various Bahá’í Assemblies whose interests I represent. 1935-06-21 to Keith-Roche requesting help w/ unidentified court case {.ref .center} --- ## 739.
1935-06-25 Esslingen Summer School & Bahá́í Home {.center} Germany, France, Italy, and Switzerland Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. Published in Bahá’í Studies Review 4:1 The Guardian has read with care and interest your views regarding conditions at the Esslingen Summer School. Miss...has already given him quite a realistic description of the Bahá’í Home. He is surely of the opinion that if the Summer School at Esslingen is to develop into an important and somewhat international Bahá’í centre in Europe it must be kept from reflecting too strongly some of the influences and tendencies that characterize the Germany of today. The atmosphere at the Bahá’í Home must be primarily Bahá’í, though it must retain some of its German character. The Cause does not wish to suppress national characteristics. It abhors too much uniformity, and stands for the principle of unity in diversity, which principle we believe can alone provide a solution for the unification of mankind. Now with regard to the Bahá’í Home and to the alterations it calls for. The Guardian thinks that any suggestion in this connection should preferably be made by one of the German members of the National Spiritual Assembly so as to avoid giving the impression that there is any national or racial prejudice behind it. The situation, as you rightly suggest, may become serious if not carefully studied and remedied at once. But there is every hope of reaching a solution in this matter. (25 June 1935) --- ## 740.
1935-07-05 gifts to your National Archives {.center} Guidance Regarding Bahá’í Archives Compiled by Bahá’í International Archives He trusts that his gift, offered to your National Archives through the kind care of Miss ___ will serve to remind the ... believers of the importance and sacred character of that institution, and to encourage them to help in contributing their full share towards its further development and expansion. The institution of the National Bahá’í Archives, which all the National Assemblies have already established, is, indeed, highly important, the significance of which will be increasingly realized as years go by. It is now that so many precious sacred relics are still in the possession of individual believers, that steps must be taken in order to ensure their safe preservation in the National Archives. The friends must be encouraged to co-operate with their National Spiritual Assembly for the attainment of this objective. From a letter on behalf of Shoghi Effendi dated 5 July 1935 to an individual --- ## 741.
1935-07-29 teachers vs administrators {.center} 1935-07-29 teachers vs administrators {.ref .center} USBN #95 October 1935 p2 {.ref .center} Regarding the statement made by the Guardian in his letter to Mr. Willard Hatch concerning the fact that believers can serve both as teachers and administrators. Shoghi Effendi would approve your Assembly making this fact known to all the friends. For although it is essential for the believers to maintain always a clear distinction between teaching and administrative duties and functions, yet they should be careful not to be led to think that these two types of Bahá’í activities are mutually exclusive in their nature, and as such cannot be exercised by one and the same person. As a matter of fact. the friends should be encouraged to serve in both the teaching and the administrative fields of Bahá’í service. But as there are always some who are more specially gifted along one of these two lines of activity it would seem more desirable that they should concentrate their efforts in acquiring the full training for that type of work for which they are best suited by nature. Such a specialization has the advantage of saving time, and of leading to greater efficiency, particularly at this early stage of our development. The great danger, however, lies in that by so doing the friends may tend to develop a sort of class consciousness which is fundamentally contrary to both the spirit and actual teaching’s of the Faith. It is precisely in order to overcome such a danger that the Guardian thinks it advisable that the friends should be encouraged to serve from time to time in both the teaching and the administrative spheres of Bahá’í work, but only whenever they feel fit to do so .” --- ## 742.
1935-07-31 re I Mary Magdalen {.center} Toward the end of March, the Rob­ert Speller Company, New York, will publish a novel written and illustrated by Juliet Thompson entitled “I, Mary Magdalen.” Permission has been given by Shoghi Effendi to report in Bahá’í News his reference to this book, writ­ten in letters addressed to Miss Thompson. “Now with regard to your book ... Shoghi Effendi is pleased indeed to learn of the possibilities of having this work published very soon. Its importance, as he has already assured you, as an indirect medium for the spread of the Teachings is very great and will surely be appreciated by the believers. It is hoped that with their whole-hearted support and cooperation this little volume will reach many cir­ cles and will serve to draw the atten­ tion of many distinguished and spirit­ ually-minded people towards the beau­ ty. power and effectiveness of the Message.”—July 31, 1935. --- ## 743.
1935-08-03 Rest assured and persevere {.center} Bahá’í Youth: A Compilation Prepared By: National Spiritual Assembly Of The Bahá’ís Of The United States (1973) “Rest assured, and persevere, however great the obstacles which you may have to face in the future or the disappointments which you must necessarily experience. Your work will assuredly triumph.”—Shoghi Effendi (Postscript to letter dated August 3, 1935, to the Youth Council of 1935, the Central States Summer School, Louhelen Ranch) --- ## 744.
1935-08-03 adoption of Esperanto by entire world is by no means inevitable {.center} The Principle Of An International Auxiliary Language Compiled by the Research Dept at the direction of the House of Justice, 1 Nov 79(?) As to your suggestion regarding a more widespread use of Esperanto among the Bahá’ís as a medium of correspondence, Shoghi Effendi, as you know, has been invariably encouraging the believers, both in the East and in the West, to make an intensive study of that language, and to consider it as an important medium for the spread of the Cause in international circles. He has been specially urging the friends to have the Cause well represented in all Esperanto Congresses and associations, and by this means cultivate greater friendship and co-operation between them and the Esperantists. But in this connection, he feels, he must make it clear that although the Cause views with much sympathy and appreciation the activities which the Esperantists are increasingly initiating for the spread of their language, yet it considers that the adoption of Esperanto by the entire world is by no means an inevitable fact. Neither Bahá’u’lláh, nor even ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, ever stated that Esperanto will be the international auxiliary language. The Master simply expressed the hope that it may, provided certain conditions were fulfilled, develop into such a medium. (3 August 1935 to an individual believer) [4] --- ## 745.
1935-08-03 more widespread use of Esperanto {.center} The Principle Of An International Auxiliary Language Compiled by the Research Dept at the direction of the House of Justice, 1 Nov 79(?) As to your suggestion regarding a more widespread use of Esperanto among the Bahá’ís as a medium of correspondence, Shoghi Effendi, as you know, has been invariably encouraging the believers, both in the East and in the West, to make an intensive study of that language, and to consider it as an important medium for the spread of the Cause in international circles. He has been specially urging the friends to have the Cause well represented in all Esperanto Congresses and associations, and by this means cultivate greater friendship and co-operation between them and the Esperantists. But in this connection, he feels, he must make it clear that although the Cause views with much sympathy and appreciation the activities which the Esperantists are increasingly initiating for the spread of their language, yet it considers that the adoption of Esperanto by the entire world is by no means an inevitable fact. Neither Bahá’u’lláh, nor even ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, ever stated that Esperanto will be the international auxiliary language. The Master simply expressed the hope that it may, provided certain conditions were fulfilled, develop into such a medium. (3 August 1935 to an individual believer) --- ## 746.
1935-08-03 response to completion of clerestory section {.center} 1935-08-03 response to completion of clerestory section {.ref .center} USBN #94 August 1935 p1 {.ref .center} “Gratefully rejoice closing glorious chapter marking termination first stage Formative Period of our Faith. Appeal entire community concentrate henceforth its attention (,and) resources (upon) activities (in the) teaching field, ensuring thereby (the) means essential for completion remaining units. Praying continually success.” — (signed) SHOGHI. {.sig} --- ## 747.
1935-08-11 Application of laws of the Aqdas {.center} 1935-08-11 Application of laws of the Aqdas {.ref .center} USBN #95 October 1935 p2 {.ref .center} In view of the importance of such a statement he feels it his duty to explain that the Laws revealed by Bahá’u’lláh in the Aqdas are, whenever practicable and not in direct conflict with the Civil Laws of the land, absolutely binding on every believer or Bahá’í institution whether in the East or in the West. Certain laws, such as fasting, obligatory prayers, the consent of the parents before marriage, avoidance of alcoholic drinks, monogamy, should be regarded by all believers as universally and vitally applicable at the present time. Others have been formulated in anticipation of a state of society destined to emerge from the chaotic conditions that prevail today. When the Aqdas is published this matter will be further explained and elucidated. What has not been formulated in the Aqdas, in addition to matters of detail and of secondary importance arising out of the application of the laws already formulated by Bahá’u’lláh, will have to be enacted by the Universal House of Justice. This body can supplement but never invalidate or modify in the least degree what has already been formulated by Bahá’u’lláh. Nor has the Guardian any right whatsoever to lessen the binding effect much less to abrogate the provisions of so fundamental and sacred a Book. Already in Egypt, Persia, India and ‘Iráq, Assemblies, both local and national, are availing themselves of the opportunity which the autonomy granted to Eastern religious communities in matters of personal status has offered them, to press for the recognition by the civil authorities of such Laws of the Aqdas which they conscientiously feel they must uphold and enforce. They have even, under certain circumstances, preferred to suspend their activities and dissolve their institutions rather than follow the dictates of those officials who have tried to induce them to violate what has been expressly ordained by the Author of their Faith. The Guardian will, when the Aqdas is published, elaborate this fundamental principle of our Faith. This brief reference. he feels. is adequate for any reference you wish to make regarding this matter in the News Letter.” _.\ugust 11. 1935. --- ## 748.
1935-08-11 Laws of Aqdas {.center} 1935-08-11 Laws of Aqdas {.ref .center} Bahá’í Procedure p2 (On behalf of Shoghi Effendi to the National Spiritual Assembly of the United States and Canada. Dated from LoG #1145) In view of the importance of such a statement he feels it his duty to explain that the Laws revealed by Bahá’u’lláh in the Aqdas are, whenever practicable and not in direct conflict with the Civil Laws of the land, absolutely binding On every believer or Bahá’í institution whether in the East or in the West. Certain laws, such as fasting, obligatory prayers, the consent of parents before marriage, avoidance of alcoholic drinks, monogamy, should be regarded by all believers as universally and vitally applicable at the present time. Others have been formulated in anticipation of a state of society destined to emerge from the chaotic conditions that prevail today. When the Aqdas is published this matter will be further explained and elucidated. What has not been formulated in the Aqdas, in addition to matters of detail and of secondary importance arising out of the application of the laws already formulated by Bahá’u’lláh, will have to be enacted by the Universal House of Justice. This body can supplement but never invalidate or modify in the least degree what has already been formulated by Bahá’u’lláh. Nor has the Guardian any right whatsoever to lessen the binding effect much less to abrogate the provisions of so fundamental and sacred a Book. Already in Egypt, Persia, India and ‘Iráq, Assemblies, both local and national, are availing themselves of the opportunity which the autonomy granted to Eastern religious communities in matters of personal status has offered them, to press for the recognition by the civil authorities of such Laws of the Aqdas which they conscientiously feel they must uphold and enforce. They have even, under certain circumstances, preferred to suspend their activities and dissolve their institutions rather than follow the dictates of those officials who have tried to induce them to violate what has been expressly ordained by the Author of their Faith. The Guardian will, when the Aqdas is published, elaborate this fundamental principle of our Faith. This brief reference, he feels, is adequate for any reference you wish to make regarding this matter in the New Letter. --- ## 749.
1935-09-01 meaning of the name Hidden Words” {.center} References of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá and Shoghi Effendi to the Hidden Words Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. Published in Bahá’í Studies Review 9 With regard to your question concerning the meaning of the name “Hidden Words”: It is, indeed, one of the most suggestive titles of the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh. These words are called “hidden” due to the fact that men have had neither the knowledge nor a true sense of appreciation of them before they were revealed by Bahá’u’lláh. It is through Him, Who is the sole Mouthpiece of God in this age, that spiritual realities and truths have been once more reinterpreted and revealed afresh to mankind. Bahá’u’lláh’s message is thus the only key to a true understanding of the mysteries that envelop man’s spiritual life. (From a letter dated 1 September 1935 written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer) --- ## 750.
1935-09-14 to Coswell re travel teaching activities {.center} Divine Springtime — Louise Coswell Recalls, p9-10 September 14, 1935 it was written: {.sig} “In closing may I assure you of the Guardian’s deep felt appreciation of your teaching activities in Spokane, Boise, and Vancouver, and of his prayers for the unhindered development and continued success of your work for the Cause.” (Slgned)H. Rabbání, 1935-09-14 to Coswell re travel teaching activities {.ref .center} --- ## 751.
1935-09-15 encouragement to Daisy Smythe {.center} “The Artist’s Daughter” , Nancy Douglas Bowditch, p230-1 28. From Shoghi Effendi (via H. Rabbání) to Daisy Smythe. Dated September 15th, 1935. Beloved Bahá’í Sister, The Guardian has just received your letter of August 19th, and has been much comforted and gratified to learn that your husband has been successfully operated, and that he is gradually recovering. Will you kindly extend to him his best wishes for his health which, he trusts, will be speedily and completely restored. I wish also to assure you of the Guardians best wishes and prayers for the removal of your material difficulties and obstacles. He sincerely hopes that, under the guidance of Bahá’u’lláh and through your patient, wise and sustained efforts, your material conditions will improve very soon, and will thus leave you free to devote more of your time and energy to the service of our beloved Cause. In closing please kindly extend Shoghi Effendi s hearty greetings to Miss Juliet Thompson and also to Mr. Romeyn Benjamin, both of whom he hopes are keeping well and are as ever active in their labors for the promotion of the Faith. Yours in His Service, H. Rabbání Postscript in Shoghi Effendi s handwriting Dear and valued co-worker: I wish to assure you again of my deep and abiding appreciation of your constant and manifold services to our beloved Cause. You have displayed such a remarkable spirit of faith, of devotion and loyalty to the Cause and its rising institutions, that future generations will ever remember it with pride and gratitude. Few, if any, have consecrated themselves so whole-heartedly and unreservedly to the interests of the Cause. The Beloved is well pleased, nay proud of the high standard you have already attained. I will pray that you may reach still greater heights of devotion and detachment in the days to come. Affectionately, Shoghi. --- ## 752.
1935-09-25 apprehensions concerning the coming war {.center} EXTRACTS PROM SHOGHI EFFENDI’S LETTERS TO RUTH J. MOFFETT AND ROBERT LEE MOFFETT September 25, 1955, Haifa, {.sig} “... .With regard to your apprehensions concerning the coming war, he thinks that although a great conflagration is inevitable and that it has been predicted, in emphatic terms, by both Bahá’u’lláh and the Master, yet there is at present no danger of an imminent upheaval. The friends, therefore, need not feel alarmed. They should rather concentrate heart and soul on their work, and confidently and patiently exert their efforts for the spread of the Teachings. The Guardian also feels that the precautionary measures suggested in your letter are, at present, unnecessary. The believers should be confident that no matter how devastating the next war may be, the world order of Bahá’u’lláh is destined to emerge out of it unscathed and triumphant. God is surely watching over His Cause, and will no doubt protect and guide His people and enable them to achieve their destiny.” Your true brother, {.sig} Shoghi. {.sig} --- ## 753.
1935-09-25 great conflagration is inevitable {.center} EXTRACTS PROM SHOGHI EFFENDI’S LETTERS TO RUTH J. MOFFETT AND ROBERT LEE MOFFETT September 25, 1955, Haifa, {.sig} “... .With regard to your apprehensions concerning the coming war, he thinks that although a great conflagration is inevitable and that it has been predicted, in emphatic terms, by both Bahá’u’lláh and the Master, yet there is at present no danger of an imminent upheaval. The friends, therefore, need not feel alarmed. They should rather concentrate heart and soul on their work, and confidently and patiently exert their efforts for the spread of the Teachings. The Guardian also feels that the precautionary measures suggested in your letter are, at present, unnecessary. The believers should be confident that no matter how devastating the next war may be, the world order of Bahá’u’lláh is destined to emerge out of it unscathed and triumphant. God is surely watching over His Cause, and will no doubt protect and guide His people and enable them to achieve their destiny.” Your true brother, {.sig} Shoghi. {.sig} --- ## 754.
1935-10-02 Closing of Tarbíyát Schools {.center} 1935-10-02 Closing of Tarbíyát Schools {.ref .center} USBN #97 January 1936 p1 {.ref .center} With regard to the closing of the Tarbíyát Schools: the school authorities have, in enforcing the observance of Bahá’í anniversaries, acted on the advice and direction of the Guardian. These Schools, being independent and official Bahá’í institutions, could not very well ignore, much less violate the express provisions and laws of the Aqdas. Had they any connection with government institutions, or had their ownership and control been shared by non-Bahá’ís, the situation would have been different. This distinction between institutions that are under full or partial Bahá’í control is of a fundamental importance. Institutions that are entirely managed by Bahá’ís are, for reasons that are only too obvious, under the obligation of enforcing all the laws and ordinances of the Faith, especially those whose observance constitutes a matter of conscience. There is no reason, no justification whatever, that they should act other-wise, and any restriction which the government may impose upon them in this connection would necessarily constitute a violation of the individual’s right to freedom in matters of religious belief. The situation is different when an institution is run partly by Bahá’ís, or is completely owned by the government. In this case the believers, while anxious to observe all prescribed Bahá’í Feasts and Anniversaries, should also take into consideration the rights and interests of their non-Bahá’í partners and associates, and not to force these to stop working when they are under no moral or religious obligation to do so. On the first of Riḍván the believers had for a number of years observed officially the festival by closing their schools on that day. No objection had bees raised by the authorities. The action was precipitated when the Assembly decided, as advised by the Guardian, to observe in the same manner the Anniversary of the Báb’s Martyrdom, the observance of which is, in addition to eight other holidays, explicitly enjoined by ‘Abdu’1-Bahá in one of His Tablets’ The point which should be always remembered is that the issue in question is essentially a matter of conscience, and as such is of a binding effect upon all believers. It has so been considered by the friends in Persia, not because of any specific instruction given to them by the Guardian, but solely in view of the fact that the celebration of the Anniversary of the Báb’s martyrdom has been explicitly enjoined by the Master.” —Shoghi Effendi. through his secretary, in letter to the N, S. A. dated Haifa. October 2, 1935. --- ## 755.
1935-10-02 books refing the Faith {.center} 1935-10-02 books refing the Faith {.ref .center} USBN #96 DEcember 1935 p1 {.ref .center} I wish also to express his thanks and appreciation for other enclosures and especially for the book ‘Modern Mystics’ by Sir Francis Younghusband, a copy of which you have been most kind in sending him. The author’s account of the early days of the Movement is very thrilling, indeed, and quite authoritative, being based on Nabíl’s Narrative. It is hoped that this work will have great influence in spreading the Message in many circles. and in this way will give wide and effective publicity to the Cause.” In this connection the Guardian wishes me to draw your attention to a recently published book on ‘Persia’ written by an English lady by the name of Merrit-Hawks, in which she makes a few, though very favorable and significant statements regarding the importance and position of the Cause in that country. The author, who has traveled extensively throughout the land, and has associated with many classes of the population, has been much impressed all through the journey by the comparatively high intellectual, moral and spiritual level which the Bahá’ís occupy among their fellow-countrymen. --- ## 756.
1935-10-14 to ind re birth control {.center} Bahá’í Studies Bulletin Vol I #4 March 1983 pp82 As to the problem of birth control, neither Bahá’u’lláh nor ‘Abdu’l-Bahá has revealed anything direct or explicit regarding this question. But the Bahá’í Teachings, when carefully studied imply that such current conceptions like birth control, if not necessarily wrong and immoral in principle, have nevertheless to be discarded as constituting a real danger to the very foundations of our social life. For Bahá’u’lláh explicitly reveals in His Book of Laws that the very purpose of marriage is the procreation of children who, when grown up, will be able to know God and to recognize and observe His Commandments and Laws as revealed through His Messengers. Marriage is thus, according to the Bahá’í Teachings, primarily a social and moral act. It has a purpose which transcends the immediate personal needs and interests of the parties. Birth control, except in certain exceptional cases, is therefore not permissible. On behalf of Shoghi Effendi, letter dated 10/14/35 to individual believer, 1935-10-14 to ind re birth control {.ref .center} --- ## 757.
1935-10-28 to May Maxwell re work in Germany {.center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani, p217-8 {.ref .center} Shoghi Effendi feels very much encouraged & gratified to realize that you are developing great interest in the Cause in Germany. Your visit to Esslingen, Stuttgart & various other Bahá’í centres seems to have left a strong impression upon you. Germany, indeed, stands to-day as the largest, most active & promising Bahá’í community in Europe. And the Guardian cherishes the highest hopes for its future, and feels convinced that, as clearly promised by the Master, it will gradually develop into one, if not the most, of the leading Bahá’í countries throughout the world. In view of that, he would certainly encourage you to study German & to get in touch with the German believers, so that you may get well prepared for teaching the Cause in Germany in the near future. He would even advise you to make that country the main field of your teaching work in Europe. For although general conditions in Germany are, at present, not very favourable to the expansion of the Movement, yet the future of the Cause there seems to be very bright, & rich in all sorts of possibilities. Now, the main task facing the German friends is the consolidation of the Administration. The era of intensive teaching has not yet dawned upon them. But once their communities are fully organized internally, it will then be easy for them to effectively teach the Cause to the outside public. Dear & valued co-worker: I have, in my recent cable addressed to your dear & distinguished mother, expressed my delight in learning of the progress you have made in learning German & of the efforts you are exerting to teach the Cause in Germany. I have also expressed my full approval of the inclination you feel to work for our beloved Faith in that land, & I cannot but feel that your collaboration with the German believers will reinforce the foundation of your future international services & will serve to ennoble the work you are destined to achieve in the days to come. I will be soon writing to your mother, & I trust that the cable, assuring her of my prayers for her brother’s family has reached her & relieved her anxieties. Shoghi {.sig} 1935-10-28 to May Maxwell re work in Germany {.ref .center} --- ## 758.
1935-11-03 to May Maxwell re health & report fm Germany {.center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani, p216 {.ref .center} Dear and distinguished co-worker, I grieve to learn of the state of your heart, & hasten to urge you to take the utmost care of your dear self, to avoid physical exertions, & to rest assured that the unfailing protection of an ever-watchful Master will ever surround you & shield you in your devoted inter-national labours for His Cause. The reports I received from Germany eloquently testify to the splendid impression which you, Mrs. Bolles & Mary have created in that land. This has impelled me to send you my latest cable. I am praying for the fulfilment of your dearest & highest hopes. Shoghi {.sig} 1935-11-03 to May Maxwell re health & report fm Germany {.ref .center} --- ## 759.
1935-11-05 your going to Esslingen {.center} Germany, France, Italy, and Switzerland Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. Published in Bahá’í Studies Review 4:1 The Guardian also hopes that your going to Esslingen will have the advantage of taking you out of the spiritual isolation in which you live for the most part of the year. It is your privilege to live near such a country as Germany where the believers surpass all their fellow-brethren throughout Europe not only in number, but in devotion, zeal and loyalty to the Cause. (5 November 1935) --- ## 760.
1935-11-12 on trans of Seven Valleys into German {.center} quoted in Hermann Grossman: Hand of the Cause of God, p43 Dear Dr. Grossmann, ... He wishes me to congratulate you most heartily for this great service you have been able to render the Cause, and which no doubt will serve to enrich the record of the manifold contributions you have, during the last few years, so brilliantly made towards the spread of the Faith throughout Germany. He is praying to Bahá’u’lláh that He may continue to guide and inspire you, and assist you in accomplishing still more outstanding works for the Cause in your country. The Guardian added in his own hand, Dear and valued co-worker: I am so eager to learn that your health is fully restored, for I believe your services are a most valuable asset to the Faith you serve in these troublous days. 1 welcome your efficient and un-relaxing co-operation, in spite of the obstacles which face you, in so many fields of Bahá’í activity. I am confident that as a result of your strenuous endeavours the administrative institutions in your land will be further consolidated and extended and the cause of teaching receive an added impulse. Your true brother, {.sig} Shoghi. {.sig} [12 Nov 1935 on learning Mr. Grossman had translated “Seven Valleys” into German] --- ## 761.
1935-11-14 To Leroy loas {.center} To Leroy loas, November 14, 1935, Bahá’í News, No. 102, August 1936, pp. 2-3 In connection with the problems facing the friends in their teaching work; these, the Guardian is well aware, are by no means easy to overcome, specially in view of the limited number and resources of the believers. But in the field of Bahá’í service, as the history of the Cause abundantly demonstrates, there is no obstacle that can be said to be unsurmountable. Every difficulty will, in due time, be solved. But continued and collective effort is also needed. The Bahá’í teacher should not get discouraged at the consciousness of the limitations within or without him. He should rather persevere, and be confident, that no matter how numerous and perplexing the difficulties that confront him may appear, he is continually assisted and guided through Divine Confirmations. He should consider himself as a mere instrument in the Hands of God, and should, therefore, cease looking at his own merits. The first and most important qualification of a Bahá’í Teacher is, indeed, unqualified loyalty and attachment to the Cause. Knowledge is, of course essential; but compared to devotion it is secondary in importance. “What the Cause now requires is not so much a group of highly cultured and intellectual people who can adequately present its Teachings, but a number of devoted, sincere and loyal supporters, who, in utter disregard of their own weaknesses and limitations, and with hearts afire with the love of God, forsake their all for the sake of spreading and establishing His Faith. In other words, what is mostly needed nowadays is a Bahá’í pioneer and not so much a Bahá’í philosopher or scholar. For the Cause is not a system of philosophy; it is essentially a way of life, a religious faith that seeks to unite all people on a common basis of mutual understanding and love, and in a common devotion to God. Bahá’í scholars and writers will, no doubt, gradually appear, and will as promised by Bahá’u’lláh lend a unique support to the Faith. But in the meantime, we should not tarry, or slacken in our efforts. “Concerning your question relative to the duration of the Bahá’í Dispensation. There is no contradiction between Bahá’u’lláh’s statement in the Íqán about the renewal of the City of God once every 1000 years, and that of the Guardian in the ‘Dispensation’ to the effect that the Bahá’í cycle will extend over a period of at least 500,000 years. The apparent contradiction is due to the confusion of the terms cycle and dispensation. For while the Dispensation of Bahá’u’lláh will last for at least one thousand years, His cycle will extend still further to at least 500,000.” The Bahá’í cycle is, indeed, incomparable in its greatness. It includes not only the Prophets that will appear after Bahá’u’lláh, but all those who have preceded Him ever since Adam. These should, indeed, be viewed as constituting but preliminary stages leading gradually to the appearance of this supreme Manifestation of God. After Bahá’u’lláh many Prophets will, no doubt, appear but they will be under His Shadow. Although they may abrogate the laws of this Dispensation in accordance with the needs and requirements of the age in which they appear, they nevertheless draw their spiritual force from this mighty Revelation. The Faith of Bahá’u’lláh constitutes, indeed, the stage of maturity in the development of mankind. His appearance has released such spiritual forces which will continue to animate, for many long years to come, the world in its development. Whatever progress may be achieved, in later ages, after the unification of the whole human race is achieved, will be but improvement in the machinery of the world. For the machinery itself has been already created by Bahá’u’lláh. The task of continually improving and perfecting this machinery is one which later Prophets will be called upon to achieve. They will thus move and work within the orbit of the Bahá’í Cycle. --- ## 762.
1935-11-15 passage Arabic No. 13 of the Arabic Hidden Words” {.center} References of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá and Shoghi Effendi to the Hidden Words Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. Published in Bahá’í Studies Review 9 As to the passage Arabic No. 13 of the Arabic “Hidden Words”: that which Bahá’u’lláh declares we can find abiding within us is the power of the Divine Spirit, the reflection of the light of His Revelation. This reflection of the Divine Spirit, however, can in no way be compared to the Revelation which God discloses to His Prophets and Messengers. The similarity in the terminology should not confuse this distinction, which is most fundamental. (From a letter dated 15 November 1935 written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to two believers) --- ## 763.
1935-11-15 references to Párán” and Zamán” {.center} References of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá and Shoghi Effendi to the Hidden Words Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. Published in Bahá’í Studies Review 9 The meaning of the references to “Párán” and “Zamán” in the passage no. 71 of the Persian “Hidden Words” has been explained by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá́.... (From a letter dated 15 November 1935 written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to two believers) --- ## 764.
1935-11-15 various to Moffett {.center} EXTRACTS PROM SHOGHI EFFENDI’S LETTERS TO RUTH J. MOFFETT AND ROBERT LEE MOFFETT November 15, 1935, Haifa. {.sig} “... Regarding the holding of a Bahá’í Forum with outside speakers speaking on Bahá’í subjects and a Bahá’í chairman, Shoghi Effendi approves of the idea, but leaves it entirely to the N.S.A. to decide whether the holding of such a meeting is suitable at present or not. With reference to your question regarding the qualifications of the members of the Spiritual Assembly: There is a distinction of fundamental importance which should be always remembered in this connection, and this is between the spiritual assembly as an institution and the persons who compose it. These are by no means supposed to be perfect, nor can they be considered as being inherently superior to the rest of their fellow-believers. It is precisely because they are subject to the same human limitations that characterize the other members of the community that they have to be selected each year. The existence of elections is a sufficient indication that assembly members, though forming part of an institution that is divine and perfect, are nevertheless themselves imperfect. But this does not necessarily imply that their judgment is imperfect or defective. For as ‘Abdu’l-Bahá has repeatedly emphasized, Bahá’í assemblies are under the guidance and protection of God. The elections, especially when annual, give the community a good opportunity to remedy any defect or imperfection from which the assembly may suffer as the result of the action of its members. Thus a safe method has been established whereby the quality of the membership in Bahá’í assemblies can be continually raised and improved. But, as already stated, the institution of the spiritual assemblies should under no circumstances be identified with or be estimated merely through, the personal qualifications of the members that compose it. The meaning of the references to “Paran” and “Zamán” in the passage No. 71 of the Persian Hidden Words has been explained by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, and you can find it in the appendix on page 60 of the old edition of Hidden Words, translated by Mdm. J. Stannard and published in Cairo in 1921. As to the passage No. 13 of the Arabic Hidden Words; that which Bahá’u’lláh declares we can find abiding within us is the power of the Divine Spirit, the reflection of the light of His Revelation. This reflection of the Divine Spirit, however, can in no way be compared to the Revelation which God discloses to His Prophets and Messengers. The similarity in the terminology should not confuse this distinction which is most fundamental. In connection with your teaching work; what the Guardian wishes you to particularly emphasize in all your talks is the supreme necessity for all individuals and nations in this day to adopt in its entirety the social program given by Bahá’u’lláh for the reconstruction of the religious, economic and political life of mankind. Ho wishes you to explain and analyze the elements that help in raising this Divine World Order in the light of the present-day events and conditions in the world. Special stress, he feels, should be laid on the impending necessity of establishing a Super-national and Sovereign World State,as the one described by Bahá’u’lláh, With the world becoming increasingly subject to tumults and convulsions never experienced before, the realisation of such a necessity is entering into the consciousness of not only the wise and learned but of the common people as well. The believers should, therefore, seize this opportunity to mako a supreme effort to present, in convincing and eloquent language, those social and humanitarian teachings of the Faith which we believe to constitute the sole panacea for the innumerable ills afflicting our present-day world. Concerning the essential qualifications of a Bahá’í teacher; these have been repeatedly stated by the Guardian in both his general and private communications to the friends. Besides many others, there are two most essential qualifications; first is unqualified devotion and loyalty to everything the Cause stands for; next is thorough knowledge and comprehension of the Teachings. In prayer the believers can turn their consciousness toward the Shrine of Bahá’u’lláh, provided that in so doing they have a clear and correct understanding of His Station as a Manifestation of God.” Your true brother, {.sig} Shoghi. {.sig} --- ## 765.
1935-11-17 to Eve Nicklin on her leaving the Methodist Church {.center} Eve Nicklin: She of the Brave Heart, Boris Handal, p37-8 Dear Bahá’í Friend, The Guardian has deeply enjoyed reading your letter of October sixth and feels greatly appreciative of your immediate whole-hearted response to his instructions regarding non-membership by the believers in religious organizations and groups other than those instituted by the Cause. He particularly values the self-sacrifices you have undergone for the sake of upholding this vital principle the importance of which will be increasingly unveiled to all the friends. He feels certain that Bahá’u’Iláh will fully repay you for all the material losses you have incurred as a result of your dissociation from the Methodist Episcopal Church. For you have, indeed, set a beautiful example of courage, loyalty and devotion which every sincere upholder of the Cause cannot fail to admire. It is hoped that through it those among the believers who are as yet not sufficiently convinced of the necessity of dissociating themselves from their churches will be so deeply distressed as to sever official connection with them, and thus become whole-hearted and unqualified in their allegiance and loyalty to the Cause of Bahá’u’Iláh. Assuring you again of Shoghi Effendi’s abiding appreciation of your services, and with his prayers and best wishes for you, and all the friends in your center, Yours in His Service, H. Rabbání With the renewed assurance of my loving prayers for your spiritual advancement and for the success of your self-sacrificing efforts in the service of our glorious Cause, Your true brother, {.sig} Shoghi {.sig} 1935-11-17 to Eve Nicklin on her leaving the Methodist Church {.ref .center} --- ## 766.
1935-11-24 Carmel Fund {.center} 1935-11-24 Carmel Fund {.ref .center} USBN #98 March 1936 p1 {.ref .center} “He very much appreciates, indeed, the spirit of self-sacrifice and devotion which the American believers have so remarkably displayed through their contributions to the Mt. Carmel fund. Their splendid efforts during the last few years, and especially in connection with the purchase of the property of the Dumits last year, have now resulted in the safeguarding of an extensive area of land around the Shrines. It is surely a great privilege for the American friends to have had such a preponderating share in securing for the Cause assets that are most valuable, nay, quite indispensable, to the future development and present consolidation of its manifold institutions at its world center.” (In the Guardian’s hand.) “Will you kindly assure the individual contributors to the sum which you have forwarded of my abiding and lively appreciation of their spontaneous and self-sacrificing assistance and efforts for the protection and promotion of the international interests of the Faith at its world center. I am fully aware of the self-abnegation which such contributions must have involved, and of the spirit of unstinted devotion which has invariably prompted them. I will pray that the Beloved may abundantly bless and reward them both in this world and in the next.” (signed) SHOCHI. {.sig} --- ## 767.
1935-11-xx decoration of dome unit finished {.center} 1935-11-xx decoration of dome unit finished {.ref .center} USBN #96 December 1935 p1 {.ref .center} “Dear and valued co-workers: Now that the decoration of the dome unit of our beloved Temple has been brought to a successful termination, an unprecedented effort, on the part of both individuals and Assemblies, is required in order to promote, nay to revitalize the teaching work in all its aspects and throughout the length and breadth of the American continent. A special responsibility is thus laid on the elected representatives of the American believers, whose immediate task is to devise such means as will enable every local community and group to play its part and further by every means in its power the campaign of teaching which is to signalize the opening of a new chapter in the history of the Faith in that land.” (signed) Shoghi. {.sig} --- ## 768.
1935-11-xx publishing ltrs from the Guardian {.center} 1935-11-xx publishing ltrs from the Guardian {.ref .center} USBN #96 December 1935 p1 {.ref .center} “With reference to the N. S. A.’s suggestion regarding the publication in BAha’i News of passages from the Guardian’s letters to individual believers, he wishes me to express his approval of the plan conceived by your Assembly in this matter.” (Note: This plan is that when the National Spiritual Assembly receives a copy of a letter from the Guardian to an individual believer containing statements of general bearing and importance, the Assembly will refer these statements back to the Guardian, and when approved by him will publish them in Bahá’í News. This plan was brought to the Guardian’s attention in the light of his instruction, published a year or two ago, that his letters to individuals were not to be extensively published). --- ## 769.
1935-12-08 To Edris Rice-Wray Carson {.center} To Edris Rice-Wray Carson, December 8, 1935. Bahá’í News, No. 102, August 1936, p3 “The problem with which you are faced is one which concerns and seriously puzzles many of our present-day youth. How to attain spirituality is indeed a question to which every young man and woman must sooner or later try to find a satisfactory answer. It is precisely because no such satisfactory answer has been given or found, that the modern youth finds itself bewildered, and is being consequently carried away by the materialistic forces that are so powerfully undermining the foundations of man’s moral and spiritual life. “Indeed the chief reason for the evils now rampant in society is the lack of spirituality. The materialistic civilization of our age has so much absorbed the energy and interest of mankind that people in general do no longer feel the necessity of raising themselves above the forces and conditions of their daily material existence. There is not sufficient demand for things that we call spiritual to differentiate them from the needs and requirements of our physical existence. “The universal crisis affecting mankind is, therefore, essentially spiritual in its causes. The spirit of the age, taken on the whole, is irreligious. Man’s outlook on life is too crude and materialistic to enable him to elevate himself into the higher realms of the spirit. “It is this condition, so sadly morbid, into which society has fallen, that religion seeks to improve and transform. For the core of religious faith is that mystic feeling which unites Man with God. This state of spiritual communion can be brought about and maintained by means of meditation and prayer. And this is the reason why Bahá’u’lláh has so much stressed the importance of worship. It is not sufficient for a believer merely to accept and observe the teachings. He should, in addition, cultivate the sense of spirituality which he can acquire chiefly by means of prayer. The Bahá’í Faith, like all other Divine Religions, is thus fundamentally mystic in character. Its chief goal is the development of the individual and society, through the acquisition of spiritual virtues and powers. It is the soul of man which has first to be fed. And this spiritual nourishment prayer can best provide. “Laws and institutions, as viewed by Bahá’u’lláh, can become really effective only when our inner spiritual life has been perfected and transformed. Otherwise religion will degenerate into a mere organization, and becomes a dead thing. The believers, particularly the young ones, should therefore fully realize the necessity of praying. For prayer is absolutely indispensable to their inner spiritual development, and this, as already stated, is the very foundation and purpose of the religion of God.” --- ## 770.
1935-12-18 on death of Howard Carpenter {.center} Cited in Youth in the Vanguard, Marion Yazdí, pp198-9, USBNC archives Not only the American friends, but also all the believers in the East who had the pleasure of knowing the doctor, mourn this heavy loss, and fully share your afflictions and sorrows. For they had found in him not only a valuable co-worker, but also a dear friend from whose association they could derive continued inspiration and encouragement. What, indeed, contributed most to endear him to the friends were the remarkable qualities of his heart. He was to them a living example of utter selflessness, devotion and love. He was so gentle, so kind, so lovable, that everyone who met him could not but feel deeply attracted to him. His attachment to the Cause was even more remarkable. His great, nay supreme consideration was to be of some service to the Faith, in whatever capacity, and no matter in which place or country. The friends in Persia can never forget the services he was able to render them during his stay in that land. Next to the late Mrs. Ransom-Kehler he may, indeed, be well considered as the foremost American believer who has, in the last few years, been assisted in rendering invaluable help to the Persian believers in their efforts for the establishment of the Administration in their country... . In his own handwriting Shoghi Effendi added: With a heart overflowing with love, tenderness, and sympathy I share your afflicting sorrows and am overwhelmed by the sense of loss and grief which earthly separation from so beloved a son must necessarily produce. To him I am attached by such ties that death can never sever. I had a profound admiration for the noble qualities which distinguished his Bahá’í life. I will pray for him with the utmost fervor. Feel not disconsolate, for the state in which he is now is such as none can describe. [to A. Elizabeth Carpenter] --- ## 771.
1935-12-26 various economic questions {.center} EXTRACTS PROM SHOGHI EFFENDI’S LETTERS TO RUTH J. MOFFETT AND ROBERT LEE MOFFETT December 26, 1935, Haifa {.sig} ... Questions Nos. 1, 3 and 5 contain a number of points to which there is no reference in the writings of Bahá’u’lláh or the Master. There are practically no technical teachings on economics in the Cause, such as banking, the price system, and others. The Cause is not an economic system, nor should its founders be considered as having been technical economists. The contribution of the Faith to this subject is essentially indirect, as it consists in the application of spiritual principles to our present-day economic system. Bahá’u’lláh has given us a few basic principles which should guide future Bahá’í economists in establishing such institutions which will adjust the economic relationships of the world, Question 2. The Master has definitely stated that wages should be unequal, simply “because that men are unequal in their ability and hence should receive wages that would correspond to their varying capacities and resources. This view seems to contradict the opinion of some modern economists. But the friends should have full confidence in the words of the Master, and should give preference to His statements over those voiced by our so-called modern thinkers. Question 5. “Profit sharing” should be used, rather than “income sharing”, as the former is the term actually in the Bahá’í Writings. Question 6. Whatever the progress of the machinery may be, man will always have to toil in order to earn his living. Effort is an inseparable part of man’s life. It may take different forms with the changing conditions of the world, but it will always be present as a necessary element in our earthly existence. Life is, after all, a struggle Progress is attained through struggle, and without such a struggle, life ceases to have a meaning; it becomes even extinct. The progress of machinery has not made effort unnecessary. It has given it a new form, a new outlet. Question 7. By the statement, “The economic solution is divine in nature” is meant that religion alone can, in the last resort, bring in man’s nature such a fundamental change as to enable him to adjust the economic forces that threaten to disrupt the foundations of his existence, and thus assert his mastery over the forms of nature Question 8. As already referred to in answer to Question 2, social inequality is the inevitable outcome of the natural inequality of man. Human beings are different in ability and should, therefore, be different in their social and economic standing. Extremes of wealth and poverty should, however, be totally abolished. Your true brother, {.sig} Shoghi. {.sig} --- ## 772.
1935-12-31 concerning contributions to Temple fund {.center} USBN #249 November 1951 p3 {.ref .center} With regard to your question concerning contributions to the Temple fund: the friends should certainly be encouraged and even urged to support financially this, as well as other national institutions of the Cause. But they should, under no circumstances, be required to do so. As to the idea of “giving what one can afford”: this does by no means put a limit or even exclude the possibility of self-sacrifice. There can be no limit to one’s contributions to the national fund. The more one can give the better it is, especially when such offerings necessitate the sacrifice of other wants and desires on the part of the donor. The harder the sacrifice the more meritorious will it be, of course, in the sight of God. For after all it is not so much the quantity of one’s offerings that matters, but rather the measure of deprivation that such offerings entail. It is the spirit, not the mere fact of contributing, that we should always take into account when we stress the necessity for a universal and whole-hearted support of the various funds of the Cause. on behalf of Shoghi Effendi, 31 December 1935 to Mrs. Ethel Furbush --- ## 773.
1935-xx-xx o Keith-Roach District Commissioner re best wishes and invite to tea {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p278 {.ref .center} Many thanks for your letter... I am so glad to hear your health is improving, and I trust you will on your return be able to have tea with me in the newly-extended gardens surrounding the Resting-Place. 1935-xx-xx o Keith-Roach, District Commissioner re best wishes and invite to tea {.ref .center} --- ## 774.
1936-01-04 difficulties that stand in the way of cooperation {.center} Bahá’í Youth: A Compilation Prepared By: National Spiritual Assembly Of The Bahá’ís Of The United States (1973) “... the Guardian fully realizes the difficulties that stand in the way of cooperation between the young and old believers. This is a problem that confronts the Cause almost everywhere, specially in those communities where the number of young and old Bahá’ís is nearly the same. The solution, as in all such cases, is to be found through intelligent and mutual compromise. The old believers have to give up something of their old conceptions and ways of working in order to better adapt themselves to the changing social conditions and circumstances. The young too must learn to act with wisdom, tact and moderation, and to take advantage and benefit from the age-long experiences of their older fellow-believers. The old and the young have each something specific to contribute to the progress and welfare of the Bahá’í community. The energy of youth should be tempered and guided by the wisdom of old age.” (From letter dated January 4, 1936, written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer) --- ## 775.
1936-01-10 Statement on war {.center} 1936-01-10 Statement on war {.ref .center} USBN #98 March 1936 p4 {.ref .center} “‘The Guardian has carefully read the N. S. A.’s statement on the Bahá’í attitude toward war, and approves of its circulation among the believers.” — --- ## 776.
1936-01-10 instructions that accompany prayers {.center} Notes On Obligatory Prayers And Ablutions compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice in a letter to an individual fm the House of Justice 15 April 1987 As Appeared In Bahá’í Studies Bulletin Vol. 4:3-4 2 January 1991 The instructions that accompany these prayers, such as the washing of hands and face, of bowing down and of raising one’s hands, have been definitely ordained by Bahá’u’lláh, and as such should be entirely and confidently carried out by the believers, and particularly by the Bahá’í youth on whose shoulders has been laid the chief responsibility of vindicating the truth, and preserving the integrity of the laws and ordinances of the Faith. The daily obligatory prayers are three in number. The shortest one consists of a single verse which has to be recited once every twenty-four hours and at mid-day. The medium which begins with the words “The Lord is witness that there is none other God but He” has to be recited three times a day, in the morning, at noon and in the evening. This prayer is accompanied by certain physical acts and gestures. The long prayer, which is the most elaborate of the three, has to be recited only once in every twenty-four hours, and at any time one feels inclined to do so. The believer is entirely free to choose any one of these three prayers, but is under the obligation of reciting either one of them, and in accordance with any specific directions with which they may be accompanied. (To a National Spiritual Assembly on behalf of Shoghi Effendi, dated 10 January 1936) --- ## 777.
1936-01-10 obligatory prayers and fasting {.center} 1936-01-10 obligatory prayers and fasting {.ref .center} USBN #98 March 1936 p1 {.ref .center} As regards fasting, it constitutes, together with the obligatory prayers, the two pillars that sustain the revealed Law of God. They act as stimulants to the soul, strengthen, revive and purify it, and thus insure its steady development. The ordinance of fasting is, as is the case with these three prayers, a spiritual and vital obligation enjoined by Bahá’u’lláh upon every believer who has attained the age of fifteen. In the Aqdas He thus writes: “We have commanded you to pray and fast from the beginning of maturity; this is ordained by God, your Lord and the Lord of your forefathers. He has exempted from this those who are weak from illness or age, as a bounty from His Presence, and He is the Forgiving, the Generous.” And in another passage He says: “We have enjoined upon you fasting during a brief period, and at its close have designated for you Naw-Rúz as a feast... . The traveler, the ailing, those who are with child or giving suck, are not bound by the fast ... . abstain from food and drink, from sunrise to sundown, and beware lest desire deprive you of this grace that is appointed in the Book.” Also in the “Questions and Answers” that form an appendix to the Aqdas, Bahá’u’lláh reveals the following: “Verily, I say that God has appointed a great station for fasting and prayer. But during good health its benefit is evident, and when one is ill, it is not to fulfill them.” Concerning the age of maturity, He reveals in the appendix of that same book: “The age of maturity is in the fifteenth year; women and men are alike in this respect.” Regarding the vital character and importance of the Divine ordinances and laws, and the necessity of complete obedience to them by the believers, we thus read in the Gleanings, p. 175: “ Know verily that the essence of justice and the source thereof are both embodied in the ordinances prescribed by Him Who is the Manifestation of the Self of God amongst men, if ye be of them that recognize this truth. He doth verily incarnate the highest, the infallible standard of justice unto all creation. Were His law to be such as to strike terror into the hearts of all that are in heaven and on earth, that law is naught but manifest justice. The fears and agitation which the revelation of this law provokes in men’s hearts should indeed be likened to the cries of the suckling babe weaned from his mother’s milk, if ye be of them that perceive….” The fasting period, which lasts nineteen days, starting as a rule from the second of March every year and ending on the twentieth of the same month, involves complete abstention from food and drink from sunrise till sunset. It is essentially a period of meditation and prayer, of spiritual recuperation, during which the believer must strive to make the necessary readjustments in his inner life, and to refresh and reinvigorate the spiritual forces latent in his soul. Its significance and purposes are, therefore, fundamentally spiritual in character. Fasting is symbolic, and a reminder of abstinence from selfish and carnal desires. ========= {.noid} Shoghi Effendi, through his secretary dated from --- ## 778.
1936-01-10 obligatory prayers {.center} USBN #108 June 1937, p1 {.ref .center} “The daily obligatory prayers are three in number. The shortest one consists of a single verse which has to be recited once in every twenty-four hours and at midday. The medium (prayer) which begins with the words: ‘The Lord is witness that there is none other God but He,’ has to be recited three times a day, in the morning, at noon and in the evening. The long prayer which is the most elaborate of the three has to be recited once in every twenty-four hours, and at any time one feels inclined to do so. “The believer is entirely free to choose any one of those three prayers but is under the obligation of reciting one of them, and in accordance with any specific directions with which they may be accompanied. “These daily obligatory prayers, together with a few other specific ones, such as the Healing Prayer, the Tablet of Aḥmad, have been invested by Bahá’u’lláh with a special potency and significance, and should therefore be accepted as such and be recited by the believers with unquestioned faith and confidence, that through them they may enter into a much closer communion with God, and identify themselves more fully with His Laws and precepts.” [To USNSA] --- ## 779.
1936-01-10 re Obligatory Prayers {.center} 1936-01-10 re Obligatory Prayers {.ref .center} The instructions that accompany these prayers, such as the washing of hands and face, of bowing down and of raising one’s hands, have been definitely ordained by Bahá’u’lláh, and as such should be entirely and confidently carried out by the believers, and particularly by the Bahá’í youth on whose shoulders has been laid the chief responsibility of vindicating the truth, and preserving the integrity of the laws and ordinances of the Faith. The daily obligatory prayers are three in number. The shortest one consists of a single verse which has to be recited once in every twenty-four hours and at midday. The medium (prayer) which begins with the words: “The Lord is witness that there is none other God but He”, has to be recited three times a day, in the morning, at noon and in the evening. The long prayer which is the most elaborate of the three has to be recited once in every twenty-four hours, and at any time one feels inclined to do so. The believer is entirely free to choose any one of those three prayers, but is under the obligation of reciting either one of them, and in accordance with any specific directions with which they may be accompanied. These daily obligatory prayers, together with a few other specific ones, such as the Healing Prayer, the Tablet of Aḥmad, have been invested by Bahá’u’lláh with a special potency and significance, and should therefore be accepted as such and be recited by the believers with unquestioned faith and confidence, that through them they may enter into a much closer communion with God, and identify themselves more fully with His laws and precepts. ========= {.noid} Compiled and dated from Bahá’í Procedure (1937), sheet 1 & 2 1987-04-15 obligatory prayers & ablutions {.ref .center} --- ## 780.
1936-01-10 regarding funeral service {.center} 1936-01-10 regarding funeral service {.ref .center} USBN #98 March 1936 p8 {.ref .center} Regarding the Bahá’í funeral service: it is extremely simple, as it consists only of a congregational prayer to be read before burial. This prayer will be made available to the friends when the Aqdas is translated and published. In the meantime your N. S. A. should take great care lest any uniform procedure or ritual in this matter be adopted or imposed upon the friends. The danger in this, as in some other cases regarding Bahá’í worship, is that a definite system of rigid rituals and practices be developed among the believers. The utmost simplicity and flexibility should be observed, and a selection from the Bahá’í Sacred Writing would serve the purpose at the present time, provided this selection is not rigidly and uniformly adopted on all such occasions. --- ## 781.
1936-01-21 to May Maxwell re teaching in France & invite on pilgrimage {.center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani, p252 {.ref .center} He is so pleased to learn that you are keeping well, and that your trip to Paris has proved to be highly beneficial to your health, & that you have been accorded such a warm welcome by the friends. He sincerely hopes that your stay with them will have imparted to their hearts a fresh incentive to work for the firmer consolidation of the Cause in that centre. He also trusts that your journey to Lyon will be quite successful, & that the small group of new believers there will receive through your visit a new vision & inspiration. That group is very promising, indeed, but a competent teacher is needed to better ground them in the Cause, & particularly in the Administration. Dearly-beloved co-worker: I wish to assure you in person of a most hearty welcome. Your distinguished services, so loyally, courageously & devotedly rendered, in both the European & American continents, fully entitle you to visit the Holy Shrines & to draw fresh inspiration from the Source of His inexhaustible grace. I am profoundly thankful for what you, Mary & Mrs. Bolles have achieved, & for the spirit which animates you in His service. The Beloved is well-pleased with the many evidences of your exemplary devotion to His Cause & of perseverance in the path of service. Affectionately Shoghi {.sig} 1936-01-21 to May Maxwell re teaching in France & invite on pilgrimage {.ref .center} --- ## 782.
1936-01-30 approval of plans of Rúḥáni family to leave Nayríz {.center} 1936-01-30 approval of plans of Rúḥáni family to leave Nayríz {.ref .center} Against Incredible Odds, pp76-8 Nayríz, Jináb-i Áqá Mírzá Muḥammad-Shaff Rúḥáni, the pilgrim from Nayríz, upon him be the glory of God, the Most Glorious. The letter of that spiritual friend dated 5 Shahru’l-Masail 92 was presented to His Highness, the Guardian of the Cause of God, and its contents attained his blessed glance. The sincerity and luminosity of that spiritual friend made him happy and caused him to express his loving kindness and compassion. Your high praise of the sincerity, steadfastness, firmness and obedience of the Nayrízi friends in carrying out divine teachings and his own instructions, their frankness in fearlessly stating the truth, their valiance, as well as the integrity of those chargers in the field of understanding and certitude, particularly the Bahá’í youth, and most specially the actions of the Local Spiritual Assembly which have been the source of the glory of the Cause of God and exaltation of His Word, all of these have been hailed by the tongue of grandeur. The Bahá’ís of Nayríz, ever since the rising of the Luminary of the world, have been self-sacrificing and self-effacing in the path of God, and are remembered for their valiance, bravery and high — mindedness. The activities of those ardent lovers are resplendent and brilliant like the morning star. Praised be God! The spirit of His love still throbs in the veins and arteries of those believers standing firm in the Covenant and the glad-tidings of the Abhá Kingdom and outpourings of the Concourse on high keep them fresh, joyous and blithe. The purpose is that Shoghi Effendi has not forgotten and will never forget the friends of that land. His loving glance and tender affections have been and will always be directed towards those true and faithful believers. At every moment he beseeches from the Kingdom of Splendours confirmations and success on their behalf. That spiritual friend has likewise been the recipient of his loving — kindness and favour. He was saddened by the news of the passing of your beloved young son, Mírzá ‘Abdu’l-Ḥusayn. He expresses his condolences and sympathy to the survivors of the one who has soared to the Friend of the Most High. He will implore in the sacred Shrines pardon, forgiveness and an exalted station for him. He acknowledges the contributions made towards the purchase of lands surrounding the Shrine of the Báb in your name and in the names of Amatu’lláh Túbá _Khánum Rúḥáni and your mother Nuríján _Khánum Rúḥáni which have been received in the holy presence and accepted. He has issued separate receipts in the name of each individual. You have requested permission to come on pilgrimage. He grants you permission. Your intention to leave Nayríz and settle elsewhere for the purpose of providing for the education and training of your children has met with his approval. Those mentioned [in your letter], your children Jináb-i Áqá Mírzá Masih and the handmaids of the Merciful Shamsud-Duhá, Nayyirih _Khánum, Pourándukht Rúḥáni, your brothers Jináb-i Áqá Mírzá Khalil Jináb-i Áqá Mírzá ‘Alí-Akbar and Jináb-i Áqá Mírzá Jalál Rúḥáni, also your father-in-law Ḥájí Mírzá Aḥmad Vahídí and brother-in-law Jináb-i Áqá Mírzá ‘Abdu’l-Ḥusayn Vahídí and Amatu’lláh Fáṭimih _Khánum ‘Irfán, upon them, men and women alike, be Bahá’u’lláhu’l-Abhá, have been mentioned by the tongue of grandeur. From the court of the Most Glorious Lord he beseeches confirmations, success, bounty and favour on behalf of those spiritual friends. Convey his loving greetings to all. Written in accordance with the instructions of his blessed person. Núrud-Dín Zayn 13 Shahrus-Sulṭán 92 — 30 January 1936 Postscript in the handwriting of Shoghi Effendi: It was perused. Signed: The Servant of His Threshold, Shoghi. ========= {.noid} Things were difficult for the Rúḥáni family in Nayríz, but due to their position in the community and the difficulty of moving, they lacked the confidence to make such a transition. Shoghi Effendis message gave them the courage and assurance they needed to move ahead with the plans they had in mind. --- ## 783.
1936-02-18 to Marie expressing appreciation for her work {.center} Her Eternal Crown: Queen Marie of Romania and the Bahá’í Faith, Della L Marcus, pp263-4 {.ref .center} Haifa, Palestine {.sig} 18 February 1936 Her Majesty Queen Marie of Romania Bucharest Your Majesty, Miss Root has transmitted to me the original copy of the appreciation penned by Your Majesty for the forthcoming issue of ‘The Bahá’í World’. I am deeply touched, and feel truly grateful for this further evidence of Your Majesty’s sustained interest in and admiration for the Bahá’í Teachings. Bahá’í Communities the world over will ever recall, with feelings of pride and gratitude, these beautiful, impressive and historic testimonies from the pen of Your Majesty — testimonies that will no doubt greatly inspire and hearten them in their continued labours for the spread of the Cause of Bahá’u’lláh. I am so pleased and encouraged to learn that Your Majesty has derived much benefit from the reading of the ‘Gleanings’, and I feel that my efforts in translating these extracts have been fully rewarded. I am presenting to Your Majesty through the kindness of Mrs McNeill the latest photograph recently received from America showing the progress in the construction of the Bahá’í House of Worship in Wilmette. May the Spirit of Bahá’u’lláh ever bless and sustain Your Majesty in the noble support you are extending to His Cause. {.sig} With deepest affection and gratitude, Shoghi {.sig} 1936-02-18 to Marie expressing appreciation for her work {.ref .center} --- ## 784.
1936-02-20 to Martha re contacts with Marie & involvement of Lilian McNeil {.center} Her Eternal Crown: Queen Marie of Romania and the Bahá’í Faith, Della L Marcus, pp264 {.ref .center} He wishes me specially to express his profound gratification at the success of your last audience with Queen Marie of Romania, and for having obtained such a remarkable appreciation from her for the next issue of ‘The Bahá’í World’. It is highly encouraging indeed to witness how genuine and alive is her interest in the Message. We all, and particularly Shoghi Effendi, feel very proud of you for this historic service you have rendered the Cause of Bahá’u’lláh ... I am delighted and most grateful for your recent magnificent achievements. I have sent a letter of appreciation to the Queen through Mrs McNeill and presented her with a most beautiful photograph of the Temple. I am mailing to you a few copies for your own use. Please convey to the Queen, to Princess Olga and to Princess Ileana, whenever you mee t them, the expression of my best wishes and appreciation of their interest in the Cause of Bahá’u’lláh. 1936-02-20 to Martha re contacts w/ Marie & involvement of Lilian McNeil {.ref .center} --- ## 785.
1936-02-xx To Paul Peroff Berlin {.center} [Found in a notebook that had belonged to Amelia Bowman] Scientists hold the belief that God is the first principle or ultimate cause. We agree with the scientists but go onestep further and believe in a personal God who is conscious of His own creation. Man has self-consciousness so how can we surmise otherwise. Surely the Creator of man must be conscious as man himself, which science denies. In this dispensation we believe in a conception of God as the Unifier of all nations, not only as the Father but as the organizer, Unifier, Director, and Governor ... . . [letter to Paul Peroff, Berlin, Feb 1936] --- ## 786.
1936-03-21 to Martha re Naw-Rúz greetings & sympathy for Queen Marie {.center} Her Eternal Crown: Queen Marie of Romania and the Bahá’í Faith, Della L Marcus, pp268 {.ref .center} MARTHA ROOT CARE AMERICAN CONSUL VIENNA KINDLY ASSURE BELOVED QUEEN DEEPEST SYMPATHY. CONVEY FRIENDS NAW-RUZ GREETINGS ASSURE THEM LOVING REMEMBRANCE SHRINES. 1936-03-21 to Martha re Naw-Rúz greetings & sympathy for Queen Marie {.ref .center} The sympathy was for the death of the Queen’s sister. --- ## 787.
1936-04-11 to Martha re copies of BW to Marie and Ileana {.center} Her Eternal Crown: Queen Marie of Romania and the Bahá’í Faith, Della L Marcus, pp268 {.ref .center} The Guardian also wishes me to inform you that he has presented Queen Marie with a copy of volume five of ‘The Bahá’í World’ which he has specially inscribed. The book was sent her through the courtesy of Mrs McNeill. Also the Guardian sent directly to Princess Ileana’s address a copy of this last issue of the Biennial which he also inscribed. 1936-04-11 to Martha re copies of BW to Marie and Ileana {.ref .center} --- ## 788.
1936-04-17 Concerning study of Esperanto {.center} The Principle Of An International Auxiliary Language Compiled by the Research Dept at the direction of the House of Justice, 1 Nov 79(?) Concerning your study of Esperanto: the Guardian does not feel it advisable that you get too busy introducing any changes in that language, as this is not only a type of activity for which you are not qualified, but is also void of any use or advantage as far as your Bahá’í work is concerned, in view of the fact that it is by no means certain that Esperanto will necessarily develop into the world auxiliary language referred to by Bahá’u’lláh in His writings. (17 April 1936 to an individual believer) --- ## 789.
1936-04-26 to Corinne True gratitutde for services {.center} Corinne True: Faithful Handmaid of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Nathan Rutstein, p200 Dear and prized co-worker: My heart is filled with gratitude for the fresh evidences of untiring activity, of exemplary loyalty, of steadfastness and devotion that you have so powerfully manifested in recent months. You are truly a tower of strength in these days of stress and trial, worthy of the unquestioning confidence reposed in you by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. Persevere in your meritorious work, and rest assured that my prayers will continue to be offered for you and for your dear daughters. [to Corrine True, 26 April 1936.] --- ## 790.
1936-05-01 To Mary Maxwell re suitable literature for Cause {.center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani, p220 {.ref .center} But, as you rightly state, there is great need for suitable literature on the Cause that would appeal to the great public outside, & particularly to the modern youth. In this connection the Guardian feels he must express his deep gratification & also his grateful thanks & appreciation to you for your efforts for the preparation of an introductory book on the Cause in German ... Dear & valued co-worker: I am delighted with your accomplishments. My heart is filled with hope & gratitude. I have sent you a cable of appreciation which I trust you have received. Your recent services will never be forgotten. Rest assured & be happy. Your true brother, {.sig} Shoghi {.sig} 1936-05-01 To Mary Maxwell re suitable literature for Cause {.ref .center} --- ## 791.
1936-05-11 resurrection of Christ {.center} EXTRACTS PROM SHOGHI EFFENDI’S LETTERS TO RUTH J. MOFFETT AND ROBERT LEE MOFFETT May 11, 1936, Haifa. {.sig} “... Regarding the resurrection of Christ, what ‘Abdu’l-Bahá has written on that subject in the book, “Some Answered Questions”, is quite lucid and wholly authoritative. It is evident from what the Master says, that the resurrection of Christ could not have been a bodily resurrection, but has a deeper spiritual significance. It has a wonderful symbolism, meaning the deliverance of the spirit of Christ and His Cause from the persecutions of His enemies and all other earthly limitations. There is nothing more explicit, emphatic and convincing that the Guardian can add to the authoritative and clear explanation Of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá as recorded in ‘Some Answered Questions’.” Your true brother, {.sig} Shoghi. --- ## 792.
1936-05-29 to May Maxwell re postpone pilgrimage and Europe teaching {.center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani, p255-6 {.ref .center} Shoghi Effendi has asked me to thank you for your very kind & assuring message of the 22nd ins. just received. He is indeed glad to realize the wonderful work which you & Miss Maxwell are accomplishing for the Faith in Europe. Mrs. Bolles and her daughter have given him most encouraging reports about your activities & he sincerely hopes that as a result of all these strenuous efforts you have exerted during these months the Cause in Germany, & particularly in France, will make a fresh start. The inspiration which your visit brought to the friends in these countries will no doubt stimulate them to greater & more united effort, & enable them to accomplish more for our beloved Faith. Regarding your visit to the Holy Land; Shoghi Effendi would have very much liked to have you, & also Mr. Maxwell & Mary, come to Haifa & meet you all before his departure. But as summer is drawing near, & he feels so tired, & almost exhausted, after seven months of uninterrupted & strenuous work, he thinks it necessary to leave for his summer rest, & not to delay his going any longer. In the meantime he would advise you to stay in Europe & continue your teaching work together with Mary. He thinks it would be better for her to be with you, preferably in Germany where you can be of immense service to the Cause. He hopes that Mr. Maxwell will join you later on, & that you all three will lend all the help you can to the extension of teaching work not only in Germany but also in Central Europe. The Guardian thinks that the best time for you to undertake the pilgrimage & visit Haifa would be next fall. He hopes that you will arrange your program in such a way as to no longer delay your long-cherished pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Dearest co-worker: Were it not for the fact that I feel tired & exhausted, as a result of my exceptionally heavy responsibilities, cares and preoccupations in recent months, I would have gladly postponed my departure in order to welcome you & Mary. I am in urgent need of absolute rest, & I am looking forward to the time I can extend to you a hearty welcome in recognition of your many & notable services. I certainly advise you to be with Mary during the summer months & not to separate yourself from her under any circumstances. Affectionately Shoghi {.sig} 1936-05-29 to May Maxwell re postpone pilgrimage and Europe teaching {.ref .center} --- ## 793.
1936-05-30 disputes btwn believers {.center} USBN #102 Aug 1936 p2 {.ref .center} “The Guardian wishes to emphasize the importance of avoiding reference to civil courts of cases of dispute between believers, even in non-Bahá’í issues. It is the Assembly’s function to endeavor to settle amicably such disputes, both in order to safeguard the fair name and prestige of the Cause, and to acquire the necessary experience for the extension of its functions in the future” — To USNSA May 30, 1936. --- ## 794.
1936-05-30 various {.center} USBN #108 June 1937, p9-10 {.ref .center} From a letter dated May 30, 1936, the following passages are quoted: “The Guardian hopes that as new centers are established in Central and South America, the Message of Bahá’u’lláh to the Presidents of the American Republics may be transmitted to them directly by believers already residing in their respective countries.” “The Guardian does not advise your Assembly to sell the Malden property, as the Master has definitely stated in the Tablet which you have quoted, to ‘take care of that house because the light of the love of God, was lighted in it,’ By renting the house, the N. S. A. can for the present avoid the expenses entailed by its repairs and upkeep,” “The set of administrative principles Bahá’í communities already possess, together with the text of By-Laws are sufficiently elaborate, at the present stage of the evolution of the Cause, and should not be over-developed by a mass of specific statements related to secondary and exceptional cases.” “Regarding persons whose condition (i. e., mental condition) has not been defined by the civil authorities after medical diagnosis, the Assembly on the spot must investigate every case that arises and, after consultation with experts. deliver its verdict. Such a verdict, however, should, in important cases, be preceded by consultation with the N. S. A. No doubt, the power of prayer is very great, yet consultation, with experts is enjoined by Bahá’u’lláh. Should these experts believe that an abnormal case exists, the withholding of voting rights is justified.” And this postscript, in the Guardian’s hand: — “I fervently hope and pray that the year into which we have just entered may be signalized by fresh conquests and unprecedented triumphs in the teaching field within the United States and beyond its confines. A systematic, carefully conceived, and well-established plan should be devised, vigorously pursued and continuously extended. Initiated by the national representatives of the American believers, the vanguard and standard-bearers of the valiant army of Bahá’u’lláh, this plan should receive the whole-hearted, the sustained and ever-increasing support, both moral and financial, of the entire body of His followers in that continent. Its supreme immediate objective should be the permanent establishment of at least one center in every State of the American Republic and in every Republic of the American continent not yet enlisted under the banner of His Faith. Its ramifications should gradually be extended to the European continent, and its scope should be made to include those countries, such as the Baltic States, Poland, Greece, Spain and Portugal, where no avowed believer has established definite residence. The field is immense, the task gigantic, the privilege immeasurably precious. Time is short, and the obligation sacred, paramount and urgent. The American community must muster all its force, concentrate its resources, summon to its aid all the faith, the determination and energies of which it is capable, and set out, single-minded and undaunted, to attain still greater heights in its mighty exertions for the Cause of Bahá’u’lláh.” --- ## 795.
1936-06-26 to Alfred Lunt {.center} USBN #105 February 1937, p1-2 {.ref .center} To Mr. Alfred E. Lunt, June 26, 1936: “The Convention’s unanimous and eager response to the Guardian’s call to intense teaching activity is highly encouraging, and constitutes another source of deep satisfaction to his heart. He is now awaiting to see what steps the N. S. A. will devise to carry out. vigorously and systematically, this new teaching campaign, and what cooperation it will receive from individual believers, groups and Assemblies in the fulfilment of its plans. “As the Guardian’s telegram clearly reveals, this teaching plan has two chief objectives: first, to establish a center in every State within the U. S. A. and then in every State throughout the American continent. “What the Guardian would strongly advise is, first, to concentrate, heart and soul, on the first part of this teaching program, namely, to have at least one center established in those States of the American Republic where there are as yet no believers. This task can best be accomplished by means of settlement in these States by at least one believer. Intensive teaching work, that is to say, concentration on a few spiritually minded and receptive people. is also a method of teaching which the Guardian would specially recommend to those who wish to fix their residence in such States. “Regarding your question as to the meaning of Jin or Genii referred to in the Qur’án, these are not beings or creatures that are actually living, but are symbolic references to the power of men of evil and may be likened to evil spirits. But the point to bear in mind is that these have no positive existence of any kind.” --- ## 796.
1936-06-29 to May Maxwell re focus efforts on Lyon vs Paris {.center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani, p275-7 {.ref .center} Dearest Mother, I am writing you on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of May 30th and to express how deeply satisfied he was to hear that you are feeling well and had such a good and restful crossing ... If you can, and your health permits, concentrate as much as possible on your work in Lyon, which Shoghi Effendi feels more important than Paris, and make a special effort, if possible, to have a local assembly established. Also to keep in close touch with them after you leave, through your correspondence. He also reminds you to not neglect your history of the Cause in France! And when completed to send him a copy for his consideration. Do not hurry; the gathering of the material must be very thorough. Mrs. French has written him suggesting that you write an article on Thomas Breakwell for ‘Bahá’í World’ vol.VII. Shoghi Effendi approves of this and asks you to send the article, when ready, to Mrs. French. Shoghi Effendi wishes to convey to Daddy his hope that he will be more active in the teaching work, not to neglect his administrative activities, but to collaborate with you. This is the best way you can both, unitedly, express your high appreciation of the honour conferred upon you through this marriage. Assuring you of the Guardian’s great love and prayers for you both, your loving daughter, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum Dearest co-worker: It gives me great & genuine pleasure to append a few words to the letter which at my request & on my behalf Mary has addressed to you. I was deeply touched by your letter to me & and by the noble sentiments you have expressed in your recent letter to her — sentiments that I greatly value. The bond that has always united you to me has now been powerfully reinforced, & I feel sure that the services you will be enabled to render as a direct result of this new tie that binds us to each other will serve to draw me closer to you, & enable me to help you more effectively through my prayers. I wish you to concentrate your attention at present on the National Fund which stands in great need of continuous support by all the believers. Have no anxiety whatever. Concentrate your heart & soul & mind on the requirements of the Faith & of the Divine Plan which you have supported so splendidly in the past & which, I am sure, you will foster with increasing effectiveness in the future. Shoghi {.sig} Kindly assure Mr. Maxwell of my great love & affection for him. I have great hopes that he will in collaboration with you further the teaching work in Canada & thus pave the way for any international services he may be enabled to render in the future. Shoghi {.sig} 1936-06-29 to May Maxwell re focus efforts on Lyon vs Paris {.ref .center} --- ## 797.
1936-06-29 to Wim Grosfeld {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp34-5 Wim Grosfeld, 29 June 1936 Dear Mr. Grosfeld, The Guardian was deeply gratified to receive your very kind and assuring message of June 1st, and is indeed comforted to learn that you are keeping in good health, and are as ever deeply attached to the Cause. It was such a long time that he had no news from you, and was feeling really anxious, knowing well the difficult circumstances under which you were living in Holland. He is profoundly grieved to learn that you are still being faced with so many difficulties, and that you have not yet succeeded in securing a suitable position which would enable you to settle permanently in your country. He feels that in case you are sure to find some employment, or work privately in Java or in any other place you should not hesitate to do so. As you have been already in the East, it would not be very difficult for you to return there and start once more your work. But before undertaking such a trip, the Guardian would advise you to make all the necessary enquiries, and to fully ascertain that once there you will be sure to find a proper job. In his prayers and meditations, the Guardian will remember you and will specially entreat Bahá’u’lláh to protect, strengthen and guide you, and open before you the door of success. You should not feel discouraged at the sight of the obstacles that so severely confront you at present, but should feel confident that through your sustained and wise efforts and through Gods unfailing guidance you will succeed in overcoming them one by one. Also, you should bear in mind that sorrows and afflictions are a necessary part of life, and are often blessings in disguise, as they serve to open our eyes to the nobler spiritual aspects of life. Trials and sufferings are therefore very helpful to our spiritual growth, and as such should be accepted with the utmost resignation and submissiveness to the Divine Will. With warmest Bahá’í greetings, and every good wish, yours in His Service, H. Rabbání Dearly beloved co-worker: It is such a joy and relief to hear from you after such a long silence. I do hope and pray from all my heart that your affairs may be speedily adjusted that you may be enabled to resume actively your work of service to our beloved Faith. Wherever you may settle and labour my prayers will ever be with you. I am eager to keep in close touch with you, and I hope you will continue to write to me about your plans and future decisions. Wishing you happiness and success from the depths of my heart, your true brother, Shoghi --- ## 798.
1936-07-05 exert utmost effort {.center} USBN #120 Nov 1938, p9 {.ref .center} “I cannot refrain from adding a few words to renew and reaffirm my fervent plea to you, and through you to every individual member of the American Bahá’í Community, to exert the utmost effort in order to further the Cause of Teaching throughout the American Continent. Every possible assistance, whether moral, financial, or administrative, should be continuously, generously, and systematically extended to this most urgent, this sacred and meritorious Cause. My heart yearns to learn of any speedy and effective action which the valiant members of that community may determine, whether collectively or severally, to undertake. The invisible hosts of the Abhá Kingdom are arrayed and ready to rush forth and ensure the triumph of every stout-hearted and persevering herald of the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh. –SHOGHI.· July 5, 1936. --- ## 799.
1936-07-05 forming new LSAs {.center} USBN #102 Aug 1936 p2 {.ref .center} Regarding the formation of local Assemblies, the Guardian does not advise any departure from the principle that every civil community should have its own independent Assembly.” — To USNSA July 5, 1936, (In answer to the question whether, in the case of a new Assembly, the membership of the community could reside in two or more adjoining civil communities.) --- ## 800.
1936-07-26 to George Spendlove re praise {.center} A Love That Could Not Wait. J A McLean, p44 Dearly beloved co-worker: I wish to assure you in person of the deep debt of gratitude that I feel I owe you in view of your historic services to the Faith. You have upheld the principles of our Faith, spiritual as well as administrative, and with exemplary loyalty, courage and wisdom. I will, from the depths of my heart, supplicate for you the Masters richest blessings. Persevere in your high endeavours. Your true brother, {.sig} Shoghi. {.sig} 1936-07-26 to George Spendlove re praise {.ref .center} --- ## 801.
1936-07-26 to George Spendlove {.center} 1936-07-26 to George Spendlove {.ref .center} BW XIII pp895-9 through his secretary: “While he feels truly rejoiced over the news of the successful completion of your academic work at London, he cannot but deplore the fact that you have left England, as your presence in that country was of an immense benefit to the English Bahá’í Community, particularly now that the Administration is making a steady headway. In his postscript Shoghi Effendi wrote: “Dearly beloved co-worker: I wish to assure you in person of the deep debt of gratitude that I feel I owe you in view of your historic services to the Faith. You have upheld the principles of our Faith, spiritual as well as administrative, and with exemplary loyalty, courage and wisdom. I will, from the depths of my heart, supplicate for you the Master’s richest blessings. Persevere in your high endeavors.” --- ## 802.
1936-07-27 arrival of Martha Root {.center} USBN #108 June 1937, p10 {.ref .center} On July 27, this cablegram announced the coming of Miss Root: “Beloved, indefatiguable Martha sailing New York (on board the) Bergensfiord, Feel certain (the) believers will accord befitting welcome (to this) well beloved star servant of Bahá’u’lláh.” --- ## 803.
1936-07-28 local archives under direct supervision Local Assemblies. {.center} Guidance Regarding Bahá’í Archives Compiled by Bahá’í International Archives National archives are in the process of formation in Egypt, Persia, Germany, America and India. As soon as these national archives are established, local archives will be formed under the direct supervision of the Local Assemblies. From a letter on behalf of Shoghi Effendi 10 June 1936 to a National Spiritual Assembly --- ## 804.
1936-07-28 teaching relics Nashville meeting {.center} USBN #103 October 1936 p1 {.ref .center} “The Guardian has read with keenest interest the new statement adopted by the NSA concerning teaching and wishes me to assure you, and through you all your distinguished fellow-members, of his most genuine appreciation of the steps that your Assembly is taking for the expansion of the teaching work throughout America. He is praying for your success from the innermost depths of his heart... . “Regarding the preservation of relics associated with ‘Abdu’1-Bahá, the general principle should be that any object used by Him in person should be preserved for posterity, whether in the local or the national archives. It is the duty and responsibility of the Bahá’í Assemblies to ascertain carefully whether such objects are genuine or not, and to exercise the utmost care and caution in this matter. “In connection with the meeting of the N. S. A. at Nashville, the Guardian feels strongly that such a meeting should he held, as it would greatly encourage the believers in that center. The holding of public meetings in that city should be avoided only in case it would lead to grave and very serious results. Slight local criticisms and unpopularity should not act as deterrant. The issue should be met squarely and courageously, and an effort should be made to attract at first the most cultured element among the colored, and through them establish contact with the white and the masses. Such individuals and groups, whether white or colored, who are relatively tree from racial prejudice, should be approached, separately if necessary, and an endeavor should be made to bring them together eventually, not only on formal occasions and for specific purposes, but in intimate social gatherings, in private homes as well as in formally recognized Bahá’í centers. “The summer schools provide a splendid setting and environment to which the best element among the colored race should be specially attracted. Through such association prejudice can be gradually eradicated, and ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s ardent wish fully realized, “The Guardian finds it impossible to overestimate the importance and urgency of this sacred duty that confronts both the local and the national Assemblies.”— Then this statement ·in the Guardian’s hand: [USBN #108 June 1937, p11] “I am eagerly awaiting the news of the progress of the activities initiated to promote the teaching work within, and beyond the confines of the American continent. The American believers, if they wish to carry out, in the spirit and the letter, the parting wishes of their beloved Master, must intensify their teaching work a thousandfold and extend its ramifications beyond the confines of their native land and as far as the most distant outposts of their far-flung Faith. The Tablets of the Divine Plan invest your Assembly with unique and grave responsibilities and confer upon it privileges which your sister Assemblies might well envy and admire. The present opportunity is unutterably precious. It may not recur again. Undaunted by the perils and the uncertainties of the present hour, the American believers must press on and prosecute in its entirety the task which now confronts them. I pray for their success from the depths.of my heart.” [to the USNSA July 28. 1936] --- ## 805.
1936-07-28 to Mrs Russell {.center} USBN #105 February 1937, p2 {.ref .center} To Mrs. Russell, July 28, 1936: “The number nine, which in itself is the number of perfection, is considered by the Bahd’is as sacred, because it is symbolic of the perfection of the Bahá’í Revelation which constitutes the ninth in the line of existing religions, the latest and fullest Revelation which mankind has ever known. The eighth is the religion of the Báb and the remaining seven are: Hinduism, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity, Islám, and the religion of the Sabeans. These religions are not the only true religions that have appeared in the world but are the only ones still existing. There have always been divine Prophets and Messengers, to many of whom the Qur’án refers. But the only ones existing are those mentioned above. “As regards your question concerning the membership of the Universal House of Justice, there is a Tablet from ‘Abdu’1-Bahá in which He definitely states that the membership of the Universal House is confined to men and that the wisdom of it will be fully revealed in the future. In the local, as well as the National Houses of Justice, however, women have the full right of membership. It is. therefore, only to the International House that they cannot be elected. The Bahá’ís should accept this statement of the Master in a spirit of deep faith, confident that there is a divine guidance and wisdom behind it, which will be gradually unfolded to the eyes of the world.” --- ## 806.
1936-07-xx To Lidia Zamenhof re poss trip to U.S. {.center} Lidia : The Life of Lidia Zamenhof, Daughter of Esperanto, Wendy Heller, p145 It would be splendid if you could visit the United States where the friends are eager to meet you and accord you a hearty welcome. You will let me know, I trust, whenever you decide to visit them, for I wish to introduce you to them in a befitting manner ... . 1936-07-xx To Lidia Zamenhof re poss trip to U.S. {.ref .center} --- ## 807.
1936-07-xx To USNSA — American Bahá̀i Community should rise as never befo {.center} Planning Progress: Lessons from Shoghi Effendi, June Manning Thomas, p51 Founded on the unity and understanding so steadily achieved, functioning within the framework of the Administrative Order so laboriously erected, inspired by the vision of the Temple edifice so nobly reared, the American Bahá’í Community should rise as never before to the height of the opportunity now confronting it. 1936-07-xx To USNSA — American Bahá’í Community should rise as never before {.ref .center} --- ## 808.
1936-08-xx To May Maxwell re teaching in Germany {.center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani, p239 {.ref .center} In this country too, the Guardian feels confident, your visit will have an abiding & most beneficial effect on the Cause. Though the Faith is far more alive & promising in Germany than in any other part of Europe, yet there are many vital points on which the believers need much enlightenment which you are admirably qualified to give. The Guardian wishes me to stress two points in particular: first that you should arrange your program in such a way as to have ample time to visit all the centers in Germany; & also that you should make every effort to attend the Summer School at Esslingen where, he hopes, you will be given full opportunity to address the friends & to give them the great benefit of sharing your long & rich experiences in the Cause. Dear & prized co-worker: Your welcome letter truly rejoiced my heart, & I cannot refrain from adding a few words in person & express my gratitude for what you have achieved in France & my hopes for what you will achieve in Germany. I am glad you will soon join Mary, about the progress of whose work I have received encouraging & most welcome reports. Wishing you both good health, happiness & success. Affectionately Shoghi {.sig} 1936-08-xx? to May Maxwell re teaching in Germany {.ref .center} ========= {.noid} It appears to me that at this time the Guardian was putting an emphasis on getting deepened teachers into Germany in preparation for a poss shut down of formal Bahá’í activities. --- ## 809.
1936-09-04 to Wim Grosfeld {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp35-6 Wim Grosfeld, 4 September 1936 Dear Mr. Grosfeld, Your welcome letter of August 7th to the Guardian has arrived, and the news of the success of the teaching work in Holland has greatly rejoiced his heart.30 He hopes that the small group of beginners you have succeeded in forming will meet regularly, and that through careful and concentrated study of the Cause they will grow both in numbers and in strength. Will you be so kind as to convey his greetings and heartfelt congratulations to these dear friends, and to assure each and all of them of his ardent prayers and best wishes for the success of their endeavours in the path of service to our beloved Cause. The Guardian is however extremely grieved to learn that you are still without proper work, and he would certainly advise you, in case you find it quite impossible to earn your living in Holland, to leave for any other country where you can be assured of gaining the means of your livelihood. Assuring you once more of his fervent prayers for the removal of your difficulties, and for the realization of your fondest hopes and dearest wishes. Yours in His service, H. Rabbání Dearest co-worker: Kindly assure those precious friends that you have interested in the Cause of my love, my best wishes and prayers for their spiritual advancement. Your noble and historic work, conducted under such difficult circumstances, is dear and near to my heart, and is worthy of the highest praise. I pray that you may be enabled to find the necessary means that will enable you to expand and consolidate the work you have so nobly initiated. Persevere and rest confident. Affectionately, Shoghi --- ## 810.
1936-09-11 German community attracting attention {.center} Germany, France, Italy, and Switzerland Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. Published in Bahá’í Studies Review 4:1 The German Bahá’í community, which is certainly the most prosperous and promising of its kind in Europe, has by consolidating its internal unity and by extending the basis of its national Bahá’í institutions increasingly attracted the attention and excited the envy and admiration of its sister communities throughout Europe. Esslingen rightly deserves the attention and interest which it is now receiving from believers outside Germany. The Guardian’s hope is that this interest will be further deepened during the next few years, and that an increasing number of visitors will annually flow to that centre, not only to deepen their understanding of the Cause, but to acquire, through contact with the German believers, those essential qualities and attributes which constitute the key to the notable and in many ways unique success accomplished by the German Bahá’í community. (11 September 1936) --- ## 811.
1936-09-14 to Leroy Ioas re effect summer schools must have on public {.center} Leroy Ioas, Hand of the Cause of God, Chapman, p61 ... they must be greatly impressed by the unity, love and enthusiasm animating the believers, and by the spirit of wide tolerance and appreciation with which they welcome the non-Bahá’í visitors to the school. 1936-09-14 to Leroy Ioas re effect summer schools must have on public {.ref .center} --- ## 812.
1936-09-19teaching work in Austria Germany and Central Europe {.center} Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union A Compilation From the Bahá’í Writings, #16 Compiled by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice He is indeed pleased to learn of the steps you have taken to extend your stay in Europe, and sincerely hopes that you will be thereby enabled to lend all the support and assistance you can to the extension of the teaching work in Austria, Germany and Central Europe. You are working in a field which is certainly most promising, and in which ardent and competent workers are most urgently needed. In Austria, in particular, the Guardian feels the possibilities of teaching are as numerous as they are effective. He would urge you, therefore, to concentrate at present all your efforts on that country, and also to closely collaborate with the friends in Vienna, so that through your united and harmonious co-operation the Cause may rapidly spread and become firmly established there... (19 September 1936 to an individual believer) --- ## 813.
1936-09-25 NSA to appeal for Tablets {.center} members.cox.net/bahai.libraries.archives/preserving_writings.htm {.ref .center}     ___ has suggested to the Guardian that he should ask your NSA to address an appeal to the ... believers urging them to co-operate with the National and local Bahá’í Archives ... in their efforts for the collection of Bahá’í sacred relics, and specially the Tablets, and their safe preservation.     As this is undoubtedly one of the most urgent tasks facing the believers at present, he strongly feels it advisable that your NSA should once more impress upon the friends the necessity of their giving full and continued support to the truly valuable work which the National as well as the local Archives Committees are accomplishing for our beloved Faith... .     Now that the Cause is rapidly passing through so many different phases of its evolution is the time for the friends to exert their utmost in order to preserve as much as they can of the sacred relics and various other precious objects that are associated with the lives of the Founders of the Faith, and particularly the Tablets They have revealed.     Every believer should realize that he has a definite responsibility to shoulder in this matter, and to help, to whatever extent he can, in rendering successful the valuable work which National and local Bahá’í Archives Committees are so devotedly accomplishing for the Faith in ___. 25 September 1936 to a National Spiritual Assembly on behalf of Shoghi Effendi Writings, Bahá’í: Importance of collecting and safeguarding compiled by Bahá’í International Archives. published in Bahá’í Studies Review, 11, pages 100-102 --- ## 814.
1936-09-25 importance of Bahá́í Archives {.center} Guidance Regarding Bahá’í Archives Compiled by Bahá’í International Archives The importance of the institution of Bahá’í Archives is not due only to the many teaching facilities it procures, but is essentially to be found in the vast amount of historical data and information it offers both to the present-day administrators of the Cause, and to the Bahá’í historians of the future. The institution of Bahá’í Archives is indeed a most valuable storehouse of information regarding all the aspects of the Faith, historical, administrative as well as doctrinal. Future generations of believers will be surely in a better position than we are to truly and adequately appreciate the many advantages and facilities which the institution of the Archives offers to individual believers and also to the community at large. Now that the Cause is rapidly passing through so many different phases of its evolution is the time for the friends to exert their utmost in order to preserve as much as they can of the sacred relics and various other precious objects that are associated with the lives of the Founders of the Faith, and particularly the Tablets They have revealed. Every believer should realize that he has a definite responsibility to shoulder in this matter, and to help, to whatever extent he can, in rendering successful the valuable work which National and Local Bahá’í Archives Committees are so devotedly accomplishing for the Faith in America. From a letter on behalf of Shoghi Effendi dated 25 September 1936 to a National Spiritual Assembly --- ## 815.
1936-09-25 institution of Bahá’í Archives {.center} USBN #104 December 1936, p1 {.ref .center} The importance of the institution of Bahá’í Archives is not due only to the many teaching facilities it procures, but is especially to be found in the vast amount of historical data and information it offers both to the present — day administrators of the Cause, and to the Bahá’í historians of the future, The institution of Bahá’í Archives is indeed a most valuable storehouse of information regarding all the aspects of the Faith, administrative as well as doctrinal. Future generations of believers will be surely in a better position than we are to truly and adequately appreciate the many advantages and facilities which the institution of the Archives offers to individual believers and also to the community at large. “Now that the Cause is rapidly passing through so many different phases of its evolution, is the time for the friends to exert their utmost in order to preserve as much as they — can of the sacred relics and various other precious objects that are associated with the lives of the Founders of the Faith, and particularly the Tablets They have revealed. “Every believer should realize that he has a definite responsibility to shoulder in this matter, and to help, to whatever extent he can, in rendering successful the valuable work which national and local Bahá’í Archives committees are so devotedly accomplishing for the Faith in America.” on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to the National Spiritual Assembly of the United States and Canada, September 25, 1936 --- ## 816.
1936-10-12 what to to stress in talks {.center} EXTRACTS PROM SHOGHI EFFENDI’S LETTERS TO RUTH J. MOFFETT AND ROBERT LEE MOFFETT October 12, 1936, Haifa. {.sig} “... As regards your teaching work; the Guardian has already advised you to stress in your talks the idea of a world super-state, and the concept of the Oneness of Mankind underlying it. In addition, he wishes you also to emphasize the fact that humanity, taken as a whole, has entered the most critical and momentous stage of its evolution, the stage of maturity. This idea of the coming of age of mankind constitutes the central core of the Bahá’í teachings and is the most distinguishing feature of the Revelation of Bahá’u’lláh. A proper understanding of this concept gives the key to an adequate appreciation of the tremendous claim made by the author of the Faith, both with regard to His own station and to the incomparable greatness of His Dispensation.” Your true brother, {.sig} Shoghi. {.sig} --- ## 817.
1936-10-14 for SE to ind re exact translations {.center} Bahá’í Studies Bulletin Vol 5 #1-2 September 1985 pp92 You need not worry if the rendering is not absolutely correct. For the essential is that it should convey the Message in a fairly good and understandable language. In teaching literary considerations are no doubt important but are quite secondary when compared to the ideas and thoughts constituting the Message itself. 1936-10-14 for SE to ind re exact translations {.ref .center} --- ## 818.
1936-11-11 Concerning the racial amity conferences {.center} “To Move the World”, Morrison, p244 “Concerning the racial amity conferences; the Guardian firmly believes that they constitute a vital & inseparable part of the teaching campaign now being carried on by the American believers. It is the duty of every loyal Bahá’í to do all that he possibly can to promote this phase of Bahá’í activity, without which no campaign of teaching can bear lasting results.” At the bottom of the letter Shoghi Effendi penned a brief note: The teaching campaign, now in full swing in the United States and Canada, should, under no circumstances affect the progress, or detract from the importance & urgency of the racial amity work that challenges & confronts the believers in that continent. I hope & pray that in both fields you may be enabled to render magnificent services. I feel truly proud of your past achievements & cherish the brightest hopes for your future contributions to this noble & twofold task. [to Louis Gregory, 11 Nov 1936, USNBC Archives (Gregory sent a copy of letter to USBNC] --- ## 819.
1936-11-11 Obligatory prayers facing Shrine of Bahá́ulláh at Bahjí {.center} Notes On Obligatory Prayers And Ablutions compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice in a letter to an individual fm the House of Justice 15 April 1987 As Appeared In Bahá’í Studies Bulletin Vol. 4:3-4 2 January 1991 Concerning the obligatory prayers; they are three in number, but the believer is free to choose anyone of them. The long prayer should be recited once every 24 hours; the middle one three times a day: at morning, mid-day, and evening; while the short one, consisting of only one verse, should be recited once a day at noon. All these three prayers should be read with the believer facing the Shrine of Bahá’u’lláh at Bahjí, ‘Akká, which is also called the Dawning point of Revelation. (11 November 1936 on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual) --- ## 820.
1936-11-21 pacifism {.center} USBN #113 Jan 1938, p1-2 {.ref .center} 21 November 1936 to Mrs. Helen Bishop With reference to the absolute pacifists, or conscientious objectors to war; their attitude, judged from the Bahá’í standpoint, is quite anti-social and due to its exaltation of the individual conscience leads inevitably to disorder and chaos in society. Extreme pacifists are thus very close to the anarchists, in the sense that both these groups lay an undue emphasis on the rights and merits of the individual. The Bahá’í conception of social life is essentially based on the principle of the subordination of the individual will to that of society. It neither suppresses the individual nor does it exalt him to the point of making him an anti-social creature, a menace to society. As in everything it follows the ‘golden mean’. The only way that society can function is for the minority to follow the will of the majority. The other main objection to the conscientious objectors is that their method of establishing peace is too negative. Non-co-operation is too passive a philosophy to become an effective way for social reconstruction. Their refusal to bear arms can never establish peace. There should be first a spiritual revitalisation which nothing, except the Cause of God, can effectively bring to every man’s heart. --- ## 821.
1936-11-xx To Lidia Zamenhof re trip to U.S. {.center} Lidia : The Life of Lidia Zamenhof, Daughter of Esperanto, Wendy Heller, p146-7 Dear andvalued co-worker: I have communicated with the American National Assembly and I feel confident that they American believers will be only to glad, and indeed eager, to extend to you a cordial welcome. Your services, past and present, are, I believe, but a prelude to a distinguished record of the services that will enrich the ans of God’s Holy Faith. Persevere, nay redoubleyour valued and highly meritorious efforts. 1936-11-xx To Lidia Zamenhof re trip to U.S. {.ref .center} --- ## 822.
1936-12-08 to May Maxwell re pilgrimage {.center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani, p257 {.ref .center} HEARTILY APPROVE YOUR DECISION SAIL FROM TRIESTE LOVE BOTH 1936-12-08 to May Maxwell re pilgrimage {.ref .center} --- ## 823.
1936-12-24 to Blomfield re into to The Chosen Highway” {.center} Lady Blomfield: Her Life and Times, Robert Weinberg, p323 {.ref .center} ‘Do be assured that I have considered with the utmost care and deliberation your request, and I grieve to find myself in a situation that makes it impossible for me to accede to it. I deeply regret it, and would have been so glad to collaborate with you in your work ... Please do not be disappointed. The work you have already achieved is historic, and what you will, with the Beloved Master’s guidance, accomplish in the future will, I feel sure, ennoble the record of your past services to the Cause of God. You are often in my thoughts and prayers. 1936-12-24 to Blomfield re into to “The Chosen Highway” {.ref .center} Lady Blomfield asked if the Guardian would be willing to write a Foreword for her book. --- ## 824.
1936-12-26 Regarding the teaching of Esperanto {.center} The Principle Of An International Auxiliary Language Compiled by the Research Dept at the direction of the House of Justice, 1 Nov 79(?) Regarding the teaching of Esperanto: the Guardian thoroughly appreciates the efforts you are exerting for the spread of this language, and fully realizes that through them you can find many openings for teaching the Cause. He wishes me, however, to bring to your attention the fact that neither Bahá’u’lláh nor ‘Abdu’l-Bahá did specifically state that Esperanto would certainly become the international auxiliary language of the future. Neither did they enjoin its teaching upon the believers. What ‘Abdu’l-Bahá chiefly did was to highly praise it, and to reveal its possibilities. The teaching of Esperanto is, therefore, not a command or an obligation in the sense that praying is for instance. What is enjoined by Bahá’u’lláh is either the creation of a new language, or the adoption of one of the existing languages for use as an international medium of communication. Let us hope that Esperanto may some day develop into such a medium. (26 December 1936 to an individual believer) --- ## 825.
1936-xx-xx racial issues {.center} USBN #105 February 1937, p1 {.ref .center} To Mr. Wilfrid Barton, during 1936: “Regarding the solution of the racial problem; the believers should of course realize that the principle of the oneness of mankind which is the cornerstone of the message of Bahá’u’lláh is wholly incompatible with all forms of racial prejudice. Loyalty to this foundation principle of the Faith is the paramount duty of every believer and should be therefore whole-hearted and unqualified. For a Bahá’í, racial prejudice, in all its forms, is simply a negation of faith, an attitude wholly incompatible with the very spirit and actual teachings of the Cause. “But while the friends should faithfully and courageously uphold this Bahá’í principle of the essential unity of all human races, yet in the methods they adopt for its application and further realization on the social plane they should act with tact, wisdom and moderation. These two attitudes are by no means exclusive. Bahá’ís do not believe that the spread of the Cause and its principles and teachings can be effected by means of radical and violent methods. While they are loyal to all those teachings, yet they believe in the necessity of resorting to peaceful and friendly means for the realization of their aims. “As regards the meaning of the passage on page 188 of the ‘Gleanings’, it is an emphasis by Bahá’u’lláh on the importance of maintaining differences of station and classes in society and does not refer to the question of race.” --- ## 826.
1937-03-22 engagement in profession {.center} USBN #108 June 1937, p1 {.ref .center} With reference to Bahá’u’lláh’s command concerning the engagement of the believers in some sort of profession; the Teachings are most emphatic on this matter, particularly the statement in the ‘Aqdas to this effect which makes it quite clear that idle people who lack the desire to work can have no place in the new World Order. As a corollary of this principle, Bahá’u’lláh further states that mendicity should not only be discouraged but entirely wiped out from the face of society. It is the duty of those who are in charge of the organization of society to give every individual the opportunity of acquiring the necessary talent in some kind of profession, and also the means of utilizing such a talent, both for its own sake and for the sake of earning the means of his livelihood. Every individual, no matter how handicapped and limited he may be, is under the obligation of engaging in some work or profession, for work, specially when performed in the spirit of service, is according to Bahá’u’lláh a form of worship. It has not only a utilitarian purpose, but has a value in itself, because it draws us nearer to God, and enables us to better grasp His purpose for us in this world. It is obvious, therefore, that the inheritance of wealth cannot make anyone immune from daily work. As to the question of retirement from work for individuals who have reached a certain age, this is a matter on which the International House of Justice will have to legislate as there are no provisions in the ‘Aqdas concerning it. — March 22, 1937. --- ## 827.
1937-03-22 southern teaching {.center} USBN #108 June 1937, p1-2 {.ref .center} Regarding the problem of teaching in districts of mixed colored and white populations, the Guardian fully approves of the policy adopted by the N.S.A. to the effe<:t that the teaching work should be carried simultaneously with the two races in the south without the slightest discrimination. For the Teachings are obviously not intended for only one race or one class. Your Assembly’s suggestion that Bahá’í public meetings should henceforth be conducted separately for whites and colored and that study classes resulting from such meetings should likewise be conducted separately until individuals of both races are truly confirmed believers is splendid as it win undoubtedly help in removing the misunderstandings and obstacles that have thus far stood in the way of the expansion of the Faith in the Southern States. To alienate either the white or the colored race would he indeed un fair and unjustifiable. The solution proposed by your Assembly thus marks a step in advance over the methods which the friends have hitherto enforced in their teaching work in the Southern States. The Guardian therefore trusts that it will be brought fully to the attention of the friends, and that they will each and all arise to apply it in their future teaching activities, In this connection, however, he wishes me to stress the fact that the two races should ultimately be brought together, and be urged to associate with the utmost unity and fellowship, and be given full and equal opportunity to participate in the conduct of the teachings as well as administrative activities of the Faith. Nothing short of such an ultimate fusion of the two races can insure the faithful application of that cornerstone principle of the Cause regarding the oneness of mankind. — March 22, 1937. --- ## 828.
1937-04-05 response to marriage {.center} USBN #120 Nov 1938, p2 {.ref .center} Accept. Deeply touched (by) American believers’ spontaneous expression of ever-increasing devotion to crowning institution (of) World Order (of) Bahá’u’lláh. Noblest contribution individual believers can make at this juncture to consecrate newly-acquired tie is to promote with added fervor unique plan conceived for them by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá.-SHOGHl. Cablegram received April 5. 1937 in response to congratulations on marriage --- ## 829.
1937-04-23 to Keith-Roche in response to marriage greetings {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p281 {.ref .center} I am deeply touched by the sentiments you have expressed to me on the occasion of my marriage. I greatly value your message of good wishes, and will always remember with feelings of gratitude the assistance you have extended to me in my arduous task. I will be most pleased to welcome you at our home on any day that may be convenient to you. Thanking you most warmly for your message... 1937-04-23 to Keith-Roche in response to marriage greetings {.ref .center} --- ## 830.
1937-04-24 Moved to the Very Depth of His Heart {.center} USBN #108 June 1937, p2 {.ref .center} “Moved to the Very Depth of His Heart” At the Guardian’s direction I am enclosing herewith the receipt, duly signed by him, of the contribution sent by the Bahá’ís of the United States and Canada through their N. S. A. with the request that you kindly ask your fellow members in that body to transmit to the entire American Bahá’í Community the expression of his profoundest thanks and genuine appreciation for this spontaneous manifestation of their unshakable devotion and loyalty to the Cause. He is moved to the very depth of his heart by this fresh evidence of their unalterable attachment to, and their whole-hearted readiness to support, by every means in their power, the vital international institutions of the Faith, and particularly the institution of the Guardianship of which they are indeed the most outstanding defenders and champions throughout the West. He wishes them, each and all. ever v blessing and success, and a mo;t abundant reward in return for what they have accomplished and are still, so zealously and effectively accomplishing, fur the extension and consultation of the Administrative Order in their country and beyond its confines. — April 24. 1937. --- ## 831.
1937-04-xx To Coswell re teaching trip to Nashville {.center} Divine Springtime — Louise Coswell Recalls, p12-13 Beloved Bahá’f Sister, The Guardian is in receipt of your letter of March 29th, and is delighted to hear that, at the National Spiritual Assembly’s suggestion, you are planning to undertake a teaching trip to Nashville. He wished me to assure you of his prayers at the Holy Shrines for the success of your visit, and to express the hope that through it you may receive a fresh and full opportunity to assist in the spread of the teachings in new fields. The mission with which you have been entrusted is certainly difficult and delicate, but you should be confident that with the assistance of Bahá’u’lláh you will be made fully equal to your task. Have courage and whole-heartedly perservere in your splendid efforts. (Signed)H. Rabbání {.sig} 1937-04-xx To Coswell re teaching trip to Nashville {.ref .center} ========= {.noid} In April/May 1936, Louise had volunteered to go to Mexico for the winter but her request was denied. In March 1937, the USNSA asked her to do follow-up teaching in Nashville after the work by Marian Little. She communicated this to the Guardian and this was the response. see also 1937-05-15 to Coswell reponse to Nashville teaching {.ref .center} 1937-07-10 to Coswell to stay longer in Tennessee {.ref .center} --- ## 832.
1937-05-06 Tablet of Aḥmad addressee {.center} EXTRACTS PROM SHOGHI EFFENDI’S LETTERS TO RUTH J. MOFFETT AND ROBERT LEE MOFFETT May 6, 1937, Haifa. {.sig} “... With reference to your question as to whom the Tablet of Aḥmad was revealed; it was addressed to an Arab believer in Ba_ghdád who lived during the days of Bahá’u’lláh.” Your true brother, {.sig} Shoghi. {.sig} --- ## 833.
1937-05-15 to Coswell reponse to Nashville teaching {.center} Divine Springtime — Louise Coswell Recalls, p13-14 May 15th, 1937 {.sig} The Guardian also wishes me to express his gratification at the success of your teaching work in Nashville. He has read with keen interest the clippings you had enclosed, and is delighted to realize the wide response your talks and lectures have brought to the message. He is continually and fervently praying that your trip to this “Athens of the South” may result in attracting and confirming many souls of true spiritual insight and of intellectual capacity. Remain assured that the seeds you are now so carefully sowing will in due time bear an abundant fruitage. There is no effort in His path that can be considered to have been spent in vain. ‘Persevere, therefore, and be confident and happy, success will assuredly be yours. (Signed)H. Rabbání {.sig} 1937-05-15 to Coswell reponse to Nashville teaching {.ref .center} ========= {.noid} see also 1937-04-xx To Coswell re teaching trip to Nashville {.ref .center} 1937-07-10 to Coswell to stay longer in Tennessee {.ref .center} --- ## 834.
1937-05-19 Divine Plan pamphlet {.center} USBN #108 June 1937, p9 {.ref .center} “Heartily approve publication pamphlet. Advise publish as preamble appropriate passages from Gleanings and ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s Will regarding importance teaching. Pamphlet’s title left (to) Assembly’s discretion. Convention plea addressed to American believers can not achieve its purpose unless dauntless pioneers arise and, forsaking homeland, permanently reside (in) countries where light of Faith (has) not yet penetrated. Cabling three hundred pounds as nucleus (of) special fund to be established (for) furtherance (of) this exalted, highly meritorious purpose,” Replying to a cablegram asking for advice on whether the reprint of the Tablets of the Divine Plan should contain any supplementary material, sum as oral statements which were published in the original edition, the Guardian on May 19 cabled: --- ## 835.
1937-05-28 what constitutes indirect teaching_ {.center} The Principle Of An International Auxiliary Language Compiled by the Research Dept at the direction of the House of Justice, 1 Nov 79(?) As to your question as to what constitutes indirect teaching: it essentially consists in presenting some of the humanitarian or social teachings of the Cause which are shared by those whom we are teaching, as a means of attracting them to those aspects of the Faith which are more challenging in character, and are specifically and solely Bahá’í. The teaching of Esperanto, for instance, has been a very useful way of presenting the Cause indirectly to many people. It has opened many doors of contact for the believers, and has lately proved to be of tremendous help in introducing the Teachings into important social and intellectual circles. (28 May 1937 to an individual believer) --- ## 836.
1937-05-29 trusts Marion Jacks teaching efforts {.center} Quoted in Never be Afraid to Dare, Jasion, p195 Now as regards your work in Sofia; Shoghi Effendi trusts that through your efforts the meetings are being regularly held, and that the number of the attendants is on the increase. He too hopes that you have been able to renew the assembly election this year. It is indeed so essential that the friends should enforce, as much as their means and the conditions around them permit, these basic principles and methods of the Administration, so that they may acquire the necessary experience for the conduct of Bahá’í affairs in their community, and thus cease to be in need of any further help from outside. [postscript by Shoghi Effendi] I am continually reminded of the stupendous work you are achieving for our beloved Faith, though I do not often express it in letters addressed to you. I am keenly aware of the work you are so patiently and almost heroically performing and accomplishing for our beloved Faith. Your services will adorn the annals of God’s Faith and inspire the rising generation to tread the path you have so nobly trodden. Persevere therefore and redouble your high endeavours. [letter to Marion Jack, 1937 May 29] --- ## 837.
1937-07-04 Seven year plan steps {.center} USBN #120 Nov 1938, p3 {.ref .center} Immeasurably gratified National Assembly’s initial step presentation SevenYear Plan, Successful operation Temple enterprise necessitates carrying out faithfully energetically following successive steps. First, expedite preliminary investigations. Second, utilize Fred’s historic munificent donation by immediate signature contract for next unit. Third, redirect with added force nationwide appeal to entire community insure uninterrupted completion first unit and accumulation sufficient funds enable placing without delay final contract. Fourth, place final contract as soon as half required sum available in National Treasury. Fifth, re-emphasize supreme obligation triumphant consummation so vital a part of American believers’ twofold task by May, 1944. Advise communicate above message all believers stimulate universal response Assembly’s future endeavors. — SHOGHI. Cablegram received July 4. 1937 --- ## 838.
1937-07-10 to Coswell to stay longer in Tennessee {.center} Divine Springtime — Louise Coswell Recalls, p14 The Guardian advises you “ ... to return to Knoxville in order to follow the work that has been so splendidly started. Your first and foremost objective upon your return, he feels, should be to lay firm foundations for the establishment of a Local Assembly so that after your departure the work may be carried forward steadily and along specific Bahá’í administrative lines. “ (Signed) H. Rabbání {.sig} 1937-07-10 to Coswell to stay longer in Tennessee {.ref .center} ========= {.noid} See also 1937-04-xx To Coswell re teaching trip to Nashville {.ref .center} 1937-05-15 to Coswell reponse to Nashville teaching {.ref .center} --- ## 839.
1937-07-17 QUOTATIONS FROM THE DISPENSATION {.center} EXTRACTS PROM SHOGHI EFFENDI’S LETTERS TO RUTH J. MOFFETT AND ROBERT LEE MOFFETT QUOTATIONS FROM THE DISPENSATION OF BAHÁ’U’LLÁH BY SHOGHI EFFENDI Interpretation of lines from these quotations given by Shoghi Effendi July 17, 1937, Haifa. {.sig} Pago 12 — “But for Him no Divine Messenger would have been Line 5 invested with the Robe of Prophethood, nor would any of the sacred scriptures have been revealed. To this bear witness all created things.” Answer — “This refers to the Reality of Him, (Bahá’u’lláh), not His Person.” Pago 20 — “Time is pressing. The Divine Charger is impatient, and can tarry no longer. Ours is the duty to rush forward and ere it is too late, win the victory.” Answer — “The passage refers to any opportunities that arc missed through neglect and not to any particular event.” Pago 21 — “From time immemorial, He, the Divine Being, hath been Line 20 veiled in the ineffablo sanctity of His exalted Self, and will everlastingly continue to be wrapt in the impenetrable mystery of His unknowable Essence ... Ten thousand Prophets, each a Moses, are thunderstruck upon the Sinai of their search at God’s forbidding voice, ‘Thou shalt never behold Me!’ Whilst a myriad Messengers, each as great as Jesus, stand dismayed upon their heavenly thrones by the interdiction, ‘Mine Essence thou shalt never apprehend!’ How bewildering to Me, insignificant as I am, is the attempt to fathom the sacred depths of Thy Knowledge.” Answer — “The meaning of this passage should not be taken literally. The purpose is to emphasize the theme and heighten its effect.” Pago 24 — “whereupon there was asked, Why the weeping and the Line 20 wailing? He made reply. ‘As bidden I waited expectant upon the hill of faithfulness, yet inhaled not from them that dwell upon the earth the fragrance of fidelity. Then summoned to return I beheld, and lo, certain doves of holiness were sore tried within the claws of the dogs of earth. Whereupon the Maid of Heaven hastened forth unveiled and resplendent from Her Mystic Mansion, and asked of their names, and all were told but one. And when urged, the first letter thereof was uttered, whereupon the dwellers of the celestial chambers rushed forth out of their habitations of Glory, and whilst the second letter was pronounced they fell down, one and all, upon the dust. At that moment a Voice was heard from the inmost Shrine, ‘Thus far and no farther.’ Verily We bear witness to that which they have done and now are doing.” Answer — “This refers to the Reality of Bahá’u’lláh.” Your true brother, {.sig} Shoghi. {.sig} --- ## 840.
1937-08-14 to an individual believer re two Bible verses about resurrection. {.center} The Resurrection Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. The two Biblical verses you had enclosed for explanation on behalf of Dr. ...; the Guardian wishes you to explain to him that these passages are allegorical, and should not be taken literally. They indicate the reality of the presence of the Spirit of Christ and not His bodily resurrection.... 1937-08-14 to an individual believer re two Bible verses about resurrection. {.ref .center} in response to a request for an explanation of the Biblical verses Luke 24:39 and John 20:24-29 for a person who was investigating the Teachings of the Faith. --- ## 841.
1937-09-06 tend my raven locks {.center} References of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá and Shoghi Effendi to the Hidden Words Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. Published in Bahá’í Studies Review 9 [Persian No. 79] The expression “tend My raven locks, and not wound My throat” is an allegorical warning by Bahá́’u’lláh against the misuse of anything bestowed by Him on the world. (From a letter dated 6 September 1937 written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer) --- ## 842.
1937-09-07 to an individual re just government {.center} USBN National Bahá’í Review #7 July 1968 p5 {.ref .center} As regards the Bahá’í principle of obedience to just governments, what is meant here by just is recognized and well-established authority.” 1937-09-07 to an individual re just government {.ref .center} --- ## 843.
1937-09-22 establish contacts with Jewish fellow-citizens {.center} HOLOCAUST AND THE GREATER PLAN OF GOD (Revised 1998) A compilation by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice You should certainly endeavour to establish further contacts with your Jewish fellow-citizens, as their spiritual destiny is assuredly bright. The age-long sufferings and tribulations which the Jews all over the world have so cruelly experienced will be terminated during the Bahá’í era, as they will be gradually led to embrace the Faith, which, indeed, constitutes the only means of salvation to their race. (22 September 1937 to an individual believer) --- ## 844.
1937-10-25 to May Maxwell re activities for the winter {.center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani, p300 {.ref .center} In regard to your winter’s work he would urge you not to attempt to remain in Montreal during the cold months ... but to go somewhere warm — New York, if not too cold ... or perhaps South or even to California if necessary ... He urges Daddy to so arrange his affairs that he can spend at least a part of the time with you so that neither of you will be alone, at least for very long, this winter. 1937-10-25 to May Maxwell re activities for the winter {.ref .center} --- ## 845.
1937-10-25 to May Maxwell re response to report of NYC meeting {.center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani, p298-9 {.ref .center} Shoghi Effendi was immensely pleased with the report you sent in your letter to me of the meeting in New York. He wishes me to tell you that you are working in the forefront and as a brave soldier of the Cause. In fact he said it might be the best letter you ever had written! He was so heartened and pleased by it ... I send you my deepest love, ever your own loving daughter, Rúḥíyyih Dear & prized co-worker: I feel proud of the initial success that has signalized the resumption of your activities in America. I was deeply moved by your graphic account of the meeting & I hastened to cable you & urge you to persevere. Do take good care of your precious health & be assured that your task is by no means completed. Persevere & be confident. You are valiantly promoting, defending and consolidating the manifold interests of the Faith & for so meritorious a work for which you are highly qualified & newly & fittingly equipped you should feel grateful & happy. You are often in my thoughts & prayers I assure you. Affectionately & gratefully Shoghi {.sig} 1937-10-25 to May Maxwell re response to report of NYC meeting {.ref .center} --- ## 846.
1937-10-30 progress of Temple Fund {.center} USBN #113 Jan 1938, p1 {.ref .center} The Guardian feels most gratified over the splendid progress realized by the Temple Fund, though he still would urge your N. S. A. to impress upon the friends the paramount necessity of maintaining at any cost the steady flow of their offerings. This obviously calls for considerable sacrifice, but such a sacrifice is of the very essence of the Cause and is the only force than can enable it to carry out its ideals into the realm of constructive and living action. — October 30, 1937. (The Guardian’s postscript to the above.) I am delighted with the progress of the Plan and I pray that the contributions to the National Treasury may be such as to lend unprecedented impetus to its development. --- ## 847.
1937-11-03 Lyon offers many peculiar difficulties {.center} Germany, France, Italy, and Switzerland Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. Published in Bahá’í Studies Review 4:1 The work in Lyon offers many peculiar difficulties, which are largely due to its being the very heart of conservative France, and a stronghold of Catholicism. But precisely these same difficulties render the work infinitely more interesting and important than perhaps in any other centre. The Guardian would therefore urge you to persevere, and to be confident that no matter how strong the forces of opposition, that whole region is destined to experience sooner or later a general stirring which would result in a great triumph for our beloved Faith. (on Behalf of Shoghi Effendi 3 November 1937 to an individual believer) --- ## 848.
1937-11-08 for SE to Marian Holley re communism {.center} Bahá’í Studies Bulletin Vol 5 #1-2 September 1985 pp74-81 Selected Extracts On Philosophy The Faith should under all circumstances be disassociated from communism and from those doctrines that preach violence. The Cause stands for cooperation, for peaceful and constructive methods of social reform. 1937-11-08 for SE to Marian Holley re communism {.ref .center} --- ## 849.
1937-11-12 to Safa Vafa Kinney re reception given to M M Maxwell in NYC {.center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani, p288 {.ref .center} The Guardian has also been moved to know of the very warm reception which the friends in New York, and you in particular, have so cordially extended to Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell upon their arrival in America. It is his hope and prayer that the return of these dear friends will awaken a new consciousness among the believers, and stimulate them afresh to dedicate themselves, more whole-heartedly than ever, to the service of the Faith. 1937-11-12 to Safa/Vafa Kinney re reception given to M/M Maxwell in NYC {.ref .center} --- ## 850.
1937-11-13 concerning the future of the Jews {.center} HOLOCAUST AND THE GREATER PLAN OF GOD (Revised 1998) A compilation by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice Regarding your question concerning the future of the Jews: They certainly have, as explicitly stated by the Master, a great spiritual destiny, and will gradually enter the Faith in large groups. (13 November 1937 to an individual believer) --- ## 851.
1937-11-17 to Inez Greeven re publishing {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp36-8 1937-11-17 to Inez Greeven re publishing {.ref .center} Dear Mrs. Greeven, The Guardian has received your letter of the 26th October and has learned with satisfaction of the news of the completion of the printing of the Dutch version of the Kitáb-i-Íqán. He has also received a note from the publisher regarding the printing expenses, and has mailed him a draft for £ 41.17.1, being half of the total cost for publishing the book. He would approve of the publisher s suggestion to place three hundred copies with all the booksellers, and to send the remaining two hundred over to Haifa. He trusts that the books will be soon mailed and will reach in good condition. Needless to assure you how grateful he feels for this outstanding service you and your dear sister have been able to render, and he will pray that as a result the Cause may make a good start in Holland. He is eagerly waiting to hear of the good news of the progress of your teaching activities, and would urge you to whole-heartedly and confidently persevere in your efforts. Regarding the statement you had enclosed about the sale of the Esslemont book: the Guardian indeed regrets that the results are so disappointing, and does not think it necessary for you to make any accounting to the Esslemont heirs. He would advise you to wait until the amount collected would be sufficiently substantial. In closing may I express the Guardians hope that your trip to Italy will prove helpful in restoring your health. He will specially pray to the Beloved that He may strengthen your forces for many more years of service to His Faith. Loving greetings to you and dear Mr. Greeven, and with best wishes for your success in your new field of work in Holland. Yours ever in His service, H. Rabbání PS. Of the 200 copies you are going to send to Haifa, the Guardian wishes you to mail fifty to the American National Spiritual Assembly and to distribute thirty among the various other Assemblies throughout the Bahá’í world. .Dear and valued co-worker: I wish to assure you in person o f m y special prayers for the success o f the efforts which you and dear Mr. Greeven are now exerting in Holland for the progress and establishment o f the Faith. The literature which through your generous assistance is now available in Dutch will no doubt be a great help to you in your devoted labours, and I pray that your dearest hopes may be fully and speedily realized. My loving gratitude to you both, your true brother; Shoghi --- ## 852.
1937-11-20 to Amelie Willard Bodmer {.center} USBN #118 August 1938 p2 {.ref .center} “You have asked as to what point in man’s evolution he becomes conscious of self. This consciousness of self in man is a gradual process, and does not start at a definite point. It grows in him in this world and continues to do so in the future spiritual world. “Man can certainly recall past experiences in his evolution, and even when his soul leaves this world it will still remember the past. “The Guardian wishes me to answer you that he sees no objection to the friends coming together for meditation and prayer. Such a communion helps in fostering fellowship among the believers and as such is highly commendable. “With reference to psychic phenomena referred to in your letter; these, in most cases, are an indication of a deep psychological disturbance. The friends should avoid as much as possible giving undue consideration to such matters.” —November 20. 1937. to Amelie Willard Bodmer --- ## 853.
1937-11-23 man upon the earth only 300000 years {.center} EXTRACTS PROM SHOGHI EFFENDI’S LETTERS TO RUTH J. MOFFETT AND ROBERT LEE MOFFETT November 23, 1937, Haifa. {.sig} ... With reference to the statement to the effect that man has lived as man upon the earth only 300,000 years, I am directed by the Guardian to inform you that this has never originated from him and is a misquotation. Questions such as this are for scientists to investigate and decide upon.” Your true brother, {.sig} Shoghi. {.sig} --- ## 854.
1937-11-25 increasing number of delegates {.center} USBN #114 Feb 1938, p1 {.ref .center} Concerning the problem of increasing the number of delegates at the Annual Bahá’í Convention; the Guardian wishes me to reaffirm the message he cabled to the X. S. A. a few days ago stressing the necessity of revising the basis of the national elections at this and subsequent conventions. He is convinced that the expansion of the American Bahá’í Community, involving the increase in the number of its Assemblies and other administrative institutions, necessitates a similar increase in the size of the electoral body responsible for the election of the N.S. A. It is obviously unfair and mathematically impossible to apportion ninety-five delegates among the seventy or more Assemblies already instituted. The principle of proportional representation governing the election of Convention delegates therefore can no longer operate, and unless a definite increase in the number of representatives is made the election of the N. S. A. itself would cease to rest on a secure foundation. The advantage which such an increase presents is to broaden the basis of the N. S. A. by making it a truly representative body, and thus heighten the confidence of the believers in its authority. The National Assembly, being the highest administrative body within a country, is in absolute need of the full trust of the believers, who have the right as well as the obligation to see that the body under whose jurisdiction they serve should be a truly representative body. In view of these considerations the Guardian feels that the time has come to revise the basis of the present representation at the Convention, by raising the number of the delegates from 95 to 171, which number represents nine times nineteen. The question of the added expense and strain which this increase in the number of delegates entails can be solved by having those delegates who cannot afford to pay the expenses of the trip send their votes by mail. Aside from that, no financial consideration is of any importance when compared to so vital an issue as that of Convention representation which admittedly affects the very welfare and future growth of the Cause ... The Guardian wishes me to convey to your Assembly his deep appreciation of their gift of the Temple model which, he hopes, will reach him in good condition, and which he plans to fit in a place that would be accessible to both the Bahá’ís and non-Bahá’í visitors.— November 25, 1937. {.sig} --- ## 855.
1937-12-31 on behalf of to an individual re start of the human soul {.center} Reproduction and other Biological Subjects Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice With regard to the soul of man: According to the Bahá’í Teachings the human soul starts with the formation of the human embryo, and continues to develop and pass through endless stages of existence after its separation from the body. Its progress is thus infinite. As to your question regarding the possibility of an artificial production of life by means of an incubator: this is essentially a matter that concerns science, and as such should be investigated and studied by scientists. 1937-12-31 on behalf of to an individual re start of the human soul {.ref .center} --- ## 856.
1938-01-14 give message to all {.center} USBN #118 August 1938 p2 {.ref .center} “The believers ought to give the Message even to those who do not seem ready for it, because they can never judge the real extent to which the Word of. God can influence hearts or minds of the people, even those who appear to lack any power of receptivity to the teachings.” —January 14, 1938, to Amelie Willard Bodmer. --- ## 857.
1938-01-14 passage in The Hidden Words” no. 19 {.center} References of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá and Shoghi Effendi to the Hidden Words Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. Published in Bahá’í Studies Review 9 . The passage in “The Hidden Words” no. 19 has a spiritual meaning and is allegorical, as are also the other passages in that book. It refers to the spiritual presence of Bahá’u’lláh. (From a letter dated 14 January 1938 written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer) [Response to an inquiry about the meaning of this passage of the Hidden Words, especially the last part in which reference is made to a “place” and “those surroundings”.] --- ## 858.
1938-01-15 To May Maxwell re reassurances regarding Mary {.center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani, p306 {.ref .center} I wish to assure you that Mary is in very good health & is making real progress in her spiritual life & is cultivating those virtues & traits of character that will be of immense value to her in her highly responsible & exalted task which she is strenuously striving to perform. Rest assured, & confidently & happily persevere in your own meritorious & historic services to the Cause. For you & for dear Mr. Maxwell I am continually praying. Shoghi {.sig} 1938-01-15 To May Maxwell re reassurances regarding Mary {.ref .center} --- ## 859.
1938-01-15 to May Maxwell re reports of those affected by Sohrab {.center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani, p305-6 {.ref .center} Again I have the pleasure and privilege of writing you on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to acknowledge your reports of your activities, dated Dec. 2nd and the 14th. He is very pleased with your interest in and fidelity to the mission he has given you but feels your task in this line is by no means completed. As he said in his recent cable to you he wants to have lengthy and detailed reports. Dear & prized co-worker: Your illuminating report is quite satisfactory, & I would deeply appreciate even more detailed reports whenever you find it convenient to send them to me. 1938-01-15 to May Maxwell re reports of those affected by Sohrab {.ref .center} --- ## 860.
1938-01-30 CERTAIN VITAL REQUIREMENTS and various {.center} USBN #115 April 1938 p1 {.ref .center} [First paragraph printed in This Decisive Hour #36] The Seven Year Plan, with which the immediate fortunes of the American Bahá’í community are so closely interwoven, demands, at this critical stage in its development, serious and prayerful consideration of certain vital requirements, without which such a stupendous task can never be brought to a successful completion. The evolution of the Plan imposes a three — fold obligation, which all individual believers, all local Assemblies, as well as the National Assembly itself, must respectively recognize and conscientiously fulfil. Each and every believer, undaunted by the uncertainties, the perils and the financial stringency afflicting the nation, must arise and insure, to the full measure of his or her capacity, that continuous and abundant flow of funds into the national Treasury, on which the successful prosecution of the Plan must chiefly depend. Upon the local Assemblies, whose special function and high privilege is to facilitate the admission of new believers into the community, and thereby stimulate the infusion of fresh blood into its organic institutions, a duty no less binding in character devolves. To them I wish particularly to appeal, at this present hour, when the call of God is being raised throughout the length and breadth of both continents in the New World, to desist from insisting too rigidly on the minor observances and beliefs, which might prove a stumbling block in the way of any sincere applicant, whose eager desire is to enlist under the banner of Bahá’u’lláh. While conscientiously adhering to the fundamental qualifications already laid down, the members of each and every Assembly should endeavor, by their patience, their love, their tact and wisdom to nurse, subsequent to his admission, the new-comer into Bahá’í maturity, and win him over gradually to the unreserved acceptance of whatever has been ordained in the teachings. As to the National Assembly, whose inescapable responsibility is to guard the integrity, coordinate the activities, and stimulate the life, of the entire community, its chief concern at the present moment should be to anxiously deliberate on how best to enable both individual believers and local Assemblies to fulfil their respective tasks. Through their repeated appeals, through their readiness to dispel all misunderstandings and remove all obstacles, through the example of their lives, and their unrelaxing vigilance, their high sense of justice, their humility, consecration and courage, they must demonstrate to those whom they represent their capacity to play their part in the progress of the Plan in which they, no less than the rest of the community, are involved. May the all-conquering Spirit of Bahá’u’lláh be so infused into each component part of this harmoniously functioning System as to enable it to contribute its proper share to the consummation of the plan. From the same letter, in the portion written by the Guardian through his secretary, the following excerpts are published for the information of the believers : — “The Temple model prepared by Mr. Earley which you had shipped to Haifa has been received in good condition, and will be placed shortly in the International Bahá’í Archives on Mt. Carmel for the benefit of all the visitors.” In reply to a question concerning the authority to approve a bust of ‘Abdu’I-Bahá: “He feels that for the present neither he nor the National and local Assemblies should take any action by laying down any regulation in this matter. Individuals should be left free to exercise their discretion and to act as they deem best.” “All those believers who are talented in music and desire to make some contributions along this line should be encouraged and advised to send their musical contributions to the Editorial Committee of The Bahá’í World for reproduction in that book.” “In conclusion the Guardian wishes me to express his satisfaction at the progress which the Seven Year Plan is making as a result of the cooperation, energy, selflessness and perseverance displayed by the entire body of the American believers. He is continual1y praying that their efforts for the consummation of this two-fold task may be blessed and crowned with complete success.” --- ## 861.
1938-02-25 to Sutherland Maxwell re working with other org {.center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani, p303-4 {.ref .center} The Guardian was exceedingly pleased to receive your letter of January 26th with enclosures regarding the invitation extended to the Bahá’ís of Montreal by the Canadian Civil Liberties Union to join in making representations to the Canadian Prime Minister concerning the ‘Padlock Act’. He has carefully read all the papers you have sent, and wishes me to assure you of his whole-hearted approval of the letter you have written in answer to the above Union’s communication addressed to Mr. Schopflocher. The tone of your reply, he thinks, is indeed splendid, and he has every reason to hope that it will be received in a good spirit by the persons concerned. The attitude which the believers should adopt whenever such requests are made to them is to strictly uphold the Teachings, without however displeasing unnecessarily, through lack of wisdom and tact in their negotiations, their non-Bahá’í fellows. The Guardian wishes you also to express to the Montreal Assembly the assurances of his appreciation of the action they have taken in this matter. He is well-pleased with the care and loyalty with which they have considered the whole issue, and is confident that the result of their deliberations will serve to considerably safeguard and strengthen the basis of their Assembly and work. Before closing I wish to express to you in particular Shoghi Effendi’s gratitude for the share you are so ably contributing towards the progress of the Faith in Montreal. He is praying for you and for dear Mrs. Maxwell, that you may both be given increasing strength and capacity to fulfil your new duties and obligations, and thus attain your highest destiny in His service. Loving remembrances and heartiest greetings to you both from the family. Dear and valued co-worker: I wish to express to you and to your devoted fellow-members, my keen appreciation of your vigilance, your determination, your zeal and devotion to the Cause and its manifold interests. The manner in which you watch over and safeguard the institutions of God’s nascent Faith is truly splendid and highly gratifying. I will pray for you all from the depth of my heart. Persevere in your noble endeavours. Your true brother, {.sig} Shoghi {.sig} 1938-02-25 to Sutherland Maxwell re working w/ other org {.ref .center} --- ## 862.
1938-02-27 on behalf of to an individual re conception with o sperm {.center} Reproduction and other Biological Subjects Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice The Teachings do not tell us of any miraculous birth besides that of Jesus. As to the possibility of conception without the presence of a male sperm in the future: this is a question which lies entirely within the province of science, and which future scientists will have to investigate. 1938-02-27 on behalf of to an individual re conception w/o sperm {.ref .center} --- ## 863.
1938-03-20 days of stress and trial in Germany {.center} quoted in Hermann Grossman: Hand of the Cause of God, p55 May the Almighty Protector sustain you in these days of stress and trial, and enable you and your dear and unforgettable co-workers to bear heroically the tests that confront you and to surmount the obstacles which face you. {.sig} Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi {.sig} [letter to Anna Grossman, 20 Mar 1938] --- ## 864.
1938-03-27 eschew all fellowship with the ungodly” {.center} References of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá and Shoghi Effendi to the Hidden Words Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. Published in Bahá’í Studies Review 9 re : Hidden Words Persian No. 3 In the passage “eschew all fellowship with the ungodly”, Bahá’u’lláh means that we should shun the company of those who disbelieve in God and are wayward. The word “ungodly” is a reference to such perverse people. (From a letter dated 27 March 1938 written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer) --- ## 865.
1938-04-01 printed calendar 1938-39 {.center} USBN #116 June 1938 p1 {.ref .center} The Guardian wishes me to bring to your attention the fact that in the Bahá’í Calendar recently issued by the Publishing Committee the year 1938-1939 has been indicated as synchnonizing with the 94th year of the Bahá’í era, while in reality it corresponds with the 95th and not the 94th year of the Bahá’í Calendar. On the 21st of March last (1938) the Bahá’í world entered the year 95 since the Declaration of the Báb in _Shíráz.—April 1. 1938. --- ## 866.
1938-04-14 Qur’án & two-fold task {.center} USBN #116 June 1938 p1 {.ref .center} As to the question raised by the Spiritual Assembly of Los Angeles concerning the best English translation of the Qur’án, the Guardian would recommend Sales’ translation, which is the most accurate rendering available, and is the most widespread. In closing he wishes me to stress once more the urgency and paramount importance of the two-fold task which lies before the N. S. A., namely, the completion of the exterior ornamentation of the Temple and the expansion and consolidation of the teaching work throughout North and South America. For the attainment of those two high objectives, the entire American Bahá’í Community should strive with one accord, and should express its perfect readiness, in both words and deeds, to undergo every possible sacrifice. Not until such measure of unity is attained can they hope to achieve, at its appointed time, the heavy task that has been entrusted to their hands.”—April 14. 1938. --- ## 867.
1938-05-25 Church missionaries {.center} USBN #118 August 1938 p1-2 {.ref .center} “The Guardian has read very carefully the letters your Assembly has received from the Spiritual Assemblies of Urbana and Chicago reporting the criticisms that have been advanced by Rev. John Elder, a missionary from Írán. While he is certain that such attacks from Church missionaries are destined to increase in number and force in the future, he feels that for the present they do not constitute a challenge so grave and widespread as to justify any strong action by your Assembly. Later on, when the very progress of the Cause on the one hand, and the corresponding decline in ecclesiastical organizations on the other, will inevitably incite Christian ecclesiactical leaders to vehemently oppose and undermine the Faith, the believers will then have a real chance to defend and vindicate the Cause. Under present conditions it would be inadvisable for the American Community to give such issues too much prominence. “It would, however, be very helpful for the friends to know that the question which the above-mentioned missionary has raised in connection with the marriage of Bahá’u’lláh and the provisions in the ‘Aqdas’ regarding the institution of marriage have been explained by ‘ Abdu’1-Bahá in a Tablet which the Guardian hopes to have translated and published in conjunction with the ‘Aqdas’. Moreover, as regards Bahá’u’lláh’s marriage, it should be noted that His three marriages were all contracted before He revealed His Book of Laws, and even before His declaration in Ba_ghdád, at a time when Bahá’í marriage laws had not yet been made known, and the Revelation not yet disclosed.” “As regards those Persian or Oriental non-believers who become genuinely interested in the Cause in America, they can be admitted to study classes, but every care should be taken by the Assemblies to fully test their sincerity and the genuineness of their desire to join the Community before they are given the necessary facilities that will enable them eventually to be regarded as voting members of the Faith.” — May 25, 1938. --- ## 869.
1938-05-25 ornamentation work on Temple {.center} USBN #120 Nov 1938, p3 {.ref .center} I heartily welcome and am deeply touched by the assurances conveyed in your last communication, and am particularly rejoiced to learn of the steps already taken by your Assembly to insure the uninterrupted progress of the ornamentation work on the Temple. The determination and zeal which you have so clearly evinced in taking these initial steps augur well for the continued expansion and ultimate fruition of the two-fold enterprise you have undertaken to accomplish. Individual believers and local Assemblies will assuredly be greatly heartened and reinvigorated by the splendid initiative that has marked the beginning of your year’s stewardship in the service of this glorious Cause. The high expectations we all cherish will no doubt be fulfilled. — SHoGHI. May 25. 1938. {.sig} --- ## 870.
1938-05-25 progress of ornamentation work {.center} USBN #117 July 1938 p4 {.ref .center} I heartily welcome and am deeply touched by the assurances conveyed in your last communication, and am particularly rejoiced to learn of the steps already taken by your Assembly to insure the uninterrupted progress of the ornamentation work on the Temple. The determination and zeal whi.ch you have so clearly evinced in taking these initial steps augur well for the continued expansion and ultimate fruition of the two-fold enterprise you have undertaken to accomplish. Individual believers and local Assemblies will assuredly be greatly heartened and reinvigorated by the splendid initiative that has marked the beginning of your year’s stewardship in the service of this glorious Cause. The high expectations we all cherish will no doubt be fulfilled.-SHOGHI. (In letter to the National Spiritual Assembly, May 25, 1938.) {.sig} --- ## 871.
1938-07-07 on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to NSA Persia re divorce {.center} USBN National Bahá’í Review #111 February 1980 p1 {.ref .center} “Divorce is a disgraceful and offensive affair and runs counter to the good pleasure of God. The Assembly should circulate the passages revealed by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in this connection among the friends and bring this matter to their attention more than ever before. “The application of the law of divorce is dependent upon the permission and approval of the Spiritual Assembly. The Spiritual Assembly should make a thorough and independent investigation in these cases. Should there be legitimate causes or should the couple find it impossible to live in unity and harmony and no way can be found to overcome their aversion to each other, then the Assembly may approve divorce.” (Translated from a letter dated Rahmat year 95 B.E. [July 7,19381 to the National Spiritual Assembly of Persia) 1938-07-07 on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to NSA Persia re divorce {.ref .center} --- ## 872.
1938-07-13 for SE re Melchizedek {.center} Bahá’í Studies Bulletin Vol I #2 September 1982 pp61 “Melchizedek was certainly a prophet, but we do not know even the approximate date of his appearance, or where he appeared. 1938-07-13 for SE re Melchizedek {.ref .center} --- ## 873.
1938-07-14 revelation of Bahá’u’lláh is primarily for this planet {.center} July 14, 1938, Haifa. {.sig} “...Concerning your question regarding the meaning of the passage on page 231 of the ‘Gleanings’ — ‘And out of it will We bring you a second time’. This is allegorical and does not imply physical resurrection. On page 287 of the same book, ‘And hath power to restore the force that hath spent itself and vanished’. No particular force is meant. It is symbolic of the regenerative power with which a righteous act is endowed. As to your question whether the power of Bahá’u’lláh extends over our solar system and its higher worlds; while the revelation of Bahá’u’lláh, it should be noted, is primarily for this planet, yet the spirit animating it is all-embracing, and its scope therefore cannot be restricted or defined.” Your true brother, {.sig} Shoghi. --- ## 874.
1938-08-07 to Martha on Maries passing & response of Marie of Jugoslavija {.center} Her Eternal Crown: Queen Marie of Romania and the Bahá’í Faith, Della L Marcus, pp273 {.ref .center} Regarding the late Queen Marie of Romania, her sudden and quite unexpected passing was a real shock to the friends, who cannot but profoundly mourn her loss. Memorial meetings were held in her honour in many centres, and the occasion was seized by the believers to give fresh publicity to the Cause through the press. The Guardian himself, immediately upon hearing of the Queen’s death, wired in the name of all the Bahá’ís a message of condolence to her daughter, the Dowager Queen Marie of Yugoslavia, and in reply received from her a telegram expressing her ‘sincere thanks to the followers of Bahá’u’lláh. 1938-08-07 to Martha on Marie’s passing & response of Marie of Jugoslavija {.ref .center} --- ## 875.
1938-09-05 to an individual re Bahá’í concept of sex {.center} USBN National Bahá’í Review #4 April 1968 p5 {.ref .center} The Bahá’í Teachings on this matter, which is of such vital concern and about which there is such a wide divergency of views, are very clear and emphatic. Briefly stated the Bahá’í conception of sex is based on the belief that chastity should be strictly practiced by both sexes, not only because it is in itself highly commendable ethically, but also due to its being the only way to a happy and successful marital life. Sex relationships of any form, outside marriage, are not permissible therefore, and whoso violates this rule will not only be responsible to God, but will incur the necessary punishment from society. “The Bahá’í Faith recognizes the value of the sex impulse, but condemns its illegitimate and improper expressions such as free love, companionate marriage and others, all of which it considers positively harmful to man and to the society in which he lives. The proper use of the sex instinct is the natural right of every individual, and it is precisely for this very purpose that the institution of marriage has been established. The Bahá’ís do not believe in the suppression of the sex impulse but in its regulation and control. “In the Aqdas and innumerable Tablets, most of which have not been yet translated, both Bahá’u’lláh and ‘Abdu’l-Bahá emphasize the above view and up-hold the principle of chastity. In The Gleanings there are some important references, more or less direct, to this question. You should carefully go over them, and ponder on their meanings and their far-reaching implications.” 1938-09-05 to an individual re Bahá’í concept of sex {.ref .center} ========= {.noid} While portions of this letter are cited various places, this is the most complete --- ## 876.
1938-10-27 to Coswell to continue consolidation in Knoxville {.center} Divine Springtime — Louise Coswell Recalls, p14-15 “For the present however, the Guardian would advise that you remain in Knoxville and assist the friends in consolidating their work and in acquiring the teachings necessary to enable them to administer their affairs efficiently and along sound administrative lines. (Signed) H. Rabbání {.sig} 1938-10-27 to Coswell to continue consolidation in Knoxville {.ref .center} --- ## 877.
1938-11-10 to Max Greeven re situation in Germany {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp38-40 Max Greeven, 10 November 1938 Dear Mr. Greeven, I am directed by the Guardian to express his thanks for your letters dated August 9th and October 11th. With reference to the situation of the Cause in Germany; Frau Mühlschlegel wrote sometime ago that the friends in Stuttgart had received a communication from the Berlin Secret Police to the effect that “for state-police reasons” the Faith had to remain prohibited, and that the objects confiscated would not be returned. There is apparently nothing the friends in Stuttgart can do to induce the authorities to re-examine their rulings, or to rescind it, even in part. Further representation on their part not only seem to bring no results, but might have the effect of displeasing the authorities. And in view of this, the Guardian wrote in reply to Frau Mühlschlegel that under existing circumstances it would be wiser for the believers to keep entirely silent, and not to press any longer their case by addressing any appeal either to the authorities in Stuttgart or Berlin. As regards your own efforts to approach the minister in charge of ecclesiastical affairs in the capital; the Guardian has noted your view that under the existing regime in Germany there is very little chance of your obtaining any definite results through representations to that department. Fie would suggest therefore that, in case you deem it feasible and opportune, you should endeavour to find new ways of approach, possibly by trying to contact some of the high officials in the “Gestapo” which, as you have written, reigns supreme in the Germany of today. This is, however, merely a suggestion, and he leaves it entirely to you to decide as to its practicability, particularly as events in Germany are all developing in the direction of greater centralization, and of a further suppression of all religious groups and denominations. The general world condition is obviously growing more tense every day and clearly points to the inevitability of that world-wide conflagration foretold by the Master and explained by the Guardian in his “Goal of a New World Order”. Shoghi Effendi wishes the friends to be prepared for still far more serious developments than those which we have witnessed in the course of the last two months, but he wishes them also to feel assured and confident in the glorious promises for a brighter future so emphatically given by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. With regard to the photographs of the Paris bust of the Master; Shoghi Effendi does not wish you to undergo the expense and trouble of ordering another fifty copies of the same dimensions as the original photos. Those of the post-card size you had sent, he feels, are quite good and sufficient. With his most loving greetings, also to Mrs. Greeven, yours in His Service, H. Rabbání Dearest co-worker: Just a word to assure you of my ever-deepening gratitude and admiration for the efforts you are ceaselessly exerting on behalf of our oppressed brethren. Bahá’u’lláh is no doubt watching over you, and the Beloved is well pleased with your historic endeavours. Whatever their outcome, you have won for yourself an abiding place in the affections of the believers. Affectionately and gratefully Shoghi --- ## 878.
1938-11-11 to Blomfield re talk to Society for the Study of Comparative Religions {.center} Lady Blomfield: Her Life and Times, Robert Weinberg, p333-4 {.ref .center} In this connection he wishes me to express the hope that the public address you have requested to deliver on the Cause by the “Society for the Study of Comparative Religions” will be a great success, and that as a result genuine interest will be awakened in the Teachings. He will specially pray that your efforts in this connection may be blessed and yield the maximum results. He wishes me also to assure you that he will remember in his prayers the member of the above-mentioned society whom you have been trying to confirm in the Faith. May Bahá’u’lláh awaken his soul to the truth of His Message and inspire him to actively join the Cause. ‘I was truly delighted to hear from you, and to know of your steadfastness and increasing success in the service of this noble Faith. You are often in my thoughts and prayers, and I supplicate our Beloved to shower upon you and your dear daughter His imperishable blessings. 1938-11-11 to Blomfield re talk to “Society for the Study of Comparative Religions” {.ref .center} --- ## 879.
1938-11-13 to May Maxwell re support for hospitality {.center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani, p299 {.ref .center} My dearest Mother: ... He was very touched by your desire to contribute to the upkeep of the hospitality offered pilgrims in Haifa, but felt he would prefer to use the sum in your and Daddy’s name for the purchase of land about the Shrine of the Báb on Mount Carmel. He felt this would make you both happy to have it spent for such a purpose... . With the Guardian’s love to you and Daddy, as well as my own deepest love, Your daughter, Rúḥíyyih Your prompt & exemplary response to the suggestions & requests I have felt urged to make in recent months has served to heighten my admiration for the spirit that has always so powerfully animated you in the service of the Cause. I wish you now to concentrate for a time your energies and attention on the immediate needs of the teaching work in whatever region you find it most agreeable and beneficent to your health. I trust that in this renewed effort dear Mr. Maxwell will be closely associated, & in conjunction with you win fresh laurels for the Faith. Mary, who continually shares with me the joy & anxieties which the evolution of the Cause must necessarily occasion is well, happy, & continually progressing. You should be quite assured & happy. Affectionately & gratefully Shoghi {.sig} 1938-11-13 to May Maxwell re support for hospitality {.ref .center} --- ## 880.
1938-11-27 Bahá’í Calendadr {.center} USBN #122 January 1939 p3 {.ref .center} “The Bahá’í day starts and ends at sunset, and consequently the date of the celebration of Bahá’í feasts should be adjusted to conform to the Bahá’í calendar time. For further particulars on this subject you should refer to the section entitled ‘Bahá’í Calendar’ in The Bahá’í World. “The Guardian would advise that, if feasible, the friends should commemorate certain of the feasts and anniversaries at the fol — lowing time: “The anniversary of the Declaration of the Báb on May 22, at about two hours after sunset. “The first day of Riḍván, at about 3:00 P.M. on the 21st of April. “The anniversary of the Martyrdom of the Báb on July 9 at about noon. “The anniversary of the Ascension of Bahá’u’lláh on May 29 at 3:00 A.M. “The Ascension of ‘Abdu’1-Bahá on November 28 at 1:00 A.M. “The other anniversaries the believers are free to gather at any time during the day which they find convenient.” Letter from Shoghi Effendi, November 27, 1938. --- ## 881.
1938-11-27 this historic enterprise {.center} USBN #122 January 1939 p2 {.ref .center} With reference to the ornamentation of the gallery section of the Temple; the Guardian wishes me to express his entire satisfaction at the rate at which the work is progressing, and also to assure your Assembly of his approval of the suggestion made Mr. Earley,which will have the effect of expediting considerably the work of the ornamentation of the first story. He further wishes me to stress the importance of placing the contract for the models and molds before the completion of the present contract, as this, he strongly feels, will save much time,and would in addition enable your Assembly, in the meantime, to accumulate more funds and thus insure the uninterrupted progress of the ornamentation of the rest of the Temple. He would, in closing, urge your Assembly, and wishes, through you, to renew his plea to the entire body of the American believers, to spare no effort to bring this historic enterprise to final consummation at the appointed time. They would certainly be failing in one of their most vital obligations, at this crucial period in the development of the Cause, if they allow the work of that sacred edifice to suffer any setback. But there is surely no ground for any such doubt. Rather, there is every reason to believe that the American Bahá’í Community, the range and quality of whose achievements have raised it to so unique and enviable a position among its sister communities throughout the West, will, as in the past, endeavor with one accord to fulfill to the very last and with that self same spirit of abnegation and heroic resolve that have characterized its previous accomplishments, all its obligations and responsibilities under the Seven Year Plan. — - — November 27, 1938 --- ## 882.
1938-12-14 for SE to ind re Spanish translations {.center} Bahá’í Studies Bulletin Vol 5 #1-2 September 1985 pp92 The decision reached by the N.S. A. concerning the matter of Spanish translations, he hopes will be carries out promptly and vigorously, so as to avoid any further delay. He feels the highest literary standard possible should be maintained in any future translations of Bahá’í Writings into Spanish and for this reason he heartily welcomes the suggestion to refer such work to Spanish professors, even though this may involve some expenses which your Committee or the N.S.A. might find somewhat difficult to bear in the beginning. 1938-12-14 for SE to ind re Spanish translations {.ref .center} ========= {.noid} --- ## 883.
1938-12-14 re Temerity Ranch {.center} USBN #131 November 1939, p8 {.ref .center} “The Guardian feels also deeply appreciative of your generous offering to the N.S.A. of your ranch in Colorado Springs. Your idea to turn this property into a training school for Inter-America teaching work, he feels, is splendid.” — - — - 14 Dec 1938 re Temerity Ranch facility, Pine Valley --- ## 884.
1938-xx-xx hopes for P & M {.center} USBN #212 October 1948 p1 {.ref .center} “ ... He is indeed pleased to know that the book of Prayers and Meditations by Bahá’u’lláh has been out in time to enable the fr?ends to read it during the Fast, and he has every hope that the perusal of such a precious volume will help to deepen, more than any other publication, the spirit of devotion and faith in the friends, and thus charge them with all the spiritual power they require for the accomplishment of their tremendous duties towards the Cause ....” 1938? {.ref .center} (From a letter from Shoghi Effendi to Miss Jessie Revell of Philadelphia in answer to a letter she wrote him thanking him for the book Prayers and Meditations). --- ## 885.
1939-01-09 Cobbs Character {.center} USBN #128 Aug 1939, p 5 {.ref .center} He has noted with particular satisfaction the reference made to the Master and the Cause, and trusts this will serve to attract the attention of many thoughtful leaders to the Faith, and awaken widespread to the Faith, and awaken widespread and genuine interest in the teachings. A single seed when planted at the right time and the right way will take root, grow well, and yield abundant fruitage. Your book, likewise, is of such simple and beautiful expression, and presents the spiritual ideals and teachings of the Cause in an indirect but most effective and convincing language that every serious and unbiased reader is bound to be impressed by its perusal and to investigate and study the Cause. This volume represents your experiences of many years as a Bahá’í, and is the fruit of your labors as a student of the teachings in the field of educational philosophy. May it serve to inspire the educationalists of our time to assist in spreading and vindicating those spiritual ideals which Bahá’u’lláh and the Master have set as the highest and noblest goal of every education. — to Stanwood Cobb regarding his book, Character: A Sequence in Spiritual Psychology, 9 Jan 1939 . --- ## 886.
1939-01-26 questions of Kaukab H. A. MacCutcheon {.center} EXTRACTS PROM SHOGHI EFFENDI’S LETTERS circulated by RUTH J. MOFFETT — Extracts from a letter from Shoghi Effendi to Kaukab H. A. MacCutcheon, dated January 26, 1939. “In regard to the list of questions you had enclosed, the Guardian has directed me to answer them in the order in which they have been put: 1. The Teachings do not contain any explanation of what is meant by Guardian Angel. 2. The holding of a memorial forty days after the passing of a person is a purely Islámic practice, and consequently should be discarded by the believers. 3. There is no prophecy in the writings of Bahá’u’lláh regarding the Pyramids. 4. On page 231 of the ‘Gleanings’ the passage beginning with the words, ‘Out of earth have We created you’ — - in this passage Bahá’u’lláh is refuting the argument of the Muslims who believe in bodily resurrection. 5. There is no connection between the birth of Christ and His having practiced celibacy to permit one to infer that since He was born of the Holy Spirit He therefore refused to marry. Even if Christ had been, married, this would in no way have affected the manner of the appearance of Muḥammad or the Báb. 6. Approximately six thousand years elapsed since the appearance of Adam. The ages of the Prophets as spécified in the Bible were based on a different calculation than the one used at present. The years mentioned in the Bible were different from ours. 7. As to your question as to whether another letter will be added to our alphabet in order to have 27 letters; this tradition in which reference to 27 letters is made, has no relation to the Western alphabet. 8. The fulfilment of the prophecy regarding the appearance of the Sun in the West refers to the Bahá’í Civilization and World Order, and has no relation to ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s visit to the West; 9. The provision in the ‘Aqdas’ regarding the use of glass coffins will be explained when that Most Holy Book is published. This has no connection with the purification of the earth in the Day of Bahá’u’lláh. 10. The words Spirit and Soul are interchangeable. You should refer to ‘Answered Questions’ for further clarification. 11. The subconscious mind is one of the manifestations of the human soul. 12. The Báb is the return of the 12th Immam only in a spiritual sense, just as Bahá’u’lláh is the return of the Spirit, the Christ. 13. In the ‘Gleanings’, p. 154, the sentence beginning with ‘a sick person showeth Bahá’u’lláh means by this that the soul itself, in its reality, is not affected by any physical forces. 14. There is no reference in the teachings of the real birthday of Jesus Christ. 15. Also, the Teachings hear no reference to the names of the stars which are supposed to have preceded Moses, Christ and other Divine Prophets. 16. The Jews are the descendants of Jacob. Both they and the Arabs are branches of the Semitic race.” Your true and grateful brother, SHOGHI. {.sig} --- ## 887.
1939-02-06 Hindrances can be overcome {.center} USBN #134 March 1940, p2 {.ref .center} “Such hindrances (i.e., illness and outer difficulties), no matter how severe and insuperable they may at first seem, can and should be effectively overcome through the combined and sustained power of prayer and of determined and continued effort.” — To Mrs. Alíce S. Cox, February 6, 1939. --- ## 888.
1939-02-11 three homefront pioneers {.center} USBN #123 March 1939 p2 {.ref .center} .. Heart flooded (with) joyous gratitude (at) realization American believers (are) rising magnificently (to meet the) challenge (of this). unutterably precious hour. Convey (to) Alaska, Nevada (and) Vermont pioneers (my) immense appreciation (of their) marvelous, instantaneous, exemplary response. Prayers continually accompany them.” 11 Feb 38 On rcvg news that Miss Honor Kempton would proceed to Alaska, Miss Grace Bissell to Vermont, and Miss Helen Griffing to Nevada --- ## 889.
1939-02-25 to May Maxwell re poss of Shoghi Effendi travel to America {.center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani, p321 {.ref .center} The Guardian wants me to tell you he approves of your little note of explanation enclosed with the notes you intend sharing with the friends. He does not want to have any misunderstanding arise regarding them and so feels your note was quite appropriate. He was very touched by your offer of our home to him if at any time he should be forced to go to that continent, but he feels such a thing is very unlikely indeed! However the spirit of your offer he accepts and the love that inspired it. Dear & valued co-worker: I deeply appreciate & feel much touched by your spontaneous and generous offer to place the house you live in at my disposal if ever I visit the States. This is another evidence of your passionate devotion to the Faith which I regard as an inestimable asset to the Cause. What you are achieving for the Cause in these days of stress & trial, through personal contact with the believers only serves to enhance the rich record of your past & outstanding services. Mary is quite well, & exceedingly busy in her study of the Bible at present which I regard as a necessary foundation for her future work. You should feel assured, happy & redouble your efforts in the teaching field. With much love to dear Mr. Maxwell whom I trust will be able to help increasingly in the magnificent work you are performing for the Cause. Your true & grateful brother, Shoghi {.sig} 1939-02-25 to May Maxwell re poss of Shoghi Effendi travel to America {.ref .center} --- ## 890.
1939-03-19 several To Mrs. Elizabeth Edwards {.center} USBN #134 March 1940, p2 {.ref .center} As regards the celebration of the Christian Holidays by the believers; it is surely preferable and even highly advisable that the friends should in their relation to each other discontinue observing such holidays as Christmas and New Year, and to have their festival gatherings of this nature instead during the intercalary days and Naw-Rúz ... , Concerning the question how long it takes for the spirit to properly disconnect itself from the body; there is no reference to that in the Writings .... The healing prayers revealed by Bahá’u’lláh can be effective even though used by non-believers. But their effectiveness is of course greater in the case of those who fully accept the Revelation. — To Mrs. Elizabeth Edwards, March 19, 1939. --- ## 891.
1939-04-14 Bahá’í World Order & social aspects {.center} USBN #134 March 1940, p2 {.ref .center} Concerning the idea of the Bahá’í World Order and the proper emphasis which should be laid on the social aspect of the Faith; the Guardian feels the necessity for all teachers to stress the fact that the World Order of Bahá’u’lláh can, under no circumstances, be divorced from the spiritual principles and teachings of the Cause; that the social laws and institutions of the Faith are inseparably bound up and closely interwoven with the moral and spiritual principles enunciated by Bahá’u’lláh, Who, Himself, indeed, has time and again emphasized the underlying oneness and the identity of purpose of all His spiritual, doctrinal, and social teachings. The Friends, while emphasizing both of these aspects, should, in particular, point out that they constitute parts of one and the same plan, and elements of a single, divine and world-embracing system. — To Leroy Ioas, April 14, 1939. --- ## 892.
1939-04-17 pioneer teaching in Northern and Southern America {.center} USBN #126 June 1939 p2 {.ref .center} Before closing I wish to express once again the feelings of unbounded satisfaction and gratitude that fill the heart of our beloved Guardian at the repeated evidences of the steady extension of pioneer teaching in both the Northern and Southern America, and at the unanimous and unconditional response made to his recent teaching appeals by the individual believers, local Assemblies, regional and national teaching committees and last, but not least, by the distinguished members of your own Assembly who have assuredly spared no effort to coordinate, guide and reinforce the activities and resources of the entire community towards the accomplishment of the collossal task set forth by the Seven Year Plan. Such exemplary response, truly reminiscent of the intrepid faith, fearless courage and irreproachable fidelity so characteristic of the immortal pioneers of the Heroic Age of the Cause, indeed befits the high spiritual rank which the American believers so deservedly and incontestably enjoy. It surely cannot but excite the envy and the admiration of all their sister communities. whether in the East or in the West, and, in particular, offer true and abiding solace to those of their co-religionists who, though harrassed and persecuted, turn their eager and confident hearts to their dear American brethren, whose inestimable privilege it is now to compensate, through their heroic exploits, what their disabled fellow-believers are prevented from accomplishing for the further spread and greater glory of their faith. through his secretary:—17 Apr 1939 --- ## 893.
1939-04-21 meaning of certain phrases {.center} EXTRACTS PROM SHOGHI EFFENDI’S LETTERS TO RUTH J. MOFFETT AND ROBERT LEE MOFFETT April 21, 1939, Haifa. {.sig} “... With reference to your question as to the meaning of ‘Abhá Kingdom’; it is another term for the spiritual world beyond the grave. What is meant by personal God, is a God who is conscious of His creation, who has a mind, a will, a purpose, and not, as many scientists and materialists believe, an unconscious and determined force operating in the universe. Such conception of the Divine Being, as the Supreme and over-present Reality in the world, is not anthropomorphic, for it transcends all human limitations and forms, and does by no means attempt to define the essence of Divinity which is obviously beyond any human comprehension. To say that God is a personal Reality doos not mean that He has a physical form, or does in any way resemble a human being. To entertain such belief would be sheer blasphemy. When we say that man lives in a three dimensional plane of consciousness, we should not interpret such a statement in mathematical terms, though the basic idea of the thought is certainly correct. The word Israel, used throughout the Bible, simply refers to the Jewish people, and not to the chosen ones of this day. The passage in the Gospel of St. John 14:26, is a reference to the Revelation of Bahá’u’lláh, through Whose coming this prophecy was fulfilled.” Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi. {.sig} --- ## 894.
1939-04-22 on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual re some economic topics {.center} Redistribution of Wealth Compiled By Research Department Of The Universal House Of Justice. Now with regard to your questions concerning Bahá’í economic teachings: the writings of Bahá’u’lláh do not contain any technical teachings on the subject of economics, and on such specific financial questions as gold standardization, monetary standards and exchanges, etc. —what they provide however are certain general principles in the light of which future Bahá’í economists will have to evolve the Bahá’í Economic System of the future. These principles contribute the basis of all future economic schemes, but at present it would certainly be premature to foretell what definite economic system will be evolved and established by the Cause. The Bahá’ís, therefore, cannot claim to possess at present an economic order or system which they can officially associate with the Faith, nor should they now attempt to establish any such economic scheme, which would obviously be beyond their present-day capacity and resources. As regards the objections raised against Bahá’u’lláh’s law of Inheritance: even though a Bahá’í is permitted in his will to dispose of his wealth in the way he wishes, yet he is morally and conscientiously bound to always bear in mind, while writing his will, the necessity of his upholding the principle of Bahá’u’lláh regarding the social function of wealth, and the consequent necessity of avoiding its over-accumulation and concentration in a few individuals or groups of individuals. It is his duty as a loyal and responsible believer to make such provision in his will as would make it fully conform to the spirit if not actually to the exact provisions of the Aqdas regarding the division and distribution of inheritance.... No country can possibly solve its economic difficulties alone, for economic interdependence is an unescapable economic reality, a fact of economic life which can neither be ignored nor deliberately opposed. The Teachings do not state what the exact relationship between Labour and Capital will be in the future. Neither do they indicate any directions regarding the payment of wages, or whether the wage system will be retained, modified or altogether abolished. They, however, explicitly uphold the institution of private ownership, but stress also the necessity of introducing certain fundamental changes in its methods and features. 1939-04-22 on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual re some economic topics {.ref .center} --- ## 895.
1939-04-24 be very careful in contacts with Esperantists {.center} The Principle Of An International Auxiliary Language Compiled by the Research Dept at the direction of the House of Justice, 1 Nov 79(?) One thing, however, the Guardian feels the believers should be very careful to avoid in all such contacts with the Esperantists: namely that of giving them the impression that they consider Esperanto as necessarily constituting that international auxiliary language of the future referred to by Bahá’u’lláh and stressed by Him as an indispensable element in the upbuilding of the coming New World Order. To give them such a false conception of the true Bahá’í attitude regarding the choice of the future world international language would not only be an act of dishonesty and disloyalty towards the Cause, but would lead to serious misunderstandings and misapprehensions, and eventually result in counteracting the effect of any temporary gains or advantages which may accrue to the Faith through such association and contacts with the Esperantists. It is not so much that language as the central idea it embodies and inculcates which the Bahá’ís endorse, and only through keeping firm to such an attitude can they hope to establish any fruitful and enduring contacts with various Esperanto groups and associations throughout the world. (24 April 1939 to an individual believer) --- ## 896.
1939-04-27 racial problem in America {.center} HOLOCAUST AND THE GREATER PLAN OF GOD (Revised 1998) A compilation by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice With reference to your question concerning the racial problem in America: although the American race problem is no less serious than the race question in Europe, particularly as regards the Jews, yet the Guardian is inclined to think that for the present there is little likelihood of its becoming as widespread and tragic as in such European countries as Germany, Poland and other Central European and Balkan States. He feels convinced, however, that unless the racial question in America is vigorously and fearlessly tackled, grave disturbances, of both a social and political nature, will inevitably result. (27 April 1939, on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer) --- ## 897.
1939-05-12 importance of Panama {.center} USBN #129 August 1939, p8 {.ref .center} ... the importance of establishing the Faith in that republic (i. e. Panama) as already stressed by the Guardian in his last general letter, cannot be overemphasized. and whatever the obstacles that will have to be faced by future Bahá’í pioneers in that country, the task of insuring the spiritual conquest of that territory, of whose far-reaching possibilities as a radiating center for the diffusion of the light of the Cause throughout Central and South America ‘Abdu’l-Bahá has so explicitly written in the Tablets of the Divine Plan, must be vigorously and systematically pursued. ... In closing. Shoghi Effendi wishes me to stress the all-importance of the teaching work in Central America. While the teaching campaign in South America should be continually and vigorously prosecuted, special attention, he feels, should be directed to Central America, aiming at the permanent establishment of at least one believer in each one of its republics, before the end of the present year.” [on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to the Inter-America Committee, 12 May 1939] --- ## 898.
1939-05-14 supreme objective {.center} The supreme objective of the American believers in the year just entered is to insure the uninterrupted prosecution of the Temple construction work and to accomplish the present and perhaps the most difficult stage in the inter-American teaching campaign recently and officially inaugurated. The scope of the dual task ahead is now clear and defined. It is now for the newly elected Assembly to devise ways and means for its efficient, complete and speedy execution. SHOGHI. {.sig} May 14, 1939. {.sig} --- ## 899.
1939-05-20 to May Maxwell re her health {.center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani, p326-7 {.ref .center} He was very sad to learn from your recent cablegram sent to me, that you have a diabetic condition. He hastens to assure you he will pray for your complete recovery and he wants you not only to continue treating this condition but to have complete rest of body and mind in order to entirely recover. He assures you that you have no need to worry on any score and that when the time comes you will return to him, and to my open arms, in Haifa. You must never have any doubt about this for a moment! He wants you at present to devote yourself entirely to recovering from this condition and only after you are recovered, to go on with your teaching work ... Also he feels whenever you need his prayers, or wish to, you should cable him directly at once. This will greatly help you and you should never hesitate, for any consideration, to do so. In your last letter to me you asked me a question that I felt only our beloved could answer so I took the liberty of mentioning it to him, knowing his answer would be the true one. He says your illness has not the slightest connection with any spiritual state or failure. There is every reason for you to feel happy and proud because he is pleased with you and you are doing your duty in every way. This illness is purely a physical condition and he is praying you will overcome it. He wants you not to worry over anything or think any dark thoughts ... You must always feel that he is not only happy to hear from you but eager to get your views as one so devoted to the Cause and so close to him! It is a long time since I have written you but you have been often in my thoughts and prayers, particularly since I have heard about your illness which I trust will be soon completely cured. To be fully restored physically should be your first consideration. Everything for the present should be subordinated to it. Anytime you feel the urge to write me do not hesitate for one moment. Rest assured, and have no anxiety whatever either regarding Mary who is well, happy and protected, or in connection with the international situation & its repercussions. You and your dear family have in the past & under all circumstances been consistently & sometimes miraculously preserved, guided & blessed & will in the coming days be vouchsafed similar if not still greater & more abundant bounties & blessings. Be happy, confident, & thankful. Affectionately Shoghi {.sig} 1939-05-20 to May Maxwell re her health {.ref .center} --- ## 900.
1939-05-22 Inter-American teaching campaign {.center} USBN #127 July 1939 p2 {.ref .center} In connection with the Bahá’í exhibition at the San Francisco Golden Gate Exposition, he feels deeply appreciative of the efforts exerted by the N. S. A. in conjunction with the San Francisco Assembly for the arrangement of such an attractive and impressive display. and has every reason to hope that the exhibit your Assembly is now holding at the World’s Fair in New York will prove equally successful. and result in giving the Faith a befitting and widespread publicity. He welcomes your offer to send him photographs of this last exhibit at New York. and would also appreciate your giving him a report on the public interest shown on both occasions. He wishes me in conclusion to stress the paramount importance, now that the teaching campaign in the United States and Canada has been successfully extended to embrace every State and Province in these two countries, of insuring by all means available the systematic and vigorous penetration of the teaching force in the Latin Republics of Central America — the opening up of which he has, in his recent cabled message to the Annual Convention, set as the chief immediate teaching objective facing the Community of the American believers during this year. Since the nine hitherto unoccupied territories in the North American Continent have at last been definitely settled, and following the formation during this past year of the first local Spiritual Assembly in the heart of Mexico, this southward penetration of the teaching campaign is but a natural and logical step which should now be resolutely and unfailingly pursued. That this new and crucial stage in the Inter-American teaching campaign is infinitely more difficult and challenging than any teaching attempt under taken so far collectively by the American believers, fraught as it is with problems which they have never had the opportunity to tackle before, and might for this reason appear at first quite beyond their present-day resources and strength, the Guardian himself has readily admitted in his “Advent of Divine Justice.” But though fully alive to the existence of such obstacles and difficulties. whether religious, political, racial. or otherwise, he feels absolutely confident that these harriers. no matter how insuperable they may prove to purely human attempts and endeavors, cannot in the long run offer any effective resistance to the onward march of the invincible arm of Bahá’u’lláh which, however significantly small and poorly equipped materially it may appear, is endowed nevertheless with such celestial strength as will undoubtedly enable it to break down one by one every barrier it may encounter in its spiritual conquest for the redemption and guidance of human souls. It is the assurance of such divinely promised victory, stressed time and again and in language indeed unmistakable by Bahá’u’lláh and ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, coupled with the ever-growing evidence of the incomparably glorious teaching achievements accomplished by the American believers in recent years, and in particular during the last two decades following the ascension of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, that fill the Guardian with confidence and courage, and impel him to set up such an admittedly high goal before the American Bahá’í Community, thus leading it, resolutely and infallibly, ever onward towards the high spiritual destiny which has been, irrevocably and yet so deservedly, chosen for it by God in this glorious age and dispensation. [on behalf of the Guardian 22 May 1939] --- ## 901.
1939-05-30 to M M Ellsworth Blackwell on their volunteering to pioneer {.center} White and Negro Alíke (Kindle edition), Audrey Mike 1939-05-30 to M/M Ellsworth Blackwell on their volunteering to pioneer {.ref .center} May 30, 1939 {.sig} Dear Bahá’í Friends, The most welcome message you had jointly addressed to our beloved Guardian dated May 9th has duly reached him, and he was inexpressibly delighted to hear that you have written the Inter-America Committee offering your services for teaching work in Central America. He hopes that the N.S.A. & the Inter-America Committee both will extend to you every support & assistance in their power in order to facilitate your journey & enable you to settle in a locality where you will have the best chance of establishing the Faith. You did well to write & ask the Committee in charge of the teaching work in the Latin American countries for their advice as to what particular state you should settle in, as their recommendation would certainly be invaluable to you in your work. Needless to assure you that this great teaching undertaking you have chosen with such spontaneous will and such heroic determination characteristic of the Bahá’í pioneer, the invisible, yet ever present hosts of the Kingdom will ever reinforce & strengthen your labors, and lead you onward to the goal you have set yourselves to attain in service to Bahá’u’lláh in His Faith. The Guardian’s good wishes & prayers will accompany you all through your journey, & it is his heart’s fervent hope that you may be fully confirmed & successful in your efforts. With the warmest expression of his grateful appreciation of your devoted services in the teaching field & with his most loving greetings to you both. Yours ever sincerely, R. Rabbání [At the close of this letter on behalf of the Guardian to the Blackwells, Shoghi Effendi, in his own hand, added these comments.] Dear co-workers: I am delighted to hear of your noble determination, and will specially pray for your success. I value and prize the spirit that animates you in His service. May the Beloved guide every step you take, resolve every problem that may confront you, cheer your hearts and fulfill your dearest wish in His service. Your true brother, {.sig} Shoghi {.sig} 742 East Marquette Chicago, Illinois May 9, 1939 {.sig} Dear Shoghi Effendi, This is to inform you that we have submitted our names to the Inter-America Committee for pioneer work in Central America. We are entirely willing to carry the great message into any one of these countries, should The National Spiritual Assembly decide to accept our applications. We would like to give you a few facts concerning our personal history. We became declared believers in the year 1934 within a few months of each other, and were later married in the year 1937. I am a member of the Negro race, and my wife is one of the Caucasian race, while I am from the southern states and she is from the northern states. It was the summons contained within your cablegram that “white and Negro believers alike must arise…” which has created within us the desire to respond to the Call. We are asking, then, for your prayers on our behalf so that we may always render the utmost service to the Cause of Bahá’u’lláh. Faithfully yours, Ellsworth Blackwell Ruth Blackwell --- ## 902.
1939-07-04 various to USNSA {.center} USBN #129 August 1939, p4-5 {.ref .center} The Guardian wishes me to express his approval of the budget of $150,000 fixed by the N. S. A. for teaching work and Temple construction during the current Bahá’í Year, and trusts that the individual believers as well as all the local Assemblies will cooperate in raising that sum, and thus make it possible for your Assembly to carry on, regularly and uninterruptedly, its twofold national tasks in this third year of the Seven Year Plan. The Guardian also welcomes your Assembly’s decision to maintain the plan of holding public meetings and regional conferences in various parts of the country, and also views with approval your decision to include the city of Toronto in the schedule of the N. S. A. meetings for this year. In closing I wish to express the Guardian’s unbounded satisfaction at the most gratifying news of the opening up of the three Central American Republics of Cuba, Panama and Honduras to the light of the Cause, and to urge your Assembly, on his behalf, to make a special, and indeed supreme effort for the settlement, in the course of this year, of the six remaining Republics of Central America. Whatever the cost and sacrifices which such admittedly difficult campaign would entail, and however tentative the efforts of those pioneers who offer themselves for service in these religiously conservative, politically unsettled, and climatically inhospitable countries, the one supreme and immediate objective is to insure laying down, ere the termination of the current year, and in each one of these Republics such foundations, rudimentary though they may be, as would provide future Bahá’í teachers working in these regions such means and openings as would considerably facilitate their task of further extending the scope and consolidating the foundations of the Cause in Central America. Whoever feels the urge to volunteer for pioneer work in either one of these Central American States should be encouraged to do so and while the N. S. A. is conscientiously bound to facilitate his settlement it has also the right of exercising its own discretion whenever there are a number of similar applicants, through extending special financial support to all those pioneers whom it considers to be best qualified for the task. This present phase of the inter-continental teaching campaign, coinciding as it does with the steadily rising tide of uncertainty and gloom throughout the world, acquires a special significance, and offers indeed a unique challenge to the community of the American believers, who, as the undisputed “vanguards of the Faith in the West” are now called upon to demonstrate, in fields hitherto unexplored and through exploits as yet unrivaled by any of their sister-communities throughout the West, the efficacy of this new saving grace of God revealed in this age through the person of Bahá’u’lláh. The Guardian will continue to pray that the members of the American Bahá’í community may arise and meet the challenge of the present hour with such audacity, such self-sacrifice and such unflinching determination as truly befits their incontestably high spiritual position, and in a manner that would evoke the admiration and excite the envy not only of the entire body of their co-religionists, but of the whole unbelieving world outside. July 4. 1939. {.sig} --- ## 903.
1939-07-11 To May Maxwell re Marys progress {.center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani, p307 {.ref .center} Mary is steadily quietly & surely progressing & developing in every way, & I am truly pleased & satisfied. You should with increasing joy, thanksgiving, assurance & ardour persevere in your work which is complementary to hers in your servitude to the threshold of Bahá’u’lláh. {.sig} 1939-07-11 To May Maxwell re Mary’s progress {.ref .center} --- ## 904.
1939-07-11 through difficulties enabled to deepen devotion to Cause {.center} Fire and Gold: Benefiting from Life’s Tests”, p139 as compiled by Brian Kurzius He fully understands indeed the rather difficult situation in which you have been placed through the sheer development of circumstances, but nevertheless feels you have no reason to get so discouraged, and wishes you therefore to rest assured, confident that through such difficulties you will be enabled to further deepen in your love and devotion to the Cause, and receive fresh opportunities of serving and promoting its truth. [Written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi, 11 July 1939] --- ## 905.
1939-07-11 to May Maxwell re Sutherlands illness {.center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani, p331-2 {.ref .center} He was very pleased to hear from you in your cable to him that Daddy was so much better, and he trusts you will both devote yourselves to becoming quite re-established physically and then go out and teach. I know you will be happy to hear that Shoghi Effendi himself is well and feeling encouraged by the good news of the progress of the work in America and southward. Your deep love for him touches and pleases him very much! He is well aware of your great devotion to the Cause and its Center. He has permitted me to send this air mail to you, so excuse the paper, which is some I bought just for my air mail letters to you and Daddy. With my heart’s deepest love to you and Daddy and assuring you that the Guardian prays for you both and watches over you and me! Your Rúḥíyyih Dear & prized co-worker: The news of dear Mr. Maxwell’s illness has greatly saddened me. What a relief to learn that he is well again & that no operation is required! The welfare & happiness of such a noble, such a pure & dear soul are ever near to my heart, & I pray that he may be graciously assisted & led to associate himself closer than before with the truly magnificent & historic work you are achieving, in these days of stress & trial, for the Cause of Bahá’u’lláh & its institutions. Mary is steadily quietly & surely progressing & developing in every way, & I am truly pleased & satisfied. You should with increasing joy, thanksgiving, assurance & ardour persevere in your work which is complementary to hers in your servitude to the threshold of Bahá’u’lláh. Be happy & take good care of yourself & of dear Mr. Maxwell. Shoghi {.sig} 1939-07-11 to May Maxwell re Sutherland’s illness {.ref .center} --- ## 906.
1939-07-11 to May Maxwell re greatest svc of May is deepening others {.center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani, p303-4 {.ref .center} My dearly loved Mother: On behalf of Shoghi Effendi I want to acknowledge your letters to him of June 9th and May 15th, 1939. He is always pleased to hear from you and interested in receiving the news of the friends and the Cause and progress of the work in general. Indeed so much so that he wants you to tell him in greater detail the expressions of interest, satisfaction, etc. that you may hear about his last general letter or the Seven Year Plan, or things in general. If you had ever been questioned in detail by the Guardian about something that interests him keenly, you would know what I mean! He is so extremely eager for news and naturally the more he hears of the exact reaction of the individual Bahá’ís to different things, the more he can better gauge the work and help them to progress ... He feels your greatest service to the Cause can be rendered by helping the friends to deepen their own understanding of the great institutions of the Faith, its laws and teachings, as well as by teaching new souls — a function he feels you have a great gift for — and confirming them... . 1939-07-11 to May Maxwell re greatest svc of May is deepening others {.ref .center} --- ## 907.
1939-07-20 Lydia Martin re teaching in Pine Bluff Ark {.center} “To Move the World”, Morrison, p255-6 ... . the Guardian’s heart [was] immeasurably gladdened at the report of the outstanding teaching achievements which you and Mr. Gregory have been able to accomplish in Pine Bluff during this past year. His heart goes out in deepest gratitude to you both for all the sacrifice, determination & resourceful energy you have displayed all through your teaching work in that center, & he feels indescribably happy & encouraged to know that as a result the entire Negro population of Pine Bluff has heard of the Cause, that one of the college students ... has already declared herself a believer, & that several others are on the point of becoming fully confirmed... . In view of these remarkable results you have accomplished in Pine Bluff, particularly among the student body in the Arkansas State College, & notwithstanding any opposition, veiled or open, which may be directed against you from certain quarters, the Guardian would strongly urge you to remain in that center, & to confidently persist in your efforts until you succeed in establishing a strong & united group of confirmed believers, capable of developing eventually into a local assembly. He wishes you, in particular, to concentrate on teaching the Negro inhabitants of Pine Bluff, & thus bring into the Cause this hitherto neglected, though highly promising & spiritually receptive, element of the population in the Southern States. [To Lydia Martin, 20 July 1939] --- ## 908.
1939-07-29 to Coswell re pleasure at her going to Panama {.center} Divine Springtime — Louise Coswell Recalls, p17 Dear and prized Co-worker, You stand on the threshhold of a great and historic mission, so high in rank, and so weighty with responsibility, so arduous in nature, so rich in possibilities, so unique in its significance, perseverance will enable you to reap an abundant harvest. I will specially, continually and ardently pray for you, and am eager to hear of the progress of your historic work. The Master is well pleased with you, watches over you and will bless richly your endeavors. Rest assured and be happy. Your true and grateful brother, (Signed) Shoghi {.sig} 1939-07-29 to Coswell re pleasure at her going to Panama {.ref .center} --- ## 909.
1939-08-07 pylon contract {.center} USBN #129 August 1939, p5 {.ref .center} “Delighted approve placing contract (for) pylons (of) main story. Praying response (of) believers (will) insure uninterrupted completion entire edifice. Loving gratitude.”—Shoghi August 7. 1939 {.sig} --- ## 910.
1939-08-09 to May Maxwell re death of brother Randolph {.center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani, p334-5 {.ref .center} Shoghi Effendi was deeply touched by the depths of your love for and devotion to him as shown in your letter to him of July 25th. He realizes how much the loss of your only and dear brother means to you, as well as to his family, and he has felt very badly that Uncle Randolph should have passed away so prematurely and under such tragic and sad circumstances, all the details of which he read in your long letter to me. He wants me to assure you again of his prayers for my uncle’s eternal felicity, as conveyed to you in his cablegram, and he feels sure that the work that Unkie did for the Cause, in such a good spirit and so painstakingly, in translating the footnotes of Nabíl’s narrative, will have a powerful effect on the progress of his soul in the next world. The Guardian very much regrets the fact he did not meet Uncle Randolph, and he says he is sure he would have liked him very much! ... You should be greatly consoled by the Master’s words to you and the knowledge that Shoghi Effendi is offering his ardent and potent prayers for your brother ... The goodness of my Uncle, his many kind deeds, as I have already written Aunt Jeanne in reply to his letter to the Guardian, will prove a powerful factor in his spiritual unfoldment. I deeply sympathize with you in your severe & sudden loss, & am truly touched by the sentiments so nobly conveyed & so tenderly expressed in both your cable & letter to me. I have felt the spirit of your dear brother draw closer to the mighty spirit of our Beloved, & feel certain that he is now basking in the sunshine of His love & care ... Mary was deeply moved, but shows a radiant spirit, so indicative of the depth & purity of her faith. You should therefore feel assured, thankful & happy. My prayers for you, for him & for her will continue to be offered to the Threshold of Bahá’u’lláh. Take good care of your health & whenever you feel strong enough, redouble your efforts in the teaching field for which you are eminently suited. Your true & grateful brother, Shoghi 1939-08-09? to May Maxwell re death of brother Randolph {.ref .center} --- ## 911.
1939-08-09 to Sutherland Maxwell re activities and health {.center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani, p333-4 {.ref .center} Dearest Daddy: Shoghi Effendi was very pleased indeed to get your letter dated July 25th, and to know that your health has so quickly recovered and that you realize the mercies and bounties of God to us, so frequently shown! As he has already written you indirectly in his letters to Mother, he feels it is only right that you should not only sustain Mother in her teaching work, but that you yourself should take an active part in it. As much as your affairs permit, you should concentrate your talents and efforts in this direction. The Guardian feels very sad that Uncle Randolph should have passed away so prematurely and he is praying for him most ardently. Shoghi Effendi tells me to add, that in connection with your good health, the thing that he feels certain will most strengthen and assure it, is for you to strive in every way to serve the Cause increasingly. Therein lies your greatest protection and happiness and he feels you are well qualified for such service. I send you my devoted and tenderest love and assure you that both the Guardian and I are well. Ever your most devoted daughter, Rúḥíyyih I forgot to say how proud and happy I am to be able to answer you on behalf of our beloved Shoghi Effendi! Dear and precious co-worker: Your letter reflecting so clearly the beauty & serenity of your spirit, which I have come to admire during your visit to Haifa, has deeply touched me. I deeply sympathize with you in your great loss, & I feel that any service you & dear Mrs. Maxwell will be able to render the Faith will directly & effectively contribute to the progress & happiness of the soul of Mr. Bolles. I long to hear of fresh evidences of your renewed efforts in the service of so precious a Cause, & will continue to pray for your guidance, good health & spiritual advancement. Your true brother, Shoghi {.sig} 1939-08-09 to Sutherland Maxwell re activities and health {.ref .center} --- ## 912.
1939-08-25 for SE to ind re abortion {.center} Bahá’í Studies Bulletin Vol I #4 March 1983 pp82 “ The practise of abortion — which is absolutely criminal as it involves deliberate destruction of human life — is forbidden in the Cause.” 1939-08-25 for SE to ind re abortion {.ref .center} --- ## 913.
1939-09-24 to May Maxwell re services {.center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani, p336-7 {.ref .center} My dearest Mother: I am so happy that Shoghi Effendi has given me the pleasure of answering your letters to him dated the 1st and the 5th of September. He not only was pleased to receive the news you sent him ... and to notice how vigilant you are in the service of our beloved Bahá’í Faith, but above all to see the wonderful spirit both you and Daddy are showing at this time of unforeseen separation and strain. Indeed he told me he is proud of you both and feels you are demonstrating your worthiness to be now so closely bound to the Guardian of our Faith. He was also happy to learn — from my letters — that you are both well and that you have met with such a true Bahá’í faith and spirit the shock and sorrow of your brother’s sudden death. All these things show how you are progressing and growing ever closer to the beloved Master’s presence. There is nothing you could do at this time that would be of greater service than to teach this Cause and also help deepen the faith of the Bahá’ís themselves. He is very happy that Daddy has taken his place at your side in this work. Dear and valued co-worker: The spirit you have manifested since the present conflict has begun, your confidence, your spirit, serenity & courage are indeed highly praiseworthy, & reveal the quality of your devotion to the Cause you adore & serve so well. I wish to assure you that Mary is in the stronghold of God’s protection, is markedly progressing every day, is pursuing happily & serenely her work, & will I trust become increasingly capable of fulfilling her great tasks in the service of the Faith. These thoughts should cheer, strengthen & reassure you as well as her dear father, whose spirit of sacrifice in these days of physical yet temporary separation I truly & increasingly admire. May He enable you both to render such services in these days of world turmoil as to enhance the position you have acquired through your relationship to His holy Household. Your true & grateful brother, Shoghi 1939-09-24 to May Maxwell re services {.ref .center} --- ## 914.
1939-10-10 to Persian Bahá’í re death of Martha {.center} Martha Root: Lioness at the Threshold, M. R. Garis, p404 {.ref .center} “The Pure Leaf, the illustrious teacher, the sign of detachment, the torch of love and affection, the example of courage and faithfulness, the consolation of the people of Bahá, Martha Root has ascended to the summit of eternal habitation. The Concourse on High received her with the shouts: ‘Welcome O Glory of Teachers (men and women)! Well done, well done, O Thou who hast sacrificed thine all in thine attraction to the Kingdom of the Lord of manifest signs. Blessed art thou a thousand fold for this shining, exalted, lofty, inaccessible station!’ Inform the entire friends of the necessity of holding special gatherings throughout the provinces for two full weeks in honor of her noble station.” 1939-10-10 to Persian Bahá’í re death of Martha {.ref .center} --- ## 915.
1939-10-11 to Sutherland Maxwell re making plans for Terraces {.center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani, p390-1 {.ref .center} Dearest Daddy: I am writing you on behalf of the Guardian who has something he wants me to ask you to consider for him and make your plans for it as your idea might prove to either be just what he wants or give him something to work on. He is about to build the last terrace of the Shrine on Mt. Carmel and although in an unforeseen future it might need to be changed or added to, he expects it for the present to be the permanent entrance to the terraces. Enclosed are a photograph of the present state of the terraces, a plan of the ones built and where the projected one will come and the property limits, and a cross section map showing the inclination of the mountain and the terraces. Now the whole thing is this: What should the entrance, marked by me in elegant red ink with the letters ‘XYZ’, look like? That is where your work comes in. As you perhaps remember you discussed it here with Shoghi Effendi and he showed you a model that had a huge flight of circular steps opening out of the smaller flight that led up through the wall of the terrace to the higher level? He does not like this design and leaves it to you to propose one or more different ways. Also he is not absolutely fixed in the idea of using the big wrought iron gate, the design of which you also saw, in that position. So that gives you carte blanche except for the rather narrow and unfavourable approach to this entrance and the incline of the mountain itself. Unfortunately, as you can see from the enclosed photo, the houses are just fronting the as yet unfinished road that leads up to the terrace end. That makes a wide view of it impossible, I mean nice flanking gardens, etc. Also the incline is very steep. The projected stairs could come as near the boundary of the Bahá’í property to the RIGHT of the XYZ line as you think would look nice. Shoghi Effendi says that as mails are so slow and uncertain now and the distance so great he wants you to not make a detailed plan as that would take too long and be a waste of your time. Make two or three tentative plans in the form of sketches with rough dimensions attached. He has a fairly good engineer who can carry it out. And above all don’t try and ask me more details and wait for the answer as by that time probably summer will be here! At the present rate of mails! 1939-10-11 to Sutherland Maxwell re making plans for Terraces {.ref .center} --- ## 916.
1939-10-20 passing of Martha Root {.center} USBN #132 January 1940, p1-2 {.ref .center} “The very sad and indeed distressing news of the passing away of our beloved Martha was a great shock to the Guardian, who feels unutterably sorry at this heavy blow sustained by the Cause. Her departure constitutes the heaviest blow which the teaching force not only in America but throughout the entire Bahá’í world has sustained since the passing of our beloved Master. May the memory of the distinguished services it had been her unique privilege to render in so many fields and over such a long and uninterrupted period of years serve as source of continued inspiration to the present-day and future generations o[ Bahá’í teachers, to whom she will indeed ever be the very embodiment of those teaching qualities which only a few Bahá’í teachers, whether in the East or the \Vest, can claim to have attained. “To you, and to all the dear American friends who are now so profoundly deploring beloved Martha’s passing, the Guardian feels moved to convey the assurances of his deepest and most loving sympathy in your great bereavement. May Bahá’u’lláh comfort your grief-stricken hearts, and cause this calamity to further cement the unity, deepen the devotion and increase the resourcefulness of the American believers, and in particular those dear pioneers who are so indefatigably laboring in foreign and distant fields.” In the Guardian’s hand: ‘’The passing of dearest Martha and the circumstances of her severe and painful illness have brought profound sorrow, but I rejoice at the glory and joy that must be hers and which she fully deserves in the Abhá Paradise.” October 20, 1939, addressed to Roy C. Wilhelm, Treasurer {.sig} --- ## 917.
1939-11-18 Marion Jack can stay in Burgaria {.center} Quoted in Never be Afraid to Dare, Jasion, p195-6 The very welcome message you had written the Guardian dated October 21st has just arrived, and he feels indeed most happy to know that you are keeping well in spite of the grave anxieties and uncertainties through which you mn|t have passed during the last two months. At the outbreak of hostilities in Europe which threatened to spread throughout all the Balkans he felt so deeply concerned about your safety that he decided to send you a wire advising you to leave for Switzerland, as he considered that country to be the safest and most suitable place where you could settle. But since the war seems to be localized, at least for the present, he thinks there would be no immediate necessity for you to leave Bulgaria, and has already advised you by wire to this effect. [postscript by Shoghi Effendi] I have already assured you and the friends by cable, and approved of your remaining at your post in these days of trial and stress. The spirit which you above all the rest so powerfully evince, the progress of the work in which you are so devotedly and determinedly engaged, are a source of extreme and constant joy and inspiration to me in my multitudinous labours and responsibilities. Will continue to pray for you all from the depths of my heart. Be confident and happy always. [letter to Marion Jack 18 Nov 1939] --- ## 918.
1939-11-20 to Max Greeven re war situation {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp40-1 Max Greeven, 20 November 1939 Dear Mr. Greeven, Your very kind letter of October 28th was truly welcome, and it indeed greatly rejoiced the heart of our beloved Guardian to know that both Mrs.Greeven and yourself are keeping well, and that in spite of the storm and stress created by the outbreak of war in Europe you have been spared so far the sufferings and privations which millions of souls are now bitterly experiencing. He hopes, and indeed will earnestly pray that the protection and guidance of Bahá’u’lláh may continue to be vouchsafed unto you both, and unto each and everyone of the believers throughout the world. In view of the gravity of the situation in Holland, and the possibility of war spreading gradually to that and other adjoining countries, he still feels that, in case your business conditions permit, you should move as soon as possible to Sweden, where you have certainly a greater chance of safety than in the Netherlands. He would leave, however, the final decision to you and to Mrs. Greeven that you may, in consultation with each other, decide upon the course that would be the best and most feasible for you to take under present circumstances. Assuring you afresh of his warmest good wishes and his affectionate greetings, yours in His Service, H. Rabbání Dear and valued co-worker: I am so glad to learn that you and Mrs. Greeven are both safe and well despite the perils and dangers that surround you in that troubled continent. I trust and pray that when you transfer your residence to a safer country you may both be enabled to render outstanding services to the Faith, and thus continue to enrich, no matter how grave the hour, the record of your past accomplishments. With my best wishes for you both, your true brother, Shoghi --- ## 919.
1939-11-26 on behalf of to an individual re evolution of individual {.center} Reincarnation And The Nature And Progress Of The Soul Compiled by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice Evolution in the life of the individual starts with the formation of the human embryo and passes through various stages, and even continues after death in another form. The human spirit is capable of infinite development. Man’s identity or rather his individuality is never lost. His reality as a person remains intact throughout the various stages of his development. He does not pre-exist in any form before coming into this world.... The passage on page 156 of “Gleanings” regarding the evolution of the soul after death clearly proves that the soul after its separation from the body keeps its individuality and its consciousness both in relation to other souls and to the human beings in this world. 1939-11-26 on behalf of to an individual re evolution of individual {.ref .center} --- ## 920.
1939-11-28 admittance of applicants into Cause {.center} USBN #213 November 1948 p2 {.ref .center} “He has noted with care what you had written him regarding the question of admittance of applicants into the Cause. This is certainly a matter which calls for the utmost tact, wisdom and consideration on the part of Bahá’í Assemblies. While, as he himself has repeatedly stressed, a uniform procedure should be adopted and followed whereby every applicant should be required to express his whole-hearted and unconditional acceptance of the essential verities of the Cause, great care should also be taken not to insist on matters of a secondary importance which the newcomer cannot, for obvious reasons, fully grasp and apprehend at the beginning. Once the applicant has been admitted in the Community with a clear understanding of the duties and responsibilities, and essential implications which such membership entails, there would be no difficulty for him in gradually adjusting his whole ideas according to the requirements set forth in the Teachings. The process of becoming a Bahá’í is necessarily slow and gradual. The essential is not that the beginner should have a full and detailed knowledge of the Cause, a thing which is obviously impossible in the vast majority of cases, but that he should, by an act of his own will be willing to uphold and follow the truth and guidance set forth in the Teachings, and thus open his heart and mind to the reality of the Manifestation.” — to Mrs. Ethel M. Hunt. November 28, 1939. --- ## 921.
1939-12-07 physically unable to observe regulations Obligatory Prayer {.center} Obligatory Prayer Exemption compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice With reference to your question regarding the three daily obligatory prayers: the Bahá’í worshipper is not required to recite them all each day, but has to choose one, and should also strictly conform to any instructions revealed by Bahá’u’lláh in connection with its recital, such as the raising of hands, various genuflexions, etc. Those who for some reason or other, especially when physically unable to observe these regulations owing to illness or some bodily defect, cannot conform to these instructions, should preferably choose the short prayer, which is exceedingly simple. (7 December 1939 to an individual believer on behalf of Shoghi Effendi) --- ## 922.
1939-12-11 to Coswell and Cora Oliver in grateful thanks {.center} Divine Springtime — Louise Coswell Recalls, p25 Dear and Valiant Co-Workers, My heart overflows with joy at the news you give me. The spirit animating you both in your services to the Faith is truly exemplary, and will no doubt enable you to overcome and obstacles that may confront you. I am deeply thankful for having such staunch and devoted co-workers in the Divine Vineyard. Persevere, and be assured that I will continue to pray for both from the depths of my heart. Your true brother, {.sig} (Signed) Shoghi {.sig} 1939-12-11 to Coswell and Cora Oliver in grateful thanks {.ref .center} --- ## 923.
1939-12-24 various to USNSA {.center} USBN #133 February 1940, pp2-3 {.ref .center} Dear Bahá’í brother: On behalf of the Guardian I gratefully acknowledge the receipt of your communications written at the direction of the N. S. A. and dated July 3, 11, 17, 18, August 3, 3, 11, 21, September 20 and November 16 (two letters ), together with their enclosures, and of various other materials sent under separate cover, all of which reached him safely, and for which he wishes me to heartily thank your Assembly. Illness, and his pressing duties and preoccupations, have unfortunately delayed his acknowledgment of your welcome communications. The multitudinous duties that have pressed upon him have become so complex, urgent and vital that he finds it difficult, at times, to cope with his correspondence with the believers and the Assemblies. He wishes me to specially convey to you and your fellow-members his deep sense of appreciation and gratitude for the message you had, in response to the suggestion made by the local Assembly of New York, been prompted to convey to him, expressing the earnest hope of the American believers that he would undertake a visit to the United States. He is profoundly touched at this fresh evidence of the close ties of loyalty and devotion that so inseparably unite the American Bahá’í community with him, and will pray that the passing of years may further strengthen this bond and increasingly deepen in the hearts of our dear American friends their sense of responsibility for the well-being and protection of the Faith at its world center in the Holy Land. The Guardian particularly welcomes the appointment by your Assembly of a new Race Amity Committee, and fervently hopes that this will enable the friends to make the fullest possible response to his vital call for interracial amity and understanding, and specially to his instruction regarding the treatment of colored minorities within the Community. It was also a matter of deep gratification to him to know that the number of recognized local Spiritual Assemblies throughout the United States and Canada had reached eighty-eight on the 21st of April of last year, and would urge that special effort be exerted by your Assembly to increase that number to one hundred by the next meeting of the Annual Convention. With reference to the permission granted by the Marriage License Bureau of the City of Chicago to the Chicago Assembly to perform Bahá’í marriages, the Guardian considers this indeed as an historic achievement, and trusts that it will open the way for the accordance of a similar recognition to other local Bahá’í Assemblies throughout the States. He would certainly approve that all incorporated local Assemblies make similar representations to their respective civil Marriage Bureaus for the legal recognition of Bahá’í marriage ceremonies. In the performance of a Bahá’í marriage, the chairman and secretary of the local Assembly should act as its representatives. The ceremony itself must be very simple. The marriage certificate, copies of which in Arabic and Persian are published in the Bahá’í World, and which bears the signatures of both parties and of their parents, should be translated and adopted by the American friends. This is indeed a tremendous step forward in the ultimate adoption and enforcement of the laws of Bahá’u’lláh in the West. With regard to Munírih _Khánum’s account of her life, concerning which certain questions have been raised by one of the believers; what has been written by Munírih _Khánum herself in that account, and also the references to the subject made by Nabíl in his Narrative should be taken as the accurate standard and not what has been reported in Dr. Esslemont’s book. Regarding the time for the holding of the Nineteen Day Feasts and elections; the Guardian would advise your Assembly to urge the friends to hold such gatherings on the prescribed day before sunset. If impossible, then it is permissible to hold them on the preceding day. In connection with the nine holy days, however, the friends should consider it obligatory to celebrate them on the prescribed day before sunset. The Guardian wishes your Assembly to abandon the practice of appointing associate members to some of the committees, as reported in the July news letter. Such a practice, he feels, tends to create confusion and misunderstanding. Those already associate members, however, may at the discretion of the N.S.A. be added to the full membership of the committees. In connection with the request received by your Assembly from a Chicago believer for permission to be married in the Temple, Shoghi Effendi wishes your Assembly to abide by his directions on the subject as contained in his letter of January 29, 1939. The news of the donation of two hundred copies of the last issue of the Bahá’í World made by our very clear Mr. Schopflocher to various national and local Assemblies outside of the United States was received with deepest appreciation by the Guardian, who feels confident that this action will create widespread enthusiasm throughout the Bahá’í world, and will also considerably help in giving due publicity to this invaluable international record of the Faith. He also wishes me to express his deepfelt appreciation of the increase recently made by the N.S.A. in its monthly contribution to the International Fund. He will pray that your Assembly may be richly rewarded for this truly generous assistance you are extending towards the promotion and safeguarding of the interests of the Cause at its world-center in the Holy Land. Regarding the construction of a memorial dedicated to the late Miss Martha Root at the cemetery in Honolulu: Shoghi Effendi highly approves of your Assembly’s proposal, and hopes that the contribution of one hundred pounds he has already cabled through Mr. Wilhelm for that purpose will serve to stimulate the friends to send in further donations that would enable the N.S.A. to erect a befitting monument in honor of our departed sister. He wishes you to impress upon the friends the necessity of their acting promptly and generously in this matter. He is eagerly awaiting for a copy of the design of the proposed monument. As to the design itself he prefers to leave it to the discretion of the N.S.A. With reference to the matter of the consent of the parents to a Bahá’í marriage: as this is a vital binding obligation, it is the duty of the Assemblies to ascertain, before giving their sanction, that the consent obtained has been given freely by the parents themselves. The Guardian approves of the recommendation made by the editors of World Order to publish in that magazine hitherto unpublished material from the Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh and ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, and hopes that in response to your request he will also be able to send you, from time to time, any such material he can gather from the Sacred Writings. December 24, 1939. {.sig} --- ## 924.
1939-12-25 interment of Purest Branch & Navváb {.center} Bahíyyih _Khánum, compiled by the Research Department p61 O loved ones of God, These two precious and most exalted treasures,1 these two keepsakes of the sacred Beauty of Abhá, have now been joined to the third trust from Him, that is, to the daughter of Bahá and His remnant, the token of the Master’s Remembrance. Their resting-places are in one area, on an elevation close by the Spot round which do circle the Concourse on High, and facing the Qiblih of the people of Bahá-‘Akká, the resplendent city, and the sanctified, the luminous, the Most Holy Shrine. Within the shadow of these honoured tombs has also been laid the remains of the consort2 of Him round Whom all names revolve. For joy, the Hill of God is stirred at so high an honour, and for this most great bestowal the mountain of the Lord is in rapture and ecstasy. [To Bahá’ís of the East, translated fm Persian, 25 Dec 1939] 1. The remains of the Purest Branch and those of Navváb. 2. Munírih _Khánum. --- ## 925.
1939-12-28 Nancy Bowditch re artistic endeavors {.center} “The Artist’s Daughter” , Nancy Douglas Bowditch, p259-60 58. Letter from The Guardian via H. Rabbání to Nancy Bowditch. Dated December 28th, 1939. Dear Mrs. Bowditch, Your most sweet and dear letter of the 19th November has just arrived, and the Guardian feels indeed profoundly happy to hear again from you after such a long and unbroken silence, and wishes me to hasten in conveying to you his heartfelt thanks for it, and also for the various photographs you had enclosed, which he is very pleased and grateful to have. The Guardian has noted with deep satisfaction, in particular, that your work in the field of art has opened before you so many avenues of contact, and will specially pray that those souls to whom you have been able to impart the Message will all gradually deepen in their love for the Cause and will become in time confirmed and earnest believers. With regard to the pageant you are now busy writing; Shoghi Effendi would urge you by all means to complete the work, and trusts that it will prove a most effective medium for the spread of the Teachings. Also with reference to the collection of the portraits of the early believers-about which you had talked to him while in Haifa-he wishes you to continue your work along this line, but to also take great care lest through excessive strain on your eyesight you jeopardize your health, and thus be prevented from actively serving the Cause. Assuring you in closing of his prayers on your behalf, and also for the spiritual advancement and confirmation of Mr. Bowditch and your son, Yours in His Service, H. Rabbání. Note in Shoghi Effendi’s handwriting: Dear and valued co-worker: I was so glad to hear from you after such a long period of silence, and am so happy to know that you are continuing your work in the service of the Cause with undiminished zeal, determination and perseverance. I long to witness the result of your labours in connection with the portraits of the earlybelievers, and I feel that this service you are rendering the Faith is truly meritorious and highly valuable. I will continue to pray for you from all my heart. Rest assured and persevere. Your true brother, {.sig} Shoghi. {.sig} --- ## 926.
1939-12-28 to Nancy Bowditch re work in the arts {.center} The Artist’s Daughter, Nancy Douglas Bowditch, p259-60 Dear Mrs. Bowditch, Your most sweet and dear letter of the 19th November has just arrived, and the Guardian feels indeed profoundly happy to hear again from you after such a long and unbroken silence, and wishes me to hasten in conveying to you his heartfelt thanks for it, and also for the various photographs you had enclosed, which he is very pleased and grateful to have. The Guardian has noted with deep satisfaction, in particular, that your work in the field of art has opened before you so many avenues of contact, and will specially pray that those souls to whom you have been able to impart the Message will all gradually deepen in their love for the Cause and will become in time confirmed and earnest believers. With regard to the pageant you are now busy writing; Shoghi Effendi would urge you by all means to complete the work, and trusts that it will prove a most effective medium for the spread of the Teachings. Also with reference to the collection of the portraits of the early believers-about which you had talked to him while in Haifa-he wishes you to continue your work along this line, but to also take great care lest through excessive strain on your eyesight you jeopardize your health, and thus be prevented from actively serving the Cause. Assuring you in closing of his prayers on your behalf, and also for the spiritual advancement and confirmation of Mr. Bowditch and your son, Yours in His Service, H. Rabbání. Dear and valued co-worker: I was so glad to hear from you after such a long period of silence, and am so happy to know that you are continuing your work in the service of the Cause with undiminished zeal, determination and perseverance. I long to witness the result of your labours in connection with the portraits of the early believers, and I feel that this service you are rendering the Faith is truly meritorious and highly valuable. I will continue to pray for you from all my heart. Rest assured and persevere. Your true brother, {.sig} Shoghi. {.sig} 1939-12-28 to Nancy Bowditch re work in the arts {.ref .center} --- ## 927.
1939-xx-xx impartiality in the matter of political parties {.center} USBN #140 December 1940 p2 {.ref .center} “We should-every one of us-remain aloof, in heart and in mind, in words and in deeds, from the political affairs and disputes of the Nations and of Governments. We should keep ourselves away from such thoughts. We should have no political connection with any of the parties and should join no faction of these different and warring sects. “Absolute impartiality in the matter of political parties should be shown by words and by deeds, and the love of the whole humanity, whether a Government or a nation, which is the basic teaching of Bahá’u’lláh, should also be shown by words and by deeds... “According to the exhortations of the Supreme Pen and the confirmatory explanations of the Covenant of God Bahá’ís are in no way allowed to enter into political affairs under any pretense of excuse; since such an action brings about disastrous results and ends in hurting the Cause of God and its intimate friends.” (Words of Shoghi Effendi published in Bahá’í News Letter of the NSA of India and Burma, December, 1939) [Checking w/ India as to provenance of this statement which is not found in either comp of msgs to India] --- ## 928.
193X-XX-XX Laws of Aqdas {.center} Laws of Aqdas Bahá’í Procedure (1937), sheet 1 In view of the importance of such a statement he feels it his duty to explain that the Laws revealed by Bahá’u’lláh in the Aqdas are, whenever practicable and not in direct conflict with the Civil Laws of the land, absolutely binding On every believer or Bahá’í institution whether in the East or in the West. Certain laws, such as fasting, obligatory prayers, the consent of the parents h&fwA, msxriR^c, “jrci^^ii^e o~f alcoholic drinks, monogamy, should be regarded by all believers as universally and vitally applicable at the present time. Others have been formulated in anticipation of a state of so — ciety destined to emerge from the chaotic conditions that prevail today. When the Aqdas is published this matter will be further explained and elucidated. What has not been formulated in the Aqdas, in addition to matters of detail and of secondary importance arising out of the application of the laws already formulated by Bahá’u’lláh, will have to be enacted by the Universal House of Justice. This body can supplement but never invalidate or modify in the least degree what has already been formulated by Bahá’u’lláh. Nor has the Guardian any right whatsoever to lessen the binding effect much less to abrogate the provisions of so fundamental and sacred a Book. Already in Egypt, Persia, India and ‘Iráq, Assemblies, both local and national, are availing themselves of the opportunity which the autonomy granted to Eastern religious communities in matters of personal status has offered them, to press for the recognition by the civil authorities of such Laws of the Aqdas which they conscientiously feel they must uphold and enforce. They have even, under certain circumstances, preferred to suspend their activities and dissolve their institutions rather than follow the dictates of those officials who have tried to induce them to violate what has been expressly ordained by the Author of their Faith. The Guardian will, when the Aqdas is published, elaborate this fundamental principle of our Faith. This brief reference, he feels, is adequate for any reference you wish to make regarding this matter in the Nei^ --- ## 929.
193X-XX-XX Lou Eggleston _ re 1st Year of LouHelen {.center} 193X-XX-XX Lou Eggleston (?) re 1st Year of LouHelen {.ref .center} No. 63 — June 1932 — page 4 To achieve success in such manner the first year is surely beyond what we could expect. Shoghi Effendi hopes that the friends will make the necessary preparation to do even more next season. Such gatherings will give chance to friends from different localities to corn.t together and exchange views on the different problems of the Cause and also attract new souls to the spirit and teachings of the Faith. Not only will their knowledge oi the writings · deepen but also the unity of the Cause will be strengthened and the work of teaching be enhanced. It is surely a wonderful service ]\Olr. and Mrs. Eggleston have rendered to the Cause. It is only God that can recompense them for it. “Shoghi Effendi was very glad to hear that so many souls were confirmed there. As we see the suffering around us, caused. by the prevailing financial crisis, we should redouble our efiOlts in bringing the message of comfort and peace to those desperate souls, and add to our labors, that the golden age promised by BaM’u’lIih rna y dawn sooner.” [Rúḥí Afnán] “The account regarding your Bahá’í summer school is most encouraging and augurs well for the future. I wish you to persevere in your efforts and extend its scope and influence. I win especially pray for the success of your devoted and continued efforts.” (Signed) Your true brother, Shoghi {.sig} --- ## 930.
1940-01-03 Martha Root memorial {.center} USBN #134 March 1940, p2 {.ref .center} THE MEMORIAL IN HONOR OF MARTHA L. ROOT “With regard to the Memorial which the N.S.A. is proposing to erect in honor of our beloved Martha, the Guardian is hopeful that the fund which is now being raised for that purpose will receive the full support of the believers, and that the donations which will be sent in will be sufficient to enable your Assembly to erect a befitting monument in memory of our departed sister. The friends should be impressed with the importance and significance of this undertaking, and should seize this opportunity of paying their last tribute to so outstanding and indeed matchless a pioneer and servant of the Cause in the West.” — SHOGHI EFFENDI, through his Secretary, to Roy C. Wilhelm, Treasurer. Haifa, January 3, 1940. --- ## 931.
1940-01-24 to May Maxwell re trip to Buenos Aires {.center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani, p357-8 {.ref .center} He wants me to tell you how very happy and pleased he is over your trip to South America. I remember one day about a year ago in speaking of the teaching work the Bahá’ís were doing there, the Guardian said it would be very good for you to do work there — and now of your own accord you are doing this! He wants me to tell you not to stay too long away from home. He has no desire that you should make a prolonged visit there, but feels that during the winter the climate there is better for your health and at the same time you are rendering the Cause a wonderful service. Above all Shoghi Effendi wants you to be careful of your health and have that as your first consideration. Another thing Shoghi Effendi wants me to tell you is that you should concentrate your teaching work in one spot and devote your effort to consolidating it, not dissipate your time and energies over different places. Also when you leave for home you are to go straight home to America and not stop off at different places! ... Your spontaneous response to the call of teaching in distant fields, despite the condition of your health, is indeed a further & still more striking evidence of your marvelous devotion to the Cause & your unquenchable enthusiasm for whatever may promote its truest & best interests. My special prayers will accompany & surround you & Jeanne in your highly meritorious enterprise. For your success, your good health & protection, as well as for the welfare of Mr. Maxwell I will supplicate our beloved Master while you are rendering Him such splendid services. Mary is so happy & proud of the spirit you are so powerfully manifesting. She is progressing in every way & speaking Persian fluently. You should be happy, thankful & assured. Affectionately Shoghi {.sig} 1940-01-24 to May Maxwell re trip to Buenos Aires {.ref .center} --- ## 933.
1940-02-27 to Townshend to write tribute to Marie for BW with suggestions {.center} Her Eternal Crown: Queen Marie of Romania and the Bahá’í Faith, Della L Marcus, pp277-9 {.ref .center} The Guardian wishes me now to request you to kindly prepare a detailed article concerning the late Queen Marie of Romania, which he wishes to reproduce, together with some other material regarding her, in the next issue of ‘The Bahá’í World’. He would like you to send him the article in about a month’s time, and if not he can wait a month more. As you have already contributed articles to the previous volumes of the Biennial (Volumes II, III, IV, V, VI and VII), and these have been widely appreciated by the friends, he thinks you would be encouraged to undertake writing the article in question. As material for your study he would suggest the following: 1. The Queen’s own statements published in Volume VII of ‘The Bahá’í World’, pages 498-501. 2. Tribute paid to Her Majesty by the Guardian and reproduced in Volume II of The Bahá’í World, pages 173-174. 3. Article by Miss Martha Root in ‘Bahá’í World’ Volume VI, pages 580-583. 4. Enclosed article by Mrs McNeill, a childhood friend of the Queen, published in ‘World Order’ magazine. 5. Enclosed letter addressed to the Guardian by Her Majesty, dated August 27, 1926. Special reference should be made to that letter in view of the far-reaching significance of its references to the Faith. The Guardian would further recommend that the following facts and data should be incorporated into your article: 1. The late Queen Marie was the granddaughter of both Queen Victoria and Czar Alexander II of Russia, to both of whom Bahá’u’lláh revealed Tablets in which He appreciatively referred to them, unlike His Tablets to Napoleon III, and His references to the King of Prussia, and the Emperor of Austria in the Kitáb-i-Aqdas. The illuminated copy of Bahá’u’lláh’s Tablet to Queen Victoria was presented to her by Lady Blomfield in London. 2. The Queen and her daughter intended to visit the Bahá’í Shrines in Bahjí and on Mount Carmel, and they reached Haifa with that intention, but were deterred from doing so, as testified by the Queen herself in the following passage of a letter she wrote Miss Martha Rootron June 28, 1931: ‘Both Ileana and I were cruelly disappointed at having been prevented going to the holy Shrines and of meeting Shoghi Effendi, but at that time we were going through a cruel crisis and every movement I made was being turned against me, and being politically exploited in an unkind way. It caused me a good deal of suffering and curtailed my liberty most unkindly ... But the beauty of truth remains and I cling to it through all the vicissitudes of a life become rather sad. 3. In July 1938, in connection with the Queen’s death, the Guardian on behalf of all the Bahá’ís sent a message of condolences to her daughter, the Queen of Yugoslavia, to which Her Majesty replied expressing ‘sincere thanks to all Bahá’í followers. 4. Bahá’ís in various countries held memorial gatherings in her honour. In the U.S.A. flowers were sent for the memorial service in Washington. The letter sent on behalf of the American National Spiritual Assembly to the Romanian Minister in Washington is enclosed for your information. 5. The Queen has made unequivocal assertion in one of her seven statements of her faith of the divine authority of both Bahá’u’lláh and the Prophet Muḥammad, as a result of her study of the Bahá’í Writings. The Guardian wishes you to quote the passage in one of the seven statements referring to Prophet Muḥammad. 6. The following passage from another letter addressed by the Queen to Miss Martha Root, dated June 8, 1926, should be incorporated in toto in your article: ‘The beautiful truth of Bahá’u’lláh is with me always, a help and inspiration. What I wrote was because my heart overflowed with gratitude for the revelation you brought me. I am happy if you think I helped. I thought it might bring truth nearer because my words are read by so many.’ With renewed thanks from the Guardian for your invaluable help, and with his warmest love and greetings ... 1940-02-27 to Townshend to write tribute to Marie for BW w/ suggestions {.ref .center} --- ## 934.
1940-02-27 use of Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds {.center} USBN #136 June 1940, p3 {.ref .center} While the National Office in Wilmette, designated by the Guardian as Ḥaẓíratu’lQuds, is primarily an administrative center, its use should by no means be confined to purely administrative work, but should include such activities of a social and intellectual character, both local and national, as can best establish its character as the foremost teaching and administrative center of the Faith throughout the States. In the conduct of any social activity at the National Office, however, great care should be taken to maintain strictly the dignity of the place, particularly in view of its proximity to the House of Worship, which makes it doubly essential for all the believers to conform to the standards of conduct, and of social intercourse set up in the Bahá’í Teachings. As a teaching center, where Bahá’í lectures, conferences and meetings, whether local, regional or national, could be held, the Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds can also prove of invaluable help, and the .S.A. should indeed see to it that the necessary facilities are provided in the building for that purpose. By thus combining these three features, namely teaching, administrative and social, the Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds can best fulfil its mission, as the visible symbol of the steadily-growing national Bahá’í Community in Northern America, and as the chief rallying center for all its activities and plans throughout that Continent. SHOGHI EFFENDI, through his secretary, February 27, 1940. {.sig} --- ## 935.
1940-04-06 Max and Inez Greeven {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp42 Max and Inez Greeven, 6 April 1940 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Greeven, Your joint and eagerly-awaited message dated March 25th was indeed most welcome, and the Guardian was truly heartened by its perusal, and rejoiced to know that you are both keeping well, and are continually exerting your utmost for the spread of the Cause in Holland. You should rest assured that your painstaking efforts will in time bear fruit, and should not feel discouraged therefore if you have not so far succeeded in accomplishing any tangible results. Now is the time of seed sowing, and consequently one of slow and painful progress. But the harvest which the future shall reap will be incalculably rich, and great will also be your reward for having so unremittingly toiled in bringing it about.... Renewing to you both his prayers for your protection and safety in these trying times, and with the seasons warmest greetings. Yours ever sincerely, H. Rabbání Dear and valued co-workers: I wish to assure you in person of my special prayers for your protection in these days of increasing stress and peril. I hope and pray that, despite the prevailing gloom, you may be graciously assisted by the spirit of our Beloved to win over to the Faith a few souls who, however small their number; may be able to lay a firm foundation for the glorious work destined to be accomplished in the days to come. May He inspire you and sustain you always. Your true and grateful brother; Shoghi --- ## 937.
1940-04-07 Nancy Bowditch re passing May Maxwell {.center} “The Artist’s Daughter” , Nancy Douglas Bowditch, p260-1 59. Letter from The Guardian via H. Rabbání to Nancy Bowditch. Dated April 7th, 1940. Dear Mrs. Bowditch, Your loving message of the 25th March has duly arrived, and kind words of sympathy you had expressed on the occasion of the death of our beloved and distinguished sister Mrs. May Maxwell have imparted deep comfort to the grief-stricken heart of our beloved Guardian. He truly appreciates your thoughtfulness in thus expressing to him your sorrow over the passing of such a devoted, loyal and spiritually outstanding handmaid of the Cause, and feels profoundly grateful to you, and to those dear and faithful friends who too have joined in conveying to him their utter grief in this very sad bereavement Mrs. Maxwells departure, so sudden and unexpected, is indeed most significant in the circumstances that have attended it. That she should, in spite of her advanced age and her ill-health, have embarked on so long and tiring a journey to so remote a center as Buenos-Aires, and should have left this world away from her friends and relatives is in itself sufficient proof of the tenacity of her faith, and of her selfless and utter consecration to the service of our beloved Cause. Her death has been indeed that of a martyr, comparable only to that which in recent years Mrs. Keith Ransom-Kehler so courageously met while working for the Faith in Is[f]páhán. May the memory of so glorious a life ever live in the consciousness of the believers, and serve also to inspire future generations of believers to faithfully follow its truly noble example. {.sig} The Guardian was pleased to note the very appreciative references you had felt prompted to make regarding our dear sisters Miss Louise Drake Wright and Mrs. Nelson her sister, and wishes you to assure them both how he too appreciates the services which they are jointly engaged in rendering the Cause in Boston. His continued prayer is that they may ever be strengthened in their selfless and loving exertions in its path. Assuring you also of his prayers, and with the warmest Bahá’í love and greetings, Yours in His Service, H. Rabbání. Note in Shoghi Effendi’s handwriting: May the Beloved guide you and bless and protect you at all times and under all circumstances, and enable you to follow up the work our dear and valiant Bahá’í sister Mrs. Maxwell has so noble initiated and accomplished. {.sig} Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi. {.sig} --- ## 938.
1940-04-07 to Nancy Bowditch re passing of May Maxwell {.center} The Artist’s Daughter, Nancy Douglas Bowditch, p260-1 Dear Mrs. Bowditch, Your loving message of the 25th March has duly arrived, and kind words of sympathy you had expressed on the occasion of the death of our beloved and distinguished sister Mrs. May Maxwell have imparted deep comfort to the grief-stricken heart of our beloved Guardian. He truly appreciates your thoughtfulness in thus expressing to him your sorrow over the passing of such a devoted, loyal and spiritually outstanding handmaid of the Cause, and feels profoundly grateful to you, and to those dear and faithful friends who too have joined in conveying to him their utter grief in this very sad bereavement Mrs. Maxwell’s departure, so sudden and unexpected, is indeed most significant in the circumstances that have attended it. That she should, in spite of her advanced age and her ill-health, have embarked on so long and tiring a journey to so remote a center as Buenos-Aires, and should have left this world away from her friends and relatives is in itself sufficient proof of the tenacity of her faith, and of her selfless and utter consecration to the service of our beloved Cause. Her death has been indeed that of a martyr, comparable only to that which in recent years Mrs. Keith Ransom-Kehler so courageously met while working for the Faith in Is[f]páhán. May the memory of so glorious a life ever live in the consciousness of the believers, and serve also to inspire future generations of believers to faithfully follow its truly noble example. {.sig} The Guardian was pleased to note the very appreciative references you had felt prompted to make regarding our dear sisters Miss Louise Drake Wright and Mrs. Nelson her sister, and wishes you to assure them both how he too appreciates the services which they are jointly engaged in rendering the Cause in Boston. His continued prayer is that they may ever be strengthened in their selfless and loving exertions in its path. Assuring you also of his prayers, and with the warmest Bahá’í love and greetings, Yours in His Service, H. Rabbání. May the Beloved guide you and bless and protect you at all times and under all circumstances, and enable you to follow up the work our dear and valiant Bahá’í sister Mrs. Maxwell has so noble initiated and accomplished. {.sig} Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi. {.sig} 1940-04-07 to Nancy Bowditch re passing of May Maxwell {.ref .center} --- ## 939.
1940-04-11 action on pylons & Maxwell memorial {.center} USBN #136 June 1940, p13 {.ref .center} “ Delighted immediate action (on) pylons. Prompted urge, if not too uneconomical, (to) proceed (with the) completion (of) one face. Complete (the) remainder (in) manner most advisable. Welcome contemplated memorial gathering. Moved ( to) invite national representatives (and) community join me contribute ( to) construction (of) grave being designed (by) Mr. Maxwell at such (a) significant spot for so outstanding (a) pioneer during such momentous stage (in the) dynamic expansion (of the) Faith (of) Bahá’u’lláh.” — - — April 11, 1940 Memorial is ref to memorial to May Maxwell --- ## 940.
1940-04-15 various to USNSA {.center} USBN #137 July 1940, p3 {.ref .center} “In the matter of the use and distribution of prayer beads, in this and other matters of secondary importance he does not wish that any hard and fast rules be set up. The believers should not be required to use prayer beads, nor should they be prevented from doing so, as the Teachings do not contain any specific instruction on the subject.” “The letter received by the Vancouver Assembly from the Department of National Defence acknowledging their letter on the subject of the exemption of Bahá’ís from combatant military duty has been read with gratification by the Guardian who, indeed, welcomes this action as yet another step forward in the consolidation and recognition of the administrative institutions of the Faith.” “Regarding the question of Bahá’í membership in secret fraternal organizations: he thinks that for the present this matter should be left to the discretion of the friends, and that no statement on the subject, defining in a rigid and uniform way their attitude towards such bodies, would be necessary.” to USNSA 15 Apr 1940 --- ## 941.
1940-04-22 main story ornamentation of the Temple {.center} USBN #139 October1940, p2 {.ref .center} “ The stone casting representing the window head of the main story ornamentation of the Temple which you had shipped on board the American Export Liner ‘Excalibur’ was safely received only two days ago, and was found in excellent condition. It has already, at the guardian’s direction, been placed at the entrance to the garden adjoining the Shrine of the Báb. The size of the casting, and the intricate and beautiful designs, and the excellent location it has been given, are such as to highly impress all visitors. It makes indeed a most befitting and dignified exhibit, and is bound to awaken considerable interest in the Cause. The Guardian feels most grateful to the N. S. A. for their gift, which constitutes indeed one more tangible proof of the bonds of undying devotion and attachment that so indissolubly unites them with the world-center of the Faith in the Holy Land.” — SHOGHI EFFENDI, through his secretary, to Allen B. McDaniel, Chairman of the National Spiritual Assembly, April 22, 1940. {.sig} Two views of this casting in the garden at Haifa were published in Bahá’í News for September, 1940. --- ## 942.
1940-04-xx To Lee & Margot Worley on passing of May Maxwell {.center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani, p371 {.ref .center} May the beloved of our hearts aid you to work as devotedly and unremittingly as our dearly-loved and valiant pioneer, Mrs. Maxwell, and aid you to carry on the work for which she gave her life, and thus set so noble an example to those who will labour after her in the Divine Vineyard. {.sig} Your true brother, Shoghi {.sig} 1940-04-xx To Lee & Margot Worley on passing of May Maxwell {.ref .center} --- ## 943.
1940-05-07 new trans of Son of the Wolf {.center} USBN #137 July 1940, p4 {.ref .center} The first part of Shoghi Effendi’s translation of Epistle To the Son of the Wolf was received in a letter dated May 7, 1940, with the following comment: “A careful comparison of this new translation of the Guardian with that of Mrs. Chanler’s clearly reveals how inadequate and misleading the latter is both from the point of view of accuracy and of faithfulness. It further shows how unconscientious Aḥmad Sohrab has been in comparing that old translation with the original Persian and Arabic text of the Tablet. His description in the preface of the book of Mrs. Chanler’s rendering as ‘accurate’ and ‘faithful’ is altogether untrue, as not only her translation abounds with mistakes, but also reveals many important omissions. The term ‘Fear of God’ has apparently been deliberately changed in some cases into ‘Love of God’ towards the end of the book, as the French version which she translated proves (it).” --- ## 944.
1940-05-15 various to USNSA {.center} USBN #138 Sept 1940, p1 {.ref .center} In connection with the selection of particular photographs of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá for circulation among the friends, the Guardian strongly feels that no definite ruling should be laid down establishing the superiority or distinction of any particular photograph. The friends should be left quite free to use their individual independent judgment in this matter. The Guardian does not advise your Assembly to authorize for the present the use of Bahá’í historical material in the radio program ... ; nor does he think the time is ripe to translate and publish Bahá’í certificates of marriage and divorce. He prefers to wait until a sufficient number of Assemblies have been empowered to conduct legally these Bahá’í rites. When the time comes he will formulate the proper form of certificate for universal adoption by the American believers. In connection with the formation of new Assemblies and the maintenance of their Assembly status, the Guardian wishes to reaffirm the general principle that only those who reside within the city limits of any given locality have the right to either vote or be elected as member of the Assembly, even though this may involve frequent dissolution of the Assembly owing to insufficient number of members. It will, on the other hand, serve as a stimulus to those outside these limits to establish a group and eventually an Assembly of their own. This principle should be closely adhered to, otherwise it will lead to confusion and overlapping. Regarding the age of fifteen fixed by Bahá’u’lláh: this relates only to purely spiritual functions and obligations and is not related to the degree of administrative capacity and fitness which is a totally different thing, and is, for the present, fixed at twenty-one. Regarding Naw-Rúz: if the vernal equinox falls on the 21st of March before sunset, it is celebrated on that day. If at any time after sunset, Naw-Rúz will then, as stated by Bahá’u’lláh, fall on the 22nd. As to which spot should be regarded as the standard, this is a matter which the Universal House of Justice will have to decide. The American N.S.A. need not therefore take any action in this matter at present. Haifa, May 15, 1940. --- ## 945.
1940-05-27 response to difficulties of Rúḥáni family in Dáráb {.center} 1940-05-27 response to difficulties of Rúḥáni family in Dáráb {.ref .center} Against Incredible Odds, pp93-4 Dáráb, Jináb-i Áqá Mírzá Muḥammad-Shafí Rúḥáni, the pilgrim from Nayríz, upon him be Bahá’u’lláhu’l-Abhá The letter of that dear spiritual friend dated 10 Shahru’-Bahá attained the loving glance of His Highness, the Guardian of the Cause of God, may our spirits be sacrificed for him, and the details of the circumstances you have described became known in his illumined and spotless presence. He beseeches divine favours and hopes that the resultant difficulties may be vanquished, that your affairs may improve, that Gods mercy, blessings and bestowals may surround you, that you may be successful in rendering service to the Cause of God and that you are able to manage your affairs with absolute confidence and reliance [on God], directing your full attention to Him. It is hoped that heavenly assistance may come to your aid and that all the troubles and hardships you have endured may not be wasted and may produce the desired result. In all circumstances the glance of his loving-kindness and generosity has been and will continue to be directed towards you. Be assured and joyous. Your esteemed wife Amatu’lláh Túbá _Khánum, your honourable mother Amatu’lláh Núríyyih _Khánum, your brothers Áqá Mírzá Khaíl, Áqá Mírzá Jalál and Áqá Mírzá ‘Alí-Akbar, and your dear children, Mírzá Masíh Rúḥáni, Shamsud-Duhá, Nayyirih, Pourán-dukht, Mahíndukht and Baharieh, were all mentioned by the tongue of compassion and loving-kindness. He beseeches on behalf of all divine assistance, confirmation, success and easing of affairs. Written at the instruction of his blessed self, 11 Shahru’l — Azamat 97 be, 27 May 1940. Núrud-Dín Zayn. Postscript in the handwriting of Shoghi Effendi: Was seen. The Servant of His Threshold, Shoghi.73 ========= {.noid} --- ## 946.
1940-08-22 Ismailiyyih reports believers assigned cemetery. {.center} USBN #139 October1940, p2 {.ref .center} Cablegram from Shoghi Effendi Ismailiyyih reports believers assigned cemetery. Authorized building. Rejoicing with American community (at) striking evidence (of the) resistless march (of the) ever-expanding, consolidating Bahá’í world order. SHOGHI RABBÁNÍ {.sig} Received August 22, 1940. Note : Believers in Muslim countries have not previously been permitted to have separate Bahá’í cemeteries. The building authorized is the supplementary administrative building now under construction at Wilmette. --- ## 947.
1940-08-23 tribute to Florence Morton {.center} USBN #139 October1940, p2 {.ref .center} “Congratulate Florence Morton (on the) imperishable honor (of) association through magnificent donation (with completion of) last faces (of) remaining units (of) historic House (of) Worship. Inexpressibly rejoice (at) simultaneous evidences (of) astounding acceleration (of) ornamentation, vigorous prosecution (of) teaching enterprises, (and) visible expansion (of) newly-formed nucleus (of) Administrative Seat. Bahá’í world vibrates (with) emotion (at) phenomenal successes enabling, in (a) declining age, (the) high — minded, greathearted champions (of) Faith (to) enlarge limits, reinforce fabric (and) insure future greatness (of) Divinely — ordained institutions.” SHOGHI RABBÁNÍ {.sig} Sent 23 Aug 1940 --- ## 948.
1940-10-21 completion of pylons {.center} USBN #140 December 1940 {.ref .center} Delighted (at) completion (of) pylons, overjoyed (at) Fred and Lord’s valuable, generous donation. Assure them (of my) deep felt appreciation.—Shoghi Rabbání. Cablegram received October 21, 1940. --- ## 949.
1940-11-03 to Raymond Rouse on becoming a Bahá’í {.center} [Growing Up Bahá’í, Diana Rouse Kaufman, pp195-6] 1940-11-03 to Raymond Rouse on becoming a Bahá’í {.ref .center} (Written on behalf of the Guardian to Mr. Raymond C. Rouse) November 3rd, 1940 Dear Bahá’í Brother; I am instructed by our beloved Guardian to gratefully acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated July 17th conveying to him the welcome news of your confirmation in the Bahá’í Faith. It indeed rejoices his heart to know that through contact with our dear & devoted sister Mrs. Baker you have been introduced to the Bahá’í Teachings, & after careful study & investigation have taken the decision to fully and unreservedly identify yourself with the Cause. He wishes me to heartily congratulate you upon the success of your efforts, & also to express his admiration and gratitude to both Mr. & Mrs. Clarence E. Baker for having been instrumental in bringing you so close to the Faith. His earnest hope & prayer is that through continued association with these devoted souls you will deepen spiritually & get better grounded in the Teachings, & thereby become in turn a pure & effective channel for the propagation of the Message. The Guardian will specially pray that the opportunity you have had recently presenting the Message to the Bible Class may afford you the full chance you need to bring the Cause to the attention of many individuals of true spiritual capacity, & that you may also thereby acquire the full training necessary for wider & effective service to the teaching field in the future. Assuring you again of his loving appreciation of your very heartening message, with greetings, Yours in His service, R. Rabbání (and in the Guardians own handwriting) May the Beloved bless richly your efforts, deepen your understanding of the essentials ofHis Faith, aid you to promote effectively its vital interests. {.sig} Your true brother; Shoghi {.sig} --- ## 950.
1940-11-07 situation in middle east {.center} USBN #141 January 1941 p1-2 {.ref .center} It will certainly rejoice your heart to know that notwithstanding the difficulties created by the war situation, the Cause in the countries neighboring the Holy Land is making steady headway. In Damascus where the friends are well advanced with their plans for the purchase of a plot of land as site for their future Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds, and in Egypt where the authorities have at last granted, though only to two of our communities in Cairo and Isma’liyyih, special burial grounds, the prospect appears to be particularly bright and promising. This glad-tiding will assuredly impart infinite joy to all our American friends, and stir them to scale still nobler heights of self-sacrifice in service to our Cause.” SHOGHI EFFENDI, through his secretary, November 7, 1940, in letter to Mrs. Thomas Collins. {.sig} --- ## 951.
1940-11-20 effect of war conditions {.center} USBN #143 May 1941 pp2 {.ref .center} The Guardian will pray that the general conditions outside the Cause and the inevitable repercussions which further deterioration in the international situation might bring on America, will not reach such a point as to seriously hinder the friends in bringing this enterprise (i.e., Temple construction) to full completion. The concern you have expressed for the Guardian following recent air raids on Haifa. has deeply touched and moved him, and he wishes me to assure you that no casualties whatever have been suffered by any of the believers here, and that all Bahá’í properties and institutions, including the Holy Shrines, have been spared. No doubt, Bahá’u’lláh will continue to vouchsafe His unfailing protection to the believers in every land, how much more to those who are directly and more particularly associated with the administration of the affairs of His Faith, whether at its world-center in the Holy Land or abroad. From letter dated November 20, 1940, written through the Guardian’s Secretary to Allen B. McDaniel. --- ## 952.
1940-11-21 position of America in coming war {.center} USBN #137 July 1940, p4 {.ref .center} With the Guardian’s consent, the National Assembly publishes an excerpt from the letter written by him to Miss Juliet Thompson on November 21, 1940. In giving permission, the Guardian informed the Assembly that “it should be published only for the information of the friends, and does not imply any collective action to be taken by them.” “With regard to your question concerning the future position of America in the coming world war: it would be certainly premature to make any definite forecast at the present time, and the impression* that the Guardian meant that America would be necessarily drawn into the field of hostilities is also not correct. One thing, however, is absolutely certain, and which the Guardian himself has more than once emphasized, namely that nothing short of a full assumption by America of the grievous burdens, responsibilities and duties that naturally fall upon her as one of the leading nations of the world can enable her to fulfil the high political mission which she has been called upon to play in the future political and social reconstruction of mankind. The destiny of America is inseparably bound up with that of the rest of the world, and it would be impossible therefore to conceive of her taking, in the long run, a purely passive attitude in regard to political and social developments that transpire in and agitate the remaining four continents of the globe.” * The impression that the last section of The Advent of Divine Justice means that America will inevitably enter the war. --- ## 953.
1940-12-02 re funds {.center} USBN #143 May 1941 pp2 {.ref .center} Kindly assure the National Assembly of his deepest appreciation of their very generous offering which he will use for the promotion of vital international interests of the Faith. A separate receipt duly signed by him is enclosed for your files ... He hopes and will continue to pray that the flow of contributions to the Temple Fund will remain uninterrupted, nay, will so increase as to insure the full consummation of this glorious and sacred undertaking at the appointed time. From letter dated December 2, 1940, Written through the Guardian’s Secretary to Roy C. Wilhelm. --- ## 954.
1940-12-13 work on temple and grounds {.center} USBN #143 May 1941 pp2 {.ref .center} Dear and Valued Co-Worker: The successive communications, whether letters or cables, that have lately been received from the States, whether from the National Assembly or individual believers, eloquently proclaim the magnificent spirit and the remarkable achievements of the American believers. I rejoice and feel deeply thankful for these blessings of Bahá’u’lláh vouchsafed to them in these days of ever-increasing stress and turmoil. The Guardian’s postcript to letter below. He has been again most pleased to note that the Temple work is making steady and speedy progress, and that the Trustees hope that the nine faces of the main story ornamentation will be completed by the latter part of next year. The news of the completion of the reinforced concrete walls, of the entrance ways and areaways, has also been most encouraging to him, and he too hopes that this will now make it possible to go ahead with the grading of the grounds, and also with their seeding, so that by next spring the Temple grounds will look as attractive as possible, especially in view of the great flow of delegates and visitors which the Temple would attract at that time of the year. As regards the construction of the accessory building, adjacent to the caretaker’s house in the Temple area, the Guardian would urge that every effort should be made to have the building ready as soon as possible for use as headquarters of both the Treasurer and of the Publishing Committee. The transfer of these committees to the vicinity of the Temple and of the Ḥaẓírat’sul-Quds is indeed a step of historic significance and one which is bound to increasing the efficiency and heighten the prestige of the national administrative institutions of the Faith in America. From letter dated December 13, 1940, written through the Guardian’s Secretary to Allen B. McDaniel. --- ## 955.
1941-01-18 construction work {.center} USBN #143 May 1941 pp2 {.ref .center} He is fully pleased with the work so far accomplished, and hopes that by now the first three faces of the main story have been duly completed. He has now every reason to believe that should the present rate of progress in the ornamentation work be maintained throughout the coming year, and should the flow of contributions be as steady and substantial as it has been so far, the entire edifice will be completed far ahead of the schedule, thus giving still another striking evidence of the unremitting zeal and inexhaustible resourcefulness that have been so remarkably and so consistently displayed by the American believers in their collective exertions for the termination of this unique, and indeed historic enterprise. The photographs you had kindly sent showing the progress of the various construction activities were indeed excellent, and the Guardian has distributed some of them to various pilgrims from Írán who, upon their return home, will no doubt share them with the rest of the believers. They will all derive much needed comfort and encouragement from these pictures, and will surely be further strengthened in their resolve to courageously face and patiently endure the many trials and tribulations to which they are being increasingly subjected. From letter dated January 18, 1941, written through the Guardian’s Secretary to Allen B. McDaniel. --- ## 956.
1941-02-02 Regional Teaching Committees {.center} USBN #143 May 1941 pp3 {.ref .center} It is his considered view that the Regional Teaching Committees, though appointed by the N. S. A. should be directly responsible to the National Teaching Committee, Inasmuch as this body’s specific task is to supervise, direct and coordinate, under the general guidance of the N. S. A., all teaching activities throughout the U. S. A. and Canada. The N. S. A.’s final jurisdiction over both the National Teaching Committee and the Regional Teaching Committees is certainly indisputable, and is of the same nature and character as the authority to which it is entitled over all other national committees. The Regional Teaching Committees should henceforth be asked to send their reports directly to the National Teaching Committee, and to ask for their directions as to the most effective way they can carry on their respective teaching tasks. By so doing, the National Teaching Committee will undoubtedly help in relieving the N. S. A. of unnecessary details, and will also avoid duplication and congestion of work, particularly now that the N. S. A. is assuming such great responsibilities under the Seven Year Plan. From letter dated February 2, 1941, written through the Guardian’s Secretary. --- ## 957.
1941-02-03 state of the National Fund {.center} USBN #143 May 1941 pp2 {.ref .center} Regarding the state of the National Fund, which you have reported as suffering from a general slackness in contributions from both individual believers and the local Assemblies and groups. It is only evident that unless the flow of donations is regularly maintained by means of generous and continual support by all the believers, individually and collectively, the National Fund will never be able to meet the needs and requirements of the Cause. particularly in these days when the national activities of the American believers are assuming such wide and increasing proportions. From letter dated February 3, 1941, written through the Guardian’s Secretary to Roy C. Wilhelm. --- ## 958.
1941-02-xx To Race Unity Committee {.center} USBN #152 April 1942 p2-3 {.ref .center} In the matter of teaching, as repeatedly and emphatically stated, particularly in his ‘Advent of Divine Justice’, the Guardian does not wish the believers to make the slightest discrimination, even though this may result in provoking opposition or criticism from any individual, class or institution. The call of Bahá’u’lláh, being universal, should be addressed with equal force to all the peoples, classes and nations of the world, irrespective of any religious, racial, political or class distinction or difference. “In America, where racial prejudice is still so widely prevalent, it is the responsibility of the believers to combat and uproot it with all their force, first by endeavoring to introduce into the Cause as many racial and minority groups as they can approach and teach, and second by stimulating close fellowship and intercourse between them and the rest of the community. “It should be the paramount concern of your committee to foster this aim through every means available. Not only the colored people, who because of the increasing receptivity they are evincing to the Message truly deserve special attention, but all other minorities, whether racial or religious, such as Jews or Red Indians, all alike should be contacted and confirmed. The greater the receptivity of a particular class or group, the stronger should work the desire and determination of the believers to attract and teach its members. In a time when the whole world is steeped in prejudices of race, class and nation, the Bahá’ís, by upholding firmly and loyally this cardinal principle of their Faith, can best hope to vindicate its truth, and establish its right to bring order and peace out of the chaos and strife of this war-torn world.” — From letter to Mrs. Dorothy Baker, Chairman, Race Unity Committee, February, 1941 {.sig} --- ## 959.
1941-03-12 pageants are of value to the Cause {.center} “The Artist’s Daughter” , Nancy Douglas Bowditch, p261-2 60. Letter from The Guardian via R. Rabbání to Nancy Bowditch. Dated Haifa, March 12th, 1941. Dear Mrs. Bowditch: Shoghi Effendi has asked me to answer your kind letter of Jan. 27th, and to thank you for the enclosed photographs of the pageant held in Green Acre. As you already know, he considers such pageants of value to the Cause and of interest to Bahá is and non-Bahá is alike, and he is pleased to hear that your work is making progress every year. He was also very pleased with the news of the work in Brookline and Ann Arbor. The truly wonderful progress the Faith is making in America, North and South, is a source of great encouragement to him-especially now that the conditions in Europe have temporarily suspended so many Bahá’í activities. So far the copy of the pageant “Fountain of Light” has not reached the Guardian, but perhaps it will take more time than a letter and the mails, of course, are slow. He wishes me to assure you of his prayers always for your devoted services to our beloved Faith which you are ever rendering. In closing I send my love to you and dear Polly too-when you see Ever yours, R. Rabbání. Note in Shoghi Effendis handwriting: May the Almighty guide your steps, fulfil your hopes, reinforce your efforts, and enable you to enlarge the scope, and consolidate the foundations of this important sphere of Bahá’í activity, in which you are so devotedly en — gaged. {.sig} Your true brother, {.sig} Shoghi. {.sig} --- ## 960.
1941-03-12 to Nancy Bowditch re pageants {.center} The Artist’s Daughter, Nancy Douglas Bowditch, p261-2 Dear Mrs. Bowditch: Shoghi Effendi has asked me to answer your kind letter of Jan. 27th, and to thank you for the enclosed photographs of the pageant held in Green Acre. As you already know, he considers such pageants of value to the Cause and of interest to Bahá’ís and non-Bahá’ís alike, and he is pleased to hear that your work is making progress every year. He was also very pleased with the news of the work in Brookline and Ann Arbor. The truly wonderful progress the Faith is making in America, North and South, is a source of great encouragement to him-especially now that the conditions in Europe have temporarily suspended so many Bahá’í activities. So far the copy of the pageant “Fountain of Light” has not reached the Guardian, but perhaps it will take more time than a letter and the mails, of course, are slow. He wishes me to assure you of his prayers always for your devoted services to our beloved Faith which you are ever rendering. In closing I send my love to you and dear Polly too-when you see her. Ever yours, R. Rabbání. May the Almighty guide your steps, fulfil your hopes, reinforce your efforts, and enable you to enlarge the scope, and consolidate the foundations of this important sphere of Bahá’í activity, in which you are so devotedly engaged. {.sig} Your true brother, {.sig} Shoghi. {.sig} 1941-03-12 to Nancy Bowditch re pageants {.ref .center} --- ## 961.
1941-04-19 on behalf of to an individual re ‘Abdu’l-Bahás statement about Socrates {.center} Socrates #10 Compiled By Research Department Of The Universal House Of Justice. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá stated that Socrates visited the Jewish doctors and imbibed the wisdom of the Hebrew Prophets. At present in the library here we have no books substantiating this statement. However as we know that the Master asserted its truth, no doubt historical evidence will be forthcoming in the future to support it. 1941-04-19 on behalf of to an individual re ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s statement about Socrates {.ref .center} --- ## 962.
1941-04-19 tribute to Marion Jack {.center} USBN #143 May 1941 pp1-2 {.ref .center} Assure Marion Jack (my) loving, fervent prayers (and) high admiration (of) her heroic perseverance, noble courage (and) exemplary stewardship (of the) Cause (of) Bahá’u’llab. Much impressed (by) superbly conceived, courageously outspoken, truly inspired statement embodied in general letter pages two to four in Australian Bahá’í Quarterly. Advise publication (in its) entirety this letter (in) American Bahá’í News. Regard it best answer to certain believers requesting clarification (of) statement entitled “ Grace That Sustains” in June Bahá’í News. Advise read full text (of) letter (at) Convention. SHOGHI RABBÁNÍ {.sig} Cablegram received April 19, 1941. --- ## 963.
1941-04-23 to Bádíulláh Khán of Abádih re four questions {.center} Abstract: Answers four questions: (1) re “Crimson Scroll”; (2) re the “Sacred Night”; (3) re the “Tablet of the Bell”; and (4) using the Kitáb-i-Aqdas for bibliomancy. Notes: Sec. Shoghi Effendi/Jináb-i-Áqá Mírzá Bádí’u’lláh _Khán of Abádih. 23 April 1941, in hand of Núru’d-Dín Zayn.[1] Letter to Jináb-i-Áqá Mírzá Bádí’u’lláh _Khán of Abádih by Shoghi Effendi translated by Juan Cole. 1997-05 {.ref .center} The letter put forward by that spiritual and dear friend dated 9 Bahman 1319 has come to the attention of the Guardian of the Cause of God, may our spirits be his sacrifice. The four questions concerning which you asked the favor of a reply from the most holy court were accepted and honored with a response.    With regard to the crimson scroll mentioned in the unapproachable Tablets,[2] he said, “Write that ‘‘Abdu’l-Bahá’ said that the original intent of the ‘Crimson Scroll’ is the Tablet of the Covenant, that is, the Book of the Covenant.”[3]    As for the Sacred Night, the recitation of blessed prayers and Tablets revealed for that night every year, and the inclusion of that night in the Bahá’í calendar, he said: “Write that it is permitted, but including it on the Bahá’í calendar is not required at the present time.”    As concerns the blessed Tablet of the Bell, and the story of how it was revealed, he said: “Write that this Tablet was revealed in Istanbul at the request of Áqá Muḥammad-‘Alí Iṣfahání as conveyed by ‘‘Abdu’l-Bahá’. This Tablet was written out by the Blessed Beauty[4] in His Own hand on the night of 5 Jumada al-Ulá, the night the Báb received His mission. Reciting this Tablet on that very blessed night is beloved and acceptable.”    With regard to the last question, about a situation in which the means of consultation is absent and one has trouble making up one’s mind about an important matter, you asked, “How should one consult the Most Holy Book for the purpose of soothsaying?”    He said, “In such a situation it is necessary and requisite that one turn with complete attention, in the spirit of seeking help, to the source of grace and inspiration, and to no one else. If it is possible to delay a bit in making one’s decision until such time as consultation can be undertaken, this is better and more appropriate.” Written at his blessed behest. 15 Jalál 98 23 April 1941 Núru’d-Dín Zayn Seen : Shoghi Effendi Notes [1] Ma’idih-yi-Asmaní, 3:1 (JC’s note). [2] i.e. The ‘Crimson Book’. See Epistle to the Son of the Wolf, p. 32; Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh Revealed After the Kitáb-i-Aqdas, p. 89, 90, 242 (MF’s note). [3] See Directives from the Guardian, #46 (MF’s note). [4] Bahá’u’lláh (JC’s note). 1941-04-23 to Bádí’u’lláh _Khán of Abádih re four questions {.ref .center} --- ## 964.
1941-05-02 Assemblys supreme objective {.center} USBN #143 May 1941 pp2 {.ref .center} Newly elected Assembly’s supreme objective (is) steadily direct energies, energetically coordinate ente~prises, fan (the) flame (of) enthusiasm, remove impediments (in) progress (of the) teaching activities (of the) Bahá’í communities (of the) Americas. Praying unprecedented success. SHocm RABBÁNÍ Cablegram received May 2, 1941. --- ## 965.
1941-05-04 fund story; teaching {.center} USBN #144 June 1941 p2-3 {.ref .center} “Indeed the splendid spirit that animates the American believers these days is a great source of joy and inspiration of the Guardian, and as the good news comes in of new victories won and new sacrifices made, one can see his spirits rise and a wave of new strength sweep over him.-tired and over-burdened as he so often is. In this connection the letter you so thoughtfully enclosed from that dear Bahá’í who gave the difference in the price of a cheap or expensIve coffin to the Fund of the Cause, greatly touched him. Such sacrifIces prove the caliber of the friends and insure the very foundations of the Faith. “In view of the increasingly dark condition of the world the Guardian feels that the N. S. A. should direct all its energies to fostering the teaching work, that no time may be lost in the fulfilment of their task which is of such paramount importance for the future.” by the Guardian through his secretary to the National Treasurer: Haifa, May 4, 1941. --- ## 966.
1941-05-22 Florence Mortons donation & Inter-American campaign {.center} USBN #144 June 1941 p2 {.ref .center} Extremely delighted (at) Florence Morton’s magnificent, timely donation. Assure her (my) deepest appreciation. Greatly welcome opportunity afforded Assembly (to) concentrate henceforth entire resources (on) all-important national (and) Inter-America teaching campaigns and expedite publication (of The) Bahá’í World. Praying signal victories. SHOGHI RABBÁNÍ {.sig} Cablegram received May 22, 1941. --- ## 967.
1941-05-25 various to USNSA {.center} USBN #145 July 1941 p2-4 {.ref .center} It is in view of this constant expansion and increasing complexity of the inter-continental activities of the Faith, for which your Assembly has assumed a primary responsibility, that the Guardian has lately re-emphasized the necessity of avoiding over-centralization in the conduct of the affairs of the Cause, thereby relieving your Assembly of an unmanageable amount of detail and routine work, which would interfere with its clear and paramount duty of maintaining a thorough and vigilant supervision over the work of the Cause as a whole. Excessive decentralization, on the other hand, would tend to nullify the principle which places ultimate authority and responsibility in the hands of the National Spiritual Assembly. His recent instruction regarding the relationship of the Regional Teaching Committees to the National Teaching Committee safeguards this principle which lies at the very basis of the Administrative Order. The Regional Committees, although appointed by the N.S.A. should, unlike all other committees, be viewed as special adjuncts created specifically for the purpose of helping directly the National Teaching Committee in its all-important task of stimulating the teaching activities of the Faith in North America. In a sense they are subcommittees of the National Teaching Committee, to whom their reports and all details of the national teaching activity should be constantly and directly referred. At the present time, in view of the emphasis placed by the Guardian on the teaching phase of the Seven Year Plan, the National Teaching and Inter-America committees acquire great importance and assume added responsibility, and should be supported and encouraged by both the N.S.A. as well as the rank and file of the believers. The resources of the entire community and of the National Fund should be consecrated to this supreme and sacred purpose. The importance acquired by these two committees, however, does not make of them independent bodies, or give them the right to disregard the advice and the general directions of the N.S.A. Otherwise a conflict of authority would ensue within the administration, introducing an evil as pernicious as the tendency to over-centralize the affairs of the Cause in the hands of an over-burdened N.S.A. , depriving it thereby of the vision and the necessary leisure required to ponder the policies, the problems and enterprises which the growth of the Administrative Order engenders. The Guardian is very pleased to learn of the success that has attended the sessions at Atlanta and the removal of the disagreement within the community of that city and the work achieved by the regional conference and the public meeting open to both races. A special effort, he feels. should now be made to lay a foundation of unity between the white and colored Bahá’ís and weld the groups into communities capable of forming Assemblies representative of both races. The action taken by your Assembly in connection with rural areas, such as township and county, as different from towns and cities, meets with his approval. He hopes that a special effort will be made to increase the number of Assemblies in these rural areas. This, he believes, is one of the major functions and duties of the National Teaching Committee this year. The fifty photographs showing the recent progress in Temple construction have been safely received and he has already distributed them among the many pilgrims that came this year from Persia, ‘Iráq, Syria and Egypt. He would appreciate another fifty copies of the Temple photograph as soon as sufficient faces are completed to represent a finished and unobstructed view of the entire edifice. The material sent to him regarding the legal action taken against the New History Society, as well as copies of their monthly publication, have been received and the Guardian feels that Aḥmad Sohrab is increasingly revealing his latent opposition to the spirit as well as the letter of the Master’s Will and Testament. His references to excommunication flatly contradict the Master’s own actions and attitude, of which he is personally fully aware, and are irreconcilable with some of the most emphatic and unmistakable injunctions of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in His Will and Testament. His increasingly bold criticisms of the action taken by the Guardian amounts to a repudiation of the authority of the Guardianship, and is thus an open and flagrant violation of the Will establishing that authority. In fact the more he writes and the more he gives vent to his true feelings, and discloses his real attitude to what ‘Abdu’l-Bahá has regarded as absolutely essential to the unity, the integrity and protection of the Faith, the more will he clearly demonstrate his disloyalty to the Master whom he professes to uphold and defend. He is no doubt the most subtle, resourceful and indefatigable enemy the Faith has had in America, and the retribution he will in the end suffer will be correspondingly grievous and devastating. Every effort should be made by your Assembly to protect the new believers from the poison which he is trying to instill into their minds and souls, and to reinforce their confidence in his ultimate downfall and complete obliteration. Regarding the Master’s public talks, copies of which you have sent under separate cover, the Guardian approves of their being made available to the friends as excerpts in “ World Order” magazine. Will you kindly assure Miss Kruka that the Guardian has received a few copies of the Finnish version of “ Bahá’u’lláh and the New Era,” and wishes her to arrange to have more sent to him for distribution. He would appreciate it if Mrs. Lynch could arrange to send through you a few copies of the Polish version recently published, that the Guardian may place them in the various libraries he has established in the Holy Land. Regarding the design for the door of the Temple, the Guardian approves your decision not to proceed with any plan for these doors before the exterior ornamentation is completed. Nor should the question of metal grilles for some of the windows be considered at present. Care should be exercised lest the Trustees be led to enter into any new subsidiary contracts in the course of this year, as this would entail a diminution of the funds that should now be devoted to the vital teaching work to be carried out throughout the Americas. Every endeavor should be made in the course of the year by the National Assembly, the National Teaching and Inter-America committees, as well as the pioneers in various fields, and indeed by each and every individual believer, to extend the scope and consolidate the basis of the teaching campaigns initiated throughout the WesternHemisphere. Any progress achieved in this most vital field at so critical a stage in the secular affairs of the American nations, will vitally affect the spiritual destinies of these republics, though the inter-action of the forces at work in both fields, spiritual and temporal, may not be apparent at the present time. Bahá’u’lláh, the Guardian firmly believes, is releasing through this inter-continental campaign, at a time when decisions vital to the interests of the Western Hemisphere are being taken, forces which, as they reveal their potentialities, will increasingly assist in shaping that World Order which the American peoples of the New World are being called upon to proclaim and establish. With the assurance of the Guardian’s continued prayers for the success of your historic services. Yours in His Service, H. RABBÁNÍ Haifa, Palestine, May 25, 1941 {.sig} --- ## 968.
1941-06-03 appreciation of Milly Collins {.center} USBN #144 June 1941 p5 {.ref .center} Delighted. Convey (to) Milly Collins (my) ever-deepening appreciation (of her) historic, exemplary contributions (in) this crucial hour (for the) Faith (of) Bahá’u’lláh.” SHOGHI RABBÁNÍ {.sig} Cablegram received June 3, 1941. --- ## 969.
1941-06-15 transfer of Luas remains {.center} USBN #146 Sept 1941, p2 {.ref .center} Advise cable American Consulate (in) Cairo authorize on behalf American National Assembly transfer remains (of) Lua Getsinger to Bahá’í Cemetery through Egyptian National Bahá’í Assembly. Shoghi Rabbání Cablegram received June 15, 1941 --- ## 970.
1941-07-18 importance of the teaching work {.center} USBN #148 Nov 1941 p2 {.ref .center} The paramount and urgent importance of the teaching work both in the North American continent and throughout Latin America cannot be over-emphasized. The attention of the entire company of the American believers should be focussed on the requirements of this vast undertaking that has been so gloriously initiated, and which must be pursued, extended and consolidated by every means in their power. This is the National Assembly’s supreme objective, upon which must depend the success of the Seven Year Plan. I will pray that this goal may be attained and this great mission be nobly fulfilled. —To Allen B. McDaniel, Chairman, July 18, 1941. --- ## 971.
1941-07-19 to Gayle Woolson re teaching successes {.center} Divine Springtime — Louise Coswell Recalls, p56-7 Dear and valued co-workers. Future generations will extol your labours, follow your footsteps, and derive inspiration from your pioneer activities. I will specially and constantly pray that your numbers may increase, and your Assembly flourish, and your hopes be fulfilled and your influence extend far and wide. Persevere and be happy. Your true and grateful brother. (Signed) Shoghi {.sig} 1941-07-19 to Gayle Woolson re teaching successes {.ref .center} --- ## 972.
1941-08-01 people will take sides for and against Faith {.center} George Townshend, David Hofman, p203 ‘Wherever the Cause is being spread, as it grows in strength, people increasingly will take sides both for and against it. Therefore he is not surprised to learn that you are finding yourself in lis position, sometimes being upheld and sometimes being attacked! t is a great bounty from God that you have had a training in this world which so admirably suits you for a champion of His Faith and an exponent of His doctrines.’ [August 1, 1941 the Guardian’s secretary had written on his behalf to George Townshend] --- ## 973.
1941-08-12 consent of parents; Latin teaching {.center} USBN #148 Nov 1941 p2 {.ref .center} Regarding the question whether it is necessary to obtain the consent of the parents of a non-Bahá’í participant in a marriage with a Bahá’í; as Bahá’u’lláh has stated that the consent of the parents of both parties is required in order to promote unity and avoid friction, and as the Aqdas does not specify any exceptions to this rule, the Guardian feels that under all circumstances the consent of the parents of both parties is required. The Guardian approves the use of the form of report to be filled in by all Latin-American Assemblies. This form, however, should be closely considered by your Assembly, and need not be forwarded to him. as the final action in such matters rests with the N. S. A. This body should exercise the utmost patience, good will, care and vigilance in such delicate and vital matters, should stress the importance of the institution of the local Spiritual Assembly, should take into special consideration the Latin temperament and character, should exercise a general, though not too rigid, supervision over newly formed groups and Assemblies, and should, by every means in its power, maintain, nay, increase, the flow of pioneers and financial assistance to these countries, that constitute, in these critical years, the greatest trust delivered into the hands of the champions of the Bahá’í Faith in North America. He is delighted to learn that there is a possibility of one or more Spiritual Assemblies being formed in South America, besides those of Buenos Aires, Costa Rica and Bahia. There is no doubt that in this particular field the North American believers are exceeding the expectations of the Guardian when he conceived and formulated the Seven Year Plan. What he would urge at the present stage is to insure that an anchorage for the Faith be firmly laid in every Latin Republic. This need not involve the formation of an Assembly, but presupposes the formation of a group of resident believers, who will safeguard permanently and definitely the interests of the Faith during the critical years which lie ahead of the Continent of America. —Shoghi Effendi, through his secretary, August 12, 1941. --- ## 974.
1941-08-13 effect of donations of Collins & Morton {.center} USBN #148 Nov 1941 p2 {.ref .center} It is such a pleasure to learn from your letter that the extremely generous donations of our dear and esteemed Bahá’í sisters, Mrs. Collins and Mrs. Morton, will enable the N. S. A. to concentrate its attention on the vital requirements of the inter-continental teaching campaign, which during the remaining years of the Seven Year Plan constitutes the predominating and decisive issue confronting the American believers. I feel certain that you will continue, as it has been your wont ever since its inception and long before it was initiated, to lend your outstanding assistance to the historic task entrusted by our Beloved to the American Bahá’í community. I will continue to pray for your precious health. —To Roy C. Wilhelm, Treasurer, August 13, 1941. --- ## 975.
1941-08-14 to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Rouse on their marriage {.center} [Growing Up Bahá’í, Diana Rouse Kaufman, pp197] 1941-08-14 to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Rouse on their marriage {.ref .center} Dear Bahá’í friends: The Guardian has instructed me to answer your letters to him of April 13th. He was very happy to hear that you are both so united in your devotion to the Cause of Bahá’u’lláh, as this will greatly bless your marriage itself and give you true and abiding happiness. A Catholic background is an excellent introduction to the Faith, and one that Mrs. Rouse should feel grateful for having had. Though the doctrines of the church today are no longer needed-as the Father Himself has come, and thus fulfilled the Mission of Christ the son-yet the foundation they lay of spiritual discipline, and their emphasis on spiritual values and adherence to moral laws, is very important and very close to our own beliefs. The Guardian will pray that you may both grow to become gifted and capable teachers, and thus attract many souls to the Cause. He is very happy to hear that you have set yourselves the goal of bringing more young people into it. The youth today not only greatly need the teachings but are capable of both grasping and living up to them, and it is of the utmost importance to teach them and inspire them with this divine Message. He is also very pleased to hear that Mr. Rouse is going to study Spanish. This, he hopes, will prepare the way for you to both at some future date aid in the all important inter-America work. Assuring you of his most loving prayers for you both, Yours in His service, With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbání P.S. He thanks you for the enclosed photographs of yourselves on your wedding day. R.R. (and in the Guardians own handwriting) Dearfriends, I wish to congratulate you in person on your union, which I trust pray will be richly & continually blessed by our Beloved Master. I hope you will both be enabled to promote jointly and effectively the vital interests of the institutions which the American believers are so devotedly and energetically establishing in these days. Your true brother, Shoghi {.sig} --- ## 976.
1941-09-30 prayers for Nicklin & Cheney {.center} USBN #147 Oct 1941 p6 {.ref .center} Assure (Eve) Nicklin prayers (for) success (in) Peru. Convey (Eliabeth) Cheney loving concern, fervent prayers (for her) recovery (and my) deepest admiration. SHOGGI RABBÁNÍ Cablegram received Sept. 30, 1941 --- ## 977.
1941-10-05 Mrs. Greenleafs passing {.center} USBN #154 July 1942 p3 {.ref .center} “ Mrs. Greenleaf’s passing deprives the friends of yet another veteran and outstanding teacher. The Guardian hopes and prays that among the younger Bahá’ís many will train themselves to follow her example and profit by the methods she used so successfully in spreading the Cause. Deep knowledge of the teachings, profound human sympathy, a heart which mirrored the Master’s love, and a winning sweetness and friendliness were hers. She will indeed be greatly missed.” to Mrs. Amelia Collins on October 5, 1941 --- ## 978.
1941-10-11 to Safa Kinney re declaration of Pacora Blue Mountain {.center} Bahá’í World Vol XV, p467 {.ref .center} The Guardian was most happy to learn that you have been able to confirm souls from South American countries, such as Mr. Blue Mountain and Mr.Torres. He will pray for their dedication to the wonderful work of spreading their new-found belief in Bahá’u’Iláh amidst their countrymen who so greatly need these glorious Teachings. He was particularly happy than Mr. Blue Mountain, an Inca descendant, should have embraced the Cause, thus bringing nearer the realization of the Master’s command to confirm the Indians. 1941-10-11 to Safa Kinney re declaration of Pacora Blue Mountain {.ref .center} --- ## 979.
1941-10-14 insure completion December sixth & seventh faces {.center} USBN #148 Nov 1941 p1 {.ref .center} Unhesitatingly advise insure completion by December (of) sixth and seventh faces. Urge contractor (to) redouble efforts during winter months (to) prepare two remaining faces to be placed as soon as weather permits next spring. Owing (to) international situation strict economy (in) administrative expenses and supreme sacrifice needed (to) complete nine faces by end (of) spring.’’ —Shoghi Effendi, in cablegram received October 14. --- ## 980.
1941-10-26 heroism is needed {.center} USBN #157 November 1942 p1 {.ref .center} These. indeed, are the days when heroism is needed on the part of the believers. Self-sacrifice, courage, indomitable hope and confidence are the characteristics they should show forth, because these very attributes cannot but fix the attention of the public and lead them to inquire what, in a world so hopelessly chaotic and bewildered, leads these people to be so assured, so confident, so full of devotion? Increasingly, as time goes by, the characteristics of the Bahá’ís will be that which captures the attention of their fellowcitizens. They must show their aloofness from the hatreds and recr iminations which are tearing at the hearts of humanity, and demonstrate by deed and word their profound belief in the future peaceful unification of the entire human race. — written through his secretary to Willard P. Hatch on October 26, 1941. --- ## 981.
1941-10-26 state of the National Fund {.center} USBN #149 December 1941 p2 {.ref .center} “Conscious of the state of the National Fund. and.realizing the urgency of the task facing its administrators. I have felt the urge to devote the offering of the American believers to the International Fund to the work which is now vitally facing and challenging the friends in the teaching field. Much as I appreciate the spirit prompting you and your fellow members to make this monthly contribution to the Cause at the World Center, I felt that it was my duty to consecrate this offering while the Seven Year Plan is still operating, to that vital aspect of teaching upon which its success must ultimately depend. May the friends in view of the vastness of the field that stretches before them, and the potentialities of their labors within it, and of the glowing promise of future blessings which such a labor must yield, rise to still greater heights of self-sacrifice and evince nobler manifestations of solidarity in the face of the critical situation that so insistently demands their support.,, (Signed) Shoghi {.sig} October 26, 1941, the Guardian to the Treasurer of the National Spiritual Assembly {.sig} --- ## 982.
1941-10-26 temple & teaching work {.center} USBN #150 January 1942 p1-2 {.ref .center} “He has recently cabled the National Assembly that he considers it of the utmost importance that the faces of the Temple be completed and placed in position on the main story with as much expedition as possible. This matter has aroused his grave concern, as the Guardian believes that in view of the relation of the U.S.A. to the international situation, the rising costs, labor shortage, etc.. it may be both increasingly difficult and expensive to complete this work with every month that goes by. He, therefore, would urge you to impress on Mr. Earley — who, he realizes is always eager to cooperate in such matters — the necessity of completing whatever ornamentation of the main story remains, during the winter months, so that at the earliest moment next spring, when the weather permits the work at the Temple itself to be resumed, the last faces may be placed in final position. “Next to this in consideration should be the teaching work. Nothing must be permitted to hamper or slow down this apostolic campaign which the believers have undertaken. It represents the discharge of their moral duty towards their fellow men. that of permitting them. in these cataclysmic times. to hear the Message their Lord has sent to them and the ways He has prescribed for them to solve their problems and heal their ills. “The Guardian feels confident that the great devotion which so evidently inspires both the body of the believers and their National representatives will carry them on to victory. in spite of the difficulty of achieving it. His prayers and his hopes are with you all the time.” In the Guardian’s hand: “Now that the construction of the steps of the Temple has had to be postponed and in view of the increasing gravity of the international situation, a special and pressing responsibility rests on the National Assembly to insure, with the aid of the contractor and through every other possible means, the completion of the nine faces of the edifice before the end of next spring. During the coming winter months the work at the studio should be (so) conducted that no delay whatever will be incurred when the time for the placing of the remaining faces arrives. During these same months, while the teaching work is being strenuously pursued, the most effective measures for the construction of the steps should be carefully considered, and thus insure the uninterrupted progress of this vital aspect of the Seven Year Plan.” through his secretary to the Chairman of the National Spiritual Assembly on October 26, 1941 --- ## 983.
1941-11-07 gratified process on Temple {.center} USBN #149 December 1941 p1 {.ref .center} “Much gratified. Praying speedy success. Persevere.” (Signed) Shoghi Rabbání. (Cablegram received November 7, 1941.) This message was in reply to a cablegram sent to the Guardian by the National Assembly on October 28: “Proceeding completion sixth (and) seventh faces (by) December. All castings needed completion eighth (and) ninth faces (in) 1942 already finished and stored at Temple.” --- ## 984.
1941-11-10 Rúḥís sister married covenant-breaker Feyzi {.center} USBN #149 December 1941 p1 {.ref .center} “Rúḥí’s sister married covenant-breaker Feyzi, whose mother joined and supported arch-enemy Muḥammad-‘Alí and whose father ‘Abdu’l-Bahá denounced openly and repeatedly as His deadly enemy. Rubi’s family concurred. Inform all believers (that) all manner (of) communication (with) excommunicated family (is) forbidden.” (Signed) Shoghi Rabbání. {.sig} (Cablegram received November 10, 1941.) --- ## 985.
1941-11-10 flagrant disloyalty Rúḥís family {.center} USBN #149 December 1941 p1-2 {.ref .center} (The) flagrant disloyalty (of) Rúḥí’s family compels me (to) disclose information so long (and) patiently withheld (from) American believers concerning his failure (to) obtain my approval (of) his second visit (to) America. His subsequent conduct regarding his marriage which I refrained from revealing (to) anyone except your Assembly, as well as Fu‘ad’s departure (to) England without my knowledge, should now be made known (to) believers. Confident (of) unshakable steadfastness (of) exemplary American Bahá’í Community.” (Signed) Shoghi Rabbání. {.sig} (Cablegram received November 10, 1941.) --- ## 986.
1941-11-21 vital importance increasing number of pioneers {.center} USBN #154 July 1942 p3 {.ref .center} “ I wish to add a few words to what has been written on my behalf and stress afresh the vital importance of increasing by every means in our power the number of pioneers who for however short a period are able to help in promoting the establishment of the Faith in South America. The utmost encouragement, moral and material, should be extended to those heroic workers who are willing in these days of uncertainty and turmoil to travel to or settle in those regions. You will, I am sure, with your co-workers, strain every nerve to stimulate the friends and facilitate their journey and reinforce their endeavors in such a vital sphere of Bahá’í activity.” to Mrs. S. W. French, Secretary of the Inter-America Committee, November 21, 1941. --- ## 987.
1941-12-17 to LSA San Jose Costa Rica re its significance {.center} Divine Springtime — Louise Coswell Recalls, p59 Your Assembly will go down in history as the first Bahá’í Assembly in Central America, a great distinction and blessing, and the Guardian feels that if you continue to progress so rapidly you will soon be in a position to spread the Cause, through representatives of your Community, in other neighboring lands. This would be of great value to the work of teaching these divine laws and truths, as then the Latin Americans would be hearing it from the lips of their own people, in their own language, which, of course, would be very effective. 1941-12-17 to LSA San Jose Costa Rica re its significance {.ref .center} --- ## 988.
1942-01-01 ·Faithless sister Mehrangiz {.center} USBN #150 January 1942 p1 {.ref .center} ·Faithless sister Mehrangiz (has) followed (the) example (of) Rubi’s sister. All ties (have been) severed. No consideration (of) family relationships can ever be allowed (to) interfere (with the) dictates (of) justice or (to) supersede supreme fidelity (to) Center (of) Bahá’u’lláh’s Covenant. Inform believers.” (Signed) {.sig} Shoghi Rabbání. 1 Jan 1942 --- ## 989.
1942-01-03 Parents strongly condemn Mehrangiz {.center} USBN #150 January 1942 p1 {.ref .center} Parents strongly condemn Mehrangiz’s action.·· (Signed) Shoghj Rabbání {.sig} 3 January 1942. --- ## 990.
1942-01-08 Comforted by fervent messages {.center} USBN #150 January 1942 p1 {.ref .center} “Comforted (and) fortified (by) fervent messages testifying (to) solidity (of) bonds (of) spiritual kinship uniting me (with) true upholders (of the) Covenant. (I) prize their loyalty. glory (in) their achievements, hail their resolve. invoke still greater blessings (upon) their superb exertions.’’ (Signed) Shoghi Rabbání. {.sig} 8 January 1942 --- ## 991.
1942-01-13 donations of the N.S.A {.center} USBN #152 April 1942 p2 {.ref .center} Shoghi Effendi, much as he deeply appreciates the donations of the N.S.A. , representing as they do the contribution of the friends to the World interests of the Faith, feels very strongly that from now on the N.S.A. should concentrate all their resources on the fulfilment of the Seven Year Plan, including any money they might, in their love and devotion, wish to send to him for the Faith here. Will you kindly convey to your fellow-National Assembly members both the expression of his deep gratitude for this latest contribution, and his wish that it be the last from them until the Plan is completed in triumph? Haifa, Palestine {.sig} January 13, 1942. {.sig} --- ## 992.
1942-01-15 various to USNSA {.center} USBN #152 April 1942 p2 {.ref .center} Regarding the efforts that have been made by Mr. Remey in connection with the Tablet supposed to have been revealed by Bahá’u’lláh to the Americas: · the Guardian has already written Mr. Remey that no such Tablet was revealed. In the Aqdas, however, Bahá’u’lláh addresses the rulers and presidents of the American Republics. This has given rise to the misapprehension that He addressed a Tablet to them similar to His Epistles to some of the rulers in Europe. Concerning the question of refusal by certain believers to accept election to an administrative post: the Guardian strongly feels that criticism, opposition, or confusion do not provide sufficient grounds for either refusal or resignation. Only cases of physical or mental incapacity, which, by their very nature, are extremely rare, constitute valid reasons for such an act. The difficulties and tests involved in the acceptance of administrative posts, far from inducing the believers to dissociate themselves from the work of the Cause, should spur them on to greater exertions and to a more active participation in the privileged task of resolving the problems that confront the Bahá’í commUnity. Only in cases where individual believers, without any valid reason, deliberately refuse the repeated exhortations, pleas, and warnings addressed to them by their Assemblies, should action be taken in removing them from the voting list. This is a measure designed to sustain the institutions of the Faith at the present time, and to insure that the abilities and talents of its, as yet, limited number of supporters are properly consecrated to its service. The believers, for the sake of the Cause, now in the period of its infancy, should accept their duties in a spirit of self-sacrifice, and should be animated by the desire to uphold the verdict of the electorate, and to lend their share of assistance, however difficult the circumstances, to the effective administration of the affairs of the Faith. The same sanction should apply to those who persistently refuse to dissociate themselves from political and ecclesiastical activities. This is a general principle which is being maintained throughout the Bahá’í world, and the believers throughout the East are already aware of the absolute necessity of refusing any political or Moslem ecclesiastical office. The Guardian approves the action taken by your Assembly recognizing villages as civil units suitable for the formation of local Assemblies in States where there are no townships, and the county unit is too large for united action by a Bahá’í community. Regarding the non-appointment of Assembly members to membership on national committees, the Guardian firmly believes that no such principle should be recognized. Those who are best fitted for the specific work assigned to the committees should be elected, irrespective of their membership on either national or local Assemblies. The greater the pressure on those who shoulder both committee and Assembly responsibilities, the greater the reward and the richer the blessings vouchsafed to those who willingly and gratefully sustain this double burden. In conclusion, the Guardian wishes to re-emphasize the necessity of concentrating during the remaining two years, and in spite of America’s entry into the war, all the resources of the Community on the final aspect of the Seven Year Plan, which can alone bring it to a successful consummation. The difficulties that have arisen should stimulate the friends to greater and still more heroic exertions on behalf of a Cause which they have served and are still serving with such exemplary tenacity, fidelity, vigor, courage and devotion. January 15, 1942. {.sig} --- ## 993.
1942-01-25 To M M Clarence E Baker name for baby {.center} [Growing Up Bahá’í, Diana Rouse Kaufman, pp198] 1942-01-25 To M/M Clarence E Baker, name for baby {.ref .center} Dear Bahá’í friends: The Guardian was very happy to receive your loving letter of Nov. 9th, which just came, and which he has instructed me to answer on his behalf He is sorry to hear Mr. Baker has not been in good health. He assures you he will pray for you both in the Holy Shrines, that God may strengthen you to go on rendering the Cause such devoted service. The good news of the many new souls you have been teaching pleased him very much. God has blessed you both with the ability to inspire faith in the hearts of others, a truly great gift. Regarding your request for a name for the expected baby of Mr. & Mrs. Rouse: the Guardian is very sorry to refuse your request, but from the very beginning he has invariably refused all such requests on the part of the believers, as he felt that this practice of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s, of giving believers names, should be kept sacred to His memory, and not be instated by the Guardian. Please explain this to these dear Bahá’ís, and assure them that the Guardian will pray for their child, that it may become a noble and exemplary believer. The photographs you enclosed were of interest to the Guardian. His is happy to see that you are able to reach the colored as well as the white, and that you uphold with such devotion the principle of complete lack of prejudice. For all those whom you mention in your letter; the Guardian will pray; please assure them of this, and he will often remember you both in his loving prayers, that you may render the Cause even greater services. With Bahá’í love, Yours in His service to our beloved Faith, R. Rabbání (and in the Guardian s own handwriting) May the Beloved guide, sustain, & reinforce your splendid & meritorious efforts, & enable you to extend the range of your valued activities, & aid you to reflect, at all times & under all conditions, the spirit that animates His Faith & its institutions. {.sig} Your true brother; Shoghi {.sig} --- ## 994.
1942-02-03 end of the First Bahá’í Century approaches {.center} USBN #154 July 1942 p3 {.ref .center} “His thoughts are increasingly turned to the American believers as the end of the First Bahá’í Century approaches, as he feels so strongly the tremendous, worldwide importance which their success involves. They are not merely struggling for the furtherance of the Cause in their native land, but for the achievement of parts of a Divine plan which involves the progress and happiness of all men. Their individual and collective responsibility is, therefore, very great, very precious, and presents them with an opportunity to serve mankind which they may never again have because mankind’s life may never again pass through such critical years. His ardent prayers continually surround them.” to Mrs. Amelia Collins on February 3, 1942. --- ## 995.
1942-02-09 To Sarah Oglesby re the race issue {.center} compiled fm Pupil of the Eye #44, Champions of Oneness p212, Power of Unity He is well aware that the conditions within the ranks of the believers in respect to race prejudice is [sic] far from being as it should be. However, he feels very strongly that it presents a challenge to both white and coloured believers. As we neither feel nor acknowledge any distinction between the duties and privileges of a Bahá’í, whoever he may be, it is incumbent upon the Negro believers to rise above this great test which the attitude of some of their White brethren may present. They must accept the Cause of Bahá’u’lláh for the sake of the Cause, love it, and cling to it, and teach it, and fight for it as their own Cause, forgetful of the shortcomings of others. Any other attitude is unworthy of their faith. Proud and happy in the praises which even Bahá’u’lláh Himself has bestowed upon them, they must feel He revealed Himself for them and every other downtrodden race, loves them, and will help them to attain their destiny. “The whole race question in America is a national one and of great importance. But the Negro friends must not waste their precious opportunity to serve the Faith, in these momentous days, by dwelling on the admitted shortcomings of the white friends. They must arise to serve and teach, confident of the future in which we know these barriers will have once and for all been overcome. “… The more Negroes who become Bahá’ís, the greater the leaven will be within their own race working for harmony and friendship between these two bodies of American citizens: the white and the colored. May the Beloved of our hearts guide and sustain you in your constant activities, enable you to increase the number of the coloured believers, whose interests are close to my heart, and for whom I continually and ardently beseech the guidance and the blessings of Bahá’u’lláh. {.sig} 1942-02-09 To Sarah Oglesby re the race issue {.ref .center} --- ## 996.
1942-02-28 hope for more pioneers and teachers {.center} USBN #153 June 1942 p1-2 {.ref .center} It does indeed seem strange that people who have seen literally prophecy after prophecy fulfilled, and all that the Bahá’ís were led to anticipate, come to pass, still remain veiled from the reality of the Faith and spiritually lethargic. How deeply they will rue their lost opportunity when once their eyes become open! Shoghi Effendi hopes that the N. S. A. and Teaching Committee are meeting with a wider response to the call for pioneers and teachers. The American believers have carried on with such enthusiasm and devotion, and established such a record, that now all the Bahá’ís the world over have the impression that they can do almost anything! They must exceed their own past records for speed and accomplishment in order to triumph in the Seven Year Plan. (From Letter dated February 28, 1942, written through his secretary, to Roy C. Wiihelm) --- ## 997.
1942-03-19 sufferings so piteously afflicting humanity {.center} Fire and Gold: Benefiting from Life’s Tests”, p61 as compiled by Brian Kurzius The friends must not feel too crushed by the sufferings that are so piteously afflicting humanity. They must realize that the hotter the fire the more malleable the metal becomes, and take hope that out of the agony of the present the future will be born — the glorious future of peace and unity amongst the sons of men. Evidently only intense misery will prove sufficiently strong to purge the hearts of men. [From a letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer, March 19, 1942] --- ## 998.
1942-03-26 not the time for a Bahá’í village {.center} USBN 171 November 1944 p2 {.ref .center} Now is not the time for the friends to seek to establish a Bahá’í village; they have definite tasks confronting them of the utmost importance and urgency, and on these they should concentrate their attention. Nor does the Guardian feel that it is necessary for the friends to buy land at this time. In the future, when they have accomplished the goals set out for them by the beloved Master Himself, they will be able to develop more community projects, but now such enterprises would merely dissipate their strength which should all be directed into the teaching work. — To Mrs. Ethel Murray, March 26, 1942. --- ## 999.
1942-03-28 To Safa Kinney re teaching work of Pacora Blue Mountain {.center} Bahá’í World Vol XV, p467 {.ref .center} He was very happy to hear of the successful teaching work which Mr. Blue Mountain is carrying on. The conversion of the original inhabitants of North America and South America to the Faith is a cause for great rejoicing, and will no doubt bring rich blessings in its wake. 1942-03-28 To Safa Kinney re teaching work of Pacora Blue Mountain {.ref .center} --- ## 1000.
1942-04-30 rejoice formation new Assemblies {.center} USBN #153 June 1942 {.ref .center} Rejoice (in the) formation (of the) new Assemblies. Extend cordial welcome. Praying still greater success. Urge concentration (on) potential Assemblies, particularly (in) States (and) Provinces where none exist. SHOGHI R ABBANI {.sig} Cablegram received April 30, 1942. --- ## 1001.
1942-05-05 Welcome renewed determination NSA {.center} USBN #153 June 1942 p1 {.ref .center} Welcome renewed determination reflected (by) Assembly. Praying befitting discharge (of its) solemn, urgent responsibilities. Love. SHOGHI R ABBANI {.sig} Cablegram received May 5, 1942 [reaction to first msg of new NSA?] --- ## 1002.
1942-05-08 Turn to your Bahá’í brothers and sisters {.center} LoG #729 plus USBN #217 March 1949 p4 {.ref .center} “Deep as are family ties, we must always remember that the spiritual ties are far deeper; they are everlasting and survive death, whereas physical ties, unless supported by spiritual bonds, are confined to this life. You should do all in your power, through prayer and example, to open the eyes of your family to the Bahá’í Faith, but do not grieve too much over their actions. Turn to your Bahá’í brothers and sisters who are living with you in the light of the Kingdom. Indeed, the believers have not yet fully learned to draw on each other’s love for strength and consolation in time of need. The Cause of God is endowed with tremendous powers, and the reason the believers do not gain more from it is because they have not learned to duly draw these mighty forces of love and strength and harmony generated by the Faith.” Shoghi Effendi to Miss Roan Orloff, May 8, 1942 [this is compiled from the two sources listed above] --- ## 1003.
1942-05-12 Bahá’í World received {.center} USBN #153 June 1942 p1 {.ref .center} First copy (of The) Bahá’í World received. Deepest loving appreciation (to) all contributors (for this) magnificent production. SHOGHI RABBÁNÍ {.sig} Cablegram received May 12, 1942. --- ## 1004.
1942-05-15 Convention response encouraging {.center} USBN #154 July 1942 p3 {.ref .center} “The Convention response, as well as all the recent news from the U. S. A., have greatly encouraged him. He feels the strong, purposeful determination of the believers as well as of their representatives, to see the Plan through to complete victory. In view of his own burdens and cares, this greatly cheers him. “He hopes that every available agency of the administration will be used to insure the speedy fulfilment of this year’s teaching requirements and that everything will be done to encourage new pioneers to volunteer and go forth while there is yet time. As he already pointed out in his Convention cable, this year is the year. The major part of the work must be gotten under way now, so that before 1944 it will have yielded its fruit; otherwise it will be too late.” Shoghi Effendi, through his secretary, to Roy C. Wilhelm, Treasurer, on May 15, 1942. --- ## 1005.
1942-05-26 various to USNSA {.center} USBN #155 August 1942 p1-2 {.ref .center} The Guardian has already acknowledged the receipt, by cable, of the 100 photographs of the Temple, some of which were sent him air mail, and he has distributed a considerable number already amongst the believers of the Near East, and he feels sure so impressive a photograph of the exterior ornamentation will greatly stimulate the friends in their various activities in the service of the Cause. He has been informed by the Bahá’ís in Egypt of the receipt of the sum cabled by your Assembly to them for its Memorial to Mírzá ‘Abu’l-Faḍl, and he deeply appreciates your prompt response to his request in this connection. The remains of that illustrious teacher have already been ceremoniously transferred to the new Bahá’í cemetery allocated by the Egyptian government to the Cairo Bahá’ís. The believers in other centers in Egypt are now negotiating with the authorities concerned for similar cemeteries to be established in their respective localities. The Guardian is sending you under separate cover a photograph of the ceremony in connection with the reinterment of Mírzá ‘Abu’l-Faḍl’s remains, for publication in Bahá’í News. Regarding the question of inserting the names of the translators of Bahá’í sacred writings: the Guardian feels there is no objection to this. As to the manner in which the names of the translators should appear in a book such as “Bahá’í Scriptures” he prefers to leave this matter to the discretion of your Assembly. The Guardian is cabling you today acknowledging the receipt of 96 copies of The Bahá’í World to date. He has already started distributing them to eminent sympathizers and friends of the Cause in various countries, who, he feels, cannot but be deeply impressed by the steady expansion of the institutions of the Faith in both the East and the West, as witnessed by this book. For such a publication to be brought out and distributed far and wide in time of war is in itself a remarkable testimony to the irresistible march of the Faith and the vitality of its indomitable spirit. He would suggest that three copies of this valuable biennial be sent to every National Spiritual Assembly. The copies for Persia should be sent through the N.S.A. of ‘Iráq. Shoghi Effendi has been greatly heartened and cheered by the news of the splendid Convention held this year and its complete consecration to the unfinished tasks of the Seven Year Plan. The character of its sessions, the expansion of its subsidiary activities, the spirit which animated its deliberations and the number of delegates and friends that participated in its proceedings, are a befitting commencement for a year that must witness unprecedented victories in the national and intercontinental teaching fields, as well as the consummation of the thirty year enterprise of the Temple of Bahá’u’lláh. The newly elected National Assembly must, in the course of this crucial year, keep in the closest possible touch with the two major teaching committees on whom the prosecution of the twin teaching enterprises of the American believers directly devolves. In conjunction with them, the National representatives of the American Bahá’í community must, by every means in their power, insure an unprecedented increase in the number of pioneers and visiting teachers, both at home and in foreign fields, for this constitutes the bedrock on which the structure of these enterprises can alone rise and be firmly established. The Guardian’s contribution of five thousand dollars to finance five pioneers, is designed to provide an incentive to those who are in a position to either provide the material means or to arise themselves in person for the furtherance of pioneer activity in virgin territories. In large rural areas such as exist in the State of Washington, recognized voting districts may be considered as units for the formation of Spiritual Assemblies. The National Assembly, the Guardian feels, may follow in such cases the election district divisions. The application of this principle he leaves to your Assembly. Haifa, May 26, 1942 --- ## 1006.
1942-06-16 To John Eichenauer Jr {.center} USBN #161 March 1943 p2 {.ref .center} “This Cause, although it embraces with equal esteem people of all ages, has a special message and mission for the youth of your generation. It is their charter for their future, their hope, their guarantee of better days to come. Therefore the Guardian is especially happy that the young Bahá’ís are active in the pioneer work.” “The formation of your first Spiritual Assembly in Honduras was a source of great joy to him, and he hopes that you will do all in your power to strengthen it and help it to function smoothly. It is the nucleus of all community life, and requires often adjustment and sacrifice from all concerned, until they learn how to function according to the higher laws of Bahá’u’lláh. “The Guardian found the publicity you had received very sympathetic in tone. If the South Americans have the courtesy, kindness, and warmth expressed in these papers, as well as the deep capacity for faith and steadfastness, so characteristic of the Latins, they should indeed make wonderful Bahá’ís. “The Guardian would advise you to be very careful about associating with Orientals and preferably avoid them. They are sometimes connected with Covenant-breakers, whether they know it or not, such as one of those whom you mention in your letter, who is the son-in-law of a well — known Covenant-breaker here.”—To John Eichenauer, Jr., June 16, 1942. --- ## 1007.
1942-06-17 Remaining copies of The Bahá’í World received {.center} USBN #154 July 1942 p2 {.ref .center} “Remaining copies (of The) Bahá’í World received.” — SHOGHI RABBÁNÍ Received June 17, 1942. --- ## 1008.
1942-06-17 re work on Temple {.center} USBN #155 August 1942 p2 {.ref .center} He was happy to hear that the work on the Temple is going to be carried out without delay, and that at last we are in sight of our goal and have every assurance of its speedy accomplishment. He feels that all concerned should exert their utmost endeavor to assure that the remaining faces and the circular staircase will be finished this year. This will not only free BaháT funds for the now all — important teaching work, but act as a tremendous advertisement of the Faith and its principles. No channel should be left unexplored in the endeavor to exploit to the full the teaching and publicity value of our first western House of Worship. It has been so long in the building that the friends themselves are scarcely aware that their hour of triumph is at hand! Both they and the public at large should be stimulated into a fresh realization of what they have achieved. It is the tangible evidence of the power of the American Bahá’í Community, few in numbers, but mighty in the spirit they draw from their Faith. (The Guardian’s postscript) Dear and valued co-worker: The completion of the Temple should, and I feel confident will, release tremendous and unprecedented forces of spiritual energy destined to be wholly consecrated to the teaching tasks now confronting the American believers. The concentrated, the sustained, and undivided attention of the individual believers and all Bahá’í agencies, local, regional, as well as national, should be directed to the attainment of this supreme, this shining goal. The increase in the number of pioneers, of every class, race, age and outlook is the vital need of the present hour. May the Beloved bless richly and continually this mighty and glorious endeavor. (Signed) Shoghi. {.sig} Haifa, June 17, 1942. (Addressed to Allen B. McDaniel) --- ## 1009.
1942-06-20 Overjoyed pioneer activity {.center} USBN #154 July 1942 p2 {.ref .center} “Overjoyed impetus (given to) pioneer activity (throughout the) Americas, completion (of) ornamentation (and) commencement (of) steps. Assure pioneers and Mrs. Collins (of my) profound admiration, abiding gratitude (and) special prayers.” — SHOGHI RABBÁNÍ Received .June 20, 1942. --- ## 1010.
1942-07-05 Regarding teaching Faith in South {.center} “To Move the World”, Gayle Morrison, p291 Regarding the whole manner of teaching the Faith in the South: the Guardian feels that, although the greatest consideration should be shown the feelings of white people in the South whom we are teaching, under no circumstances should we discriminate in their favor, consider them more valuable to the Cause than their Negro fellow-southerners, or single them out to be taught the Message first. To pursue such a policy, however necessary and even desirable it may superficially seem, would be to compromise the true spirit of our Faith, which permits us to make no such distinctions in offering its tenets to the world. The Negro and white races should be offered, simultaneously, on a basis of equality, the Message of Bahá’u’lláh. Rich or poor, known or unknown, should be permitted to hear of this Holy Faith in this, humanity’s greatest hour of need. This does not mean that we should go against the laws of the state, pursue a radical course which will stir up trouble, and cause misunderstanding. On the contrary, the Guardian feels that, where no other course is open, the two races should be taught separately until they are fully conscious of the implications of being a Bahá’í, and then be confirmed and admitted to voting membership. Once, however, this has happened, they cannot shun each other’s company, and feel the Cause to be like other Faiths in the South, with separate white and black compartments... . ‘Abdu’l-Bahá Himself set the perfect example to the American believers in this matter-as in every other. He was tactful, but the essence of courage, and showed no favoritism to the white people as opposed to their dark-skinned compatriots. No matter how sincere and devoted the white believers in the South may be, there is no reason why they should be the ones to decide when and how the Negro Southerner shall hear of the Cause of God; both must be taught by whoever rises to spread the Message in those parts. [On behalf of Shoghi Effendi to Mabel Ives, 5 July 1942] --- ## 1011.
1942-07-05 To Mabel Ives southern teaching {.center} USBN #161 March 1943 p2 {.ref .center} “Regarding the whole manner of teaching the Faith in the South: the Guardian feels that, although the greatest consideration should be shown the feelings of white people in the South whom we are teaching, under no circumstances should we discriminate in their favor, consider them more valuable to the Cause than their Negro fellow-southerners, or single them out to be taught the Message first. To pursue such a policy, however necessary and even desirable it may superficially seem, would be to compromise the true spirit of our Faith, which permits us to make no such distinctions in offerings its tenets to the world. The Negro and white races should be offered, simultaneously, on a basis of equality, the Message of Bahá’u’lláh. Rich or poor, known or unknown, should be permitted to hear of this Holy Faith in this, humanity’s greatest hour of need. “This does not mean that we should go against the laws of the state, pursue a radical course which will stir up trouble, and cause misunderstanding. On the contrary, the Guardian feels that, where no other course is open, the two races should be taught separately until they are fully conscious of the implications of being a Bahá’í, and then be confirmed and admitted to voting membership. Once, however, this has happened, they cannot shun each other’s company, and feel the Cause to be like other Faiths in the South, with separate white and black compartments. “Even in places where the two races can meet together in the South, he feels it would be, in certain cases, preferable to teach them separately until they are fully confirmed and then bring them together. “ ‘Abdu’l-Bahá Himself set the perfect example to the American believers in this matter — as in every other. He was tactful, but the essence of courage, and showed no favoritism to the white people as opposed to their dark-skinned compatriots. No matter how sincere and devoted the white believers of the South may be, there is no reason why they should be the ones to decide when and how the Negro Southerner shall hear of the Cause of God; both must be taught by who ever rises to spread the Message in those parts.” — To Mrs. Mabel Ives, July 5, 1942. --- ## 1012.
1942-07-06 must put administrative machinery to real use {.center} USBN #161 March 1943 p2 {.ref .center} Now that they (the American believers) have erected the administrative machinery of the Cause they must put it to its real use — serving only as an instrument to facilitate the flow of the spirit of the Faith out into the world. Just as the muscles enable the body to carry out the will of the individual, all Assemblies and Committees must enable the believers to carry forth the Message of God to the waiting public, the love of Bahá’u’lláh, and the healing laws and principles of the Faith to all men.” — To Eleanor Kepfer, July 6, 1942. --- ## 1013.
1942-07-08 to Mr. Raymond C. Rouse pioneering {.center} [Growing Up Bahá’í, Diana Rouse Kaufman, pp198] 1942-07-08 to Mr. Raymond C. Rouse, pioneering {.ref .center} Haifa, July 8th, 1942 Dear Bahá’í Brother; Your letter of May 5th has been received, the two pictures of your little son arrived safely with it. the Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. He is pleased to hear that you are serving on the Washington assembly this year; and hopes that you will do all in your power to stimulate the growth of your local community and find new ways and means of teaching the Faith in the Capital. The greater the love, harmony, and spirit of complete and selfless dedication which animates the members of a spiritual assembly, the greater will be the degree of Divine inspiration and assistance vouchsafed to them. Pioneer service in these epoch-making days need not be confined to going out in foreign fields. The friends can pioneer on their assemblies in helping to bring about a keener vision of what their duties are; they can pioneer in developing new local teaching methods, new contacts with new classes of people; indeed they can even be said to pioneer inwardly in finding new depths in their own souls and new ways in which their own God-given capacities can be put to use in serving the Faith. The Guardian was very pleased to hear of your teaching activities with Mrs. Baker; and hopes they will meet with ever-increasing success. To teach at present is the paramount duty and privilege of every Bahá’í, who knows full well that the solution to the terrible problems facing the world today lies in Bahá’u’lláh’s teachings. The Guardian will pray for you and your wife, that you may render the Cause ever greater services. He will also pray for your son Raymond, that God may richly endow him and he may grow up a wonderful Bahá’í. With Bahá’í greetings, Yours in His service, R. Rabbání (and in the Guardians own handwriting) May the Beloved, whose Cause you are teaching with assiduity & devotion, bless continually your activities, & aid you to extend their range & widen the sphere of their influence. Your true brother; Shoghi {.sig} --- ## 1014.
1942-07-26 To San Jose Costa Rica LSA re progress made {.center} Divine Springtime — Louise Coswell Recalls, p59-61 The progress which the Bahá’ís of Costa Rica have made during the past year is little short of astounding, and shows the deep receptivity the people of that country have to the New Message of God which Bahá’u’lláh has proclaimed to the world. You must all indeed be both proud and grateful that you live in a land so tolerant of progress and which enables you to establish the blessed institutions ordained by our Faith. The establishment of the new Spiritual Assembly of Puntarenas is a great step forward, and the legal registration of the Cause and approval of the government marks a milestone in the progress of the Cause not only in Costa Rica, but in Latin America. The more the Guardian receives news from the Central and South American Republics, the more firmly he becomes convinced of the great capacity possessed by the peoples of Latin America. They are proving themselves to be both deeply spiritual and intellectual, and he cherishes great hopes for their future development and their contributions to this glorious Faith of ours. How wonderful that in less than a hundred years the message that originated in the heart of Persia should have spread to the heart of Central America, and kindled such love and devotion and hope as now burns in the he arts of new believers in that distant continent! The Guardian hopes that you will not only succeed in establishing further centers in your own native land, but that the activities of the Costa Rican Bahá’ís will spread to neighboring countries and aid in the establishment of the Faith there. 1942-07-26 To San Jose Costa Rica LSA re progress made {.ref .center} --- ## 1015.
1942-07-31 To Roan Orloff family ties {.center} “Deep as are family ties, we must always remember that the spiritual ties are far deeper; they are everlasting and survive death, whereas physical ties, unless supported by spiritual bonds, are confined to this life. You should do all in your power, through prayer and example, to open the eyes of your family to the Bahá’í Faith, but do not grieve too much over their actions. Turn to your Bahá’í brothers and sisters who are living with you in the light of the Kingdom. “Indeed, the believers have not yet fully learned to draw on each other’s strength and consolation in time of need. The Cause of God is endowed with tremendous powers, and the reason the believers do not gain more from it is because they have not learned to draw fully on these mighty forces of love and strength and harmony generated by the Faith.” — To Roan Orloff, received July 31, 1942. --- ## 1016.
1942-08-15 importance of present pioneer activity {.center} USBN #156 October 1942 pp2 {.ref .center} He considers that at present pioneer activity is of the utmost importance and that the NSA should do everything in their power to insure that those who have gone to Central and South America, as well as those who are going there, remain there and consolidate their work-otherwise all the efforts and all the money, sacrificed by the believers for this effort, will have been spent practically in vain. The same applies to a lesser degree to the work in the United States and Canada. Whereas in these parts the difficulties of pioneer settlement for the purpose of teaching the Faith are not so great, the work still remaining to be done is tremendous. The Guardian feels that the paramount need is to get the people to settle in these virgin territories as quickly as possible, and that if too much emphasis is laid on the highest possible requirements for pioneers, the work may risk remaining unaccomplished. The believers have future years in which to improve on the groundwork done at present, but they only have about two years left to do this all-important groundwork in. Speed should be your motto.— Excerpt from letter written by Shoghi Effendi, through his secretary, August 15, 1942, to the National Spiritual Assembly through the Treasurer. --- ## 1017.
1942-08-15 support for new pioneers {.center} USBN #156 October 1942 pp1-2 {.ref .center} He is fervently praying that the new pioneers, who have volunteered to teach in Colombia, Venezuela, Chile and Nicaragua, will be able to complete the necessary arrangements for their voyage to South America, and will be enabled, without interruption or delay, to consolidate and extend the range of the activities inaugurated in those countries. Every effort should be made to increase the number of such pioneers, to facilitate their departure, to insure their settlement in virgin territories, to keep in close and constant touch with them, and to reinforce their activities through visiting teachers, adequate financial assistance, and constant moral encouragement. The Guardian wishes to urge them, and those who have preceded them, to retain their posts at all costs, to face the obstacles in their path with courage, faith and confidence in the future outcome of their work. The National Assembly, on the other hand, must do everything in their power to enable these self-sacrificing workers to continue their pioneer services, and to discourage their return until the results of their labors are so substantial as to insure the continuity of the Bahá’í Community after their departure. This is their greatest responsibility, their immediate task, and the most meritorious service they can render the Cause, at this juncture, in the American Continent. Shoghi Effendi, through his secretary, August 15, 1942, to the National Spiritual Assembly --- ## 1018.
1942-09-18 hopes meetings in Temple will be national attraction {.center} Compilation on the Mother Temple and the Ma_shriqu’l-A_dhkár Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. The Guardian hopes that the meetings held in the Temple will grow to be a national attraction and lead to the conversion of many, many thirsty truth-seekers. Now that the building is all but completed, it must be of far greater interest to the public than ever before, and no doubt when the steps are laid, and wide publicity is given to the fact that our first, historic, Temple is at last finished, a far greater number of people will flock to its doors and be eager to hear its Message. (On behalf of Shoghi Effendi 18 September 1942 to an individual believer) --- ## 1019.
1942-10-14 trial and suffering insignificant to blessing of serving Cause {.center} Fire and Gold: Benefiting from Life’s Tests”, p253 as compiled by Brian Kurzius No one can, of course, foresee the course of human events. But we do know that whatever of trial and suffering we may have to pass through is utterly insignificant in comparison with our infinite blessing of being the people bearing His Name and serving His Cause in these tremendous, history-making days. [Letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual, 14 October 1942] --- ## 1020.
1942-10-24 To Marzieh Gail re teaching activities {.center} http://bahai-library.com/shoghieffendi_letter_marzieh_gail Oct. 24th, 1942 {.sig} Dear Bahá’í Sister: Your welcome letter of July 24th arrived recently with the snapshots you enclosed, and the Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. He was delighted with all the good news you conveyed to him, and most happy to hear that you believe the friends are now fully roused to service in the teaching field in order to accomplish the Seven Year Plan. He very strongly feels that you must not be at all discouraged by not being put on committees where in the past you have served with such devotion. On the contrary you should regard it as an opportunity to launch out more actively than ever in the teaching field through speaking, writing, and personal contact. We should never for a moment consider our election or non-election to Bahá’í bodies as indicative of the good pleasure or otherwise of God, as it may be due to any number of different reasons, all of them purely human. He was happy to see that the friends are associating with love and complete lack of prejudice with their fellow-Bahá’ís of negro and Japanese origin. The believers cannot be too careful, at a time when the whole world is consumed with hatred, to keep their hearts untainted and their passions uninvolved. He wants you to know that he will certainly pray for the way to open for you and your husband to render the Cause many wonderful services in these last years of the Plan. His loving thoughts are with you, and he is always pleased to hear from you. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbání Dear and valued co-worker: Your many and valuable services, past and present, should encourage you in your efforts for the promotion of our beloved Faith. The friends, far and near, appreciate the value of these services, and you should not feel depressed or discouraged. I will continue to pray for you from all my heart. Persevere, be happy and confident.     Your true brother,     Shoghi 1942-10-24 To Marzieh Gail re teaching activities {.ref .center} --- ## 1021.
1942-12-21 strengthen the work of pioneers {.center} USBN #153 June 1942 p1-2 {.ref .center} He also hopes that the National Assembly, aided by the Teaching and Inter-America Committees, will and exert their utmost endeavor that they not only rem a in at their posts, but that new ones go out to strengthen and reinforce the work. It is hard to conceive of a time which will demand greater dedication and sacrifice, endurance and courage, than the period at present ahead of the American Bahá’ís. All those noble traits of dedication and eagerness to devote all their energy to promoting the Cause of Bahá’u’lláh, which they have increasingly demonstrated these past years, must now rise to meet the challenge of the ordeal which they now, in common with the vast majority of their fellowmen, must support and pass through. (From Letter dated December 21, 1941, written through his secretary, to Allen B. McDaniel) (The Guardian’s postscript to the above Letter) The prosecution and completion of the task to which the American believers have pledged themselves must be insured, despite and in the very midst of the ordeal which they are now facing. The greater the anguish which this ordeal must entail, the more formidable the obstacles it will raise, the more meritorious their achievement, and the greater the spiritual power which their enterprises must and will exert in the future. I will pray that their efforts will be crowned with success that will cause the whole Bahá’í world to marvel. --- ## 1022.
1943-01-08 New History society & civil disobedience {.center} USBN #162 April 1943 {.ref .center} The report that the New History literature includes a Tablet of the Master urging civil disobedience regarding war, is another indication of the gross misrepresentations of the Faith by that Society, whose publications are deliberately and maliciously aimed at undermining the loyalty of the believers, at creating confusion among them, and causing internal disruption. (Through his Secretary, January 8, 1943) --- ## 1023.
1943-01-08 re marriage words {.center} USBN #161 March 1943 p1 {.ref .center} The Guardian approves the using of the words of the Bahá’í marriage service by the believers in communities which have not acquired legal capacity to conduct a marriage ceremony, provided it does not become an established rule, to be rigidly carried out by the Bahá’ís. At the present time, when he is weighed down with his own cares and problems, the determination and devotion, loyalty and enthusiasm manifested by the American believers greatly helps and sustains him. He is praying for unprecedented victories to crown their labors, and he feels certain that, in these remaining months, before the Century draws to a close, your Assembly, as well as the believers, will rise to such heights of service as shall befitting — ly crown their past labors and bring the century to a successful consummation. [To USNSA 8 Jan 43] --- ## 1024.
1943-01-25 meditation & teaching {.center} “The questions you ask in your letter about individual guidance have two aspects, one might say. It is good that people should turn to God and beseech His aid in solving their problems and guiding their acts, indeed every day of their lives, if they feel the desire to do so. But they cannot possibly impose what they feel to be their guidance on anyone else, let alone on Assemblies or Committees, as Bahá’u’lláh has expressly laid down the law of consultation and never indicated that anything else superceded it. “As to meditation: This also is a field in which the individual is free. There are no set forms of meditation prescribed in the teachings, no plan as such, for inner development. The friends are urged — nay enjoined — to pray, and they also should meditate, but the manner of doing the latter is left entirely to the individual. “The same thing is true of teaching methods; no system, for teachers to practice, exists. But obviously the more people know about the teachings and the Cause, the better they will be able to present the subject. If some people find that prayer and placing all their trust in God, releases in them a flood of inspiration, they should be left free to pursue this method if it is productive of results. The inspiration received through meditation is of a nature that one cannot measure or determine. God can inspire into our minds things that we had no previous knowledge of if He desires to do so. “We cannot clearly distinguish between personal desire and guidance, but if the way opens, when we have sought guidance, then we may presume God is helping us.” [January 25, 1943, to Mr. and Mrs. William Kenneth Christian: Printed in US BN Jan 1944, pp1-2] --- ## 1025.
1943-01-25 primary importance is teaching Cause {.center} The Principle Of An International Auxiliary Language Compiled by the Research Dept at the direction of the House of Justice, 1 Nov 79(?) We have no authentic record of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s in which He states that Esperanto will be the universal language of the future. It may be Esperanto, it may be some other language, we do not know; but as we believe so firmly in the necessity of an international language, we are always eager to co-operate with the Esperantists. The thing of primary importance at present, especially in America, is the teaching of the Cause. With good will and determination an auxiliary language-especially one of the nature of Esperanto-can easily, and relatively quickly, be learned; whereas the Cause requires that people change not only certain ideas but their very characters and habits, and this is much harder to do and often takes a long time! (25 January 1943 to an individual believer) --- ## 1026.
1943-01-25 regarding individual guidance {.center} USBN #167 January 1944 p1-2 {.ref .center} “The questions you ask in your letter about individual guidance have two aspects, one might say. It is good that people should turn to God and beseech His aid in solving their problems and guiding their acts, indeed every day of their lives, if they feel the desire to do so. But they cannot possibly impose what they feel to be their guidance on anyone else, let alone on Assemblies or Committees, as Bahá’u’lláh has expressly laid down the law of consultation and never indicated that anything else superceded it. “As to meditation: This also is a field in which the individual is free. There are no set forms of meditation prescribed in the teachings, no plan as such, for inner development. The friends are urged-nay enjoined —to pray, and they also should meditate, but the manner of doing the latter is left entirely to the individual “The same thing is true of teaching methods; no system, for teachers to practice, exists. But obviously the more people know about the teachings and the Cause, the better they will be able to present the subject. If some people find that prayer and placing all their trust in God, releases in them a flood of inspiration, they should be left free to pursue this method if it is productive of results. “The inspiration received through meditation is of a nature that one cannot measure or determine. Go: can inspire into our minds things that we had no previous knowledge of. if He desires to do so. “We cannot clearly distinguish between personal desire and guidance, but if the way opens, when we have sought guidance, then we may presume God is helping us.” January 25, 1943, to Mr. and Mrs. William Kenneth Christian:— {.sig} --- ## 1027.
1943-01-30 newsletter size {.center} USBN #161 March 1943 p1 {.ref .center} January 30, 1943:— {.sig} He does not feel that the Bahá’í News letter, published monthly for the information of the Bahá’ís, should be reduced in size, as it is read with deep interest by the believers everywhere, and the information it contains of the activities of the friends is a great stimulus to the work everywhere. --- ## 1028.
1943-02-08 re-establishment of LSAs {.center} The re-establishment of disbanded Spiritual Assemblies in States and Provinces already possessing an Assembly forms no part of the Seven Year Plan. Concentrate attention and resources on virgin territories.— February 8, 1943. --- ## 1029.
1943-02-22 To Eve Nicklin re getting established in Peru {.center} Eve Nicklin: She of the Brave Heart, Boris Handal, p64-5 Dear Bahá’í Sister, Your letter of Oct. 24th has just been received; together with that of Philip, and the Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. He was very happy to hear that you are now well established in Peru, and he hopes that ere long you will be able to confirm some of the Peruvians in the Faith, and thus start an active and devout nucleus of the Cause of God there. You may be sure the Guardian will offer his ardent and loving prayers on your behalf in the Holy Shrines, that sincere and devout souls may be led to you and to accept the Divine Message. He will be pleased to hear from you and of your work there and those whom you contact. With Bahá’í love R. Rabbání Dear and valued co-worker I deeply appreciate your high endeavours and the spirit that so admirably animates you in the service of our beloved Faith. You are often in my thoughts and prayers as you labour in that far-off land. Persevere in your glorious task, and rest assured that the Beloved will abundantly reward you for your meritorious services. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi {.sig} 1943-02-22 To Eve Nicklin re getting established in Peru {.ref .center} ========= {.noid} Philip is travel teacher Philip Sprague, who arrived in Lima, Peru in late October 1942 and held informal meetings over several months that involved several 100 people total. In 1940, he had had dinner with May Maxwell the night before she left for Buenos Aires and then took her to the ship. On her death a few months later, he asked the Guardian to take her place. He subsequently made numerous travel teaching trips to South America as a member of the U. S. Assembly Development Committee. --- ## 1030.
1943-02-27 Celebration of Declaration of the Báb {.center} USBN #162 April 1943 p1 {.ref .center} In connection with the above [Celebration of Declaration of the Báb] he wishes me to add that the actual Celebration gathering, commemorative of that glorious occasion when the blessed Báb declared His spiritual Mission to the world in 1844 should take place exactly two hours and 11 minutes after sunset on May 22, in the Temple — naturally other Bahá’í Centers all over the continent of America must hold their special Commemorative meeting at the same time. The delegates and friends must hold their special Commemorative meeting at that time. The date of the Convention must be fixed by your Assembly in such a manner that the gathering on May 22, 1944, will fall approximately in the middle of the Convention period. It is certainly a wonderful occasion to look forward to! (Through his Secretary, February 27, 1943) --- ## 1031.
1943-03-01 Temple pamphlet {.center} Temple pamphlet received. Highly satisfactory. Deepest appreciation. Advise widest distribution to public and to Balm’i Centers of East and West. — March 1, 1943. --- ## 1032.
1943-03-25 value of Bahá’í work and any other form of service to humanity {.center} USBN 171 November 1944 p2 {.ref .center} He feels that, although your desire to partake actively of the dangers and miseries afflicting so many millions of people today, is natural, and a noble impulse, there can be no comparison between the value of Bahá’í work and any other form of service to humanity. If the Bahá’ís could evaluate their work properly they would see that, whereas other forms of relief work are superficial in character, alleviating the sufferings and ills of men for a short time at best, the work they are doing is to lay the foundation of a new spiritual Order in the world founded on the Word of God, operating according to the laws He has laid down for this age. No one else can do this work except those who have fully realized the meaning of the Message of Bahá’u’lláh, whereas almost any courageous, sincere person can engage in relief work, etc. The believers are building a refuge for mankind. This is their supreme, sacred task and they should devote every moment they can to this task. — To Dagmar Dole, March 25, 1943. --- ## 1033.
1943-03-28 letter to U.S. NTC re keep BWC well informed on details of teaching {.center} 1943-03-28 letter to U.S. NTC re keep BWC well informed on details of teaching {.ref .center} He enjoys very much receiving actual figures and details of how the Plan is progressing, and appreciates your having sent him this data at length. The number of pioneers already placed since Convention of 1942 is truly imposing, and, although he follows closely all reports in Bahá’í News, minutes of the N.S.A., etc., he had not realized that so large a number had gone forth in less than a year, and this information truly rejoices his often heavily burdened heart! ... Such letters, far from burdening him, make his work easier, as they give him a more complete picture of what is going on and encourage him. [[Leroy Ioas: Hand of the Cause of God, Chapman, p113-4] --- ## 1034.
1943-03-28 mostly about aspects of Centennary {.center} USBN #164 July 1943 pp1-3 {.ref .center} Regarding the passages in the “Promulgation of Universal Peace”, the word “income” should be changed to “need” until such time as the text of the Master’s address in the original is found and verified. This particular address. however, is not available at present. The second passage is obviously a mistake and should read: ‘•if his production exceeds he will pay a tax.” As already stated in a previous communication, the observance of the centenary of our Faith should be held in May, 1944, at which time the annual Convention should also take place; the friends should gather in the auditorium of the Temple on the 22nd of May, two hours and eleven minutes after sunset, which is the exact time of the Báb’s Declaration. On that occasion they should also celebrate the completion of the exterior ornamentation of their Temple. This meeting, so historic in nature, will thus be both a dedication ceremony of the House of Worship, as well as a celebration of the hundredth anniversary of the founding of the Faith. While gathered in the auditorium no addresses should be delivered, but appropriate selections from the revealed writings should be read, whether prayers, meditations, Tablets, the addresses of the Master or selections from the Bible or the Qur’án. Passages from the writings of the Báb should be a special feature of the readings selected for this occasion. Singing, whether by soloists or choirs, should form part of the program. The utmost care should be taken to insure that the standard of the vocal music should befit that solemn occasion. The Guardian approves the selection of some of the psalms of David as an evidence of the universality of the Faith which should be amply demonstrated on that occasion. In order to consummate that historic celebration on that day the Guardian suggests that a meeting should be held in the Foundation Hall immediately following the dedication ceremony in the auditorium. at which addresses should be delivered, and non-Bahá’ís be invited to take part. The program for such a meeting should be elaborate and carefully prepared, and every effort should be made to have men of capacity and eminence as well as well-known Bahá’í speakers participate. The agenda of this meeting is left to the discretion of your Assembly, but the Guardian advises you. in view of its importance, to seek the suggestions of the believers before making your final decision. Any new features the friends or the Assembly may wish to add would be most welcomed by the Guardian. who feels that the significance of the Faith, its universality, its world-wide influence. its indestructible unity. its moving history, its world order. its first House of Worship. m the Western World. and its attitude to other Faiths should be clearly and eloquently set forth and explained. In honor of this unique occasion the Guardian hopes to send a copy of the portrait of the Báb and some of His relics to be displayed for the first time to the assembled believers in the auditorium of the Temple on that memorable evening, after which they should be placed in a safe spot within the Temple together with the Hair of Bahá’u’lláh previously presented to the American believers. Under no circumstances should the portrait of the Báb be left exposed or hung on the wall of the Temple, nor should any copy of it be made. Only on very rare occasions should it be displayed, and whenever shown should be in no other place except the Foundation Hall of the Temple. Its display in the auditorium is permitted only for this occasion. No such portrait is to be found anywhere in the Bahá’í world — with the exception of Haifa-nor is the Guardian contemplating sending any copy at present to any other Bahá’í community. This indicates the importance he attaches to the Temple in America, which he feels is a befitting edifice to enshrine it. The utmost vigilance should be exercised that no copy be made of it in the future, or any attempts be made to reproduce it in any way. This celebration, on the 22nd of May, 1944, is one feature of the festivities commemorating that historic event. The Convention period, during which these festivities are to be held, should be extended to at least a full week. during which the greatest publicity should be given to the events that are being commemorated. A banquet, at which distinguished friends, sympathizers and admirers of the Cause should be invited to be present, should be held in a befitting setting in the city of Chicago where the Cause was first established in America. In this connection, the Guardian would like to point out that that first center was, as affirmed by Dr. _Khayru’lláh himself. established by him in 1894. Hence. it is justifiable to consider the establishment of the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh in the continent of America to have begun in 1894. The American believers will, therefore, be celebrating in May, 1944, at once the hundredth anniversary of the establishment of the Faith. the completion of the exterior ornamentation of the Temple, and the fiftieth anniversary of the establishment of the Bahá’í Faith in the Western hemisphere and, indeed, in the entire Western world. To this marvelous coincidence adequate recognition should be given during the dedication ceremony in the form of thanksgiving prayers, in the meetings held in the Foundation Hall of the Temple, at the sessions of the Convention, through the press, and over the radio. As to this particular Convention itself, the Guardian feels that the Bahá’ís in Central and South America should be invited to participate and to send, if possible, one representative from each country. These representatives would have the right to deliberate and participate in all the discussions of the Convention, only, naturally, for that year. They would not, however, exercise the right to elect the National Assembly which will be restricted to the delegates from the United States and Canada. In a sense the Convention will represent the entire community of the followers of Bahá’u’lláh throughout the Americas, gathered to celebrate, in the newly completed Temple, the centenary of their Faith, and commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of its inception in the Western Hemisphere. As the number of local Spiritual Assemblies in North America is steadily increasing, and will soon reach a point when it will be impracticable to apportion the 171 delegates among them, and as the number of delegates should not at present be further increased. the Guardian considers it advisable to introduce a new basis for election on the occasion of this historic Convention. This new principle will enable all Bahá’ís. whether belonging to communities that have an Assembly or to groups, and even all isolated believers, to participate in the election of delegates for the national Convention. Such a step has become necessary in view of the fact that the number of the Bahá’ís in localities where there are only groups or isolated believers has increased to such an extent as to constitute more than half of the total number of believers living in localities where there is a Spiritual Assembly. All the Bahá’ís will participate, through this new method, in the election of the national delegates — a step that will greatly increase the electorate, and broaden the basis of Bahá’í representation. The unit will, henceforth. have to be regarded as the State or Province, rather than the locality in which the believers reside. In other words, the hundred and seventy-one delegates will have to be apportioned among the States oi the U.S.A. and the Provinces of Canada, in direct proportion to the number of believers residing in each one of them. The Bahá’ís in each State and Province must either through correspondence or, preferably, by coming together whenever feasible, elect from among all the believers in that State or Province, the number of delegates allocated to them by the National Spiritual Assembly. In those States where there are numerous local Bahá’í communities it may be found advisable to divide each one of them into districts. allocating to each district a portion of the delegates assigned to that State, and in direct proportion to the number of believers Jiving within the specified district. It is for the National Assembly to consider the most efficient methods whereby all the American believers will henceforth be able to participate in the election of their delegates. This method will promote Bahá’í solidarity in every State and Province, and, by bringing together the believers. enable them to function more efficiently and harmoniously, and promote the work of the Cause that lies ahead. No more befitting occasion could be found on which to initiate this measure than when the Bahá’í representatives of North, Central and South America are gathered to celebrate such historic events in the annals of the Cause. In connection with these celebrations the Guardian would advise your Assembly to consider the following suggestions: 1. Bahá’ís unable to participate inthe festivities in Chicago and Wilmette should be urged to observe befittingly these anniversaries in their respective localities. Articles in the press, radio broadcasts. invitations to well-known friends and admirers of the Cause. the showing of the Master’s film, the playing of the record of His voice, banquets, exhibitions of the Temple models, etc.. should characterize these festivities. 2. The special attention of the friends and visitors, during this celebration should be directed to the fact that the event marks also the hundredth anniversary of the birth of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. This should be emphasized in the addresses delivered in the special anniversary publication, the souvenir pamphlets, the articles for the press and the radio broadcasts. 3. A special anniversary publication should be issued under the supervision of the National Spiritual Assembly and following the general lines indicated in the memorandum submitted by them to the Guardian. 4. The preparation of a smaller souvenir pamphlet, adorned by the Paris photograph of the Master and an artistic reproduction of the Temple, containing a brief outline of the salient events of the first Bahá’í century, and prefaced by a short statement of the aims and purposes of the Faith, attractively bound and to be presented to the distinguished guests participating in these celebrations. 5 Special instructions to the Bahá’ís of Central and South America to celebrate the occasion and to gather at the exact time of the Báb’s Declaration, and to give as wide a publicity to the event as their resources permit. 6 The appointment of a special committee as soon as possible to insure the carrying out of the necessary measures. under the close supervision of the National Assembly, for the proper execution of these plans. 7. An effort should be made to give publicity to this event and its celebration through national radio broadcasts, and, if feasible, to broadcast the ceremony from the auditorium of the Temple. The Guardian hopes to send a color film of the Holy Shrines and gardens in ‘Akká and Haifa to be shown to the friends at the Convention and circulated amongst the various centers. In conclusion, he wishes to assure you, one and all, of his special prayers for the success of the mighty efforts which he is sure you will exert to insure the triumph of the Seven Year Plan, as well as the glorious celebrations which must consummate the first Bahá’í century. March 28, 1943 {.sig} --- ## 1035.
1943-03-28 teaching work in North Central and South America {.center} USBN #163 June 1943 p2 {.ref .center} Concerning the teaching work in North, Central and South America, the Guardian has already advised your Assembly that the reconstitution of the disbanded Assemblies in the States and Provinces where a Spiritual Assembly already exists does not form an objective of the Seven Year Plan. The friends should concentrate on their goal which is to have at least one Assembly in every State and Province before May of 1944, and at least one permanent resident believer in every Republic in Central and South America. In view of this, special attention should be paid to those Latin Republics where the situation, from the Bahá’í viewpoint of establishing the Faith, is precarious. Every encouragement should be given to those volunteers who express a wish to settle in virgin areas. Nor should there be any delay in arranging for their settlement — whatever their qualifications they should, during these crucial remaining months of the first Bahá’í century, be sent out to the places most urgently requiring attention. Through further urgent appeals for pioneers, through a series of area conferences, through special teaching circuits for the key cities; through constant reminders that the time is getting short; that all volunteers will be acceptable, and will be speedily dispatched to the centers in most need, the success of the Seven Year Plan must be assured and the magnificent undertaking launched by the American Bahá’ís carried to a glorious consummation. (From the Guardian,through his secretary, March 28, 1943). --- ## 1036.
1943-03-28 to Leroy Ioas need pioneers in field quickly {.center} 1943-03-28 to Leroy Ioas, need pioneers in field quickly {.ref .center} “He wishes to stress the importance of sending out the volunteers for pioneer teaching and settlement .as quickly as possible: he does not feel that this is the time to be exacting about the qualifications of the people who volunteer. The time is too short and the stake too great to consider these secondary points; once the precious goal is won, all adjustments necessary can be considered and made.” “I admire the spirit that animates you, marvel at your stupendous efforts, and greatly rejoice at the success you and your collaborators in the teaching field are achieving. Persevere in your historic and all-important task... ,” [[Leroy Ioas: Hand of the Cause of God, Chapman, p112-3] --- ## 1037.
1943-05-02 acclaim magnificent victory {.center} USBN #163 June 1943 p2 {.ref .center} I acclaim magnificent victory in the teaching field during the course of the sixth year of the Seven Year Plan. I heartily congratulate the National Teaching Committee and feel proud of its high endeavors and of the self-sacrifice of the beloved pioneers. Abiding gratitude. SHOGHI RABBÁNÍ {.sig} Received May 2nd, 1943. [obviously a cablegram w/ undesignated interpolated words] --- ## 1038.
1943-05-03 properly evaluate the work they are doing {.center} USBN 171 November 1944 p2 {.ref .center} If the believers could properly evaluate the work they are doing they would be astonished at its importance, but they are in the position of not being able to see the forest for the trees; they are too close to it to realize its true import. — To Mrs. Alíce Dudley, May 3, 1943 --- ## 1039.
1943-05-04 fervent prayers for unprecedented victories {.center} USBN #163 June 1943 p2 {.ref .center} I assure the members of the reelected Assembly my fervent prayers for unprecedented victories in the concluding year of the Bahá’í Century. I gratefully recognize their share in the magnificent achievements of recent years. Deepest love. SHOOHI RABBÁNÍ Message Received May 4, 1943. [obviously a cablegram w/ undesignated interpolated words] --- ## 1040.
1943-06-25 pioneer may resign administrative post {.center} USBN #165 September 1943 p1 {.ref .center} reply to a question addressed to Shoghi Effendi inquiring whether members of local Assemblies desiring to pioneer may resign from their administrative post. “I approve resignation provided the Assembly is not dissolved.” Received June 25, 1943 --- ## 1041.
1943-08-02 Bahá́í National Headquarters established Delhi. {.center} USBN #165 September 1943 p1 {.ref .center} “Bahá’í National Headquarters have been established in Delhi.” August 2, 1943 {.sig} --- ## 1042.
1943-08-08 West Indies & Latin republics {.center} USBN #166 November 1943 p1 {.ref .center} “Regarding the status of believers resident in British territories of the West Indies: the Guardian feels that in view of their proximity to the U.S. A. they should be regarded as centers under the supervision of the American Bahá’í National Assembly. They are not included as objectives of the Seven Year Plan which comprises only the sovereign republics of Central and South America.” “The Guardian has recently, in a detailed cable, urged that special attention be directed, during these remaining months of the first Bahá’í Century, to the strengthening of the centers requiring assistance in the Latin Republics as well as in the virgin areas of the North American continent, in order to assure the establishment of a permanent center in each of these Republics and the formation of a Spiritual Assembly in each remaining virgin area. Through further appeals for more pioneers at this eleventh hour; through further self-sacrifice aiming at the provision of ampler funds for the dispatch of these pioneers and other teaching purposes, the few unfinished tasks of the Plan must be speedily accomplished in order to insure the total success of the for thc coming Centenary Celebrations. During these remaining months the Guardian will, as he has already assured you in that cable, pray with redoubled fervor for the complete success of this vast undertaking, this organized crusade, the like of which bas never been launched during the entire course of one hundred years of Bahá’í History.” — August 8, 1943 --- ## 1043.
1943-09-26 to an individual believer re be tolerant of each other {.center} Unlocking the Power of Action, #49 Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. The believers must be tolerant of each other’s weaknesses and mistakes, and ever ready to forgive and forget the past because inharmony — whatever the cause — is sure to prevent the community from growing. 1943-09-26 to an individual believer, re be tolerant of each other {.ref .center} --- ## 1044.
1943-11-16 Convention delegates & LSA formation {.center} USBN #168 March 1944 p1-2 {.ref .center} “Regarding the seven points submitted to the Guardian in connection with the new basis of the election of Convention delegates. He approves the action taken by your Assembly but wishes to stress the importance of reminding the believers that they should make every possible effort to attend the meeting for the election of the State or Province delegates, in order to stimulate a larger group consciousness which will greatly facilitate the process of the believers becoming acquainted with each other, and provide an intermediary stage-which will become increasingly valuable and necessary between the local organization, represented by the group or Assembly, and national collective action, represented by the activities of the Convention and the institution of the National Assembly. “Regarding the District of Columbia: the Guardian feels it should be accorded its independent status of a State and should be treated on a footing of absolute equality with the other States and Provinces. Believers residing in that district should be accorded the same rights, in all matters of election and otherwise, as those who reside in the Stales and Provinces of North America. “The Guardian’s directions regarding the formation of local Assemblies before April 21 applies to Central and South America as well as to the North American communities. “Regarding the election of the local Assembly on April 21: He feels that it should not take place after sunset on that day, for otherwise it would bet according to the Bahá’í Calendar, falling on April 22; if any changes should be made in the ByLaws, uniform action should be enforced by your Assembly.” November 16, 1943 {.sig} --- ## 1045.
1943-12-17 all the battle of life is within the individual {.center} USBN 171 November 1944 p2 {.ref .center} Ultimately all the battle of life is within the individual. No amount of organization can solve the inner problems or produce or prevent, as the case may be, victory or failure at a crucial moment. In such times as these particularly, individuals are torn by great forces at large in the world, and we see some weak ones strong, and strong ones fail-we can only try, through loving advice, as your Committee has done, to bring about the act on the part of the believer which will be for the highest good of the Cause. Because obviously something bad for the Cause cannot be the highest good of the individual Bahá’í. — To Leroy Ioas, December 17, 1943. --- ## 1046.
1943-12-24 vaccinations calendar studies {.center} USBN #173 February 1945 p3 {.ref .center} “ Regarding your question about vaccination: these are technical matters which have not been specifically mentioned in the teachings, and consequently the Guardian can not make any statement about them. No doubt medical science will progress tremendously as time goes by, and the treatment of disease becomes more perfect. “It is advisable to use both the Bahá’í dates, according to the Bahá’í Calendar, and the usual Gregorian dates as well. The friends at present are free to do as they please. “The Guardian hopes that along with whatever other studies you take up, you will continually study the teachings and endeavor to acquire a profound knowledge of them. The importance of young Bahá’ís becoming thoroughly steeped in every branch of the teachings can not be over-emphasized, as they have great teaching tasks ahead of them to accomplish.” (From letter to John C. Eichenauer, Jr., December 24, 1943) --- ## 1047.
1943-xx-xx obo SE to Loulie Mathews re how to view Cause {.center} World Order Magazine, July 1943, p115 We should view the Cause in the light of a perfect system, operating as yet through very imperfect instruments. Gradually, through the deepening of individual spiritual consciousness and general change the world itself must undergo, the perfection of this will become manifest and fully operative. 1943-xx-xx obo SE to Loulie Mathews re how to view Cause {.ref .center} ========= {.noid} quoted by Robert L Gulick, jr --- ## 1048.
1944-01-14 importance of these endowments in Jordan valley {.center} USBN #168 March 1944 p1 {.ref .center} “In this connection he would like you, in Bahá’í News, to call the attention of the friends to the importance of these endowments in the Jordan valley, by quoting Bahá’u’lláh’s own words as found on pages 116 and 117 in the ‘Gleanings,’ in which He very clearly states His approval of such dedicated lands, anticipates the importance they will acquire in those regions, and associates them with the words in the Old Testament: ‘Spread thy skirt, a Jerusalem!’ — January 14, 1944 The passage in Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh reads as follows: — “If a man be found willing to rear, in Our name, an edifice of pure gold or silver, or a house begemmed with stones of inestimable value, such a wish will no doubt be granted. He, verily, doeth what He willeth, and ordaineth that which He pleaseth. Leave, hath, moreover, been given to whosoever may desire to raise, throughout the length and breadth of this land, noble and imposing structures, and dedicate the rich and sacred territories adjoining the Jordan and its vicinity to the worship and service. of the one true God, magnified be His glory, that the prophecies recorded by the Pen of the Most High in the sacred Scriptures may be fulfilled, and that which God, the Lord of all worlds, hath purposed in this most exalted, this most holy, this mighty. and wondrous Revelation may be made manifest. “We have, of old, uttered these words: Spread thy skirt, O Jerusalem! Ponder this in your hearts, O people of Bahá, and render thanks unto your Lord, the Expounder, the Most Manifest. --- ## 1049.
1944-01-23 how much of Gospels are accurate {.center} The Bible: Extracts on the Old on New Testaments compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. ...we cannot be sure how much or how little of the four Gospels are accurate and include the words of Christ and His undiluted teachings, all we can be sure of, as Bahá’ís, is that what has been quoted by Bahá’u’lláh and the Master must be absolutely authentic. As many times passages in the Gospel of St. John are quoted we may assume that it is his Gospel and much of it accurate.     (23 January 1944 to an individual believer on Behalf of the Guardian) --- ## 1050.
1944-02-11 for SE to ind re Confucius {.center} Bahá’í Studies Bulletin Vol I #2 September 1982 pp61 Confucius was a reformer, not a divine Manifestation of God 1944-02-11 for SE to ind re Confucius {.ref .center} --- ## 1051.
1944-02-11 on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual re tax on inheritance {.center} Redistribution of Wealth #20 Compiled By Research Department Of The Universal House Of Justice. The income tax, according to the Bahá’í teachings, mounts at quite a steep rate so that great sums of money would be very heavily taxed. But the individual is free to make his will as he pleases. What he has laboured for he has the right to dispose of. The greater the sum inherited, the higher the tax will be. 1944-02-11 on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual re tax on inheritance {.ref .center} --- ## 1052.
1944-03-13 Delighted at notable successes {.center} USBN #168 March 1944 p1 {.ref .center} Delighted at notable successes achieved and splendid prospects ahead. Fervently praying for speedy formation of Assemblies in the four unsettled areas and full attendance of Latin American representatives. — SHOGHI RABBÁNÍ --- ## 1053.
1944-03-14 locket with Bábs hair {.center} USBN #168 March 1944 p1 {.ref .center} The first envelope containing locket with hair was returned after meeting with an accident. Though the accompanying letter was half burnt, the hair is intact. I rejoice at the providential escape and safe arrival. Inform friends. — 8HOGHI RABBÁNÍ Received. March 14. 1944 (This message refers to the shipment of the hair of the Báb for exhibit at the Centenary and preservation in the Archives. It was sent in June, 1943, and never received here. but now we have this news of its providential escape from loss or destruction and safe return to its sender, the Guardian, in Haifa.) --- ## 1054.
1944-04-13 re formation of LSAs {.center} USBN 171 November 1944 p3 {.ref .center} In connection with your Assembly’s two actions regarding the formation and dissolution of Spiritual Assemblies: The Guardian approves of your first action, which he understands is only for this last year of the first Bahá’í Century, as, of course, in the future Assemblies will be formed only during the month of April. As to the second action, however, any Assembly which is dissolved must immediately report to the national secretary, who must always keep an up to date list of Assemblies. Any dissolved Assembly cannot be reconstituted until the time of election in April. This is the general principle which must be followed in the future. In this last year of the Century, however, naturally any Assembly that is dissolved may be reconstituted as soon as the number of believers reverts to nine again. Regarding your question as to the changing of pronouns in Bahá’í prayers: The Guardian does not approve of such changes, either in the specific prayers or in any others. They should be read as printed without changing a single word. — Shoghi Effendi, through his Secretary, to the National Spiritual Assembly April 13, 1944. (Written in reply to question of procedure raised by the NSA in connection with the special condition existing prior to the Centenary date due to the Guardian’s temporary waiving of the regulation that Assemblies can only be elected or constituted on April 21.) --- ## 1055.
1944-04–22 on behalf of to an individual re psychic experiences {.center} Reincarnation And The Nature And Progress Of The Soul #17 Compiled by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice We know from His Teachings that reincarnation does not exist. We come on to this planet once only. Our life here is like the baby in the womb of its mother, which develops in that state what is necessary for its entire life after it is born. The same is true of us. Spiritually we must develop here what we will require for the life after death. In that future life, God, through His mercy, can help us to evolve characteristics which we neglected to develop while we were on this earthly plane. It is not necessary for us to come back and be born into another body in order to advance spiritually and grow closer to God. This is the Bahá’í Teaching, and this is what the followers of Bahá’u’lláh must accept, regardless of what experiences other people may feel they have. You yourself must surely know that modern psychology has taught that the capacity of the human mind for believing what it imagines is almost infinite. Because people think they have a certain type of experience, think they remember something of a previous life, does not mean they actually had the experience, or existed previously. The power of their mind would be quite sufficient to make them believe firmly such a thing had happened. We must use the Writings of the Prophets as our measurement. If Bahá’u’lláh had attached the slightest importance to occult experiences, to the seeing of auras, to the hearing of mystic voices; if He had believed that reincarnation was a fact, He, Himself, would have mentioned all of these things in His Teachings. The fact that He passed over them in silence shows that to Him, they had either no importance or no reality, and were consequently not worthy to take up His time as the Divine Educator of the human race. We must turn our faces away from these things, and toward the actual practice of His Teachings in our everyday life through our Bahá’í Administration, and in our contact with other people and the examples we give. 1944-04–22 on behalf of to an individual re psychic experiences {.ref .center} --- ## 1056.
1944-05-12 world after this war to be in terrible condition {.center} USBN #174 April-May 1945 p3 {.ref .center} The world that lies ahead of us after this war is going to be in a terrible condition, and if the believers are going to accomplish their duty and present the Divine Solution to mankind, they must prepare themselves for the great tasks that lie ahead. This particularly applies to Bahá’í youth. Young men and womer in the Faith must be deep and thoughtful scholars of its teachings, so that they can teach in a way that will convince people that all the problems facing them have a remedy. ‘They must grasp the Administration. so that they can wisely and efficiently administer the ever-growing affairs of the Cause: and they must exemplify the Bahá’í way of living. All this is not easy-but the Guardian is always greatly encouraged to see the spirit animating such young believers as yourself. He has high hopes of what your generation \vill accomplish. (From letter written to Seymour Weinberg, May 12, 1944). --- ## 1057.
1944-05-27 to Virginia Orbison for formation of Lima Peru LSA {.center} Eve Nicklin: She of the Brave Heart, Boris Handal, p78 ASSURE ASSEMBLY LOVING APPRECIATION GREETINGS PRAYING BRILLIANT VICTORIES 1944-05-27 to Virginia Orbison for formation of Lima Peru LSA {.ref .center} --- ## 1058.
1944-05-29 to Eve Nicklin on election of 1st LSA in Peru. {.center} Eve Nicklin: She of the Brave Heart, Boris Handal, p75-6 Haifa May 29th 1944. Dear Bahá’í sister: Your welcome letter of April 23rd reached the Guardian; and the news you convey in it of the spread of the beloved Faith brought him great joy. The formation of an assembly in Peru was indeed a great victory, and added to the chain of Central and South American Bahá’í another precious link. He is so happy over the work accomplished by the valiant pioneers — and so proud of the record of the American believers achievements: an assembly in every province and state of N. America and a center in every Latin Republic — and so many spiritual assemblies! He will especially pray for you in the Shrines, and he is deeply appreciative of all you have done for the Cause these last few years in Peru. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbání Dear and valued co-worker: Your steadfastness, your devotion, your historic services are assets that I greatly value. I will fervently pray that the Beloved may bless your efforts, guide your steps, cheer your heart and fulfil your dearest wish in His service. Persevere in your high endeavours and rest assured and be happy. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 1944-05-29 to Eve Nicklin on election of 1st LSA in Peru. {.ref .center} The first Spiritual Assembly of Lima in 1944 with Virginia Orbinson (seated first row right) and Alfredo Barreda (standing second row right) — Eve Nicklin is at the center. Courtesy: Bahá’í World Centre --- ## 1059.
1944-07-06 membership of elected institutions {.center} USBN #173 February 1945 p3 {.ref .center} “Regarding your questions concerning the advisability of changing the basis of the National Assembly’s election and confining it to the body of delegates or of limiting the term of office: He feels that as any such changes are of a radical nature and should therefore apply to the N. S. A.’s of other countries, they are inadvisable and premature, both for this reason and because of their very nature. “What is needed is to get the administration in its present form to run more efficiently and at the same time to build up a higher sense of responsibility among the body of the believers. They should be encouraged to think more, not only about the qualifications of their elected bodies, but also about such things as you mention, the law of averages, the age and indisposition of some of the members, etc. “When we look back and see what the Administration has accomplished in twenty odd years, indeed what it has done in the last seven years, we see what strides forward have been made. Far greater tasks lie ahead, but the Guardian does not feel that the way to meet them is to change the present system but rather to perfect it by educating the believers and training them, holding more conferences, publishing more news for Bahá’ís, getting more people active.” (From letter to Emeric Sala, July 6, 1944) --- ## 1060.
1944-07-07 need for unity {.center} USBN #173 February 1945 p3 {.ref .center} “Regarding your question about the need for greater unity among the friends there is no doubt that this is so, and the Guardian feels that one of the chief instruments for promoting it is to teach the Bahá’ís themselves, in classes and through precepts, that love of God, and consequently of men, is the essential foundation of every religion, our own included. A greater degree of love will produce a greater unity, because it enables people to bear with each other, to be patient and forgiving.” (From letter to Mrs. Annie Romer, July 7, 1944) --- ## 1061.
1944-07-28 to Virginia Orbison on formation of Lima Peru LSA {.center} Eve Nicklin: She of the Brave Heart, Boris Handal, p78 The news of the formation of the Spiritual Assembly there [Lima Peru} greatly rejoiced his heart,as you already know. It is practically impossible for those who take part in the first stirrings of the World Order of Bahá’u’lláh in new lands to properly estimate their value and place in history 1944-07-28 to Virginia Orbison on formation of Lima Peru LSA {.ref .center} --- ## 1062.
1944-08-06 French have great capacity for religious feeling {.center} Germany, France, Italy, and Switzerland Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. Published in Bahá’í Studies Review 4:1 He will also pray that the way may open for you to serve it in ever wider fields, even some day, God willing, in your beloved France. The French people have a great capacity for religious feeling, and the Guardian hopes that after their great sufferings during this war their hearts will gradually become receptive to this Divine Message which alone can heal the ills of all mankind. (on Behalf of Shoghi Effendi 6 August 1944 to an individual believer) --- ## 1063.
1944-08-09 dark forces in the world today {.center} Fire and Gold: Benefiting from Life’s Tests”, p139 as compiled by Brian Kurzius There are dark forces in the world today of despair and hatred and suspicion; the believers must, as the Master said, turn their backs on these and their faces to Him, confidence of His help and protection. [Written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi, 9 August 1944] --- ## 1064.
1944-08-19 to Latin America Bahá’ís re sigifficance of July teaching conf {.center} Divine Springtime — Louise Coswell Recalls, p59-61 It is the first time in Bahá’í history that so many duly appointed representatives of so many independant countries have gathered together, and it foreshadows the gatherings of the future when the believers from the four corners of the globe will gather to discuss plans for the beloved Cause and to exchange ideas and suggestions. 1944-08-19 to Latin America Bahá’ís re sigifficance of July teaching conf {.ref .center} --- ## 1065.
1944-08-25 to Louhelen Junior Youth Session {.center} 1944-08-25 to Louhelen Junior Youth Session {.ref .center} 1. LETTER TO LOUHELEN JUNIOR YOUTH SESSION OF JULY 1944 Haifa 25 August 1944 To the Bahá’ís who were present at the Junior Youth Session of Louhelen Summer School, July 1944 Dear Bahá’í Friends: Your loving message, dated July 23rd, has been received and the Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. He hopes that you will develop into Bahá’ís in character as well as in belief. The whole purpose of Bahá’u’lláh is that we should become a new kind of people, people who are upright, kind, intelligent, truthful, and honest and who live according to His great laws laid down for this new epoch in man’s development. To call ourselves Bahá’ís is not enough, our inmost being must become ennobled and enlightened through living a Bahá’í life. He will pray for you, each and every one, that you may be of great help to the world in the days to come. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbání * May the Almighty bless your efforts, guide your steps, and enable you to further the interests, and consolidate the foundations, of this noble institution which has already rendered such notable services to our beloved and glorious Faith, {.sig} Your true brother {.sig} Shoghi {.sig} [Your True Brother: Messages to Junior Youth Written by or on Behalf of Shoghi Effendi] --- ## 1066.
1944-08-xx To an individual believer re value of studying history of the Cause {.center} Studying the Writings of Shoghi Effendi compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. published in Studying the Writings of the Guardian, ed. M. Bergsmo       He feels that you will benefit greatly by the history of the Cause as outlined in ‘God Passes By’, and he hopes you will master the subjects and facts it contains and help to bring them to the attention of the Bahá’ís, as there is a need in the Cause to see our Holy Faith in its proper perspective, and he feels you can be of great help in this connection. 1944-04-xx To an individual believer re value of studying history of the Cause {.ref .center} --- ## 1067.
1944-09-24 noble determination of Committees and Assemblies {.center} USBN 171 November 1944 p2 {.ref .center} Profoundly gratified, I greatly welcome the noble determination of Committees and Assemblies unitedly to arise to preserve the prizes dearly won and prepare themselves befittingly to discharge the mightier, more glorious task ahead in the opening years of the second century. (signed) SHOGHI RABBÁNÍ {.sig} September 24, 1944 {.sig} [Guardian’s reply to word sent him from the September meeting that the National Assembly is determined to arise in unity with the National Committees and the local Assemblies to preserve the prizes already won and prepare to discharge the greater responsibilities and tasks which lie ahead.] --- ## 1068.
1944-10-16 to participants at Louhelen Summer School Aug 1944 re study GPB {.center} Studying the Writings of Shoghi Effendi compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. published in Studying the Writings of the Guardian, ed. M. Bergsmo       He is pleased to hear that the friends are intensively studying ‘God Passes By’, as it is most essential for them to gain not only a fuller knowledge of their Faith’s history but also to see how persistently it has been attacked by enemies who once held high positions in its ranks. Indeed he hopes a perusal of this book will help not only friends and observers of the Cause to see Aḥmad Sohrab in his proper colours, but also believers who are not familiar with the defections of those who were far more highly placed and who turned against the Faith in the days of Bahá’u’lláh and the Master. 1944-10-16 to participants at Louhelen Summer School, Aug 1944 re study GPB {.ref .center} --- ## 1069.
1944-10-17 Regarding international language {.center} USBN #178 December 1945 p1 {.ref .center} Regarding the whole question of an international language and its relation to the Faith: We, as Bahá’ís, are very anxious to see a universal auxiliary tongue adopted as soon as possible; we are not the protagonists of any one language to fill this post. If the governments of the world agree on an existing language, or a constructed, new tongue, to be used internationally, we would heartily support it because we desire to see this step in the unification of the human race take place as soon as possible. Esperanto has been in wide use, more so than any similar language, all over the world, and the Bahá’ís have been encouraged by both the Master and the Guardian to learn it and to translate Bahá’í literature into it. We cannot be sure it will be the chosen language of the future; but as it is the one which has spread most, both East and West, we should certainly continue to co-operate with its members, learn to speak it, and translate Bahá’í literature into it. — to John M. Clifford October 17, 1944 --- ## 1070.
1944-10-17 function according to Bahá́í laws & principles {.center} USBN #178 December 1945 p1 {.ref .center} All over the world the Guardian is constantly encouraging and enjoining the believers to learn to function according to Bahá’í laws and principles; members of Spiritual Assemblies must learn to face their responsibilities; individuals must learn to turn to them and abide by their decisions. When we realize that all marriages, divorces, disposal of inheritance, etc., are now handled in Egypt and Persia solely through the Assemblies and that the believers abide by their decisions, we see that in Western countries the friends still have a long way to go — the sooner they start the better for themselves and for the Faith. To Mrs. Beatrice Ashton, October 17, 1944. --- ## 1071.
1944-10-17 infallibility guidance consultation {.center} USBN #177 November 1945 p2 {.ref .center} The infallibility of the Guardian is confined to matters which are related strictly to the Cause and interpretation of the teachings: he is not an infallible authority on other subjects, such as economics, science, etc. When he feels that a certain thing is essential for the protection of the Cause. even if it is something that affects a person personally, he must be obeyed, but when he gives advice, such as that he gave you in a previous letter about your future, it is not binding: you are free to follow it or not as you please. • The question of guidance is a very subtle one. We cannot be positive that an impulse or a dream is guidance. We can seek, through earnest prayer and longing. sincerely to do God’s Will, His guidance. We can try. as you say, to emulate the Master and at all times live up to tho teachings, but we cannot be sure that doing these things we are still making no mistakes and are perfectly guided. These things help us not to make so many mistakes and to receive more directly the guidance God seeks to give us. Regarding consultation: Any person can refer a matter to the Assembly for consultation whether the other person wishes to or not. In matters which affect the Cause the Assembly should, if it deems it necessary, intervene even if both sides don’t want it to. because the whole purpose of the Assemblies is to protect the Faith, the Communities and the individual Bahá’ís as well. To John Ashton, October 17, 1944 --- ## 1072.
1944-10-22 land donated by Mírzá ‘Ináyatu’lláh {.center} USBN #173 February 1945 p3 {.ref .center} “Some of the members of the N. S. A. will remember Mírzá ‘Ináyatu’lláh who about forty years ago was in America and has ever since remained firm and disassociated himself entirely from his half-brother, Dr. Fareed and his sister, Mrs. Sprague.” (From letter dated October 22, 1944) [The Guardian sent the National Spiritual Assembly the Certificate of Registration of a tract of land on Mt. Carmel adjacent to the Tombs of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s Family there. It was registered in the name of The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of the United States and Canada: Palestine Branch. The covering letter states that the piece of land was recently given to the Cause by Mírzá ‘Ináyatu’lláh Iṣfaháni of Haifa.] --- ## 1073.
1944-11-13 Significance of Remains of Prophets {.center} USBN #210 August 1948 p2 {.ref .center} There is no special physical significance in the remains of the Prophets or relics of Their Persons. But there is a profound spiritual significance in the sense that Their dust was the physical mirror of the greatness of God. In other words we know God through His Prophets, Who have bodies; these bodies — Their very dust — are precious through association. It is natural for people to be touched by a lock of hair or some token of one they loved; how much more should we treasure and feel moved by a relic· of the Beloved of God? The Báb has told us to bury the dead in silk (if possible) in coffins of crystal. Why? Because the body, though now dust, was once exalted by the immortal soul of man! The portrait of the Báb should be regarded as an inestimable privilege and blessing to behold, as past generations were denied a glimpse of the Face of the Manifestation, once He had passed on. — To Miss Sally Sanor, November 13, 1944. --- ## 1074.
1944-11-18 triumph of arduous Seven Year Plan {.center} USBN 171 November 1944 p1-2 {.ref .center} As you know, from his various cabled messages, he has been greatly rejoiced over the complete triumph of the arduous Seven Year Plan undertaken by the American believers during a difficult period in world events and carried forward to a glorious conclusion in the very teeth of the tempest of war which has been raging for almost five of the seven years of their heroic endeavor. To complete such a Plan during times of peace and security would in itself have been a great achievement; but to have succeeded during the darkest days of humanity’s abasement and trial, is truly little short of miraculous and nfust forever attest the calibre of the faith and loyalty which fills the hearts of the members of the blessed American Bahá’í community. His hope and belief is that they will not rest on their oars, but will, their appetites whetted by their successes, carry on their great and noble tasks allotted to them by the Center of the Covenant Himself. The work that lies ahead of them in the immediate future is clearly defined: The great advantages won for the Faith in the eyes of the public by the remarkable success of the Centenary in Wilmette; the large attendance of believers, the presence of gifted and devoted Central and South American representatives of newly established outposts of the Faith, should be followed up by teaching campaigns, wide publicity and as many radio broadcasts as can be secured. A contact with the masses has, for the first time, to all intents and purposes, since ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s visit, been made, and should be vigorously maintained. Inside the Bahá’í Fold every effort must be exerted to safeguard the newly established Assemblies and prevent them from falling back into group status again. In Latin America the Assemblies must not only be maintained but new ones established in the Republics which have not yet a Bahá’í administrative nucleus. Literature in Spanish and Portuguese should be made available as speedily as possible and disseminated far and wide. Latin American and native Bahá’ís should, whenever qualified, be urged and assisted to pioneer, to travel and to teach in Central and South America, thereby encouraging them to gradually shoulder their own responsibilities. With such a triumph behind you the Guardian feels confident you will face these many tasks that lie ahead with joy and his prayers will constantly be offered on your behalf and for your inspiration and guidance. August 18, 1944 {.sig} --- ## 1075.
1944-11-27 to Phillip Hainsworth re teaching in British Isles {.center} Looking back in Wonder, Phillip Hainsworth, p26-7 Dear Bahá’í Brother, Your welcome letter of November 15, so full of encouraging news, has been received, and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer on his behalf. He was both surprised and delighted to see how much you have been able to do in Norwich, and that the first ‘native’ believer has entered the Faith and is actively assisting you.The work in England has, indeed, progressed slowly from the standpoint of enlarging the Faith’s membership and establishing new centres and assemblies. On the other hand, however, the British Bahá’ís have consolidated the administration and thus prepared the way for intensified teaching activities. They have also built up a very helpful institution in the Publishing Trust, one calculated to impress the public and aid greatly in their own and other countries’ teaching programmes. The Faith there needs more active, devoted young believers like yourself. Regarding your question concerning your future plans; the Guardian strongly advises you to devote yourself to teaching the Faith in the British Isles. The need is very great for the people, emerging from so much suffering into a still deeply troubled immediate future, to hear of the Cause. Also the recently undertaken Six Year teaching Plan requires a great effort on the part of the English Bahá’ís, and your services are very much needed in this field. Please convey his loving greetings to Mr Tellerman and Miss Bird. He will pray for them, and particularly for you, that you may render the Cause many services. With Bahá’í Greetings, R. Rabbání Assuring you of my keen appreciation of the spirit that animates you in the service of the Faith, and of my special and fervent prayers for the success of your high endeavour. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 1944-11-27 to Phillip Hainsworth re teaching in British Isles {.ref .center} --- ## 1076.
1944-11-30 forgiveness of Covenant-breakers {.center} USBN #179 January 1946 p1 {.ref .center} Regarding Mr. Smeskal’s question about the Covenant-breakers: Bahá’u’lláh and the Master in many places and very emphatically have told us to shun entirely all Covenant — breakers as they are afflicted with what we might try and define as a contagious spiritual disease; they have also told us, however, to pray for them. These souls are not lost forever. In the Aqdas, Bahá’u’lláh says that God will forgive Mírzá Yaḥyá if he repents. It follows, therefore, that God will forgive any soul if he repents. Most of them don’t want to repent, unfortunately. If the leaders can be forgiven it goes without saying that their followers can also be forgiven... . Also, it has nothing to do with unity in the Cause: if a man cuts a cancer out of his body to preserve his health and very life, no one would suggest that for the sake of “unity” it should be reintroduced into the otherwise healthy organism! On the contrary, what was once a part of him has so radically changed as to have become a poison. To Mr. and Mrs. Otto Smeskal November 30. 1944. --- ## 1077.
1944-11-xx passing of John Stearns {.center} Eve Nicklin: She of the Brave Heart, Boris Handal, p85 RADIANT SELFLESS SERVICES DEAR JOHN STEARNS WILL NOT BE FORGOTTEN COUNTRY INDEED BLESSED WHERE PIONEER NOT ONLY TAUGHT BUT REMAINED DIED STILL GLORIFYING HIS FAITH 1944-11-xx passing of John Stearns {.ref .center} --- ## 1078.
1944-12-24 mostly about teaching {.center} USBN #173 February 1945 p2 {.ref .center} In your letter of Sept. 20th you enclosed a copy of your amendments of the By-Laws of the N.S.A.: he fully approved of these changes rendered necessary by the States and Provinces themselves now being regarded as electoral units in the ·election of delegates to the annual Convention. In that same letter you ask for his suggestions concerning possible plans for teaching in Europe, or helping the Bahá’ís there with literature, etc. Obviously, there will be a tremendous need for Bahá’í literature in these war-torn countries and for spiritual enlightenment and help. But as the whole situation is still in the throes of violent changes, and we cannot as yet foresee how soon or where assistance may be given, he feels that there should at present be no diversion into new channels of the energies of the American believers now concentrated on the tasks they already have in hand. Literature in German, French, and any other European languages that can be conveniently undertaken, should be translated and held in readiness for use whenever the time for action comes. He has been very sorry to notice in various reports received from you that some of the new Assemblies, established at such cost of sacrifice on the part of those who arose as pioneers and overcame every obstacle in their path and those who generously contributed of their means to insure a supply of funds for this purpose, are falling below Assembly status. He realizes that your body and the National Teaching Committee and Regional Teaching Committees are well aware of this situation. But he wishes to personally add a word of appeal to the friends not to permit their hard-won prizes to now slip from their grasp through any relaxation of their vigilance and efforts. The believers, no,w more sure of their own powers and of the Divine help that has so unfailingly :reached them than at any previous period in their fifty-year history, must continue to put forth a mature, dedicated and sustained effort so that these new Assemblies whether in North or South America may be preserved and reinforced and, where necessary, re-instated. Groups, though of secondary importance, should likewise be enlarged and built up to Assembly status so that the truly remarkable victory achieved by the American and Canadian Bahá’ís may not shrink in dimension as the months go by, but rather flower into still greater victories in the days to come. He also wishes to call your Assembly’s attention to the great importance of Magallanes as a center, and of the necessity of extending it every assistance, so that this Bahá’í year an Assembly may be firmly established there. It, together with that of Alaska, may be likened to the extremity of the Bahá’í arms stretched out and waiting to embrace the whole world in the order of peace and love which Bahá’u’lláh has established for the children of men in this day. In closing the beloved Guardian wishes me to assure you and your fellow-members of his most loving prayers on your behalf and for the success of the many tasks of importance which you are, in collaboration with the mass of the believers, seeking to carry to a successful conclusion. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. RABBÁNÍ Haifa, December 24, 1944 --- ## 1079.
1944-xx-xx formation and dissolution of Spiritual Assemblies {.center} USBN #269 July 1944 p4 {.ref .center} In connection with your Assembly’s two actions regarding the formation and dissolution of Spiritual Assemblies: The Guardian approves of your first action, which he understands is only for this last year of the first Bahá’í Century, as, of course, in the future Assemblies will be formed only during the month of April. As to the second action, however, any Assembly which is dissolved must immediately report to the national secretary, who must always keep an up to date list of Assemblies. Any dissolved Assembly cannot be reconstituted until the time of election in April. This is the general principle which must be followed in the future. In this last year of the Century, however, naturally any Assembly that is dissolved may be reconstituted as soon as the number of believers reverts to nine again. Regarding your question as to the changing of pronouns in Bahá’í prayers: The Guardian does not approve of such changes, either in the specific prayers or in any others. They should be read as printed without changing a single word. --- ## 1080.
1945-01-01 participation erection shrine of Báb {.center} USBN #177 November 1945 p4 {.ref .center} Shoghi Effendi very much appreciates the desire of the American believers to participate in the erection of the completed shrine of the Báb. The preliminary plans are now being made, and he leaves it to the friends to contribute towards this sacred enterprise in whatever manner and to whatever degree they wish to. (Shoghi Effendi, through his secretary. January 1, 1945) {.sig} --- ## 1081.
1945-01-01 school session at Englewood {.center} USBN #173 February 1945 p2 {.ref .center} Shoghi Effendi very much appreciates the desire of the American believers to participate in the erection of the completed shrine of the Báb. The preliminary plans are now being made, and he leaves it to the friends to contribute towards this sacred enterprise in whatever manner and to whatever degree they wish to. Also, regarding your letter of Aug. 7th: you ask his advice concerning a school session at Englewood, N.J. He feels that the four Bahá’í schools at present in existence, namely Louhelen, Green Acre, Geyserville School and Temerity Ranch, are sufficient for the time being. There is, naturally, no objection to holding meetings and conferences in Englewood. With loving greetings and the ardent hope that this new year will bring the believers over there many new victories, Yours ever, R. RABBÁNÍ Haifa, January 1, 1945 --- ## 1082.
1945-01-14 warnings concerning Orientals {.center} USBN #174 April-May 1945 p1 {.ref .center} In view of the fact that a few Persians have, in defiance of the instructions and expressed wishes of their National Spiritual Assembly, gone to America, and in view of other considerations as well, the Guardian feels impelled to call the matter to your attention. You must recall to the believers’ minds the oft — repeated warnings of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá concerning Orientals, especially Persians. The Americans, kind and open-hearted as they are. may easily fall a victim to the hypocritical and the insincere, and it is to protect them from being misled and imposed upon that he is sending you this message. —Through his secretary, January 14, 1945. --- ## 1083.
1945-01-23 Future generations will recall Marion Jack stewardship {.center} Quoted in Never be Afraid to Dare, Jasion, p222 Your most welcome letter of December 18th brought great joy to the Guardian’s heart, and he has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. You have very, very often been in his thoughts during the many dangerous months and years Bulgaria has passed through, and it was a true happiness for him to see your letter ... How can you feel your offerings are little! You have remained in the country of your adoption even in spite of his own urging that you consider your own welfare, and have demonstrated the quality of your steadfastness and devotion in a way that will never be forgotten, or effaced from the history of our beloved Faith. The degree of your devotion and sacrifice cannot but bear fruit, and the mere act of your remaining there all these years has laid an irremovable foundation for the spiritual work there. [on behalf of Shoghi Effendi] Dear and prized co-worker: I am overjoyed to learn of your safety, your constancy, your magnificent spirit of devotion, and your exemplary conduct in the service of our beloved Faith under such hard and trying circumstances. Future generations not only in Bulgaria, but in Europe and Canada will recall your noble stewardship, will extol your superb spirit, will strive to follow in your footsteps, and will derive inspiration from the record of your services. I feel so proud of you, so close to you, so grateful for all that you have done and demonstrated. Be happy and grateful to God for so high a privilege, so great a bounty, so exalted a station in the ranks of the followers of His glorious Faith. [To Marion Jack 23 Jan 1945] --- ## 1084.
1945-02-25 meaning of suffering {.center} Fire and Gold: Benefiting from Life’s Tests”, p7 as compiled by Brian Kurzius The suffering of mankind, we know, must ultimately prepare it to turn to Bahá’u’lláh and His life-giving message — but how soon this process will be accomplished we cannot say. We can only strive to show forth the example which will attract men’s hearts, and to busy ourselves day and night in spreading the Teachings. [From a letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer, 25 February 1945] --- ## 1085.
1945-02-28 Youth on committees {.center} USBN #174 April-May 1945 p1 {.ref .center} The question of young Bahá’í’s being permitted to serve on committees other than the Youth Committee has been raised in a number of letters recently, and in considering the matter he felt that Bahá’í young people under twenty-one should not be denied the privilege of committee work. Though they cannot be voting members of Bahá’í communities (or exercise the electoral vote at all until they reach that age), and though they cannot, likewise, be elected to Assemblies, there is no reason why they should not serve the Cause on various committees as all committees, national or local, are subordinate to Assemblies and their members not elected but appointed, and appointed by Assemblies. We have many devoted and talented young believers who can be of great assistance to the Cause even though not yet legally of age. —Through his secretary, February 28, 1945. --- ## 1086.
1945-03-06 Bahíyyih monument represent BAO {.center} Bahíyyih _Khánum, compiled by the Research Department p92 The steps of her holy resting-place represent Local Spiritual Assemblies, not individual believers. The columns, that is the pillars, are like the National Spiritual Assemblies, while the dome, which is raised following the placing of the columns, symbolizes the Universal House of Justice which, in accordance with the Master’s Will and Testament must be elected by the secondary Houses of Justice, that is, the National Spiritual Assemblies of East and West. to an individual 6 Mar 1945, translated from Persian --- ## 1087.
1945-03-19 Regret failure hold Convention {.center} USBN #174 April-May 1945 p1 {.ref .center} Regret failure efforts hold Convention. Praying success Peace plan. Shoghi Rabbání Message received March 19, 1945 --- ## 1088.
1945-03-19 better not to read books by Covenant Breakers {.center} http://bahai-library.com/uhj_writings_covenant_breakers “It is better not to read books by Covenant Breakers because they are haters of the Light, sufferers from a spiritual leprosy, so to speak. But books by well meaning yet unenlightened enemies of the Cause can be read so as to refute their charges.” (From a letter dated 19 March 1945 written on behalf of the Guardian to an individual believer) Writings of Covenant-breakers and other Enemies of the Faith Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. --- ## 1089.
1945-03-19 on behalf of to an individual re take teachings as a whole {.center} Scholarship (BSB) Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. Published in Bahá’í Studies Bulletin Vol 1-1 It is better not to read books by Covenant Breakers because they are haters of the light, sufferers from a spiritual leprosy so to speak. But books by well meaning yet unenlightened enemies of the Cause can be read so as to refute their charges. We must take the teachings as a great balanced whole, not seek out and oppose to each other two strong statements that have different meanings; somewhere in between, there are links uniting the two. That is what makes our Faith so flexible and well balanced. For instance there are calamities for testing and for punishment — there are also accidents, plain cause and effect. 1945-03-19 on behalf of to an individual re take teachings as a whole {.ref .center} --- ## 1090.
1945-03-24 Status of Pioneer {.center} USBN #181 March 1946 p1 {.ref .center} The pioneer, as soon as an administrative body has been established, ceases to have any unique status in the community. But, of course, the service he has rendered remains very great, and he should continue to do his utmost for the Cause in conjunction with the Assembly and the other believers. to Mr. and Mrs. Hilbert Dahl on March 24, 1945 --- ## 1091.
1945-03-29 maintenance of goals won crucial {.center} USBN #174 April-May 1945 p2 {.ref .center} If it seemed to the believers that their pioneer activities were of vital importance during the closing decade of our first Bahá’í Century and in the midst of a most tragic world war, they must now grasp the fact that the maintenance of the goals they have won and the winning of new ones is of even more crucial importance as the war draws towards an end and the people turn their bewildered minds to thoughts of peace. We face a most challenging period iq the days to come, and the friends must gird themselves for action with a calm faith. a united and self-sacrificing devotion to their tasks, and a consciousness that if they struggle hard to accomplish them they will witness even greater triumphs than those of the last seven or eight years which so gloriously rewarded their untiring labors. — SHOGHI EFFENDI, through his secretary, March 29, 1945 --- ## 1092.
1945-03-29 nation-wide teaching campaigns {.center} USBN #174 April-May 1945 p2 {.ref .center} He fully approves of the concept of uniting the believers’ labors through focussing them on nation-wide teaching campaigns and so on. But he feels that the friends should constantly be encouraged to bear in mind certain salient facts: Bahá’u’lláh has brought a new system and new laws and standards of personal as well as racial conduct into the world. Although outside agencies have been to a certain extent illumined by the radiance of His Message and doctrines, and are exerting efforts to bring the world into that orbit of universal peace and harmony He has set for it, these outside forces cannot achieve what only the followers of His Faith can. The believers must not take their eyes off their own immediate tasks of patiently consolidating their administrative institutions, building up new Assemblies in North, Central and South America, and laboring to perfect the Bahá’í pattern of life. for these are things that no other group of people in the world can do or will do. and they alone are able to provide the spiritual foundation and example on which the larger world schemes must ultimately rest. At the same time every effort should be made to broadcast the Teachings at this time, and correlate them to the plight of humanity and the plans for its future. Both tasks should go forward simultaneously — internal consolidation and expansion. and a wider contact with the masses, maintained through public meetings, radio, publicity, etc. The Guardian has already laid down the principle that any one claiming to be a Bahá’í from Persia must have his properly issued credentials from the N. S. A. of Persia before he can be accepted by any other Bahá’í community ... . Now that the doors are opening increasingly for students and travelers to go to America, the National Assembly can not be too careful and vigilant in this matter. The Master, as you know, was very strict, and the Guardian feels it his duty at this time to be equally strict and observant of the measures introduced by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá Himself. March 29. 1945 {.sig} --- ## 1093.
1945-04-05 April 1945 on behalf of to an individual believer re Greek contact with prophets {.center} Socrates #12 Compiled By Research Department Of The Universal House Of Justice. The Master said that Socrates-the Prince of the Grecian philosophers-received inspiration and instruction from the Hebrew Prophets; so we cannot say that Greece was devoid of contact with any Prophetic Source. 1945-04-05 April 1945 on behalf of to an individual believer re Greek contact w/ prophets {.ref .center} --- ## 1094.
1945-04-05 Prolonged absence of Assembly member {.center} 1945-04-05 Prolonged absence of Assembly member {.ref .center} He [Shoghi Effendi] does not intervene in purely local administrative matters, and it is for the Assembly to decide, if the absence of a member is prolonged, when they should hold an election to replace that person. The principle is that the 9 members of the Spiritual Assembly should be reasonably available for meetings. If their absence from town is prolonged, someone else must fill the vacancy. [Letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi, dated April 5, 1945, to an individual believer cited inGLSA-DDBC] --- ## 1095.
1945-04-30 congratulations to Inter-America Committee {.center} USBN 1945-04-30 August 1945 p1 {.ref .center} Heartfelt congratulations superb achievement Inter-America Committee opening year second Bahá’í century. Advise concentrate attention formation Assembly one remaining republic, Nicaragua. Consolidation newly fledged Assemblies multiplication groups throughout Latin America reinforcement outpost Magalannes intensified efforts dissemination literature paramount tasks present year. Praying fervently removal obstacles dispatch pioneers fulfilment hopes necessary prelude launching second stage Divine Plan. Appreciate two photographs each Assembly Central South America adorn walls mansion adjoining Bahá’u’lláh’s holy tomb. SHOGHI RABBÁNÍ Received April 30, 1945 {.sig} --- ## 1096.
1945-06-12 to Philip Hainsworth re teaching in Africa {.center} Looking back in Wonder, Phillip Hainsworth, p28 Dear Bahá’í Brother, Your letters dated November 15th 1944 and May 30th 1945 have been received, and the Guardian has instructed me to answer them on his behalf. He answered your first letter shortly after receiving it; the reply must have not reached you, unfortunately. The clippings you sent, etc., were of interest to him, and he was delighted to see you had been so active in teaching the Cause. In East Africa we have no addresses of believers, but in the Belgian Congo there is a Bahá’í family, a Persian married to a Belgian woman. Their address is: Mr Vahdat, Agronome Colonie, Kabongo, Province of Elizabethville, in case you have an opportunity to get in touch with them. The Guardian hopes that at a not distant future date you will again be able to serve the Cause in England. Young and eager workers are much needed to get the work started on a larger scale and reach more of the public. No doubt you will be able to teach wherever you are, and you may be sure his prayers will be offered on your behalf and for the success of your devoted efforts. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbání. Assuring you of my special and fervent prayers for your welfare, your spiritual advancement, the success of your efforts in the service of our beloved Faith, and the realisation of every hope you cherish for its extension and promotion. Your true brother, Shoghi. {.sig} 1945-06-12 to Philip Hainsworth re teaching in Africa {.ref .center} --- ## 1097.
1945-07-01 formation of Buenos Aires Summer School {.center} USBN #177 November 1945 p2 {.ref .center} .. Overjoyed at magnificent achievement, the formation of the Summer School. Deeply appreciative of Mr. and Mrs. Tormo’s historic service. Offering fervent prayers for the extension and consolidation of the activities of the foremost Center in Latin America. Deepest love.” — Shoghi Rabbání. [This message, received by the Buenos Aires Assembly on July 1, refers to the donation of their country place by Mr. and Mrs. Tormo in order to make it possible to found a Bahá’í Summer School.] --- ## 1098.
1945-07-05 to Coswell re form 1st LSA in Panama {.center} Divine Springtime — Louise Coswell Recalls, p31 The formation of this very important Assembly was a source of deep joy for him, and he feels that your persevering efforts, and those of Mrs. Oliver and all the other dear friends, have at last borne fruits in a worthy form; he hopes that the believers there will go forward, with the greatest love and unity, to the accomplishment of the many tasks that lie ahead, such as increasing the community’s members, holding regular public meetings, teaching the Indians, etc. He very greatly appreciates your own constant labours in this small but significant Republic, and assures you that he will continue to pray for you, that your efforts may be richly blessed and that you may be guided and strengthened in your devoted labours for the Faith. (Signed) R. Rabbání {.sig} Dear and valued co-worker: I am so glad to receive the splendid n jws conveyed by your letter, and I wish to assure you of my heartfelt and abiding appreciation of your constant, your devoted, and meritorious activities and services to our beloved Faith. Persevere in your noble task and rest assured that I will continually supplicate for you at the Holy Shrines. Your true and grateful brother, (Signed) Shoghi. {.sig} 1945-07-05 to Coswell re form 1st LSA in Panama {.ref .center} --- ## 1099.
1945-08-10 Orlova San Francisco Conference {.center} USBN #177 November 1945 p2 {.ref .center} Regarding the matter of :Mme. Orlova: as it is now clear that she is openly associating with the New History group. the friends should ignore her and have nothing more to do with her. The reports which have reached him about the teaching and publicity during the San Francisco conference were very satisfactory. He feels the American believers are maturing and gaining in experience in presenting the Faith not only to the public at large but also to leaders of importance, and they are doing it in a sober and dignified way. A glance at the pressing problems facing the world is enough to convince any Bahá’í that there is no ultimate solution for its ills except that provided by Bahá’u’lláh. It is therefore of the greatest conceivable importance the manner in which the teachings are presented to a nation with such a leading role in international affairs at the present time as that of the United States. He urges you, in this connection, to seek out and exploit to the full the talents and abilities latent within your community for, whatever the American believers have accomplished heretofore. it is a mere prelude to what they can and must do in the field of Bahá’í service in the future. August 10. 1945. {.sig} --- ## 1100.
1945-08-14 to Eve Nicklin re report on John Stearns and his activities {.center} Eve Nicklin: She of the Brave Heart, Boris Handal, p86-7 Dear Bahá’í Sister: Your letter of Nov. 9th, 1944, reached Haifa some time ago, but due to pressure of work the Guardian has not been able this winter and spring to attend to his mail promptly, otherwise he would have written you before. He feels sure you will understand the delay was not caused by any other reason! He was very sorry to hear of the death of John Stearns; he was a fine believer, and it is a pity he should have passed away so young — but his reward is assured and his name will be forever preserved in the roll call of the early Bahá’í pioneers to South America. The news of the progress of the Cause in Peru greatly pleased him, and he hopes that on the modest but sound foundation that has been laid there a flourishing and exemplary community will arise and reward you and the other dear friends for your devoted and unsparing labours. You may be sure he will certainly pray for you and for the success of the fine work you are doing there. Please convey his loving greetings to all the dear Bahá’ís there. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbání May the Beloved bless your efforts in the service of our beloved Faith, and enable you to promote at all times the vital interest of its institutions. {.sig} Your true brother, {.sig} Shoghi {.sig} 1945-08-14 to Eve Nicklin re report on John Stearns and his activities {.ref .center} --- ## 1101.
1945-08-xx To Senior Youth Session at Louhelen School {.center} USBN #190 December 1946 p1 {.ref .center} “He appreciates very much the devoted and determined spirit with which you are facing the future and all the Bahá’í responsibility it will bring you increasingly. The part of the youth is very great; you have the opportunity to really determine to exemplify in word and deed the teachings of Bahá’u’lláh. and to show your generation that the New World Order He has brought is a tangible reality in the lives of His followers.” to Senior Youth Session at Louhelen School in August, 1945 --- ## 1102.
1945-09-24 Greatly cheered by evidences of progress {.center} USBN #177 November 1945 p2 {.ref .center} Greatly cheered by evidences of progress in all-important teaching work. Praying fervently for complete success of plans adopted. Convey my loving appreciation to Gail Woolson, Virginia Orbison and Dorothy Baker for their noble, steadfast services. Supplicating abundant blessing on forthcoming State and Province Conventions. Urge persistent efforts to promote vital tasks facing the believers constituting the prelude to inauguration of second stage of Divinely-conceived Plan. SHOGHI RABBÁNÍ {.sig} Cablegram received September 24, 1945. --- ## 1103.
1945-11-13 Burmese Bahá́í community needs assistance {.center} USBN #178 December 1945 p2 {.ref .center} Burmese Bahá’í community emerging from long, afflictive period of unprecedented tribulations — assassination, spoliation, dispersal, seizure of Archives, destruction of Ḥaẓíras School. I advise the American community as token of Bahá’í solidarity to cable whatever contribution is sensible. —Shoghi Rabbání Received November 13, 1945 --- ## 1104.
1945-11-17 to Eve Nicklin re politics and Guillermo Aguilar {.center} Eve Nicklin: She of the Brave Heart, Boris Handal, p115-7 Dear Bahá’í Sister: The Guardian was very happy to receive your letter of Aug. 17th, together with that of the Bahá’í youth, and to see how well the Cause is progressing there. Regarding your reference to Dr. Aguilar, who seems to be a very enlightened and sincere man, the Guardian feels that you might point out to him that if he, as a Bahá’í, should insist on the right to support a certain political party whose platform he considers highly meritorious, he cannot very well deny the same degree of freedom to other believers; which would mean that within the ranks of a Faith whose primary objective is to unite all men as one great family under God, there would be Bahá’ís opposed to each other, and because of the very nature of politics, in violent disagreement with each other. Where then would lie the example of harmony and unity for which the world is seeking? The Guardian will pray that Dr. Aguilar may feel moved to sacrifice his political associations in order to fully support the Divine system which is the remedy for all the ills of all the people in the world. He will also pray that your friend Irene Silva de Santolalla will feel moved to courageously espouse the Faith which she so admires. Your long and patient service in Peru has yielded a fruitful harvest, and the Guardian is very pleased over the reports you have given him. He feels you are the best to decide whether you should at present go home for a rest or not, as you can better judge if your temporary absence will seriously affect the work there or not. Meantime you may be sure he will pray for your continuous success, guidance, and health. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbání P.S.: He thinks it would be an excellent idea to translate some of the teachings into the native Indian languages. With the assurance of my lively and abiding appreciation of your truly remarkable efforts and services, and of my continued and fervent prayers for the extension of your valued activities, and the full realization of your dearest hopes in the service of our beloved Faith, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi {.sig} 1945-11-17 to Eve Nicklin re politics and Guillermo Aguilar {.ref .center} --- ## 1105.
1945-11-19 Undertow of Materialism {.center} USBN #210 August 1948 p3 {.ref .center} People are so markedly lacking in spirituality these days that the Bahá’ís should consciously guard themselves against being caught in what one might call the undertow of materialism and atheism, sweeping the world these days. Skepticism, cynicism, disbelief, immorality and hard-heartedness are rife, and as the friends are those who stand for the antithesis of all these things they should beware lest the atmosphere of the present world affects without their being conscious of it. The Guardian agrees with you that a higher standard would be required before World Order could attract people of marked intellectual capacity; but he feels that the friends should make a greater effort to see that it gets supplied with better material; they should raise the standard of the present publication. — To Dr. Glenn L. Shook, November 19, 1945, through his secretary. --- ## 1106.
1945-11-19 questions fm Glenn Shook {.center} USBN #210 August 1948 p3 {.ref .center} 1. & 2, The supreme Tribunal is an aspect of a world Superstate; the exact nature of its relationship to that state we cannot at present fore-see. 3. Supreme Tribunal is the correct translation; it will be a contributing factor in establishing, the Lesser peace. 4. There is no statement in the teachings indicating that the Lesser Peace will definitely be established by 1957 or 1963. 5. The Most Great Covenant is different from the Everlasting Covenant. 6. No, Bahá’u’lláh did not bring a complete system of economics to the world. 7. Profit~sharing is recommended as a solution to one form of economic problems. 8. There is nothing in the teachings against some kind of capitalism; its present form, though, would require adjustments to be made. 9. Islám attained a very high spiritual state, but western scholars are prone to judging it by Christian standards One cannot call one world Faith superior to another, as they all come from God; they are progressive, each suited to certain needs of the times. 10. Of course, Man divides; only the Power which comes from God can unite. 11 & 12. The Seven Lights of Unity will not necessarily come in the 3 order given. A product of the second may well be universal culture. l3_ “Insaf” should be thought of as fairness. 14. Through meditation doors of deeper knowledge and inspiration may be opened_ Naturally, if one meditates as a Bahá’í he is connected with the Source; if a man believing in God meditates he is tuning in to the power and mercy of God; but we cannot say that any inspiration which a person not knowing Bahá’u’lláh, or not believing in God, receives is merely from his own ego. Meditation is very important, and the Guardian sees no reason why the friends should not be taught to meditate, but they should guard against superstitions or foolish ideas creeping into it. 15. In quoting prayers any part may be used, but should be quoted as it is, however short_ 16. The Manifestations no doubt had some consciousness of Their station, but what the nature of that consciousness was we do not know_ 17. Those who have never had any opportunity of hearing of the Faith but who lived good lives will no doubt be treated with the greatest love and mercy in the next world, and reap their full reward. 18. There is no objection. to using Rúḥí’s book on mysticism. 19. We believe that Christ only was conceived immaculately. His brothers and sisters would have been born in the natural way and conceived naturally. 20. Both Caliphate and Imámate mean successorship. Either term could be used, 21. Shoghi Effendi has always made it quite clear that, in the future, the teachings may be retranslated, if the need arises. 22. There is nothing in the teachings against swimming and dancing; mankind will become nobler, this we know; if that will include or eliminate such pastimes we do not know at present. to Dr_Glenn L_ Shook in a letter dated November 19, 1945. --- ## 1107.
1945-12-03 welcome consolidation activities {.center} USBN #179 January 1946 p1 {.ref .center} Greatly welcome evidences progress in consolidation of the manifold activities of the American Bahá’í community. Urge intensification of efforts in national broadcasting and publicity calculated to reach the masses. Appeal to Assemblies to reinforce the measures undertaken by their national representatives. The proclamation of the verities of the Faith through bold, concerted measures is the crying need of the present hour. Fervently praying for fresh victories: fully share your hopes for Holy Land. Shoghi Rabbání Cablegram received December 3, 1945. (This message was the Guardian’s response to the cablegram sent him from the November meeting, reporting actions taken and expressing hope that the race difficulties in Palestine would be solved and the prophecies concerning_ the Holy Land be fulfilled). --- ## 1108.
1945-12-19 Peoples Peace Conference {.center} USBN #174 April-May 1945 p2 {.ref .center} Regarding your suggestion to the N.S.A. about a People’s Peace Conference. The idea and the aims are excellent, but the Guardian does not feel that the believers are as yet in a position to undertake such a major step; if the friends seek to carry out a thing of such importance and find that they cannot-through lack of members, prestige, funds, or any other reason,—see the thing through to a successful conclusion, they will have done the Cause a serious injury by making it seem just one more ripple on the surface of a disturbed and turbulent society. They must first build the fabric of their community life so solidly that it can bear the strain which such an undertaking would place upon it, and which, by its very nature, would focus the eyes of the press upon the Bahá’ís everywhere in the world. to Miss Hannah Lohse on December 19. 1945 --- ## 1109.
1945-12-21 conditions in Europe {.center} USBN #180 February 1946 {.ref .center} In view of all the German and Austrian Bahá’ís have passed through, and the naturally disorganized state of their affairs, after so long a period of supression and suffering, he feels that your Assembly should by all means do all in its power to help them and protect them. If you feel that the suggestion of Mr. Eichanauer is feasible, he advises you to carry it out. Although he has stated that the Bahá’í mission in Central and South America must be completed before the American believers can start teaching campaigns in other countries, this does not mean that those friends whom duty or business takes abroad are not to serve the Cause all they possibly can. Likewise it does not mean that help should not be given to Bahá’í brothers and sisters in desperate need-such as is the case at present in Burma, the Philippines. Austria and Germany. In view of the terrible conditions prevailing in Europe today, and the tremendous suffering which the German and Austrian Bahá’ís have passed through, both spiritually and physically, the Guardian wishes you to please make every effort to send, during the rest of this Bahá’í year and the coming one. the contribution of the American and Canadian Bahá’ís to the International Fund, to these believers, for their relief and succor. He urges your Assembly to also make every effort to supply them with Bahá’í books in German, either published in the United States or Switzerland-whichever is most speedy, economical and practical. “He was very pleased to see the excellent publicity the Cause received in The Chicago Sunday Tribune, and hopes that more will be forthcoming, of a similar nature, all over the country. In this connection. he sees no objection to using the advice and services of non-Bahá’í experts, or agencies, as long as the purity of the Teachings and the dignity of the Faith are maintained “The writings of Ḥusayn should be considered in the same category as those of Rubi; the friends are not forbidden to read them.” (This refers to the articles and pamphlets approved by the Reviewing Committee for the World Order Magazine Editorial Committee and published some years ago). Haifa, Palestine. December 21, 1945 {.sig} --- ## 1110.
1945-12-30 Object of Inter-Racial Work {.center} USBN #188 October 1946 pp3-4 {.ref .center} “He feels that as the main object of the Bahá’í inter-racial work is to abolish prejudice against any and every race and minority group, it is obviously proper for them to include in particular any group that is receiving especially bad treatment— such as the Japanese-Americans are being subjected to. There is also no reason why work should not be done among and in cooperation with the Mexicans, the Chinese and so on. “He has always been very anxious to have the Indians taught and enlisted under the banner of the Faith, in view of the Master’s remarkable statements about the possibilities of their future and that they represent the aboriginal American population. “The Negroes, likewise, are, one might say, a key problem and epitomize the feelings of color prejudice so rife in the United States. That is why he has so constantly emphasized the importance of the Bahá’ís actively and continuously demonstrating that in the Faith this cruel and horrible taint of discrimination against, and contempt for, them does not exist but on the contrary is supplanted by a feeling of esteem for their great gifts and a complete lack of prejudice in every field of life. “The work of the Race Unity Committee should include, as far as is possible, contacts with all minority groups, and wherever there is a particularly stout prejudice against a special group-such as the feelings against the Japanese in the Western States and the Negroes in the Southern (states), etc., efforts should be made to counteract it by showing publicly the Bahá’í example of loving tolerance and brotherly association.” to the Race Unity Committee on December 30, 1945 --- ## 1111.
1945-12-30 to a National Teaching Committee re devise new suggestions for teaching {.center} Unlocking the Power of Action, #30 Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. Your Committee must encourage all the believers to teach, and try and constantly devise new and stimulating suggestions to offer to the friends of ways in which they can help — for the Guardian knows that all the friends are keenly concerned over the state of society, and anxious, every one of them, to take an active part in counteracting the wave of materialism, bitterness and selfishness which is sweeping over the world. 1945-12-30 to a National Teaching Committee re devise new suggestions for teaching {.ref .center} --- ## 1112.
1945-xx-xx To unknown re pictures of Shoghi Effendi {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p76 {.ref .center} ...he has never gone so far as to forbid the friends to have pictures of himself in their possession; he merely would rather they placed the emphasis on the beloved Master. 1945-xx-xx To re pictures of Shoghi Effendi {.ref .center} --- ## 1113.
1946-03-05 to Rita van Bleyswijk Sombeek on decision to pioneer {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp43 Rita van Bleyswijk Sombeek, 5 March 1946 Dear Bahá’í Sister: Your letter of February 20th has been received, and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. He is most happy to welcome you as a co-worker in our glorious Cause, and he approves of your plan to go to Holland and spread the teachings. The need for Bahá’í workers is tremendous in Europe, and those who, like yourself, have relatives and facilities there should certainly do all they can to carry this hope-giving Message to people who have suffered so much misery and disillusionment. He will pray that your sister may also accept the Faith, and that your services in your native land may be richly blessed by God. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbání May the Beloved enable you to undertake the journey to your native land in the near future, and may He bless richly your work, guide every step you take, and fulfil every hope you cherish, for the establishment of this glorious Faith in that country {.sig} Your true and grateful brother; Shoghi --- ## 1114.
1946-03-18 to Ellsworth Blackwell re guidelines about meetings at the Temple. {.center} White and Negro Alíke (Kindle edition), Audrey Mike March 18, 1946 to Ellsworth Blackwell re guidelines about meetings at the Temple. {.sig} “…..As to your question about teaching, the Guardian has told the friends to use all sorts of mediums in their efforts to reach the masses, radio, publicity, public meetings, banquets, summer schools, conferences, etc, etc. the details of these things he cannot possibly take the time to work out, nor should he, for this is the very reason assemblies exist — to administer the affairs of the Cause. If the meetings in the Temple seem to you and the other friends to lack certain elements, you should make suggestions to the Comm. and the NSA, and through a delegate, even call the attention of the convention to the subject. ….. You may be sure he will pray for the success of your tireless and devoted Bahá’í activities, which he deeply appreciates. With Bahá’í love, R/ Rabbání” --- ## 1115.
1946-03-19 two factors Gods Will and our will {.center} letter on behalf of the Universal House of Justice, July 17, 1989 There are two factors, God’s Will and our free will: we are not puppets, if we make mistakes we have to pay for them. Bahá’u’lláh sought to prevent and avert wars of the last 50 years or so. No one listened. We are being chastised for our good now, by all this suffering, but there was an easier way, to accept the Message sent by God. We would not take that way; therefore He sends us this one ... . ... . .there are calamities for testing and for punishment — there are also accidents, plain cause and effect. [From a letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi, March 19, 1946, unpublished; --- ## 1116.
1946-03-24 to Emeric Sala re teaching in Latin America {.center} Tending the Garden: A Biography of Emeric and Rosemry Sala, p100-1 March 24,1946 {.sig} Dear Bahá’í Brother: Your most welcome letter of March 5th was received by our beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. The graphic and to-the-point description you have given him of the conditions you found in Latin American Bahá’í Centers helped him very much to see the picture of the work there as a whole, and he feels your recommendations to the Inter-America Com. are excellent. He has felt from the very beginning that these gifted, sensitive Latins, who are capable of being both spiritual and intellectual, have a great contribution to make to the future progress of the Cause everywhere, and he is very anxious that they should become strong enough to manage their own affairs. He will pray that your labours for the Faith may be ever-increasingly blessed and fruitful. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbání Dear & valued co-worker: The services which you & your dear wife have rendered in Latin America are highly meritorious, & evoke my heartfelt admiration. I pray you may have similar opportunities in the near future, and that the Beloved may, wherever you labour, bless abundantly your notable activities and accomplishments. Persevere in your work, rest assured & be happy. Your true & grateful brother, Shoghi {.sig} 1946-03-24 to Emeric Sala re teaching in Latin America {.ref .center} --- ## 1117.
1946-03-25 various to USNSA {.center} USBN #184 June 1946 p2 {.ref .center} He wants the American friends to help their destitute brothers and sisters in Europe and Asia all they can. This includes sending food and clothing when feasible. The chart you sent him on the cycle of man should not be officially accepted and circulated among the believers. as we now have no way 0f knowing. for sure. if it really embodies what the Master meant. He was sorry to learn through your cable that the project for a Bahá’í Radio Station can not be carried out at present: he considers that such a station would be a very great asset to the Cause, not only as a teaching medium and a wonderful form of publicity. but also as an enhancement of its prestige. He feels your Assembly should not drop the matter but go on investigating ways to make such a project materialize as soon as possible. Reaching the.masses with the message at this time is of the greatest importance. More initiative should be shown by all the Bahá’ís. and encouraged by the NSA and local Spiritual Assemblies. March 25, 1946 {.sig} --- ## 1118.
1946-04-01 on behalf of to an individual re soul does not go to another planet {.center} Reincarnation And The Nature And Progress Of The Soul #15 Compiled by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice No Revelation from God has ever taught reincarnation; this is a man-made conception. The soul of man comes into being at conception; we do not believe it goes on to another planet. 1946-04-01 on behalf of to an individual re soul does not go to another planet {.ref .center} --- ## 1119.
1946-04-13 literature review {.center} USBN #185 July 1946 p1-2 {.ref .center} “In the February Bahá’í News, page 3, it mentions that magazine articles about the Cause ‘written by individual believers as their personal understanding of the teachings’ ... need not be reviewed officially. He feels this is unwise in view of the Master’s own instructions that articles about the Cause should not be published by individuals without proper approval of some responsible body. “The Guardian says the local Assemblies can pass upon such articles; it is not necessary to refer them to a national committee. “So often persons can be carried away by their enthusiasm and express something detrimental to the Faith. Therefore they must either refer their articles to their local Spiritual Assembly or the National Reviewing Committee.” April 13, 1946: {.sig} --- ## 1120.
1946-04-24 {Germany] DESTINED DEVELOP INTO MOST POWERFUL CENTRE {.center} Germany, France, Italy, and Switzerland #26 Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. Published in Bahá’í Studies Review 4:1 PRAYING ABUNDANT BLESSINGS EAGER RECEIVE REPORTS PROGRESS COMMUNITY DESTINED DEVELOP AS PROPHESIED BY ‘ABDU’L-BAHÁ INTO MOST POWERFUL CENTRE SPIRITUAL ILLUMINATION ENTIRE EUROPEAN CONTINENT DEEPEST LOVE. (24 April 1946 to the National Spiritual Assembly of the United States and Canada) --- ## 1121.
1946-05-02 Reply to Convention Message {.center} Guardian’s Seven Year Plan for the American Bahá’ís, p5 Deeply touched by response of delegates to new call to service unprecedented in history of Faith in West. Urge delegates contribute their share arouse believers in respective states and provinces to exert their utmost to insure speedy attainment of glorious objectives. — SHOGHI 1946-05-02 Reply to Convention Message {.ref .center} --- ## 1122.
1946-05-09 welcome responses new Plan {.center} USBN #185 July 1946 p1 {.ref .center} Greatly welcome initial evidences of magnificent responses of Assembly to new Plan. Invoking divine assistance for vigorous, wise, sustained prosecution of manifold activities to be initiated in North America, Latin America and European continent. Shoghi {.sig} Cablegram received May 9, 1946 (This message came in response to the cablegram sent to the Guardian by the National Spiritual Assembly from its meeting May 5. 1946, following the Convention, as follows: “You have disclosed to American Bahá’ís the glorious path of faith leading to world spread of Bahá’u’lláh’s Message and ascendency of the authority and dominion of His Divine Revelation. Awed but resolute the Assembly has pondered the four objectives of Seven Year Plan, formulated measures, established necessary agencies and adapted annual budget of $250,000 sanctified by your contribution. Invoking divine aid for purification of the souls and attainment of the spiritual worthiness requisite to success of America’s mission under mandate conferred by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá.”) --- ## 1124.
1946-05-xx NSA eliminate unnecessary administrative details {.center} USBN #185 July 1946 p1-2 {.ref .center} “Feel necessity eliminate unnecessary administrative details enabling Assembly members to focus their attention at sessions on the diverse imperative requirements of the plan.” [Immediately after the Convention] --- ## 1125.
1946-06-07 on behalf of to an individual re ‘Abdu’l-Bahás statements as dogmatic finalities {.center} Socrates #13 Compiled By Research Department Of The Universal House Of Justice. We must not take many of ‘‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s statements as dogmatic finalities, for there are other points which when added to them round out the picture. For instance, when He calls Aristotle and Plato Philosophers of the East, He is obviously placing them in that category because He believes they belong more correctly to Eastern culture than to Central European and the New World cultures of the West. When He calls the philosophers of the West materialistic this does not for a moment mean He includes all Western philosophers for, as you truly point out, many of them have been very spiritual in their concepts.... Historians cannot be sure Socrates did not visit the Holy Land. But believing as we do that ‘Abdu’l-Bahá had an intuitive knowledge quite different from our own, we accept His authority on this matter. 1946-06-07 on behalf of to an individual re ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s statements as dogmatic finalities {.ref .center} --- ## 1126.
1946-06-07 to Dr. J. W. Freudenberg {.center} [Found in a notebook that had belonged to Amelia Bowman] COPY OF LETTER OF SECRETARY OF SHOGHI EF1ENDI TO DR. J. W. FREUDENBERG, AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND Haifa, June 7th, 1946. Dear Spiritual Friend: Your interesting letter of May 16th has been received and Shoghi Effendi has instructed me to answer you on his behalf and assure you that he appreciates your warm friendship with the Bahá’ís and the co-operative spirit in which you assist them in their activities. As regards the various points you have raised in your letter; We must not take many of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s statements as dogmatic finalities, for there are other points which when added to them round out the picture. For instance, when He calls Aristotle and Plato Philosophers of the East, He is obviously placing them in that category because He believes they belong more correctly to Eastern culture than to Central European and the New World cultures of the West. When He calls the philosophers of the West materialistic this does not for a moment mean He includes all Western philosophers for, as you truly point out, many of them have been very spiritual in their concepts. When studying at present, in English, the available Bahá’í writings on the subject of body, soul and spirit, one is handicapped by a certain lack of clarity because not all were translated by the same person, and also there are, as you knew, still many Bahá’í writing untranslated. But there is no doubt that spirit and soul seem to have been interchanged in meaning sometimes; soul and mind have, likewise, been interchanged in meaning, no doubt due to difficulties arising from different translations. What the Bahá’ís do believe though is that we have three aspects of our humanness, so to speak, a body, a mind and an immortal identity — soul or spirit. We believe the mind forms a link between the soul and the body, and the two interact on each other. Historians cannot be sure Socrates did not visit the Holy Land. But believing as we do that ‘Abdu’l-Bahá had an intuitive knowledge quite different from our own, we accept His authority on the matter. We cannot prove man was always man for this is a fundamental doctrine, but it is based on the assertion that nothing can exceed its own potentialities, that everything, a stone, a tree, an animal and a human being existed in plan, potentially, from the very “beginning” of creation. We-don’t believe man has always had the form of man, but rather that from the outset he was going to evolve into the human form and species and not be a haphazard branch of the ape family. You see our whole approach to each matter is based on the belief that God sends us divinely inspired Educators; what they tell us is fundamentally true. What science tells us to-day is true; to-morrow may be entirely changed to better explain a new set of facts. When ‘‘Abdu’l-Bahá says man breaks the laws of nature, He means we shape nature to meet our own ends, as no animal does. Animals adapt themselves to better fit in with and benefit from their environment. But men both surmount and change environment. Likewise when He says nature is devoid of memory he means memory as we have it, not the strange memory of inherited habits which animals so strikingly possess. These various statements must be taken in conjunction with all the Bahá’í teachings; we cannot get a correct picture by concentrating on just one phrase. The Guardian hopes this will better enable you to understand our wonderful Faith — for a living religion it is, and not merely a philosophy. He wishes you every success in your labors to promote the unity and enlightenment of mankind, so sorely needed these days, and he will pray for your happiness and spiritual advancement. With cordial greetings, (signed) R. Rabbání. {.sig} --- ## 1127.
1946-07-01 anxious for growth throughout France. {.center} Germany, France, Italy, and Switzerland Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. Published in Bahá’í Studies Review 4:1 The Paris Bahá’ís, representing as they do the oldest Community of the Cause in Europe, occupy an important position, and he is most anxious for the growth and spread of the Faith there and throughout France. (on Behalf of Shoghi Effendi to individual believer, 1 July 1946) --- ## 1128.
1946-07-03 To Robert L. Gulick {.center} USBN #196 June 1947 p6 {.ref .center} The use of “Alláh-u-Abhá” in the East is, generally speaking, confined to a greeting. It is not said at the end of prayers and the Guardian feels that the less it is used freely in public by the Bahá’ís in the West (before strangers) the better, as it gives a very peculiar impression of us, and makes us seem like some strange Oriental sect. As obligatory prayers require either genuflection or ablution and orienting toward Bahjí, they cannot truly be said by one person for a group of people without it being in effect a form of congregational prayer, so he thinks it better to avoid it. It is far too early to make any predictions about peace of any sort, judging by the ebullitions of the world’s affairs these days! ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, in His Tablets, connects the prophecy of Daniel (1957) with the proclamation and spread of the Cause. Other references regarding this date must be considered as hearsay.” To Robert L. Gulick, July 3. 1946. {.sig} --- ## 1129.
1946-07-19 To Geyserville Junior Youth Class {.center} 1946-07-19 To Geyserville Junior Youth Class {.ref .center} Haifa 4 April 1947 To the members of the ‘Junior Youth Class’ who were present at Geyserville Bahá’í Summer School on July 19th, 1946 Dear Bahá’í Friends: Owing to pressure of his work our beloved Guardian was not able to answer your letter earlier, and to thank you for the copies of your ‘newspaper’ which you sent him. He is always very happy to see the youth preparing themselves for their future responsibilities in serving and administering the Faith, and he feels that they are never too young to do some share of Bahá’í work; even a child can spread the Message of Bahá’u’lláh, through word and deed, if it wants to! You may be sure he will pray for you all and for the success of your Bahá’í labours, as well as for your spiritual development. With loving greetings, R. Rabbání * May the Spirit of Bahá’u’lláh guide, sustain and bless you in your meritorious endeavours, enable you to deepen your knowledge of the essential verities of His Faith, and aid you to promote effectively, in the days to come, the vital interests of its institutions, {.sig} Your true brother, {.sig} Shoghi {.sig} [Your True Brother: Messages to Junior Youth Written by or on Behalf of Shoghi Effendi] --- ## 1130.
1946-07-20 various to USNSA {.center} USBN #188 October 1946 pp2-3 {.ref .center} You can well imagine that much of his thoughts are now centered on the work of the new Seven Year Plan. Its tremendous importance cannot be over emphasized, for on its success hangs the success or failure of the future work which ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in His wisdom apportioned to the Bahá’ís of North America. The Guardian, however, having had now for 25 years the experience of working with the American believers, no longer has any doubts as to their capacity for work, their devotion, their loyalty and their determination to never fail their Faith! It is therefore with a mind at rest and a confident heart that he has entrusted to them the great tasks of the next seven years. As regards the whole question of the Temple and services held in it: He wishes to emphasize that he is very anxious, now that this first and greatest Temple of the West has been built, and will, within a few years, be used for worship and regular services by the Bahá’ís, that no forms, no rituals, no set customs be introduced over and above the bare minimum outlined in the teachings. The nature of these gatherings is for prayer, meditation and the reading of writings from the Sacred Scriptures of our Faith and other Faiths; there can be one or a number of readers; any Báhá’í chosen, or even, non-Bahá’í, may read. The gatherings should be simple, dignified, and designed to uplift the soul and educate it through hearing the creative word. No speeches may be made, no extraneous matter introduced. The use Of pulpits is forbidden by Bahá’u’lláh; if, in order to be more clearly heard, the person reading stands on a low platform, there is no objection, but this should not be incorporated as an architectural feature of the building. As he already informed you by cable, he thinks that the best seating arrangement from every standpoint is that the section of the audience in the center of the auditorium, beneath the dome, should face towards ‘Akká, and all the other seats around this central space should be placed in the form of a circle so that the seats face inwards towards the center of the Temple. In other words a central mass facing ‘Akká-wards, surrounded by circular rows of seats facing inwards. The reader should stand where he or she will be best seen and heard by all. All minor details regarding this matter are left to the discretion of your Assembly to decide after receiving the advice of experts. As he already informed you, he suggests using fixed rather than movable seats. Vocal music alone may be used and the position of the singers or singer is also a matter for your Assembly to decide; but again, there should be no fixed point, no architectural details marking a special spot. Acoustics should certainly be the main consideration in placing the singers. The Guardian feels that the Temple, if divided into an auditorium and eight or nine small rooms, would have a far too circumscribed seating capacity for a National House of Worship and that also the small rooms would serve no useful purpose whatever. In view of this he instructed you to do away entirely with these superfluous rooms; the whole main floor of the building should form one vast auditorium with no dividing walls at all. What provision for keeping the cold out, and what entrances you wish to make constant use of, are matters for your Assembly to decide after receiving expert advice. Color may be used in the interior— and, indeed, it was Mr. Bourgeois’ intention to use it, as the original cross-section showing the interior, which now hangs here in the archives, shows: (The photographic plate and reproduction of this drawing you already received.) The Guardian feels very strongly that you should adhere as much as possible to the architect’s own design for the interior-otherwise the homogeneity of the building will be destroyed, which would be a fatal mistake. Any modifications should be in the nature of eliminating or simplifying-and only when absolutely necessary— Bourgeois’s designs, and such changes should only be made by an experienced architect and decorator, and not be left to the discrimination of mere laymen. He approves of lighting being employed as part of the decorative scheme, but suggests you avoid anything in the nature of producing a gloomy or bizarre effect. As he cabled you, he approves of opaque white glass being used wherever recommended on the ground floor in order to provide the interior with the necessary privacy. Very careful consideration should be given to the acoustics of the auditorium, and wood or any other material may be used in the interior in order to facilitate this. The use of all nine or only a certain number of entrances is left to you to decide in consultation with your advisers. He need not tell you how very important the decisions are which you will now be called upon to make in connection with completing the Temple interior. He urges you, at all times, to receive the very best technical advice, and to bear in mind that the main thing is that the meetings in the Temple should be conducted in a beautiful and peaceful setting, in comfort and with dignity and simplicity, and that the audience should be able to hear perfectly and the tone values be pleasant to the ear. Music, as one of the arts, is a natural cultural development, and the Guardian does not feel that there should be any cultivation of “Bahá’í Music” any more than we are trying to develop a Bahá’í school of painting or writing. The believers are free to paint, write and compose as their talents guide them. If music is written, incorporating’ the sacred writings, the friends are free to make use of it, but it should never be considered a requirement at Bahá’í meetings to have such music. The further away the friends keep from any set forms, the better, for they must realize that the Cause is ‘ absolutely universal, and what might seem a beautiful addition to their mode of celebrating a Feast, etc., would perhaps fall on the ears of people of another country as unpleasant sounds-and vice versa. As long as they have music for its own sake it is all right, but they should not consider it Bahá’í music. Any blatant acts of immorality on the part of the Bahá’ís should be strongly censored; the friends should be urged to abandon such relationships immediately, straighten out their affairs, and conduct themselves as Bahá’ís; if they refuse to do this, in spite of the warnings of the Assembly, they should be punished through being deprived of their voting rights. The N.S.A. is empowered to settle such cases of flagrant immorality without referring them to the Guardian. As he already informed you by cable, the West Indies, Mexico and Panama are considered part of Central America, and will be under the jurisdiction of the Central American N. S. A. The Canal Zone and Puerto Rico also are part of this area and under its jurisdiction. Two N. S. A.’s will be formed; one for Central and one for South America. They will adopt their own constitutions after election, which should follow as closely as possible that of your own body. This new constitution — for obviously these two new N. S. A.’s will not seek for Latin America to have two different ones — will be in Spanish, and will be published in the Bahá’í World, there to join its sister constitutions in English, German, Arabic and Persian. The Canadian constitution should, likewise, be patterned on and closely follow your own. Your Assembly must determine the number of delegates, and call the first Conventions of these three new national bodies, and they must receive a certain amount of supervision and guidance from you until the end of the present Seven Year Plan, when they will pass directly under the supervision of the Guardian. Your Assembly is, so to speak, their sponsor, and they will become independent at the end of this present plan. There is no objection whatsoever to non-Bahá’ís being present when the long prayer for the dead is read, as long as they respect our manner of reading it by rising and standing as the Bahá’ís do on this occasion. Nor, indeed, is there any objection to non-Bahá’ís being present during the reading of any Bahá’í prayer for the departed. An official Bahá’í funeral service should only be given for a believer, but there is no objection to the reading of Bahá’í prayers, or indeed to a Bahá’í conducting the funeral service of a non-Bahá’í, if this has been requested. In reporting Bahá’í marriages it is much better to mention that the ceremony was performed by the Assembly, as this is the proper thing to do, and an individual only acts for the Assembly on this occasion. As a funeral is not a legal ceremony more latitude can be allowed, especially as the family of the deceased may want some particular Bahá’í friend to officiate. Concerning the question of the Philippines, they are not under your Assembly’s jurisdiction, but you can. being such a sturdy and prosperous community, lend them a helping hand and advise them. The Guardian urges great caution, however, in handling the situation there; this is a new community which has never had any close contact with Bahá’ís from other countries, and well organized and recognized administrative bodies — such as existed in Germany, Austria and Burma before the war. You should ascertain if the people requesting help really need it, and are really Bahá’ís. He would not recommend that anything more than food parcels, clothes, and Bahá’í literature be sent them at present, and he hopes the way will open for a competent Bahá’í teacher to visit them, and help them organize their affairs on a true Bahá’í basis. He feels that sufficient relief funds have now been accumulated in Ṭihrán, and that, except for any parcels of food and gifts individual believers may still wish to send, any sums on hand for this purpose should be directed into the European teaching and publishing work. The Guardian approves in principle of a radio station, and sees no objection to its being in the Temple; but he considers the cost you quote too much of a burden at the present time for the Fund to bear, in view of the multiple expenses of the new — Seven Year Plan. If there is any way it can be done for a price you feel the Fund could pay, and which would be more reasonable, he approves of your doing it. 20 July 1946 --- ## 1131.
1946-07-26 attitude towards the Jewish question {.center} HOLOCAUST AND THE GREATER PLAN OF GOD (Revised 1998) A compilation by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice Our Bahá’í attitude towards the Jewish question and Palestine is not difficult to define: first we have the prophecy of the Master in “Some Answered Questions”; how much that entails we cannot be sure of; all we can say is that God has forgiven the Jews in this Dispensation and that they will return to their homeland. We must not go further than this. Second, we must discuss their problem with sympathy, but dispassionately; we are not concerned with, and must-for the protection of the Faith-keep out of, political controversies; all we can say is that the Jews, like every other minority in the world, are entitled to help, consideration, and justice. We must be broad in our approach to all such extremely heated controversies, and while giving our Bahá’í point of view, not take sides. Needless to say we profoundly sympathize with the Jews, and deplore with all our hearts the cruel treatment they have received. (26 July 1946, on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer) --- ## 1132.
1946-07-27 to Philip Hainsworth re teaching in England {.center} Looking back in Wonder, Phillip Hainsworth, p55-6 Dear Bahá’í Brother, Your letter of June 17th was received, and the beloved Guardian was delighted to receive your good news; both of the state of the Cause in England and the acceptance of the Faith by three new people in Egypt. He hopes that the way will open for you to both enter the pioneer field and also provide for your dear parents. He was very sorry to hear of your father’s condition, and assures you he wifi supplicate for him in the holy shrines, that Bahá’u’lláh may assist him and bless him, and that God’s will for him may be done. What the Guardian meant by appealing more directly to the masses is that the British Bahá’ís must try to acquaint the public with the teachings through public meetings and disseminating literature; this still does not mean they are in a position to launch activities on a scale comparable with what is being done in America: as he told you, their primary consideration at the present time must be to bring people into the Faith, in order to speedily achieve the goals of the Six Year Plan. This has precedence over everything else. He hopes the Summer School will be a great success, and wishes you well in your devoted efforts to stimulate the friends to take immediate action! You may be sure he will pray for you and your family. With loving greetings, Rúḥíyyih Rabbání. May the Beloved guide every step you take in the path of service, bless every effort you exert for the promotion of the Plan, and fulfil every desire you cherish for the advancement of the Faith in your country. Your true brother, Shoghi. {.sig} 1946-07-27 to Philip Hainsworth re teaching in England {.ref .center} --- ## 1133.
1946-07-29 loyal Bahá’ís do not become carriers of CB {.center} Covenant-Breaking Prepared by the The International Teaching Centre — 28 November 1999 He is very happy to know your dear sister is now happier, and more like her old self, and the dark thoughts she had have been dispelled. Covenant-breaking is truly a spiritual disease, and the whole viewpoint and attitude of a Covenant-breaker is so poisonous that the Master likened it to leprosy, and warned the friends to breathe the same air was dangerous. This should not be taken literally; He meant when you are close enough to breathe the same air you are close enough to contact their corrupting influence. Your sister should never imagine she, loyal and devoted, has become a “carrier”. (From a letter dated 29 July 1946 written on behalf of the Guardian to an individual believer) --- ## 1134.
1946-09-02 to Anita Ioas to pioneer in Europe {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp44-5 Anita Ioas, 2 September 1946 Dear Bahá’í Sister: Your letter of August 9th was received, and our beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. He was delighted with your suggestion that you enter the European teaching field at this important juncture, and fully approves of your going. Your dear family has been and is so constantly active in the service of the Faith, and your labours are deeply appreciated by the Guardian. He followed your previous pioneer work, and admires the spirit of devotion that prompts you to again go out in this important field. Please give his loving greetings to your father, and assure him he is often remembered. As to the place you will be able to render the greatest service in Europe: that is a matter for the European Teaching Committee to advise you on. If Honor Kempton can manage to go with you, without weakening the work in Alaska, it would be very nice for you both. You may be sure he will pray for your success in this noble service you are undertaking. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbání Dear co-worker: I am delighted to hear of the plan you have conceived, and I pray from the depths of my heart for your success and the realization of every hope you cherish for the work you will be undertaking. You will be enriching the record of service associated with your dear family, and particularly your dear father whose outstanding services in connection with the first Seven Year Plan47 will ever be remembered with joy and gratitude. Your true brother, Shoghi --- ## 1135.
1946-09-30 to Melanie Humbert plans to pioneer to Belgium {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp45-6 Melanie Humbert, 30 September 1946 Dear Bahá’í Sister: Your letter of September 1st announcing the very good news of your intention to pioneer in Belgium reached our beloved Guardian, and he was delighted with this news. He has been anxious now for very many years that the Cause should be really established there, and a permanent center formed. Now your departure promises the future development of such a center, and you should feel very proud to be able to undertake such a mission to your native land. You may be sure he will pray for you, and that the doors may open, and your work meet with great success. He would also like you to report to him from time to time regarding your work there, and he urges you to keep in close touch with the friends in neighbouring countries. With loving good wishes, yours, R. Rabbání Dear co-worker: I am thrilled by the news you give and by your noble intentions to pioneer in Belgium. My loving and fervent prayers will accompany you in your glorious mission. Persevere and never feel despondent. Future generations, if you be steadfast, will extol the work you will be undertaking, and the Beloved will reward you a thousand fold for your meritorious services. Be happy and confident, your true brother, Shoghi --- ## 1136.
1946-10-06 Need for Pioneers {.center} USBN #189 November 1946 p3 {.ref .center} Shoghi Effendi wants to particularly emphasize the need for more pioneers and travelling teachers, most particularly in the European field. The present very unsettled state of the world, the confusion and suspicion which seems to be growing rather than dissipating, necessitates immediate action; no postponement to future years of an increase of workers abroad can be permitted, if the goals of this second Seven Year Plan are to be successfully achieved. Indeed a time may come when the friends will look back and regret every hour of delay as a priceless opportunity irrevocably lost! Rapid as has been the work in Latin America, the work in Europe must go forward at a much more urgent pace. Although he feels the European Teaching Committee has already done wonderfully well, he urges you to appeal to the believers to arise in far greater numbers, and go abroad at once, heedless of the sacrifices involved. He himself, through his personal correspondence is constantly pressing the Bahá’ís to volunteer for this service, and hopes during the coming months many more people will place themselves at your disposal for this all important service. I need not tell you all that he constantly prays for your success and guidance in the discharge of your increasingly heavy duties. He admires greatly the spirit of perseverance and dedication with which you are serving, and you may call upon him at any time for his assistance and advice. October 5, 1946 {.sig} --- ## 1137.
1946-10-xx To Northampton England community re able to form LSA {.center} Looking back in Wonder, Phillip Hainsworth, p63 REJOICE HISTORIC ACCOMPLISHMENT CONSOLIDATION IMPERATIVE. PRAYING FERVENTLY SUCCESS INCREASE MEMBERSHIP. LOVE SHOGHI. 1946-10-xx To Northampton England community re able to form LSA {.ref .center} ========= {.noid} Hainsworth notes that 3 important points were made in this cable — form Assemblies, consolidate, increase numbers. --- ## 1138.
1946-11-20 to Arnold van Ogtrop on moving to Nederlands {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp47-8 Arnold van Ogtrop, 20 November 1946 Dear Bahá’í Brother, Your welcome letter, dated August 19th, has been received, and our beloved Guardian was very pleased to hear from you, as he had already received news of your attachment to the Faith from the English believers. He has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. He has great hopes for the rapid development of an assembly in Holland; the Dutch people are a fine race, tolerant, intelligent and kindly, and a center in Holland would greatly reinforce the Cause in Europe. Now that the new Dutch Bahá’ís are going to be active there in spreading the teachings, you will have the benefit of their help, and through your united labours should soon be able to establish a group of interested people. He was also very pleased to hear of your visit to the Swiss Bahá’ís; they are devoted and persevering, but need outside help and stimulation. Your experience at the Summer School in England will also be of great help to you, for when the friends gather for study and consultation they really feel the depths of the bonds which unite us in the Faith of God for this day. You may be sure his ardent prayers will be offered for the success of your Bahá’í work, and he will also pray for your father and for the soul of your dear mother, that in the worlds beyond she may have the joy of recognizing Bahá’u’lláh. He would welcome news of your activities and of the progress of the work there. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbání Dear and valued co-worker: I was so glad to hear from you and to be assured of your noble sentiments and determination to serve our beloved Faith. I assure you of my loving and fervent prayers on your behalf and of my eagerness to hear of the progress of your work to which I attach the utmost importance. Persevere in your noble task, and be assured and happy. Your true brother, Shoghi --- ## 1139.
1946-12-13 to Emeric Sala re Latin Americans {.center} Tending the Garden: A Biography of Emeric and Rosemary Sala, p101 The Latin American friends have many fine traits of heart and mind, and he believes they will, in the future, when they become firmly grounded in the World Order and their numbers multiply, contribute much to the general progress of the Faith the world over. 1946-12-13 to Emeric Sala re Latin Americans {.ref .center} --- ## 1141.
1946-12-28 slides of our Bahá́í Temple {.center} Arts and Architecture #9 compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. These slides of our Bahá’í Temple and various activities are very interesting, and open a new door on the teaching approach to the general public. The more interesting sets can be collected and circulated amongst the friends the better.... (on behalf of the Guardian 28 December 1946, to an individual believer) --- ## 1142.
1947-01-xx To Melanie Humbert on pioneering to Belgium {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp49 Melanie Humbert, January 1947 ASSURE LOVING FERVENT PRAYERS SUCCESS HISTORIC MISSION-SHOGHI ========= {.noid} She left NYC for Europe in late Jan and arrived in early Feb --- ## 1143.
1947-02-02 To Rita Sombeek re translation of BNE {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp49-50 Rita van Bleyswijk Sombeek, 2 February 1947 Dear Bahá’í Sister: Your letter of November 9th was received, together with that of your dear sister, and our beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. He was so happy to see that your sister has embraced the Faith and arisen to serve it with you with so much devotion and enthusiasm. He was also very pleased to see you were able to attend, together, both the Convention and the Summer School at Greenacre. These experiences have no doubt deepened your knowledge of the Faith and your attachment to it. The work in Holland is very promising, and he feels sure you both, with Mr. van Ogtrop, will soon see tangible results of your devoted labours. The translation work is of the utmost importance and as soon as you have at least the Esslemont in printed form you will be able to start your teaching work on a large scale. You should keep in close touch with Mrs. Graeffe in Geneva and, as far as practicable, with your co-workers in nearby countries. This will both help and inspire you and cement the bonds of the love of Bahá’u’lláh which is spreading over Europe through the efforts of His consecrated servants. You may be sure your work will be remembered in his prayers, and that he will pray for you both, your happiness and your success. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbání Dear and valued co-worker: The work on which you and you dear sister have embarked is historic, meritorious, and rich in possibilities. Future generations will extol your labours and derive inspiration from the example you have set. I am deeply grateful to you both, admire your spirit, will pray for your success, and am eager to receive the report of your activities. Never lose heart, be assured, happy and grateful. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi ========= {.noid} Rita’s sister was Georgette Straub-Van Bleyswijk Sombeek --- ## 1144.
1947-02-05 like soldiers under attack {.center} USBN #210 August 1948 p2 {.ref .center} The friends must, at all times, bear in mind that they are, in a way, like soldiers under attack. The world is at present in an exceedingly dark condition spiritually; hatred and prejudice of every sort are literally tearing it to pieces. We, on the other hand, are the custodians of the opposite forces, the forces of love, of unity, of peace and integration, and we must continually be on our guard, whether as individuals or as an Assembly or Community, lest through us these destructive, negative forces enter into our midst. In other words, we must beware lest the darkness of society become reflected in our acts and attitudes, perhaps all unconsciously. Love for each other, the deep sense that we are a new organism, the dawn-breakers of a New World· Order, must constantly animate our Bahá’í lives, and we must pray to be protected from the contamination of society which is so diseased with prejudice. — To the Spiritual Assembly. of Atlanta, February 5, 1947 --- ## 1145.
1947-02-15 on behalf of to an individual believer re statements about Greek contacts with Holy Land {.center} Socrates #14 Compiled By Research Department Of The Universal House Of Justice We have no historical proof of the truth of the Master’s statement regarding the Greek philosophers visiting the Holy Land etc., but such proof may come to light through research in the future. We must not take this statement too literally; “contemporary” may have been meant in Persian as something far more elastic than the English word. Likewise, the whole translation probably needs revising. 1947-02-15 on behalf of to an individual believer re statements about Greek contacts w/ Holy Land {.ref .center} --- ## 1146.
1947-02-18 to Alberto Lobaton re Buenos Aires Conf {.center} Eve Nicklin: She of the Brave Heart, Boris Handal, p109-10 Dear Bahá’í Brother: Your letter dated Oct. 14th was received by our beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. News of the wonderful success of the Buenos Aires Conference has already reached him, and he feels that it truly marks a turning point in the development of the work in South America. It also has demonstrated that the believers of Latin America are going to be able to not only elect their two national assemblies, when the time comes, but will be capable of managing the affairs of the Cause in these republics of the New World with dignity, efficiency and success. The news you gave him of the teaching work being carried on by your Assembly in Callao gave him great satisfaction. This work is of the utmost importance, and he assures he will pray that it may be very successful, and that a flourishing Bahá’í Community may soon exist there. Your donation to, and love for, our glorious Cause touches him deeply and he will pray that your services may be richly blessed by Bahá’u’Iláh. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbání Assuring you of my deep and abiding appreciation of your meritorious and historic services to our beloved Faith, and of my fervent prayers for your successful and the speedy realization of every hope you cherish for its extension and promotion, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi {.sig} 1947-02-18 to Alberto Lobaton re Buenos Aires Conf {.ref .center} --- ## 1147.
1947-02-18 to Phillip Hainsworth re teaching in England {.center} Looking back in Wonder, Philip Hainsworth, p65-6 He wishes he more often got such glad news in one letter! It seems that at last the Cause in England is really getting into its stride, and that the British Community of believers are beginning to show forth the fruits of the many blessings showered on them — for England was one of the first countries of the West to hear the Divine Message, and was blessed by two visits from the Centre of the Covenant! Surely the older Bahá’ís must be astonished to see new centres springing up in a matter of months after years of an almost static condition! It shows that wherever and whenever the friends arise to serve, the mysterious power latent in this Divine Cause rushes in to bless and reinforce their labours far beyond their fondest hopes.... He is very happy to hear you are established as a pioneer, with a business of your own, and you may be sure he will pray for your material as well as spiritual success in this goal town. As to the bulletin: he suggests you try and make it as universal in appeal as possible, with news included of outstanding work being done by the Bahá’ís in other lands, in the form of well-written articles. Your dear father’s death, though for him a blessed release, must have been very hard for your Mother and for you as well, to bear. You may be sure the Guardian will pray for his great happiness and progress in the next world. He feels her presence there is an important opportunity to serve the Faith. Please assure her of this and encourage her constantly in your letters. Dear and Valued Co-worker, I was deeply touched by your letter, and I truly admire your services and the spirit which animates you. You are often in my thoughts and prayers, and I will continue to pray, from the depths of my heart, for your success, your happiness and continual spiritual advancement. Persevere in your noble endeavours. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 1947-02-18 to Phillip Hainsworth re teaching in England {.ref .center} --- ## 1148.
1947-02-24 to Corinne True appreciation for services {.center} Corinne True: Faithful Handmaid of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Nathan Rutstein, p200 Dear and valued co-worker: I wish to add a few words in person and express to you my abiding and affectionate appreciation of your past and splendid achievements in the service of the Faith, as well as of the services now rendered by your dear and devoted daughters ...[14] [written by the Guardian to Corinne True, 24 February 1947.] --- ## 1149.
1947-03-28 to an individual believer re discourage photos of paintings of Master7 {.center} Representation of the Manifestations of God and the Master Compiled by Universal House of Justice Research Department The portrait of the Master, which you painted with obviously so much care and love, he has placed in the Western Pilgrim House, where it can be enjoyed by the friends. He has no objection to your giving friends photographs of your portrait, but he feels it should not take the place on their walls of photographs of the Master if they prefer to keep their own, particularly the one taken in Paris which ‘Abdu’l-Bahá Himself chose as being the best of Him. 1947-03-28 to an individual believer re discourage photos of paintings of Master {.ref .center} --- ## 1150.
1947-04-05 to Melanie Humbert Belgian successes {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp52-3 Melanie Humbert, 5 April 1947 Dear Bahá’í Sister: Your letter dated March 14th was received by our beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. He was very happy indeed to see you are going to have a class of six interested persons there, and he assures you he will ardently pray in the Holy Shrines that you may find and confirm receptive souls and soon establish an assembly there. This will be an historic achievement, as the Cause has never spread in Belgium before, in spite of the efforts of many Bahá’í teachers. Your labours are deeply valued, and he will always be happy to receive news of the progress of your activities. With warmest Bahá’í greetings, yours in the service of the blessed Faith, R. Rabbání. Dear and valued co-worker: I am so grateful to you for your magnificent response and I truly admire the spirit which animates you so powerfully in the service of the Faith. You are, I assure you, often in my thoughts and prayers, and I am so eager to learn of the progress of your activities and long for the news of the formation of a spiritual assembly in that country Persevere in your noble task, rest assured, be happy and grateful for the great privilege and honour conferred upon you in these days. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi --- ## 1151.
1947-04-05 to Rita van Bleyswijk Sombeek contacts with Esperantists {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp51-2 Rita van Bleyswijk Sombeek, 5 April 1947 Dear Bahá i Sister: Your letters dated January 4th and February 13th have been received by our beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer them on his behalf. Regarding your question about the Esperantists: for many years they have been one of our closest contacts in Europe, and many of them have become believers. They are working for one of our greatest principles, and we certainly should associate with them. In Germany the Bahá’ís published an Esperanto magazine, and Martha Root represented the Cause at Esperanto Congresses. We cannot say we are sure this language will be the International one, but we are anxious to see it spread as it fosters unity and understanding. By all means foster your contact with them. Whether Esperanto will be chosen as the International language or not we cannot say; but we can say we hope it will spread because it nearly fulfils such a noble purpose. By all means speak to gatherings, when the opportunity arises, about the Faith. There is no objection to broadcasting the Message over the radio — but your first consideration and main objective is to confirm sufficient souls to establish a spiritual assembly, and also to build up your literature in the Dutch language. He is very encouraged to hear you and your dear sister and Mr. van Ogtrop are working in close harmony, and that your spirits are high and you are facing the work with so much joy! You may be sure his loving prayers for your spiritual advancement and understanding will be offered in the Holy Shrines. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbání May the Spirit of Bahá’u’lláh ever sustain you, cheer your heart, illumine your path, remove every obstacle that impedes the progress of your historic work, aid you to attract capable souls to the Faith, and establish a firm and unassailable foundation for its institutions. {.sig} Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi --- ## 1152.
1947-04-05 to Van Bleyswijk Sombeek re Esperantists {.center} The Bábí Question You Mentioned, Jelle deVries, p204 1947-04-05 to Van Bleyswijk Sombeek, re Esperantists {.ref .center} They are working for one of our greatest principles, and we certainly should associate with them. In Germany the Bahá’ís published an Esperanto Magazine, and Martha Root represented the Cause at Esperanto congresses. We cannot say we are sure this language will be the international one, but we are anxious to see it spread as it fosters unity and understanding. By all means foster your contact with them.’’ [on behalf of Guardian] --- ## 1153.
1947-04-08 to community of Nottingham re successes {.center} Looking back in Wonder, Philip Hainsworth, p66-7 Dear Bahá’í Friends, Your letter, dated 16 February, was received and read by our beloved Guardian with great joy, and he has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. The news of your group having reached Assembly status was a source of deep satisfaction to him, and demonstrates what the friends can do, once they put their shoulder to the wheel! You have every reason to feel proud of your achievement, and he hopes you will, through your correspondence and contacts with your fellow believers, encourage them to follow your example and forge ahead, in spite of every obstacle, with determination, confident that once we do our part, God is never failing in His. He hopes your numbers will steadily increase and that many young people will be attracted to the Faith, as the part they have to play is very great and, also, their need of the Faith is very great. You may be sure his loving prayers will be offered for you, and for the success of your labours, in the Holy Shrines. May the Beloved bless your efforts in the service of our beloved Faith, and enable you to deepen your knowledge of the essentials of His World Order, to increase your numbers, to extend the scope of your activities, and to fulfil every desire you cherish for its promotion and consolidation. {.sig} Your true and grateful brother; Shoghi 1947-04-08 to community of Nottingham re successes {.ref .center} --- ## 1154.
1947-04-10 deepening admiration for {.center} Quoted in Never be Afraid to Dare, Jasion, p223 Dear and prized co-worker, I wish to answer you in person of my ever deepening admiration for the exemplary tenacity, devotion & loyalty you have exhibited ever since you have landed on the European continent in the service of our beloved Faith. The example you have set is being followed by the American believers these days and future generations will no doubt extol your magnificent services. Persevere in your glorious task and be happy. Affectionately. Shoghi. {.sig} [to Marion Jack, 10 April 1947 --- ## 1155.
1947-04-14 to Melanie Humbert {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp53-4 Melanie Humbert, 14 April 1947 Dear Bahá’í Sister: Your letters dated February 16th and March 10th, with other enclosures, were received, and Shoghi Effendi has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. He is indeed (as you so clearly see) very over-worked with his mail; but he does not want your kind letter to go unanswered. It is wonderful to see, at last, the intellectuals turning to the problems of the world and seeking to solve them. Side by side with this non-Bahá’í work, so close to many of Bahá’u’lláhs teachings, we believers must carry on our purely Bahá’í work, which only we can do, and which has such tremendous implications for the future of humanity in every sphere. Your interest in our glorious Faith, in its many aspects, pleases him greatly, and he urges you to teach the Cause as much as possible, and help to find new ways of reaching the public and different elements in it. He read your letters to the N.S.A. and Contacts Committee, and is glad to see the evidences of your devotion to the Cause. You may be sure he will pray for the success of your labours in its service. With Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbání May the Beloved bless, guide and sustain you, and enable you to promote effectively the best interests of His Faith, and fulfil your hearts desire in its service. Your true brother, Shoghi {.sig} --- ## 1156.
1947-04-15 to Horace Holley re financial aspects of construction of Shrine of the Báb {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p242-3 {.ref .center} He therefore has in mind asking the friends, those in a position financially to do so, to raise a loan in order to place these contracts...he himself wishes to be considered the guarantor in this matter and will repay the loan at the earliest possible moment. He is very anxious to have no misunderstanding on this point. He is financing this work from the international funds of the Cause and will only consider an arrangement by which he will repay this temporary loan...As our situation here is so uncertain that any day we may find mail and even cables suspended temporarily he is hastening to get this information off to you...if suitable arrangements can be made and contracts signed Mr. Giachery will have to act as representative in this matter, receiving the sums from the States which you will send, keeping an eye on the work in Italy, and generally assuming responsibility there if we all get cut off from each other...He has urged Mr. Maxwell and Mr. Weeden to be back here in Palestine in three weeks if possible as he is afraid that we might be entirely cut off from them...It is wonderful to know that the actual work on the Shrine is now so far advanced as to see the possibility of building operations being begun some time soon. But tremendous obstacles must be overcome, and, he feels confident, will be overcome. 1947-04-15 to Horace Holley re financial aspects of construction of Shrine of the Báb {.ref .center} --- ## 1157.
1947-04-19 for SE to ind re trans GPB into Arabic {.center} Bahá’í Studies Bulletin Vol 5 #1-2 September 1985 pp93 ... He attaches great importance to a suitable title for the book*, and feels that you should not necessarily try to get a short one...As you know the concept embodied in the English words is very subtle...a very powerful spiritual concept, but a beautiful term in the English language...He cannot, alas, provide you with the originals of the less well-known quotations. (19 April 1947) 1947-04-19 for SE to ind re trans GPB into Arabic {.ref .center} ========= {.noid} (* Translations of “God Passes By” into Arabic) --- ## 1158.
1947-04-24 to Theo Durieux first Belgian Bahá’í {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp54 Theo Durieux, 24 April 1947 Dear Bahá’í Brother: Your letter dated April 5th was received by our beloved Guardian and he has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. He was very happy indeed to receive news of you, and to know that dear Miss Humbert has an active Bahá’í brother to lean upon in Belgium, and to assist her in her labour to promote the Cause of God there! You may be sure he will especially pray for your health, that you may regain your strength and thus be able to not only pursue your work but assist Miss Humbert in her teaching efforts. He will also pray that some members of your family at least, if not all of them, will become spiritually quickened and receptive to the world transforming Message of Bahá’u’lláh. Please give his cordial greetings to Miss Humbert when you see her. With warm Bahá’í greetings to you, yours in the Faith, R. Rabbání Assuring you of my loving and ardent prayers for your spiritual advancement, for the expansion of your meritorious activities, and the realization of every hope you cherish for the progress of our beloved Faith and the establishment of its nascent institutions in that country Your true brother, Shoghi --- ## 1159.
1947-04-28 Personal Participation or Appointment of Deputies {.center} USBN #195 May 1947 p1 {.ref .center} I am impelled to appeal to all American believers possessing independent means to arise and supplement the course of the second year of the second Seven Year Plan through personal participation or appointment of deputies, the superb exertions of the heroic vanguard of the hosts destined, through successive decades, to achieve the spiritual conquest of the continent unconquered by Islám, rightly regarded as the mother of Christendom, the fountainhead of American culture, the mainspring of western civilization, and the recipient of the unique honor of two successive visits to its shores by the Center of Bahá’u’lláh’s Covenant. SHOGHI {.sig} Cablegram received April 28, 1947 {.ref .center} --- ## 1160.
1947-04-28 to Charlotte Stirrat on arrival in Netherlands {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp55 Charlotte Stirrat, 28 April 1947 Dear Bahá’í Sister: Your letter to our beloved Guardian, dated April 18th, has just been received, and he has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. He is very happy to hear of your settling in Amsterdam and of the close cooperation between the fine Bahá’ís in Holland. It is so wonderful to think that already the better half of an assembly exists there, in number! He was also delighted to hear that Mr. van Ogtrop has been having such well attended fireside meetings; this type of teaching is very important as through it new souls are often confirmed. The devoted labours you and the other dear believers there are putting forth in order to speedily establish the first Spiritual Assembly in the Low countries, are very deeply appreciated by him, and you may rest assured he is ardently praying for the success of your work and the fulfilment of your hearts desire in every way. With warmest Bahá’í love and greetings, yours in the Faith, R. Rabbání May the Almighty bless your pioneer efforts, reward you for your historic labours, aid you to assist in the establishment of a spiritual assembly in that land, and to fulfil every desire you cherish for the promotion of our glorious Faith. Your true brother, Shoghi {.sig} --- ## 1161.
1947-05-03 re — Hidden Words Arabic No. 63 {.center} References of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá and Shoghi Effendi to the Hidden Words Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. Published in Bahá’í Studies Review 9 re : Hidden Words Arabic No. 63 “Túr” and “Sinai” should not be taken literally; the first is an allusion to Mount Sinai, which in this case means the Manifestation of God; the second, “Sinai”, represents the human heart. (From a postscript in the handwriting of Shoghi Effendi to a letter dated 3 May 1947 written on his behalf to an individual believer) [note: This statement referred to an early translation. The word “Túr” was later translated by the Guardian as “sacred Mount” ] --- ## 1162.
1947-05-04 to U.S. National Conv {.center} USBN #196 June 1947 p1 {.ref .center} Greatly touched by noble sentiments of delegates. Profoundly grateful, deepest love, ardent prayers. Shoghi {.sig} To the Convention Received May 4. 1947. --- ## 1163.
1947-05-07 To the Canadian Bahá’ís {.center} USBN #196 June 1947 p1 {.ref .center} To the Canadian Bahá’ís Share joys and hopes of dearly beloved members of Canadian Bahá’í community; urge redouble efforts as hour of triumph approaches. Loving fervent prayers. Shoghi {.sig} Received May 7, 1947. --- ## 1164.
1947-05-08 To the National Spiritual Assembly {.center} USBN #196 June 1947 p1 {.ref .center} To the National Spiritual Assembly Deeply appreciate n e w 1 y — elected Assembly’s noble determination. Praying for Bahá’ — u’lldh’s guidance, sustaining grace and richest blessings for manifold, weighty tasks shouldered by its consecrated, privileged. resolute members. Deepest love. Shoghi {.sig} Received May 8, 1947. --- ## 1165.
1947-05-08 to UKNSA re George Townshend {.center} Quoted in George Townshend, David Hoffman He has already informed the American N.S.A. that he feels Mr Townshend’s services to the Faith can best be rendered by his writing about it, as he obviously has an outstanding ability in this direction, combined with knowledge and zeal, and can render a very valuable service this way; also he feels that Mr Townshend, now that his church association seems about to be broken, could be used as part of the pioneer force in Eire. It is his own land, he knows his own people, and the need for workers there is very particularly great this year. Naturally, if Mr and Mrs Townshend have received a personal invitation to go to America and care to accept it, they are quite free to do so. If Mr Townshend has not as yet been registered as a voting believer he certainly should be immediately. Every one knows he has been a most devoted Bahá’í for many years and his contributions should certainly be considered those of a voting Bahá’í. [letter to UK NSA on behalf of Shoghi Effendi, 8 May 1947] --- ## 1166.
1947-05-09 Assistance to Philippine Bahá́ís {.center} USBN #196 June 1947 p6 {.ref .center} Assistance to Philippine Bahá’ís He is not in favor, as he already wrote you, of sending the Philippine friends any other assistance than food parcels and some Bahá’í literature. and he does not want money forwarded to them, as the American believers have already a very heavy program to carry out, in connection with their present Seven Year Plan, and can not afford to dissipate their resources. — May 9, 1947 --- ## 1167.
1947-05-09 Begin Temple Work {.center} USBN #196 June 1947 p7 {.ref .center} The way the European teaching work is forging ahead and the number of pioneers being sent (and already settled abroad) greatly encourages him. It now remains for your Assembly to forge ahead with equal speed in carrying out the initial steps required before work on the Temple in situ can be begun. As all kinds of unforeseen complications may arise before the interior is completed, the sooner the first contracts are placed and work actually started, the better. As you know, he is very anxious to have work actually begun on the site this year, and he urges you to press the matter as much as possible. —May 9. 1947. --- ## 1168.
1947-05-09 Credentials for orientals {.center} USBN #196 June 1947 p6-7 {.ref .center} As to your question as to what races should be regarded as coming under the heading of “Orientals” in connection with ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s warnings: there is no doubt He was primarily thinking of the Near Eastern races of Islámic extraction, who have every reason to look upon the Faith either with contempt as a mere heresy within, or sect of Islám, or with hatred as a potential threat to the supremacy of their religion. Likewise, it is these Near Eastern races, particularly the Persian, who have been most persistently exposed to the propaganda and bad example of the Covenant-breakers, old and new, and from whose ranks these very Covenant-breakers have sprung. These circumstances, combined with the fact that, like his Prophetic Forebears, Bahá’u’lláh appeared amongst the people most in need of enlightenment-and hence at their lowest ebb morally-are the reasons for not only ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s and his own (i.e.. the Guardian’s) repeated warnings concerning Orientals, but also for the conduct, so often demonstrated, unfortunately, by these same Orientals, and which amply justifies our attitude of great precaution and wariness concerning receiving them in our midst and believing their declarations to be sincere. Shoghi Effendi also feels that the Moslems of India should likewise be included in this category, owing to their respective religious and racial background. If any credentials your Assembly receives, issued by other National Assemblies, are ambiguous in tone, you should write the body in question and request them to clarify the matter, and be more specific in the future. At present the Guardian does not want to introduce any set international form of credentials. —May 9. 1947 --- ## 1169.
1947-05-09 Importance of Direct Bahá́í Activity {.center} USBN #196 June 1947 p7 {.ref .center} He cannot urge upon you all sufficiently. and through you the American believers, the importance of Bahá’ís realizing that direct, concentrated and efficiently carried out Bahá’í work is not only their supreme duty but the best way they can serve the interests of humanity and hasten the day when at least the Lesser Peace will become a reality. We must always bear in mind that Bahá’u’lláh’s Order is the sovereign remedy, and all other measures. inaugurated by the United Nations or various governments, are in the nature of palliatives, however sound and progressive they may be. We must concentrate on perfecting our characters as individual Bahá’ís and on maturing our still embryonic, and as yet imperfectly understood World Order; on spreading the Message, according to the provisions of the Divine Plan: and on building a tightly-knit, world-wide Bahá’í community. We are relatively few in numbers, and have such a precious, unique and responsible task to carry out we must concentrate our full forces upon it. — May 9, 1947. --- ## 1170.
1947-05-09 association with the United Nations {.center} USBN #196 June 1947 p7 {.ref .center} He feels the friends should bear in mind that the primary reason that he is encouraging Bahá’í association with the United Nations is to give the Cause due publicity as an agency working for and firmly believing in the unification of the human family and permanent peace, and not because he believes that we are at present in a position to shape or influence directly the course of human affairs! Also, he feels this association will afford the believers an opportunity of contacting prominent and progressive-minded people from different countries and calling the Faith and its principles to their attention. We should associate ourselves in every way with all movements of UN which are in accordance with our principles and objectives; but we should not seek to take the initiative or ... focus a glare of publicity and public attention on a very wide scale, upon ourselves which might prove very detrimental to our own interests. He considered, for instance, the “Bahá’í Declaration of Human Obligations and Rights” appropriate and believes this type of action to be wise and suitable. —May 9, 1947. --- ## 1171.
1947-06-16 national committee membership {.center} USBN #198 August 1947 p3 {.ref .center} “ In going over the Minutes of your recent N.S.A. meeting he noticed that you had decided to try as far as possible to eliminate N.S.A. members from the national committees. Although he fully realizes your reasons for taking this decision, he feels it infringes on one of the fundamental principles of our administrative order which is freedom of choice-freedom of electors to elect anyone they please to local or national bodies, and freedom of the members of these bodies to appoint any Bahá’í, who seems best qualified for the work, to function on committees. “The first consideration must always be the person best qualified for a job, and National Assembly members should in such matters not be either discriminated against, or in favor of, because of the position they occupy on the national body.” June 16, 1947 {.sig} --- ## 1172.
1947-07-03 Temple inspired by the Taj Mahal {.center} Arts and Architecture #8 compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. He personally does not believe that the Master’s wish to have a Temple inspired by the Taj Mahal meant that it must be one hundred percent based on that building and fully Indian in all details. He feels the Master meant that the general impression, the beauty, contours and symmetry of that glorious tomb should be predominant in the Temple. (on behalf of the Guardian 3 July 1947, to an individual believer) --- ## 1173.
1947-07-04 authenticity of any of phrases in Old or New Testament {.center} The Bible: Extracts on the Old on New Testaments compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. We cannot be sure of the authenticity of any of the phrases in the Old or the New Testament. What we can be sure of is when such references or words are cited or quoted in either the Qur’án or the Bahá’í writings.     (4 July 1947 to an individual believer on Behalf of the Guardian) --- ## 1174.
1947-07-05 To an individual believer re areas of study {.center} Scholarship (BSB) Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. Published in Bahá’í Studies Bulletin Vol 1-1 It is very easy indeed for him to understand how you, with your training, are often tested and irritated by your contact with some of the believers. But then you must remember that your advantages of a reasonable mind and a scientific education, have not been given to all, and you cannot expect acceptance of Bahá’u’lláh’s Teachings to endow people with these things automatically! But think of the kind of human beings, if brought up in the society He envisages, and taught in homes, schools and universities which were the mirror and product of His teachings, which would be produced! There you would really have a new race of men. Shoghi Effendi has for years urged the Bahá’ís (who asked his advice, and in general also), to study history, economics, sociology, etc., in order to be au courant with all the progressive movements and thoughts being put forth today, and so that they could correlate these to the Bahá’í teachings. What he wants the Bahá’ís to do is to study more, not to study less. The more general knowledge, scientific and otherwise, they possess, the better. Likewise he is constantly urging them to really study the Bahá’í teachings more deeply. One might liken Bahá’u’lláh’s teachings to a sphere; there are points poles apart, and in between the thoughts and doctrines that unite them. We believe in balance in all things; we believe in moderation in all things — we must not be too emotional, nor cut and dried and lacking in feeling, we must not be so liberal as to cease to preserve the character and unity of our Bahá’í system, nor fanatical and dogmatic. Very few people, as you as a psychologist know, have attained perfect equilibrium in their minds or their lives — their acts — the same is certainly true of the Bahá’ís, for anyone who believes in our teachings can become a Bahá’í and they represent all elements of the population. He can see quite clearly both your point of view and that express’ by those dear and devoted Bahá’ís whom you quoted in your letter. Both Mr. Remey and Mr. Holley are men of much experience and considerable learning in their way; what they no doubt meant was that the solution given to the world’s problems by Bahá’u’lláh is the only solution — being Divine in origin — and most desperately needed; therefore we, the few who have caught the vision, should not waste our energies beating up and down the paths pursued by humanity,and which are not solving its ghastly present-day problems. We should concentrate on the Cause, because it is what is needed to cure the world. This is a sound attitude, for if we don’t devote ourselves to the Bahá’í work and teaching who will? On the other hand there is a big difference between this and learning. If the Bahá’ís want to be really effective in teaching the Cause they need to be much better informed and able to discuss intelligently, intellectually, the present condition of the world and its problems. We need Bahá’í scholars,not only people far, far more deeply aware of what our teaching really are, but also well read and educated people, capable of correlating our teachings to the current thoughts of the leaders of society. We Bahá’ís should, in other words, arm our minds with knowledge in order to better demonstrate to, especially the educated classes, the truths enshrined in our Faith. What the Guardian, however, does not advise the friends to do is to dissipate their time and energies in serving movements that are akin to our principles but not, we believe, capable of solving the present spiritual crisis the world finds Itself in. We can cooperate with such movements and their promoters to good effect,while at the same time openly standing forth as Bahá’ís with a specific program to offer society. 1947-07-05 To an individual believer re areas of study {.ref .center} --- ## 1175.
1947-07-05 on behalf of to an individual believer subjects to study {.center} Science and Technology #7 Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. Shoghi Effendi has for years urged the Bahá’ís (who asked his advice, and in general also) to study history, economics, sociology, etc., in order to be au courant with all the progressive movements and thoughts being put forth today, and so that they could correlate these to the Bahá’í teachings. What he wants the Bahá’ís to do is to study more, not to study less. The more general knowledge, scientific and otherwise, they possess, the better. Likewise he is constantly urging them to really study the Bahá’í teachings more deeply. One might liken Bahá’u’lláh’s teachings to a sphere; there are points poles apart, and in between the thoughts and doctrines that unite them. We believe in balance in all things; we believe in moderation in all things-we must not be too emotional, nor cut and dried and lacking in feeling, we must not be so liberal as to cease to preserve the character and unity of our Bahá’í system, nor fanatical and dogmatic. 1947-07-05 on behalf of to an individual believer subjects to study {.ref .center} --- ## 1176.
1947-07-07 circulation of the statement on communism {.center} Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union A Compilation From the Bahá’í Writings, #38 Compiled by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice He does not endorse, however, the circulation of the statement on communism, and considers that if such a document fell into the hands of the wrong people it could cause a great deal of harm, especially in those countries where the believers are living under Soviet rule or in states strongly influenced by communism. The issues touched upon are too vital and too interwoven with present — day politics for us to make any written comment upon them. However he feels that orally pioneers could be apprised of these things and warned to be extremely discreet in communicating our viewpoints to those they teach in Europe, and elsewhere. The word communism cannot be dissociated from the Soviet Political Regime, and great wisdom is required to make our viewpoint clear without giving the impression we are for or against any existing government. (7 July 1947 on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to the National Spiritual Assembly of the United States and Canada) --- ## 1177.
1947-07-07 observe nine Holy Days {.center} USBN #198 August 1947 p3 {.ref .center} He wishes also to stress the fact that, according to the Bahá’í laws, work is forbidden on our nine Holy Days. Believers who have independent businesses or shops should refrain from working on these days. Those who are in government employ should, on religious grounds, make an effort to be excused from work; all believers, whoever their employers, should do likewise. If the government or other employers refuse to grant them these days off, they are not required to forfeit their employment, but they should make every effort to have the independent status of the Faith recognized and their right to hold their own religious Holy Days acknowledged.” –July 7, 1947 --- ## 1178.
1947-07-07 statement regarding Orientals {.center} USBN #198 August 1947 p3 {.ref .center} The statement regarding Orientals he considers very well selected, and feels that it will be an added protection to the believers, especially those newly enrolled in the Faith. SHOCHI EFFENDI July 7, 1947 {.sig} --- ## 1179.
1947-07-14 Cover letter {.center} On 9 July 47, Shoghi Effendi received a letter from the chairman of United Nations Special Committee on Palestine requesting a statement on the relationship which the Bahá’í Faith had to Palestine and the Bahá’í attitude towards any future changes in the status of the country.  His reply was written 14 July 47 and sent the next day. A portion of the cover letter were published in BW vol X and not made part of the statement published as a pamphlet.   That letter is as follows as published in Rúḥíyyih _Khánum’s 1988 book, “The Guardian of the Bahá’í Faith” [which is similar but not identical to “The Priceless Pearl.] Mr. Justice Emil Sandstrom, Chairman,  United Nations Special Committee on Palestine. Sir: Your kind letter of July 9th reached me and I wish to thank you for affording me the opportunity of presenting to you and your esteemed colleagues a statement of the relationship which the Bahá’í Faith has to Palestine and our attitude towards any future changes in the status of this sacred and much disputed land. I am enclosing with this letter, for your information, a brief sketch of the history, aims and significance of the Bahá’í Faith, as well as a small pamphlet setting forth its views towards the present state of the world and the lines on which we hope and believe it must and will develop. The position of the Bahá’ís in this country is in a certain measure unique: whereas Jerusalem is the spiritual center of Christendom it is not the administrative center of either the Church of Rome or any other Christian denomination. Likewise although it is regarded by Moslems as the spot where one of its most sacred shrines is situated, the Holy Sites of the Muḥammadan Faith, and the center of its pilgrimages, are to be found in Arabia, not in Palestine. The Jews alone offer somewhat of a parallel to the attachment which the Bahá’ís have for this country inasmuch as Jerusalem holds the remains of their Holy Temple and was the seat of both the religious and political institutions associated with their past history. But even their case differs in one respect from that of the Bahá’ís, for it is in the soil of Palestine that the three central Figures of our religion are buried, and it is not only the center of Bahá’í pilgrimages from all over the world but also the permanent seat of our Administrative Order, of which I have the honor to be the Head. The Bahá’í Faith is entirely non-political and we neither take sides in the present tragic dispute going on over the future of the Holy Land and its peoples nor have we any statement to make or advice to give as to what the nature of the political future of this country should be. Our aim is the establishment of universal peace in this world and our desire to see justice prevail in every domain of human society, including the domain of politics. As many of the adherents of our Faith are of Jewish and Moslem extraction we have no prejudice towards either of these groups and are most anxious to reconcile them for their mutual benefit and for the good of the country. What does concern us, however, in any decisions made affecting the future of Palestine, is that the fact be recognized by whoever exercises sovereignty over Haifa and Acre, that within this area exists the spiritual and administrative center of a world Faith, and that the independence of that Faith, its right to manage its international affairs from this source, the right of Bahá’ís from any and every country of the globe to visit it as pilgrims (enjoying the same privilege in this respect as Jews, Moslems and Christians do in regard to visiting Jerusalem), be acknowledged and permanently safeguarded. The Sepulchre of the Báb on Mt. Carmel, the Tomb of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in that same spot, the Pilgrim Hostel for oriental Bahá’ís in its vicinity, the large gardens and terraces which surround these places (all of which are open to visits by the public of all denominations), the Pilgrim Hostel for western Bahá’í s at the foot of Mt Carmel, the residence of the Head of the Community various houses and gardens in Acre and its vicinity associated with Bahá’u’lláh’s incarceration in that city, His Holy Tomb at Bahjí, near Acre, with His Mansion which is now preserved as a historic site and a museum (both likewise accessible to the public of all denominations), as well as holdings in the plain of Acre — all these comprise the bulk of Bahá’í properties in the Holy Land. It should also be noted that practically all of these properties have been exempted from both Government and Municipal taxes owing to their religious nature. Some of these extensive holdings are the property of the Palestine Branch of the National Spiritual Assembly of the United States and Canada, incorporated as a religious society according to the laws of the country. In future various other Bahá’í National Assemblies will hold, through their Palestine Branches, part of the International Endowments of the Faith in the Holy Land. In view of the above information I would request you and the members of your Committee to take into consideration the safeguarding of Bahá’í rights in any recommendation which you may make to the United Nations concerning the future of Palestine. May I take this opportunity of assuring you of my deep appreciation of the spirit in which you and your colleagues have conducted your investigations into the troubled conditions of this Sacred Land. I trust and pray that the outcome of your deliberations will produce an equitable and speedy solution of the very thorny problems which have arisen in Palestine. Yours faithfully, Shoghi Rabbání Haifa, Palestine, July 14, 1947 {.sig} --- ## 1180.
1947-07-14 Faith of Bahá́ulláh {.center} Abstract: A summary of the origin, teachings and institutions of the Bahá’í Faith, prepared in 1947 for the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine by Shoghi Effendi in his capacity as Head of the Bahá’í Faith. Notes: Adopted from www.bic-un.bahai.org/47-0701.htm. Add or read comments or links pertaining to this work here. Classified in Bahá’í Writings and Letters from the Guardian. The Faith of Bahá’u’lláh: A World Religion by Shoghi Effendi 1947-07 {.ref .center} Palestine, Palestine July, 1947 {.sig} The Faith established by Bahá’u’lláh was born in Persia about the middle of the nineteenth century and has, as a result of the successive banishments of its Founder, culminating in His exile to the Turkish penal colony of ‘Akká, and His subsequent death and burial in its vicinity, fixed its permanent spiritual center in the Holy Land, and is now in the process of laying the foundations of its world administrative center in the city of Haifa. Alíke in the claims unequivocally asserted by its Author and the general character of the growth of the Bahá’í community in every continent of the globe, it can be regarded in no other light than a world religion, destined to evolve in the course of time into a world-embracing commonwealth, whose advent must signalize the Golden Age of mankind, the age in which the unity of the human race will have been unassailably established, its maturity attained, and its glorious destiny unfolded through the birth and efflorescence of a world-encompassing civilization. Restatement of Eternal Verities Though sprung from Shi’íh Islám, and regarded, in the early stages of its development, by the followers of both the Muslim and Christian Faiths, as an obscure sect, an Asiatic cult or an offshoot of the Muḥammadan religion, this Faith is now increasingly demonstrating its right to be recognized, not as one more religious system superimposed on the conflicting creeds which for so many generations have divided mankind and darkened its fortunes, but rather as a restatement of the eternal verities underlying all the religions of the past, as a unifying force instilling into the adherents of these religions a new spiritual vigor, infusing them with a new hope and love for mankind, firing them with a new vision of the fundamental unity of their religious doctrines, and unfolding to their eyes the glorious destiny that awaits the human race. The fundamental principle enunciated by Bahá’u’lláh, the followers of His Faith firmly believe, is that religious truth is not absolute but relative, that Divine Revelation is a continuous and progressive process, that all the great religions of the world are divine in origin, that their basic principles are in complete harmony, that their aims and purposes are one and the same, that their teachings are but facets of one truth, that their functions are complementary, that they differ only in the non-essential aspects of their doctrines, and that their missions represent successive stages in the spiritual evolution of human society. To Reconcile Conflicting Creeds The aim of Bahá’u’lláh, the Prophet of this new and great age which humanity has entered upon — He whose advent fulfils the prophecies of the Old and New Testaments as well as those of the Qur’án regarding the coming of the Promised One in the end of time, on the Day of Judgment — is not to destroy but to fulfill the Revelations of the past, to reconcile rather than accentuate the divergencies of the conflicting creeds which disrupt present-day society. His purpose, far from belittling the station of the Prophets gone before Him or of whittling down their teachings, is to restate the basic truths which these teachings enshrine in a manner that would conform to the needs, and be in consonance with the capacity, and be applicable to the problems, the ills and perplexities, of the age in which we live. His mission is to proclaim that the ages of the infancy and of the childhood of the human race are past, that the convulsions associated with the present stage of its adolescence are slowly and painfully preparing it to attain the stage of manhood, and are heralding the approach of that Age of Ages when swords will be beaten into plowshares, when the Kingdom promised by Jesus Christ will have been established, and the peace of the planet definitely and permanently ensured. Nor does Bahá’u’lláh claim finality for His own Revelation, but rather stipulates that a fuller measure of the truth He has been commissioned by the Almighty to vouchsafe to humanity, at so critical a juncture in its fortunes, must needs be disclosed at future stages in the constant and limitless evolution of mankind. Oneness of the Human Race The Bahá’í Faith upholds the unity of God, recognizes the unity of His Prophets, and inculcates the principle of the oneness and wholeness of the entire human race. It proclaims the necessity and the inevitability of the unification of mankind, asserts that it is gradually approaching, and claims that nothing short of the transmuting spirit of God, working through His chosen Mouthpiece in this day, can ultimately succeed in bringing it about. It, moreover, enjoins upon its followers the primary duty of an unfettered search alter truth, condemns all manner of prejudice and superstition, declares the purpose of religion to be the promotion of amity and concord, proclaims its essential harmony with science, and recognizes it as the foremost agency for the pacification and the orderly progress of human society. It unequivocally maintains the principle of equal rights, opportunities and privileges for men and women, insists on compulsory education, eliminates extremes of poverty and wealth, abolishes the institution of priesthood, prohibits slavery, asceticism, mendicancy and monasticism, prescribes monogamy, discourages divorce, emphasizes the necessity of strict obedience to one’s government, exalts any work performed in the spirit of service to the level of worship, urges either the creation or the selection of an auxiliary international language, and delineates the outlines of those institutions that must establish and perpetuate the general peace of mankind. The Herald The Bahá’í Faith revolves around three central Figures, the first of whom was a youth, a native of _Shíráz, named Mírzá ‘Alí-Muḥammad, known as the Báb (Gate), who in May, 1844, at the age of twenty-five, advanced the claim of being the Herald Who, according to the sacred Scriptures of previous Dispensations, must needs announce and prepare the way for the advent of One greater than Himself, Whose mission would be according to those same Scriptures, to inaugurate an era of righteousness and peace, an era that would be hailed as the consummation of all previous Dispensations, and initiate a new cycle in the religious history of mankind. Swift and severe persecution, launched by the organized forces of Church and State in His native land, precipitated successively His arrest, His exile to the mountains of A_dh_irbáyján, His imprisonment in the fortresses of Máh-Kú and Chihríq, and His execution, in July, 1850, by a firing squad in the public square of Tabríz. No less than twenty thousand of his followers were put to death with such barbarous cruelty as to evoke the warm sympathy and the unqualified admiration of a number of Western writers, diplomats, travelers and scholars, some of whom were witnesses of these abominable outrages, and were moved to record them in their books and diaries. Bahá’u’lláh Mírzá Ḥusayn-‘Alí, surnamed Bahá’u’lláh (the Glory of God), a native of Mázindarán, Whose advent the Báb had foretold, was assailed by those same forces of ignorance and fanaticism, was imprisoned in Ṭihrán, was banished, in 1852, from His native land to Ba_ghdád, and thence to Constantinople and Adrianople, and finally to the prison city of ‘Akká, where He remained incarcerated for no less than twenty-four years, and in whose neighborhood He passed away in 1892. In the course of His banishment, and particularly in Adrianople and ‘Akká, He formulated the laws and ordinances of His Dispensation, expounded, in over a hundred volumes, the principles of His Faith, proclaimed His Message to the kings and rulers of both the East and the West, both Christian and Muslim, addressed the Pope, the Caliph of Islám, the Chief Magistrates of the Republics of the American continent, the entire Christian sacerdotal order, the leaders of _Shí‘ah and Sunní Islám, and the high priests of the Zoroastrian religion. In these writings He proclaimed His Revelation, summoned those whom He addressed to heed His call and espouse His Faith, warned them of the consequences of their refusal, and denounced, in some cases, their arrogance and tyranny. ‘‘Abdu’l-Bahá His eldest son, ‘Abbás Effendi, known as ‘‘Abdu’l-Bahá (the Servant of Bahá), appointed by Him as His lawful successor and the authorized interpreter of His teachings, Who since early childhood had been closely associated with His Father, and shared His exile and tribulations, remained a prisoner until 1908, when, as a result of the Young Turk Revolution, He was released from His confinement. Establishing His residence in Haifa, He embarked soon after on His three-year journey to Egypt, Europe and North America, in the course of which He expounded before vast audiences, the teachings of His Father and predicted the approach of that catastrophe that was soon to befall mankind. He returned to His home on the eve of the first World War, in the course of which He was exposed to constant danger, until the liberation of Palestine by the forces under the command of General Allenby, who extended the utmost consideration to Him and to the small band of His fellow-exiles in ‘Akká and Haifa. In 1921 He passed away, and was buried in a vault in the mausoleum erected on Mount Carmel, at the express instruction of Bahá’u’lláh, for the remains of the Báb, which had previously been transferred from Tabríz to the Holy Land after having been preserved and concealed for no less than sixty years. Administrative Order The passing of ‘‘Abdu’l-Bahá marked the termination of the first and Heroic Age of the Bahá’í Faith and signalized the opening of the Formative Age destined to witness the gradual emergence of its Administrative Order, whose establishment had been foretold by the Báb, whose laws were revealed by Bahá’u’lláh, whose outlines were delineated by ‘‘Abdu’l-Bahá in His Will and Testament, and whose foundations are now being laid by the national and local councils which are elected by the professed adherents of the Faith, and which are paving the way for the constitution of the World Council, to be designated as the Universal House of Justice, which, in conjunction with me, as its appointed Head and the authorized interpreter of the Bahá’í teachings, must coordinate and direct the affairs of the Bahá’í community, and whose seat will be permanently established in the Holy Land, in close proximity to its world spiritual center, the resting-places of its Founders. The Administrative Order of the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh, which is destined to evolve into the Bahá’í World Commonwealth, and has already survived the assaults launched against its institutions by such formidable foes as the kings of the Qájár dynasty, the Caliphs of Islám, the ecclesiastical leaders of Egypt, and the Nazi regime in Germany, has already extended its ramifications to every continent of the globe, stretching from Iceland to the extremity of Chile, has been established in no less than eighty-eight countries of the world, has gathered within its pale representatives of no less than thirty-one races, numbers among its supporters Christians of various denominations, Muslims of both Sunní and _Shí‘ah sects, Jews, Hindus, Sikhs, Zoroastrians and Buddhists. It has published and disseminated, through its appointed agencies, Bahá’í literature in forty-eight languages; has already consolidated its structure through the incorporation of five National Assemblies and seventy-seven local Assemblies, in lands as far apart as South America, India and the Antipodes-incorporations that legally empower its elected representatives to hold property as trustees of the Bahá’í community. It disposes of international, national and local endowments, estimated at several million pounds, and spread over every continent of the globe, enjoys in several countries the privilege of official recognition by the civil authorities, enabling it to secure exemption from taxation for its endowments and to solemnize Bahá’í marriage, and numbers among its stately edifices, two temples, the one erected in Russian Turkistan and the other on the shore of Lake Michigan at Wilmette, on the outskirts of Chicago. This Administrative Order, unlike the systems evolved after the death of the Founders of the various religions, is divine in origin, rests securely on the laws, the precepts, the ordinances and institutions which the Founder of the Faith has Himself specifically laid down and unequivocally established, and functions in strict accordance with the interpretations of the authorized Interpreters of its holy scriptures. Though fiercely assailed, ever since its inception, it has, by virtue of its character, unique in the annals of the world’s religious history, succeeded in maintaining the unity of the diversified and far-flung body of its supporters, and enabled them to launch, unitedly and systematically, enterprises in both Hemispheres, designed to extend its limits and consolidate its administrative institutions. The Faith which this order serves, safeguards and promotes, is, it should be noted in this connection, essentially supernatural, supranational, entirely non-political, non-partisan, and diametrically opposed to any policy or school of thought that seeks to exalt any particular race, class or nation. It is free from any form of ecclesiasticism, has neither priesthood nor rituals, and is supported exclusively by voluntary contributions made by its avowed adherents. Though loyal to their respective governments, though imbued with the love of their own country, and anxious to promote, at all times, its best interests, the followers of the Bahá’í Faith, nevertheless, viewing mankind as one entity, and profoundly attached to its vital interests, will not hesitate to subordinate every particular interest, be it personal, regional or national, to the over-riding interests of the generality of mankind, knowing full well that in a world of interdependent peoples and nations the advantage of the part is best to be reached by the advantage of the whole, and that no lasting result can be achieved by any of the component parts if the general interests of the entity itself are neglected. Nor should the fact be overlooked that the Faith has already asserted and demonstrated its independent religious character, has been emancipated from the fetters of orthodoxy in certain Islámic countries, has obtained in one of them an unsolicited testimony to its independent religious status, and succeeded in winning the allegiance of royalty to its cause. Tributes by Leaders “It is like a wide embrace,” is Queen Marie of Rumania’s own tribute, “gathering together all those who have searched for words of hope. It accepts all great Prophets gone before, ‘ it destroys no other creeds and leaves all doors open.... The Bahá’í teaching brings peace to the soul and hope to the heart. To those in search of assurance, the words of the Father are as a fountain in the desert after long wandering.... It is a wondrous message that Bahá’u’lláh and His son ‘‘Abdu’l-Bahá have given us. They have not set it up aggressively, knowing that the germ of eternal truth which lies at its core cannot but take root and spread.... It is Christ’s Message taken up anew, in the same words almost, but adapted to the thousand years and more difference that lies between the year one and today... If ever the name of Bahá’u’lláh or ‘‘Abdu’l-Bahá comes to your attention, do not put their writings from you. Search out their books, and let their glorious, peace — bringing, love — creating words and lessons sink into your hearts as they have into mine.” “The teachings of the Bábís,” wrote Leo Tolstoy, “... have a great future before them ... I therefore sympathize with Bábism with all my heart, inasmuch as it teaches people brotherhood and equality and sacrifice of material life for service to God ... The teachings of the Bábís which come to us out of Islám have through Bahá’u’lláh’s teachings been gradually developed, and now present us with the highest and purest form of religious teaching.” “Take these principles to the diplomats,” is the late President Masaryk’s advice, “to the universities and colleges and other schools, and also write about them. It is the people who will bring the universal peace.” “The Bahá’í teaching,” is President Eduard Benes’ testimony, “is one of the great instruments for the final victory of the spirit and of humanity ... The Bahá’í Cause is one of the great moral and social forces in all the world today. I am more convinced than ever, with the increasing moral and political crises in the world, we must have greater international coordination. Such a movement as the Bahá’í Cause which paves the way for universal organization of peace is necessary.” “If there has been any Prophet in recent times,” asserts the Rev. T. K. Cheyne in his ‘The Reconciliation of Races and Religions’, “it is to Bahá’u’lláh that we must go. Character is the final judge. Bahá’u’lláh was a man of the highest class-that of Prophets.” “It is possible indeed,” declares Viscount Samuel of Carmel, “to pick out points of fundamental agreement among all creeds. That is the essential purpose of the Bahá’í religion, the foundation and growth of which is one of the most striking movements that have proceeded from the East in recent generations.” “Palestine,” is Professor Norman Bentwich’s written testimony, “may indeed be now regarded as the land not of three but of four faiths, because the Bahá’í creed, which has its center of faith and pilgrimage in ‘Akká and Haifa, is attaining to the character of a world religion. So far as its influence goes in the land, it is a factor making for international and inter-religious understanding.” And, finally, is the judgment passed by no less outstanding a figure than the late Master of Balliol, Professor Benjamin Jowett: “The Bábí movement may not impossibly turn out to have the promise of the future.” Professor Lewis Campbell, an eminent pupil of Dr. Jowett, has confirmed this statement by quoting him as saying: “This Bahá’í Movement is the greatest light that has come into the world since the time of Jesus Christ. You must watch it and never let it out of your sight. It is too great and too near for this generation to comprehend. The future alone can reveal its import.” --- ## 1181.
1947-07-15 for SE to ind re trans Qayyúmul-Asmá into English {.center} Bahá’í Studies Bulletin Vol 5 #1-2 September 1985 pp93 He does not believe there is anyone at present capable of translating the passages you referred to in the Qayyúmu’1-Asmá into befitting and accurate English. Arabic is especially difficult, and many of the Bahá’f writings will require a well-qualified group of translators, not just one person. 1947-07-15 for SE to ind re trans Qayyúmu’1-Asmá into English {.ref .center} --- ## 1182.
1947-10-19 to Corinne True blessing family {.center} Corinne True: Faithful Handmaid of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Nathan Rutstein, p200 I rejoice that your dear daughters are following in your footsteps, and I will supplicate the Beloved to bless this family that has rendered and is still rendering such distinguished services to the Cause of Bahá’u’lláh. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi {.sig} [to Corinne True blessing family, 19 October 1947.] --- ## 1183.
1947-10-19 to John Bernard Corne {.center} USBN #202 December 1947 p3 {.ref .center} Regarding your questions: There are only two institutions which are infallible, one is the guardianship, the other the International House of Justice. What the Master desired to protect the friends against was continual bickering and opinionatedness. A believer can ask the Assembly why they made a certain decision and politely request them to reconsider. But then he must leave it at that, and not go on disrupting local affairs through insisting on his own views. This applies to an Assembly member as well. We all have a right to our opinions, we are bound to think differently; but a Bahá’í must accept the majority decision of his Assembly, realizing that acceptance and harmony-even if a mistake has been made-are the really important things, and when we serve the Cause properly, in the Bahá’í way, God will right any wrongs done in the end. Bahá’ís are not required to vote on an Assembly against their consciences. It is better if they submit to the majority view and make it unanimous. But they are not forced to. What they must do, however, is to abide by the majority decision, as this is what becomes effective. They must not go around undermining the Assembly by saying they disagreed with the majority. In other words, they must put the Cause first and not their own opinions. He, (an S. A. member) can ask the Assembly to reconsider a matter, but he has no right to force them or create inharmony because they won’t change. Unanimous votes are preferable, but certainly cannot be forced upon Assembly members by artificial methods such as are used by other societies. What Bahá’u’lláh means by chastity certainly does not include the kissing that goes on in modern society. It is detrimental to the morals of young people, and often leads them to go too far, or arouses appetites which they cannot perhaps at the time satisfy legitimately through marriage, and the suppression of which is a strain on them. The Bahá’í standard is very high, more particularly when compared with the thoroughly rotten morals of the present world. But this standard of ours will produce healthier, happier, nobler people, and induce stabler marriages. — to John Bernard Cornel dated October 19, 1947 [See also http://bahai-library.com/guardian_easy_familiarity which includes John’s letter to the Guardian. John was on-line when I first got on-line and discussed the background of this letter, which had to do w/ his divorce and his belief that the local Assembly had been conned by his ex-wife. ] --- ## 1184.
1947-10-24 meeting with the grandchild of Ṣubḥ-i-Azal {.center} Covenant-Breaking Prepared by the The International Teaching Centre — 28 November 1999 He noted the report of ... about her meeting with the grandchild of Ṣubḥ-i-Azal. He feels that the friends should as much as possible avoid her, as it is very unlikely she has anything but prejudice against Bahá’u’lláh, in view of her background. (From a letter dated 24 October 1947 to a National Spiritual Assembly) --- ## 1185.
1947-10-24 to a National Spiritual Assembly re assoc with grandchild of Ṣubḥ-i-Azal {.center} Non-association with Covenant-breakers #11 Compiled by Continental Board of Counsellors. He noted the report of ... about her meeting with the grandchild of Ṣubḥ-i-Azal. He feels that the friends should as much as possible avoid her, as it is very unlikely she has anything but prejudice against Bahá’u’lláh, in view of her background. 1947-10-24 to a National Spiritual Assembly re assoc w/ grandchild of Ṣubḥ-i-Azal {.ref .center} --- ## 1186.
1947-10-25 Marriage ceremony & prayer {.center} USBN #202 December 1947 p2 {.ref .center} There is no objection to performing a Bahá’í marriage for two non-Bahá’ís, if they desire to have our simple ceremony. This, on the contrary, is yet another way of demonstrating our liberality. Bahá’u’lláh has clearly stated the consent of all living parents is required for a Bahá’í marriage. This applies whether the. parents are Bahá’ís or non-Bahá’ís, divorced for years, or not. This great law He has laid down to strengthen the social fabric, to knit closer the ties of the home, to place a certain gratitude and respect in the hearts of children for those who have given them life and sent their souls out on the eternal journey towards their Creator. We Bahá’ís must realize that in present — day society the exact opposite process is taking place: young people care less and less for their parents’ wishes, divorce is considered a natural right, and obtained on the flimsiest and most unwarrantable and shabby pretexts. People separated from each other, especially if one of them has had full custody of the children, are only too willing to belittle the importance of the partner in marriage also responsible as a parent for bringing those children into this world. The Bahá’ís must, through rigid adherence to theBahá’í laws and teachings, combat those corrosive forces which are so rapidly destroying home life and the beauty of family relationships, and tearing down the moral structure of society. The point the Indian NSA called to your attention about the Marriage Tablet is correct; part of it is Bahá’u’lláh’s, part of it ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s. October 25, 1947 {.sig} [See page 7 Bahá’í News for February, 1947. The Marriage Prayer as reprinted is attributed to ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, whereas in reality the text consists of two separate Tablets. The text up to “the Lord of the worlds!” is by Bahá’u’lláh, and the remaining text is a Tablet by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. — USBN editor] Here is the text as printed in the February 1947 USBN. It is now found in the U.S. Prayer Book as two separate Marriage Prayers, but the section — - — - {.ed} “And we greet and salute those of the Bayán who became the people of Bahá, those who expended their efforts for the upraising of this luminous Faith, and whom the blame of the blamer did not withhold from God. {.blockquote} is not included. {.ed} The 1906 pilgrim notes of ‘Alí-Kuli _Khán refers to the Tablet of Bahá’u’lláh as a homily to read during the wedding ceremony and is a slightly different translation. The version below from the Feb 1947 USBN is by Marzieh Gail from the Marriage Certificate used by the Assemblies in Persia. He is the Bestower, the Bounteous! “Praise be to God, the Ancient, the Ever-Abiding, the Changeless, the Eternal! He Who hath testified in His Own Being that verily He is the One, the Single, the Untrammeled, the Exalted. We bear witness that verily there is no God but Him; acknowledging His oneness, confessing His singleness. He hath ever dwelt in unapproachable heights, in the summits of His loftiness, sanctified from the mention of aught save Himself, free from the description of aught but Him. “And when He desired to manifest grace and beneficence to men, and to set the world in order, He revealed observances and created laws; among them He established the law of marriage, made it as a fortress for well-being and salvation, and enjoined it upon us in that which was sent down out of the heaven of sanctity in His Most Holy Book. He saith, great is His glory: ‘Marry, 0 people, that from you may appear he who will remember Me amongst My servants; this is one of My commandments unto you; Obey it as an assistance to yourselves.’ “And we greet and salute those of the Bayán who became the people of Bahá, those who expended their efforts for the upraising of this luminous Faith, and whom the blame of the blamer did not withhold from God. Praise be to God, the Lord of the worlds! “He is God! O peerless Lord! In Thine almighty wisdom Thou hast enjoined marriage upon the peoples, that the generations of men may succeed one another in this contingent world, and that ever, so long as the world shall last, they may busy themselves at the Threshold of Thy oneness with servitude and worship, with salutation, adoration and praise. ‘I have not created spirits and men, but that they should worship Me.’1 Wherefore, wed Thou in the heaven of Thy mercy these two birds of the nest of Thy love, and make them the means of attracting perpetual grace; that from the union of these two seas of love a wave of tenderness may surge and cast the pearls of pure and goodly issue on the shore of life. ‘He hath let loose the two seas, that they meet each other: Between them is a barrier which they overpass not. Which then of the bounties of your Lord will ye deny? From each He bringeth up greater and lesser pearls:’2 0 Thou kind Lord! Make Thou this marriage to bring forth coral and pearls. Thou are verily the AllPowerful, the Most Great, the Ever-Forgiving!” (signed) ‘Ayn-‘Ayn {.sig} 1 Qur’cin 51:56. 2 Qur’án 55:9-22. --- ## 1187.
1947-10-25 Relief to European Pioneers {.center} USBN #202 December 1947 p2 {.ref .center} If any of the European pioneers are really in need of relief parcels for their personal use, there is certainly no objection to sending them some. However, he certainly would not send relief for those whom they are teaching or contacting, as this would seem in the nature of either a reward or an enticement for those attracted to the Faith. October 25, 1947. {.sig} [This statement from Haifa was written in response to the question raised at the last National Convention as to whether relief packages should be sent to the European pioneers for distribution to needy non-believers in their vicinity.] --- ## 1188.
1947-10-25 long Healing Prayer {.center} USBN #202 December 1947 p2 {.ref .center} The long Healing Prayer translated by Dr. _Khán and his daughter is authentic. As it is one which, when rendered into English, loses much of its rich imagery, he does not feel it is suitable at present for inclusion in a prayer book, as non-Bahá ‘is might find it rather strange –October 25, 1947. [This is a reference to the typescript version that was passed around] --- ## 1189.
1947-10-25 prerequisites for Assembly {.center} USBN #202 December 1947 p3 {.ref .center} A spiritual Assembly can only exist where there are nine or more adult declared Bahá’ís in a specific area, who hold a proper election or constitute themselves an Assembly properly. There is nothing vague about it, and no departure can be made :from the accepted procedure. October 25, 1947. {.sig} --- ## 1190.
1947-10-25 year 1335 {.center} USBN #202 December 1947 p3 {.ref .center} In the August issue of Bahá’í News there is a statement about the year 1335 and a reference to “God Passes ~ By” in which it gives the impression that in that book the Guardian associates the fulfilment of Daniel’s prophecy with one hundred years after Bahá’u ‘llah’s mystic experience. He wishes me to point out that this is inaccurate as on page 151 of “ God Passes By,” in the reference to His Declaration, the Guardian clearly states that with this declaration the “ hundred lunar years” had commenced. The mystic experience of Bahá’u’lláh was in the Síyáh-_Ch_ál and has nothing to do with Daniel’s prophecy. This statement of the Guardian is itself based on extracts from two of the Master’s Tablets which are published in “The Passing of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá.” — dated October 25, 1947. --- ## 1191.
1947-11-15 Overjoyed at recent victories {.center} USBN #202 December 1947 p3 {.ref .center} Overjoyed at recent victories, achievements .... Praying for continual extension in range of magnificent accomplishments by divinely-guided, much beloved, highly admired American Bahá’í community. November 15, 1947. {.sig} --- ## 1192.
1947-11-16 pamphlets of the Covenant-breakers {.center} http://bahai-library.com/uhj_writings_covenant_breakers “Regarding the pamphlets of the Covenant-breakers received in Ṭihrán the Guardian stated that these papers which are not worthy of any attention whatsoever were received in the Holy Land. Any further material sent in the future should be ignored, and no refutation or reply be given, because the material is regarded as baseless distortion of truth.” (From a letter dated 16 November 1947 written on behalf of the Guardian to the National Spiritual Assembly of Persia — translated from the Persian) Writings of Covenant-breakers and other Enemies of the Faith Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. --- ## 1193.
1947-11-23 to Rita van Bleyswijk Sombeek on recovering fm surgery {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp56-7 Rita van Bleyswijk Sombeek, 23 November 1947 Dear Bahá’í Sister: Your letter to our beloved Guardian, dated November 16th, has been received, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. He is delighted to hear you are now fully recovered and again active in your important work for the Cause. However, you should not neglect your health but consider it the means which enables you to serve. It — the body — is like a horse which carries the personality and spirit, and as such should be well cared for so it can do its work! You should certainly safeguard your nerves, and force yourself to take time, and not only for prayer and meditation, but for real rest and relaxation. We don’t have to pray and meditate for hours in order to be spiritual. The meetings you are so successfully holding, and the interest in our Bahá’í books shown by Mr. Buys, are very encouraging signs of progress. If a non-Baháï publishing firm should bring out a Bahá’í book it would add greatly to the prestige of the Cause in the eyes of the public. As long as the original text is preserved in its entirety and the translation good, we can certainly have no objection to such a constructive effort. He will pray for the success of all you and the other dear believers there are doing, and for the speedy establishment of an assembly in Amsterdam. With loving greetings, R. Rabbání May the Almighty aid you to recover fully and speedily your strength, promote actively the teaching activities you have so nobly and energetically initiated, win to the Faith additional souls of great capacity and hasten the advent of the day when the first historic Bahá’í assembly will have been established in Holland.65 Your true and grateful brother; Shoghi {.sig} --- ## 1194.
1947-12-07 to Haifa Planning Commission re Shrine of the Báb {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p240-1 {.ref .center} Haifa Dec. 7th, 1947. Haifa Local Building and Town Planning Commission. To the Chairman Dear Sir: In connection with the accompanying drawings and application for permission to build, I wish to add a word of explanation. The Tomb of the Báb, and of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, so well known to the people of Haifa as ‘Abbás Effendi, is already in existence on Mt. Carmel in an incomplete form. In its present state, in spite of the extensive gardens surrounding it, it is a homely building with a fortress-like appearance. It is my intention to now begin the completion of this building by preserving the original structure and at the same time embellishing it with a monumental building of great beauty, thus adding to the general improvement in the appearance of the slopes of Mt. Carmel. The purpose of this building will, when completed remain the same as at present. In other words it will be used exclusively as a Shrine entombing the remains of the Báb. As you will see from the accompanying drawings the completed structure will comprise an arcade of twenty four marble or other monolith columns surmounted by an ornamental balustrade, on the first floor or ground floor of the building. It is this part of the building that we wish to begin work on at once, leaving the intermediary section [page 241] and the dome, which will surmount the whole edifice when completed, to be carried on in the future, if possible at an early date after the completion of the ground floor arcade. The Architect of this monument building is Mr. W.S. Maxwell, F.R.I.B.A., F.R.A.I.C., R.C.A., the well-known Canadian architect, whose firm built the Chateau Frontenac Hotel in Quebec, the House of Parliament in Regina, the Art Gallery, Church of the Messiah, various Bank buildings, etc., in Montreal. I feel the beauty of his design for the completion of the Báb’s Tomb will add greatly to to appearance of our city and be an added attraction for visitors. Yours truly, Shoghi Rabbání 1947-12-07 to Haifa Planning Commission re Shrine of the Báb {.ref .center} --- ## 1195.
1947-12-15 19 Day Feasts {.center} USBN #207 May 1948 p4 {.ref .center} “ ... Regarding your question: The Devotional part of the 19 Day F east means the reading of P rayers by Bahá’u’lláh and the Master. If, after this, there is a period of reading the teachings, his (the Guardian’s) writings may be included, but this does not form part of the devotional aspect of the meeting. “Attendance at 19 Day Feasts is not obligatory but very important, and every believer should consider it a duty and privilege to be present on such occasions. “ If the N.S.A. should wish to publish the above in Bahá’í News it may do so. He leaves such matters to the discretion of that body. “He wishes the Bahá’ís to press for recognition of their right to observe their own Holy Days, and to observe them whenever possible in strict accordance with our teachings.” from a letter to Marzieh Gail dated Dec. 15, 1947) --- ## 1196.
1947-12-18 Louis Gregory svc at GreenAcre {.center} cited in To Move the World, Gayle Morrison, p305 He feels your loving association with the believers you are able to contact in Green Acre, and in the near-by towns, and the memories of the Master which you can share with them, as well as general Bahá’í instruction, of which you and your dear wife have such a store, and which you can impart to others-are the best ways you can serve the Cause at present. ... ... . In this world age and health and material conditions limit the soul. But in the next world it is free.” [to Louis Gregory, 18 Dec 1947, ltrs of Shoghi Effendi, USBNC Archives] --- ## 1197.
1947-12-27 Committees must assume more responsibility {.center} USBN #204 February 1948 {.ref .center} “He feels that Committees must assume more responsibility and exercise freedom of choice and judgment in electing their officers, and function as a corporate body with a corporate spirit. More especially so as now that the Cause is growing in numbers, and its responsibilities are being multiplied, national Committees are acquiring added importance and must seek, ever-increasin’gly, to follow the pattern of Bahá’u ‘llah and assume responsibility for the election of their officers. These Committees must develop, become mature, and forge ahead courageously, relying more on united effort and less on personal leadership, as is now the case with local and national Assemblies.” December 27, 1947 {.sig} --- ## 1198.
1947-xx-xx Extend assistance Marion Jack {.center} USBN #282 August 1954 p5 {.ref .center} Advise encourage extend assistance through European Teaching Committee beloved Marion Jack who over decade dauntlessly held fort exemplified spirit worthy emulation entire North American Bahá’í community. [Cable to USNSA 1947] --- ## 1199.
1948-01-04 to Ellsworth Blackwell re anti-racism protests {.center} White and Negro Alíke (Kindle edition), Audrey Mike 1948-01-04 to Ellsworth Blackwell re anti-racism protests {.ref .center} Jan. 4, 1948 Haifa {.sig} Dear Bahá’í Brother, Your letter to our beloved Guardian of Dec. 26th, 1947, was received, together with the clipping you sent, and he has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. He does not see any objection to Bahá’í students taking part as Bahá’ís in a protest such as that mentioned in the clipping. On the contrary, he does not see how they could remain indifferent when fellow students were noticing our own Bahá’í attitude in such a vital issue and one we feel so strongly about. He thinks that the quotation you cite, from “The Advent of Divine Justice” would certainly indicate that such a protest was justifiable as there was nothing political about it there was no reason for the Bahá’í students not to participate. He assures you and your dear wife of his prayers on your behalf, and his loving appreciation of your trusted services to the Cause. With warmest greetings, R. Rabbání [response to follow ltr] 4641 So. Michigan Ave. Chicago 15, Illinois, USA December 26, 1947 {.sig} Dear Shoghi Effendi, I am enclosing for your consideration a newspaper clipping and photo from one of the Chicago newspapers. As you can see, it concerns a protest meeting by the student body against racial discrimination at the University of Chicago. At the present time there is an official Bahá’í study group at this institution. Examination of the photograph will show that this Bahá’í group participated in this protest rally along with other University groups by the display of a placard or poster with the name Bahá’í thereon. My question, then, is this: Is there anything wrong in the protesting of Bahá’í student groups against racial prejudice along with other student groups or organizations? I would also like to know if the following quotation from The Advent of Divine Justice, (page 20), would in any way justify such action by these students: “Freedom from racial prejudice in any of all its forms should …be adopted as the watchword of the entire body of American believers, in whichever state they reside, in whatever circles they move, whatever their age, traditions, tastes and habits. It should be consistently demonstrated in every phase of their activity and life, whether in the Bahá’í community or outside of it, in public or in private, formally as well as informally, individually as well as in their official capacity as organized groups, committees and Assemblies. It should be deliberately cultivated through the various and everyday opportunities…… at their schools and colleges, their social parties and recreation grounds, their Bahá’í meetings, conferences, conventions, summer schools and Assemblies.” My wife joins me in Bahá’í love and greetings to you and all the Holy Household. Faithfully in His service. Ellsworth Blackwell --- ## 1200.
1948-01-05 Crimson Book {.center} USBN #210 August 1948 p3 {.ref .center} Unfortunately it would seem that the knowledge “which could largely eliminate fear” has not been disclosed or identified by Bahá’u’lláh, so we do not know what it is. However, what Bahá’u’lláh did not elaborate but what He meant by the ‘world” recorded in the Crimson Book was the power of the Covenant. The “Crimson Book” refers to the Book of His Covenant, and the reference above means the power for unity which the Covenant possesses and radiates. On page 238 of “God Passes By” you will find the crosse reference to the “Crimson Book” and the “Epistle to the Son of the Wolf.” — To Charles S. Krug, January 5, 1948, through his secretary --- ## 1201.
1948-01-30 to Eve Nicklin re move to Punta Areas Chile {.center} Eve Nicklin: She of the Brave Heart, Boris Handal, p137-8 He heartily approves of your going to Punta Areas to strengthen the work there, as he considers it a very important outpost of the Faith and one that must be maintained at all costs. The news of the very successful congress held in Santiago pleased him very much. Now that more of the Latin believers are active and beginning to assume responsibilities, the work will go forward on a more permanent foundation, as pioneers from a foreign land can never take the place of native believers, who must always constitute the bedrock of any future development of the Faith in their country. 1948-01-30 to Eve Nicklin re move to Punta Areas, Chile {.ref .center} ========= {.noid} She was concerned about such a move given the rather primitive living conditions and cold weather; she had rheumatism, fibro-myalgia. See also 1948-12-06 to Eve Nicklin re suggested teaching methods in Punta Arenas --- ## 1202.
1948-01-xx Letter to Ellsworth Blackwell copyconfidential {.center} Letter to Ellsworth Blackwell Haifa, Jan [illegible] 1948. Dear Bahá’í Brother. Your letter to our beloved guardian of Dec. 26th, 1947, was received together with the clipping you sent. and he has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. He does not see any objection to Bahá’í students taking part as Bahá’ís in a protest such as that mentioned in the clipping. On the contrary he does not see how they could remain indifferent when fellow students were voicing our own Bahá’í attitude on such a vital issue and one we feel so strongly about. He thinks that the quotation you cite, from “The Advent of Divine Justice,” would certainly indicate that such a protest was justifiable, as there was nothing political about it, there was no reason for the Bahá’í students not to participate. He assures you and your dear wife of his prayers on your behalf and his loving appreciation of your trusted services to the Cause. With Warmest greetings, R. Rabbání. Assuring you of my ardent prayers for the success of your high endeavors and the realization of every hope you cherish for the advancement of the vital interests of your beloved Faith, your true brother, Shoghi. “In connection with the subject matter of Mr. Blackwell’s letter and your reference to it, the Guardian feels that, as he said in his letter to Mr. Blackwell, there was no objection at all to the students taking part in something so obviously akin to the spirit of our teachings as a campus demonstration against race prejudice. The Bahá’ís did not inaugurate this protest, they merely were proud to have a voice as Bahá’ís in such a protest, took part, and he thinks they did quite right and violated no administrative principle.” (From a letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to the National Spiritual Assembly of the United States and Canada, November 18, 1948) comments by Richard Hollinger These articles are about a December 1947 protest against racial discrimination at the University of Chicago that Bahá’í students participated in. I believe this is the protest that Ellsworth Blackwell wrote to Shoghi Effendi about, which brought the well-known response affirming that their participation was appropriate. If you look closely in the photos you can see a sign saying “Bahá’í University Fellowship Fights Bigotry.” I’m writing about the role of Bahá’ís in the civil rights movement. I went looking for this demonstration to place that letter in some context, but also to see if it linked to CORE, which began at the U of C a few years earlier and which Bahá’ís were active in around this time. Committee on Racial Equality was a big thing in Chicago, with linkages to the later Freedom rides against Jim Crow in the south. If you want me to look through archival materials, let me know...can’t do it just now, but eventually. I have looked at Beecher Hall’s student director committee records from when Martha Root lived there (it was a dorm then, it houses faculty offices mostly now. She briefly held an office — treasurer I think it was. at some point i would to figure out the role that Ellsworth Blackwell in the Development of CORE’s protest strategies. He was chair of their public accommodations committee in 1944, when he planned some creative protests to integrate an ice rink. I’ll be looking at the national CORE records shortly, which may document this, but they are mainly from the 1960s onward. I am guessing that he sent the article from the Chicago Defender about the protest, which includes the smaller photo, which is likely what raised the issue in the Chicago community. Above clipping was fairly widespread, originated w/ Chicago Defender. --- ## 1203.
1948-01-xx Letter to Ellsworth Blackwell {.center} Letter to Ellsworth Blackwell Haifa, Jan [illegible] 1948. Dear Bahá’í Brother. Your letter to our beloved guardian of Dec. 26th, 1947, was received together with the clipping you sent. and he has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. He does not see any objection to Bahá’í students taking part as Bahá’ís in a protest such as that mentioned in the clipping. On the contrary he does not see how they could remain indifferent when fellow students were voicing our own Bahá’í attitude on such a vital issue and one we feel so strongly about. He thinks that the quotation you cite, from “The Advent of Divine Justice,” would certainly indicate that such a protest was justifiable, as there was nothing political about it, there was no reason for the Bahá’í students not to participate. He assures you and your dear wife of his prayers on your behalf and his loving appreciation of your trusted services to the Cause. With Warmest greetings, R. Rabbání. Assuring you of my ardent prayers for the success of your high endeavors and the realization of every hope you cherish for the advancement of the vital interests of your beloved Faith, your true brother, Shoghi. “In connection with the subject matter of Mr. Blackwell’s letter and your reference to it, the Guardian feels that, as he said in his letter to Mr. Blackwell, there was no objection at all to the students taking part in something so obviously akin to the spirit of our teachings as a campus demonstration against race prejudice. The Bahá’ís did not inaugurate this protest, they merely were proud to have a voice as Bahá’ís in such a protest, took part, and he thinks they did quite right and violated no administrative principle.” (From a letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to the National Spiritual Assembly of the United States and Canada, November 18, 1948) regarding a December 1947 protest against racial discrimination at the University of Chicago that Bahá’í students participated in. --- ## 1204.
1948-03-04 to Philip Hainsworth re state of the world etc {.center} Looking back in Wonder, Philip Hainsworth, p76-7 Dear Bahá’í Brother, Your letter to our beloved Guardian, dated February 23rd, has been received, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. Regarding the various matters you asked his advice and opinion about. It is not surprising, in view of the gloom overhanging the entire world, and in conjunction with their run-down, exhausted state due to war conditions and present circumstances of life in England, that the British Bahá’ís should sometimes reflect the state of their countrymen! It is a pity; and they should certainly try, as believers, to be cheerful and radiant; but he feels the greatest sympathy for them, and considers that when their present achievements are assessed in future, people will give them a double measure of praise for having done so much when they were least fit to do it. The spirit of determination, and their perseverance, are truly outstanding. Just because some people have lost their vision of the Cause, or never had a proper grasp of its implications before entering it, and leave the fold, should not cause undue discouragement. There are bound to be such cases, and although every moral support should be given them if they still wish to withdraw, they fall off — as you said — like withered leaves from the Tree of the Faith, and do it no real harm. He likes to be provided with facts by the friends, when they ask his advice, for although his decisions are guided by God, he is not, like the Prophet, Omniscient at will, in spite of the fact that he often senses a situation or condition without having any detailed knowledge of it. As to your own plans, he feels that you should not leave Nottingham at present, where you are not only needed by the local Community, but where you have a store. He suggests you make a serious effort, through devoting more time to your business, to getting it on its feet, and at least in a condition to dispose of, if you don’t think it worth continuing. He is very anxious to have the pamphlets in African languages gotten out — both the one Mrs Preston was to see to, and the one you mention you can get done, at least the translation, by an African. He suggests you write Mrs. Preston, and urge her to get the Swahili one done quickly (he himself has heard nothing from her at all), and you make suitable selections for a small pamphlet to be sent to your African acquaintance and translated into Chinyanza. He is delighted at the prospect of having this done, as our publications are now translated and printed in 50 languages, two are being translated into 12 additional languages. One of these 50 is Tegrinia, an African tongue. He urges you to never feel discouraged, or that you have in any way failed in your services; on the contrary you have done a tremendous lot of work for the Cause since your return to England, and he is very happy over your accomplishments, and assures you he will pray in the Shrines for the solution of your problems and the fulfilment of your heart’s desire. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbání. Dear and valued co-worker, I wish to assure you in person of my everlasting gratitude for the historic and magnificent work you have achieved in recent years — a work of which I feel truly proud. You should be happy, grateful and confident, and persevere in your great task, which the Beloved, f feel sure, will continue to bless and guide. The spirit you have imparted to the friends afíer your return from the Holy Land has been responsible for the success you achieved. May the Beloved sustain you in your high endeavours. Your true and grateful brother; Shoghi 1948-03-04 to Philip Hainsworth re state of the world etc {.ref .center} --- ## 1205.
1948-04-05 To the Believers of Amsterdam on election of 1st Assembly {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp58-9 To the Believers of Amsterdam, 4 July 1948 Dear Bahá’í Friends: Your words of greeting and expressions of devotion to our beloved, were forwarded to the Guardian by Mrs. Baker, and he assures you they were much appreciated. He would have answered you sooner, had circumstances here not only held up the mails but kept him very occupied. He was so happy to see how alive and active you all are in serving the Cause there, and spreading this great Message of hope amongst the people. We Bahá’ís can clearly see that the only way out for humanity is this way, this New World Order. He will pray that your services may yield a rich harvest, and that your love and unity as a group may attract the hungry hearts of the true seekers. With Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbání May the Almighty abundantly and continually bless your labours, guide your steps, remove every obstacle from your path, deepen your understanding of the essential verities of His Faith, and enable you to establish firmly its institutions in that land. {.sig} Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi --- ## 1207.
1948-04-06 to Ugo Giachery re difficulties with construction of Shrine of Báb {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p241-2 {.ref .center} ... Mr. Maxwell ... because of various difficulties ... has not been able to place any contracts for the actual work to be carried out here in Palestine. However, he has been in touch with an Italian firm in Carrara about placing contracts for the granite columns which will surround the building on the first floor. he is now proceeding to Italy primarily to place the contract for these, and, if suitable stone, matching the Palestinian stone which will be used here can be found, to also place additional contracts for the capitals and certain pieces of the carved ornamentation ... Mr. Benjamin Weeden ... will accompany Mr. Maxwell to both take care of him and facilitate in expediting the work there ... As conditions in this country are extremely disturbed and the immediate future most uncertain, the Guardian is very anxious to have the contracts placed in Italy as soon as possible and have Mr. Maxwell and Mr. Weeden return here before they might possibly be cut off from us temporarily. He would therefore greatly appreciate your giving as much time as you can to assisting them, translating for them and seeing that they are in touch with reliable Italian firms and dealt with fairly ... Unfortunately, owing to the fact that practically all communication with Jerusalem is cut off ... Mr. Weeden was not able to contact the Italian Consulate there and obtain his visa. he will, if you and he cannot arrange for a visa in Rome when his plane comes in, have to go on with the same place to Geneva ... and return to join Mr. Maxwell ... as Mr. Maxwell is now 74, though in the best of health, we hope you will take good care of him ... Things are so acute here that it is extremely important that they get through with their business and return to Palestine ... 1948-04-06 to Ugo Giachery re difficulties w/ construction of Shrine of Báb {.ref .center} --- ## 1208.
1948-04-11 text of letter of intro for Sutherland Maxwell & Ben Weeden while in Israel {.center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani, p406 {.ref .center} Haifa, Palestine {.sig} April 11th, 1948 {.sig} To Whom it may Concern: This is to introduce Mr. W. S. Maxwell, F.R.I.B.A., who is a member of the Bahá’í Community and has been residing in Haifa with me since 1940. He is my father-in-law and is proceeding to Italy in connection with work to be carried out on one of our Bahá’í Shrines on Mt. Carmel. He is accompanied by Mr. Benjamin Weeden, a Bahá’í from the United States of America, who is likewise occupied here in Haifa in serving the Bahá’í Faith at its World Centre. Mr. Weeden is proceeding to Italy to assist Mr. Maxwell in his work there. I, as Head of the Bahá’í Faith, would appreciate every assistance being rendered to these two gentlemen in discharging their tasks and in facilitating their journey and safe transit through Palestine territory. Shoghi Rabbání, Head of the Bahá’í Faith. House of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá 7 Persian Street, Haifa 1948-04-11 text of letter of intro for Sutherland Maxwell & Ben Weeden while in Israel {.ref .center} --- ## 1209.
1948-04-26 to European Teaching Conference {.center} USBN #208 June 1948 p10 {.ref .center} 1948-04-26 to European Teaching Conference {.ref .center} Hearts flooded with joy remarkable victory exceeding fondest expectations stop. Convey heartfelt congratulations, assurance, admiration, loving gratitude, prayers newly formed Assemblies. Supplicating Bahá’u’lláh enable both pioneers, native believers unitedly achieve still greater triumphs stop. Eagerly await photographs newly constituted Assemblies adorn walls Bahá’u’lláh’s Mansion adjoining Most Holy Tomb Bahjí. SHOGHI {.sig} [response to ETC cable that 8 assemblies had been formed in Europe] --- ## 1210.
1948-04-29 to first Brussels assembly {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp57 Brussels’ community, 29 April 1948 LOVING REMEMBRANCE SHRINES HEARTFELT CONGRATULATIONS — SHOGHI64 --- ## 1212.
1948-04-xx loss of Fannie Lesch {.center} USBN #230 April 1950 p1 {.ref .center} “ Deeply sympathize loss loyal distinguished Maid-servant Bahá’u’lláh Fannie Lesch. Present with you in spirit memorial services. Praying ardently progress her soul Abhá Kingdom.” (Signed) SHOGHI {.sig} (Cable received April, 1948) --- ## 1213.
1948-05-02 response to convention meeting {.center} USBN #208 June 1948 {.ref .center} Deeply touched by your message welcome pledged by assembled delegates ardently praying fulfillment deepest hopes. (Signed) SHOGHI {.sig} Cablegram received May 2, 1948 --- ## 1214.
1948-05-02 to European Teaching Conference {.center} USBN #209 July 1948 p3 {.ref .center} Share the joy and elation of the attendants at the first historic Bahá’í Teaching Conference on the European Continent, regarded as the fairest fruit of the momentous enterprise signalizing the second stage in the evolution of the Divine Plan. Overjoyed at the manifold signs of the rapid progress evidenced by the formation of eight Assemblies in seven goal countries, in the notable increase in the number of new believers, in the remarkable activity displayed by itinerant teachers and the meritorious endeavor systematically exerted by the organizers and participators of the newly launched European campaign in the opening years of the Second Seven Year Plan. Appeal to the newly constituted Assemblies to preserve, at whatever cost, the integrity of the prizes gloriously won, to consolidate the institutions recently established, to simultaneously initiate extension work designed to form nuclei destined to reinforce the administrative structure o{the Faith in the respective countries. Urge the groups in the three remaining goal countries to ensure Assembly status ere the termination of the current year. Entreat every individual and all agencies associated in the conduct of the divinely sustained, majestically unfolding, tremendously challenging crusade, whether administrators at home or abroad, visitors or settlers, itinerant teachers, newly enrolled believers to intensify their concerted efforts to win wider fields, to give added momentum to still more conspicuous victories. Undaunted by the aggravation of the crisis in the tragically disturbed continent, undeterred by the obstacles and pitfalls encountered in a thorny path, sensible to the growing hunger of disillusioned, fearstricken, spiritually famished multitudes, constantly aware of the sublimity of the mission entr,usted, in this critical propitious hour, to their care, inspired by the example of the Author of the Divine Plan Who, in no less a critical hour in the fortunes of the European continent, notwithstanding His age and illness, twice visited its shores and laboffd tirelessly for the illumination of its peoples, let them hold aloft, amidst the tumult of the disorders of a tottering civilization, the torch of divine guidance, tramp resolutely ahead to the appointed goals until the initial stage of so colossal an enterprise has been gloriously consummated. SHOGHI {.sig} Haifa, May 2, 1948 {.sig} Cable to the European Teaching Conference, Geneva, Switzerland — May 22 • 26 --- ## 1215.
1948-05-05 Egypt Five Year Plan {.center} USBN #211 September 1948 p7 {.ref .center} Only national assembly Bahá’í World deprived privilege formulation plan Egyptian Assembly. Appeal convene promptly special session National Assembly consider carefully inauguration Five Year Plan with definite objectives aiming multiplication Bahá’í Centers. Urge entire community rise as one man fulfill objectives by nineteen fifty-three. Eagerly awaiting response all believers ensure success first collective enterprise Egyptian Bahá’í history.” May 5, 1948 to Egypt NSA {.sig} --- ## 1216.
1948-05-06 Praying for magnificent victories {.center} USBN #208 June 1948 p7 {.ref .center} “Praying for magnificent victories in third year of second Seven Year Plan.” (Signed) SHOGHI {.sig} To USNSA — Rcvd 6 May 1948 --- ## 1217.
1948-05-08 condition of world like a great negative undertow {.center} Fire and Gold: Benefiting from Life’s Tests”, p100 as compiled by Brian Kurzius He [Shoghi Effendi] quite understands how the friends can sometimes feel, as you put it, ‘spiritually depleted’, for the condition of the world is such today that it is like a great negative undertow trying to pull down all but the strongest and most firmly rooted. The friends should realize this and draw closer to each other, knowing that they form one spiritual family, closer to each other, in the sight of God, than those united by ties of blood. He will pray for you, and that you may be able to draw the believers into a more conscious effort at unity, and to inspire them to see in each that which the Master would wish them to and not what their own intolerant personalities are so prone to seeing: namely faults! [From a letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi, 8 May 1948] --- ## 1218.
1948-05-18 re-revising BNE {.center} USBN #210 August 1948 p1 {.ref .center} “ He does not consider that Bahá’u’lláh and the New Era’ should be revised at present, but should be continued in its present form.” May 18, 1948 {.sig} --- ## 1219.
1948-05-18 recognition given Assembly by United Nations {.center} USBN #210 August 1948 p1 {.ref .center} The recognition given your Assembly (as representative of the other National Spiritual Assemblies) by United Nations as a non-governmental body entitled to send representatives to various U. N. conferences, marks an important step forward in the struggle of our beloved Faith to receive, in the eyes of the world its just due, and be recognized as an independent World Religion. Indeed, this step should have a favorable reaction on the progress of the Cause everywhere, especially in those parts of the world where it is still persecuted, belittled; or scorned, particularly in the East. In these days, when his mind has been so preoccupied with the grave situation in this country (Palestine) , the wonderful advancement being made by the American believers, at home and abroad, and their Canadian confreres, has sustained him, and brought him moments of pride and happiness, when his heart was weighted down with various problems and difficulties. He is indeed grateful for this active support, this love that shows itself in deeds that rise to meet and overcome every obstacle! to the NSA dated May 18, 1948. --- ## 1220.
1948-05-18 to a National Spiritual Assembly re making rules {.center} Unlocking the Power of Action, #31 Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. ... he considers that National Assemblies must strongly guard against this marked tendency of laying down new rules and regulations all the time, which he considers unnecessary and injurious. In the end it will dampen the zeal and quench the spontaneity of the believers, and give the impression that the Bahá’í Faith is crystallizing into set forms. Principles there must be, but they must be applied with wisdom to each case that arises, not every case covered, before it arises, by a codified set of rules. This is the whole spirit of Bahá’u’lláh’s system: rigid conformity to great essential laws, elasticity, and even a certain necessary element of diversity, in secondary matters. 1948-05-18 to a National Spiritual Assembly re making rules {.ref .center} --- ## 1221.
1948-06-04 to Charlotte Stirrat on progress in Nederlands {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp57-58 Charlotte Stirrat, 4 June 1948 Dear Bahá’í Sister: Your letter of March 2nd, written on behalf of Miss Van Sombeek, and enclosing a translation of the Dutch pamphlet, has been received by our beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. The excellent progress being made in Holland, the formation of the first historic assembly there, the translation work being done — all are great sources of comfort and pride to our Guardians heart. Please assure dear Miss Van Sombeek of this, as she and her sister have devoted so much care and love to the work there. In a country of such intelligent and forward-thinking people as the Dutch the Cause should make steady headway and soon become well, and — we hope — nationally established. He assures you all of his loving prayers, and greatly appreciates your own dedicated services. With loving greetings, R. Rabbání May the Beloved bless your efforts, guide and sustain you in your highly meritorious labours, remove all obstacles from your path, and enable you to extend continually the range of your valuable and historic achievements, your true and grateful brother; Shoghi {.sig} --- ## 1222.
1948-06-08 healing methods; peace {.center} USBN #237 November 1950 p2 {.ref .center} “ The Guardian knows nothing about your kind of healing, nor would he care to go into the question in detail, as he has no time for such matters. But he can lay down for your guidance certain broad principles: there is no such thing as Bahá’í healers or a Bahá’í type of healing. In His Most Holy Book (the Aqdas) Bahá’u’lláh says to consult the best physicians. in other words, doctors who have studied a scientific system of medicine; he never gave us to believe He Himself would heal us through “healers.” but rather through prayer and the assistance of medicine and approved treatments. Now, as long as your healing is in no opposition to these principles, as long as you do not try and take the place of a regular doctor in trying to heal others, but only give them your kind of help through constructive suggestion–or whatever it may be–and do not associate this help with being a channel of the direct grace of Bahá’u’lláh, the Guardian sees no harm in your continuing your assistance to others. But you must conscientiously decide whether, in view of the above, you are really justified in continuing. He will pray for your guidance and happiness. Peace P .S. I might add that he does not believe any radiations of thought or healing, from any group, is going to bring peace. Prayer, no doubt, will help the world, but what it needs is to accept Bahá’u’lláh’s system so as to build up the World Order on a new foundation, a divine foundation! ...” to an individual Bahá’í, June 8, 1948. --- ## 1223.
1948-06-20 to European Teaching Committee conf in Geneva {.center} The Bábí Question You Mentioned, Jelle deVries,p204 1948-06-20 to European Teaching Committee conf in Geneva {.ref .center} Greatly heartened profoundly grateful magnificent success achieved in the historic conference. Congratulate heartily European Committee for this splendid, enduring achievement. Urge that you guard in the course of the current year, against a relaxation of effort; that you maintain a flow of pioneers and itinerant teachers; ensure the continued translation and steady expansion of literature; initiate extension work; consolidate the existing Assemblies; enable the groups in Lisbon, Luxembourg and Copenhagen to attain Assembly status. Prayer ever increasing success in this momentous enterprise launched on the European continent.’^ --- ## 1224.
1948-06-23 deplore passing George Latimer {.center} USBN #209 July 1948 {.ref .center} Greatly deplore passing o! distinguished disciple of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. firm pillar of the American Bahá’í community, George Latimer. His outstanding services during closing years of the Heroic, and first epoch of the Formative Ages of the Faith, are imperishable. Assure bereaved dearly loved, much admired mother my profound sympathy and fervent prayers for the progress of his soul. SHOGHI {.sig} (From cablegram received June 23) --- ## 1225.
1948-07-03 obedience to government {.center} Non-Interference in Polities “Regarding your question about politics and the Master’s Will: the attitude of the Bahá’ís must be two-fold, complete obedience to the government of the country they reside in, and no interference whatsoever in political matters or questions. What the Master’s statement really means is obedience to a duly constituted government, whatever that government may be in form. We are not the ones, as individual Bahá’ís, to judge our government as just or unjust for each believer would be sure to hold a different viewpoint, and within our own Bahá’í fold a hotbed of dissension would spring up and destroy our unity. We must build up our Bahá’í system, and leave the faulty systems of the world to go their way. We cannot change them through becoming involved in them; on the contrary they will destroy us. — From a letter on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to the National Teaching Committee for Central America dated July 3, 1948 printed in U.S. BN January 1949 --- ## 1226.
1948-07-06 to LSAssembly of Brussels on being formed {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp58-9 Local Spiritual Assembly of Brussels, 6 July 1948 Dear Bahá’í Friends: Your letters to our beloved, with photos enclosed, and dated May 10th and 13th have been received, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. It gave him great pleasure to see the faces of the new believers in Belgium, and the formation of your first Assembly there is an event of great importance — however unobtrusive it may seem to have been in the eyes of your fellow-countrymen! He urges you all to persevere, in conjunction with the dear American Bahá’ís labouring with you, in your efforts to establish a sound, well — grounded, united and mature community of believers there, as this is the bed-rock on which all your future activities must rest. You may be sure his loving prayers will be with you all in your historic labours. With warmest greetings, R. Rabbání Dear and valued co-workers, I was delighted to receive your most welcome message and I rejoice at the great success achieved in Brussels. The Beloved is well pleased with your victory, and will no doubt, watch over you and guide your steps and enable you to achieve still greater victories. I will pray for you from the depths of my heart. Rest assured and persevere in your glorious task. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi --- ## 1227.
1948-07-06 to Shurcliffs & Doris Lohse re successes in Europe {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp60-3 John and Eunice Shurcliff, Doris Lohse, 6 July 1948 Dear Bahd’i Friends: You letter to our beloved Guardian, dated May 9th, has been received, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. He has been greatly encouraged over the wonderful way the work has progressed in Europe during the past year. The formation of the Brussels Assembly being a most welcome addition to the list of triumphs registered! Also the marked success of the Geneva conference, the large attendance (and representatives of so many countries!) and the enthusiasm of those present were all a source of great satisfaction to him. He deeply values the dedicated services you are rendering the Cause in Belgium, and he hopes the work there will grow steadily and strike deep roots. You may be sure his prayers are offered for you all. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbání May the Almighty ahundantly bless your efforts, guide your steps, reward you for your splendid achievements, aid you to extend continually the range of your activities, and enable you to win notable victories for His Faith and its institutions, your true and grateful brother, Shoghi {.sig} --- ## 1228.
1948-07-07 to Townshend on his resignation {.center} George Townshend, David Hofman, p326-7 No doubt this is a great step for dear Mrs Townshend to have to make at her age. But he feels sure she too will come to rejoice in this new freedom and the constructive activity it will bring in its wake. Postscript by Shoghi Effendi — I am thrilled by the news of your resignation — a truly remarkable and historic step. Your past and notable services in connexion with the exposition of the essentials of the Faith to the public in the West, your bold and challenging act at present in dissociating yourself from the Church and its creed, and your subsequent resolve to pioneer in Dublin and help in establishing the administrative basis of the Bahá’í new world order in Ireland are deeds that history will record and for which future generations will feel deeply grateful and will extol and admire. May the blessings of Bahá’u’iláh be abundantly vouchsafed to you, guide every step you take, remove all obstacles from your path, and aid you to win still greater victories for His Cause in the days to come. [To George Townshend, on July 7, 1948, in reaction to his resignation fm the Church] --- ## 1229.
1948-07-29 Increased Responsibility of American Bahá’ís {.center} USBN #213 November 1948 p2 {.ref .center} Now that the work carried on by the American Bahá’ís is becoming so important in both Europe and Latin America, their duties at home, likewise, are increasing in importance, and their sense of responsibility towards the work they have undertaken in this new phase of the Divine Plan must steadily increase. Their commitments are heavy; they must finish the Temple, send out more teachers, publish more literature, be worthy of the position they are taking in the eyes of the world, for the Public everywhere is growing more conscious of the Faith as a real force in the world, and its adherents must stand forth as exemplars of what they preach.” to believers who attended the General Session at Louhelen School, July 29, 1948. --- ## 1230.
1948-10-01 re first shipment marble for Shrine of Báb {.center} Quoted in Shoghi Effendi — Recollections, Ugo Giachery, p81 “Delighted splendid progress increasingly admire your indefatigable labours. Owing international situation urge start shipment material completed. Cable date shipment. Deepest love. Shoghi Rabbání.” Cable to Ugo Giachery regarding first shipment of marble for Shrine of the Báb, 1 Oct 1948 --- ## 1231.
1948-10-14 to Jim Loft re teaching Indians {.center} Return to Tyendinaga: The Story of Jim and Melba Loft, Bahá’í Pioneers, Evelyn Loft Watts & Patricia Verge, p37-8 1948-10-14 to Jim Loft re teaching Indians {.ref .center} Mr. Jim Loft Dear Bahá’í Brother, Our beloved Guardian was overjoyed to receive your letter of Sept. 2nd, and is happy to extend to you a sincere and warm welcome into the service of our glorious Faith. Over and over again ‘Abdu’l-Bahá mentioned the great importance of teaching the red Indians, “the original inhabitants of America”, and now that various tribes of the Indians of the Western Hemisphere are gradually coming to be represented in the Bahá’í Faith, through some of their members accepting Bahá’u’lláh, His hopes are being fulfilled. This marks an important step forward not only in the evolution of our Faith itself, but also in the history of the Indian peoples, for, through the universal teachings of our Faith, they will come to not only be loved as brothers by their compatriots of European origin, but also develop the potentialities God has endowed them with, and thus contribute their share to world progress and world unity. He would greatly welcome your returning to your own tribe, and giving them this great Message you and your dear wife have accepted. He advises you to consult with the Canadian National Bahá’í Assembly, as part of their teaching Plan is to carry our Faith to the Indians in Canada, and they can help and advise you. He assures you he will pray for your success in teaching your own people, for your happiness and for your protection. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbání Dear Co-worker, Your most welcome letter rejoiced my heart and I hasten to assure you of a most hearty welcome into the Bahá’í Fold, as well as of my loving and fervent prayers for any and every effort you may exert for the promotion of the Faith and the conversion of your fellow Indians and their acceptance of its verities. May the Beloved bless, protect and sustain you always and aid you to realize your heart’s cherished desire. Your true brother, Shoghi. Beloved Guardian, Don Corbin said I should write to you. I have been a believer for about 8 months. I have worked in a factory for 17 years. I quit my job when I could not get time off for the summer school at Louhelen. I am a Mohawk Indian of Canada. Should I stay in Marysville or go back to the Indian Reserve in Canada. I own some land there. I have a business here. Wife and 3 children are believers. I try to teach the Bahá’í faith at all times. Waiting. Jim Loft 1661 Vermont Avenue Marysville Michigan {.sig} --- ## 1232.
1948-10-17 to Philip Hainsworth re sympathy for family deaths {.center} Looking back in Wonder, Philip Hainsworth, p79-80 Dear Bahá’í Brother. I am acknowledging on behalf of our dear Guardian your letter of some time ago, because he is anxious to assure you of how deeply concerned he was to hear your Mother’s health is in danger. It seems very hard indeed that after losing your dear father you should be faced with this new sorrow — he hopes the doctors are wrong, and that she will be spared to serve with you for many more years. He will certainly pray for her recovery, and he wishes you to assure her that as your mother she is dear to him and often remembered. Your own indefatigable services are, as you know, deeply valued by him; and he urges you not to lose heart but to persevere, with your radiant spirit and your usual courage and determination. The Cause in England seems, in spite of financial handicaps, to be going forward in Seven League boots. He is truly proud of the British believers, and this is more than he could say in the past, when the work for years seemed to be stagnating! Those days are now past forever, he feels sure. You know his loving prayers and thoughts are always with you. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbání. PS. Please assure your secretary also of his prayers. Likewise Mrs Alma Gregory. Dear and valued Co-worker, Your constant and noble efforts, exerted with such determination and devotion, evoke my highest admiration, and will, no doubt, be richly blessed by the Almighty, Whose Cause you love and serve so well. You are often in my thoughts and prayers, and I will continue to beseech on your behalf the sustaining grace of Bahá’u’lláh. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi. 1948-10-17 to Philip Hainsworth re sympathy for family deaths {.ref .center} --- ## 1233.
1948-11-08 spirit of Marion Jack {.center} USBN #216 February 1949 p1 {.ref .center} “He feels that the spirit of Marion Jack, her evident desire to stay with the community she loves so dearly and has fostered through thick and thin, reflects glory not only on the North American community, but on the entire Faith. Sh~ should be left free to remain io Bulgaria and your Assembly should see to it iliat she receives a sufficient income to end her life in peace and with no more hardships to be endured. She is a heroic soul, the finest example of the pioneer spirit wbich we have anywhere in the world, and the Guardian feels deeply iodebted to her, and loves her very dearly.” to USNSA November 8, 1948 --- ## 1234.
1948-11-25 include as much info as poss about things in archives {.center} Guidance Regarding Bahá’í Archives Compiled by Bahá’í International Archives He thinks that when things are collected for the archives as much information as possible should be given about them. It is easier now, while the old Bahá’ís dating from the early days of the Cause in America are still living, to collect accurate information than it will be later on, and every attempt should be made to amplify local records and accumulate historical data. From a letter on behalf of Shoghi Effendi dated 25 November 1948 to an individual --- ## 1235.
1948-11-30 hopes France to have 1st center in Europe {.center} Germany, France, Italy, and Switzerland Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. Published in Bahá’í Studies Review 4:1 The work in France is beginning to reflect the general and great impetus to the teaching work which the present Plan is responsible for in Europe. It is only right and fitting that the first country to have had a Centre in Europe should take her place at the forefront, and he hopes France will gradually do this. (on Behalf of Shoghi Effendi to individual believer, 30 November 1948) --- ## 1236.
1948-12-06 to Eve Nicklin re suggested teaching methods in Punta Arenas {.center} Eve Nicklin: She of the Brave Heart, Boris Handal, p140-1 Dear Bahá’í Sister, Your letter to our beloved Guardian, dated Nov. 1st, has been received, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. He fully realizes the difficulties involved in maintaining such an assembly as that of Punta Arenas. But he urges the friends, and you, not to lose heart, but rather to try new means of contacting a different range of people. Perhaps, through becoming active in some social or other type of clubs, or assistance in charitable works, or promotion of U.N.O. Support in ways such as these — you and the believers may succeed in making new contacts which would not ordinarily respond to public meetings, advertisements or broadcasts. He will pray for your success and the protection of your assembly in the Holy Shrines, and he greatly appreciates your determined and devoted labours. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbání Dear and valued co-worker: I am so pleased to learn of the progress of your work in so important and distant a field, am profoundly grateful for your steadfast and noble endeavours. Persevere in your glorious task and rest assured that the Beloved will guide and sustain you in your labours, and will aid you to render still more notable services to His Faith and institutions. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi {.sig} 1948-12-06 to Eve Nicklin re suggested teaching methods in Punta Arenas {.ref .center} --- ## 1237.
1948-12-09 non-association with descendant of Azal {.center} Non-association with Covenant-breakers #12 Compiled by Continental Board of Counsellors. No intelligent and loyal Bahá’í would associate with a descendant of Azal, if he traced the slightest breath of criticism of our Faith, in any aspect, from that person. In fact these people should be strenuously avoided as having an inherited spiritual disease-the disease of Covenant-breaking! Certainly such matters should be brought to the attention of the Assembly or National Spiritual Assembly within whose jurisdiction they occur. (From letter dated 9 December 1948 to an individual believer) --- ## 1238.
1948-12-22 rapid completion of Temple interior {.center} USBN #219 May 1949 p2 {.ref .center} “As he has just cabled you, he feels the rapid completion of the Temple interior is the most pressing financial obligation of the American believers, and practically every other activity except European and Latin American teaching-can be legitimately sacrificed to it during the coming years. He hopes, of course, that very drastic sacrifices of other work will not be :necessary, but if they do, your Assembly should not hesitate to make them.” To the NSA through his secretary, dated Dec. 22, 1948. --- ## 1239.
1948-12-26 on behalf of to an individual re transmigration of the soul {.center} Reincarnation And The Nature And Progress Of The Soul #16 Compiled by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice Regarding your question about reincarnation: we Bahá’ís do not believe that one individual soul keeps returning to this earthly life in different bodies. This is a very ancient belief, and based on a great truth-namely that the soul does go on developing and unfolding and returning towards its Creator. But the concept of its returning to this physical world is erroneous, and an outgrowth of man-made doctrines which have grown up about the fundamental concept of the progress of the soul. It would be like putting the child over and over again back into the world of the womb. It is unnecessary; but from state to state spiritually, after death, the soul does go on and go higher, so to speak. 1948-12-26 on behalf of to an individual re transmigration of the soul {.ref .center} --- ## 1240.
1948-12-26 to Graeffe Hipp & Nys to work with French {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp64 Etty Graeffe, Suzette Hipp and Lea Nys, 26 December 1948 Dear Bahá’í Friends, Your letter to our beloved Guardian of December 5th has been received and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. He is delighted to see your committee is so active and planning to get underway in this all-important work of teaching, through proper translations. He would suggest you work in close cooperation with the Paris believers, in particular, in order to avoid any duplication of effort, and obtain the maximum results in the shortest time. In the past, on more than one occasion, there has been duplication of translations and of work, which is an awful waste of our limited resources. If the French Bahá’ís already have any translations made, he suggests, you review them and use them, rather than make new ones, — unless of course, they should not be considered usable. You may be sure his loving prayers are being offered for the success of your work and your other devoted Bahá’í activities. With warmest greetings, R. Rabbání Dear co-workers, I wish to assure you of my deep and abiding appreciation of your high endeavours and of my ardent prayers for your success. The Beloved will surely bless your work and reward you for your services, which I greatly value. May He remove all obstacles from your path and aid you to achieve your goal. Your true brother, Shoghi ========= {.noid} I think this can be called a European Teaching Committee but it is not the same as the one appointed by the USNSA. --- ## 1241.
1948-12-xx encouraging Townshend to write {.center} George Townshend, David Hofman, p334 ‘Have you ever thought of working on what they call in America a “study outline”? There is a need for the friends everywhere to become more deeply spiritual in their way of thinking, of seeing life, and of acting. He feels with your long background of spiritual education and study, as a Christian and as a Bahá’í, that you can help the friends to deepen their knowledge and their inner life.’ Shoghi Effendi postscript — I strongly feel that you should concentrate in the years to come, on writing for the Cause, whose literature you can, more than anyone else throughout the Bahá’í world, enrich. You should also, I feel, lend your valuable assistance in both the teaching and administrative fields, but only as subsidiary activities. I will pray for the success of your historic pamphlet, and fervently hope it will arouse the public and achieve a brilliant victory for the Faith, which you serve so well and love so dearly. [to George Townshend, Dec 1948 or early 1949] --- ## 1242.
1949-01-31 The Daily Prayers {.center} USBN #220 June 1949 p2-3 {.ref .center} “The daily prayers are to be said each one for himself, aloud or silent makes no difference. There is no congregational prayer except that for the dead. We read healing and other prayers in our meetings, but the daily prayer is a personal obligation, so some one else reading i+. is not quite the same thing as saying it for yourself. “If you find you need to visualize some one when you pray, think of — -... the Master. Through Him you can address Bahá’u’lláh. Gradually try to think of the qualities of the Manifestation, and in that way a mental form will fade out, for after all the body is not the thing, His Spirit is there and is the essential, everlasting element.” January 31, 1949, to Mrs. Stuart Sims. {.sig} --- ## 1243.
1949-01-31 daily prayers {.center} USBN #222 August 1949 p2 {.ref .center} ‘’The daily prayers are to be said each one for himself, aloud or silent makes no difference. There is no congregational prayer except that for the dead. We read healing and other prayers in our meetings, but the daily prayer is a personal obligation, so some one else reading it is not quite the same thing as saying it for yourself. “If you find you need to visualize someone when you pray, think of the Master. Through Him you can address Bahá’u’lláh. Gradually try to think of the qualities of the Manifestation, and in that way a mental form will fade out, for after all the body is not the thing, His Spirit is there and is the essential, everlasting element-“ — SHOGHI EFFENDI To Mrs. Stuart Sims, January 31, 1949 --- ## 1244.
1949-01-xx To Guatemala Congress {.center} USBN #217 March 1949 p6 {.ref .center} “Supplicating Almighty’s blessings deliberations, Urge attendants concentrate on methods designed (to) extend scope (of) teaching, consolidate assemblies, deepen knowledge (of) spiritual (and) administrative principles (of the) Faith, reinforce bonds uniting Central American believers.” Guardian cabled the Congress delegates at Guatemala, held Jan 21-24 --- ## 1245.
1949-02-08 stations of prophets {.center} USBN #228 February 1950 p4 {.ref .center} “The names of those cited in Bahá’u’lláh’s prayer in the Dispensation are quite correct as you gave them. (Abraham, Moses, Joseph, John (he Baptist, Christ, Muḥammad, Imám Ḥusayn, the Báb and Bahá’u’lláh) “The Prophets ‘regarded as one and the same person’ include the lesser Prophets as well, and not merely those who bring a ‘Book.’ The station is different, but They are Prophets and Their nature thus different from that of ours. “In the prayer mentioned above Bahá’u’lláh identifies Himself with Imám Ḥusayn. This does not make him a Prophet, but his position was very unique, and we know Bahá’u’lláh claims to be the ‘return’ of the Imám Ḥusayn. He. in other words, identifies His Spirit with these Holy Souls gone before, that does not, of course, make Him in any way their re-incarnation. Nor does it mean all of them were Prophets.” on February 8, 1949, to Mrs. Kathryn Frankland: --- ## 1246.
1949-03-06 to Regional Youth Conference {.center} USBN #224 October 1949 p3 {.ref .center} “He assures you all he will pray for your success, and that you may win many victories for the Faith. ‘’He himself is frightfully busy these days with his routine work and the new and tremendous work of building the arcade of the Holy Shrine of the Báb. The degree to which you serve and assist the Cause there will lighten his load and help him, you may be sure, for much of his correspondence and time is taken up in attending to details which if the friends studied the Teachings and administration, and followed their precepts and laws, would never arise or need to be referred to him! So he urges you to study, ponder what you read, and do your part.” (signed) R. RABBÁNÍ {.sig} from letter by the Guardian dated March 6, 1949 to: “ The attendants at the Regional Youth Conference held in Washington February 19, 1949”. --- ## 1247.
1949-03-24 contact with the Esperantists {.center} The Principle Of An International Auxiliary Language Compiled by the Research Dept at the direction of the House of Justice, 1 Nov 79(?) He was also very pleased to see the contact with the Esperantists is being maintained. This friendly co-operation with them, and attendance at their Congresses, is very good, and will no doubt bring the Bahá’í Cause to many of their members’ attention. Also, he hopes, it will lead to many of them becoming Bahá’ís in the future. (24 March 1949 to an individual believer) --- ## 1248.
1949-04-11 Expulsion and Reinstate· ment of Covenant-Breakers {.center} USBN #220 June 1949 p2 {.ref .center} “The Guardian, like the Master before him, has not considered it advisable to as yet permit any person or Assembly to put another person out of the Cause of God. There is a sharp distinction between depriving a believer of his voting rights, which is a severe disciplinary measure and not a spiritual sanction, and pronouncing a former believer to be a truly spiritually diseased soul, a soul in the condition the Master referred to when, in His last cable to America before His ascension, He said: ‘he who sitteth with a leper catcheth leprosy’. The Guardian has, within the last few years, considered the National Assemblies strong enough to wield the instrument of sanction in the sense of depriving a Bahá’í of his voting rights. But no one but himself can pronounce a person to be in that diseased condition we call ‘Covenant-breaking’ , and no one but he can reinstate a Covenant-breaker. No National Assembly has been given this right and cannot, therefore, review the question or reinstate any one. All any National Assembly can do is to report to the Guardian if they are approached by a .Covenant-breaker, and then the Guardian will take action. It is a pity that some of the Western friends, with remarkable naivete, do not grasp the fact that there is absolutely nothing keeping those who have broken the Covenant, whether Bahá’u’lláh’s or the Master’s, out of the Cause of God except their own inner spiritually sick condition. If they were sound, instead of diseased, and wanted to enter the service of the Faith, they would apply direct to the Guardian and he would be able to adjudge of their sincerity and, if sincere, would welcome them into the ranks of the faithful as he did with Sydney Sprague. Unfortunately, a man who is ill is not made well just by asserting there is nothing wrong with him! Facts, actual states, are what count. Probably no group of people in the world have softer tongues, or proclaim more loudly their innocence, than those who in their heart of hearts, and by their every act, are enemies of the Center of the Covenant. The Master well knew this and that is why He said we must shun their company, but pray for them. If you put a leper in a room with healthy people, he cannot catch their health; on the contrary they are very likely to catch his horrible ailment.” April 11,1949 to the NSA. {.sig} --- ## 1249.
1949-04-11 Temple project impact on Guardian {.center} USBN #220 June 1949 p2 {.ref .center} “He also wishes that it could be brought home to the believers that not only they, with the exigencies of their Temple and their foreign teaching work, are really being hard put to it to stand up to the time of test which is at hand, but all their brothers the world over! In fact in most other countries the difficulties to be overcome, though not spread over such a wide range, are more stubborn. In the East, for example, the friends have to surmount violent religious prejudices, prejudices which debar them from so much as obtaining visas for the countries their Plans embrace, and which, when they do get there, sometimes endanger their lives. The British Bahá’ís, a mere handful, extremely limited financially, find themselves called upon to carry out their courageous Plan and forced to find ways and means of making one pound do the work of ten and one pioneer the work of at least three! And yet they are wholly absorbed in winning their goals, and are bringing all the traditional British grit into play! “The Guardian himself, already tired out with the work of the last twenty-seven years-which has been steadily growing with the growth of the Cause the world over — now finds himself simply engulfed in a sea of new problems, responsibilities and worries in connection with the work on the Báb’s Shrine. Much as this glorious enterprise is dear to his heart, much as he sees the necessity for carrying it on, and foresees the tremendous advantages to the Faith which will accrue from its unfoldment, he cannot be blind to the fact that it has doubled his load and will be, for some years to come, a back-breaking task for him and all concerned here with it. “So, as the American believers survey with some trepidation and dismay the gigantic work before them, and the tremendous sums that must be raised, let them remember that for them, even as for their Guardian and their spiritual brothers and sisters all over the globe, there can be no turning back, no escape from duty, no easy way out! Indeed, seeing the plight of all the peoples of the world, they should realize that this whole Planet is in the throes of an unmistakable ordeal, a time of bitter transition and profound testing. If the spiritually dead are in this condition, how can the spiritually alive not be expected to be summoned to active duty, to be called upon to bear heavy burdens and to sacrifice deeply for the future.” dated April 11, 1949: --- ## 1250.
1949-04-11 in connection with dome of Temple {.center} USBN #220 June 1949 p2 {.ref .center} “...in connection with the dome of the Temple, he would like to point out that a metal dome, constituting a partition between the inside and outside light of the Temple, would have entirely done away with the original concept of the light of heaven coming into, and the interior illumination, at night, going out of, the Temple. The transparency, the “openness” would have been done away with, no matter how much perforation remained, and thus the original idea have been lost.” to the NSA, written through his secretary, dated April 11, 1949. --- ## 1251.
1949-04-24 Direct Teaching {.center} USBN #226 December 1949 p1 {.ref .center} “He approves of your desire to teach the principles of the Faith through radio. But he urges you to do all you can to always, however small the reference you are able to make to it may be, clearly identify or associate what you are giving out with Bahá’u’lláh. The time is too short now for us Bahá’ís to be able to first educate humanity and then tell it that the Source is this new World Faith. For their own spiritual protection people must hear of the name Bahá’í-then, if they turn blindly away, they cannot excuse themselves by saying they never even knew it existed! For dark days seem still ahead of the world, and outside of this Divine Refuge the people will not, we firmly believe, find inner conviction, peace and security. So they have a right to at least hear of the Cause as such.” “Direct” Teaching from a letter by the Guardian dated April 24, 1949, to Mrs. Orpha Daugherty of Honolulu, T.H., written through his secretary --- ## 1252.
1949-04-25 concentrate maintenance status elected Assemblies {.center} USBN #220 June 1949 p3 {.ref .center} “Urge remaining years concentrate maintenance status elected Assemblies, consolidation superb achievements, multiplication groups through steady expansion extension work.” The above quote is from a European Teaching Committee Report and is not found in the published cable to the U.S. National Convention of April 25. It is preceeded in the report by — - — - Shoghi Effendi has given clear directives both to the Spiritual Assemblies and to the Committee for the work immediately ahead, in the following excerpts from his cable of April 25: I therefore assume it was sent to national Assemblies and the ETC --- ## 1253.
1949-06-06 some work must now be sacrificed {.center} USBN #222 August 1949 p1 {.ref .center} Dear Bahá’í Friends: Your letter of April 7, with the book you forwarded, was received, and the Guardian was very pleased to see all you have done this past year. He regrets that much of the work so enthusiastically undertaken, and carefully built up by the various committees, must now be sacrificed for some time to come. But there is no choice, and the friends must, as the Master said, give up the important for the most important of all — which is certainly the Temple’s completion and the far-flung teaching work being carried on. Indeed, such is the preoccupation of man-kind with purely material evidences of power that the solid accomplishment of a House of Worship at last ready to fulfill its function, and the constant addition of new countries and assemblies to the family of Bahá’í communities, are more likely to attract the attention of the public than meetings or publicity. Far from awakening from its slumber mankind seems to be plunging deeper into the nightmare of present-day society. We Bahá’ís see only too clearly where this is leading, but this must not paralyze u s, but rather stir us to new spiritual consciousness and force us to take a firmer grip on the Rope of our Faith, determined not to be pulled into the undertow and to do all we can to pull others out of it. He urges you all to exert your utmost in helping the believers to mature spiritually., and to unitedly work to consolidate the community in the laws of the Faith and the administration of its institutions. He will pray for all of you, and he deeply values your devoted services. With Bahá’í love, — R. RABBÁNÍ (In the Guardian’ s own handwriting) May the Almighty bless your high and meritorious endeavors, enable you in the days to come to extend the range of your activities to which I attach the utmost importance, and aid you to consolidate your past achievements, and win in this new and vast field now stretching before you notable victories for His Faith and its institutions. {.sig} Your true and grateful brother, — SHOGHI A letter of 7 June 1949 to the Public Relations Committee in response to their letter including — - “ Though it has been grievous to us to forego our advertising schedule and rearrange our work in other fields, the Committee recognizes that a completed Temple holding meetings of public worship will create the most effective form of Bahá’í public relations that could be imagined; and that a strong Bahá’í community in Latin America, Europe and the United States will be the final and unanswerable proof of the validity of the Faith. “ Therefore our hope is to contribute all we can to the development of an alert, well-informed and vigorous community demonstrating in spirit and in action the supernal truths whose symbol the House of Worship is to be throughout the Americas for ages to come.” --- ## 1254.
1949-07-03 for SE to ind re Bahá’í scholarship {.center} Bahá’í Studies Bulletin Vol 3 #3 September 1985 pp73 It seems that what we need now is a more profound and coordinated Bahá’í scholarship in order to attract such men as you are contacting. The world has-at least the thinking world— caught up by now with all the great and universal principles enunciated by Bahá’u’lláh over 70 years ago, and so of course it does not sound ‘new’ to them.But we know that the deeper teachings, the capacity of his projected World Order to re-create society, are new and dynamic. It is these we must learn to present intelligently and enticingly to such men. (From a letter dated July 3, 1949, written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer ). 1949-07-03 for SE to ind re Bahá’í scholarship {.ref .center} --- ## 1255.
1949-07-04 to Rita van Bleyswijk Sombeek {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp65-6 Rita van Bleyswijk Sombeek, 4 July 1949 Dear Bahá’í Sister, Your letter to our beloved Guardian of June 7, was received, and he has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. He was most happy to see the truly remarkable way in which your passport-difficulties have been straightened out, and feels that this in itself has been a way of serving the Cause, for it has called to the attention — and evidently won the sympathy of the American authorities for your uprightness, and devotion to this Faith of ours. Your struggles have been richly blessed and must serve as an example to other pioneers and a sure proof that God will assist all those who arise to serve Him. It is part of the preciousness of this great work being done in the teaching field that it should be done through real sacrifices and not without heartaches attending it. There is a tendency in the American outlook on life at present to believe that suffering is produced by clumsiness and is not only avoidable but not a good thing, and not essential. While there is some truth in this attitude, we as Bahá’ís cannot but believe that suffering is often an essential part of our service. The Prophets suffered bitterly, so did all the saints and martyrs and often “fed on the fragments of those broken hearts”, as Bahá’u’lláh says in one of His beautiful prayers. He is very happy to hear the Cause is now so firmly established there, and also that you are going to be able to attend the European Teaching Conference before your return to America. He hopes your plan to travel and teach in America will be realized and that in the future you will again return to teach and serve in Holland. Your devoted labours have been very deeply appreciated, and he feels proud of you. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbání Assuring you of my great and increasing admiration for the work you are achieving, of my deep gratitude for your incessant endeavour and of my constant prayers for you and your dear co-workers who are laying such a solid foundation for the institutions of our beloved Faith in that promising country Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi --- ## 1256.
1949-07-05 on behalf of To an individual re we need to be much better informed {.center} Scholarship (BSB) Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. Published in Bahá’í Studies Bulletin Vol 1-1 He can see quite clearly both your point of view and that expressed by those dear and devoted Bahá’ís whom you quoted in your letter. Both Mr. ... and Mr. ... are men of much experience and considerable learning in their way; what they no doubt meant was that the solution given to the world’s problems by Bahá’u’lláh is the only solution — being Divine in origin — and most desperately needed; therefore we, the few who have caught the vision, should not waste our energies beating up and down the paths pursued by humanity, and which are not solving its ghastly present-day problems. We should concentrate on the Cause, because it is what is needed to cure the world. This is a sound attitude, for if we don’t devote ourselves to the Bahá’í work and teaching, who will? On the other hand there is a big difference between this and learning. If the Bahá’ís want to be really effective in teaching the Cause they need to be much better informed and able to discuss intelligently, intellectually, the present condition of the world and its problems. We need Bahá’í scholars, not only people far, far more deeply aware of what our teachings really are, but also well-read and well-educated people, capable of correlating our teachings to the current thoughts of the leaders of society. We Bahá’ís should, in other words, arm our minds with knowledge in order to better demonstrate to, especially, the educated classes, the truths enshrined in our Faith. What the Guardian, however, does not advise the friends to do is to dissipate their time and energies in serving movements that are akin to our principles but not, we believe, capable of solving the present spiritual crisis the world finds itself in. We can cooperate with such movements and their promoters to good effect, while at the same time openly standing forth as Bahá’ís with a specific program to offer society. 1949-07-05 on behalf of To an individual re we need to be much better informed {.ref .center} --- ## 1257.
1949-07-29 to Second European Teaching Conference {.center} USBN #224 October 1949 p4 {.ref .center} Heart overflowing (with) joyous exaltation (on the) occasion (of the) holding (of the) Second European Teaching Conference celebrating attainment (of the) objectives (in the) historic Second Seven Year Plan (in) all (the) ten goal countries (of the) European continent. (My) hopes fondly cherished (at the) inception (of the) transatlantic project (have been) fulfilled, nay far surpassed. (The) establishment (of) twelve assemblies, (the) formation (of) twenty-two additional groups (and) isolated centers ere (the) halfway mark (of the) Plan (has been) reached, constitute (an) outstanding exploit, unparalleled since (the) inauguration (of) ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s Divine Plan, unsurpassed in vastness, range, (and) spiritual potency by any collective enterprise undertaken by (the) followers (of the) Faith (of) Bahá’u’lláh in any continent (of the) globe since (the) inception (of the) Formative Age (of) His Dispensation. (I am) moved (to) offer (my) warmest congratulations (to the) American National Assembly (as the) trustees (of the) P lan, (to the) European Teaching Committee (as) its appointed executors, (to) all pioneers whether settlers or itinerant teachers, (to) all native believers both new (and) old, (to) all newly formed assemblies, (to) all groups (and) all isolated believers who directly (or) indirectly participated so valiantly (in) this unique, brilliant (and) greatest single victory since (the) P lan (was) set (in) motion. (The) stage (is) set, (the) moment propitious for no less spectacular (an) exertion (of) effort, concentration (of) attention (and) expenditure (of) energy (during the) course (of the) final phase (of the) P lan (on the) European continent, aiming, though above (and) beyond (the) prescribed objectives, at (the) broadening (and) consolidation (of the) structural basis already laid: through (the) preservation (of the) prizes recently won, (the) conversion (of the) larger groups (into) . assemblies, (the) expansion (of the) recently instituted extension work, (the) increased participation (of the) native believers (in) both (the) administrative (and) teaching activities, (the) acceleration (of the) translation (and) publication (of) Bahá’í literature, (the) gradual institution (of) regional summer schools, (the) promotion (of) closer fellowship (and) more active collaboration despite great distances, paucity (of) resources, diversity (and) range (of) customs (and) language among (the) budding communities, scattered (in the) north, west, south (and in the) heart (of the) European continent, which posterity will recognize (as the) bedrock (of) Bahá’u’lláh’s fast evolving Administrative Order, (the) torchbearers (of) His embryonic World Order, (the) heralds (of the) yet unborn world civilization, amidst (the) turmoil (of the) travailing age, (and the) overspreading gloom (of the) present chaotic social (and) political order. Firmly knit (by the) sacred bonds (of a) spiritual fellowship more enduring, possessed of greater cohesive strength than any ties (of) kinship or race, (and) more potent (than) any social ideology or political alliance; deriving constant sustenance from (the) Mandate issued (from the) Pen (of the) Author (of the) Divine Plan; (and) assured (of the) overshadowing protection vouchsafed by (the) Lord (of the) Covenant Himself presiding (over the) Plan’s unfolding destiny, let them, (on) this auspicious occasion, dedicate themselves, through their assembled representatives, (to the) dual task (of) steadily consolidating their infant strength (and) tirelessly diffusing (the) holy influences inherent (in) their mission, until (a) visionless, slumbering, spiritually-impoverished continent (is) awakened through (the) saving grace (of) Bahá’u’lláh’s Revelation and its peace (and) security unassailably established through (the) redemptive power released through (the) emergence, of (the) institutions of (a) divinely appointed World Order. (signed) SHOGHI {.sig} to Second European Teaching Conference in Brussels — Received July 29, 1949 --- ## 1258.
1949-08-05 translation of Bayán is difficult {.center} Light of the Pacific #54 May/June 1970 p2 “We do not know the exact dates when the Báyan was revealed. Undoubtedly it will be translated in the future, but the style is extremely difficult and great learning will be required for such a work. As the Bayán was superseded by Bahá’u’lláh’s laws it is not essential for us to have it at this time.” (To an individual believer, dated August 5, 1949.) 1949-08-05 translation of Bayán is difficult {.ref .center} --- ## 1259.
1949-08-07 Second Message to the Brussels Conference {.center} USBN #224 October 1949 p5 {.ref .center} Delighted large attendance, representative character, second historic conference. Welcome determination (of) representatives (to) enrich further record (of) initial successes respective communities. Overburdened heart cheered, comforted (by) loving message. Praying still mightier confirmations. (signed) SHOGHI {.sig} Second Message to the Brussels Conference — August 7, 1949 --- ## 1260.
1949-08-18 friends naive and superficial in approach to Covenant-breakers {.center} Covenant-Breaking Prepared by the The International Teaching Centre — 28 November 1999 The friends are sometimes surprisingly naive and superficial in their approach to the subject of Covenant-breakers. They do not seem to understand that the descendants of Azal, with their mother’s milk, drank hatred of Bahá’u’lláh, just as the descendants of Muḥammad-‘Alí and his relatives have imbibed from babyhood a false concept of the Master. It takes practically a miracle to overcome this lifelong habit of wrong thought. Now, however, he has told the German believers to shun her. (From a letter dated 18 August 1949 written on behalf of the Guardian to a National Spiritual Assembly) --- ## 1261.
1949-08-xx To Sutherland Maxwell to take care of health {.center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani, p410 {.ref .center} URGE YOU TAKE UTMOST CARE AVOID POSSIBILITY SUNSTROKE WHILE INSPECTING SHRINE STOP AS WORK PROGRESSES YOU ARE INCREASINGLY PRECIOUS TO US ALL STOP AIRMAIL COPY PHOTOGRAPH SHRINE MODEL NOT TOO SMALL LOVE 1949-08-xx To Sutherland Maxwell to take care of health {.ref .center} --- ## 1262.
1949-09-30 theocratic systems {.center} USBN #226 December 1949 p2 {.ref .center} “He thinks your question is well put. What the Guardian was referring to was the theocratic systems, such as the Catholic Church and the Caliphate, which are not divinely given as systems, but man-made, and yet, having partly derived from the teachings of Christ and Mul)ammad are, in a sense, theocracies. The Bahá’í theocracy, on the contrary, is both divinely ordained as a system and, of course, based on the teachings of the Prophet Himself. This seems to reconcile the Guardian’s statement with Mr. Hofman’s. “Theophany is used in the sense of Dispensation. “He will certainly pray that Los Angeles may continue to grow in Bahá’í membership and the believers become ever more united and more active in serving the Faith.” September 30, 1949, addressed to Mrs. Oni Finks, the Guardian answers a question addressed to him which arose during a study class discussion of David Hofman’s Commentary on the Master’s Will and Testament. The question was sent to the Guardian at the request of the Los Angeles Assembly. {.sig} --- ## 1263.
1949-10-20 to Lea Nys re translations into French {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp68-9 Lea Nys, 20 October 1949 Dear Bahá’í Sister: The Guardian has instructed me to answer you directly regarding the questions you asked Mrs. Lynch to put to him concerning the proper term to be used in French for the English: “by which the letters B and E (be) have been joined together.” He feels that your committee should consult the Paris assembly and also see if, in the translations of Hippolyte Dreyfus of the writings of Bahá’u’1 — láh, the Báb, etc. and also Mr. Nicolas’ translations of the Bayán, you cannot find a good French usage for this difficult expression, which in English works out so well.80 He does not advise you to put a whole phrase, such as “le symbole précicieux, le Verbe de Dieu...” as this departs too much from the original and does not convey the true meaning. He is very pleased over the excellent work your committee is doing, and assures you all of his loving prayers for your complete success. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbání 1949-10-20 to Lea Nys re translations into French {.ref .center} --- ## 1264.
1949-10-23 Thornton Chases resting-place & anniversary {.center} USBN #228 February 1950 p4 {.ref .center} “It is not important whether Thornton Chase’s resting-place is referred to as his grave or his shrine. We should not be rigid in such matters. Likewise it is not important whether the friends gather on the 30th or the 1st of the month.* The keeping of the anniversary is the important thing.” to Mr. Willard P. Hatch dated October 23, 1949: Mr. Hatch explains that the “Star of the West” reports Thornton Chase as having died after sunset on September 30th, so the reference to the 30th and the 1st means the 30th of September or the 1st of October --- ## 1265.
1949-10-23 memoirs & experiences with the Master {.center} USBN #228 February 1950 p4 {.ref .center} “It is very important that the old Bahá’ís should accurately record their experiences with the Master, and events in the Cause’s progress, for these things form data for future histories of the Cause. They have not, however, the authority of the revealed Word or the Tablets, etc...” to Mr. Willard P. Hatch dated October 23, 1949: --- ## 1266.
1949-10-23 old Bahá́ís should accurately record their experiences {.center} Guidance Regarding Bahá’í Archives Compiled by Bahá’í International Archives It is very important that the old Bahá’ís should accurately record their experiences with the Master, and events in the Cause’s progress, for these things form data for future histories of the Cause. They have not, however, the authority of the revealed Word or the Tablets, etc. From a letter on behalf of Shoghi Effendi dated 23 October 1949 to an individual --- ## 1267.
1949-10-25 heart austerity {.center} USBN #230 April 1950 p1 {.ref .center} “You are quite right to say that much more emphasis should be placed on the heart in America. Without the spirit of real love for Bahá’u’lláh, for His Faith and its Institutions, and the believers for each other, the Cause can never really bring in large numbers of people. For it is not preaching and rules the world wants, but love and action. “He also feels that this period of ‘austerity’ will do no harm, and that it can and should arouse the individuals to undertake more responsibility. Too many instructions and procedures deaden the initiative of people and confuse them.” to· Mrs. Beatrice Ashton, dated October 25, 1949) --- ## 1268.
1949-10-25 to Henk Buys re going to Indonesia {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp70-71 Henk Buys, 25 October 1949 Dear Bahá’í Brother: Our beloved Guardian was very happy to receive your letter of October 2, and also to hear you are going out to Indonesia. You can do an immense lot of good for the Faith there by teaching people whom you find open-minded and receptive to the wonderful message of Bahá’u’lláh. He urges you to get in touch with: Mr. Rustam Sabet, P.O. Box 19, New Delhi, India, who is the secretary of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baháïs of India, Pakistan and Burma. There is already one pioneer from India in Indonesia, and if you can see him, or write to him, after obtaining from Mr. Sabet his address, your cooperation would be very useful, as of course this believer is of oriental background. It would be a wonderful service to the Faith if you can find some way of having the book Bahá’u’lláh and the New Era translated into Malay. It is wonderful to think that whereas a few months ago there were no Bahá’ís in Indonesia, there will now be three, two from Holland and one from India. God truly moves in mysterious ways to carry His Faith to suffering humanity! It is just possible that Mr. Charles Mason Reméy may be able to visit, on his world tour, Indonesia. Mr. Sabet can inform you of this. As Mr. Remey is a very charming and cultivated man he could be introduced to your circle of friends and give them lectures on the Cause in a way that would not savour of any propaganda, but rather seem a privilege to those who met him. The Guardian assures you of his prayers for the success of your work out there, and also for dear Mrs. Buys. With warmest greetings, R. Rabbání P.S. In view of the great importance of having some literature in Malay the Guardian urges you, and the other two pioneers out there, to make every effort to have at least a small pamphlet translated and printed as soon as possible. He would like to receive some copies of this for the Bahá’í libraries in Haifa and Bahjí as soon as they are available. May the Almighty bless richly your efforts in the new Held opening before you, remove all obstacles from your path, and aid you to lay a strong and unassailable foundation for the institutions of His Faith, your true brother, Shoghi {.sig} 1949-10-25 to Henk Buys re going to Indonesia {.ref .center} --- ## 1269.
1949-10-27 to Lea Nys re dont pressure people to become Bahá’ís {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp92 Lea Nys, 27 October 1949 Dear Bahá’í Sister: The beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer your letter of October 2, enclosing that of Mr. E. Remacle, as well as the post card relevant to it. I am sending you herewith his answer, which no doubt Mr. Remacle will share with you, and which explains his attitude towards the questions raised. No pressure should be brought to bear on these kind and loving friends, to join the faith. This is a matter of conscience, and whatever their future attitude may be, the Baháïs should continue to cooperate with them and show them great cordiality and friendship. The Guardian is praying for their spiritual enlightenment, and also for the steady progress of your Assembly’s work in Brussels. He was made most happy by the excellent reports of the Brussels Conference and the high praise bestowed upon the Brussels Bahá’ís for all they did to make it such a success. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbání Dear and valued co-workers: I wish to assure you in person of my deep and heartfelt gratitude for your notable services to the Faith, and particularly in connection with the Brussels Conference. I feel truly proud of your accomplishments, and will supplicate the Beloved to bless richly your valuable and meritorious activities, and enable you in the days to come, to win still greater victories in the service o f His Faith. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 1949-10-27 to Lea Nys re don’t pressure people to become Bahá’ís {.ref .center} --- ## 1270.
1949-10-28 the number nine {.center} USBN #228 February 1950 p4 {.ref .center} “Regarding your various questions: We must avoid giving the impression of being all tied up with peculiar religious theories; on the other hand, the 9 sides of the Temple, and the 9-pointed star require an explanation, and he feels the best one is this: “Nine is the highest digit, hence symbolizes comprehensiveness, culmination; also, the reason it is used in the Temple’s form is because 9 has the exact numerical value of “Bahá” (in the numerology connected with the Arabic alphabet) and “Bahá” is the name of the Revealer of our Faith, Bahá’u’lláh. The 9-pointed star is not a part of the teachings of our Faith, but only used as an emblem representing “9”. In telling people of the 9 religions of the world, that is, existing religions, we should not give this as the reason the Temple has 9 sides. This may have been an idea of the architect, and a very pleasing idea, which can be mentioned in passing, but the Temple has 9 sides because of the association of 9 with perfection, unity and “Bahá.” “The Guardian feels that with intellectuals and students of religion the question of exactly which are the 9 existing religions is controversial, and it would be better to avoid it. He does not want the friends to be rigid in these matters, but use their judgment and tact, sometimes one statement is exactly the right thing for one type of mind and the wrong thing for another. “Strictly speaking the 5-pointed star is the symbol of our Faith, as used by the Báb and explained by Him. But the Guardian does not feel it is wise or necessary to complicate our explanations of the Temple by adding this. “Shoghi Effendi himself uses the King James version of the Bible, both because it is an authoritative one and in beautiful English. “The statement in ‘Seven Days of Creation’ certainly cannot be considered authoritative or correct. The Ark and the Flood we believe are symbolical. “He feels that it is not necessary to present, prematurely, to every new Bahá’í the teachings regarding the use of the Greatest Name. Some souls need and are ready for this: others are not. Judgment must be used in such matters. It is more essential to stress the importance of prayer and to urge the use of one of the obligatory prayers.” to Nina Matthisen, dated October 28, 1949) --- ## 1271.
1949-10-30 to Philip Hainsworth re his plans {.center} Looking back in Wonder, Philip Hainsworth, p84-5 Dear Bahá’í Brother, Your letters of January 4 and August 22, were received, and the beloved Guardian has been anticipating answering them for some time, but the pressure of his work has held up a lot of letters of late. He regrets the delay — the material you enclosed in them was also received and he thanks you for sending it. Mrs Preston wrote the Guardian three letters about herself and her work — or contemplated work. She seems to be now ready to take hold and do some teaching, and the Guardian advised her about this, and also that she need not send any pamphlet to him for correction, but should consider the British National Spiritual Assembly the natural source of advice and help in these matters. He urged her, however, to keep in close contact with him. The thing he is anxious to see is a pamphlet in Swahili (and as many other African languages as possible!). He was, therefore, very pleased over your action and leaves it to you to push the matter further. You should perhaps send a copy of your material to Mrs Preston for consultation. It seems her husband is helpful and speaks Swahili himself, so he could judge of any translation you get back. It pleased the Guardian very much to hear your dear mother is so much better. You were blessed in your parents and he will pray she may be spared to you f6r many years to come. Give her his love. As regards your own future plans: in view of the precarious state of the Plan in Britain he does not think you can at present decide what you will do when it is over. He advises you to wait until it is over and the needs of the immediate future take shape. The best general plan for you to make would be to contemplate getting work for the next year or so in the British Isles, to go on with your services for the Cause there, and keep in mind the desirability of going at a later date to some place in Africa to establish the Cause. All that you have done and are doing he most deeply appreciates. You have been of invaluable assistance to the work there since you went back, and he envisages for you many future distinguished services. With warmest Bahá’í love and greetings, R. Rabbání. Dear and valued co-worker, Your strenuous, valiant and persistent efforts, exerted with such zeal and devotion, to ensure the success of the Plan are, indeed, worthy of the highest praise. I increasingly admire your accomplishment and feel deeply thankful for the exemplary spirit you demonstrate. My fervent and loving prayers surround you in all your activities, and I feel confident that the Beloved is well pleased with the standard of your achievements. Persevere in your high and meritorious endeavours and be happy and confident always. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi. 1949-10-30 to Philip Hainsworth re his plans {.ref .center} --- ## 1272.
1949-10-31 hopes France can play a more important part in affairs of Cause {.center} Germany, France, Italy, and Switzerland Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. Published in Bahá’í Studies Review 4:1 France could certainly profit greatly, as you say, from the visits of more travelling teachers, and he hopes that as the urgent phase in the building up of the Ten Goal Countries passes, more attention can be given to assisting the French believers. No doubt a great deal could be achieved in France with relatively little effort, and he longs for the day when the oldest Bahá’í Community in Europe can play a more important part in the affairs of the Cause in that Continent. (on Behalf of Shoghi Effendi to individual believer, 31 October 1949) --- ## 1273.
1949-11-05 correction to printed version of msg to 2nd European Teaching Conf {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp93 2ndEuropean Teaching Conference, 5 November 1949 The Guardian wants me to call your attention to an error in the published version (October Bahá’í News) of his cable to the European Conference. It should read as follows: Right hand column, beginning of the second paragraph: “Firmly knit (by the) sacred bonds (of a) spiritual fellowship more enduring, possessed of greater cohesive strength than any ties (of) kinship or race, (and) more potent (than) any social ideology or political alliance; deriving constant sustenance from (the) Mandate issued (from the) Pen (of the) Author (of the) Divine Plan; (and) assured (of the) overshadowing protection vouchsafed by (the) Lord (of the) Covenant Himself presiding (over the) Plans unfolding destiny, let them, (on) this auspicious occasion, dedicate themselves, through their assembled representatives, (to the) dual task (of) steadily consolidating their infant strength (and) tirelessly diffusing (the) holy influences inherent (in) their mission, until (a) visionless, slumbering, spiritually-impoverished continent (is) awakened through (the) saving grace (of) Bahá’u’lláhs Revelation and its peace (and) security unassailably established through (the) redemptive power released through (the) emergence of (the) institutions of (a) divinely appointed World Order.” 1949-11-05 correction to printed version of msg to 2nd European Teaching Conf {.ref .center} --- ## 1274.
1949-11-30 to Josephine Diebold re dealing with disharmony {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp93-4 Josephine Diebold, 30 November 1949 Dear Bahá’í Sister: Your letter dated November 23 has reached our beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. He fully realizes how very distressing it is to see any inharmony in a Bahd’i Community. However, a great deal of inharmony — if not all of it — is due to the fact that the Bahá’ís do not properly understand the administration. They know that the Spiritual Assembly is the body to decide the affairs of the Community, but they do not let it do so! This is usually due not to lack of a desire to see the assembly function, but rather to over-anxiety to see it do what one or two people think is the proper thing. It is very hard for people to learn to function the way ‘Abdu’l-Bahá says we should: the friends on the assembly must consult freely, all of them; then whatever the majority decides must be accepted wholeheartedly, for the sake of God. Personal opinions are important, but once the majority has voted, they must be given up and not clung to. The Guardian appreciates very much your devotion to the Faith, and your loving and helpful attitude towards your fellow Bahá’ís. He urges you to go on encouraging them, and pointing out to them that these are small problems — growing pains — and will and can be overcome. He will certainly pray for the unity of the friends there. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbání Assuring you of my loving prayers for your success in the service of our beloved Faith and for the realization of every hope you cherish for the promotion of the interests of its institutions, your true brother, Shoghi 1949-11-30 to Josephine Diebold re dealing w/ disharmony {.ref .center} --- ## 1275.
1949-12-14 Fanny Knohlochs Passing {.center} USBN #227 January 1950 p1 {.ref .center} “Grieve passing (of) beloved, ‘distinguished, exemplary pioneer (of) Faith, Fanny Knobloch. Memory (of) her notable services imperishable, her reward (in) Abba Kingdom bountiful, assured, everlasting.” — SHOGIIl (Cable from the Guardian received Dec. 14) --- ## 1276.
1949-12-25 to Jeanne Boekhoudt re Bahá’í healers” {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp94-5 Jeanne Boekhoudt, 25 December 1949 Dear Bahá’í Sister: Your letter of November 3 was received and our beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. As he is particularly busy at this time in connection with the work going on at the Shrine I will make this just a short letter. He does not feel that you should try to do anything special about this capacity you feel to help people when they are ill. This does not mean you should not use it when the occasion arises, such as it did recently. But he means you should not become a “healer” such as the Christian Scientists have, and we Bahá’ís do not have. As your niece seems quite happy in her new life there is nothing you can do to open her eyes but pray for her. He too will pray for her. With warmest greetings, R. Rabbání Assuring you of my loving prayers for your success in the service of our beloved Faith, and for the realization of every hope you cherish for its promotion. Your true brother; Shoghi 1949-12-25 to Jeanne Boekhoudt re Bahá’í “healers” {.ref .center} --- ## 1277.
194X-XX-XX time limit on Assembly non-attendance {.center} USBN #208 June 1948 p7 {.ref .center} “ ... it is establishing a dangerous precedent to allow Assemblies to put a time limit on non-attendance of their members at meetings of the S. A., beyond which that person is automatically dropped from the Assembly and a vacancy declared ... There should be no time limit fixed by Assemblies beyond which a person is dropped. Every case of prolonged absence from the sessions of the Assembly should be considered separately by that Assembly, and if the person is seen to not want to attend meetings, or to be held away from them indefinitely because of illness or travel, then a vacancy could legitimately be declared and a new member be elected .” a recent letter written by the Guardian through his secretary to an American Bahá’í --- ## 1278.
194X-XX-XX to Amelia Collins re Fast {.center} USBN #167 January 1944 p2 {.ref .center} “Regarding your question concerning the Fast: Travelers are exempt from fasting, but if they want to fast while they are traveling, they are free to do so. You are exempt the whole period of your travel, not just the hours you are in a train or car, etc. If one eats unconsciously during the fasting hours, this is not breaking the Fast as it is an accident. The age limit is seventy years, but if one desires to fast after the age limit is passed, and is strong enough to, one is free to do so. If during the Fast period a person falls ill and is unable to fast, but recovers before the fast period is over, he can start to fast again and continue until the end. Of course the Fast, as you know, can only be kept during the month set aside for that purpose.” to Mrs. Amelia E. Collins:—Date unknown --- ## 1279.
194X-XX-XX to Mildred Mottahedeh {.center} [Found in a notebook that had belonged to Amelia Bowman] Excerpt from letter from Guardian to Mildred Mottahedeh Now that the war is blazing in all its fury, the only service the Bahá’ís can render, as a body, of a concrete nature is to try and perfect themselves and their institutions in the Faith, and do all in their power to spread its knowledge, and holdup the light of its example, among as many people as possible. This is the time to broadcast the teachings and the name of the Faith far and wide, so that in the present days, and those to come, the people will know that such a belief, embodying such laws and principles, exists for their aid and their salvation ... --- ## 1280.
1950-02-15 To Luxembourg LSA response to photo {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp95-6 Local Spiritual Assembly of Luxembourg, 15 February 1950 Dear Bahá’í Friends: Your letter of recent date, with the photograph of your assembly enclosed has been received by our beloved Guardian, and he thanks you for it. He is proud of the achievements of the friends in Luxembourg and delighted to hear that many of them are natives of the Duchy. In a small and conservative country such as that to gain a foothold is perforce a very slow process. So far you have done very well indeed, and he will certainly assist you all he can with his prayers. He urges you to be confident and courageous, united and loving amongst yourselves — then the blessings of Bahá’u’lláh cannot but be showered upon you all. With warmest greetings, R. Rabbání Dear co-workers: I was so pleased to receive your letter, and wish to assure you of my deep appreciation of the spirit that animates you in the service of His Faith, and of my ardent prayers for your success in its service. Persevere in your noble efforts, and rest assured that the Beloved will bless your high endeavours. Your true brother; Shoghi 1950-02-15 To Luxembourg LSA, response to photo {.ref .center} --- ## 1281.
1950-03-19 to Ellsworth Blackwell re writing to NSA {.center} White and Negro Alíke (Kindle edition), Audrey Mike 1950-03-19 to Ellsworth Blackwell re writing to NSA {.ref .center} Mr. Ellsworth Blackwell, Dear Bahá’í Brother: As our beloved Guardian is very busy these days, I will answer briefly your letter of December 1, 1949. It is certainly permissible for a believer to write the N.S.A. There are no dissenting votes in the Cause. When the majority of an assembly decides a matter, the minority, we are told by the Master, should accept this. To insist on having one’s dissenting vote recorded is not good, and achieves no constructive end. We must learn to look upon the laws of the Cause and administrative principles and not the short comings of the individual members of an assembly. He urges you not to distress yourself over these details, but pursue serenely your teaching of the Faith which is the most important work of all. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbání Assuring you of my loving prayers for your success & the realization of every hope you cherish in the service of our beloved faith, Your true brother, {.sig} Shoghi {.sig} --- ## 1282.
1950-03-28 to Philip Hainsworth re strains Guardian facing {.center} Looking back in Wonder, Philip Hainsworth, p84-5 Dear Bahá’í Brother, Your letters, dated October 16 and December 7 and 12, 1949, and March 12 1950, have been received, as well as St Barbe Baker’s letter to you. The beloved Guardian, having been in touch with you by cable, and being more over-worked this year than ever, delayed answering. You know, from what you saw here, how inefficient — to understate the matter — his servants are. The work at the shrines has vastly increased and of necessity, for as the first part of the building will soon be finished, the grounds around it have been entirely remodelled to fit it better and show it off. All this he has been forced to superintend and plan personally. The attacks and status of the enemies you know about. So that in all he is very tired. He was, however, cheered and pleased to hear about the new African language pamphlets. This is really a most valuable service you have rendered. As he cabled you, he does not feel an English pamphlet is essential now, and only adds to expenses. He thinks you should consult the NSA (after Plan’s end!) about points 1, 2, 3, regarding the type and printing extra material. Generally speaking, he feels some cards with the basic principles would be an advantage. He leaves all details about the appearance of these pamphlets to your judgement and any advice the NSA gives. He was very happy to see St Barbe Baker and Mrs Preston had cooperated with you, and he would like you to particularly thank Mr Backwell Senior for his contribution in making the Hausa translation. Although these three translations may not be perfect, they are an important beginning and give us a lever in hand, so to speak. He admires your mother very much, and is delighted her operation was a success, and that she is back at your side. Regarding her home: he does not see why see feels compelled to part with it at this stage. Can she not derive an income from renting it temporarily until you both see clearly what your future plans are? Your loyalty and devotion are deeply appreciated, you may be sure. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbání. May the Almighty bless, sustain, and guide you in your constant, and deeply appreciated labours, remove every obstacle in your path, and enable you to win still greater victories for His Faith and its nascent institutions. {.sig} Your true and grateful brother; Shoghi 1950-03-28 to Philip Hainsworth re strains Guardian facing {.ref .center} --- ## 1283.
1950-04-05 tests often come from each other {.center} Fire and Gold: Benefiting from Life’s Tests”, p61 as compiled by Brian Kurzius We are Bahá’ís because we believe it is the Truth for this day, and not because of any hopes we may have for an easier passage through this troubled world! Our tests often come from each other; but for the sake of Bahá’u’lláh we must endure them patiently and rise above them. [From a letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi, 5 April 1950] --- ## 1284.
1950-05-07 to 4th South America Congress {.center} Eve Nicklin: She of the Brave Heart, Boris Handal, p151 Deeply touched message welcome pledge supplicating fervently abundant blessings realization hopes appreciate support services Dorothy [Baker] urge redouble efforts deepest love Shoghi. 1950-05-07 to 4th South America Congress {.ref .center} ========= {.noid} Prior to there being an NSA in South America, there were four annual congresses. In 1951 the first NSA of South America was elected. --- ## 1285.
1950-05-11 to Amelia Collins re Sutherland Maxwell illness {.center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani, p411 {.ref .center} SUTHERLAND GRAVELY ILL ONLY HOPE TRANSFER HIM EXPERT CARE DOCTOR GENEVA STOP TURNING AGAIN YOU HAVE GREAT NEED STOP COULD YOU FLY GENEVA NEXT WEEK IF NECESSARY MATTER STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL DEEPEST LOVE 1950-05-11 to Amelia Collins re Sutherland Maxwell illness {.ref .center} ========= {.noid} Sutherland Maxwell was suffering fm serious gallstone problem that could not be taken care of in Israel. --- ## 1286.
1950-06-23 to NSA Canada re Sutherland Maxwell illness {.center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani, p412 {.ref .center} [S]ince the beginning of April my dear father, Mr. Maxwell, has been dangerously and desperately ill. The anxiety this caused us all, and the constant coming and going of doctors and nurses, and two periods in hospital, have necessitated putting aside all correspondence for months. Now, however, thank God, Mr. Maxwell is slowly improving and the threads of normal existence can be taken up by us all. 1950-06-23 to NSA Canada re Sutherland Maxwell illness {.ref .center} --- ## 1287.
1950-06-28 to Australia NSA re Sutherland Maxwell illness {.center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani, p412 {.ref .center} Mr. Maxwell, the architect of the Shrine, at the beginning of April became desperately ill, and for ten weeks absorbed the anxious care and attention of us all, as his condition was seemingly hopeless. 1950-06-28 to Australia NSA re Sutherland Maxwell illness {.ref .center} --- ## 1288.
1950-07-05 to New Zealand NSA re Sutherland Maxwell illness {.center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani, p412 {.ref .center} It is only the last two weeks that he [Shoghi Effendi] has been able to take up the question of his mail, due to the fact that the very serious illness of my father, since April 5th, has kept us all in a condition of confusion and suspense for months. As it was seemingly a hopeless condition, and one most agonizing for us all to have to watch, it was impossible to concentrate for the time being on anything else. 1950-07-05 to New Zealand NSA re Sutherland Maxwell illness {.ref .center} --- ## 1289.
1950-07-05 various to USNSA {.center} USBN #236 October 1950 p2-3 {.ref .center} Your letters, and those signed by other members of the Assembly, of September 29, 30; October 3, 4, 7; November 1 (three); December 15, 1949, and January 2, 11, 13; February 1, 2, 15; March 2, 3, 6; April 21 (two) ; May 8, (two), 24 (two), 25, 26; June 2, 4, 17 (three), 18 of 1950, as well as their enclosures, and material sent under separate cover, have been received, and our beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer them on his behalf. He is very sorry that so much important correspondence has had to wait so long for an answer. It is only the last two weeks that he has been able to take up the question of his mail, due to the fact that the very serious illness of my father, since April 5, has kept us all in a condition of confusion and suspense for months. As it was seemingly a hopeless condition, and one most agonizing for us all to have to watch, it was impossible to concentrate for the time being on anything else. Thanks, however, to the mercy of Bahá’u’lláh, and the iron determination of the Guardian not to allow the builder of the Shrine to pass away at this time, Mr. Maxwell is now recovering, and our lives are getting back to normal. During the winter, as you know, the Shrine work has 1been steadily going forward. This necessitated not only constant supervision on the part of the Guardian but also involved extensive excavations behind the original building in order to permit the arcade to fit around it. Shoghi Effendi himself, in order to economize and ensure the work was carried on in such a way as not to endanger the Shrine, spent many hours daily up in the gardens, superintending this work personally, which was very exhausting for him; and took up, with other problems, all his time last winter. On the 29th of last month the last stone of the arcade was set in. position, and the effect of the first story, now entirely finished, is truly glorious. * * * The Guardian feels believers desiring to declare themselves are entitled to read the full text of the Master’s Will beforehand, and indeed, they should do so. The increasing publicity the Temple is receiving, especially in the Chicago area, is very encouraging. Now that the arcade of the Shrine is finished, the believers should seek to get as much publicity as possible for this beautiful and interesting building, as it will serve to call the Faith to the attention of many people, especially those visiting or interested in Israel. * * * The Guardian regrets very much that he is not able to supply the friends with any new translations at present. The rapid expansion of the Cause, and the consequent tremendous increase in his correspondence, the building of the Shrine and all it entails, the upkeep and consolidation of the international Center, all not only keep him constantly occupied, but are sapping his strength and taking up all his time. * * * The Guardian considers it immaterial whether you use the term “ Persia” or “Írán”. Regarding Mr. — - — ‘s bequest to the Temple: your Assembly should inform his widow that, because he was not a Bahá’í, we cannot use his money for our purposes, as we consider our Faith and its institutions our free gift to humanity. You can, however, and indeed should, accept it for charity and expend it in his name. * * * Regarding holding the Latin America Conventions: all Bahá’í conventions must meet within the Riḍván period. He suggests the Central and South American conventions be convened for April 21st, or a day or two later, in order to permit North Americans to get back in time for their own Convention, if they desire to attend it. * * * He does not feel the By-Laws should be changed: what could be done is to insert a foot-note. explaining that, as the Bahá’í day begins and ends at sunset, the evening of March 20th would be considered as a legal date by us. * * * The purpose of the By-Laws is to clarify and strengthen the administrative legal functions of a Bahá’í community. As a believer of 15 cannot vote he sees no reason for including a statement regarding the age of 15 in the By-Laws. A baby can be considered a Bahá’í; 15 is merely the age of maturity for fasting, marriage, etc., and in the case of America, a declaration at that age is invited from the youth in order to protect them, at a future date, from being forced to do active military service. In this connection he would like to point out that if the believers gather before sundown on a certain date it does not matter if the meeting continues after sunset; it may still be considered as being held on the day they gathered. The Naw-Rúz Feast should be held on March 21 before sunset and has nothing to do with the 19 Day Feast. The 19 Day Feast is administrative in function whereas the Naw-Rúz is our New Year, a Feast of hospitality and rejoicing. * * * The Esslemont book is now printed in about 60 languages, and the Guardian does not want any revision made of it at present. * * * He sees no objection to Bahá’ís in various universities holding organized Bahá’í student groups, as long as they do this on each campus according to the rules, and no general statement is made regarding such procedure by your Assembly. The tendency of the Bahá’ís all over the world is to constantly try to lay down new rules and regulations, and pour the Faith into molds, whereas the Guardian insists on the greatest elasticity in details and only the fundamentals, laid down by him already, should be universal and rigidly adhered to. * * * The Guardian has no objection to the suggestion of the Temple architect to go to the additional expense at present of $32,136 in using cast stone for the outside walls of the Temple interior, as long as this will be included in the top figure estimated originally and accepted, or not exceed it excessively. * * * The Guardian has not felt he wished to make any voice recordings for the various Conventions as yet. But he thanks you for your offer to send the necessary machine for this purpose. * * * The Bahá’í marriage ceremony should be carried out because we are Bahá’ís, regardless of whether it is legal or not. All details regarding this matter are left to the discretion of your Assembly. In closing let me assure you that our beloved Guardian has watched with interest and approval the achievements of your body during the last year. The Temple is now assured, the European work going ahead wonderfully. It is Latin America that requires the greatest care at this time in order to launch the two new NSA’s on their careers successfully. His loving thoughts and prayers are with you, and he shares your cares and burdens in spirit. · The illnesses of dear Mr. Holley and Mr. Sprague have been most unfortunate, and he admires not only their own patience and devoted spirit but also the way in which their coworkers took on added burdens. With Bahá’í love, — R. RABBÁNÍ P .S. The Convention record has been received; also the photograph of the Phoenix, all-Negro Assembly, sent by the RTC of the Central States: he was delighted to see this picture and note the progress in the Faith which it represents. to the NSA dated July 5, 1950: Note : The Guardian’s postscript ta this letter, in his own handwriting, was published in the September issue of Bahá’í News under the title “A Worthy Five-fold Offering.” --- ## 1290.
1950-07-12 gen letter to Regional Assemblies of Latin America {.center} Divine Springtime — Louise Coswell Recalls, pp79-83 to the National Spiritual Assemblies of the Bahá’ís of Meso-America and the Antilles and South America. Dearly Beloved Friends, The formation of the first National Spiritual Assemblies of the Bahá’ís of Central and South America — an event hailed by the entire Bahá’í world — constitutes a landmark of the utmost significance not only in the history of the evolution of the Faith in Latin America, but in the annals of the Formative age of the Bahá’í Dispensation as well. It signifies the termination of the first Epoch in the rise and establishment of the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh in Central and South America — an Epoch that was ushered in on the morrow of the revelation of the Tablets of the Divine Plan through the pioneer services rendered by individual believers, among whom ranks as foremost that immortal and heroic soul, Martha Root, and which culminated with the successful prosecution of two successive historic campaigns initiated by the North American Bahá’í Community in pursuance of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s Divine Plan. “This second and momentous Epoch in the unfoldment of the Faith, now being entered upon, is signalized by the emergence of two newly established, independent, firmly-knit regional communities, embracing all the Republics of Central and South America, stretching from the borders of Mexico as far as the southern extremity of Chile, comprising no less than forty organized local assemblies, many of them already incorporated, every one of them animated by the spiritual verities of one common Faith, and all of them functioning in accordance with the principles of a vigorously operating, divinely appointed Administrative Order. This new phase in the development of an irresistably advancing Faith presages, moreover,the formal association of these twin newly-emerged communities with their parent community in the North American continent in the prosecution of the Plan conceived by the Centre of Bahá’u’lláh’s Covenant, among the Latin American races now awakening to the clarion call sounded by Him in His immortal Tablets. Though not enjoying the status and privileges conferred in that same Plan by ‘ Abdu’1-Bahá on the North American Bahá’í Community, yet, in view of the momentous and stirring summons issued by the Author of the Revelation in His Most Holy Book, addressed to the Rulers of all the Republics the Western Hemisphere, both of these communities may be said to have been invested with rights and duties which no community in any continent of the Eastern Hemisphere can claim to possess. This association, which will be formally inaugurated with the termination of the Second Seven Year Plan, and which is destined to reveal its potentialities in the course of the unfolding of the Formative Age of the Faith, and particularly as a consequence of the formation of separate National Spiritual Assemblies in each of the Republics of Latin America, is a distinction which every adherent of the Faith, whether a native believer or a North American pioneer labouring in Central or South America, must constantly bear in mind. Its importance cannot be overestimated, nor can its full significance be assessed at the present hour. “The consolidation of the existing assemblies, the multiplication of groups; the steady development of the process of Bahá’í incorporation; the expansion of the all-important task of translating, publishing and disseminating Bahá’í literature in Spanish and Portuguese; the consolidation of the recently inaugurated national and local funds; the strengthening of such institutions as Bahá’í National Committees, Summer Schools, Conventions and Regional Teaching Conferences; the acceleration of the highly meritorious work already commenced amongst the Indians in both Central and South America; the progressive proclamation of the verities of the Faith to all sections of the population of Latin America; above all, the triple task of constantly deepening the spiritual life of the individual believer, of enriching his understanding of the spiritual and administrative principles of his Faith, and of cementing the unity of each local community — these stand out as the foremost responsibilities to be assumed during these two concluding years of the Second Seven Year Plan by the two newly formed National Spiritual Assemblies of Central and South America, in preparation of the launching of specially conceived, clearly defined plans, the initiation of which must mark the formal association of the Bahá’í communities of Latin America with the National Bahá’í communities in the United States and Canada, for the furtherance of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s world-embracing Master Plan, now still in the embryonic stage of its development. A fire with the vision now unfolding itself before their eyes; conscious of the sacred responsibility which, as implied in the ringing words recorded in the Kitáb-i-Aqdas, they must increasingly shoulder; fortified by the contemplation of the manner and rapidly with which their beloved Faith has struck its roots into the soil of their homelands; confident that the same mysterious and unconquerable Power that has watched over the operation, and ensured the consummation, of the specific Plan undertaken by various National Bahá’í Communities in recent years in both the East and the West, will, as they prepare to launch their own collective enterprises in the years immediately ahead, vouchsafe to them Its sustaining grace and unfailing guidance; the members of these newly emerged communities and above all, their recently elected national representatives, must display, during this period of transition, a spirit of dedication, a tenacity of purpose, willingness for self-sacrifice, that will surpass anything as yet exhibited in their past history, which will at once excite the envy and admiration of their older sister communities in all the continents of the globe, and enable them to acquire the spiritual potentialities that will assist them to take their honoured place in the ranks of those same communities which, in various regions of the world, are collectively and energetically carrying out their own national campaigns in the service and for the glory of the Cause of Bahá’u’lláh. That they may prove themselves worthy of the missions with which they will soon be formally invested; that they may never allow anything to interfere with the successful conclusion of this present preparatory phase of their historic task; that they may, through the quality of their devotion and the solidity of their achievements, rejoice the souls of the Concourse on high and, above all, the Spirits of the Holy Báb, of Bahá’u’lláh, and of His beloved Son, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, so that they may contribute their share, as independent pillars, in sustaining the House, whose erection must mark the culmination of the establishment of the Administrative Order of their Faith, is the dearest wish of my heart, my constant hope and my ardent prayer. Your true brother, {.sig} (Signed) Shoghi {.sig} 1950-07-12 gen letter to Regional Assemblies of Latin America {.ref .center} --- ## 1292.
1950-07-17 to National Area Teaching Committees {.center} USBN #236 October 1950 p3 {.ref .center} “ Members of the National Area Teaching Committees: “‘Dear Bahá’í Friends: “Your letter of February 27 was received, and our beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. “He is very sorry not to have replied · before, but the dangerous illness of Mr. Maxwell and the work on the Holy Shrine have held up his correspondence. “He hopes that your Committees will meet with greater success during the coming months. The completion of the first stage of the super-structure of the Holy Shrine, now offering a challenge and an inspiration to the world over; the completion of the Temple interior, soon to be accomplished, the imminent launching of the two Latin American National Bodies; the wonderful progress made in the ten goal countries — all these, combined with the very dark political aspect of world affairs, must stimulate the believers in America to unite and push forward as one soul the work of our glorious Faith. “He feels that you should do your utmost to call the attention of the friends to these large things, and real triumphs. and away from their personal differences and petty preoccupations. Now is certainly not the time for any man to think of himself, or busy himself with the weaknesses of his brother; but, rather each and every Bahá’í must concentrate on the tasks ahead and be reborn in the service of Bahá’u’lláh. “ With Bahá’í love, (signed) R. RABBÁNÍ {.sig} (In the Guardian’s own handwriting) “ Dear Co-workers: “ I was so pleased to receive your letter and am deeply touched by the sentiments you have expressed. I wish to assure you that I will pray for the success of your high endeavours from the depth s of my heart, that the Beloved may guide your steps, and enable you to lend a great impetus to the onward march of our beloved Faith. ‘’Your true brother (Signed) SHOGHI {.sig} (July 17, 1950) --- ## 1294.
1950-07-20 to Third European Teaching Conference Copenhagen {.center} USBN #236 October 1950 p1 {.ref .center} Extend heartfelt greetings (to the) attendants (at the) third European Teaching Conference convened (in the) capital city (of) Denmark. (My) heart ( is) uplifted (in) thanksgiving (to the) Martyr-Prophet (of our) beloved Faith (on the) occasion (of the) first historic assemblage on Scandinavian soil, (on the) morrow (of the) centenary (of) His supreme sacrifice, representing diverse Bahá’í communities (of the) eastern and western hemispheres. (I) joyfully acknowledge (the) first evidences (of the) answer (to the) prayer (of the) Center (of the) Covenant voiced (in) His Tablet over thirty years ago, supplicating (that) holy souls be raised up (to) promulgate (the) Faith (in) northern lands. (I) recall (with) feelings (of) profound emotion Bahá’u’lláh ‘s own anticipation (of the) establishment (of) His Cause (in) lands (of the) extreme north (and) south through provision (in) His Most Holy Book (of the) specific ruling related (to the) ordinance (of) obligatory prayer s. (I am) highly gratified (to) witness (the) far-reaching effect (of the) magnificent response (by the) American Bahá’í community (to the) memorable summons issued (by the) Herald (of the) Faith (in) His Qayyúmu’l-Asmá’, calling (the) peoples (of the) West (to) forsake (their) homes (to) assure (the) triumph (of) God’s Cause. ( I) welcome expansion (in) scope (of the) annual Conference through inauguration (of the) Summer School designed (to) prolong (the) sessions (of the) Conference, (to) stimulate (the) spirit (of) Bahá’í fellowship, (to) deepen understanding (of the) fundamental .spiritual (and) administrative principles (of the) Faith, (to) fix (the) pattern (of) future independent national Summer Schools (in the) ten European goal countries. (I) appeal (to the) assembled representatives (of the) goal countries and through them (to the) entire body (of) believers (in the) respective homelands (to) rededicate themselves (to the) urgent tasks ahead (in the) course (of the) three coming years falling between (the) historic Centenaries (of the) Báb’s martyrdom (and the) birth of Bahá’u’lláh’s prophetic mission. Mindful (of the) struggles, sufferings (and) sacrifices (of the) heroes, saints, (and) martyrs (of the) Faith (in the) opening phase (of the) Apostolic Age (of the) Bahá’í Dispensation; fully aware (of the) circumstances attending (the) launching (of the) transatlantic project amidst (the) confusion (and) prostration afflicting (the) war-torn continent; heartened (by the) signal initial success achieved (in the) years immediately succeeding (the) inauguration (of the) project, let them, undaunted (by the) perils (of the) progressively deteriorating international situation, pursue relentlessly (their) allotted tasks through rapid increase (in) membership, effective promotion (of the) recently initiated extension work, consolidation (of) all administrative agencies, energetic dissemination (of) Bahá’í literature, closer collaboration (with) sister Communities (in the) European continent, greater awareness (of their) inescapable responsibilities, deeper understanding (of the) verities (of) Bahá’u’lláh’s Revelation, (of) His Covenant, World Order, (and) above all, through constant daily effort aiming (at the) enrichment (of the) spiritual life (of the) individual, constituting (the) sole foundation whereon (the) stability (of the) structure (of) every Administrative edifice must depend. — SHOGHI Haifa, July 20, 1950. to the Third Bahá’í European Teaching Conference Copenhagen, Denmark --- ## 1295.
1950-07-28 whether to remain a Bahá’í {.center} USBN #286 December 1954 p1 {.ref .center} “In regard to the question you have asked him: you are naturally quite free to do as you please; he can only give you his sincere advice. He feels that before coming to any decision you should think clearly about the matter and not be governed entirely by emotions. “In accepting Bahá’u’lláh you have accepted Christ in His appearance as the Father, as He Himself so clearly foretold. The Catholic Church does not believe this; on the contrary, it still awaits the return of Christ. If you decide, in order to be buried next to your dear husband, to return to the church, you either would have to, in good faith, deny Bahá’u’lláh or you would be just using the church as a means to satisfying a desire of your own, which would certainly not be an upright and conscientious thing to do. “When you think that your husband’s soul is now free of the limitations of this world, and that he no doubt is beginning to see religious truth in its true light and to appreciate the station of Bahá’u’lláh, you should ask yourself whether he would wish you to leave the truth for this day and re-enter the church just for the sake of your dust being near his dust? Your spirit, when you pass away, will be near his spirit; of what importance, then, is the body? He will pray for your guidance in this matter.” on the Guardian’s behalf, dated July 28, 1950. --- ## 1296.
1950-08-23 re JOSEPH PERDU {.center} USBN #236 October 1950 p3 {.ref .center} “WARN BELIEVERS ‘ABDU’LLÁH FAZEL UNDER NAME (OF) JOSEPH PERDU PROCEEDING AMERICA FROM HONOLULU. ASSOCIATION FORBIDDEN.” (Signed) SHOGHI {.sig} received August 23, 1950: --- ## 1297.
1950-08-25 American believers grown up at last {.center} USBN #236 October 1950 p4 {.ref .center} “ The Guardian has been receiving many heartening letters from the friends, assuring him of their loyalty and devotion; a loyalty which was never in doubt. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, as you will remember, often referred to the American believers as children, but they have certainly grown up at last, and are assuming their full share of Bahá’í responsibility, which lightens the Guardian’s heavy load and makes his work easier.” to Leroy Ioas, dated August 25, 1950. --- ## 1298.
1950-08-27 ASSURE PIONEERS PROFOUND ADMIRATION {.center} USBN #236 October 1950 p7 {.ref .center} ASSURE PIONEERS PROFOUND ADMIRATION ARDENT LOVING PRAYERS ACCOMPANYING THEM MERITORIOUS MISSION. — SHOGHI response to message sent to Shoghi Effendi from the August 26-27 Latin American Conference in Wilmette: --- ## 1299.
1950-09-05 to Ned Blackmer re responsibilities to family {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp96-7 Ned Blackmer, 5 September 1950 Dear Bahá’í Brother: Your letter of August 8 has been received and our beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer it in his behalf. He feels that as long as your dear mother, so devoted and heroic in her service to the Faith, is in good health, able to support herself and happy you are doing this valuable pioneer work, you should remain in Europe. Your pioneer activities are very much needed and in remaining you are also saving the Fund the extra expense of sending someone to take your place. The attitude of your non-Bahá’í relatives is quite understandable, but the Guardian feels this is a matter which lies between you and your mother to decide, both being so united in spirit and so dedicated to the Cause of God. He will pray for you both, and that your relatives may come to see the rightness of your acts. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbání May the Beloved bless your high endeavours, enable you to enrich the record of your splendid services, and aid you to win still greater victories for this glorious Faith and its infant institutions. Your true and grateful brother; Shoghi {.sig} 1950-09-05 to Ned Blackmer re responsibilities to family {.ref .center} --- ## 1300.
1950-09-30 on behalf of to an individual believer re medical treatments {.center} Science and Technology #9 Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. He thanks you for the book you are sending him. He sees no reason why you should not tell the Bahá’ís that cancer seems to be successfully treated by this method sometimes. But as we are a religion and not qualified to pass on scientific matters we cannot sponsor different treatments. We are certainly free to pass on what we have found beneficial to others. 1950-09-30 on behalf of to an individual believer re medical treatments {.ref .center} --- ## 1301.
1950-10-30 to Jim Loft re moving {.center} Return to Tyendinaga: The Story of Jim and Melba Loft, Bahá’í Pioneers, Evelyn Loft Watts & Patricia Verge, p56 October 30, 1950, {.sig} Dear Bahá’í Friends, Our beloved Guardian was very happy to receive your letter of September 10, which unfortunately took some time to reach him, or he would have answered sooner. He is delighted over the success you have met with in your teaching efforts there, and very deeply appreciates the sacrifices you and your dear wife have made in order to render our Faith, and your people, this valuable service. He does not feel it is right for you and your family to impoverish yourselves further in order to remain on the Reservation; on the other hand your being there and living amongst the people is undoubtedly the best way to teach them. He, therefore, suggests you present your problem and your own suggestions to the N.S.A. of Canada, and seek their advice and help. He will pray that a way may open for you to earn your living properly, and also continue among the Indians. He sends you and your family his love. In His service, R. Rabbání With the assurance of my abiding and deepest appreciation of your services to our beloved Faith, of my heartfelt admiration for the spirit that animates you and of my ardent prayers for the success of every effort you exert for its promotion and consolidation. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi --- ## 1302.
1950-11-02 to Jeanne Boekhoudt re the Clarks and the Faith in Holland {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp96-7 Jeanne Boekhoudt, 2 November 1950 Dear Bahá’í Sister: Your letter of October 6 was received by our beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. He was very pleased to see you are working now and that you have also a dear Bahá’í sister there to assist you and labour with you to establish eventually a Spiritual Assembly there in the Hague. The Guardian feels that the question of the Clarks remaining in Holland or leaving is a matter which the European Teaching Committee must decide. You must always remember that this Committee is responsible for 10 countries, and they are often forced to take away the strongest pioneers they have and transfer them to a weak place which is not progressing satisfactorily or is in danger. All Bahá’í Communities suffer setbacks and growing pains, have problems to meet and tests. This is inevitable; but the remedy is to do ones best, with love and patience, and seek to adjust our problems in the frame-work of the administration. He realizes this is not always easy! But it is required of us, and will lead to great things in the future. He urges you to continue your teaching of the Faith there, with a peaceful heart, confident Bahá’u’lláh will help you and bless you. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbání May the Almighty bless, sustain and guide you, and enable you to promote, at all times, the vital interests of His Faith and of its God-given institutions. Your true brother, Shoghi {.sig} 1950-11-02 to Jeanne Boekhoudt re the Clarks and the Faith in Holland {.ref .center} --- ## 1303.
1950-11-02 to Jeanne Kranen re Clarks leaving Holland {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp98-9 Jeanne Kranen, 2 November 1950 Dear Bahá’í Sister:90 Your letter of October 6 has been received, and our beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. He is very happy to see you are working to spread the Faith in the Hague, and are so active and devoted in serving it. Regarding the Clarks leaving Holland: he feels this is a matter which must be decided by the European Teaching Committee as they have all the goal countries to consider, and know where the need is greatest, which, of course, is more than the individual Bahá’ís in different countries do. Often they are forced to transfer capable pioneers from a relatively strong community to a weaker one in danger. He feels you should have confidence in the E.T.C. and while appreciating the fact that the Bahá’ís are all just human and like other people, realize that this Committee has acted with great wisdom, courage and integrity, otherwise it never could have accomplished what it has. He urges you to follow the example of Mr. and Mrs. Clark, whose spirit so strongly influenced you, and if they are transferred, do all you can to accomplish their work and assist any future pioneers who may take their place. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbání May the Beloved guide and sustain you, cheer your heart, remove all obstacles from your path, and enable you to win great victories in the service of His Faith and its infant institutions. Your true brother; Shoghi {.sig} 1950-11-02 to Jeanne Kranen re Clarks leaving Holland {.ref .center} --- ## 1304.
1950-11-02 to Rita Sombeek re field of service {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp99-100 Rita van Bleyswijk Sombeek, 2 November 1950 Dear Bahá’í Sister: Your letter of February 16 was received, but owing to the pressure of the Guardians work on the Shrine at that time, and subsequently to the months of illness of Mr. Maxwell, his correspondence was unanswered for many months. He trusts that since writing your letter your affairs have improved and your confidence returned. The thing the friends should always remember is that wherever they are they can serve the Faith through word and deed. All fields of Bahá’í service are important, not only the pioneer one, and so no one should feel he can-not do something for the Cause unless circumstances change, because there is always a way of serving right where one is. He urges you not to feel depressed or sad, but to go forward with a confident heart. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbání May the Almighty reward you abundantly for your past labours, enable you to enrich the record of your past services, and aid you to win still greater victories in the service of His Faith and its God-given infant institutions. Your true brother; Shoghi {.sig} 1950-11-02 to Rita Sombeek re field of service {.ref .center} --- ## 1305.
1950-11-19 to Second All-Swiss Conference {.center} USBN #239 January 1951 p2 {.ref .center} DELIGHTED. PRAYING CONSOLIDATION SPLENDID HISTORIC ACHIEVEMENTS (of the) STEADILY RISING, RAPIDLY DEVELOPING, HIGHLY PROMISING, MUCH LOVED SWISS BAHÁ’Í COMMUNITY, SETTING INSPIRING EXAMPLE (to) OTHER GOAL COUNTRIES (of) EUROPE. ABIDING GRATITUDE. (Signed) SHOGHI {.sig} to the Second All-Swiss Conference: November 18-19, 1950 --- ## 1306.
1950-12-15 delivery of keys of Mazraih {.center} Holy Places at the Bahá’í World Centre compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. “ANNOUNCE FRIENDS DELIVERY AFTER MORE THAN FIFTY YEARS KEYS QASR MAZRA’IH BY ISRAEL AUTHORITIES STOP HISTORIC DWELLING PLACE BAHÁ’U’LLÁH AFTER LEAVING PRISON CITY ‘AKKÁ NOW BEING FURNISHED ANTICIPATION OPENING DOOR PILGRIMAGE.” (Cablegram from Shoghi Effendi dated December 15, 1950.) --- ## 1307.
1951-01-04 New Step in Building Bábs Shrine {.center} USBN #240 February 1951 p1 {.ref .center} Announce (to) National Assemblies (of) America. Europe (and) Australia (the) initiation (of) preliminary measures (for) erection (of) steel framework designed (to) support (the) contemplated dome (of the) Báb’s Sepulchre. Holy Edifice whose site (the) Founder (of the) Faith designated while Himself (an) exile (in) Most Great Prison, whose central structure (the) Center (of) His Covenant erected (in the) course (of the) turbulent years (of) His Ministry, whose enveloping arcade was constructed despite internal disturbance rocking (the) Ho1y Land, (is) now carried forward despite (the) mounting international tension through signing sixty-three thousand dollar contract for stonework (of) octa gon. Request beloved friends, collaborators (in) historic undertaking, (to) join me (in) prayers (for) uninterrupted prosecution (of) work simultaneously initiated (in) Italy (and) Holy Land designed (to) attain final consummation (in) rearing lofty dome, crowning unit (of) enterprise so intimately associated (with the) Three Central Figures (of) Faith linking (the) Heroic (and) Formative Ages (of) Bahá’í Dispensation. Haifa, Israel January 4, 1951 {.sig} (signed) S HOCHI {.sig} --- ## 1308.
1951-01-08 to LaFontaines re poss pioneers to Latin America {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp101 Ulrich and Aukje LaFontaine, 8 January 1951 Dear Bahá’í Friends:92 Your letter of December 25 has been received, and our beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. He extends to you a most hearty welcome into the service of our beloved Faith — a Faith you have so strangely been prepared for many years ago in Indonesia. If you can migrate to Latin America he thinks it would be a very good thing; you could certainly, wherever you were, help the spread of the Cause and its consolidation. However, he feels you should be very careful of any scheme for building up a colony along Bahá’í lines; this is, he feels premature, and might not only involve a failure affecting you, and because you are Bahá’ís, the good name of the Cause too. He will pray that the way may open for you to find a satisfactory life for yourselves and your children, and at the same time serve this Faith you love so dearly. He will also pray for your friends, whom you mention in your letter. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbání With the assurance of my loving prayers for your success and spiritual advancement, your true brother; Shoghi 1951-01-08 to LaFontaines re poss pioneers to Latin America {.ref .center} --- ## 1309.
1951-01-xx To Claire Gung on pioneering to Africa Tanganyika {.center} Claire Gung: Mother of Africa, Adrienne Morgan, p15-16 1951-01-xx To Claire Gung on pioneering to Africa (Tanganyika) {.ref .center} [The Guardian was] very glad you wrote to him and exposed your heart to him ... ... It is such seemingly weak instruments that demonstrate that God is the Power achieving the victories ... your services will be a witness to the power of Bahá’u’lláh ... ... you will ever-increasingly be sustained and you will find joy and strength given to you, and God will reward you. You will pass through these dark hours triumphant. The first Bahá’í going on such an historic mission could not but suffer, but the compensation will be great.’ May the Almighty abundantly reward you for your exemplary response, guide every step you take, bless every effort you exert and enable you to win great and memorable victories in this new field of Bahá’í activity, and thus ennoble the glorious work you have initiated in the service of His precious Faith. {.sig} Your true brother, Shoghi. {.sig} --- ## 1310.
1951-02-16 to an individual believer re criticism and harsh words {.center} Unlocking the Power of Action, #52 Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. When criticism and harsh words arise within a Bahá’í community, there is no remedy except to put the past behind one, and persuade all concerned to turn over a new leaf, and for the sake of God and His Faith refrain from mentioning the subjects which have led to misunderstanding and inharmony. The more the friends argue back and forth and maintain, each side, that their point of view is the right one, the worse the whole situation becomes. When we see the condition the world is in today, we must surely forget these utterly insignificant internal disturbances, and rush, unitedly, to the rescue of humanity. You should urge your fellow — Bahá’ís to take this point of view, and to support you in a strong effort to suppress every critical thought and every harsh word, in order to let the spirit of Bahá’u’lláh flow into the entire community, and unite it in His love and in His service. 1951-02-16 to an individual believer re criticism and harsh words {.ref .center} --- ## 1311.
1951-02-18 for SE re Confusius {.center} Bahá’í Studies Bulletin Vol I #2 September 1982 pp61 “Unless we can produce the original Persian.we cannot be sure that the translation is correct, and that ‘Abdu’1-Bahá really meant that Confucius was a Prophet in the sense of being an independent Manifestation of God. 1951-02-18 for SE re Confusius {.ref .center} --- ## 1312.
1951-03-29 policy on peace and unity conferences {.center} USBN #245 July 1951 p4 {.ref .center} “He feels that the statement which your Assembly made in your letter to him ... regarding Bahá’ís cooperating with peace and world unity conferences covers the subject adequately. There is no reason to draw a line of demarcation as to whether the type of world federation being promoted by a certain society involves governments or peoples. The point is that rf it is not allied to any particular political faction, and is not either ‘eastern’ or ‘western’ in its projects, the Bahá’ís may appear as speakers on its platform and give it moral support.” March 29, 1951: {.sig} [response to USNSA policy — - — - “ That Bahá’í cooperation can be extended to peace and world unity conferences where the Bahá’í attitude ca!l be presented without restriction, and where the Bahá’í participants are not involved in any political or radical action contrary to the Bahá’í principles establishing loyalty to civil government and non-participation in subversive movements.”] --- ## 1313.
1951-04-02 hail success of 9 terraces {.center} Holy Places at the Bahá’í World Centre compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. “HAIL SUCCESS ENTERPRISE* PRESAGING DAY DESTINED WITNESS AS ENVISAGED BY ‘ABDU’L-BAHÁ PILGRIM KINGS ASCENDING THIS ROUTE PAY HUMBLE TRIBUTE MARTYR-HEARALD FAITH BAHÁ’U’LLÁH.” (From cablegram of Shoghi Effendi, dated April 2, 1951) *The construction of nine terraces on Mount Carmel. --- ## 1314.
1951-04-05 to an NSA on preserving marriages {.center} USBN National Bahá’í Review #110 June 1976 p1-2 {.ref .center} “Under ordinary circumstances, non-Bahá’ís as well as Bahá’ís have to make many choices in life between what they consider their duty and what might lead to a more ideal personal state for them. Prayerfully, wisely and conscientiously, individuals must settle these matters for themselves. “Wherever there is a Bahá’í family, those concerned should by all means do all they can to preserve it, because divorce is strongly condemned in the Teachings, whereas harmony, unity and love are held up as the highest ideals in human relationships. This must always apply to the Bahá’ís, whether they are serving in the pioneering field or not.” (From a letter dated April 5, 1951, written on behalf of the Guardian to the National Spiritual Assembly of Central America) 1951-04-05 to an NSA on preserving marriages {.ref .center} --- ## 1315.
1951-04-16 American believers showing their dedication {.center} USBN #245 July 1951 p7 {.ref .center} “He feels that the American believers are showing their dedication to the Faith and to all of its many-sided activities through the support they are giving to this holy enterprise at the World Center of the Cause. It is surprising to see how the confirmations of Bahá’u’lláh flow out to the friends, and enable them to do ever more for His Cause. Truly, the work, on not only a spiritual plane, but on the physical plane too, is fed from unseen springs.” April 16, 1951 {.sig} --- ## 1316.
1951-04-26 To first South American NSA {.center} Eve Nicklin: She of the Brave Heart, Boris Handal, p157 SUPPLICATING DIVINE BLESSINGS GUIDANCE GREAT VICTORIES NEWLY ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES DEEPEST LOVE 1951-04-26 To first South American NSA {.ref .center} --- ## 1317.
1951-04-26 to delegates first South American Convention {.center} Eve Nicklin: She of the Brave Heart, Boris Handal, p157 PROFOUNDLY APPRECIATE SENTIMENTS ASSEMBLED DELEGATES STOP PRAYING UNPRECEDENTED BLESSINGS FULFILLMENT OBJECTIVES 1951-04-26 to delegates first South American Convention {.ref .center} --- ## 1318.
1951-05-03 response to US National Conv message {.center} USBN #243 May 1951 p1 {.ref .center} Deeply touched (by) message, value noble sentiments, supplicating unprecedented blessings. May 3, 1951 {.sig} [response to US National Conv message] --- ## 1320.
1951-06-04 to Wm Foster on pioneering to Africa {.center} USBN #247 September 1951 p1 {.ref .center} Dear Bahá’í Brother: Your letter of May 2nd was received by our beloved Guardian and brought him great joy. The decision you have taken to go to Africa and teach the Cause is momentous and is worthy of the great race you belong to. The Guardian has been eagerly awaiting a Negro pioneer, and feels that Bahá’u’lláh will surely bless your enterprise and assist you in this work y”ou are planning for His Faith. You are fortunate to have a wife by your side kindled with the same enthusiasm and determination, and your joint labours will be a tremendous asset to the new campaign in Africa. The Guardian has recently called upon India and Persia to open up further territories, and he feels that this pioneer effort-the first in Bahá’í history linking five NSA’s in an international undertaking-is truly historic and of the greatest importance. He will ardently pray that the way may speedily open for you to go to a goal country in Africa, and he urges you to persevere in your efforts. We all have weak points, but when we arise to serve Bahá’u’lláh He helps us overcome them in a truly miraculous way! With warmest Bahá’í love, (Signed) R. RABBÁNÍ {.sig} (In the Guardian’s handwriting) May the Almighty bless, guide and sustain you always, enabl~ you to fulfill your heart’s desire, set a noble example to the Negro believers, and win great and memorable victories in that promising Continent. {.sig} Your true brother, {.sig} SHOGHI {.sig} to Mr. Wiiliam Foster: Dated June 4, 1951 --- ## 1321.
1951-06-16 to Léa Nys re supposed pict of the Báb {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp102 Léa Nys, 16 June 1951 Dear Bahá’í Sister: Your letter to our beloved Guardian, dated May 15 has been received, as well as the photographs you enclosed, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. The picture supposed to be of the Báb is not authentic at all. He advises you to destroy these as we never under any circumstances circulate pictures of either the blessed Báb or Bahá’u’lláh, and this one is not even of Him. You are free to do as you please with the others, though he would prefer that the friends concentrate on the Master s photographs and ignore those of himself. He is happy to see you and your dear husband, as well as your children, are united in serving the Faith, and assures you all of his most loving prayers. He deeply appreciates your spirit and your work for Bahá’u’lláh. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbání May the Beloved bless, guide and sustain you, and enable you to win great victories for His Faith and its nascent institutions, You true brother, Shoghi {.sig} 1951-06-16 to Léa Nys re supposed pict of the Báb {.ref .center} --- ## 1322.
1951-06-17 Delighted progress Temple ornamentation {.center} USBN #246 August 1951 p2 {.ref .center} “ Delighted (with) progress (of) Temple ornamentation. Praying (for) extension (of) range (and) consolidation (of) splendid, unforgettable achievements.” June 17, 1951: {.sig} --- ## 1323.
1951-07-11 to Meso-America-Antilles NSA re Goals of two year plan {.center} Divine Springtime — Louise Coswell Recalls, pp83-86 National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Meso-America and the Antilles. Dear Bahá’í Friends: Your letter of May 5, 1951, as well as the r e port of the convention and minutes of your first Assembly meeting, and the photographs you sent, have reached our beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. It gives him very great happiness to address this first litter to your Assembly, newly come into the field of international service to the Faith, and so ready and eager to embark upon its truly historic tasks. The believers of Central and South America are embarking upon their services at a most important time, not only in the history of this great Cause, but also in the history of mankind. Never has the outlook in this physical world been darker — wi|h the shadow of perhaps another devastating conflict lengthening on the horizon — never the spiritual promise greater, for we see the Message of Bahá’u’lláh at last spreading all over the globe and planting its banner in the most distant countries. The opportunities for this new National Assembly to distinguish itself are therefore unique and its privileges priceless. He feels sure that the Latin American believers are going to demonstrate their readiness and capacity in such a way as to rejoice their fellow-Bahá’ís and the heart of the beloved Master. Like the United States and Canada, Latin America is the New World; it has the freshness of youth, and far from such ancient civilizations as those of Europe and Asia, with their interminable problems and grievances, it can undertake service to Bahá’u’lláh under more auspicious circumstances. He feels that your Assembly must, now at the very beginning of its work, devote its energy primarily to laying a sound and abiding foundation for the future. What does this imply? First and foremost establishing harmony, love and understanding amongst the Bahá’ís under its jurisdiction. When the friends are united in the love of God all problems can be solved and all work carried out with success. Personal problems, differences 84 of race, nationality, origin, are dissolved in the crucible of Bahá’í brotherhood. Second, the teaching work: The local assemblies must be maintained and strengthened and the groups encouraged and protected, so that they may attain assembly status as soon as possible; extension teaching work must also be undertaken and news of the existence of this Faith broadcasted as much as possible Third : The National Fund must be supported. The friends are for the most part, not well-to-do, but they must realize that to give to the Fund, even in a small way, is the important thing, for it is a visible sign of their unity, their devotion, their desire to support the institutions which now represent them and belong to them. Fourth : Your Assembly, in conjunction with that of South America, should devote particular attention to Bahá’í literature, as in the past the publication of really adequate translations and their dissemination have been often delayed and the books inferior in style. The Spanish speaking Bahá’ís, becoming more numerous all the time, have a right to possess the literature of the Faith, so infinitely rich and inspiring, in their own tongue and well translated. The Guardian feels that during the coming few years, your Assembly should not hesitate to lean on and consult the American Assembly. This in no way implies any weakness or inadequacy on your part but is logical and organic. The American National Spiritual Assembly is one of the oldest in the Bahá’í world, it has gone through a lot, and consequently acquired an experience which cannot be obtained over-night. It also looks upon with pride, affection, and concern this beautiful daughter, so>to speak, that it has brought into being. So your tie vs a deep and natural one. Shoghi Effendi is also most anxious for the Message to reach the aboriginal inhabitants of the Americas. These people, for the most part down-trodden and ignorant, should receive from the Bahá’ís a special measure of love, and every effort be made to teach them. Their enrollment in the Faith will enrich them and us, and demonstrate our principle of the Oneness of Man far better than words or the wide conversion of the ruling races ever can. With warm Bahá’í love, (Signed) R. Rabbání {.sig} 1951-07-11 to Meso-America/Antilles NSA re Goals of two year plan {.ref .center} --- ## 1324.
1951-07-13 Letter To Louhelen Junior Youth Session {.center} 1951-07-13 Letter To Louhelen Junior Youth Session {.ref .center} 2 October 1951 To the Bahá’ís who were present at the Junior Youth Session Louhelen Bahá’í School, July 13th Dear Bahá’í Friends: The beloved Guardian was pleased to see so many young believers gathered for study at Louhelen this year. He urges you to make up your minds to do great, great deeds for the Faith; the condition of the world is steadily growing worse, and your generation must provide the saints, heroes, martyrs and administrators of future years. With dedication and will-power you can rise to great heights! With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbání * Assuring you of my loving prayers for your success in the service of our beloved Faith. Your true brother, {.sig} Shoghi {.sig} [Your True Brother: Messages to Junior Youth Written by or on Behalf of Shoghi Effendi] --- ## 1325.
1951-07-17 be united and love for sake of God {.center} USBN #288 February 1955 p1 {.ref .center} “The most important thing for the believers is, of course, to be united and to really love each other for the sake of God, (Otherwise it is not possible to love everyone). However, if communities wait until love and complete harmony are established before teaching, the teaching work will come to a standstill. Both sides must be cultivated; whilst actively teaching the friends must themselves be taught and deepened in the spirit of the Faith, which brings love and unity.” [on behalf of Guardian to Rex King July 17, 1951] --- ## 1326.
1951-07-27 to Bahá’ís of Dar-es-Salaam re first group formed in heart of Africa {.center} Looking back in Wonder, Philip Hainsworth, p127-8 Dear Bahá’í Friends, Your letter made our beloved Guardian very happy. His thoughts — and hopes — are constantly focused these days on the wonderful work opening up in Africa, and he rejoiced to see so many of you united there in Tanganyika. Truly this Cause moves forward propelled by forces more than we can see or grasp; God has surely raised you up and given you this blessed privilege, this unique privilege, of kindling the Light of His Faith there and writing your name in history. How significant that the first group to be formed in the heart of Africa is composed of believers from the East and the West, united, working side by side to bring the Message of the Blessed Beauty to one of the great waiting races of the world, hitherto oppressed and disregarded, but now being offered the waters of life and a wonderful future. You may be sure your activities will be supported by his special and fervent prayers, and that he awaits with keen interest news of every new development in your work. While being wise and tactful you should, however, never lose sight of the fact that it is to the African peoples, primarily, that your mission is addressed. To bring them into our world-wide brotherhood is your duty and privilege. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbání. Dear and valued co-workers, I was so pleased to receive your letter and am greatly encouraged by your exemplary and magnificent response. You have indeed set a noble example, and the record of your services will, 1 trust, enrich the annals of the Faith. Persevere in your labours, and rest assured that the Beloved will watch over you and sustain and guide you your historic and highly meritorious activities. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi {.sig} 1951-07-27 to Bahá’ís of Dar-es-Salaam re first group formed in heart of Africa {.ref .center} --- ## 1327.
1951-08-05 drawing of the hearts together {.center} USBN #249 November 1951 p3 {.ref .center} “He feels the drawing of the hearts together, as the believers turn towards the Holy Shrine, will produce a greater love and unity amongst the friends, and attract the blessings of Bahá’u’lláh.” To the Bahá’ís of Champaign and Urbana, Illinois, August 5, 1951 --- ## 1328.
1951-08-30 to Philip Hainsworth re teaching in Africa {.center} Looking back in Wonder, Philip Hainsworth, p124-5 Dear Bahá’í Brother, Your letters dated June 8 and 28, July 5 and 17, with enclosures, have been received, and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. I am also enclosing two receipts. He was very sorry to hear of the sudden death of Mr Preston — a great blow for his poor wife. She will need the love and help of the friends in Africa very much at present. Regarding the question you asked about funds for the Shrine being sent from Egypt: the friends must not do anything illegal; if they can remit via England legally, they can do so, otherwise they should let it accumulate in Egypt for the present. You may mail him the reports from Egypt. He feels you and Mr Nakhjavání should encourage the Persian boys in Geneva. All he ever asks of the friends is to be true Bahá’ís, and if the Persian students would thoughtfully grasp his instructions regarding the administrative relation of believers in the goal countries to the ETC and the American NS A the trouble would no doubt not have arisen. These students have a high responsibility; the western Bahá’ís look to the Persians and they should, instead of being proud and often disputatious, show a spirit of loving consideration and a submission to the proper administrative authority. Needless to say they should exemplify the BaháT life — which, alas, many of them did not. He was very sorry tq hear your dear mother is ill. She has truly shown an exemplary BaháT spirit in every way and it is easy to see a lot of your own characteristics of faith and courage come from this fine woman. You have every reason to be proud of her! He trusts, and is praying, she may recover and later join you. But whatever happens, her reward at the hands of the true Beloved is certainly assured. He wishes more of the BaháTs would arise to such heights of devotion and sacrifice. The progress being made in Africa is truly miraculous, as if a special benediction from on High is being extended to this work. Please give his love to the devoted Banánís and tell them the services they are rendering are imperishable and deeply appreciated by him. He feels sure that the work in Uganda will now go forward rapidly. The news from Dar is wonderful, too. Your eager spirit has led you back to Africa and he cherishes the hope that you may prove to be a spiritual Stanley of Africa. His loving prayers are with you, With Bahá’í love. P.S. The racial question all over Africa is very acute, but, while being wise and tactful, the believers must realise that their standard is far from that of the white colonials. They have not gone there to uphold the white man’s supremacy, but to give the Cause of God to, primarily, the black man whose home is Africa. Dear and prized co-worker, The work you have achieved since your departure from the Holy Land, in the service of our beloved Faith, evokes, through its range and quality, my profound admiration and heartfelt gratitude. The services you are now rendering in Africa, ennoble and enrich this record of notable achievements. You are often in my thoughts and prayers, and I cherish the brightest hopes for your future activities, and will continue to pray from the depths of my heart for your dear self as well as for your dear mother. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi. {.sig} 1951-08-30 to Philip Hainsworth re teaching in Africa {.ref .center} --- ## 1329.
1951-09-01 To Fourth European Teaching Conference {.center} USBN #249 November 1951 p3 {.ref .center} Acclaim joyous occasion (of the) convocation on Dutch soil (of the) historic European Teaching Conference, constituting yet another link (in the) chain (of) annual gatherings (of the) representatives (and) followers (of the) Faith (of) Bahá’u’lláh (in the) ten European goal countries as well as (in) Bahá’í communities (of the) Eastern (and) Western hemispheres, stop. Heart dilated, spirit uplifted (by the) contemplation (of the) range (and) quality (of the) service rendered; (by the) spirit demonstrated, (by the) degree (of) maturity attained (in the) diversified budding, virile communities rightly regarded (as the) first fruits (of the) operation (of) ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s Divine Plan (on the) European continent stop. Welcome with feeling (of) particular gratification (the) participation (of the) newly enrolled Dutch, Danish (and) Portuguese believers (in the) enterprises initiated (by the) Indian, Canadian, British, Bahá’í communities (in) Indonesia, Greenland (and) African continent, presaging undertakings destined (to) be systematically launched (by the) elected representatives (of the) newly emerged European communities throughout the remaining countries (of) Europe and possibly, beyond its confines, stop. (The) concluding years (of the) second seven year plan must witness within each (and) every goal country, notable multiplication (of) centers, steady consolidation (of the) Assemblies, rapid increase (in the) number (of the) avowed supporters (of the) Faith, (a) clearer vision (of the) strenuous tasks ahead, deeper awareness (of) their significance, (a) firmer resolve (toward) their prosecution (and a) greater dedication (to) their purpose, stop. Signal, wholly unexpected, manifold achievements, illuminating (the) annals (of the) first five years (of the) operation (of the) second seven year plan embolden me (to) confidently anticipate, upon (the) termination (of the) brief span (of the) remaining two years, (the) gradual formation (of) regional National Assemblies (as) prelude (to the) emergence (of a) separate National Assembly (in) each goal country as well as (the) launching (of) organized campaigns, in collaboration (with the) parent community (of the) great republic of the West (in) conjunction (with the) long standing, preeminent national community laboring (in the) heart (of the) European continent, aiming (at the) spiritual conquest (of the) remaining sovereign states (of) Europe and, God willing, reaching beyond its borders as far as (the) heart (of the) Asiatic continent, stop. Interval separating us (from the) inauguration (of) yet another stage (in the) unfoldment (of the) Divine Plan (is) swiftly diminishing, stop. (The) perils confronting (the) sorely tried continent (are) steadily mounting, stop. (The) auspiciously inaugurated, mysteriously unfolding, highly promising widely ramified crusade, embracing well nigh (a) score of dependencies (on the) African continent presenting (to the) privileged prosecutors (of the) Divine Plan (in the) European field (a) challenge at once severe, soul-stirring (and) inescapable, stop. (The) future edifice (of the) Universal House of Justice, depending for its stability on (the) sustaining strength (of the) pillars erected (in the) diversified communities (of the) East (and) West, destined (to) derive added power through (the) emergence (of the) three National Assemblies (on the) American continents awaits (the) rise (of the) establishment (of) similar institutions (on the) European mainland, each depending directly (on the) efforts now consciously exerted by (the) champion builders (of the) Administrative Order (of the) Faith (of) Bahá’u’lláh (on the) European continent, stop. May (the) Conference be aided through (the) outpouring grace (of the) author (of the) Revelation (to) hasten, through (the) deliberations (and) consecration (of its) attendants, so blissful (a) consummation, (to) lend unprecedented impetus (to the) present evolution (of the) Administrative Order and (to) accelerate (the) progress leading (to the) future emergence (of the) World Order of Bahá’u’lláh. {.sig} — SHOGHI To the Fourth European Teaching Conference, Amsterdam, Holland, August 31, to September 10, 1951 --- ## 1330.
1951-09-06 offering aid progress in world beyond. {.center} USBN #253 March 1952 p1 {.ref .center} “He feels sure this offering, expended in memory of your dear ones, will rejoice their spirits, and aid them to progress in the world beyond.” September 6, 1951, to Mr. Bert Gottlieb, {.sig} --- ## 1331.
1951-09-11 Delighted progress manifold undertakings {.center} USBN #248 October 1951 p1 {.ref .center} “Delighted (with) progress (of) manifold undertakings. Appeal to entire community (to) rise (to) heights (of) occasion (and) insure complete, glorious success.” Haifa, Israel September 11, 1951 {.sig} — SHOGHI [ response to a cablegram by the National Spiritual Assembly during its August/September meeting reporting plans for the beginning of work on the Temple landscape design submitted by Mr. Hilbert Dahl and advising that an appeal was being sent to every American Bahá’í to maintain uninterrupted work on the vital current projects.] --- ## 1332.
1951-09-23 Temple landscaping leave embellishment until later {.center} USBN #254 April 1952 p5 {.ref .center} The Guardian approves of your action to only expend two hundred thousand dollars at present for the Temple landscaping and leave further embellishment until a later date. He is very glad that this work is being done by such a devoted Bahá’í as Mr. Dahl, who will put his whole heart into it and be inspired by the original concept as much as possible.” (To the N.S.A. dated November 23, 1951 --- ## 1333.
1951-09-28 to Africa teacher training session {.center} USBN #253 March 1952 p1 {.ref .center} “The beloved Guardian was very pleased to see so many friends gathered at Louhelen. he was also delighted that special attention was given to the question of the work in Africa, as he attaches very great importance to this new field of activity. “He hopes that wherever it is possible the believers will make every effort to contact African students and visitors, and to show them kindness and hospitality. This may not only lead to the conversion of some while in America, but will also make friends for the Faith in Africa.” September 28. 1951. to Bahá’ís present at Louhelen School early in September, 1951. The letter is dated September 28. {.sig} [this was a training session for people considering pioneering to Africa] --- ## 1334.
1951-10-02 to Bahá’ís of Kampala {.center} Looking back in Wonder, Philip Hainsworth, p129 Dear Bahá’í Friends, Your letter of 9 September brought great joy to the heart of our beloved Guardian. He was particularly pleased to see you have been granted visas to remain there, and also to hear dear Philip has got a job, which he hopes will make things easier for him, and also release funds for the support of other pioneers. The Guardian attaches the greatest importance to your presence in Uganda, and feels that your group, and the prospect of an Assembly in Tanganyika, have now firmly established the opening phase of the African work, so important, and so evidently blessed from on High. His thoughts and prayers are constantly with you all, and the historic services you are rendering are deeply appreciated by him, and by all the Bahá’ís in East and West. He feels sure you will be successful, and is eager to receive news of the progress of your work. With Bahá’í love, R Rabbání May the spirit of Bahá’u’lláh sustain and overshadow you always, aid you to extend steadily the range of your historic and exemplary activities and services, consolidate your splendid achievements, and enrich the annals of our glorious Faith, now entering upon so important a state in its evolution in the African continent Your true and grateful bother, Shoghi. {.sig} 1951-10-02 to Bahá’ís of Kampala {.ref .center} --- ## 1335.
1951-10-30 response to 4th European Teaching Conference msg {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp105 The Bahá’ís who sent a greeting from the 4th European Teaching Conference, 30 October 1951 Dear Bahá i Friends: Just a little note to thank you on the Guardian’s behalf for your message from Scheveningen. He has been made very happy by reports of how excellent the Conference was this year, and how mature, active and devoted the new European believers are. He sends you his loving greetings. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbání May the Beloved reward you for your devoted labours, guide and sustain you in your meritorious activities, and enable you to promote effectively the vital interests of the institutions of His Faith. Your true brother, Shoghi {.sig} 1951-10-30 response to 4th European Teaching Conference msg {.ref .center} --- ## 1336.
1951-10-31 re Callao LSA {.center} Eve Nicklin: She of the Brave Heart, Boris Handal, p129 He was delighted to hear the work in Peru is going ahead and that the Callao Assembly is so firm and fine. You are certainly seeing the harvest begin to come in, many seeds of which you yourself sowed with such devoted care and sacrifice! Truly you and the other pioneers have been richly rewarded and blessed. 1951-10-31 re Callao LSA {.ref .center} The Bahá’í Community of Callao (Peru) in 1951 --- ## 1337.
1951-11-23 The Year Nine {.center} USBN #252 February 1952 p2 {.ref .center} Regarding your question about the Centenary, the Guardian wishes you to share the following information with the Persian and other National Assemblies; the “Year Nine” is an abbreviation of 1269 A.H. This term has been used by the Báb in His Writings, foreshadowing the Birth of the Revelation of Bahá’u ‘llah. The friends should refer, in “God Passes By”, to the passages mentioning the year Nine in order to appreciate its significance as well as the great importance attached to it by the Báb. In that same book the Guardian has explained that the Revelation of Bahá’u’lláh was progressive: It commenced with the first intimation He received, of His Prophetic Mission while in the Síyáh-_Ch_ál of Ṭihrán. The beginning of the year Nine occurred about two months after His imprisonment in that dungeon. We do not know the exact time He received this first intimation, nor have either the Báb, or Bahá’u’lláh, made mention of any specific date in this connection. We therefore regard the entire year Nine as a Holy Year, and the emphasis should be placed, in accordance with the Báb’s Writings, on the entire Year which started in October, 1852. This means our Centenary Year of Celebration will be from October, 1952 to October, 1953. All celebrations must be held within these two dates. As the Riḍván period is associated with Bahá’u’lláh’s Revelation it should be regarded as the most important time of that year and therefore the most suitable period for the celebrations. The second stage in that progressive Revelation was when Bahá’u’lláh declared His Mission to His companions in Ba_ghdád; this is considered the most momentous stage in His Revelation, hence it is called the “Most Great Festival”, the One Hundredth Anniversary of which will be celebrated in Riḍván 1963 and will constitute the Most Great Jubilee, the third of its kind, the first Jubilee having been the Centenary of the Báb’s Declaration; and the second the one we will be celebrating all over the world in 1952-1953. The third and last stage in Bahá’u’lláh’s Revelation was when He proclaimed His Mission to the rulers and religious leaders of the world in Adrianople. The first was an intimation, the second a declaration and the third a proclamation-the intimation was from God to Him, which He kept a secret within His own spirit, the declaration was to His faithful companions, and the proclamation was to the entire body of the religious and political leaders of mankind. November 23, 1951 {.sig} --- ## 1338.
1951-11-23 first pioneer from America under African campaign {.center} USBN #252 February 1952 p1 {.ref .center} He was very pleased to have the first pioneer from America go forth under this organized African campaign; he was doubly happy that it should have been an American Negro who went. This is highly appropriate and surely has delighted the heart of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá who watched over that race with particular love, tenderness and understanding. The ever-increasing part the colored friends are taking in the work of the Cause, and especially of late years in the pioneer work, gratifies the Guardian immensely. And now, to add further to the record of their services, they can count a member of their race a Hand of the Cause. When we read in the Will and Testament how great is the function of the Hands, we appreciate to what an exalted station our dear brother Louis Gregory has attained. “The Guardian hopes that now the American Bahá’ís have arisen and started on their pioneer work in Africa they will go on with it at an accelerated pace.” — SHOGHl EFFENDI November 23, 1951. {.sig} --- ## 1339.
1951-11-24 very pleased with the plans for Temple grounds {.center} USBN #254 April 1952 p5 {.ref .center} He is very pleased with the plans you have made for the Temple grounds; of course he regrets the pools and fountains will have to be postponed, but this will not prevent carrying out an almost complete garden scheme for the 1953 date, and for economy’s sake, seems a necessary measure. “The Guardian feels the Temple will show to better advantage if floodlighted from without. This will not prevent, no doubt, when the flood lights are on, any illumination from within producing a pleasing effect. “He wishes you every success in this important service you are rendering the Faith, and will pray that all may go well and your ideas be realized in a most beautiful effect.” to Mr. Hilbert Dahl, Bahá’í landscape architect, November 24, 1951 --- ## 1340.
1951-12-23 to Sutherland Maxwell naming Hand of the Cause {.center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani, p414 {.ref .center} MOVED CONVEY GLAD TIDINGS YOUR ELEVATION RANK HAND CAUSE STOP APPOINTMENT OFFICIALLY ANNOUNCED PUBLIC MESSAGE ADDRESSED ALL NATIONAL ASSEMBLIES STOP MAY SACRED FUNCTION ENABLE YOU ENRICH RECORD SERVICES ALREADY RENDERED FAITH BAHÁ’U’LLÁH 1951-12-23 to Sutherland Maxwell naming Hand of the Cause {.ref .center} --- ## 1342.
1951-12-24 to Leroy Ioas naming as Hand of the Cause {.center} 1951-12-24 to Leroy Ioas naming as Hand of the Cause {.ref .center} MOVED CONVEY GLADTIDINGS YOUR ELEVATION RANK HAND CAUSE STOP APPOINTMENT OFFICIALLY ANNOUNCED PUBLIC MESSAGE ADDRESSED ALL NATIONAL ASSEMBLIES STOP MAY SACRED FUNCTION ENABLE YOU ENRICH RECORD SERVICES ALREADY RENDERED FAITH BAHÁ’U’LLÁH. SHOGHI [[Leroy Ioas: Hand of the Cause of God, Chapman, p155] ——— A nearly identical cable was sent to the other 11 named as Hands of the Cause at this time. --- ## 1345.
1951-12-25 restrictions pilgrimage being gradually removed {.center} USBN #252 February 1952 p1 {.ref .center} “Announce (to) all National Assemblies restrictions (on) pilgrimage being gradually removed. Owing (to) prevailing conditions, maximum duration (will be) nine days. Permission (of Guardian) necessary, as few at a time are now permitted.” — SHOGHI December 25, 1951 {.sig} --- ## 1346.
1951-12-25 to Bahá’ís of the Hague re teaching efforts {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp105-6 The Bahá’ís of the Hague, 25 December 1951 Dear Bahá’í Friends: Your letter of December 11th has reached our beloved Guardian; and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. He was most happy to see that you are now a united, dedicated and firm group, endeavoring to promote the Faith in that city, which is truly of historic importance; and he hopes that, through your energetic labors, it will soon be possible for you to have an Assembly. The European Teaching Conference no doubt lent a great impetus to the work in Holland. The Cause is spreading at a very increasing rate, and its glory mounting rapidly above the horizon, so to speak. We are, it seems, entering the period the Master foretold, when the masses of the people would become aware of this Cause, and attracted to it. We must work energetically to hasten that happy hour. His loving thoughts are with you; and his prayers offered in the Holy Shrine on your behalf. With warmest greetings, R. Rabbání May the Almighty, Whose Cause you are serving so devotedly, and with ability and steadfastness, reward you for your labours, guide and sustain you always, and enable you to extend continually the range of your meritorious services. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi {.sig} 1951-12-25 to Bahá’ís of the Hague re teaching efforts {.ref .center} --- ## 1347.
1952-01-01 welcome to Kampala Bahá’í group {.center} Looking back in Wonder, Philip Hainsworth, p144-5 Dear Bahá’í Friends, Your letter of 3 December with report for November enclosed, reached the beloved Guardian; as well as the photograph showing the participants in the Louis Gregory Memorial Meeting; and he has instructed me to write you on his behalf. Your news thrilled him; and when he saw the faces of the two first African Bahá’ís resulting from this great African Teaching Campaign, his heart was filled with joy and gratitude. The privilege you are all having of serving there is very great; however so meritorious is this service in the eyes of Bahá’u’lláh, that His bounties and blessings seem to be visibly showering upon you all. The Guardian hopes that the Africa Conference will be an outstanding success; and that by that time there will be many negro and white African Bahá’ís attending it as of right, on their own soil. Please tell the new believers that the Guardian extends his personal welcome to them into the service of the Faith of Bahá’u’iláh, and assures them that he is praying that they may render this Cause, which has been brought to them by loving and devoted hearts from overseas, great services; and that they may be the means of attracting many more of their countrymen to this Message, which can alone ensure the peace and brotherhood of mankind. The Guardian’s thoughts and prayers are often with you all, and he sends you all his loving greetings. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbání May the almighty whose Faith you are promoting with such zeal, devotion and exemplary perseverance and courage, reward you abundantly for your truly meritorious, historic and valuable labours, guide and sustain you continually, and aid you to consolidate your achievements and win great and memorable victories in the service of his glorious Faith. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi. {.sig} 1952-01-01 welcome to Kampala Bahá’í group {.ref .center} --- ## 1348.
1952-01-13 To Jeanne Boekhoudt re poss pioneer to NZ {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp106-7 Jeanne Boekhoudt, 13 January 1952 Dear Bahá’í Sister: Your letter of October 18th, 1951, with enclosure, has been received, and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. He is most happy to hear of the success which attended the Conference, and that there are now seven believers in The Hague. He sees no objection to your migrating to New Zealand if you can arrange to do so; and suggests that, if you do go out there, you try and settle in a place where your services are most useful to the Faith. Pending your possible departure for New Zealand, he hopes that you will do all you can to assist in the establishment of a local assembly in The Hague; and assures you of his loving prayers for the success of your Bahá’í services. With warmest greetings, R. Rabbání P.S. Mr. Maxwell is much better. Assuring you of my loving prayers for your success in the service of our beloved Faith and its institutions. Your true brother; Shoghi 1952-01-13 To Jeanne Boekhoudt re poss pioneer to NZ {.ref .center} --- ## 1349.
1952-01-29 Appreciate Readiness {.center} USBN #254 April 1952 p3 {.ref .center} “Deeply appreciate Assembly’s readiness assume preponderating role (in) world-wide gigantic tasks challenging entire Bahá’í world. Praying unprecedented blessings.” On January 29 This message was in reply to a cablegram addressed to Shoghi Effendi from the meeting held January 25-27: “Hearts united (in) prayerful deliberation (of your) global teaching messages. Moved again assure Guardian (of) full acceptance (of) preponderating role. Completely accept One of a series of four photographs sent recently by the Guar — any new territorial assignments whenever conferred. showing the progress of the work on the Shrine of the Báb. First step, United States Intercontinental Teaching Committee for twofold role planning participation Conferences and carrying forward teaching missions assigned. Members thrilled (at) glorious opportunity, will strive (to) fulfill trusteeship (of) Divine Plan. Devoted Love.” --- ## 1350.
1952-02-04 To Honor Kempton re teaching confs {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp107-8 Honor Kempton, 4 February 1952 Dear Bahá’í Sister: Your letters dated January 23rd and 25th have been received; and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf, and to forward to you the enclosed receipt for the loving contributions made by the pioneers in the ten goal countries, to the Shrine of the Báb, on the occasion of the 90th birthday of dear Mrs. True. He was very happy to receive from you, as well as from so many other friends, such heartening reports of the success of the Fourth European Teaching Conference held in Holland. There is no doubt that yearly the magnitude of these Conferences, and their repercussions are growing. He is likewise delighted over the preparations being made for the Berne Conference, to which he attaches great importance, as he feels the Cause in Switzerland is now making very promising headway; and, if it continues at this pace, it may look forward to being represented, he hopes, in the not-too-distant future, by a National Spiritual Assembly, perhaps in conjunction with one of its neighboring countries. This at least is the goal for which the friends must arduously work. Your own tireless labors are very deeply valued, and he assures you of his loving prayers on your behalf, in the Holy Shrines. With warm Baháï love, R. Rabbání May the Beloved bless, sustain and reward all those who have contributed for the progress of this Holy Enterprise, and enable them to win great victories in the service of His glorious Faith. Your true brother; Shoghi {.sig} 1952-02-04 To Honor Kempton re teaching conf’s {.ref .center} --- ## 1351.
1952-02-06 encouragement to Philip Hainsworth {.center} Looking back in Wonder, Philip Hainsworth, p146-7 Dear Bahá’í Brother, Your letter of January 23rd has reached the beloved Guardian; and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. He feels that you should by all means continue your government service, unless some better field of activity, with even more financial security attached, should turn up. As long as the Government does not object to your Bahá’í activities in your spare time, it would seem it adds prestige to the Cause, to have an active member of it an official. He considers that you have no grounds whatsoever for feeling discouraged or discontented with yourself. He personally is well pleased with you and what you have accomplished, and confident of what you will accomplish in the days to come. He urges you to go forward with a happy and reassured heart; and he very deeply appreciates your spirit and your services. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbání PS. The Egyptian papers were received. May the Beloved, whose Cause you serve with such perseverance, ability and devotion, abundantly reward you for your highly meritorious labours and aid you to enrich continually the record of your splendid services, {.sig} Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi. 1952-02-06 encouragement to Philip Hainsworth {.ref .center} --- ## 1352.
1952-02-06 To Kampala Bahá’í group in appreciation {.center} Looking back in Wonder, Philip Hainsworth, p145-6 Dear Bahá’í Friends, Your letter of January 27 was received by the beloved Guardian, through the kindness of Mr and Mrs Banání. He was most touched to receive your contribution for the Shrine of the Báb, a receipt for which I am enclosing. It has brought the greatest joy to his heart to have these dear believers here; and he is prolonging their pilgrimage in order to discuss thoroughly with them the work being done in Uganda, and indeed, in Africa, a work to which he attaches the greatest possible importance. A source of deep joy and satisfaction was the news of the declaration of Mr Crispin Kajubi and Mr Fred Bigabwa. He was so pleased to have photographs of them, and he has placed them in the Mansion, as the first Bahá’ís of Uganda, representative of the tribes of that country. The Guardian feels sure that, with wisdom, dedication, tact and prayer, your Group will be able to spread this Divine Message there to peoples of all races; and lay, not only a lasting foundation for your own community, but prepare the way for the great All-Africa Conference, which will be held there in 1953, and to which the Bahá’ís all over the world are already looking forward with such eagerness. He assures you that you are all remembered in his loving prayers in the Holy Shrines, and that your services to the Faith are deeply appreciated. With warm Baháflove, R. Rabbání. May the spirit of Bahá’u’lláh powerfully sustain you in your high endeavours, aid you to extend rapidly the range of your historic and meritorious accomplishments, and lend a tremendous impetus to the onward march of our beloved Faith in that vast and promising continent {.sig} Your true brother, Shoghi. {.sig} 1952-02-06 To Kampala Bahá’í group in appreciation {.ref .center} --- ## 1353.
1952-02-15 invites Leroy Ioas to BWC as secretary-general of International Council {.center} 1952-02-15 invites Leroy Ioas to BWC as secretary-general of International Council {.ref .center} In considering the entire situation here the Guardian has decided, as he cabled you, that it is not advisable to spend the time and money to merely come here for a few days’ visit and consultation. What he needs, I might almost say desperately, is a capable, devoted believer to come and really take the work in hand here, relieve him of constant strain and details, and act as the secretary general of the International Bahá’í Council. If you will accept to do this it would be rendering him and the Faith an invaluable service. …. [various problems] are causing him the greatest anxiety, and if you are going to be able to come and accept this vital service, then the sooner you can arrange to do so, the better. If after some months of service here, you need to return to further arrange your affairs, this would be preferable to a long delay at this juncture. [Leroy Ioas: Hand of the Cause of God, Chapman, p157] --- ## 1354.
1952-03-08 obo SE to Eve Nicklin hoping will stay in Latin America longer {.center} Eve Nicklin: She of the Brave Heart, Boris Handal, p165 Your labours have been of such great service to the Faith in Latin America, that he hopes you will continue, at least for part of the coming Ten Year Crusade, to work in that area. 1952-03-08 obo SE to Eve Nicklin hoping will stay in Latin America longer {.ref .center} --- ## 1356.
1952-03-13 To LaFontaines re poss pioneer to Surinam {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp109 Ulrich and Aukje LaFontaine, 13 March 1952 Dear Bahá’í Friends: Your letter of February 29th has been received, and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.” He was very happy indeed to hear of the possibility of your going out to Surinam to teach the Faith; and considers that this would be rendering a most important and historical service at a time when we are planning to rapidly open up new countries to the Message of Bahá’u’lláh, and carry these life-giving Teachings to all the peoples of the world. He assures you both that he will ardently pray that this plan may materialize; and that you may be blessed and protected, as well as successful. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbání May the Beloved bless, guide and sustain you, aid you to achieve the desire of your hearts, and win great victories in the service of His Faith. Your true brother, Shoghi {.sig} 1952-03-13 To LaFontaines re poss pioneer to Surinam {.ref .center} --- ## 1357.
1952-03-27 To Bahá’ís at Amsterdam Feast re response to greetings {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp110 The Bahá’ís gathered for the Feast of Sovereignty in Amsterdam, 27 March 1952 Dear Bahá’í Friends: The note of greeting, which was signed by all of you, has been received by our beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to tell you he deeply appreciates your loyalty and devotion to the Cause, and the loving spirit which animates you in its service. He will remember you all in his loving prayers at the Holy Shrines. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbání May the Almighty bless, guide and sustain you, aid you to promote, at all times, the vital interests of His Faith, and enable you to win great victories in its service. Your true brother, Shoghi {.sig} 1952-03-27 To Bahá’ís @ Amsterdam Feast re response to greetings {.ref .center} --- ## 1359.
1952-03-27 To Luis de Frètes re progress of Faith {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp109-10 Luis de Frètes, Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Amsterdam, 27 March 1952 Dear Bahá’í Brother: Our beloved Guardian has received your letter of February 14th, and I have been instructed to answer you on his behalf. He is indeed very happy to hear with what love the friends are working together, and that others have felt this unity of spirit and have joined your ranks. Please express to them a warm welcome from the Guardian, and tell them he hopes they will, in the days to come, render great services to the Cause of God. He wishes me to express to you his appreciation for the publicity which you sent, which is most interesting. The news of the rapid progress of the faith in the many European countries is most stimulating; and the Guardian will supplicate in the Holy Shrines that the devoted believers in Holland may receive such confirmation in their teaching work as to amaze themselves and their co-workers in other lands. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbání P.S. Enclosed is a brief note to the Bahá’ís who were present at the Feast of Sovereignty in Amsterdam. Assuring you of my loving and abiding appreciation of your splendid services, of my fervent prayers for the extension of your valued activities, and the realization of every hope you cherish for the consolidation of the institutions of our glorious Faith. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 1952-03-27 To Luis de Frètes re progress of Faith {.ref .center} --- ## 1360.
1952-04-14 To Jeanne Boekhoudt re praying will be of service {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp110-1 Jeanne Boekhoudt, 14 April 1952 Dear Bahá’í Sister: Your letter of April 5th has been received, and I have been instructed by our beloved Guardian, to answer you on his behalf. He is continuing his prayers that you may be enabled to fulfil your hearts desire in service to the Faith, and thanks you for the photograph you sent him. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbání Assuring you of my loving prayers for your success and spiritual advancement. Your true brother; Shoghi 1952-04-14 To Jeanne Boekhoudt re praying will be of service {.ref .center} --- ## 1361.
1952-04-16 greetings to 1st Benelux Conf Brussels {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp111 Benelux Conference, Brussels, 16 April 1952 DELIGHTED LOVING APPRECIATION SUPPLICATING SUCCESS — SHOGHI 1952-04-16 greetings to 1st Benelux Conf Brussels {.ref .center} --- ## 1362.
1952-04-22 To Jeanne Boekhoudt re have Assembly in the Hague {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp111-12 Jeanne Boekhoudt, 22 April 1952 Dear Bahá’í Sister: Your letter of April 8th has been received; and, as the beloved Guardian is extremely busy, and has just written to you a short time ago, please consider this in the nature of a Post Script. He is very happy to hear that you now have nine Bahá’ís in the Hague, which no doubt means you have a Spiritual Assembly. He assures you he will pray for the rapid progress of the work there. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbání 1952-04-22 To Jeanne Boekhoudt re have Assembly in the Hague {.ref .center} --- ## 1363.
1952-04-30 To Ulrich & Aukje Fontaine re support for desire to pioneer {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp112 Ulrich and Aukje LaFontaine, 30 April 1952 Dear Bahá’í Friends: This is just a little note to assure you, on behalf of our beloved Guardian, that your letter of April 11th has been received. He will continue to pray that your fondest hopes may be realized; and that you may soon go forward as pioneers in the service of Bahá’u’lláh. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbání May the Beloved bless your high endeavours, and enable you to win great and memorable victories in the service of His Faith, your true brother, Shoghi {.sig} 1952-04-30 To Ulrich & Aukje Fontaine re support for desire to pioneer {.ref .center} --- ## 1364.
1952-05-03 Deeply touched reconsecration readiness to sacrifice {.center} USBN #257 July 1952 p2 {.ref .center} Deeply touched (by) reconsecration (and) readiness to sacrifice. Praying fulfilment hopes. Advise allocate substantial portion (of) budget (to) meet continual needs rising (at) International Center (of) Faith. May 3, 1952. — SHOGHI {.sig} --- ## 1365.
1952-05-12 Deeply appreciate noble determination {.center} USBN #257 July 1952 p2 {.ref .center} Deeply appreciate noble determination. Praying (for) great victories. May 12, 1952 — SHOGHI {.sig} [ response to a cable from the National Spiritual Assembly expressing determination not to make use of the promised respite of three years mentioned by the Guardian in communications setting forth the goals of the Second Seven Year Plan. Culminating in 1953, that Plan was to be followed by a period of three years after which, in 1956, a Third Seven Year Plan would be announced bringing the American Bahá’í Community up to the Great Jubilee of 1963.] --- ## 1366.
1952-05-12 ubable attend Temple dedication {.center} USBN #257 July 1952 p2 {.ref .center} ‘’He regrets exceedingly that he sees no possibility whatever of his being present for the Temple Jubilee during the Holy Year. The work of the Cause for years has prevented him from visiting the friends in different centers, much as he would like to do so; and far fro:rr ,___ decreasing, at the present time it is steadily increasing.” May 12,1952 {.sig} --- ## 1367.
1952-05-22 To Jeanne Boekhoudt re passing of Sutherland Maxwell & poss of pioneering {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp112-13 Jeanne Boekhoudt, 22 May 1952 Dear Bahá’í Sister: Your letter of May 8th has been received, and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. The Guardian and I both appreciate your kind thoughts about my father. Truly his name will always be remembered because of the many honors conferred upon him in the service of Bahá’u’lláh, one of which was his having been the architect of the exquisite Shrine of the Báb, which is now so very beautiful, though not yet completed. The teaching work you are doing pleased the Guardian greatly, and he will pray for those souls who have been attracted to the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh through your efforts. He assures you also of his loving prayers in your behalf. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbání P.S. He will pray particularly that the way may open for you to go out to New Zealand. Assuring you of my loving prayers for your success and spiritual advancement. Your true brother; Shoghi 1952-05-22 To Jeanne Boekhoudt re passing of Sutherland Maxwell & poss of pioneering {.ref .center} --- ## 1368.
1952-06-02 teaching work to be done on firmest basis {.center} USBN #262 December 1952 p4 {.ref .center} “ It is indeed of the utmost importance that the teaching work be done on the firmest basis, if the devoted believers in the United States are to shoulder the heavy responsibility which will be theirs at home and in far-flung fields during the Ten Year Crusade beginning with the Holy Year, 1953.” To Teaching Conference held in Fort Wayne, Indiana, on May 11 --- ## 1369.
1952-06-05 Delighted To Hear Liberian News {.center} USBN #258 August 1952 p13 {.ref .center} Haifa, Israel June 5, 1952 {.sig} Mrs. Marie Rice, Secretary Africa Teaching Committee. Dear Bahá’í Sister: Your letter of February 13, 1952 has been received by’ the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to write you on his behalf. He has also in hand the enclosures which you sent him. He was delighted to hear of the news in Liberia. Mr. Foster’s dedication and consecration are certainly beginning to bear fruit, and he feels sure that there will be great results achieved there in the future. He urges your Committee to try to get out to Africa as many new pioneers during the coming year as possible, in order to bolster the work, preparatory to the holding of the Africa Conference next February. In view of the fact that there seems to be the possibility of difficulties arising about holding the Intercontinental Teaching Conference in Kampala, he urges you to keep in closest touch with the British Africa Committee, and to do all you can to cooperate with them in solving any problems, as of course they are the convenors of the Conference. When you write to the Collisons and to Mr. Foster and to the new Bahá’í in Liberia, please convey to them the Guardian’s loving greetings, and assure them of how delighted he is with the services they are rendering, and that he remembers them in his prayers. He is most happy over the work your Committee is accomplishing, and feels that still more will undoubtedly be done during this coming year. With Bahá’í love, (Signed) R. Rabbání {.sig} “May the Almighty bless you and your dear co-workers to aid you to extend continually the range of your activities, and enable you to win great and memorable victories in the days to come. Your true brother, {.sig} — SHOGHI 1952-06-05 Delighted To Hear Liberian News {.ref .center} --- ## 1370.
1952-06-10 To Eve Nicklin & Margot Maklin re working in Montevideo {.center} Eve Nicklin: She of the Brave Heart, Boris Handal, p164 Dear Bahá’í Friends: Your letter of May 22nd has been received, and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. He is pleased to see that you are going to serve the Faith in Montevideo, as he considered it an important Center of South America, and he assures you that he will pray for the success of your labours during the coming year. Please give his loving greetings to all the believers there. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbání May the Almighty bless, guide and sustain you, and enable you to promote, at all times, the vital interests of His Faith, {.sig} Your true brother, {.sig} Shoghi {.sig} 1952-06-10 To Eve Nicklin & Margot Maklin re working in Montevideo {.ref .center} --- ## 1371.
1952-06-30 Latin American Communities still on threshold {.center} USBN #257 July 1952 p2 {.ref .center} “The Latin American Communities are still on the threshold of the international Bahá’í life; he feels sure that they will rapidly grow into it. Compared with the length of time it took the North American, the British and the French communities to grow up and spread, their growth is like lightning. As the Cause spreads all over the world its rate of acceleration increases too, and new centers in Africa, in some mysterious way have spiritual repercussions which aid in forming new centers everywhere.” The specific advice addressed to South America was written in the Guardian’s own hand: “ ... their members must, as the present year unfolds, display an extraordinary degree of consecration and intensify to an unprecedented extent, their activities for the multiplication of Bahá’í centers, for the enrichment of their spiritual lives, for the consolidation of their newly-born institutions, for the dissemination of the literature of the Faith, for the fresh links binding them to their spiritual brethren overseas and for a further understanding of the aims and purposes of the order within whose Orbit they function and of the Covenant under whose sheltering shadow they labor.” June 30 1952 to the National Spiritual Assebly ‘ of South America {.sig} --- ## 1373.
1952-06-30 Mature teachers are greatest need everywhere {.center} USBN #257 July 1952 p2 {.ref .center} “Mature teachers are the greatest need of the Faith everywhere, and no doubt in your area too. One wise and dedicated soul can so often give life to an inactive community, bring in new people, and inspire to greater sacrifice. He hopes that whatever you are able to do during the coming months, you will be able to keep in circulation a few really good Bahá’í teachers. “He was delighted to receive the documents concerning your incorporation and feels this is a great step forward.” In the Guardian’s hand: “ The two year Plan you have spontaneously initiated, the vigor with which you are prosecuting it, the noble aim that has animated you ever since its adoption, the vigilance and thoroughness with which you endeavor to safeguard the interests of the nascent institutions of the Faith, to promote their welfare and consolidate their foundations. merit the highest praise.” to the National Spiritual Assembly of Central America June 30, 1952 --- ## 1374.
1952-06-30 obo SE to South American NSA {.center} Eve Nicklin: She of the Brave Heart, Boris Handal, p14-15 Compared to the length of time it took the North American, the British and French communities to grow up and spread, their [the Latin American communities] growth is like lightning. 1952-06-30 obo SE to South American NSA {.ref .center} --- ## 1375.
1952-06-30 prophecy of Daniel in Esslemont {.center} USBN #261 November 1952 p4 {.ref .center} “Regarding the prophecy of Daniel: The passage in Esslemont should be changed to state that this prophecy refers to the one-hundredth anniversary of the Declaration of Bahá’u’lláh, in the Garden of Riḍván, Ba_ghdád — reference to this can be found in “The Passing of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá” in quotations from two of His Tablets.” — Shoghi Effendi through his secretary, in letter dated June 30, 1952. --- ## 1376.
1952-07-03 To Louhelen Junior Youth Session {.center} 1952-07-03 To Louhelen Junior Youth Session {.ref .center} 5 August 1952 To the believers who attended the first Junior Youth Session, July 3 1952, at Louhelen Dear Bahá’í Friends: The beloved Guardian was very pleased to see so many young people gathered for your sessions, and he has instructed me to answer your letter to him on his behalf. During the next ten years, following our Holy Year so soon to begin, a tremendous amount of Bahá’í pioneer work must be done all over the world. Although there will be many of the older, more experienced friends going out to serve, he feels that the stirring tasks that lie ahead in difficult countries and climates are, par excellence, the kind of work young people can do. He, therefore, urges you to seriously consider the type of profession or rade that might ensure you a post in a pioneer field in Africa, or the Pacific Islands, or Asia, in which you could earn your living while serving the Cause as well. It is a great challenge, and a great opportunity offered your generation, and he looks forward to your future exploits in the service of Bahá’u’lláh with hope and confidence. He will pray for you all, you may be sure. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbání * May the Almighty bless, guide and sustain you always, remove all obstacles from your path, and enable you to further the vital interests of His Faith in the days to come. {.sig} Your true brother, {.sig} Shoghi {.sig} [Your True Brother: Messages to Junior Youth Written by or on Behalf of Shoghi Effendi] --- ## 1377.
1952-08-05 Junior Pioneer Class {.center} USBN #263 January 1953 p2 {.ref .center} “He has a suggestion to make to you, that, instead of calling yourselves “ The Young American Class” you call yourselves the “Junior Pioneer Class.” This is a much more interesting name because the next ten years, during which you will become grown up men and women, is an age of pioneering for Bahá’u’lláh, and you can start studying and preparing yourselves for the thrilling work that lies ahead. “You should get yourselves a big world map, and start marking on it all the places the Guardian is going to choose for Bahá’í pioneers to go to, and, who knows, maybe some of you will choose a thrilling corner of the globe you want to be the pioneer in when, in a few years, you are old enough to have finished your studies and start out on a career. “ Someone will go to Tibet, and the Islands of the Pacific, and many strange lands in Africa-why not one of you? If you make up your mind hard enough and pray enough about it, God may help you to be that someone! ‘’ August 5, 1952, to Bahá’í Sunday {.sig} School children in Washington, D. C. --- ## 1378.
1952-08-05 consider trade that ensure post in pioneer field {.center} USBN #262 December 1952 p9 {.ref .center} “During the next ten years, following our Holy Year so soon to begin, a tremendous amount of Bahá’í pioneer work must be done all over the world. Although there will be many of the older, more experienced friends going out to serve, he feels that the stirring tasks that lie ahead in difficult countries and climates are, par excellence, the kind of work young people can do. “He, therefore, urges you to seriously consider the type of profession or trade that might ensure you a post in a pioneer field in Africa, or the Pacific Islands, or Asia, in which you could earn your living while serving the Cause as well. It is a great challenge, and a great opportunity offered your generation, and he looks forward to your future exploits in the service of Bahá’u’lláh with hope and confidence.” (From letter dated August 5, 1952, written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to the First Junior Youth Session of Louhelen Bahá’í School) --- ## 1379.
1952-08-19 To Louhelen Second Junior Youth Session of 1952 {.center} 1952-08-19 To Louhelen Second Junior Youth Session Of 1952 {.ref .center} 19 August 1952 Second Session Junior Bahá’í Youth Dear Bahá’í Friends: Your letter of July 11, 1952, has been received, and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. You are the Bahá’í Youth who are going to grow up during one of the most moving times in this second Bahá’í century, the ten years of great pioneer activity which will fall between the present Holy Year and the Most Great Jubilee which will mark the hundredth anniversary of Bahá’u’lláh’s Declaration in Ba_ghdád. You can see before you the vast territories to be won over to the Faith in the coming decade, and, if you set your mind to it, can choose a place where you want to pioneer and prepare yourself for this thrilling service! From Tibet to the South Seas, Africa to far-off points in Asia and Europe — there are lands waiting to be opened to the Faith. He will pray that some of you may be the ones to render this form of service. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbání * May the Almighty bless, guide and sustain you always, and aid you to render notable services in the days to come, {.sig} Your true brother, {.sig} Shoghi {.sig} [Your True Brother: Messages to Junior Youth Written by or on Behalf of Shoghi Effendi] --- ## 1380.
1952-08-19 choose a place and prepare yourself {.center} USBN #262 December 1952 p9 {.ref .center} “You are the Bahá’í Youth who are going to grow up during one of the most moving times in this second Bahá’í century, the ten years of great pioneer activity which will fall between the present Holy Year and the Most Great Jubilee which will mark the hundredth anniversary of Bahá’u’lláh’s Declaration in Ba_ghdád. You can see before you the vast territories to be won over to the Faith in the coming decade, and, if you set your mind to it, can choose a place where you want to pioneer and prepare yourself for this thrilling service! “From Tibet to the South Seas, Africa to far off points in Asia and Europe-there are lands waiting to be opened to the Faith. He will pray that some of you may be the ones to render this form of service.” (From letter dated August 19, 1952, written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to the Second Session Junior Bahá’í Youth, Louhelen Bahá’í School) --- ## 1381.
1952-08-23 To Luxembourg Teaching Conference {.center} USBN #261 November 1952 p1-2 {.ref .center} (On the) occasion auspicious opening Luxembourg Teaching Conference coinciding (with the) eve (of the) historic Holy Year marking (the) conclusion (of the) series (of the) memorable annual gatherings, having (an) indelible imprint (on the) annals (of the) second stage (of the) evolution (of} ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s Divine Plan, wholeheartedly share feelings (of) joy, pride (and) gratitude evoked (in the) hearts (of the) assembled representatives (of the) Bahá’í Communities (on the) European Continent (at the) prospect (of the) forthcoming convocation (of the) epoch-making convention (in) Florence, (the) harbinger (of the) birth (of the) Italo-Swiss Bahá’í National Assembly. Stop. (The) projected institutions called (into) being amidst (the) world-wide celebrations commemorating (the) inception (of) Bahá’u’lláh’s prophetic Mission, constituting fairest fruit (of the) initial stage (of the) European crusade, bound (to) add its valuable support (to the) triple pillars recently erected under (the) aegis (of the) same plan (in the) course (of the) same stage (of) its evolution designed (to) sustain (the) weight, (to) broaden (the) basis, (to) enhance (the) prestige, (to) add diversity (to the) elements (that are) destined (to) participate (in) six continents (of the) globe, (in the) future election (of the) Universal House (of) Justice. Stop_ Moved (to) warmly congratulate (the) American National Spiritual Assembly, ably directing (the) vast operations (of the) European crusade from (the) heart (of the) North American Continent; (the) European Teaching Committee, (the) principal executor (of the) plan, inaugurating (the) European phase (of) America’s unfolding mission; (the) European representative (of the) Committee established (in) Geneva, vigilantly coordinating (the) ramifications (of the) newly launched project; every subsidiary agency, regional (and) local, contributing its share (to the) triumph (of the) common cause; all pioneers, past (and) present; settlers, itinerant teachers, worthy emissaries (of the) Centre (of the) Covenant, who nobly responded (to) His call (in the) length (and) breadth (of the) ten goal countries; (the) entire body (of the) steadily multiplying native believers, constituting (the) core (of the) vanguard (of the) army, singled out by (the) Lord (of) Hosts (for the) quickening (and the) ultimate conquest (of the) spiritually slumbering continent, particularly (the) members (of the) twin rapidly rising communities (of) Italy (and) Switzerland, who singly (and) collectively hastened, through high endeavours, (the) consummation (of the) enterprise, exceeding fondest expectations. Stop. Hail this crowning exploit (of the) Second Seven Year Plan as (the) forerunner (of the) formation (in) rapid succession, (in the) course (of the) third phase (of the) Plan conceived (by the) Center (of) Bahá’u’lláh’s Covenant, (of) Regional-National Assemblies (in) Scandinavia, Benelux countries, Iberian Peninsula, themselves a prelude (to the) establishment (in) present (and) succeeding epochs (of the) evolution (of the) Divine Plan, (of}separate National Assemblies (in) each sovereign state, principality, (and) chief dependency (on the) European Continent, as well as (on the) neighbouring principal islands (of the) Mediterranean, Atlantic Ocean, (and) North Sea. Stop. Earnestly appeal (to) all participants (in the) phenomenal birth (and) rise (of the) communities constituting weighty elements (in the) life (of the) firmly knit world Bahá’í family (to) prepare themselves during present Conference (for the) future close collaboration (with the) long established sister communities (in the) British Isles, France, (and) Germany (to) meet (the) challenge (of the) major strenuous task constituting (the) pivot (of the) deliberations (of the) approaching Stockholm Inter-continental Conference, designed (to) expand (and) consolidate (the) framework (of the) administrative order (of the) Faith (of) Bahá’u’lláh (in the) north, south, west (and) heart (of the) European Continent, foreshadowing (the) launching (of) future enterprises (in) collaboration (with the) German, Persian, ‘Iraqi Bahá’í Communities, calculated (to) extend (the) regenerating influence (of the) same order (to) eastern (and) southeastern territories (of the) same continent (and) eventually beyond its confines, across (the) Ural Mountains (to the) north, west (and) ultimately (to the) heart (of the) Asia tic Continent. Stop. Urge all attendants (to) dedicate part (of the) sessions (of this) Conference synchronizing (with) Centenary (of the) imprisonment (of) Bahá’u’lláh (in the) Siyith·Chal (in) prayerful remembrance (of the) sombre tragedy preceding (the) rise (of the) resplendant Orb (of the) august Revelation, (to) draw nigh (to) His spirit, (to) fix (their) thoughts (on) His promises, (to) derive fresh inspiration (from the) glorious triumph, following so closely (upon) His agonizing ordeal, (to) contemplate (the) magnitude (of) His Cause, (to) pledge themselves (to) ensure (in the) course (of the) decade opening before them (the) success (of the) twin colossal tasks assigned them, (the) propagation (of) His Faith (and the) consolidation (of the) agencies (of) His rising Administrative Order throughout (the) entire European Continent. Haifa — SHOGHI August 23, 1952 {.sig} The Guardian’s Message To European Conference And School --- ## 1382.
1952-08-xx response to msg fm 5th European Teaching Conf {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp116 5th European Teaching Conference, Luxembourg, August 1952 DEEPLY TOUCHED NOBLE RESOLVE PRAYING GLORIOUS SUCCESS HISTORIC TASKS AHEAD — SHOGHI 1952-08-xx response to msg fm 5th European Teaching Conf {.ref .center} --- ## 1383.
1952-09-19 To Kampala Assembly re progress {.center} Looking back in Wonder, Philip Hainsworth, p161 Dear Bahá’í Friends, Your letter of 24 June has reached our beloved Guardian, as well as the postscript of Mr Philip Hainsworth, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. He is delighted over the progress being made there, and was very relieved to hear from the Africa Committee, that the Conference plans can now go ahead smoothly. Also the reports of the work being done in outlying districts (which dear Mrs Banání has sent to Luṭfu’lláh, and which he shares with the Guardian) have caused much joy. It is wonderful to see that the African friends, having, as is their right and privilege, taken the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh to their hearts on their own, are arising to carry it to their fellow-countrymen, and are meeting with such notable success. How clearly we see that when prejudice and suspicion give way to love and confidence, the Power of God flows through and brings unexpected confirmation! He was very pleased to see you have initiated a plan of your own, but feels that any plans for translation should be worked out in close consultation with the Africa Committee. This does not mean he is averse to a new translation. Wonderful work lies ahead of your Assembly, and you may be sure he follows your activities with close interest and supports them with his loving prayers. With warm Bahá’í love, Rúḥíyyih Rabbání May the Beloved whose Cause you are promoting with exemplary valour, reward you abundantly for your splendid achievements, remove every obstacle from your path, and enable you to ennoble continually the record of your unforgettable services. {.sig} Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 1952-09-19 To Kampala Assembly re progress {.ref .center} --- ## 1384.
1952-10-08 MARION JACK ILLNESS {.center} Quoted in Never be Afraid to Dare, Jasion, p226 OWING MARION JACK ILLNESS EXTEND ADDITIONAL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE. SHOGHI [Cable to USNSA 8 Oct 1952] --- ## 1385.
1952-10-14 PROGRESS ON SHRINE OF BÁB {.center} USBN #262 December 1952 p2 {.ref .center} (On) eve (of) opening (of) Holy Year announce (to) Bahá’í communities (of) East (and) West joyful tidings (of) conclusion (of) over ten thousand dollar contract (with) Utrecht firm (for the) fabrication (of) twelve thousand gilded tiles (to) cover (an) area (of) two hundred (and) fifty square meters (of) dome (of) Báb’s Sepulchre. Eighteen st ained glass windows (of) drum (and) twenty-four windows (of) octagon delivered (to) Mount Carmel. Stones required (for) construction (of) ribs (of) drum (and) brim (of) lantern (of) dome nearing completion, heralding (the) early commencement (of the) erection (of the) last remaining unit (of) rapidly rising edifice. Eastward extension (of) terrace adjoining Sepulchre virtually terminated raising (the) total length (of) horizontal area fronting (the) Shrine (to) about six hundred feet, adding greatly (to the) beauty (and) stateliness (of the) approaches (to the) magnificent structure, already enhanced through recent extension (of) terraces linking Haifa’s oldest (and) most imposing avenue (with) Báb’s resting place majestically rising (in the) bosom (of) Carmel. Haifa, Israel October 14, 1952 {.sig} — SHOGHI --- ## 1386.
1952-11-02 African teaching effort {.center} USBN #262 December 1952 p7 {.ref .center} “ the success of the teaching efforts (in Uganda) are astonishing. The Guardian feels it may even be a replica of the wonderful success of the time of the DawnBreakers... . . (Letters about the African teaching effort are to be shared) “ as a stimulus to the friends, particularly the friends in the South, and especially the Negro Bahá’ís. He likewise feels it should be a means of stimulating the sending of pioneers from America to the most import ant area of our pioneering effort.” November 2, 1952 {.sig} --- ## 1387.
1952-11-11 To Rita Sombeek re teaching in Holland and Milano {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp116-17 Rita van Bleyswijk Sombeek, 11 November 1952 Dear Bahá’í Sister: Your letter of October 21st has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. He was very happy to see that you are teaching in Milano; and will pray that you may be successful in raising the number of believers sufficiently to have a Spiritual Assembly in the Spring He will also pray that the obstacles in your sister’s path may be removed, and that she may win over her husband sufficiently to the Faith to enable her to do more active teaching, and fulfil her hearts desire. He was extremely pleased over the publicity about the Faith in Holland, as the article seemed to be most favorable in every way, to the Cause. He hopes that you will be able to get some good publicity in Milano. With warmest Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbání Assuring you of my loving prayers for your success in the service of our beloved Faith. Your true brother, Shoghi 1952-11-11 To Rita Sombeek re teaching in Holland and Milano {.ref .center} ========= {.noid} re teaching in Milano: the formation of an Assembly can refer to both Milano and the Regional Assembly of Italy and Switzerland The newspaper article was published in the national newspaper Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant and was about the Shrine of the Báb. --- ## 1388.
1952-11-21 To Arnold van Ogtrop re contacts with some Siamese {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp117 Arnold van Ogtrop, 21 November 1952 Dear Bahá’í Brother:109 Your letter of October 27th has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. He was very happy to hear of your contact with the nice Siamese people you mentioned in your letter, and he will certainly pray that they may become more interested in the Faith, and, God willing, embrace it. It is of great advantage to contact students from countries where there are not at present any Bahá’ís, and open this important door of teaching. He is happy over the progress being made in Holland, and assures you all of his loving prayers. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbání May the Beloved bless, guide and sustain you always, and enable you to promote the best interests of His Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi {.sig} 1952-11-21 To Arnold van Ogtrop re contacts w/ some Siamese {.ref .center} --- ## 1389.
1952-12-07 To Haifa Mayor re support of Hebrew Tech Symposium on illumination {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p297 {.ref .center} Your Worship: Your letter of November 30th has been received by me on my return from Bahjí, and I wish to assure you that the Bahá’í Community will be happy to co-operate in making the city of Haifa luminous and beautiful, in connection with the Symposium to be held at the Hebrew Technical College on Problems of Illumination, especially so as this Symposium will be held during Hanukka. I will give instructions that the period of illumination of our Shrine should be extended during these days [the Shrine was always flood-lit every night at sunset for a short time], and wish also to extend through your Worship an invitation to the delegates and visitors attending the Symposium to enter the Shrine and gardens on one of the evenings when they will be touring our city, to enjoy the illumination. The necessary arrangements can be made to open the gates and Shrine for them, if we are informed in advance. Yours sincerely, Shoghi Rabbání World Head of the Bahá’í Faith. 1952-12-07 To Haifa Mayor re support of Hebrew Tech Symposium on illumination {.ref .center} --- ## 1390.
1952-xx-xx DIRECTIVES CONCERNING THE TEMPLE {.center} USBN #257 July 1952 p1-2 {.ref .center} DIRECTIVES CONCERNING THE TEMPLE Questions Submitted to the Guardian and His Replies 1. Question: — On what schedule are meetings of public worship to be held in the auditorium:-daily, weekly, or at other intervals, or at stated periods during the day? Reply : Weekly, or more often, if your Assembly deems advisable. 2. Question:-Are such meetings, if weekly, to be held on Sunday and if so at the morning hour customary with churches, or in the afternoon? Reply : Left to your discretion. 3. Question: — Should the auditorium be open daily from dawn for individual prayer and meditation? Reply : Yes. 5. Question: — Can photographs be taken, for historic record or publicity, of any meeting of worship held for Bahá’ís only, and of any meeting open to the public? Reply : Yes. 6. Question:-The present plan is to hold a meeting of dedication for Bahá’ís only, followed by a public dedication on the same day. Is this plan approved? Reply : Yes. 7. Question: — Should an order of service or program be printed with the list of readings selected for each service? Reply : Left to your discretion. 8. Question :-Are the present weekly public lectures to be continued in Foundation Hall? Reply : There is no objection to this until such time as we have a suitable meeting place at our disposal. 9. Question: — As there is no trained Bahá’í choir or chorus for singing, shall we begin to train a choir? Can non-Bahá’ is is be included among the singers? Are soloists permitted, Bahá’í or non-Bahá’í? Reply : By all means prepare a choir. There is no objection to non-Bahá’í singers or to soloists, Bahá’í, or non-Bahá’í. 10. Question:-Is the auditorium to be open for special prayer by Bahá’í Committees meeting in the vicinity, or by visiting groups who may arrive at times when no general meeting is scheduled? Reply : The auditorium may be used for such purposes. 11. Question: — In preparing the readings, shall we use only Holy Books extant and available in English for religions listed by you in the series of recognized Revelations? Reply : Yes. But if occasionalLy a reading is in another language there can be no objection, as · long as the text is from a Holy Scripture. Persian, Arabic and Hebrew are all very beautiful when chanted. 12. Question:-At the opening of a meeting of worship is any reader to explain the nature of Bahá’í worship or are the readings to proceed without any announcement? Reply : This is not permissible: there must be no speeches in the auditorium. 13. Question:-Can meetings of worship be broadcast over the radio or television? Can special meetings be recorded for reproduction by believers locally? Reply : There is no objection to this. [this is in an unusual format, but I am assuming the questions were asked in early 1952 in preparation for the Temple dedication] --- ## 1391.
1953-02-xx Epoch-Making Africa International Conference {.center} USBN #264 February 1953 p1-2 {.ref .center} Rejoice (to) share (with) Bahá’í communities East (and) West thrilling reports (of) feats achieved (by the) heroic band (of) Bahá’í pioneers laboring (in) divers widely-scattered African territories, particularly (in) Uganda, (in the) heart (of the) continent, reminiscent alike (of) episodes related (in the) Book (of) Acts (and the) rapid, dramatic propagation (of the) Faith (through the) instrumentality (of the) Dawn-Breakers (in the) Heroic Age (of the) Bahá’í Dispensation. (The) marvelous accomplishments signalizing (the) rise (and) establishment (of the) administrative order (of the) Faith (in) Latin America (have been) eclipsed. (The) exploits immortalizing (the) recently launched crusade (in the) European continent (have been) surpassed: (The) goal (of the) seven-month plan, initiated (by the) Kampala Assembly, aiming (at) doubling (the) twelve enrolled believers, (has been) outstripped. (The) number (of) Africans converted (in the) course (of the) last fifteen months, residing (in) Kampala (and) outlying districts, (with) Protestant, Catholic (and) Pagan backgrounds, lettered (and) unlettered, (of) both sexes, representative (of) no less (than) sixteen tribes, (has) passed (the) two hundred mark. (The) effulgent rays (of) God’s triumphant Cause, radiating (from the)· focal center (are) fast awaken — ing (the) continent (and) penetrating (at an) accelerating rate isolated regions unfrequented (by) white men (and) enveloping (with) their radiance souls hitherto’ indifferent (to the) persistent humanitarian activities (of the) Christian missions (and the) civilizing influence (of the) civil authorities. No less (than) nine localities (will be) qualified (to) attain, (by this) coming Riḍván, Assembly status within (a) single territory (of the) long-slumbering continent. Zanzibar, Madagascar, French Morocco, South Rhodesia, Italian Somaliland (are) already or soon (will) be opened (to the) Faith. Desire (to) pay special tribute (to the) strenuous efforts exerted (by) ‘Alí Nakhjavani, setting (an) example (of) dedication (and) freedom (from) prejudice (to) fellow pioneers laboring (in) inhospitable surroundings (and) confronted (by) manifold (and) formidable obstacles. Planning (to) entrust (to the) special representative delegated (to) attend (the) approaching Kampala Conference (a) portrait (of the) holy Báb,(a) replica (of the). one deposited beneath (the) dome (of the) Ma_shriqu’l-A_dhkár (in) Wilmette, to be exhibited (to the) assembled attendants (on the) historic occasion. Confident unveiling may draw newly recruited vanguard (of the) ever-swelling host (of) Bahá’u’lláh, as well as all participating visitors, itinerant teachers (and) settlers, closer (to the) spirit (of the) Martyr-Prophet (of the) Faith (and) bestow everlasting benediction (on) all gathered (at the) memorable sessions (of the) epoch-making Intercontinental Conference dedicated (to the) prosecution (of the) latest, most glorious crusade launched (in the) course (of) eleven decades (of) Bahá’í history. (signed) SHOGHI {.sig} --- ## 1392.
1953-03-06 to Jeanne Boekhoudt re Holland flood & plans to go to Australia fall thru {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp118 Jeanne Boekhoudt, 6 March 1953 Dear Bahá’í Sister: Your letter of February 15th has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. The calamities that this winter s flood has brought on Europe, especially on Holland, have indeed been terrible, and all hearts were saddened to think of the sufferings of so many people, the beloved Guardians heart included. He hopes that none of the believers have been affected person-ally in this great national catastrophe. He was sorry to hear that your plans to migrate to Australia have not worked out satisfactorily, and perhaps the wisdom in this is that you continue to teach the Cause in Holland, where the believers are still few in number, and there remains a great deal of work to be done during the coming ten years. He hopes and will pray that you may become ever more active in this important field, and that God may crown your labors with success. Please convey his loving greetings to all the dear friends there, and assure them of his concern for their welfare and his prayers for the people who have suffered so deeply during the floods. With Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbání Assuring you of my loving prayers for your spiritual advancement. Your true brother; Shoghi 1953-03-06 to Jeanne Boekhoudt re Holland flood & plans to go to Australia fall thru’ {.ref .center} --- ## 1393.
1953-03-13 to Rita Sombeek re Queen of Holland {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp119 Rita van Bleyswijk Sombeek, 13 March 1953 Dear Bahá’í Sister: Your letter of June 17, 1952, has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. Your indefatigable services in so many fields are deeply appreciated by him. We can only hope that the Queen of Holland will gradually realize the greatness of our Faith, and will bend her energies toward its propagation. The Guardian assures you of his loving prayers on your behalf. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbání May the Beloved bless, guide and sustain you in your meritorious services to His Faith. Your true brother; Shoghi {.sig} 1953-03-13 to Rita Sombeek re Queen of Holland {.ref .center} ========= {.noid} Queen Julianna of Holland had been contacted by American pioneer Eleanor Hollibaugh and begun supported some explicitly Bahá’í programs which gave considerable favorable publicity to the Faith. but due to the political situation, she was forced to drop her support. --- ## 1394.
1953-03-16 grateful for Tablets of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá́ {.center} members.cox.net/bahai.libraries.archives/preserving_writings.htm {.ref .center}    ___ has safely delivered the Tablets of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá which you forwarded to the Holy Land, and the Guardian has read them, and will place them in the International Archives. It is indeed a miracle that you were able to protect these precious things during the long and dangerous years of the war, and the ... Bahá’ís must be very grateful to you for doing so. The Guardian was happy to hear that photographs have been made of them and kept in ___. 16 March 1953 to an individual believer on behalf of Shoghi Effendi Writings, Bahá’í: Importance of collecting and safeguarding compiled by Bahá’í International Archives. published in Bahá’í Studies Review, 11, pages 100-102 --- ## 1395.
1953-03-16 on behalf of the Guardian to an individual re repentance of CB {.center} Non-association with Covenant-breakers #15 Compiled by Continental Board of Counsellors. A Covenant-breaker, as you know, is one who disobeys and turns away from the Centre of the Covenant. Until such time as they repent of this sincerely, and express their willingness to work under the Centre of the Covenant, their status must be considered the same. However, such matter should be discussed and decided upon within the National Spiritual Assembly itself. 1953-03-16 on behalf of the Guardian to an individual re repentance of CB {.ref .center} --- ## 1396.
1953-04-22 to 2nd Benelux Conf in Overschie {.center} 2nd Benelux Conference, Overschie, 22 April 1953 Dear Baháï Friends, Your letter of April 6th has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. He was indeed happy to learn of the love and unity which existed among those present at that important Conference, and that you are all completely resolved to fulfil, in their entirety, the tasks allotted to you during this historic World Crusade. The Guardian was particularly happy that Dr. Miihlschlegel could be present, and that his contribution to the conference was so helpful; also that Mrs. van Sombeek added so much to the spirit of the gathering by her account of her visit to Haifa, and of the Kampala Conference. He was also pleased that a number of the German friends could attend. The Guardian assures you all of his loving prayers for you in the fulfilment of your noble tasks, that all your labours may be abundantly blessed. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbání May the Almighty bless, guide and sustain you, reward you for your splendid services, remove all obstacles from your path, and enable you to lend a great impetus to the onward march of His Faith. Your true brother, Shoghi {.sig} 1953-04-22 to 2nd Benelux Conf in Overschie {.ref .center} --- ## 1397.
1953-04-23 To The First Italo-Swiss Convention {.center} USBN #267 June 1953 p5-6 {.ref .center} Hail (with) feelings (of) joy pride (and) gratitude (the) convocation amidst (the) celebrations (of the) Holy Year (in the) heart (of the) Italian peninsula (the) first historic Bahá’í Convention, comprising (the) elected delegates (of the) steadily unfolding highly promising ItalianSwiss Bahá’í communities. Acclaim (the) gathering (of the) fairest fruit (of the) initial enterprise launched (in the pursuance (of) ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s Divine Plan (in the) European continent. Heartily congratulate (the) assembled representatives (of these) two outstanding communities (of the) ten European goal countries (in the) rapid rise (of the) administrative order (of the) Faith (in the) heart (and) south (of the) continent, enabling them (to) outstrip (their) sister communities (and to) set (the) example (by the) erection (of a) pillar (of the) Universal House (of) Justice (the) third (in) Europe (and) twelfth (in the Bahá’í World. (The) National Assembly now being constituted (is) regarded (as a) stepping stone (in the) formation (of the) course (of the) impending decadelong crusade (of) two independent National Spiritual Assemblies, destined (to) each lend (an) impetus (to the) unfoldment (and) consolidation (of) Bahá’u’lláh ‘s embryonic World Order. (This) infant institution (is) invested (on the) morrow (of) its emergence (with) two vital functions, (to) stimulate (the) propagation (of the) Faith (and to) consolidate (its) institutions (over the) length (and) breadth (of) Switzerland (and the) Italian Peninsula. (The) Ten Year Plan (the) newly born National Spiritual Assembly (is) called upon (to) prosecute involves, first, (the) formation (and) incorporation (of) independent National Spiritual Assemblies (in) Italy (and) Switzerland, second, (the) consolidation (of the) Faith (on the) island (of) Corsica, third, (the) opening (of the) virgin territories (of) Sicily, Sardinia, Rhodes, San Marino, Monaco (and) Lichtenstein. Fourth, quadrupling (the) number (of) local spiritual assemblies, trebling (the) number (of) localities (in) Italy (and) Switzerland, fifth, (the) purchase (of) land (in the) city (of) Rome (in) anticipation (of the) first Ma_shriqu’l-A_dhkár (of) Italy, sixth, (the) incorporation (of the) spiritual assemblies (of the) leading cities (in) each country, seventh, (the) establishment (of) bell c r own of the lantern of the Dome. National Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds (in) Rome (and) Bern, eighth, (the) establishment (of the) first joint, subsequently separate summer schools, ninth, (the) establishment (of) national endowments (in) Italy (and) Switzerland, tenth, (the) formation (of a) European teaching committee empowered (to) stimulate (and) coordinate (the) activities initiated (for the) promotion (of the) teaching phase (of the) plan. Fervently praying (that the) strenuous tasks shouldered (by the) youngest National Spiritual Assembly (of the) Bahá’í World (will) be befittingly discharged, enabling it (to) contribute (a) distinct share (in the) world wide festivities which will commemorate (the) Hundredth Anniversary (of the) Declaration (of) Bahá’u’lláh’s Mission (in the) city (of) Ba_ghdád. (Signed) SHOGHI {.sig} To The First Italo-Swiss Convention, Florence, April 23-26, 1953 --- ## 1398.
1953-04-26 to Philip Hainsworth re teaching in Uganda {.center} Looking back in Wonder, Philip Hainsworth, p173-4 Dear Bahá’í Brother, Youř letters dated July 7th, August 26th, November 21st, 1952 and January 23rd (2), and April 9th, 1953 have been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. He has not written to you before, because he was very busy, and also because he felt he would be able to offer you most hearty congratulations if he delayed! Now, after the formation of not only the Jinja Assembly, but also eleven others throughout Uganda, he compliments you on the wonderful work you have achieved there, in collaboration with the other believers. It has brought great joy to his heart, and indeed to the hearts of all the Bahá’ís. He hopes that» during this coming year, you and ‘Alí Nakhjavání will devote yourselves as much as you can to consolidating the new assemblies, and assisting the new believers to gradually understand better the Administration, and its application in Bahá’í Community Life. Tact, love and patience will no doubt be needed, and one cannot expect these new believers to do everything in the same way that the old and tried Communities do. Indeed individuality of expression, within the framework of the Administrative Order, is preferable to too great a uniformity. The Guardian feels sure that your dear mother and father, who shared in and were part of the sacrifice you made in going to Africa, rejoice from on high at that which has been accomplished. He assures you of his loving prayers. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R Rabbání May the Almighty bless your splendid Services to His Faith, guide and sustain you always, and enable you to extend continually the range of your historic and deeply valued accomplishments. {.sig} Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 1953-04-26 to Philip Hainsworth re teaching in Uganda {.ref .center} --- ## 1399.
1953-05-09 to Rúḥíyyih _Khánum in Montreal for fathers funeral {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p158 {.ref .center} INSTRUCTED MONTREAL ASSEMBLY GATHER FRIENDS GRAVE SUTHERLAND PAY TRIBUTE MEMORY. ADVISE PLACE BLOSSOMS SHRINE ALSO PURCHASE HUNDRED DOLLARS CHOICEST FLOWERS MOSTLY BLUE COVER GRAVE MY BEHALF. ATTACH FOLLOWING INSCRIPTION GRATEFUL MEMORY SUTHERLAND MAXWELL HAND CAUSE TALENTED DEARLY LOVED ARCHITECT SUPERSTRUCTURE BÁB’S SEPULCHRE SHOGHI. BRING COPIES LARGE SIZE PHOTOGRAPH FRIENDS ASSEMBLED GRAVE. CABLE DATE TIME GATHERING FOR REMEMBRANCE SHRINE 1953-05-09 to Rúḥíyyih _Khánum in Montreal for father’s funeral {.ref .center} ========= {.noid} He had given Rúḥíyyih a vial of attar of rose to sprinkle on grave, and flowers from the threshold of the Shrine of the Báb to place on grave. --- ## 1400.
1953-05-22 American pioneering {.center} USBN #269 July 1953 p2 {.ref .center} ‘’The beloved Guardian has been greatly enthused over the reports he has received of the Convention, Dedication of the Temple. and the Intercontinental Teaching Conference. He was very happy to get your word of the 128 who volunteered for pioneer service. “In connection with this word, he cabled you May 19, strongly urging the intending pioneers to scatter as widely as possible, and to settle even territories and islands not specifically assigned to the United States. “The Guardian feels, now that the Ten Year Crusade has been so auspiciously launched, no time should be lost nor any stone left unturned, to hurry the completion of the first stage of the Plan. The impact with which the friends meet this great challenge, and the example which the American Bahá’ís show in actual deeds in carrying forward the Plan, will have a world effect. “The Guardian feels that as the chief administrators of the Master’s Divine Plan for the propagation of the Faith. the American Bahá’ís have great responsibility in the entire project, even though certain areas have been assigned to other National Assemblies. Thus the American National Assembly can and should send pioneers to other virgin areas, even though assigned to another National Assembly. This they can do, because of the mission the Master gave them. In fact. the Guardian would welcome most heartily, word of the placing of some pioneers in territories assigned other National Assemblies. “This is the period of the scattering of the faithful, and the sooner they scatter, the better. particularly in virgin areas, all over the world. This is a sure way to bring to early completion the opening phase of the ten year Crusade. “The Guardian would welcome early settlement in the South Pacific Islands, Africa (and he has mentioned especially Belgian Congo, French Somaliland, Ruanda Urundi, French Congo, Madagascar). (He feels there is no need for more pioneers at this time in South Africa, other than those already arranged.) He likewise has mentioned the Cameroons, Togoland. and areas where new National Assemblies are to be created. “Now is the time for the American Bahá’ís to show their spiritual primacy — they should spread over the face of the earth, not only concentrating on the areas assigned to them, but sending pioneers wherever they can, and the sooner the better, and the wider the extent, the better. “You may be sure the beloved Guardian will pray ardently for the success of your efforts, and those of all the American Bahá’ís.” May 22, 1953: {.sig} --- ## 1401.
1953-05-31 to Marthe Molitor-Noury after her meeting the Khadems and Banánís {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp120-1 Marthe Molitor, 31 May 1953 {.sig} Dear Bahá’í Sister: Your letter of May 13th has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. The Guardian was most happy to hear from you, and to learn of the wonderful contact you had with Mr. and Mrs. Khádem and Mr. and Mrs. Banání, and that you now realize the importance of serving the Faith and teaching the Message of Bahá’u’lláh at this time. He is praying for your success, and urges you to keep in touch with the Bahá’í Centres in Uganda, Nairobi and other places in Africa. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbání May the Almighty bless, guide and sustain you, remove all obstacles from your path, and enable you to promote the vital interests of His Faith. Your true brother; Shoghi {.sig} 1953-05-31 to Marthe Molitor-Noury after her meeting the Khadems and Banánís {.ref .center} --- ## 1402.
1953-06-02 hour for America demonstrate spiritual primacy {.center} USBN #269 July 1953 p2-3 {.ref .center} “ Our beloved Guardian has been greatly encouraged by reports reaching him from all parts of the Bahá’í world. especially from America, of the victories already gained, and the plans being laid for the prosecution of the Ten Year Crusade. ‘’They have evoked his awe-inspiring, and soul-stirring cablegram of May 28th, calling for the immediate settlement of all the 131 virgin areas of the Plan, just as quickly as possible. He is convinced that the friends will arise and translate their enthusiasm into action, because the keynote of the Crusade must be action, action, action! “The settlement of these virgin areas is of such an emergency nature that he feels pioneering in one of them takes precedence over every other type of Bahá’í service — whether it be in the teaching or administrative fields of the Faith. So important is it that the National Assembly may delay initiation of steps to fulfill other phases of the plan, until all these areas are conquered for the Faith. Nothing. absolutely nothing, must be allowed to interfere with the placing of pioneers in each of the 131 goal countries. “By virtue of being the Chief Executor of the Divine Plan. the American Bahá’ís may settle in any territory of the world. In fact. the Guardian would welcome word of American pioneers being settled in areas assigned other National Assemblies. At the Guardian’s direction I have written all other Assemblies of this fact. and asking them to assist in the settlement of American pioneers in their areas. “As his dramatic cable indicates. the Guardian will have prepared an illuminated ‘Roll of Honor’ on which will be inscribed the names of the ‘Knights of Bahá’u’lláh.’ who first enter these 131 virgin areas. This ·Roll of Honor’ \vill be placed inside the entrance door of the Inner Sanctuary of the Tomb of Bahá’u’lláh. “From time to time, the Guardian will announce to the Bahá’í world the names of those holy souls who arise under the conditions outlined in his message, and settle these areas and conquer them for Bahá’u’lláh. “Now is the hour for America to demonstrate its spiritual primacy. There is no time after this moment! All the promises of the Master to America in the Tablets of the Divine Plan must be won now. The divine graces must be spread by the American Bahá’ís over the face of the globe. The Guardian is sure that the glory of America and its spiritual mission will be carried through to a resounding victory. which will affect the entire globe. “The destiny of America now rests on the shoulders of the American Bahá’ís.’’ June 2, 1953: {.sig} --- ## 1404.
1953-06-06 Arden Lee re pilgrimage {.center} http://www.9facets.org/9F/Arden_Lee_Collection_files/Arden%201953.pdf Israel, June 6, 1953 Miss Arden Thur. Dear Bahá’í Sister: Your letter of May 26th has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. He is sorry but it is impossible for him to grant you permission to make the pilgrimage during 1953, or for the Spring of 1954. It may be possible during the winter of 1954. If you can find work anywhere in the goal countries mentioned in the Ten-Year Plan, particularly those territories near India or Europe, or in the islands of the Mediterranean, the Guardian would suggest that you accept such a post, as it is most important to establish pioneers in these goals as quickly as possible; but he urges you to be very practical in making your plans. The Guardian suggests that you write or call him during the summer of 1954 regarding the possibility from your standpoint, of making the pilgrimage during the winter of 1954. He is very pleased to know that you are planning to attend the New Delhi Conference, as there plans will he made for the carrying of the Message of Bahá’u’lláh to a vast area, where it is now not known. He assures you of his prayers for the success of your efforts for the Faith. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R Rabbání Assuring you of my loving prayers for your success & spiritual advancement. Your true brother {.sig} Shoghi {.sig} --- ## 1405.
1953-06-10 Bahá́ís of Italy and Switzerland have very great future {.center} Germany, France, Italy, and Switzerland Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. Published in Bahá’í Studies Review 4:1 The Bahá’ís of Italy and Switzerland have a very great future. They come from one of the great peace-loving peoples of the world, and from the country of the seat of the strongest administrative centre of Christendom.... (on Behalf of Shoghi Effendi 10 June 1953 to the National Spiritual Assembly of Italy and Switzerland) --- ## 1406.
1953-06-19 epoch-making Convention in Florence {.center} Germany, France, Italy, and Switzerland Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. Published in Bahá’í Studies Review 4:1 The convocation of the epoch-making Convention in the city of Florence, coinciding with the climax of the festivities commemorating the hundredth anniversary of the birth of Bahá’u’lláh’s Mission, is an event which posterity will recognize as a landmark of the utmost significance in the second Epoch of the Formative Age of the Bahá’í Dispensation. This historic gathering culminated in the erection of yet another pillar designed to contribute its share to the establishment of the Supreme Legislative Body of the Administrative Order of the Faith. It may be rightly acclaimed as the fairest fruit of the great European enterprise launched in pursuance of the second Seven Year Plan formulated by the American Bahá’í community for the purpose of carrying a stage further the provisions of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s Divine Plan for the systematic propagation of His Father’s Faith. It has set in motion forces which, in the course of a few years, will hasten the emergence of two independent National Spiritual Assemblies, one in the capital city of the peace-loving, high — minded, firmly-knit Swiss nation, and the other within the heart and stronghold of the leading, the most ancient and powerful Church of Christendom, and the seat of the government of a country whose people, by virtue of their qualities of mind and heart, may well rank as one of the most distinguished on the European continent. It has provided, through the formation of the twelfth National Assembly in the Bahá’í world, yet another instrument that will, no doubt, lend a great impetus, despite its having been so recently fashioned, to the progress of a world Crusade, destined to exert so great an influence on the immediate destinies of the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh. (19 June 1953, appended in the handwriting of Shoghi Effendi to a letter written on his behalf to the National Spiritual Assembly of Italy and Switzerland) --- ## 1407.
1953-06-21 German and Austrian in 10 year crusade {.center} Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union A Compilation From the Bahá’í Writings, #41 Compiled by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice The German and Austrian Bahá’í Communities, on whom ‘Abdu’l-Bahá lavished His favours, for whose future He cherished such high hopes, occupying such a central position in a continent endowed with such great potentialities, must, by reason of their unique and predominant position, their past history, their virility, tenacity and splendid accomplishments, assume a preponderating role in the conduct of a Crusade in which all Bahá’í communities dwelling on the European mainland, both young and old, are called upon to participate to the utmost of their capacity with all the resources at their disposal. They stand, moreover, at this crucial hour in their destiny, on the threshold of a new era in their history-the era that must witness the initiation of their mission beyond the borders of their homeland, and one which must culminate in their carrying the banner of the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh across the eastern frontiers of Europe, and as far as the territories lying in the heart of the Asiatic continent. (21 June 1953 to the National Spiritual Assembly of Germany and Austria) --- ## 1408.
1953-06-21 effort to get someone off to Greece {.center} Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union A Compilation From the Bahá’í Writings, #26 Compiled by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice But every effort should be made to get someone off to Greece, a very important country and far too long neglected... (21 June 1953 to the National Spiritual Assembly of Germany and Austria) --- ## 1409.
1953-06-25 Shrine Báb & Panama Temple site {.center} USBN #269 July 1953 p1 {.ref .center} Joyfully announce (to the) Bahá’í World (the) rapid progress (of the) final stages (of the) construction (of the) Báb’s mausoleum (on) Mt. Carmel. as well as (the) splendid initiative (of the) Bahá’ís (of) Panama aiming (at the) acquisition (of the) first Mashriqu’1-Adhkar (of) Central America. Erection (of the) lantern (and the) placing (of the) ribs (of the) dome completed. Five thousand gilded tiles dispatched (from) Utrecht (have been) safely received, half (of) which (have been) already placed (in) position, disclosing (a) glimpse (of the) shining splendor (of the) completed dome. Appeal National Assemblies, East (and) West (to) participate through contributions (to the) meritorious endeavors exerted (toward the) eventual establishment (of a) Bahá’í House (of) Worship (m the) City (of) Panama. specifically mentioned (by) ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. situated (in the) heart (of the) Western Hemisphere. Myself contributed five hundred pounds (for the) furtherance (of this) notable objective (of the) ten year global Crusade. Share message National Assemblies. Haifa. Israel June 25, 1953. {.sig} (Signed) SHOGHI {.sig} --- ## 1410.
1953-07-16 PRAYING CONTINUED VICTORIES {.center} USBN #272 October 1953 p1 {.ref .center} ‘“Overjoyed, proud magnificent achievements. Praying continued victories.” July 16, 1953 — SHOGHI {.sig} The message above was Shoghi Effendi”s reply to this cable sent him by the National Spiritual Assembly on July 13: Gratified report first American Bahá’í pioneer arriving post Rose Perkal Kodiak July eighth. All four United States Western Hemisphere pioneer settlement areas assigned. Approved three pioneer projects United States areas Europe and plans under way settlement four Italo-Swiss areas. Ten of eleven United States pioneer settlement areas Africa planned. Two United States Asia posts assured. Pioneer plans progressing three Assembly members. --- ## 1411.
1953-07-21 letter To The Third Intercontinental Teaching Conference — Stockholm {.center} USBN #271 September 1953 p2-5 {.ref .center} To the Hands of the Cause, the members of the National Spiritual Assemblies, the pioneers, the resident believers and visitors attending the European Intercontinental Teaching Conference in Stockholm, Sweden: Well-beloved friends: With a glad and grateful heart I welcome the convocation, in the capital-city of Sweden, of the third of a series of Intercontinental Teaching Conferences associated with the world-wide festivities commemorating the centenary of the Mission of Bahá’u’lláh and destined to exert a profound and lasting influence on the immediate fortunes of His Faith in all continents of the globe. I look back, with feelings of wonder, thankfulness and joy, upon the chain of memorable circumstances which, a little over a century ago, accompanied the introduction of the Faith into, and marked the inception of its nascent institutions within, a continent which, in the course of the last two thousand years, has exercised on the destiny of the human race a pervasive influence unequalled by that of any other continent of the globe. I feel impelled, on this historic occasion, when the members of the American, the British, the German and the newly formed Italo-Swiss National Spiritual Assemblies, as well as representatives of the Bahá’ís of the United Kingdom, of Eire, of Germany, of Austria, of the Scandinavian and Benelux countries, of the Iberian Peninsula, of Italy, of Switzerland, of France, and of Finland are assembled, to pay a warm tribute to the valiant labours of the early British and French Bahá’í pioneers, who at the very dawn of the Faith in Europe, strove with such diligence, consecration and resolution, to fan into flame that holy Fire which the hand of the appointed Center of Bahá’u’lláh’s Covenant had kindled in the north-west extremity of that continent on the morrow of His Father’s ascension. I recall the slow eastward spread of that infant Light which led to the gradual emergence of the German and Austrian Bahá’í Communities, during the darkest period of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s incarceration in the prison-fortress of ‘Akká. I am reminded of His subsequent epoch-making visit, soon after His providential release from His forty year confinement in the Most Great Prison, to these newly-fledged struggling Communities, of His patient seed-sowing destined to yield at a later age its first fruits, and constituting a landmark of the utmost significance in the rise and establishment of the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh in that continent. I, moreover, call to mind, on this occasion, the successive episodes which, on the morrow of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s ascension, in the course of the initial Epoch of the Formative Age of the Bahá’í Dispensation, signalized the emergence of those administrative institutions, both local and national, which proclaimed the germination of those potent seeds which had lain dormant for more than a decade in these newly-opened European territories, and which culminated in the construction of the framework of the Administrative Order of the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh and the erection of the first two pillars destined to sustain in that continent the weight of the final unit of that Order. Nor can I fail to acclaim, as a further milestone in the irresistible evolution of that Faith, the launching, following the creation of the administrative agencies designed to provide the effectual instruments for its propagation, of the Six Year Plan of the British Bahá’í Community followed successively by the European Teaching Campaign, inaugurated in accordance with the provisions of the second Seven-Year Plan of the American Bahá’í Community, the Five-Year Plan conceived by the German and Austrian Bahá’í Communities and the Two-Year Plan later initiated by the British Bahá’í Community — Plans which, within less than a decade, succeeded in laying the structural basis of the Administrative Order of the Faith in Wales, in Scotland, in Northern Ireland and in Eire, in multiplying and consolidating Bahá’í institutions throughout the British Isles, in broadening and strengthening the foundations of that same Order in Germany and Austria, in erecting the National Administrative Headquarters of the Faith in the city of Frankfurt, in establishing Spiritual Assemblies in the capital cities of no less than ten sovereign states in Europe, in reenforcing the administrative foundations of that Faith in those territories, in providing the means for the convocation of five European, and a series of regional, Teaching Conferences, and above all, in the convocation of the historic Convention in Florence culminating in the emergence of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Italy and Switzerland, the third in a series of institutions destined to play their part in the eventual establishment of the Supreme Legislative Body of the Administrative Order of the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh. The hour is now ripe for these Communities whether new or old, local or national, already functioning on the Northern, the Western and the Southern fringes of that continent, as well as those situated in its very heart, to initiate befittingly and prosecute energetically the European Campaign of a global Crusade which will not only contribute, to an unprecedented degree, to the broadening and the consolidation of the foundations of the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh on the continent of Europe, but will also diffuse its light over the neighboring islands, and will, God willing, carry its radiance to the Eastern territories of that continent, and beyond them as far as the heart of Asia. The privileged prosecutors of so revolutionizing, so gigantic, so sacred and beneficent a campaign, are, on the morrow of its launching, and, at such a crucial hour in the destinies of the European continent, summoned to undertake: First, the formation, under the aegis of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of the United States, of one National Spiritual Assembly in each one of the Scandinavian and Benelux Countries, and those of the Iberian Peninsula, and one in Finland, as well as the establishment, in collaboration with the Paris Spiritual Assembly, of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of France, the establishment, under the aegis of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Germany and Austria, of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Austria, and the establishment, under the aegis of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of the United States, and in association with the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Italy and Switzerland, of independent National Spiritual Assemblies in Italy and Switzerland. Second, the construction of the first Ma_shriqu’l-A_dhkár of Europe in the city of Frankfurt, the heart of Germany, which occupies such a central position in the continent of Europe. Third, the purchase of land for the future construction of two Ma_shriqu’l-A_dhkárs, one in the North in the city of Stockholm, and one in the South in the city of Rome, the seat and stronghold of the most powerful church in Christendom. Fourth, the opening of the following thirty virgin territories and islands: Albania, Crete, Estonia, Finno-Karelia, Frisian Islands, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldavia, Rumania, White Russia, assigned to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Germany and Austria; Channel Islands, Cyprus, Faroe Islands, Hebrides Islands, Malta, Orkney Islands. Shetland Islands, assigned to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of the British Isles; Andorra, Azores, Balearic Islands, Lofoten Islands, Spitzbergen, Ukraine, assigned to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of the United States of America; Liechtenstein, Monaco, Rhodes, San Marino, Sardinia, Sicily, assigned to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Italy and Switzerland. Fifth, the translation and publication of Bahá’í literature in the following ten languages to be undertaken by the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of the United States of America, through its European Teaching Committee: Basque, Estonian, Flemish. Lapp, Maltese, Piedmontese, Romani, Romansch, Yiddish, Ziryen. Sixth, the consolidation of Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Holland, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, allocated to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of the United States of America; of Austria, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Russian S.F.S., Yugoslavia, allocated to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Germany and Austria; of Eire allocated to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of the British Isles; of Iceland allocated to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Canada; and of Corsica allocated to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Italy and Switzerland. Seventh, the incorporation of the thirteen above-mentioned National Spiritual Assemblies. Eighth, the establishment by these same National Spiritual Assemblies of national Bahá’í endowments. Ninth, the establishment of a national Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds in the capital city of each of the countries where National Spiritual Assemblies are to be established, as well as one in London and one in Paris. Tenth, the formation of a National Bahá’í Publishing Trust in Frankfurt, Germany. Eleventh, the formation of Israel Branches of the National Spiritual Assemblies of the Bahá’ís of the British Isles and of Germany and Austria, authorized to hold, on behalf of their parent institutions, property dedicated to the holy Shrines at the World Centre of the Faith in the State of Israel. Twelfth, the conversion to the Faith of representatives of the Basque and Gypsy races. Thirteenth, the appointmnet, during Riḍván 1954, by the Hands of the Cause in Europe, of an auxiliary Board of nine members who will, in conjunction with the four National Spiritual Assemblies participating in the European campaign, assist, through periodic and systematic visits to Bahá’í centres, in the efficient and prompt execution of the Plans formulated for the prosecution of the teaching campaign in the European continent. A continent, occupying such a central and strategic position on the entire planet; so rich and eventful in its history, so diversified in its culture; from whose soil sprang both the Hellenic and Roman civilizations; the mainspring of a civilization to some of whose features Bahá’u’lláh Himself paid tribute; on whose southern shores Christendom first established its home; along whose eastern marches the mighty forces of the Cross and the Crescent so frequently clashed; on whose southwestern extremity a fast evolving Islámic culture yielded its fairest fruit; in whose heart the light of the Reformation shone so brightly, shedding its rays as far as the outlying regions of the globe; the well-spring of American culture; whose northern and western fringes were first warmed and illuminated, less than a century ago, by the dawning light of the Revelation of Bahá’u’lláh; in whose heart a Community, so rich in promise, was subsequently established; whose soil was later sanctified by the twice — repeated visit of the appointed Center of His Covenant; which witnessed, in consequence of the rise and establishment of the Administrative Order of His Faith, the erection of two of the foremost pillars of the future Universal House of Justice; which, in recent years, sustained the dynamic impact of a series of national Plans preparatory to the launching of a world spiritual crusade-such a continent has at last at this critical hour-this great turning-point in its fortunes — entered upon what may well be regarded as the opening phase of a great spiritual revival that bids fair to eclipse any period in its spiritual history. May the elected representatives of the National Bahá’í Communities entrusted with the conduct of this momentous undertaking launched on the soil of this continent, aided by the Hands of the Cause and their auxiliary Board, reinforced by the local communities, the groups and isolated believers sharing in this massive and collective enterprise, and supported by the subsidiary agencies to be appointed for its efficient prosecution, be graciously assisted by the Lord of Hosts to contribute, in the years immediately ahead, through their concerted efforts and collective achievements, in both the teaching and administrative spheres of Bahá’í activity, to the success of this glorious Crusade, and lend a tremendous impetus to the conversion, the reconciliation and the ultimate unification of the divers and conflicting peoples, races, and classes dwelling within the borders of a travailing, a sorely-agitated, and spiritually-famished continent. {.sig} May all the privileged participators, enlisting under the banner of Bahá’u’lláh for the promotion of so preeminent and meritorious a Cause, be they from the Eastern or Western Hemisphere, of either sex, white or coloured, young or old, neophyte or veteran, whether serving in their capacity as expounders of the teachings, or administrators, of His Faith, as settlers or itinerant teachers, distinguish themselves by such deeds of heroism as will rival, nay outshine, the feats accomplished nineteen hundred years ago, by that little band of God-intoxicated disciples who, fearlessly preaching the Gospel of a newly-arisen Messiah, contributed so decisively to the illumination, the regeneration and the advancement of the entire European continent. {.sig} —Shoghi To The Third Intercontinental Teaching Conference — Stockholm, July 21-26 --- ## 1412.
1953-07-22 cable to TO THE THIRD INTERCONTINENTAL TEACHING CONFERENCE {.center} USBN #271 September 1953 p2 {.ref .center} Happy (to) Convey (to) assembled friends (at) epoch-making conference (the) news (of the) magnificent response (by) Bahá’í Communities (in the) East (and in the) West, (during the) course (of the) less than three-month interval separating (the) Second (and) Third Intercontinental Conferences (of this) Holy Year, to (the) call (to) arise (and) befittingly inaugurate (the) opening phase (of the) World Crusade. (The) number (of the) pioneers, (whether) white (or) colored, young (or) old. (on) all continents who volunteered (for) service (in) both virgin (and) open territories (is) past (the) two hundred mark, including three offers (for the) leper colonies. Ruanda-Urundi, Samoan Islands, Daman, Southern Rhodesia, Goa, Kodiak Island (and) Italian Somaliland (are) already opened. (The) settlement (of) French Equatorial Africa, Solomon Islands, Queen Charlotte Islands, South West Africa, Cape Verde Islands, Togoland, Mauritius. Reunion Island, St. Helena Island, St. Thomas Island, Channel Islands, Aleutian Islands, Azores, Key West, Cook Islands, Monaco, Balearic Islands, Malta, Cyprus, Hebrides Islands, Northern Territories Protectorate, Seychelles, Andorra, Canary Islands, (and) French Somaliland (is) virtually assured. (The) northern outposts (of the) Faith (in the) Western Hemisphere (have been) pushed as far as Arctic Bay, Franklin, seventy-three (degrees North) latitude, (and in) Europe as far as (the) Lofoten Islands. (A) pioneer (is) en route (to) Fezzan, Libya, chosen scene (of) ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s banishment by ‘Abdu’1-Ḥamíd. All (the) areas within (the) Western Hemisphere allocated (to the) United States National Assembly (are) assigned. (A) third membership (of that) same Assembly (is) joining (the) ranks (of the) pioneers. (The) remaining sister National Assemblies (are) now vying (in a) spiritual race (to) complete assignments (in) their respective continents. Funds (are) inaugurated (and) sites (are) being investigated (for the) purchase (of) land (for the) Mashriqu’1-Adhkárs (of) Rome, Panama City (and) Toronto (and for a) National Hazirátu’l-Quds (in) London. (I) appeal (to the) attendants (at this) conference, (in) thanksgiving (for the) manifold blessings abundantly showered (upon) Bahá’u’lláh’s Crusaders (to) immortalize (their) proceedings through (the) inauguration (of) funds (for the) purchase (of) sites (for) temples (in that) northern city, (the) scene (of the) present conference, (and in) Frankfurt (in the) heart (of the) European Continent. (I am) contributing two thousand pounds (for the) furtherance (of these) meritorious enterprises. (I) urge, moreover, (that the) participants, in view (of the) disproportionately small number (of) pioneers destined (for) virgin territories in relation (to the) total (of) volunteers, swell (the) roll (of) honor through enlisting promptly under (the) unfurled banner (of the) advancing hosts (of) Bah — ‘u’lláh. No worthier contribution can be offered (on the) altar (of) Bahá’í sacrifice, no greater honor won (during the) course (of the) Holy Year now swiftly drawing (to its) close. —Shoghi To The Third Intercontinental Teaching Conference — Stockholm, July 21-26 --- ## 1413.
1953-09-20 pioneers to date {.center} USBN #273 November 1953 p1-2 {.ref .center} Transmit (the) following joyful tidings National Spiritual Assemblies (of the) Bahá’í World. World spiritual crusade, mightiest agency yet conceived (for the) systematic execution (of) — ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s Divine Plan, (has been) befittingly ushered in through successive, magnificent victories won (by) Bahá’u’lláh’s crusaders (in) virgin territories (in) every continent (of the) globe. Four months (have) elapsed since its glorious inauguration amidst climax (of) festivities commemorating (the) Centenary (of the) inception (of) His Mission, immortalized (by the) opening (of) no less (than) twenty-eight territories (and) islands, nine (in) Europe, eight (in) America, six (in) Africa, five (in) Asia, constituting (a) dispersal unprecedented (in) its rapidity (and) scope (during) eleven decades (of) Bahá’í history. (The) number (of) pioneers (who) responded (to the) call (for) settlement (of) open (and) unopened territories (on the) planet passed (the) three hundred mark: over (a) hundred (and) fifty (from) America, over fifty (from) Europe, over forty (from) Africa, over forty (from) Asia. (The) number (of) prospective pioneers (to) virgin areas (is) over forty. All Western Hemisphere (and) African areas allocated (to the) United States National Assembly, as well as all European areas allocated (to the) various National Assemblies, (have been) assigned. (The) Roll (of) Honor designed (to) perpetuate (the) memory (of the) exploits (of the) spiritual conquerors (is) already inscribed (with the) names (of the) following pioneers, together (with their) respective territories, amounting (to) almost (a) fourth (of the) number required (for the) attainment (of the) paramount objective (of the) opening phase (of the) ten year plan. Sohail Samandarí, Italian Somaliland; Mary (and) Rex Collison, Dun — duzu Chisizwa, Ruanda-Urundi; Izza — tu’lláh Zahrai, Southern Rhodesia; Ghulamal Kurlawala, Daman; Gail (and) Jameson Bond. Franklin; Roshan Aftabi, Feroza Yaganagi, Goa; Rose Perkal. Jack Huffman, Kodiak Island; Mr. (and) Mrs. Arthur Crane, Key West; Saeed Nahvi, Shyan Behrarilal, Pondicherry: Udainarayan Singh, Sikkim; Fred Schechter, French Somaliland; Virginia Orbison, Balearic Islands; Mr. (and) Mrs. Amin Banání, Greece; ‘Abbás Vakíl, Cyprus; Gertrude Eisenberg, Canary Islands; Dick Stanton. Keewatin; Mr. (and) Mrs. Jenabe Caldwell, Aleutian Islands; Edythe MacArthur, Queen Charlotte Islands; Hushmand Manu — chihri, Liechtenstein; Eskil Ljung — berg, Faroe Islands; Mildred Clark (and) Loyce Lawrence, Lofoten Islands; Salisa Kirmani. Shirin Nurani, Karikal; Zia’u’Mh Asgarzadeh, Evelyn Baxter, Channel Islands; Kay Weston. Magdalen Islands; Julius Edwards, Northern Territories Protectorate; Doris Richardson, Grand Manan Island; Charles Dunning, Orkney Islands; Nellie French, Monaco. Countries (in which) Bahá’ís reside now aggregate over (one) hundred fifty. Over seventy (have been) added (in the) course (of the) nine years separating (the) first (and) second Jubilees. (The) festivities (of the) Holy Year, so splendidly inaugurated, attaining (the) high water mark (on the) occasion (of the) Ninetieth Anniversary (of the) declaration (of the) Mission (of the) Founder (of the) Faith, (are) approaching (their) end. Appeal entire body (of) His followers (to) exert (a) concerted, superhuman effort (to) celebrate, through acceleration (of their) dispersal, (the) conclusion (of the) world-wide rejoicings, (and) pay worthy tribute (to) His memory, through as close (an) approach (to the) two hundred mark as possible (of the) total number (of) sovereign States, Dependencies, (and) Islands comprising (the) orbit (of) His irresistibly expanding Faith, achieving thereby a feat paralleling, (in the) eyes (of) posterity, (the) triumphant completion (of the) superstructure (of the) Sepulchre (of) its Co-Founder (at the) Bahá’í World Center (in the) Holy Land. —Shoghi Haifa, Israel September 20, 1953 --- ## 1414.
1953-09-27 to the Aug 1953 Benelux Conf {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp122 Benelux Conference, 27 September 1953 Dear Bahá’í Friends, The beloved Guardian has received your note sent from the Benelux Conference, and has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. Now the wonderful Stockholm Conference has taken place, and the friends are all aware of the important tasks which have been set before them for the coming ten years. The Guardian urges all the believers to redouble their efforts in the teaching field, and to endeavour to form new groups and new Assemblies; as the sooner this is accomplished, the more quickly the new National Assemblies will come into existence — the new pillars of the future Universal House of Justice. He assures you all of his loving prayers for your guidance and assistance in your labours. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbání May the Almighty guide, bless and sustain you and aid you to promote effectively and at all times, the vital interests of His Faith and of its nascent institutions. Your true brother, Shoghi {.sig} 1953-09-27 to the Aug 1953 Benelux Conf {.ref .center} ========= {.noid} This Benelux Conference was held on 15-16 August 1953. The Third Intercontinental Teaching Conference was held in Stockholm, 21-26 July 1953. Some 370 Bahá’ís from 30 countries, including 14 Hands of the Cause, attended. --- ## 1415.
1953-09-xx To Louhelen Junior Youth of 10 July 1953 {.center} 1953-09-To Louhelen Junior Youth Of 10 July 1953 {.ref .center} 01 Haifa Israel 1 September 1953 To the Bahá’í Youth who were present at the Junior Youth Session at Louhelen Bahá’í School — July 10th Dear Bahá’í Friends: The beloved Guardian has received the letter which was signed by all of you on July 10th, and has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. The Guardian was indeed happy that you have had the great bounty of meeting and knowing the devoted Hands of the Cause of God, General ‘Alá’í and Mr Samandarí, and their interpreter. The Guardian wants you to always remember what they told you, as they are indeed dedicated to the service of Bahá’u’lláh; and the beloved Guardian gave the Bahá’ís in America a very great gift in having these precious believers visit among the friends throughout the United States. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbání * Assuring you of my fervent prayers for the success of your valued activities in the service of our beloved Faith, Your true brother, {.sig} Shoghi {.sig} [Your True Brother: Messages to Junior Youth Written by or on Behalf of Shoghi Effendi] --- ## 1416.
1953-10-07 Message To The New Delhi Intercontinental Conference {.center} USBN #273 November 1953 p5-8 {.ref .center} To the Hands of the Cause, the members of the National Spiritual Assemblies, the pioneers, the resident believers and visitors attending the Asian Intercontinental Teaching Conference in New Delhi. India. Well-beloved friends: With high hopes and a joyful heart I acclaim the convocation, in the leading city of the Indian sub-continent, of the fourth and last of the Intercontinental Teaching Conferences of a memorable Holy Year commemorating the centenary of the birth of the prophetic Mission of Bahá’u’lláh. On this historic occasion, when the members of the National Spiritual Assemblies of the Bahá’ís of the United States of America, of the Dominion of Canada, of Central and South America, of Persia, of the Indian sub-continent and of Burma, of ‘Iráq and of Australasia, as well as representatives of the sovereign states and dependencies of the Asiatic continent, of the Republics of North, Central and South America, and of Australia, New Zealand and Tasmania are assembled, and are to deliberate on the needs and requirements of the recently launched triple Campaign embracing the Asiatic mainland, the Australian continent and the islands of the Pacific Ocean —a campaign which may well be regarded as the most extensive, the most arduous and the most momentous of all the campaigns of a world-girdling Crusade, and which, in its scope, is unparalleled in the history of the Faith in the entire Eastern Hemisphere-my thoughts, on such an occasion, go back to the early dawn of our Faith, to those unforgettable scenes of matchless heroism. of dark tragedy, of imperishable glory which heralded its birth, and accompanied the spread, of its infant Light in the heart of the Asiatic continent. I vividly recall the meteoric rise of the Faith of the Báb in the provinces of Persia and the stirring episodes associated with His cruel incarceration in the mountain-fastnesses of A_dh_irbáyján. with the revelation of the laws of His Dispensation. with the proclamation of the independence of His Faith, with the peerless heroism of His disciples, with the fiendish cruelly of His foes —the Chief Magistrate, the civil authorises. the ecclesiastical dignitaries and the masses of the people, of His native land-with the humiliation. the spoliation, the dispersal, the eventual massacre of a vast number of His followers, and, above all, with His own execution in the City of Tabriz. With a throb of wonder I call to mind the early and sudden fruition of His Dispensation in the capital city of that land, and the dramatic circumstances attending the birth of Bahá’u’lláh’s Revelation culminating in His precipitate banishment to ‘Iráq. I am reminded, moreover, of the initial spread of the light of this Revelation, in consequence of the banishment of Bahá’u’lláh, to the adjoining territories of ‘Iráq, and, as far as the western fringes of that continent, to Turkey and the neighboring territories of Lebanon, Jordan and Syria, and. at a later stage to the Indian sub-continent and China, situated on the southern and eastern extremities of that continent as well as to the Caucasus and Russian Turkistán. Nor can I fail to remember the series of alternating crises and victories each constituting a landmark in the evolution of the Faith-which it has experienced in some of these territories, associated with the distressful withdrawal of its Author to the mountains of Sulaymáníyyih: with the glorious Declaration of His Mission in Ba_ghdád: with His second and third banishments to Constantinople and Adrianople: with the grievous rebellion of His half — brother; with the proclamation of His own Mission; with His fourth banishment to the desolate and far — off penal colony of ‘Akká in Syria: with the revelation of the Kitáb-i-Aqdas, His Most Holy Book; with His ascension in the Holy Land: with the establishment of His Covenant and the inauguration of the Ministry of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, His son and the Exemplar and authorized Interpreter of His teachings. These opening stages in the evolution of His Faith in the Asiatic continent were followed, while the frst and Apostolic Age of His Dispensation was drawing to a close, by the opening of the Islands situated in the Pacific Ocean, Japan in the north, and the Australian continent in the South. To these memorable chapters of Asian Bahá’í history another was soon added, on the morrow of the ascension of the Center of Bahá’u’lláh’s Covenant, and during the initial epoch of the Formative Age of the Faith, distinguished by the rise of the Administrative Order and the erection of its pillars in the cradle of that Faith, in ‘Iráq. in India. Pákistán and Burma and in the Antipodes. This memorable episode in its development in that vast continent was succeeded by the initiation, during the second epoch of that same Age, of a series of Plans in those same territories in support of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s Divine Plan and as a prelude to the opening of the recently launched world-embracing Spiritual Crusade. The hour has now struck for this continent, on whose soil, more than a century ago, so much sacred blood was shed, in whose very heart deeds of such tragic heroism were performed, and in many of whose territories such brilliant victories have been won, to contribute, in association with its sister continents, to the progress and ultimate triumph of this global Crusade, in a manner befitting its unrivalled position in the entire Bahá’í world. The various Bahá’í Communities dwelling within the borders of this continent and those situated to the south of its shores in the Antipodes, which include the oldest and most venerable among all the communities cf the Bahá’í world, and whose members in their aggregate constitute the overwhelming majority of the followers of Bahá’u’lláh, are called upon, in close association with four other Bahá’í communities in the Western Hemisphere, to undertake in the course of the coming decade: First, the construction of the first Ma_shriqu’l-A_dhkár in Bahá’u’lláh’s native land, in the City of Ṭihrán, surnamed by Bahá’u’lláh “Mother of the World.” Second, the purchase of land for the future construction of three Ma_shriqu’l-A_dhkárs, one in the City of Ba_ghdád. enshrining the “Most Great House.” the third holiest city of the Bahá’í world, one in New Delhi, the leading city of the Indian sub-continent, and the third in Sydney, the oldest and foremost Bahá’í Center in the Antipodes. Third, the formation of no less than eleven National Spiritua1 Assemblies, one each in Pákistán, Burma and Ceylon, under the aegis of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of India. Pákistán and Burma: one in Turkey and one in Afghánistán. under the aegis of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Persia; one in Japan, under the aegis of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of the United States of America: one in New Zealand, under the aegis of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Australia and New Zealand, as well as four regional National Spiritual Assemblies, one in the Arabian Peninsula, under the aegis of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Persia; one in South-East Asia, under the aegis of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of India, Pákistán and Burma; a third in the South Pacific, under the aegis of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of the United States of America; and a fourth in the Near East, under the aegis of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of ‘Iráq. Fourth, the opening of the following forty-one virgin territories and islands: Andaman Islands, Bhutan, Daman, Diu, Goa, Karikal, Mahé, Mariana Islands, Nicobar Islands. Pondicherry, Sikkim, assigned to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of India. Pákistán and Burma; Caroline Islands. Dutch New Guinea, Hainan Island, Kazakhstan, Macao Island, Sakhalin Island. Tibet. Tonga Islands, assigned to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of the United States of America; Brunei, Chagos Archipelago. Kirgizia. Mongolia, Solomon Islands, Tadzhikistan, Uzbekistan, assigned to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Persia: Admiralty — Islands. Cocos Island, Loyalty Islands, Mentawei Islands, New Hebrides Islands, Portuguese Timor, Society Islands, assigned to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Australia and New Zealand; Gilbert and Ellice Islands, Marshall Islands, Tuamotu Archipelago, assigned to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Central America; Hadhramaut, Kuria — Muria Islands, assigned to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of ‘Iráq; Marquesas Islands, Samoa Islands, assigned to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Canada; Cook Islands, assigned to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of South America. Fifth, the translation and publication of Bahá’í literature in the following forty languages, to be undertaken by the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of India, Pákistán and Burma, in association with the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Australia and New Zealand: Abor Miri, Aneityum, Annamese, Balochi, Bentuni, Binandere. Cheremiss, Chungchia, Georgian, Houailou, Javanese, Kado, Kaili, Kopu, Kusaie, Lepcha, Lifu, Manchu. Manipuri. Manus Island, Marquesas, Mentawei. Mongolian, Mordoff, Mwala. Na-Hsi, Nicobarese, Niue, Ossete, Ostiak, Pali, Panjabi, Pashto, Perm, Petats, Samoan, Thó, Tibetan, Tonga, Vogul. Sixth, the consolidation of Aden Protectorate, A_dh_irbáyján, Afghánistán, Ahsá, Armenia, Bahrayn Island, Georgia, Hijáz, Saudi-Arabia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Yemen, allocated to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Persia; of Balúchistán, Borneo, Burma. Ceylon, Indo-China, Indonesia. Malaya. Nepal, Pákistán, Sarawak, Siam, allocated to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of India, Pákistán and Burma; of China. Formosa, Japan, Korea, Manchuria. Philippine Islands, allocated to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of the United States of America: of Jordan, Ko — weit, Lebanon, Qatar, Syria, Trucial _Shay_Khs, ‘Ummán. allocated to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of ‘Iráq: of Bismarck Archipelago. Fiji. New Caledonia, Australian New Guinea, allocated to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Australia and New Zealand; of Hong Kong, allocated to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of British Isles. Seventh, the incorporation of the eleven above — mentioned National Spiritual Assemblies, as well as those of Persia and ‘Iráq. Eighth, the establishment by these above-mentioned eleven National Spiritual Assemblies of national Bahá’í endowments. With the establishment of a national Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds in the capital cities of each of the countries where National Spiritual Assemblies are to be established, as well as one in Suva, one in Jakarta, one in Bahrayn and one in Beirut. Tenth, the establishment of a national Bahá’í Court in the capital cities of Persia, of ‘Iráq. of Pákistán and of Afghánistán-the leading Muslim centers in the Asiatic continent. Eleventh, the establishment of two national Bahá’í Publishing Trusts, one in Ṭihrán and one in New Delhi. Twelfth, the formation of Israel branches of the National Spiritual Assemblies of the Bahá’ís of Persia, of ‘Iráq, and of Australia; authorized to hold on behalf of their parent institutions property dedicated to the holy Shrines at the World Center of the Faith in the State of Israel. Thirteenth, the appointment, during Riḍván 1954, by the Hands of the Cause in Asia and in Australia of an auxiliary Board of nine members who will, in conjunction with the eight National Spiritual Assemblies participating in the Asiatic and Australian campaigns. assist, through periodic and systematic visits to Bahá’í centers, in the efficient and prompt execution of the Plans formulated for the prosecution of the teaching campaigns in the continent of Asia and in the Antipodes. The Asiatic continent, the cradle of the principal religions of mankind: the home of so many of the oldest and mightiest civilizations which have flourished on this planet; the crossways of so many kindreds and races: the battleground of so many peoples and nations; above whose horizons, in modern times, the suns of two independent Revelations-the promise and consummation of a six thousand year old religious Cycle — have successively arisen; where the Authors of both of these Revelations suffered banishment and died; within whose confines the Center of a divinely-appointed Covenant was born, endured a forty-year incarceration and passed away: on whose Western extremity the Qiblih of the Bahá’í world has been definitely established; in whose heart the city proclaimed by Bahá’u’lláh as the “Mother of the World” is enshrined; within whose borders another City regarded as the “Cynosure of an adoring world” and the scene of the greatest and most glorious Revelation the world has witnessed is embosomed: on whose soil so many saints, heroes and martyrs, associated with both of these Revelations, have lived, struggled and died-such a continent, so privileged among its sister continents and yet so long and so sadly tormented, now stands at the hour of the launching of a world-encompassing Crusade, on the threshold of an era that may well recall in its glory and ultimate repercussions, the great periods of spiritual revival which, from the dawn of recorded history have, at various stages in the revelation of God’s purpose for mankind, illuminated the path of the human race. May this Crusade, launched simultaneously on the Asiatic mainland, its neighboring islands and the Antipodes, under the direction of eight National Spiritual Assemblies, and through the operation of eight systematic Teaching Plans, and the concerted efforts of Bahá’í communities in both the East and the West, provide, as it unfolds, an effective antidote to the baneful forces of atheism, nationalism, secularism and materialism that are tearing at the vitals of this turbulent continent, and may it re-enact those scenes of spiritual heroism which, more than any of the secular revolutions which have agitated its face, have left their everlasting imprint on the fortunes of the peoples and nations dwelling within its borders. {.sig} —SHOGHI Haifa, Israel 7 October, 1953 Message To The New Delhi Intercontinental Conference Presented by his Representative, Charles Mason Remey --- ## 1417.
1953-10-14 Cable To Hands Of The Cause At New Delhi {.center} USBN #273 November 1953 p4-5 {.ref .center} (On the) eve (of the) conclusion (of the) festivities commemorating (the) Centenary (of the) Birth (of) Bahá’u’lláh’s Ministry. (I am) moved (to) direct (the) following specific message (to the) Hands assembled (at the) Conference. In grateful recognition (of the) multiple bounties showered (in) rapid succession (upon the) Army (of the) Lord (of) Hosts (during the) course (of the) Holy Year, auspiciously ushered (in) through (the) proclamation (of the) objectives (of the) World Crusade, whose opening months witnessed (the) convocation (in the) heart (of the) African Continent (of the) First Intercontinental Teaching Conference; whose climax (was) signalized (by the) simultaneous holding (in the) heart (of) North America (of the) Intercontinental Conference (of the) Western Hemisphere, (the) Dedication (of the) Mother Temple (of the) West (and the) launching (of the) Ten Year Plan; whose record (has) been ennobled (by) two additional Intercontinental gatherings, successively convened (in the) European (and) Asiatic Continents, all eleven Hands (are) called upon (to) arise (to) enhance (the) abiding value (of their) strenuous, exemplary labors (during the) last twelve months, constituting (the) initial chapter (in) their steadily unfolding world mission. (The) hour (is) propitious (on the) morrow (of the) last Intercontinental Conference (to) gird (your) loins (for) yet another, still wider dispersal, extending (over) one or two months (and) embracing Asia, Africa (and) Australasia, (for the) purpose (of) establishing close contact (with the) National Assemblies, advising (and) assisting Local Assemblies (and) individuals (to) attain (the) goals (of the) globe-girdling Plan. (The) adoption (of the) following itinerary (is) recommended: Mason Remey, Dorothy Baker (and) Horace Holley (to) India, Pákistán, Burma (and) Ceylon; Ugo Giachery (to) Persia: Valíyu’lláh Varqá, Shu’a’u’-lláh — Alá’í (to) Tráq, Turkey (and) Egypt; Clara Dunn (and) ‘Alí-Akbar Furútan (to) Australia (and) New Zealand; DhikruTláh Khádem (to) Malaya (and) Japan; TarázuTláh Samandarí (and) Musá Banání (to the) Arabian Peninsula. (I am) contributing three thousand pounds (for) assistance (in the) execution (of this) meritorious enterprise. (I) urge (the) Persian, Indian, Australian. Egyptian, (and) Tráqí National Assemblies (to) extend (the) utmost assistance, (to) arrange schedules, publicize (the) Faith wherever advisable, (and) direct Local Assemblies (to) utilize every means (in their) power (to) add momentum (to the) most ambitious undertaking (yet) embarked (upon by the) followers (of) Bahá’u’lláh (during the one) hundred ten years (of) Eahá’í history. Haifa. Israel —Shoghi 14 October, 1953 Cable To Hands Of The Cause At New Delhi --- ## 1418.
1953-10-27 to Elly Becking re poss pioneering to Dutch New Guinea {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp122-3 Elly Becking, 27 October 1953 Dear Baháï Sister:122 Your letter of October 15th has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you bn his behalf. The Guardian was indeed delighted to learn that, although you are still so young in the Faith, you have arisen and gone forth as a pioneer to Dutch New Guinea. He will pray that you may be guided and assisted to find and confirm ready souls, so that in a short time a nucleus of active and devoted Bahá’ís will be established in that virgin area. The Guardian hopes that, in the near future, your future husband will decide to join the ranks of the followers of Bahá’u’lláh, and will lend his reinforcement to your teaching activities. He urges you to persevere in your task and never to become disheartened, as this is a most meritorious work, and those who pioneer in virgin territories are receiving special bounties from God in this historic period. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbání Assuring you of my loving prayers for your success and spiritual advancement. Your true brother, Shoghi 1953-10-27 to Elly Becking re poss pioneering to Dutch New Guinea {.ref .center} ========= {.noid} Elly Becking (1918-2005) was born on Celebes (now Sulawesi) in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia). She was a trained secretary and became a Bahá’í in The Hague in June 1951. At the Stockholm International Teaching Conf, she volunteered to pioneer to Dutch New Guinea and was named a Knight of Bahá’u’lláh arriving Oct 1953. --- ## 1419.
1953-10-xx Cable To The Fourth Intercontinental Teaching Conference {.center} USBN #273 November 1953 p2-4 {.ref .center} (On the) occasion (of the) conclusion (of the) Holy Year (I am) overjoyed (to share the) following triple announcement (with the) attendants (at the) fourth (and) final Intercontinental Teaching Conference, marking (the) termination (of) festivities associated (with the) Centenary (of the) Birth (of) Bahá’u’lláh’s Prophetic Mission. (The) five-vear-old, three-quarter million dollar enterprise, constituting (the) final stage (in the) initial epoch (of the) evolutionary process initiated over sixty years ago (by the) Founder (of the) Faith, (in the) heart (of the) Mountain (of) God. (is) consummated. (The) finishing touches (of the) installation (of) stained glass windows (in the) Drum (and) Octagon, (the) removal (of) scaffolding (from the) exterior (and) interior (of the) edifice, (the) interior calcimining (of the) Dome. Drum (and) Octagon, tuck-pointing, cleaning (and) floodlighting (the) entire Structure (have been) completed, synchronizing (with the) closing weeks (of the) glorious, twelve month annals (of the) Holy Faith. (A) steadily swelling throng (of) visitors (from) far (and) near, (on) many days exceeding (a) thousand, (is) flocking (the) gates leading (to the) Inner Sanctuary (of this) majestic mausoleum: paying homage (to the) Queen of Carmel enthroned (on) God’s Mountain, crowned (in) glowing gold, robed (in) shimmering white, girdled (in) emerald green, enchanting every eye from air, sea, plain (and) hill. (1 am) moved (to) request (the) attendants (at the) Conference (to) hold (a) befitting memorial gathering (to) pay tribute (to the) Hand (of the) Cause. Sutherland Maxwell, immortal architect (of the) Arcade (and) Superstructure (of the) Shrine. (I) feel, moreover, acknowledgement (should) be made (at the) same gathering (to the) unflagging labors (and) vigilance (of the) Hand (of the) Cause, Ugo Giachery, (in) negotiating contracts, inspecting (and) despatching all materials required (for the) construction (of the) Edifice, as well as (of the) assiduous, constant care (of the) Hand (of the) Cause, Leroy Ioas, (in) supervising (the) construction (of) both Drum (and) Dome. To two doors (of the) Shrine recently named after (the) first two aforementioned Hands, (the) Octagon Door, now added, (will) henceforth (be) associated (with the) third Hand who contributed (to the) raising (of this) stately, sacred Structure. (The) second announcement (is that the) world-wide process (of the) settlement (of) virgin areas (of the) globe (has been) accelerated (by the) arrival (of the) following pioneers (at their) respective posts: Cora Oliver, British Honduras; Carole (and) Dwight Allen, Greece; Mr. (and) Mrs. Xavier Rodrigues. Portuguese Guinea; Brigitte Hasselblatt. Shetlands; Elizabeth Hopper, Ada Schott. Sara Kenny (and) Mrs. Duffield, Madeira: H. J. Snider. Key West; Hugh McKinley and mother, Cyprus; Max Kenyerezi, French Equatorial Africa; Elsa Grossmann, Frisian Islands; Helen Robinson, Baranof; Mr. (and) Mrs. Ted Anderson. Yukon; Tabendeh Payman, San Marino, swelling (the) Roll of Honor, raising (the) number (of) territories (within the) pale (of the) Faith (to one) hundred sixty-five. Two additional pioneers (are) proceeding (to) leper colonies (in) Puerto Rico (and) French Guiana. Two valiant pioneers (from) India (and) America (are) preparing entry (into) Tibet. Two more members (of the) United States National Assembly (have) volunteered (to) pioneer. raising (the) number (to) five. United States pioneers (are) departing (to) twenty-four virgin territories ere (the) conclusion (of the) Holy Year. (The) Feast (of) Names (was) celebrated last August (by) two stalwart Crusaders (at the) weather station (at) Buchanan Bay (on) desolate Ellesmere Island, latitude seventy-nine, less (than) seven hundred miles (from the) North Pole. (The) irresistibly unfolding Crusade (has been) sanctified (by the) death (of) heroic, eighty-eight year old Ella Bailey, elevating her (to the) rank (of the) Martyrs (of the) Faith, shedding further luster (on the) American Bahá’í Community (and) consecrating (the) soil (of the) fast awakening African Continent. (The) third announcement (is that) preliminary steps (have been) taken, aiming (at the) acquisition (of an) extensive area (at the) head (of the) Holy Mountain, scene (of the) Revelation (of the) Tablet (of) Carmel, preparatory (to the) purchase (of the) site (for the) future Mother Mashriqu’1-Adhkár (of the) Holy Land, made possible (by the) munificent hundred thousand dollar donation (of the) Hand (of the) Cause. Amelia Collins, signalizing (the) opening (of the) second stage (in the) unfoldment (of the) mighty process set (in) motion (by the) Author (of the) Faith. (This) triple bounty vouchsafed (the) Community (of the) Most Great Name, scattered (over the) face (of the) planet, calls for tremendous, immediate, concerted exertion (by the) assembled believers (in order) adequately (to) discharge (this) triple responsibility. First, redoubled consecration (to the) pioneering task, particularly (in the) Pacific area emphasized (in the) Tablets (of the) Divine Plan, raising thereby, ere adjournment (of the) Conference, (the) number (of) territories opened (to the) Faith or assigned pioneers (for) immediate settlement (to) above two hundred. Second, (the) demonstration (of) increasing self-sacrifice through (the) inauguration (of) Funds (for the) purchase (of) land (for) future Temples (on the) Asiatic continent (and the) Antipodes, (in) Ba_ghdád, New Delhi (and) Sydney. (I am) contributing three thousand pounds (for the) furtherance (of these) meritorious enterprises. Third, earnest consultation (by) representatives (of the) Persian (and) ‘Iráqí National Assemblies, directly concerned (with the) Holy Task with (the) assembled Hands (of the) Cause (on) ways (and) means (to) conduct (a) thorough investigation (to) ensure purchase (of the) Holy Places, particularly (the) site (of the) Síyáh-_Ch_ál, (the) Cradle (of the) Revelation (to the) Author (of the) Faith, as well as (the) identification (and) transfer (to) Bahá’í cemeteries (of the bodies of the) relatives (of the) Báb (and) Bahá’u’lláh. constituting vital objectives (of the) Ten Year Plan. (I am) ardently hoping, fervently supplicating (that this) epochal Conference, setting (the) seal (on the) celebration (of the) Second Bahá’í Jubilee, (may) contribute (in an) unprecedented degree through (the) character (of) its deliberations, (the) solidity (of its) achievements, (the) scope (of its) accomplishments (to the) ultimate attainment (of the) shining goals (of the) World Crusade. destined (to) culminate (in the) not far distant Most Great Jubilee associated (with the) hundredth Anniversary (of the) Assumption (by) Bahá’u’lláh (of) His Prophetic Office. —Shoghi Haifa, Israel October, 1953 Cable To The Fourth Intercontinental Teaching Conference, New Delhi, India --- ## 1420.
1953-11-14 to the Hague and Rotterdam response to Birth of Bahá’u’lláh greetings {.center} Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries, pp123 The Bahá’ís of the Hague and Rotterdam, 14 November 1953 LOVING APPRECIATION PRAYERS — SHOGHI 1953-11-14 to the Hague and Rotterdam response to Birth of Bahá’u’lláh greetings {.ref .center} --- ## 1421.
1953-12-13 response to Dunning Knight to Orkneys {.center} Islands of the North Sea compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. published in Bahá’í Studies Review, 6, 1996 Your loving letter of recent date has been received, telling of your settlement in Kirkwall, and the progress of your work.     The Guardian is praying for the success of your endeavours. It is his prayer that your difficult path may be straightened, and that through your services in the Orkney Islands, many will be confirmed in the Faith....     The overall principle is that pioneers, once in the virgin areas, should not leave unless it becomes absolutely necessary; and then only after consultation with the National Assembly who is in charge of the particular territory         13 December 1953, from a letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to Charles Dunning, Knight of Bahá’u’lláh to the Orkney Islands. see BW XIV pp305-8 --- ## 1422.
1954-01-24 follow in footsteps of Dorothy Baker {.center} Shirin Boman, Ṭáhirih K Vajdi, pp23-24 “It is very sad to think that the dear Hand of the Cause, Mrs. Baker, whom you wrote about in your letter, so earnestly pleading with the Guardian that she made another trip to India, has been killed. Her place is indeed empty in the Bahá’í world; and she will be greatly missed, not only because of her lovable character, which won the hearts of all who knew her, but because of the great services she was capable of rendering the Faith, services so much needed in these historic years of the Ten Year World Crusade. “He urges you to follow in the footsteps of this noble soul, and to do all you can on your part, to attract the Hindu element to the Faith. This is of the utmost importance for the progress of the Cause in India.” [on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to Shirin Boman, 24 Jan 1954] --- ## 1423.
1954-04-04 Translated From The Persian re purpose of Ḥuqúqu’lláh {.center} Stewardship and Development p176 compiled for the USNSA 2005 In accordance with the explicit text of the Will and Testament, Ḥuqúqu’lláh should be expended on teaching the Cause of God in countries throughout the East and the West, establishing institutions, building Bahá’í Temples and promoting benevolent undertakings and the general weal. 1954-04-04 Translated From The Persian re purpose of Ḥuqúqu’lláh {.ref .center} --- ## 1424.
1954-04-21 Spiritual soulsl will gather together verses of God {.center} members.cox.net/bahai.libraries.archives/preserving_writings.htm {.ref .center}     In one of the Tablets, the Pen of the Most High, referring to this foundation [The International Archives Building], which provides the best and surest, the soundest and most perfect means of collecting, safeguarding and classifying the scattered, but growing body, of Sacred Writings and relics, states: ‘It is the concern of the True One to reveal, and the concern of men to spread what hath been revealed. He will, verily, promulgate His Cause by the hands of His scattering and well-favoured angels. Spiritual souls will assuredly emerge from behind the veil of divine protection who will gather together the tokens and verses of God and put them into the most excellent order. This is His sure and irrevocable decree.’ Naw-Rúz 1954 to the Bahá’ís of the East — translated from the Persian Writings, Bahá’í: Importance of collecting and safeguarding compiled by Bahá’í International Archives. published in Bahá’í Studies Review, 11, pages 100-102 --- ## 1425.
1954-04-22 on behalf of To an individual re not rely on others categorical assertions {.center} You speak of the categorical affirmations of Rudolph Steiner in his book regarding certain things commencing with Christ, and that He was the reincarnation of Zoroaster. We as Bahá’ís are not influenced by the categorical assertions of scholars. We believe that what Bahá’u’lláh has revealed and ‘Abdu’l-Bahá has written is from God, and divinely inspired; that Bahá’u’lláh is a Manifestation of God, and has access to a knowledge denied to ordinary human beings. Therefore, he does not see why, in reading these modern philosophical treatises, you should be perturbed in spirit. Everybody is entitled to their own opinion. If they do not set it forth with conviction, they are failing in their duty to expose their ideas sincerely and graphically; but because they believe something firmly themselves, does not in any way imply that what they believe is the truth. Between the truth which comes from God through His Prophets, and the glimmerings, often misunderstood and misinterpreted, of truth, which comes from the philosophers and thinkers, there is an immense difference. We must never, under any circumstances, confuse the two. Bahá’u’lláh has said that learning can be the veil between the soul of man and the eternal truth; in other words, between man and the knowledge of God. We have seen that many people who become very advanced in the study of modern physical sciences are led to deny God, and to deny His Prophets. That does not mean that God and the Prophets have not and do not exist. It only means that knowledge has become a veil between their hearts and the light of God. You ask why the Manifestation of God for this day, in other words, Bahá’u’lláh, has not given all the detailed answers to the theories advanced by occultists, spiritualists and many of the more abstruse philosophers of the present day. It would be absolutely impossible for anyone to answer all the questions that might be asked by the curious, whether scholars or ordinary people, on any subject. If the Prophet of God only came to this world in order to answer people’s questions, and elucidate all the “nonsense”, for the most part, that people have gotten together and formed into cults and philosophies, They would have no time to instruct man by Their example and through Their Teachings in a new way of life. We must turn aside from these vain imaginings and suppositions and philosophizings of the world, and fix our eyes upon the clear stream of the teachings of Bahá’u’lláh. Out of these teachings, and the society which they will create on this planet, will come a solution to all of the problems of men. Gradually, greater scholars, more deeply spiritual thinkers, will be able to answer from a Bahá’í standpoint many of these questions. It is not necessary that they should be in the divine text; they can be studied and learned in the future; but at present we have not had time to evolve the Bahá’í scholars who can deal with these subjects in detail, and take upon themselves to answer the abstruse points and the many unfounded doctrines which are advanced by modern philosophers. The Guardian urges you to turn your mind away from these abstrusities, and devote yourself, not only to studying the books at hand in the French language, of our Faith, but also to teaching other people. It is very unlikely that you will be able to successfully argue with, or to convert, any of the people who study these topics you have mentioned in your letter. They are more interested in mystical things, and in mystery itself, than in this present world in which we live, and how to solve its problems. They enjoy abstractions and complications. Minds such as these are not going to be able to accept the Revelation of Bahá’u’lláh, which is for here and now, and which involves the purification of the mind, and an application of His teachings to daily life. He therefore urges you to set aside all of these thoughts from your mind, to turn with a loving and prayerful heart to Bahá’u’lláh, and ask Him to guide you daily to souls that are receptive to, and ready to receive, His Message, and not harass yourself any more with these idle questions, which in the first place, cannot be answered, and in the second place, for the most part do not require an answer, because they are not sufficiently important in themselves. What Bahá’u’lláh means by the faculty of sight and hearing is the physical faculty, not a spiritual abstraction. He means that we have been given eyes and ears to appreciate what goes on in this world, by Almighty God; in other words, we can read the Teachings and listen to the Message of the Prophet. This is to be taken literally. We know from His Teachings that Reincarnation does not exist. We come on to this planet once only. Our life here is like the baby in the womb of its mother, which develops in that state what is necessary for its entire life after it is born. The same is true of us. Spiritually we must develop here what we will require for the life after death. In that future life, God through His mercy, can help us to evolve characteristics which we neglected to develop while we were on this earthly plane. It is not necessary for us to come back and be born into another body in order to advance spiritually and grow closer to God. This is the Bahá’í Teaching, and this is what the followers of Bahá’u’lláh must accept, regardless of what experiences other people may feel they have. You yourself must surely know that modern psychology has taught that the capacity of the human mind for believing what it imagines, is almost infinite. Because people think they have a certain type of experience, think they remember something of a previous life, does not mean they actually had the experience, or existed previously. The power of their mind would be quite sufficient to make them believe firmly such a thing had happened. We must use the Writings of the Prophets as our measurement. If Bahá’u’lláh had attached the slightest importance to occult experiences, to the seeing of auras, to the hearing of mystic voices; if He had believed that reincarnation was a fact, He, Himself, would have mentioned all of these things in His Teachings. The fact that He passed over them in silence shows that to Him, they had either no importance or no reality, and were consequently not worthy to take up His time as the Divine Educator of the human race. We must turn our faces away from these things, and toward the actual practice of His Teachings in our every-day life throughout Bahá’í Administration, and in our contact with other people and the examples we give. 1954-04-22 on behalf of To an individual re not rely on other’s categorical assertions {.ref .center} --- ## 1426.
1954-04-22 to Marie Claudet re abilities of Bahá’í scholars {.center} Bahá’í Studies Bulletin Vol 5 #1-2 September 1985 pp74-81 Selected Extracts On Philosophy ...at present we have not had time to evolve the Bahá’í scholars who can deal with these subjects in detail, and take upon themselves to answer the abstruse points and the many unfounded doctrines which are advanced by modern philosophers. 1954-04-22 to Marie Claudet re abilities of Bahá’í scholars {.ref .center} --- ## 1427.
1954-04-29 to Israeli Pres Ben Zvi offering to visit {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p293 {.ref .center} ...It was a pleasure to meet Your Excellency and Mrs. Ben Zvi, and be able to show you one of our places of Bahá’í pilgrimage in Israel...If it suits your convenience, Mrs. Rabbání and I, accompanied by Mr. Ioas, would like to call upon Your Excellency and Mrs. Ben Zvi in Jerusalem... 1954-04-29 to Israeli Pres Ben Zvi offering to visit {.ref .center} ========= {.noid} arrangements were made to meet May 26 --- ## 1428.
1954-04-xx The Continent Of Africa Is Pre-Eminent {.center} USBN #280 June 1954 {.ref .center} Dear Bahá’í Friends: The resounding victories won during the first year of the Ten Year Crusade have brought great happiness to the beloved Guardian. Ninety-nine of the virgin areas have been settled, and it is hoped all areas outside of the Iron Curtain countries will be settled by the end of the Riḍván period. The continent of Africa is pre-eminent in its record of achievement. The spread of the Faith has been miraculous there. Since the opening of the Crusade, fifty territories and islands have been opened. Bahá’ís are now living in one hundred 2nd sixty cities of the country. There are over sixty tribes represented in the Bahá’í population. Literature has been translated into over twenty-five languages. Uganda is the area producing the most remarkable results. Two years ago there were no Bahá’ís in that territory-today the Faith is established in over sixty cities ;-there are thirteen Spiritual Assemblies. Over ten more Spiritual Assemblies will be added April 21, 1954; over six hundred new African Bahá’ís have enrolled. The beloved Guardian directs that we ponder deeply the great victories won in Uganda, and the reasons why they were achieved. We should analyze why similar victories have not been won everywhere in the Bahá’í world, particularly in North America, the land of the chosen trustees of the Master’s Divine Plan. Completely dedicated to their sacred mission, consecrated to the great service they had undertaken. their lives and conduct in accordance with the teachings of Bahá’u’lláh, the original pioneers to Uganda arose with prayerful zeal to carry the Glad Tidings of the Kingdom to the native inhabitants. They demonstrated that the Bahá’í has no prejudice of any type. Through their loving association on the basis of equality, they soon won the hearts and souls of the people. So effective has been their teaching, that the new African Bahá’ís have arisen in numbers to carry the Message throughout the land, not only Uganda, but other consolidation territories and, more important, in virgin areas of the Crusade. Over six of the virgin areas of the Crusade have been filled by the new African Bahá’ís. The peoples generally are seeking the light of Divine Guidance. The problems of the world have awakened the populace. It only remains for the Bahá’ís to raise the Call and give the Message according to the high standards enunciated by the beloved Master. The world can become a.live with the gifts of the Holy Spirit, if the Bahá’ís fulfill their sacred obligations. In pioneering fields, and on the home front, the friends must arise with the same spirit of dedication and consecration which animated the original pioneers. If they do. they will be astonished at the great results they will achieve. The Guardian calls expectantly to the believers of America, the favored friends of the Master, to arise now, and gain such victories in the Teaching Field, both at home and abroad, as to astonish the Bahá’í world, even surpassing the victories of Africa. He particularly awaits the response of the dedicated souls, white and colored, who will raise the Call among the Negroes of America. Setting aside all the shibboleths of present day living, leaving behind the false standards of those endeavoring to solve the world’s problems by weak platitudes, and demonstrating the new Bahá’í way of dynamic spiritual living, let them, relying on the guidance of the Holy Spirit, arise to spread the Water of Life over America. This will produce the results which the cries of humanity today require. Where are the spiritual souls who will now seize their opportunity, and achieve immortal glory in the service of the Faith! Faithfully yours, (signed) LEROY Ioas {.sig} Assistant Secretary “The Continent Of Africa Is Pre-Eminent” to USNSA April 1953 {.sig} --- ## 1429.
1954-04-xx To Enoch Olinga re African Believer Virgin Territories {.center} and the tree clapped their hands, p272 Esther Tanyi URGENT ENTRY AFRICAN BELIEVER VIRGIN TERRITORIES BRITISH FRENCH TOGOLANDS ASHANTI PROTECTORATE NORTHERN TERRITORIES PROTECTORATE BEFORE RIḌVÁN. WILL ENSURE VICTORY. SHOGHI. 1954-04-xx To Enoch Olinga re African Believer Virgin Territories {.ref .center} --- ## 1430.
1954-05-05 to the Salas re pioneering in Comoros and Zululand {.center} Tending the Garden: A Biography of Emeric and Rosemary Sala, p101 Haifa, Israel, May 5,1954 {.sig} Mr. and Mrs. Emeric Sala Dear Bahál Friends: Your letters, one from Mrs. Sala, dated February 20th, and two from Mr. Sala, dated March 25th and April 15th, have been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. He fully realizes how deep your disappointment has been that you are not able to secure your visa for the Comoro Islands. He himself was deeply disappointed also. However, some of these places are extremely difficult to enter; and he hopes that where you have failed, at least for the time being, someone else will prove successful at a later date. He urges you, upon your arrival in Zululand, to find out the status of the Cause in neighbouring places, and, if it is possible for you to settle in one of the neighbouring countries where the Center is much weaker, and where it is more difficult for people to get established, and there is a better possibility for people like yourselves to build up a business and remain, that you by all means go to the weaker Center, in preference to Zululand, which now has a certain number of pioneers. He assures you that the example that you and the Robarts have shown has moved him very deeply, and he hopes it will stir the Canadian Community, and impress upon them the advisability of answering the pioneer call now, while the field is open, and the opportunities and the rewards so glorious. You are often remembered in his prayers in the holy Shrines, and he is supplicating that you may be richly blessed, and meet with success in both your teaching efforts and in your personal affairs. With warmest Bahá’í love, R.Rabbání May the Beloved bless your constant endeavours, remove all obstacles from your path, and enable you to enrich the record of your meritorious services to His Faith. {.sig} Your true brother, Shoghi {.sig} 1954-05-05 to the Salas re pioneering in Comoros and Zululand {.ref .center} --- ## 1431.
1954-05-06 Guardian Expects An Upsurge Of Activity {.center} USBN #282 August 1954 p1 {.ref .center} As the Guardian cabled the entire Bahá’í world at the time of the Conventions, he hopes that the dynamic spirit which was generated during the first year of the Plan will be augmented during the second year of the Plan, and all the Bahá’ís arise everywhere with renewed effort in order to spread the Glad-Tidings. This year must mark a very substantial increase in the number of Bahá’ís throughout the world — on the homefronts, in the consolidation areas, and in the virgin areas. Particular attention should be paid to the home fronts and the consolidation areas. As the Guardian indicates, he is expecting “ an upsurge of activity which, in its range and intensity, will excel the exploits which have so greatly enlarged the limits, and noised abroad the fame, of the Cause of God.” The Guardian urges that all the Bahá’ís center their complete attention on the obligations of the Ten Year Crusade. He feels that no new activities should be undertaken of any type, whether of a local or a national nature. The friends must concentrate on the goals of the Ten Year Crusade, which are principally national and universal. For instance, no loeal l:fa~iratu ‘ l-Quds should be considered during the Ten Year Crusade, no projects on a national scale should be considered which do not definitely relate themselves to the prosecution of the Ten Year Crusade. Funds should not be used for any purpose except the objects of the Ten Year Crusade. We are embarked upon the greatest spiritual drama the world has ever witnessed and it is going to require the sacrifice of every individual, every community and every Assembly, whether local or national, in order to reach the goals. The Guardian feels they can be reached if we will concentrate, and not allow our attention to be diverted for a moment for any purpose whatsoever. May 6, 1954.) {.sig} --- ## 1432.
1954-05-07 to Meerburgs re pioneering to New Guinea Indonesia {.center} The Bábí Question You Mentioned, Jelle deVries,p245 He was very happy indeed to see that you have been united, and that you are going to be able to establish a permanent residence in New Guinea, and teach the Faith there. He attaches the greatest possible importance to your presence in that virgin country; and he urges you under no circumstances to abandon your post, but to perservere, and with tact and patience gradually build up contacts with the local people, so that you can seek out those souls who are waiting to hear the Message of Bahá’u’lláh, and will prove the most receptive. The most important thing for the pioneers to do in these countries into which it is difficult to gain entry, is to be very careful not to antagonize the officials, the missionaries or the local people, as this might cause them to be deprived of their possibilities of gaining a livelihood, or to be driven out of the country and to have their visa suspended. To remain, to keep the beacon burning, to teach the Faith discreetly and to establish a foundation, is the work of every single in the Ten Year Crusade. 1954-05-07 to Meerburgs re pioneering to New Guinea (Indonesia) {.ref .center} --- ## 1433.
1954-05-11 to Uganda Teaching Committee re proud of achievements {.center} Looking back in Wonder, Philip Hainsworth, p187-8 Dear Bahá’í Friends, Your letters of June 15, October 15 and November 25 1953, with enclosures, have been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. He is also, in order to save himself the extra effort of yet another letter, replying to the personal one from Mr Hainsworth, dated January 28 1954. As he has answered him through a letter written by me, and has also cabled him, I will not go into detail in this letter. The Guardian hopes that, at a future date, it will be possible for him to make the pilgrimage. During the coming months it is out of the question. The news which your Committee has conveyed to him has greatly rejoiced his heart. Indeed he feels that, of all the countries in the Bahá’í World, Uganda has made the most progress since the inception of the Faith there a few years back and indeed during this year. He is immensely proud of the achievements of both the pioneers there and the African converts to the Faith. They have set a very high standard, and shown forth most exemplary devotion. The spirit of the African believers is very touching, very noble, and indeed presents a challenge to their fellow Bahá’ís all over the world. It seems that God has endowed these races, living in the so — called ‘dark’ continent, with great spiritual faculties, and also with mental faculties which, as they mature in the Faith, will contribute immensely to the whole, throughout the Bahá’í World. The power of Bahá’u’lláh is being witnessed during the opening years of the Ten-Year Crusade, we might almost say, as never before. Certainly in the teaching field, there has been the most extraordinary leap forward — in one year, one hundred countries! He will remember all of you also in his prayers in the Holy Shrines, and he compliments you on the wonderful work which you have done during the past year. All the BaháTs, including the Guardian himself, are very proud of Uganda. Assuring you of my personal prayers for the success of every of every effort you exert for the promotion of our beloved Faith, and the realisation of every hope you cherish in the service. Your true brother, Shoghi {.sig} 1954-05-11 to Uganda Teaching Committee re proud of achievements {.ref .center} --- ## 1434.
1954-05-23 Most Import Ant Thing For Bahá’í Schools {.center} USBN #282 August 1954 p2 {.ref .center} He (the Guardian) thinks the less time spent on such topics as “ Current Events in the light of the Bahá’í Faith” and “The Bahá’í Faith and Modern Science” the better. There is no harm in having an evening lecture by a qualified speaker once on each of these subjects, but he certainly does not feel that much time should be spent on them, for the very simple reason that there is so little that can be said on the subject. The Bahá’ís are not scientists, and cannot very well go into details of the relation of the Bahá’í Faith to Modern Science; and “ Current Events in the Light of the Bahá’í Faith” is also a topic which can be dealt with briefly. He feels that the most important thing for the Bahá’í Schools all over the world at present to do is to strongly impress upon the Bahá’í attendants the urgency of arising not only to fulfill pioneer goals and to consolidate the work on the home front, which is getting weaker every year instead of stronger, but also to bring home to the friends the necessity of dispersing. He is quite serious in stating that he believes that even in the large cities, such as New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Washington, Baltimore, etc., the Cause would not suffer if the membership were reduced to fifteen. The Bahá’ is, who have been struggling for practically fifty years to attract people to the Faith in these immense cities, have been wholly unsuccessful, when one considers the slight numerical increase in the voting lists. He therefore feels that they had better go out and teach in towns and villages. They will be safer, in case war should break out, and they will be better off spiritually, away from these centers of intense materialism, where so much time is wasted on trivialities and non-essentials. The Bahá’ís must realize that they belong to a world-wide Order, and not an American civilization. They must try and introduce the Bahá’í atmosphere of life and thought into their Summer Schools, rather than making the Summer School an episode and a pleasant vacation period, during which they learn a little more about the Faith. --- ## 1435.
1954-05-24 share example Marion Jack {.center} Quoted in Never be Afraid to Dare, Jasion, p228-9 He would suggest that, when writing to the European centres, you share with the believers the glorious example of the life of Marion Jack. Young or old could never find a more inspiring pioneer in whose footsteps to walk, than this wonderful soul. For over thirty years, with an enlarged heart and many other ailments she remained at her post in Bulgaria. Never well-to-do, she often suffered actual poverty and want: want of heat, want of clothing, want of food, when her money failed to reach her because Bulgaria had come under the Soviet zone of influence. She was bombed, lost her possessions, she was evacuated, she lived in drafty, cold dormitories for many, many months in the country, she returned, valiant, to the capital of Bulgaria after the war and continued, on foot, to carry out her teaching work. The Guardian himself urged her strongly, when the war first began to threaten to cut her off’ in Bulgaria, to go to Switzerland. She was a Canadian subject and ran great risks by remaining, not to mention the dangers and privations of war. However, she begged the Guardian not to insist and assured him her one desire was to remain with her spiritual children. This she did, up to the last breath of her glorious life. Her tomb will become a national shrine, immensely loved and revered, as the Faith rises in stature in that country. He thinks that every Bahá’í and most particularly those who have left their homes and gone to serve in foreign fields, should know of, and turn their gaze to, Marion Jack. [letter to European Teaching Committee, 25 May 1954] --- ## 1436.
1954-05-24 to Philip Hainsworth re photos of Africa Bahá’ís {.center} Looking back in Wonder, Philip Hainsworth, p152-3 Dear Bahá’í Brother: The beloved Guardian thanks you for the photographs you sent in your letter of March 25th, which he was very interested to see. He was delighted with the progress of the work in Uganda, and he hopes that, now the Africa Committee is going to give more support to Kenya, and to dear Ted Cardell, we will find that he is getting on as well in Nairobi as you are in Kampala! Your work and you yourself, are very dear to his heart. With loving greetings, R. Rabbání May the Beloved whose Cause you are serving with such a devotion, zeal, ability and perseverance, reward, bless, and sustain you and enable you to continually enrich the record of your splendid services to His Faith, {.sig} Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 1954-05-24 to Philip Hainsworth re photos of Africa Bahá’ís {.ref .center} ========= {.noid} Several of these photos are in an honored place in Bahjí. --- ## 1437.
1954-05-24 tomb of Marian Jack to become national shrine {.center} Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union A Compilation From the Bahá’í Writings, #27 Compiled by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice Her tomb will become a national shrine, immensely loved and revered, as the Faith rises in stature in that country. (24 May 1954 to the European Teaching Committee of the National Spiritual Assembly of the United States) [Reference to Marion Jack] --- ## 1438.
1954-05-xx Ma_shriqu’l-A_dhkár for Persia {.center} USBN #282 August 1954 p1-2 {.ref .center} Very active consideration is now being given to the erection of the Ma_shriqu’l-A_dhkár for Persia. The Guardian has asked the Persian Bahá’ís to submit plans for this noble edifice. They have provided him with some plans. Owing to the great importance of this unique structure, the beloved Guardian feels submissions should be made by Bahá’í architects from many parts of the world; and he is therefore asking your Assemblies to inform the friends that he would value any suggestions or plans which any of the Bahá’ís may wish to submit for this sacred enterprise. Will you please let the friends know that the Guardian will appreciate any submissions anyone might wish to make. In height, the building should be not more than 70 meters, although he feels perhaps a building £5 meters high is sufficient. The building should be wider than the Temple in Chicago, so as to accommodate more people. The interior plans should be so set up as to develop a spaciousness. Of course, it is understood by that the building should be circular in shape, and nine-sided. The Guardian does not wish detailed blueprint drawings, but he would like a general drawing of the proposals which anyone wishes to submit. It is probably best that the friends submit their proposals to the National Assembly, so that the National Assembly may in turn send them on directly here to the Holy Land. The Guardian sends you his loving greetings, --- ## 1439.
1954-06-03 to President Ben Zvi re tnx for hospitality {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p294 {.ref .center} I wish to thank you and Mrs. Ben Zvi for your kin hospitality. Mrs. Rabbání and I enjoyed our visit with you very much, and I feel sure that this opportunity we have had of visiting with you our Bahá’í Holy Places and calling upon you in the capital of Israel has served to reinforce the bonds of affection and esteem which unite the Bahá’ís to the people and Government of Israel. With kind regards to you and Mrs. Ben Zvi... 1954-06-03 to President Ben Zvi re tnx for hospitality {.ref .center} --- ## 1440.
1954-06-10 for Shoghi Effendi to individual believer re the seed of the spirit {.center} Unrestrained as the Wind: A life dedicated to Baháʼuʼlláh compiled by U.S. Bahá’í National Youth Committee When a person becomes a Bahá’í, actually what takes place is that the seed of the spirit starts to grow in the human soul. This seed must be watered by the outpourings of the Holy Spirit. These gifts of the spirit are received through prayer, meditation, study of the Holy Utterances and service to the Cause of God. The fact of the matter is that service in the Cause is like the plough which ploughs the physical soil when seeds are sown. It is necessary that the soil be ploughed up, so that it can be enriched, and thus cause a stronger growth of the seed. In exactly the same way the evolution of the spirit takes place through ploughing up the soil of the heart so that it is a constant reflection of the Holy Spirit. In this way the human spirit grows and develops by leaps and bounds. 1954-06-10 for Shoghi Effendi to individual believer re the seed of the spirit {.ref .center} --- ## 1441.
1954-06-20 various to NSA {.center} USBN #283 September 1954 p1-2 {.ref .center} He was very pleased to note that a Certificate of Excellence was awarded to the Publishing Committee. There is no doubt that we cannot make our publications too attractive, especially as they are being so much more widely circulated than before. He placed the Certificate in the mansion in Bahjí. The Pioneer Record The phenomenal progress which has been made throughout the Bahá’í world in settling the virgin countries during the first year of the Ten Year Crusade has been a source of great joy and comfort to the Guardian. Over-worked and often tired out as he is, the news of the arrival of pioneers in over one hundred posts has, one might almost say, kept him going. He is very proud of their achievements — the American pioneers and all their co-workers who have arisen to answer this mighty call. However, this is only the beginning. The next step is to keep these virgin areas open and settled with at least one pioneer, and preferably, of course, two or three; and to get pioneers into the few remaining countries outside the Soviet zone of influence. He thinks that, in spite of a few lapses from duty, so to speak, the record is remarkable, and that your Assembly and your Committees handling the pioneers in different continents have every reason to feel proud and gratified over your success. The pioneers themselves must realize that not only are they fulfilling the wishes of Bahá’u’lláh, and doing that which the Master Himself said He longed to do; namely, to go, if necessary on foot, and carry His Father’s Message to all the regions of the earth; but they are enhancing the prestige of the Faith to a remarkable degree in the eyes of the public, and especially in the eyes of officials. There is no doubt that the rapid forward march of the Faith recently has attracted a far greater measure of attention on the part of thoughtful people, and people of position in society and in educational fields, than has been the case for almost one hundred years. Therefore, each pioneer must feel his responsibility very heavily, and understand that his calling is far above the average service; and his duty to remain at his post a very pressing one indeed. The Auxiliary Board The Guardian feels sure that the Auxiliary Boards recently appointed by the Hands of the Cause will stimulate and help the teaching work, which of course includes pioneer work, and be a prop and mainstay to the often over-worked and overburdened National Spiritual Assemblies, as well as to the Hands of the Cause who are carrying, usually, heavy administrative loads in addition to their exalted position as Hands. The general principle is that the National Spiritual Assembly to which a country has been allotted, is responsible for the progress of the Faith there, and the unfoldment of its administrative activities, regardless of whether the territory in question is the possession of a nation other than that which the National Assembly in question represents. In other words, your Assembly might be carrying out teaching work in British, Portuguese, Spanish or French territories, and the British, Portuguese, Spanish or French Assemblies would have nothing to do with the matter. Concern over the Home Front He is very concerned over the work on the homefront. The American Bahá’ís have, with devotion, enthusiasm and confidence, gone out to answer the pioneer call all over the world, but he does not feel that they have made an adequate response to the needs of the work in the United States. He has been told that some of the friends are disturbed over reports brought back by the pilgrims concerning the dangers facing America in the future whenever another world conflagration breaks out. He does not feel that the Bahá’ís should waste time dwelling on the dark side of things. Any intelligent person can understand from the experiences of the last world war, and keeping abreast of what modern science has developed in the way of weapons for any future war, that big cities all over the world are going to be in tremendous danger. This is what the Guardian has said to the pilgrims. Entirely aside from this, he has urged the Bahá’ís, for the sake of serving the Faith, to go out from these centers of intense materialism, where life nowadays is so hurried and grinding and, dispersing to towns and villages, carry the Message far and wide through the cities of the American Union. He strongly believes that the field outside the big cities is more fertile, that the Bahá’ís in the end will be happier for having made this move, and that, in case of an outbreak of war, it stands to reason they will be safer, just the way any other person living in the country, or away from the big industrial areas, is safer. Pilgrim’s Notes It is remarks such as these that the pilgrims have carried back in their notes. He sees no cause for alarm, but he certainly believes that the Bahá’ís should weigh these thoughts, and take action for the sake of spreading the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh, and for their own ultimate happiness as well. Indeed the two things go together. Increase in Local Assemblies He hopes that during the present year there will be a great surge forward on the home front, that the number of Assemblies will be markedly multiplied, and that also there will be more incorporations of Spiritual Assemblies. The Ten Year Plan, if the friends will study it, comprises not only glamorous goals far afield, but extremely important ones near at hand. If these are not achieved, the Plan will have failed. He knows from his past experience, and his long association with the American Bahá’ís in the service of the Faith, that they are capable of arising and meeting the requirements of the hour, and he feels sure that, at this period in their Bahá’í history, they are going to demonstrate their sterling qualities just as they always have in the past. Temple Dependency As he has already informed your Assembly. he feels that the first Bahá’í institution to be built in the neighborhood of the Temple at Wilmette should be a Home for the Aged. There arc a number of reasons for this. First of all, it need not be a very expensive undertaking in the beginning. or require a tremendous outlay of capital. Second, he believes that it is now time for the Bahá’ís to show the people of the world that our aim of rendering service to humanity is a concrete thing, and not confined to words. Until now. the Bahá’ís have not been in any position to create philanthropic institutions, and they have often been criticized for this. He feels therefore that in a small way they can now begin. through the founding of this first institution in the neighborhood of the Temple. Bahá’í Symbol on Tombstones In regard to your question regarding the use of the Greatest Name on tombstones of Bahá’ís, the Guardian considers this too sacred to be placed in such a position in general use, and the friends should not use it on their tombstones. They can use quotations from the Teachings, if they wish to. but not the Greatest Name. Naturally, if anyone has already used it, it does not matter. Marriage to a Non-Bahá’í {.sig} The general principle in regard to the marriage of a Bahá’í to a non-Bahá’í is as follows: If a Bahá’í marries a non-Bahá’í who wishes to have ........_ the religious ceremony of his own sect carried out, it must be quite clear that, first, the Bahá’í partner is understood to be a Bahá’í by religion, and not to accept the religion of the other party to the marriage through having his or her religious ceremony; and second, the ceremony must be of a nature which does not commit the Bahá’í to any declaration of faith in a religion other than his own. Under these circumstances, the Bahá’í can partake of the religious ceremony of his non-Bahá’í partner. The Bahá’í should insist on having the Bahá’í ceremony carried out before or after the non-Bahá’í one, on the same day. — R. R ABBANI, Secretary June 20, 1954 {.sig} --- ## 1442.
1954-06-24 to Central America NSA re general goals {.center} Divine Springtime — Louise Coswell Recalls, pp98-102 Dear and Valued Co-workers: The Central American Bahá’í Community, occupying so pivotal a position in the heart of the Western Hemisphere, stands, at this hour, marking at once the termination of the opening phase of the Bahá’í World Spiritual Crusade and the commencement of the second period in its unfoldment, on the threshold of an epoch of glorious expansion, both within its homeland as well as in foreign fields. Its members can do no better than to recall at this juncture, with joyous gratitude, the series of historic events which have led, in the course of almost four decades to its gradual emergence, its rapid rise and steady consolidation. The epoch-making travels of some of ‘Abdu’1-Bahá’s disciples, headed by the incomparable Martha Root, during the concluding years of the Heroic, and the opening decade of the Formative Age of the Faith, in response to the call raised by the Centre of the Covenant in the Tablets of the Divine Plan, may be regarded as the prelude to the formal and definite introduction of the Faith in that vast and prominent region. Hie preliminary years of wide-spread and strenuous seed sowing paved the way, on the morrow of the establishment of the framework of the Administrative Order of the Faith in the Western Hemisphere, for the launching of the First Seven Year Plan formulated by the American Bahá’í Community which culminated in the laying of the Administrative foundations of the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh in the Republics of Central America and the Antilles. This initial stage in the rise and establishment of the embryonic World Order of Bahá’u’lláh in the heart of the Western Hemisphere was immediately followed by the initiation of yet another Plan which attained*its climax, on the morrow of the centenary of the Bib’s martyrdom, through the formation of the Central American Bahá’í National Spiritual Assembly, — an auspicious event that was befittingly celebrated in the course of the festivities commemorating the centenary of the birth of Bahá’u’lláh’s mission. This notable and unforgettable event in the annals of the Faith in the New World was destined to be succeeded by the launching of a small albeit carefully devised plan by the newly launched National Spiritual Assembly and which culminated in those same never to be forgotten festivities. The launching of this Plan was in itself a prelude to the initiation of a Ten — Year Plan, formulated to meet the immediate needs of the Central American Bahá’í Community, in conjunction with a Spiritual Crusade embarked upon by National Bahá’í Communities throughout the entire globe. The opening phase of this Ten-Year Plan, which may be said to have inaugurated the Mission of this same community beyond its homeland has now drawn to a close, a year that has witnessed the opening, with a single exception, of all the virgin territories assigned, in accordance with that same Plan, to this community. This great victory, in which the followers of the Faith in Central America have themselves played a notable part, and which has virtually set the seal of strength on the initial stage of this glorious crusade must, at this hour of the unfoldment of the second phase of this historic enterprise, prove in turn a forerunner of a period of unprecedented, rapid and systematic expansion and consolidation of the Faith in each of the Republics of Central America and the Antilles, ‘Whilst every effort must be strenuously exerted to safeguard at any cost the prizes won in the six newly opened territories in the American and Asiatic Continents, attention must, in the course of the present year, be focused on the multiplication of Bahá’í Centers, and on the formation of local assemblies, in order to broaden the foundations on which future independent National Spiritual Assemblies must ultimately rest. A no less assiduous effort should be exerted to increase rapidly the number of the avowed supporters of the Faith, particularly among the Indians, whose spiritual potentialities ‘Abdu’1-Bahá repeatedly emphasized.... Simultaneously measures should be speedily undertaken to assist the United States National Assembly in expediting the translation and publication of Bahá’í literature in the Indian languages specifically mentioned in the provisions of the Ten-Year Plan. No effort should moreover be spared in assisting the South American National Spiritual Assembly in the all-important work of translating, printing and disseminating Bahá’í literature in both the Spanish and Portuguese languages. Particular attention should likewise be devoted to the acceleration of the process of local Bahá’í incorporation, so vital to the further consolidation of the newly emerged administrative institutions of the Faith in Central America and the Antilles. As the process of internal expansion and consolidation gains momentum, the elected national representatives of this community must not fail to consecrate themselves to the no less fundamental task of enriching continually the spiritual life of its members, of deepening their understanding of the essential verities, tenets and principles underlying their Faith, of demanding a strict adherence to its laws and statutes, and of setting an example to their fellow-believers through a fuller reflection, in their personal lives and conduct, of the ennobling truths animating the Revelation of Bahá’u’lláh. May this community which, in the course of over a decade, has demonstrated so conspicuously its devotion to the ideals of the Faith it has risen to champion, furnish, as the years roll by, further proofs of its staunchness, its courage, its fidelity, its watchfulness, its singlemindedness and unswerving determination to fulfill its high destiny through the attainment of every single objective of the Plan to which it stands committed. {.sig} Your true brother, {.sig} (Signed) Shoghi {.sig} 1954-06-24 to Central America NSA re general goals {.ref .center} --- ## 1443.
1954-06-25 future of Marion Jacks tomb {.center} Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union A Compilation From the Bahá’í Writings, #28 Compiled by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice . . . . [Marion Jack] remained at her post, and won for herself imperishable fame, her resting-place becoming a shrine in Bulgaria, which the people of that country will increasingly honour and cherish. (25 June 1954 to the National Spiritual Assembly of Germany and Austria) --- ## 1444.
1954-07-17 Hands authority overrule Guardian_ {.center} USBN #288 February 1955 p1 {.ref .center} “The statement in the Will of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá does not imply that the Hands of the Cause of God have been given the authority to overrule the Guardian. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá could not have provided for a conflict of authority in the Faith. This is obvious, in view of His own words, which you will find on page 13 (p. 11 of 1944 U. S. edition) of the Will and Testament of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. ‘The mighty stronghold shall remain impregnable and safe through obedience to him who is the guardian of the Cause of God... It is incumbent upon... the Hands of the Cause of God to show their obedience, submissiveness and subordination unto the guardian of the Cause of God, to turn unto him and be lowly before him. He that opposeth him hath opposed the True One,’ etc.” — (Letter to Rex King from the Guardian through his secretary, June 6, 1954) --- ## 1445.
1954-07-23 Maintenance Of Assemblies {.center} USBN #283 September 1954 p1 {.ref .center} Information incorrect. Maintenance all Assemblies vital. — SHOGHI July 23, 1954 {.sig} [ reply to a National Spiritual Assembly request for advice concerning a statement he has been alleged to have made to the effect that every Bahá’í should scatter, and many feel that this means that Assembly status need not be maintained in large industrial cities or in goal cities.] --- ## 1446.
1954-07-24 to Central America NSA re various {.center} Divine Springtime — Louise Coswell Recalls, pp95-8 He was extremely pleased that your Assembly was able to purchase the site for the Bahá’í Temple in Panama before the expiration of the first year of the Ten-Year Crusade. He advises your Assembly while safeguarding and maintaining the property, and living up to the terms of the contract which you signed, to spend as little money on the site as possible. Your resources are too limited, and the needs in the teaching field are too urgent, for money other than for the purpose of the purchase and bare maintenance of the property to be spent on the Temple site, at the 95 present time. The important thing was to buy it, and this has been satisfactorily accomplished. He is very proud of the fact that Central America had filled all her pioneer goals with the exception of the Marshall Islands, to which Mrs. Steward is now en route.[1] He has read with attention the consolidation plan prepared by the National Teaching Executive Committee, a copy of which you forwarded to him in your most recent letter; and, although he thinks that the general outline of activities is excellent, there are two points to which he would like to call your attention. The first is that he has not decided that there will be definitely no Regional National Assemblies prior to the establishment of independent National Assemblies \for each Latin American country. As the work unfolds and the centers multiply, this matter will have to be carefully considered. At present it is premature to reach any conclusions, He also believes that, before any abolition of the present basis of electing delegates to the National Convention, (in other words, the delegates represent Assemblies, and not Groups and isolated believers as well) is made, the Cause must grow much stronger in each of the Central American republics. Perhaps your Assembly is not aware of the fact that with the exception of the United States and Persia, the two countries where the mass of the believers is the greatest in the Bahá’í world, all other National Assemblies are elected by delegates, who are elected in their turn by local Assemblies, and not by the body of the believers residing in any particular country. He considers the introduction of the latter system premature in Lath America. You must first have many more active Groups and isolated centers, before there is any point in electing the national delegates for the Central American Convention by the method used in the United States at present. This is one of the reasons why he is urging Bahá’ís everywhere to, above all, concentrate on increasing the number of Spiritual Assemblies and Groups, as well as isolated believers, educating them more deeply in the administrative and spiritual fundamentals and doctrines of the Faith, and increasing their awareness of their great responsibility as Bahá’ís in both the teaching and administrative work of the Faith. He always considers that the foundation is securely laid, there should be no attempt at elaborating the superstructure. He hopes that the Auxiliary Board, working in conjunction with the Hands of the Cause, will be able to carry a new impetus to the teaching work, and, in collaboration with the National Assemblies, help to strengthen and revitalize weak centers. Another matter to which he attaches the greatest importance is that of keeping the pioneers at their posts, and urging upon them the necessity of persevering at all costs, lest one of the so-hardly-won goals of the Ten-Year Crusade suffer even a momentary eclipse. Your Assembly must feel very proud of the fact that a number of its members have gone into the pioneer field. The National Assembly must always show forth signs of true Spiritual leadership; and he is very happy that your Body is so active, so devoted and so united. He hopes that, in the unfoldment of your work throughout the region, you will pay special attention to teaching the Indians and minority groups, and converting them to the Faith. He attaches the greatest importance to this work, and is always glad to receive news of the names of any new Indian tribes represented in the Cause of God, or contacted. With Warmest Bahá’í greetings, (signed) R. Rabbání. {.sig} 1954-07-24 to Central America NSA re various {.ref .center} ========= {.noid} [1] Several members of the new National Spiritual assembly resigned in order to fill Goals of the Ten Year Crusade as Knights of Bahá’u’lláh: Cora Oliver, to assume her duties in Belize; Elena Marsella Fernie, Secretary of the NSA to sail to the Gilbert and Ellis Islands. The other goal was filled by Jean Sevin of France who settled in Tuomatu Islands. Artemus Lamb met him in France and persuaded him to fill the goal. Thus all foreign goals were filled by the National Spiritual Assembly of Central America. --- ## 1447.
1954-08-05 Delighted progress manifold activities {.center} USBN #283 September 1954 p1 {.ref .center} Delighted progress (of) manifold activities. Supplicating abundant blessings exemplary performance pressing sacred tasks. Loving appreciation. — SHOGHI August 5, 1954 {.sig} [ response to a message sent him from the July-August meeting in which the Assembly reported on current activities including the development of consolidation pioneer projects for Finland, France, Colombia, Costa Rica and Mexico.] --- ## 1448.
1954-08-13 To Louhelen Junior Youth Of 16 July 1954 {.center} 1954-08-13 To Louhelen Junior Youth Of 16 July 1954 {.ref .center} Haifa israel 13 August 1954 To the Bahá’í Youth present at the Junior Youth Session at Louhelen School — July 16th Dear Bahá’í Friends: The beloved Guardian has received your letter of July 16th, signed by all those present at the Junior Youth Session, and has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. Now that you have received the spiritual benefits and bounties of the Summer School, the Guardian hopes, wherever possible, you will endeavour to encourage your parents to move to one of the goal cities or towns of the Ten Year Plan, so that they and you may have a more vital part to play in this second phase of the World Spiritual Crusade. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbání * May the Almighty guide your steps, aid you to acquire a fuller knowledge of the essentials of His Faith, and render effective service to its institutions in the days to come {.sig} Your true brother, {.sig} Shoghi {.sig} [Your True Brother: Messages to Junior Youth Written by or on Behalf of Shoghi Effendi] --- ## 1449.
1954-08-22 goal is rapid multiplicity of number of Bahá’ís {.center} USBN #285 November 1954 p3 {.ref .center} “We have now entered the second phase of the great Spiritual Crusade. The goal of this phase is the rapid multiplicity of the number of Bahá’ís throughout the world, in virgin areas, in consolidation areas, and on the home front. “The Guardian has pointed out that the most important service anyone can render the Faith today is to teach the Cause of God. The degree of importance of areas of service is first, pioneering in a virgin area of the Crusade, second, pioneering in one of the consolidation areas abroad, and third. settling in one of the goal cities of the home front; and, finally, teaching with redoubled effort wherever a Bahá’í may reside.” August 22, 1954, to {.sig} Mr. Willard P. Hatch. --- ## 1450.
1955-01-31 no mention of permission of anybody else for marriage {.center} Marriage, Consent of Parents to {.sig} compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. The “Aqdas” requires permission of the parents for marriage. There is no mention of permission of anybody else being necessary. written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi 31 January 1955 to an individual believer. --- ## 1451.
1955-01-31 on behalf of To an individual believer re not try to understand everything {.center} Scholarship (BSB) Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. Published in Bahá’í Studies Bulletin Vol 1-1 The Bahá’ís should seek to be well informed on the Teachings, but not waste too much time trying to understand everything, especially as some of the material we have is not well translated, and meanings are occasionally ambiguous. The main point is to understand the Faith, and be able to convey it to others, and not waste too much time on details. 1955-01-31 on behalf of To an individual believer re not try to understand everything {.ref .center} --- ## 1452.
1955-01-31 various symbolic allusions in Bible {.center} The Bible: Extracts on the Old on New Testaments compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. Except for what has been explained by Bahá’u’lláh and ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, we have no way of knowing what various symbolic allusions in the Bible mean.     (31 January 1955 to an individual believer on Behalf of the Guardian) --- ## 1453.
1955-02-17 when physically incapable of performing genuflexions {.center} Obligatory Prayer Exemption compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice As regards the questions about the proper use of the Long Obligatory Prayer: All the writings of the Faith may be read and should be read for the instruction and inspiration of the friends. This includes the specific prayers. If a believer is physically incapable of performing the genuflexions accompanying one of the prayers, and yet he longs to say it as an obligatory prayer, then he may do so. By physically incapable is meant a real physical incapacity which a physician would attest as genuine. (17 February 1955 to a Local Spiritual Assembly on behalf of Shoghi Effendi) --- ## 1454.
1955-03-03 attaining spiritual goals {.center} George Townshend, David Hofman, p319 March 3, 1955, was: {.sig} As we almost never attain any spiritual goal without seeing the next goal we must attain still beyond our reach, he urges you, who have come so far already on the path of spirituality, not to fret about the distance you still have to cover! It is an infinite journey, and, no doubt in the next world the soul is privileged to draw closer to God than is possible when bound on this physical plane. And Shoghi Effendi’s personal note reads: May the Almighty, Whose Cause you promote with such love, zeal and distinction, reward you a thousandfold for your historic labours, fulfil every desire you cherish, and aid you to enrich continually the record of your unforgettable achievements. {.sig} to George Townshend, 3 Mar 1955 --- ## 1455.
1955-03-06 persevere and make it plain re permission {.center} Marriage, Consent of Parents to {.sig} compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. If you persevere and make it plain to the mother that you will not marry her daughter without her consent, it is quite possible she will become impressed by your devotion to your Faith, and give her permission. In any case, your Bahá’í duty in the matter is quite clear. written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi 6 March 1955 to an individual believer. --- ## 1456.
1955-04-09 regarding the Temple to be built in Frankfurt {.center} Arts and Architecture #12 compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. He was very happy to hear that the National Assembly is pressing the work as regards having designs made for the Temple to be built in Frankfurt. He attaches the greatest importance to this enterprise, as you know; and considers that two points must be constantly borne in mind by the architects; one, that the building must not be too expensive, and two, that the design must be beautiful and dignified, and not show the influence of the extremes of modern architecture, which are transient in style, for the most part ugly, and altogether too utilitarian in aspect for a House of Worship. (on behalf of the Guardian 9 April 1955, to an individual believer) --- ## 1457.
1955-04-21 This magnificent Edifice [the Shrine of the Báb] {.center} Zikrullah Khadem: The Itinerant Hand of the Cause, Javidukht Khadem,pp282-3 This magnificent Edifice [the Shrine of the Báb] stands facing Bahá’u’lláhs Most Great Prison, extolled by the Pen of Glory as the “Heaven of heavens,” and looks toward the Qiblih of the people of Bahá, that Spot within the Vale of Security and Peace, the Plain of ‘Akká, round which circle in adoration the Concourse on high. To her right are the hills of Galilee in which nestles the childhood home of the beautiful Christ, and the locality by the banks of the Jordan River where He who is the Spirit [Jesus] was called to prophethood; and on her left, on the crest of Carmel, are to be found the Cave of Elijah and the exalted Spot which was blessed by the footsteps of the Most Holy Abhá Beauty and was ennobled through the revelation of the Tablet of Carmel from the treasury of the Pen of Glory. Behind her stand the twin Mounts of Zion and Olivet and the holy and ancient city of Jerusalem, within whose walls lie the site of the martyrdom and the burial place of Jesus Christ, the seat of the Throne of David, the glorious Temple of Solomon and the Aqsá Mosque, which ranks third among the shrines of the Islámic world. Beyond these there rises Mount Sinai, the cradle of the Jewish Faith, that Sacred Mount, the Paran of light, that holy land where He Who conversed with God heard the Voice from the Blessed Tree. And further beyond lies the Arabian Peninsula, the land of Hijáz, the cradle of the Muḥammadan Dispensation, with the two cities of Bathá and Yathrib, the noble Mecca and the bright Medina, one enshrining the Qiblih of Islám and the other the resting-place of Him Who is the Lord of mankind [Muḥammad]—upon Him be countless salutations and praise. High, immeasurably high is this Shrine, the lofty, the most great, the most wondrous. Exalted, immeasurably exalted is this Resting-place, the fragrant, the pure, the luminous, the transcendent. Glorified, immeasurably glorified is this Spot, the most august, the most holy, the most blessed, the most sublime. ... ...(?) Upon thee, O Queen of Carmel, be the purest, the most tender salutations, the fairest, the most gracious blessings! Glorified is He Whose footsteps have ennobled the spot whereon thou standest, Who ordained thy Seat, and Who extolled thee in His Tablet and Book. How great is the potency of thy might, a might which has bewildered the souls of the favored ones of God and His Messengers. Methinks I behold thee in my dreams established upon thy glorious throne, attired in thy white raiment, crowned with thy golden crown, resplendent with the lights shining within thee and around thee, calling aloud in ringing tones and raising thy voice between earth and heaven. Methinks I perceive the souls of the holy ones and of the dwellers of the realms above hastening toward thee with utmost joy, eagerness and ecstasy, pointing to thee, circling round thee, inhaling the perfume of thy flowers and roses, seeking blessing from the earth of thy precincts, bowing their foreheads to the ground before thee in recognition of the majesty and glory which surround the Holy Dust reposing within thee, the Pearl which is enshrined in thy bosom. Blessed, immeasurably blessed is the person who visits thee and circles around thee, who serves at thy threshold, waters thy flowers, inhales the fragrance of holiness from thy roses, celebrates thy praise and glorifies thy station for the love of God, thy Creator, in this hallowed and radiant, this great, august and wondrous age. [Shoghi Effendi, Naw-Rúz 1955, translated by BWC] --- ## 1458.
1955-04-26 grateful magnificent achievements valiant friends African Continent {.center} “ Rejoice greatly admire deeply grateful magnificent achievements valiant friends colored white pioneers teachers administrators four areas African Continent. Loving fervent prayers surrounding them.” — SHOGHI to Hand Of Cause For Africa Mr. Musa Banání, April 26, 1955 --- ## 1459.
1955-07-09 Julia Goldmans death {.center} “ The Guardian was very sorry to hear of Julia Goldman’s death. She was one of the most devoted Bahá’ís of that older generation, ever loyal, ever active. He will certainly pray for her soul’s progress.” July 9, 1955. {.sig} --- ## 1460.
1955-07-12 If one cannot perform postures for long prayer {.center} Obligatory Prayer Exemption compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice Whichever obligatory prayer is chosen to be used should be followed in full. If one cannot perform the postures necessary in connection with the long obligatory prayer, he may choose another if ill, or just the very short one. (12 July 1955 to an individual believer on behalf of Shoghi Effendi) --- ## 1461.
1955-07-15 to Central America NSA re goals and future {.center} Divine Springtime — Louise Coswell Recalls, pp102-08 July 15, 1955, directed to the National {.sig} Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Central America from the Bahá’í World Center: As regards your question about giving the Faith publicity, in the places that pioneers have moved to in order to fill the goals of the Plan; it depends on the place. If there is absolutely no danger of publicity stirritg up antagonism, or leading to the expulsion of the Bahá’í, or his being deprived of his residence visa, then there is no objection to publicity. The general principle, however, is this — that the Bahá’ís should keep as quiet as possible, seek out and confirm the receptive souls, and build their future Assemblies on a solid foundation. To broadcast the news of their activities is not essential in these virgin areas at the present time, and can in most cases be dangerous, and hinder the spread of the Faith. He urges your Assembly to bear in mind that shortly National Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds will be needed in each country, and that the friends should begin to look for suitable Centres that will under no circumstances be too expensive, nor too far out from the centre of the city. He was delighted to see that, following speedily upon the purchase of the Panama Temple site, the Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds of the Bahá’ís of Central America has also been acquired. With warm Bahá’í greetings, (Signed) R. Rabbání {.sig} P. S. — Since commencing the above letter, the beloved Guardian has received your other letters dated April 9 .(2) , April 12, and May 14. He was very happy to know that you have increased the holdings of the Temple property in Panama. Please thank Miss Sneider on his behalf for this generous act on her part, an act which will be appreciated increasingly as time goes on and the Temple itself is erected. July 15, 1955 {.sig} Dear and Valued Co-Workers: Hie year which has just^been concluded witnessed a succession of achievements on the part of the members of the Central American Bahá’í Communities and particularly of the elected body of their national representatives, worthy of the highest commendation. In both the teaching and administrative spheres of Bahá’í activity, these newly fledged communities have demonstrated their firm attachment to the Faith they have expounded, their loyalty to its fundamental verities and principles, and their inflexible resolve to extend the range, and reinforce the foundations of their collective and meritorious activities and achievements. They are now, by the virtue of the splendid services they have performed, the spirit they have so powerfully evinced, the noble example they have set, approaching a stage in the evolution of the Faith in that highly promising area of the globe, which bids fair to eclipse the magnificent efforts which have been exerted, and the noteworthy services which have been performed, since its inception in the Antilles and the Central American Republics. They will soon be entering a period which is destined to witness the emergence of Regional National Assemblies which are to be regarded as stepping stones paving the way for the ultimate establishment of independent National Spiritual Assemblies, which are destined to act as pillars, and participate directly in the formation of the future International House of Justice, ordained by Bahá’u’lláh as the supreme Legislative Organ of His World Order. Now is the time for those communities to prepare themselves, in the course of the two fast-fleeting years separating them from the opening of the third phase of a world spiritual crusade, individually as well as collectively, to assume befittingly the staggering responsibilities so soon to be placed upon them. They have thus far, discharged their task with befitting courage, zeal and loyalty. The foundations they have securely laid must now be both enlarged and strengthened. The virgin areas of the globe, assigned to their elected representatives, under the Ten-Year Plan, have been triumphantly and speedily opened.. The translation and publication of the literature of the Faith into both the Spanish and Portuguese tongues have been vigorously undertaken. The plot whereon the first Mashriqu’1-Adhar of Central America must needs be erected has been purchased in the Republic of Panama, the importance of which has been so clearly stressed by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. The first two of the historic National Ḥaẓíratu’l-Qudu that are to be established in the capital cities of the Republics of Central America and the Islands of the Antilles have been acquired.[1] A beginning has been made in the translation of Bahá’í literature into the American Indian languages spoken in those regions. •’ *S The tasks, now confronting them in the course of this current year and of the next, demand a still greater exertion on their part, a more complete dedication to the aims, purposes and principles of their Faith, a firmer resolve to achieve the immediate goals of their Ten-Year Plan, and a still nobler self-sacrifice in the path of the Cause they have espoused to champion. The two crucial years, constituting the concluding year of the second and the opening year of the third phase of the Ten-Year Plan must be signalized, if they would prove themselves worthy of their stewardship to their Faith, by a series of achievements even more conspicuous than those that have distinguished the opening years in the annals of that Faith in Central America and the Antilles, The number of avowed adherents of the Faith must, throughout that area, be speedily and substantially increased. Simultaneously a notable multiplication of groups and assemblies must be ensured in order to enlarge and reinforce the foundations of the forthcoming Regional National Assemblies. The incorporation of firmly established local spiritual assemblies must like-wise be expedited. The prizes won in distant and Virgin fields must not only be preserved but continually enhanced. The translation of Bahá’í literature into the American Indian languages assigned under the Ten-Year Plan must also be energetically prosecuted. The establishment of national endowments throughout that area must be, moreover, diligently undertaken and rapidly carried out. Above all, the purchase of National Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds in the remaining Republics of Central America and the Antilles must, ere the conclusion of the second year of the second phase of the Ten-Year Plan be consummated. * Then, and only then, can the Central America Bahá’í Communities, that have won such superb victories in the past, confidently assume the sacred burden of responsibility incumbent upon them in the course of the third phase of this world encircling crusade. Then, and only then, can they demonstrate to the Bahá’í World their capacity to carry out in its entirety their share in ensuring the triumphant conclusion of this worldwide enterprise launched by the valiant upholders of the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh. The tribulations now experienced by their brethern in the land of its birth should, far from crushing their spirit or dampening the zeal which animates them, infuse into them fresh courage and a more determined resolve to arise and compensate for the loss which the Cause is now sustaining. Individually as well as collectively, in their capacity as teachers and administrators, they should prove by their conduct the world-redeeming capacity of their Faith, demonstrate its incorruptible spirit, proclaim the sublimity of its teachings, and silence the criticism of its opponents. Theirs is a glorious opportunity which they must not, in these day of test and trial, neglect. Theirs is a sacred duty which they must be fittingly discharge. May they arise as one man, and armed with the invincible power of Bahá’u’lláh, play their part in a manner that will bring everlasting consolation to the hearts of their persecuted brethern, and dishearten thoroughly those redoubtable adversaries who are so artfully and persistently labouring to undermine its foundations and extinguish its light. Your true brother, {.sig} (Signed) Shoghi {.sig} 1955-07-15 to Central America NSA re goals and future {.ref .center} [1] During the Ten Year World Crusade, Hand of the Cause, Amelia Collins Contributed u large sum of money for the purchase of sites for National Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds, Temple sites, and endowments in many Latin American countries thus fulfilling a most challenging and important goal of the Ten-Year Crusade. --- ## 1462.
1955-08-13 to Philip Hainsworth re concerns about construction of Uganda Temple {.center} Looking back in Wonder, Philip Hainsworth, p197 Dear Bahá’í Brother, Your letter of July 12th has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. He appreciates the difficulties with which you are faced, in trying to give your ideas to him from such an isolated point. You should write your views to Mr Banání. If he finds the officials are proving difficult or hesitant, then the Guardian would urge that you make a special trip to Kampala, so that you can go with Mr Banání, and do your utmost to arrange for this permission. The Guardian attaches great importance to this project. Any service you can perform in connection with it will be deeply valued by him. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbání May the Almighty bless, guide and sustain you always, aid you to extend the range of your meritorious services, and win great victories in the days to come. {.sig} Your true brother, Shoghi. {.sig} 1955-08-13 to Philip Hainsworth re concerns about construction of Uganda Temple {.ref .center} --- ## 1463.
1955-08-26 To Louhelen Junior Youth Of 14 July 1955 {.center} 1955-08-26 To Louhelen Junior Youth Of 14 July 1955 {.ref .center} Haifa Israel 26 August 1955 To the Bahá’ís who attended the Junior Youth Session at Louhelen Bahá’í School, July 14th Dear Bahá’í Friends: Your letter of July 14th with enclosure has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. He is hoping the Summer School has implanted in your hearts a firm resolve to tell as many of your friends as possible of the coming of Bahá’u’lláh. This will give happiness to your dear Bahá’í sisters and brothers in Írán, who have been and are now experiencing great suffering for the Faith. The young people in the United States should greatly appreciate their freedom, and can show their gratitude by telling others of their wonderful Faith at every opportunity. The beloved Guardian thanks you for your prayers for him, and assures you of his supplications that you may be guided in your affairs. With warm Bahá’í greetings R. Rabbání * May the Almighty bless your continued and meritorious endeavours, guide every step you take, and fulfil every wish you cherish, for the promotion of His glorious Faith, {.sig} Your true brother, {.sig} Shoghi {.sig} [Your True Brother: Messages to Junior Youth Written by or on Behalf of Shoghi Effendi] --- ## 1464.
1955-08-xx If Faith held down in one land {.center} USBN #299 January 1956 p1 {.ref .center} “He is eagerly hoping the friends in the United States, and in other lands where freedom exists, will constantly bear in mind the restrictions and persecutions of their brothers and sisters in Persia, and will seize this opportunity to proclaim the Faith on every occasion that presents itself to them. If the Faith is held down in its progress in one land, God will cause it to advance more quickly in other countries, if the friends will just arise and make use of the great power that has been released through these severe persecutions.” to the Tennessee Valley States Area Teaching Committee in response to a letter of greeting from their Blue Ridge Conference in August: --- ## 1465.
1955-11-05 to John B. Cornell re divorce {.center} Letter from the Guardian to John B. Cornell, 1955 by Shoghi Effendi 1955-11-5 {.ref .center} Nov. 5th, 1955 {.sig} Major J. B. Cornell Dear Bahá’í Brother:     Your letter of Oct 3 has been forwarded to the beloved Guardian by the American N.S.A. as well as copy of document you enclosed.     The Guardian has, at various times, given the N.S.A. certain brief instructions as to Bahá’í divorce; he does not consider that these should be amplified at the present time or elaborated, as it is premature.     Bahá’ís should turn to their Assembly (first local and then National if necessary) in all questions of divorce. This is the advice he not only has given you and Mrs. Cornell, but all other Bahá’ís.     He feels, as he has already stated, that you and Mrs. Cornell should seek the advice of the Assembly in your particular case and, as believers, abide by it. It is not possible for him, obviously, to go into such details himself and arbitrate the cases of the Bahá’ís.     He assures you of his prayers. 1. With warm Bahá’í greetings,  2.       R. Rabbání May the Almighty guide your steps, and enable you to promote, at all times, the vital interests of His Faith and of its nascent institutions. {.sig} Your true brother,  {.sig}       Shoghi --- ## 1466.
1955-11-10 prayers for teaching work in Greece {.center} Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union A Compilation From the Bahá’í Writings, #29 Compiled by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice The Guardian wishes to assure you and your dear wife of his prayers on your behalf. He hopes every obstacle will be removed from your path, so that you can carry on the teaching work actively and diligently. Greece is a most important country, and should have a virile Assembly, particularly in Athens. (10 November 1955 to an individual believer) --- ## 1467.
1955-xx-xx Deplore loss Edith Sanderson. {.center} USBN #297 November 1955 p1 {.ref .center} “Deeply grieved. Deplore loss (of) staunch, courageous, tireless promoter (of) Faith, Edith Sanderson. greatly beloved (by) ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. Long record (of) historic services covering heroic, formative age (of) Faith imperishable, reward (in) Abhá Kingdom great, assured. Urge believers (in) centers (throughout) France hold memorial gathering, extol (her) exemplary spirit, emulate (her) noble example. Exert utmost (to effect) burial (in) Paris (in) execution (of) Bahá’í laws.” — SHOGHI to the European Teaching Committee Office in Geneva and to the Spiritual Assembly of Paris --- ## 1468.
1955-xx-xx contacting intl figures {.center} USBN #293 July 1955 p2 {.ref .center} The Guardian also noted the open letter which you wrote to President Eisenhower, Marshall Bulganin and Prime Minister Winston Churchill with regard to the Bahá’í Peace Program. The Guardian feels that any communications addressed to international figures of this nature, particularly in connection with political proposals of any one group, should not be written unless approved by him. He feels matters of this type so important that he does not wish such communications sent without his prior consideration and approval. It may lead to quite difficult and embarrassing situations, especially when the letters are made public...” to an individual believer “a few months ago” --- ## 1469.
1955-xx-xx loss precious pioneer Elsa Vento {.center} USBN #297 November 1955 p1 {.ref .center} “Grieve loss precious pioneer Elsa Vento. Her historic services unforgettable. Praying (for) progress (of her) soul (in the) Kingdom.” — SHOGHI to the Bahá’ís of Helsinki, Finland, --- ## 1470.
1956-03-26 He is trying to assist the friends to build up National Archives {.center} Guidance Regarding Bahá’í Archives Compiled by Bahá’í International Archives As regards the things you have, associated with the beloved Master, he feels that, unless you have some objection to the suggestion, the best thing you could do would be to entrust them to the Bahá’ís of France.... He is trying to assist the friends to build up, in a modest way, National Archives; and any object associated with the Master is naturally a very prized possession. Also it seems to him befitting that you, as one of the older “French” Bahá’ís, should be associated with this institution, which in the future will no doubt grow to be of considerable importance. From a letter on behalf of Shoghi Effendi dated 26 March 1956 to an individual --- ## 1471.
1956-04-xx Supplementary Message To Four Africa Conventions {.center} USBN #306 August 1956 pp1-2 {.ref .center} At this historic hour, marking the opening of the third phase of the global Spiritual Crusade so courageously undertaken by the followers of the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh, I hail the convocation of the four epoch-making Bahá’í Conventions now being held in the African Continent. My heart brims with joy and my soul is uplifted with thankfulness as I contemplate on this auspicious occasion, the magnificent feats which have been accomplished in recent years over the entire length and breadth of a rapidly quickening continent, feats which, in their range, number, quality and swiftness, have eclipsed the signal victories which have distinguished the campaigns successively launched in the Continent of Europe and in Latin America. Continent Boasts Many Supporters This vast, highly receptive, spiritually famished and long down-trodden continent-the nest of the Negro race. constituting so large a proportion of the world’s population — which was first opened, in an hour of trial and adversity, in the lifetime of Bahá’u’lláh; whose southern fringes were, during the last epoch of the Heroic Age of the Faith, illuminated by the rays of a divinely established Covenant; on whose northern shores the standard of Bahá’í emancipation has been hoisted and the struggle for the recognition of the independent character of the Revelation of Bahá’u’lláh has commenced-such a continent now boasts, by virtue of the dynamic influence exerted by a rising divinely conceived Order, and the propelling forces generated by a world-embracing, three-year-old Spiritual Crusade, over three thousand avowed supporters, five-sixths of whom belong to the Negro race, scattered throughout more than fifty territories and islands, and residing in over four hundred localities. Representatives of no less than one hundred and forty of its tribes have, moreover, enlisted under the banner of the Faith. Over a hundred and twenty Bahá’í local assemblies are already functioning throughout its territories. Into more than fifty of its indigenous languages Bahá’í literature has been and is being translated. The process of incorporating the newly formed local assemblies has furthermore been inaugurated. A National Administrative Headquarters has been established in each one of its four pivotal center s, while three Temple sites situated within its confines have been recently purchased, on one of which the Mother Temple of Africa is soon to be erected. The Concourse on high cannot but laud such remarkable, soul-stirring exploits. The Captain, guiding from His throne of glory in the Abhá Kingdom the march of the army of Bahá’u’lláh’s Crusaders, undoubtedly applauds the fidelity, the valour, the zeal and the perseverance of the executors of His Design, while the Founder of the Faith Himself, the wellspring of the energizing influences nourishing the lives, and sustaining the activities, of these Crusaders, confers His benediction upon, and lays up treasures for, those who have so conspicuously contributed to the glory and honor of His Name. I feel impelled, on so memorable an occasion, to pay a warm and heartfelt tribute to the Hand of the Cause appointed for the African Continent; to the members of the British, the American, the Persian. the Indian, the Egyptian and the Iraqi National Spiritual Assemblies; to the members of the African Auxiliary Board; to the numerous assemblies, committees and pioneers who have, singly and collectively, contributed in such a large measure to the expansion of so colossal an enterprise, and who have had so decisive a share in directing its course, in stimulating its unfoldment, and in consolidating its foundations. Assemblies Will Lend Impetus I cannot but feel confident that the emergence of four regional National Spiritual Assemblies, as a result of the deliberations of the delegates attending these four Bahá’í Conventions-Assemblies designed to pave the way for the erection of the pillars which must support the future Universal House of Justice — will, by enabling the activities of the Faith to be directed and coordinated from within the Continent itself, lend a tremendous impetus to the progress and eventual fruition of the stupendous undertaking launched from coast to coast through the concerted and systematic efforts of the followers of the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh. I call upon these Regional National Spiritual Assemblies to celebrate their birth, and signalize the opening of the third phase of this World Spiritual Crusade, through the formulation of four subsidiary SevenYear Plans, designed to multiply the number of the avowed supporters of the Faith and of the isolated centers, groups and local Assemblies; to consolidate the work already achieved in the newly opened virgin territories within the confines of that Continent and in its neighboring islands; to initiate the institution of the National Bahá’í Fund; to stimulate the twin processes of establishing Bahá’í endowments and of incorporating local spiritual assemblies; to hasten the construction of the first Ma_shriqu’l-A_dhkár of the African Continent; to ensure the establishment of the Bahá’í Publishing Trust in Egypt; and to speed up the translation of Bahá’í literature into the remaining African languages listed in the Ten Year Plan, as well as the incorporation of the newly formed Regional National Spiritual Assemblies. Lend Continued Support I appeal to the British, the American, the Persian, the Indian, the Egyptian and the Iraqi National Spiritual Assemblies, who have set in motion these vast undertakings, not to abandon these fledgling African Bahá’í communities to their fate, but to lend their support and assistance to the newly emerged Regional National Spiritual Assemblies, enriching thereby the record of the superb and historic services rendered by them, throughout that continent, to its diversified peoples, tribes and races. May the manifold blessings of Bahá’u ‘llah, glorifying in His Kingdom the African victories won in His Name in such rapid succession. rest upon the deliberations of all the delegates attending these four history-making Conventions. May the combined efforts of the faithful, laboring now and in the days that lie ahead, yield, in the years to come, a harvest which will infinitely enable the record of unforgettable achievements associated with the rise of the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh and the establishment of His World Order in the African Continent. {.sig} — SHOGHI April, 1956 {.sig} Supplementary Message To The Four Africa Conventions, April 1956 --- ## 1472.
1956-06-10 to Conv delegates of the Bahá̀is of Central and East Africa {.center} Looking back in Wonder, Philip Hainsworth, p200-1 Dear Bahá’í Friends, Your loving letter of 26 May was presented to the beloved Guardian, and he has directed me to respond on his behalf. He is greatly pleased, and values most highly, the establishment of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Central and East Africa. This is an historic act, and one that augurs well for the future of the Faith in that promising land. Surely this new pillar of the House of Justice will win many victories for the Cause of God, and spread the Faith rapidly throughout the vast areas coming under their jurisdiction. The Guardian will pray for the Assembly, the members, and the success of its work. When your statistics are amplified, the Guardian will appreciate early advices. The Guardian was happy to receive the photo of the nine friends, eight of the Assembly and Hand of the Cause Músá Banání. When a photo is ready of all nine of the Assembly, he will appreciate having it for placement in the Mansion of BaháVlláh. The Guardian sends you all his loving Greetings. Leroy Ioas 1956-06-10 to Conv delegates of the Bahá’ís of Central and East Africa {.ref .center} --- ## 1473.
1956-07-19 The Past Bahá’í Administrative Year {.center} USBN #307 September 1956 pp1-2 {.ref .center} “The past Bahá’í administrative year was one full of events, achievements and anxiety. In looking back over it, he feels that concrete progress has been made in many fields; that the American Bahá’í’s have reason to feel encouraged by the scope of their activities, and by the fact that many of their enterprises connected with the Ten Year Plan have reached fruition. “He was particularly glad to note that a friendly contact had been made with the Chief Executive of the United States, and that he had acknowledged over his own signature, in appreciative terms, the receipt of the Bahá’í prayer your Assembly had forwarded to him. He was also very pleased to note the helpful attitude of the State Department, particularly in connection with the persecutions of our brethren in Írán. An Important Turning Point “ The establishment of the South and West Africa National Bahá’í Assembly signalizes an important turning-point in the execution of the Divine Plan by the Bahá’ís of America. A capable and representative national body has evidently been elected; and the Guardian cherishes the highest hopes for the unfoldment of the work in that part of the world, a work whose foundations have been so brilliantly laid down by a singularly distinguished and devoted group of pioneers from different countries, chief amongst them those from the western Hemisphere. The new world has indeed paid back part of its debt to the “ dark continent” it at one time so ruthlessly exploited. “The Guardian hopes that the Kampala Temple project, designs for which are now well advanced, and, have been carried out by the Hand of the Cause, Mr. Mason Remey, will soon be set in motion. The new National Assembly for Central and East Africa will be directly responsible for this work. “The new incorporations added during the past year in the United States, although a step in the right direction, are not sufficient. He feels that during the coming year every effort should be made by Assemblies that have a well-grounded, if small, community, to incorporate. “He was particularly happy to hear of the incorporation of the Tokyo Spiritual Assembly. Indeed the initiative shown throughout the Pacific area in this respect and many others is truly challenging and stimulating; and the American Bahá’ís, the parents of so many of these other communities, should take heed and follow the lead of their exuberant offspring. “The Guardian feels that during the coming year, the National Assembly should pay particular attention to getting teachers with spiritual capacity and a deep knowledge of the Covenant out to the weaker communities on circuit teaching trips, and that an effort should be made for them to stay for some time in each place. It is evident that one of the reasons that the work on the home front in America is so seriously lagging is that the Bahá’ís themselves, though undoubtedly devoted, loyal and conscientious, are not always very deeply grounded in the spiritual fundamentals of their Faith. This produces a maladjustment, so to speak, in the nature of their service to the Cause; and only through a deeper understanding of their Faith and the inner spiritual strength that this understanding brings will they be able to reinforce themselves to meet their tasks to see the joy of discharging their duties and grasping their privileges. Extraordinary Progress “The Guardian has been particularly happy at the extraordinary progress made in acquiring Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds and endowments all over the world. The Bahá’ís may well look upon the accomplishments in this field as little short of awe-inspiring, and every believer should feel highly encouraged that one of the most difficult aspects of the Ten Year Plan, namely the financing of such enterprises, has been more than two-thirds fulfilled by the end of the third year of the Plan. “ The Guardian feels that if the friends would meditate a little more objectively upon both their relationship to the Cause and the vast non-Bahá’í public they hope to influence, they would see things more clearly. The friends are not being forced to do anything, either by the Guardian or by the National Assembly. However, the condition that the world is in is bringing many issues to a head. It would be perhaps impossible to find a nation or people not in a state of crisis today. The materialism, the lack of true religion and the consequent baser forces in human nature which are being released, have brought the whole world to the brink of probably the greatest crisis it has ever faced or will have to face. The Bahá’ís are a part of the world. They too feel the great pressures which are brought to bear upon all people today, whoever and wherever they may be. On the other hand, the Divine Plan, which is the direct method of working toward the establishment of Peace and World Order, has perforce reached an important and challenging point in its unfoldment; because of the desperate needs of the world, the Bahá’ís find themselves, even though so limited in numbers, in financial strength and in prestige-called upon to fulfill a great responsibility. They must, at all times, remember that when the Guardian makes his appeals to the friends, he is only presenting the situation to them. Each one must evaluate what his own response can be and should be; nobody can do this for him. There is no other pressure than the pressure of historical circumstances. He fully realizes that the demands made upon the Bahá’ís are great, and that they often feel inadequate, tired and perhaps frightened in the face of the tasks that confront them. This is only natural. On the other hand, they must realize that the power of God can and will assist them; and that because they are privileged to have accepted the Manifestation of God for this Day, this very act has placed upon them a great moral responsibility toward their fellow-men. It is this moral responsibility to which the Guardian is constantly calling their attention, as he too cannot but obey the compelling force of circumstances and fulfill his paramount duty of calling to the attention of the believers their opportunity, their privileges, and their responsibilities. “The American Bahá’ís have so far never failed in any mission they undertook, and he hopes and believes there will be no failure this time. He has the greatest confidence in their loyalty, their faith, and their devotion, and he feels sure that with the help of Bahá’u’ llah they will arise to the occasion which history has literally thrust upon them.” July 19, 1956 {.sig} --- ## 1474.
1956-09-01 first Bahá’í in Greece {.center} Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union A Compilation From the Bahá’í Writings, #30 Compiled by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice Your loving letter of August 17th, with the photograph of the first Bahá’í Group in Athens, and showing the first Greek Bahá’í in Greece, was received, and presented to the beloved Guardian. He was very happy to see the likeness of the Friends serving so diligently in Greece. He hopes your teaching efforts will be confirmed, and many seeking souls find eternal life through your sacrificial efforts. Greece is a most important country, as he has explained to you, and the Faith should be firmly implanted in that country, in many cities. The first step, of course, is a Spiritual Assembly in Athens. (1 September 1956 to an individual believer) (see USBN #309 Nov 1956 p8)’ --- ## 1475.
1956-09-28 to Philip Hainsworth on his marriage to Lois {.center} Looking back in Wonder, Philip Hainsworth, p209 Dear Bahá’í Brother, Your letter of August 29 has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. He will be happy to hear from the Rev. W Hellaby; and he feels, when he leaves the church, he should courageously give the Faith as his reason for doing so. The Guardian says you, yourself, should not be discouraged. You have already accomplished much, and will no doubt render even greater services in the days to come. He assures you of his loving prayers for those whose names you have mentioned, as well as for your constant strength and guidance in your labours. With warmest Bahá’í greetings, R Rabbání In her own handwriting: Dear Philip, The beloved Guardian was most happy to hear of your marriage and hopes your union will be blessed and enable you to achieve even greater victories for our Faith with the help of your wife. May the Almighty bless your union, reward you abundantly for your past labours, that are indeed truly historic, and enable you, together with your wife, to render memorable services to his Faith and its nascent institutions, in that promising continent. {.sig} Your true brother, Shoghi {.sig} 1956-09-28 to Philip Hainsworth on his marriage to Lois {.ref .center} ========= {.noid} Rev W Hellaby would be Bill Hellaby, husband of Helen. --- ## 1476.
1956-10-06 to Jane Boekhoudt re homosexuality {.center} The Bábí Question you mentioned ...Jelle deVries, p259 1956-10-06 to Jane Boekhoudt re homosexuality {.ref .center} Your letter of September 4th has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. Homosexuality is highly condemned and often a great trial and cause of suffering to a person, as a Bahá’í. Any individual so afflicted must, through prayer, and any other means, seek to overcome this handicap. But, unless the actions of such individuals are flagrantly immoral, it cannot be a pretext for depriving them of their voting rights. They young believers in question must adhere to their Faith, and not withdraw from active service, because of the tests they experience. In one way or another we are all tested; and this must strengthen us, not weaken us. The Guardian will pray for these two young believers, and also for you and for the situation there. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbání. --- ## 1477.
1956-11-09 re building Temple {.center} Germany, France, Italy, and Switzerland Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. Published in Bahá’í Studies Review 4:1 In building the Temple, one must be careful not to be carried away with the ideals and emotions of the situation, but keep oneself firmly on the ground, and realize they are buildings of steel and stone. That which will produce a House of Worship that is pleasing and attractive is what is required-not a replica of the Shrine of the Báb, or the Temple in Wilmette. We are not seeking outstanding examples of architecture, but rather the release that will come from the construction of the first spiritual edifice in Europe. (9 November 1956 to the National Spiritual Assembly of Germany and Austria) --- ## 1478.
1956-xx-xx To a national Assembly re Temple design must have dignity and grace {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p359 {.ref .center} He was sorry to have to disappoint Mr. F__ ... However, there was no possible questions of accepting something as extreme as this. The Guardian feels very strongly that, regardless of what the opinion of the latest school of architecture may be on the subject, the styles represented at present all over the world in architecture are not only very ugly, but completely lack the dignity and grace which must be at least partially present in a Bahá’í House of Worship. One must always bear in mind that the vast majority of human beings are not either very modern or very extreme in their tastes, and that what the advanced school may think is marvellous is often very distasteful indeed to just plain, simple people. 1956-xx-xx To a national Assembly re Temple design must have dignity and grace {.ref .center} --- ## 1480.
1956-xx-xx To a national Assembly re Temple design {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p359 {.ref .center} He feels that, as this is the Mother Temple...it has a very great importance; and must under all circumstances be dignified, and not represent an extremist point of view in architecture. No one knows how the styles of the present day may be judged two or three generations from now; but the Bahá’ís cannot afford to build a second Temple if the one they build at the present time should seem too extreme and unsuitable at a future date. 1956-xx-xx To a national Assembly re Temple design {.ref .center} --- ## 1481.
1957-02-15 for SE re trans into European languages {.center} Bahá’í Studies Bulletin Vol 5 #1-2 September 1985 pp93 He is interested in accomplishing two things — he would like in the European languages to have as much uniformity with the English translations as possible; he does not wish the Bahá’i translations to be in any way a flagrant violation of the rules of the language into which our literature is being translated. Your committee must conscientiously study this question and then do the best you can to have the Bahá’í literature in French meet the high standards of the French language and grammar. If the possessive and demonstrative adjectives and pronouns in French are never capitalized where they stand for “God” then this should not be done in the Bahá’í literature. If there is a precedent for doing so in the French language, however, they should be. The same is true of the attributes of God. 1957-02-15 for SE re trans into European languages {.ref .center} ========= {.noid} (15 February 1957 to a National Translation and Publication Committee of a National Spiritual Assembly) --- ## 1482.
1957-05-25 to an individual re spreading msg among own people {.center} Islands of the South Pacific #26 compiled by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice Published in Bahá’í Studies Review 6 ABS-ESE 1996 These great blessings likewise carry with them responsibilities and the Guardian hopes these Friends will arise and spread the Message amongst their own people, far and wide. This is the way the Faith spread so rapidly in Africa and now in the South Sea Islands. The native Believers became enthused and arose with devotion and consecration and taught their fellow people. The Guardian hopes you will be able to encourage the Friends in the Cape Verde Islands to do the same thing. 1957-05-25 to an individual re spreading msg among own people {.ref .center} --- ## 1483.
1957-05-27 attitude toward teaching Faith in southern states {.center} cited in To Move the World, Gayle Morrison, p293-4 White American Bahá’ís, he feels, although they have very much less prejudice than the American people, are nevertheless tainted to some extent with this national evil, perhaps wholly unconsciously so. Therefore, it behooves every believer of white extraction to carefully study his own attitude, and to see whether he is condescending in his relations with his fellow — Bahá’ís of negro extraction... . The attitude toward teaching the Faith in the southern states of the United States should be entirely changed. For years, in the hope of attracting the white people, in order to “go easy” with them and not offend their sensibilities, a compromise has been made in the teaching work throughout the South. The results have been practically nil. The white people have not responded worth mentioning, to the Faith, and the colored people have been hurt and also have not responded. He feels it is time that the Bahá’ís stopped worrying entirely about the white element in a community, and that they should concentrate on showing the negro element that this is a Faith which produces full equality and which loves and wants minorities. The Bahá’ís should welcome the negroes to their homes, make every effort to teach them, associate with them, even marry them if they want to. We must remember that ‘Abdu’l-Bahá Himself united in Bahá’í marriage a colored and a white believer. He could not do more. Also ... the Faith must be representative of the population. In a great many places in the South, the majority of the population is still negro. This should be reflected in the Bahá’í Community, fearlessly. Both the white Bahá’ís and the colored Bahá’ís must steadily work to attain this objective of bringing the Faith to the colored people, and of confirming many of them in it. Both sides have prejudices to overcome; one, the prejudice which is built up in the minds of a people who have conquered and imposed their will, and the other the reactionary prejudice of those who have been conquered and sorely put upon. Your committee should devote the major part of its effort towards attaining these goals in the South, and it should also as part of its work, urge the Bahá’ís, wherever they may be, to devote more attention to the minorities. to Bahá’í Inter-racial Teaching Committee, Dorothy Frey, chrmn., 27 May 1957, Letters of Shoghi Effendi, USBNC Archives --- ## 1484.
1957-05-27 interracial teaching {.center} White American Bahá’ís, he feels, although they have very much less prejudice than the American people, are nevertheless tainted to some extent with this national evil, perhaps wholly unconsciously so. Therefore, it behooves every believer of white extraction to carefully study his own attitude, and to see whether he is condescending in his relations with his fellow-Bahá’ís of negro extraction ... The attitude toward teaching the Faith in the southern states of the United States should be entirely changed. For years, in the hope of attracting the white people, in order to “go easy” with them and not offend their sensibilities, a compromise has been made in the teaching work throughout the South. The results have been practically nil. The white people have not responded worth mentioning, to the Faith, and the colored people have been hurt and also have not responded. He feels it is time that the Bahá’ís stopped worrying entirely about the white element in a community, and that they should concentrate on showing the negro element that this is a Faith which produces full equality and which loves and wants minorities. The Bahá’ís should welcome the negroes to their homes, make every effort to teach them, associate with them, even marry them if they want to. We must remember that ‘Abdu’l-Bahá Himself united in Bahá’í marriage a colored and a white believer. He could not do more. Also ... the Faith must be representative of the population. In a great many places in the South, the majority of the population is still negro. This should be reflected in the Bahá’í Community, fearlessly. Both the white Bahá’ís and the colored Bahá’ís must steadily work to attain this objective of bringing the Faith to the colored people, and of confirming many of them in it. Both sides have prejudices to overcome; one, the prejudice which is built up in the minds of a people who have conquered and imposed their will, and the other the reactionary prejudice of those who have been conquered and sorely put upon. Your committee should devote the major part of its effort towards attaining these goals in the South, and it should also as part of its work, urge the Bahá’ís, wherever they may be, to devote more attention to the minorities. [letter on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to Bahá’í Inter-racial Teaching Committee, Dorothy Frey, chrmn., 27 May 1957, Letters of Shoghi Effendi, National Bahá’í Archives, Wilmette, Ill., cited in Morrison, To Move the World, page 293-4] --- ## 1485.
1957-06-30 NSA should be loving parent not stern judge {.center} Bahá’í Journal UK Vol 7 #2 May 1990 p5 ... The believers are, for the most part, young in the Cause, and if they make mistakes it is not half as important as if their spirit is crushed by being told all the time — do this and don’t do that! The new National Body should be like a loving parent, watching over and helping its children, and not like a stern judge, waiting for an opportunity to display his judicial powers. The reason he points this out to you is that constantly, for the past twenty years and more, he has been pointing this out to the old and tried National Assemblies, and he does not want the younger bodies to make the same mistakes ... [Letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to the National Spiritual Assembly of Alaska, June 30, 1957] 1957-06-30 NSA should be loving parent not stern judge {.ref .center} --- ## 1486.
1957-07-04 Baltic States destined to play memorable part {.center} Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union A Compilation From the Bahá’í Writings Compiled by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice An attempt must also be made to introduce the Faith, however tentatively, into each of the three neighbouring Baltic States, destined, in the course of time, to play a memorable part in the establishment of the Faith in North-East Europe... (In the handwriting of Shoghi Effendi, appended to a letter dated 4 July 1957 to the National Spiritual Assembly of Scandinavia and Finland) --- ## 1487.
1957-07-28 to Central America RSA {.center} Divine Springtime — Louise Coswell Recalls, pp108-14 The beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer on his behalf your letters dated May 30th, June 26th, and July 16th. He was delighted to hear that the Convention was such a success, and that the Hand of the Cause, Mr. Khadem, was able to visit so many centers throughout that region. He feels sure that the spirit he imparted to the friends, as well as the stirring events of the Convention and the election of your Assembly, will all mark a turning point in the work in that area and give the forward march of the Faith a new impetus. Now that the New Regional Assemblies in Latin America have been formed, and that each one embraces a more limited area than the previous Central and South American assemblies, the work should be much easier to handle, and therefore go ahead much faster. He anticipates great things from your assembly and is eagerly awaiting news of fresh victories. Hie paramount task is, of course, the teaching work: at every session your assembly should give it close attention, considering everything else of secondary importance. Not only must many new assemblies be developed, as well as groups and isolated centers, but special attention must be focused on the work of converting the Indians to the Faith. The goal should be all-Indian assemblies, so that these much exploited and suppressed original inhabitants of the land may realize that they are equals and partners in the affairs of the Cause of God, and that Bahá’u’lláh is the Manifestation of God for them. Another of the important tasks facing your body is that of purchasing sites for future Temples in the outskirts of the capital cities of all the Republics under your jurisdiction, with the exception of Panama, which has its Temple site already. The land need not be large, two or three acres being quite sufficient for your purposes at this time; it need not be in the city but anywhere within a radius of fifteen kilometers, and economy should be borne in mind. If, when the time comes to build a House of Worship, the site is not suitable, it can be exchanged or sold and another one acquired. Wherever the laws permit, firmly established local assemblies should be incorporated, thus laying a foundation on which the future independent National Spiritual Assemblies can build when they come into being. Every step forward in the expansion of our glorious Faith releases new spiritual energies. The believers, as well as your assembly, must seize upon this opportunity they now have with both hands, and arise to new levels of self-sacrifice, service and dedication, confident that Bahá’u’lláh is only waiting for the instruments to be put in His hands in order to fulfill His Divine purpose. The Guardian assures you he will support you, one and all, with his prayers, and supplicate that you may be guided in carrying out your great work, strengthened and protected. With warm Bahá’í greetings, (Signed) R. Rabbání {.sig} Dear and Valued Co-workers: The formation of a Regional Spiritual Assembly representing the Bahá’í Communities of Central America and Mexico, with its seat fixed in the capital city of a Republic the future 110 of which the pen of the Centre of Bahá’u’lláh’s Covenant has extolled, is indeed, an auspicious event of far-reaching significance, to be acclaimed as the forerunner of no less than seven National Spiritual Assemblies, designed to support, each as a separate pillar, the noble and divinely conceived structure of the Universal House of Justice. There can be no doubt that the remarkable progress achieved, singly and collectively, in both the teaching and administrative fluids, by the followers of the Most Great Name, labouring, in the course of two decades, so diligently, for the propagation of His Faith, throughout the length and breadth of an area linking the northern and southern continents of the Western Hemisphere, has been responsible for this great step forward that has been taken towards the consummation of so historic a task. The various and urgent enterprises, now challenging both their spirit and resources, demand a consecration as complete, a resolve as firm, and a zeal as ardent as any they have hitherto envinced. The Six-Year Plan formulated to enable them to meet the immediate requirements of their mission should be prosecuted with the utmost diligence. Attention, on the part of all the members of the seven Bahá’í Communities participating in this world crusade, as well as their elected representatives, should be continually focused on its objectives. A Systematic effort must be made by the rank and file of these communities to increase rapidly the nuMber of avowed supporters of the Faith, of isolated centers, of groups and of local spiritual assemblies. Every firmly grounded assembly should, at the earliest opportunity, be incorporated for the purpose of reinforcing the foundations of the rising structure of a divinely conceived administrative order. Every avenue should moreover, be explored in order to obtain recognition from the civil authorities concerned, of the Bahá’í marriage certificate and of the Bahá’í Holy Days. Nor must the meritorious work, so zealously undertaken in the newly opened virgin territories be, under any circumstances, neglected. The translation of Bahá’í literature into the Spanish and American Indian languages, its publication and dissemination, should likewise, be carried out with efficiency and vigour. The all-important enterprise, aimed at winning the whole-hearted allegiance of the members of various tribes of the American Indians to the Cause of Bahá’u’lláh, and of ensuring their active and sustained participation in the conduct of its administrative affairs, must likewise be seriously considered and strenuously pursued. And, last but not least, a site of modest dimensions should in the neighborhood of the capital cities of each of these seven Republics, with the exception of Panama, .be chosen and promptly purchased, designed to pave the way for the ultimate erection of a Mother Temple in each of these Republics. Marvellous opportunities, which if not seized at once may not reoccur, have been vouchsafed, at this auspicious hour, to the prosecutors of this historic and momentous Plan, on which the immediate destinies of these communities, now gathered under the shadow of Bahá’u’lláh, depend. Theirs is the privilege and sacred duty to exploit them to the full, ere it is too late, and to play their part, befitting the co-executors of ‘Abdu’1-Bahá’s Divine Plan and members of that band of crusaders now battling for the strength of His Father’s Cause in building up the institutions, and in broadening and reinforcing the foundations, of the embryonic world order of His Faith in the heart of the Western Hemisphere. {.sig} No matter how severe the testis and trials they may encounter, however arduous the task that confronts them, they must, one and all, pursue steadily the path they now tread, with undimmed vision, undeviating loyalty, unrestrained devotion and unyielding determination, until the Plan they are pledged to execute will have been carried out in its entirety, and the fondest expectations entertained for their success by their watchful brethern throughout the Western Hemisphere, and, indeed, in every continent of the globe, are triumphantly fulfilled. May the spirit of Bahá’u’lláh bountifully sustain them while discharging their manifold and pressing responsibilities, and may the Author of the Divine Plan, whose design they are painstakingly labouring to create, and whose mandate they have willingly arisen to obey, guide every step they take, remove every obstacle obstructing their path, fulfill every hope they cherish, and enable them, through a still greater measure of His abiding grace, promised unequivocally to all those who will respond to His call, to write an unforgettable chapter in Latin American Bahá’í history, and contribute a share to its enrichment which posterity will soever cease to extol. {.sig} (Signed) Shoghi {.sig} July 28th, 1957. {.sig} 1957-07-28 to Central America RSA {.ref .center} --- ## 1488.
1957-07-29 to a National Spiritual Assembly re refrain from introducing rules {.center} Unlocking the Power of Action, #34 Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. He urges your Assembly, as it embarks upon its great work, to refrain from introducing rules and regulations which serve no useful purpose at this time when the communities are small and undeveloped, and will only stifle the spirit of the friends and confuse them. Like a wise and loving parent the Assembly should conduct the affairs of the Bahá’ís, constantly and patiently, encouraging them and instilling enthusiasm for the work to be done. 1957-07-29 to a National Spiritual Assembly re refrain from introducing rules {.ref .center} --- ## 1489.
1957-07-xx To an African Regional Assembly re additional Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p329 {.ref .center} Now that the work all over the Bahá’í world is progressing so remarkable and to all intents and purposes the Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds and national endowments have been purchased, he feels the friends should be left free to add additional Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds and endowments wherever they wish to. 1957-07?-XX to an African Regional Assembly re add’l Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds {.ref .center} --- ## 1490.
1957-08-08 to an African Regional Assembly re purpose of new African Assemblies {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p322-3 {.ref .center} During Mrs. __’s visit, the Guardian discussed with her the teaching work in __ where there is such a response to the Message, and where the people in outlying districts seem to be eager to enroll. He feels that those responsible for accepting new believers should consider that the most important and fundamental qualification for acceptance is the recognition of the station of Bahá’u’lláh in this day on the part of the applicant. We cannot expect people who are illiterate (which is no reflection on their mental abilities or capacities) to have studied the Teachings, especially when so little literature is available in their own language in the first place, and grasp all their ramifications, the way an African, say in London, is expected to. The spirit of the person is the important thing, the recognition of Bahá’u’lláh and His position in the world in this day. The friends therefore must not be too strict, or they will find that the great wave of loving enthusiasm with which the African people have turned to the Faith, many of them already accepting it, cools off; and being very sensitive, they will feel in some subtle way that they are rebuffed, and the work will suffer. “The purpose of the new National Assemblies in Africa, and the purpose of any administrative body, is to carry the Message to the people and enlist the sincere under the banner of this Faith. “Your Assembly must never lose sight of this for a moment, and must go on courageously expanding the membership of the communities under your jurisdiction, and gradually educating the friends in both the Teachings and the Administration. Nothing could be more tragic than if the establishment of these great administrative bodies should stifle or bog down the teaching work. The early believers in both the East and the West, we must always remember, knew practically nothing compared to what the average Bahá’í knows about his Faith nowadays; yet they were the ones who shed their blood, the ones who arose and said: ‘I believe’, requiring no proof, and often never having read a single word of the Teachings. Therefore, those responsible for accepting new enrollments must just be sure of one thing — that the heart of the applicant has been touched with the spirit of the Faith. Everything else can be built on this foundation gradually. He hopes that during the coming year it will be increasingly possible for the African Bahá’í teachers to circulate amongst the newly-enrolled Bahá’ís and deepen their knowledge and understanding of the Teachings. .... As regards the questions of tribal practice, the Guardian wishes you to be extremely forbearing and patient in weaning the Bahá’ís away from their old customs. this can only be done by taking each case individually as it comes up, using the greatest wisdom and kindness, and not trying rigorously to impose all Bahá’í laws in every detail at this time. “Of course it is obvious that if a Bahá’í man already has one wife he cannot take another, no matter what the tribal law may be. Your Assembly should distinguish between this fundamental point and other phases of the tribal community life in which the new Bahá’í may still be deeply involved, and from which he cannot extract himself until the Bahá’í element in his community is strong enough to be a power in its own right. “He agrees with the feeling of your Assembly that to start imposing the heavy sanction of depriving the friends of their voting rights is most unwise at the present time. The best policy is one of loving education.” 1957-08-08 to an African Regional Assembly re purpose & functing of new African Assemblies {.ref .center} --- ## 1491.
1957-08-12 role of Italy and Switzerland {.center} Germany, France, Italy, and Switzerland Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. Published in Bahá’í Studies Review 4:1 In their constant concern to illuminate the hearts of their countrymen with the radiance of the Revelation of Bahá’u’lláh, and in their daily contact with peoples intensely conservative by nature, steeped in tradition, bound, for the most part, by the ties of religious orthodoxy, sunk in materialism, and fully content with the standard they have achieved, the members of these communities must, of necessity, find the work to which they have dedicated themselves painfully slow, extremely arduous, and often highly discouraging. The seeds, however, they are now sowing —and to this particular task they must, in the days to come, address themselves with redoubled vigour and renewed consecration, despite their daily preoccupations and constant concern with the expansion and consolidation of the administrative machinery of the Faith-will, under the watchful care of Providence, and in consequence of the tribulations which a heedless generation is bound sooner or later to experience, germinate, at the appointed time, and yield a harvest of such proportions as will fill them with astonishment. .... As the World Spiritual Crusade moves swiftly along its destined course, and approaches its mid — point, the attention of the indefatigable members of these wide-awake communities must be focused on ways and means that will not only ensure the awakening, to an unprecedented degree, of the interest of the masses in the Revelation of Bahá’u’lláh, but will bring about a substantial increase in the number of adherents who will willingly arise to proclaim its truths, whole-heartedly support its institutions and effectively promote their interests. A sustained concentration, on the part of the entire company of the faithful, and particularly their elected representatives, whether local or regional, on this pre-eminent duty, of transcendental importance, and of extreme urgency, cannot fail at this hour, to draw forth from the Source of invisible Power in the Abhá Kingdom a measure of blessings that will abundantly support the bearers of the glad-tidings of the New Day to the peoples and races of a sorely afflicted continent, and enable them to reap, in this particular field the possibilities of which, alas, have not been sufficiently exploited, such a harvest as will amaze not only themselves, but their countrymen as well. A rapid, a decisive and brilliant success in a vast field stretching from the southern confines of Germany to the southern extremity of the Italian Peninsula, embracing within its scope Corsica and Sardinia to the west, Sicily to the south, and Rhodes to the east of that Peninsula, is bound, through its repercussions, at no distant date, to rouse the potential adversaries of the Faith, belonging to both the catholic and protestant communions, from their lethargy, and precipitate a spiritual contest which by its very nature, as ‘Abdu’l-Bahá has repeatedly assured the American believers, will be the signal for the launching of a publicity campaign which the combined resources at the disposal of these communities could never enable them to initiate and conduct, paralleled by a corresponding and an extraordinary upsurge of the mysterious forces latent in the Faith, which will carry them upward from the shadowed valleys of obscurity to the sunny uplands of fame, prosperity and triumph. .... That the members of these sister communities now linked by ties of spiritual comradeship, at this earliest stage in the unfoldment of their separate Missions, and destined to exert, as they mature, and pursue independently the path of service to their beloved Cause, a profound and abiding influence, by virtue of the position they occupy, and the fame acquired by their countries as seats of mighty institutions, both religious and secular, on the fortunes of the Faith in Europe and beyond its confines, that the members of these communities may meet befittingly the challenge of the present hour, and arise as one man to accomplish each of the goals set before them, is a prayer that I never fail to utter and a wish which I cherish with all my heart. (12 August 1957 to the National Spiritual Assembly of Italy and Switzerland) --- ## 1492.
1957-08-12 to NSA Italy and Switzerland re Temple site {.center} The Priceless Pearl, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum, p135 {.ref .center} As he explained to _____, he is very anxious for Switzerland to purchase a plot, however shall in size, and modest a beginning it may be, for the future Ma_shriqu’l-A_dhkár of that country. He feels this should be in the outskirts of Bern, overlooking the Bernese Oberland; and he is very happy to be able to present this land himself to the Swiss Community. No publicity whatsoever should be given to this matter lest an opposition resembling that which has arisen in Germany should be provoked amongst the orthodox element in Bern. Whenever the committee responsible for finding this land has located a suitable plot, he would like your Assembly to inform him of the details. 1957-08-12 to NSA Italy and Switzerland re: Temple site {.ref .center} ========= {.noid} In the Priceless Pearl, pp134-5, Rúḥíyyih _Khánum says that during the last year of his life, two Swiss pilgrims came to Haifa and he described to them his love of Switzerland and desire for a Swiss Temple, indicating where it should stand. She says that a letter dated 12 Aug 57 to the NSA of Italy and Switzerland he formalized his desire in this regard. The Swiss pilgrims are not identified and a likely named ref to them in the letter is removed. There has been on-line a paper of unknown provenance, “Refreshed and Renewed: From Shoghi Effendi to the Guardian” by Robert Atkinson, which is mostly about Shoghi Effendi in Switzerland. In it, he says the first two Swiss pilgrims were a Dr. and Mrs Ott, who were on pilgrimage in April 1957, and that they hand carried the letter back to the Swiss and Italian NSA. In the BW XVII entry for Mark Tobey, it notes “biographical remarks by Dr. Ott, professor of theology at the University of Basel”. Presumably these are all ref’s to Heinrich Ott, Reformed Church theologian who took the place of Karl Barth. By what I ca find on-line, he was pastor at Castiel from 1952-57, at Arisdorf 1957-62 and was at the Univ of Basel fm 1962. Was his wife Ingeborg perhaps a Bahá’í who left the Faith or was forced to disassociate herself by her husband’s church positions? the portion of Shoghi Effendi’s letter quoted by Rúḥíyyih _Khánum indicates his concern about conservative backlash if it is found the Bahá’í’s intended on building a Temple near Bern. --- ## 1493.
1957-08-14 German Bahá’ís to provide support for those inEasternZone {.center} Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union A Compilation From the Bahá’í Writings, #42 Compiled by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice To their [German Bahá’ís] brethren in the Eastern Zone, so gravely handicapped by the unfortunate disabilities which they have so long and so patiently suffered, consistent support, in whatever way possible, should be extended, and every avenue should be explored to ensure that the flame burning in those valiant hearts, so heavily burdened by cares and anxieties, will not be extinguished. The no less vital obligation to introduce, however tentatively, the Faith in the territories lying beyond the eastern confines of their homeland, and particularly in the Baltic States, must be promptly and seriously considered, for upon it will, to a very great measure, depend the success of the Mission envisaged for them by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, and now confirmed through the provisions of the Ten Year Plan... (14 August 1957 to the National Spiritual Assembly of Germany and Austria) --- ## 1494.
1957-09-21 particular attention devoted attracting colored people {.center} He also feels that particular attention should be devoted to the teaching work in the South, and to attracting the colored people. The years of careful attention, which have been devoted to the white element in the South, in the hope of placating them, enrolling them in the Faith, and also enrolling the colored Bahá’ís at the same time, have not shown satisfactory results. In view of this, he urges the friends to concentrate on teaching the Negroes. They should be courageous in their racial stand, particularly as so many non-Bahá’ís and non-Bahá’í organizations are showing marked courage at this time, when the decisions of the Supreme Court are being so hotly contested in the South. The friends must remember that the cardinal principle of their Faith is the Oneness of Mankind. This places an obligation on them far surpassing the obligation which Christian charity and brotherly love places upon the Christians. They should demonstrate this spirit of oneness constantly and courageously in the South. On behalf of Shoghi Effendi, 21 September 57, Bahá’í News, no. 321, 11/57, insert [as cited in Pupil of the Eye p158] --- ## 1495.
[unknown date] re Hidden Word Arabic No. 71 {.center} References of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá and Shoghi Effendi to the Hidden Words Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. Published in Bahá’í Studies Review 9 re : Hidden Word Arabic No. 71 The intent is total fulfilment of, and complete adherence to, the divine ordinances and exhortations. (In the handwriting of Shoghi Effendi on the margin of an incoming letter — translated from the Persian, unknown date) [Response to a question asking about the stations which are higher than martyrdom in His path, mentioned at the end of the Arabic Hidden Words.] --- ## 1496.
[unknown date] re whether you should have more children or not {.center} Bahá’í Studies Bulletin Vol I #4 March 1983 pp83 “Regarding your question of whether you should have more children or not, the Guardian feels that this is a matter for you and your husband to decide. However, we must always bear in mind that God will protect His own, and that the Bahá’í children are the future servants of mankind who will help to carry the world forward into the glorious New Order which Bahá’u’lláh has prepared for it in this day of days. We should not face the future with fear, but with glad and assured hearts.” (From a letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual and cited in a letter written by the Universal House of Justice dated 31 July, 1970) re whether you should have more children or not



Collected by Don Calkins

Note : some of these quotes are found in more than one source. In those cases, I have tried to cite the earliest published source. Agriculture And Rural Life Compiled By Research Department Of The Universal House Of Justice. The Artist’s Daughter, Nancy Douglas Bowditch Arts And Architecture Compiled By Research Department Of The Universal House Of Justice. The Bábí Question you mentioned Jelle de Vries Bahá’í Procedure (1937) Compiled by the U.S. Bahá’í National Center Bahá’í World, [various vol, incomplete] {.ref .center} Bahá’í Youth: A Compilation Prepared By: National Spiritual Assembly Of The Bahá’ís Of The United States (1973) Bahíyyih _Khánum Compiled By The Research Department Of The Universal House Of Justice Bible : Extracts On The Old On New Testaments Compiled By Research Department Of The Universal House Of Justice. Champions of Oneness, Janet Ruhe-Schoen China Comp (Macau 2000) Published By The Bahá’í Committee For China Claire Gung: Mother of Africa Adrienne Morgan Collected Passages On Business, Development And The Bahá’í Funds, 2nd Edition USNSA Dept of the Treasurer, 1993 Criticism: Compiled By Research Department Of The Universal House Of Justice. Crown of Glory, Memoirs of Jinab-i-‘Azíz’u’lláh Azizi Dear Co-worker: Messages from Shoghi Effendi to the Benelux countries Divine Springtime — Louise Coswell Recalls, Daniel Nelson Wegener, ed Eastern Europe And The Soviet Union A Compilation From The Bahá’í Writings Compiled By The Research Department Of The Universal House Of Justice Eve Nicklin: She of the Brave Heart, Boris Handal Fire And Gold: Benefiting From Life’s Tests” Compiled By Brian Kurzius [Part Fm “Extracts From The Bahá’í Writings And Letters Of The Guardian And House Of Justice On Suffering And Tests” ??] George Townshend, David Hofman Germany, France, Italy, And Switzerland Compiled By Research Department Of The Universal House Of Justice. Published In Bahá’í Studies Review 4:1 Growing Up Bahá’í, Diana Rouse Kaufman Guardian’s Seven Year Plan for the American Bahá’ís Guidance Regarding Bahá’í Archives Compiled By Bahá’í International Archives Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds: Uses And Functions Compiled By Research Department Of The Universal House Of Justice October 1997 Her Eternal Crown: Queen Marie of Romania and the Bahá’í Faith, Della L Marcus {.ref .center} Hermann Grossman: Hand Of The Cause Of God, Susanne Pfaff-Grossman Hidden Words, References Of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá And Shoghi Effendi Compiled By Research Department Of The Universal House Of Justice. Published In Bahá’í Studies Review 9, 1999 Holocaust And The Greater Plan Of God (Revised 1998) A Compilation By The Research Department Of The Universal House Of Justice Ḥuqúqu’lláh-The Right Of God Compiled By The Research Department Of The Universal House Of Justice, April 2007 International Auxiliary Language, The Principle Of Compiled by the Research Department at the direction of the House of Justice, 1 Nov 79(?) Islands of the North Sea compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. published in Bahá’í Studies Review, 6, 1996 Islands of the South Pacific compiled by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice Published in Bahá’í Studies Review 6 ABS-ESE 1996 Lady Blomfield: Her Life and Times, Robert Weinberg {.ref .center} Leroy Ioas: Hand of the Cause of God, Anita Chapman Lidia : The Life of Lidia Zamenhof, Daughter of Esperanto, Wendy Heller Looking back in Wonder, Philip Hainsworth Holy Places At The Bahá’í World Centre Compiled By Research Department Of The Universal House Of Justice. Marriage, Consent Of Parents To {.sig} Compiled By Research Department Of The Universal House Of Justice Martha Root: Lioness at the Threshold, M. R. Garis {.ref .center} The Maxwells of Montreal Vol II, Violette Nakhjavani {.ref .center} Never Be Afraid To Dare, Jan Jasion Non-association with Covenant-breakers Compiled by Continental Board of Counsellors. Notes On Obligatory Prayers And Ablutions Compiled By Research Department Of The Universal House Of Justice In A Letter To An Individual Fm The House Of Justice 15 April 1987 Bahá’í Studies Bulletin Vol. 4:3-4 2 January 1991 Obligatory Prayer Exemption Compiled By Research Department Of The Universal House Of Justice Planning Progress: Lessons from Shoghi Effendi, June Manning Thomas Priceless Pearl — Rúḥíyyih _Khánum Redistribution of Wealth Compiled By Research Department Of The Universal House Of Justice. Reincarnation And The Nature And Progress Of The Soul Compiled by the Research Department of the Universal House of Justice Representation of the Manifestations of God and the Master Compiled by Universal House of Justice Research Department Reproduction and other Biological Subjects Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice The Resurrection Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. Return to Tyendinaga: The Story of Jim and Melba Loft, Bahá’í Pioneers, Evelyn Loft Watts & Patricia Verge Reviewing:: Practice and Functions of Literature Review Compiled by Universal House of Justice Research Department. 1990-05 Ruth Moffett typescript Scholarship (BSB) Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. Published in Bahá’í Studies Bulletin Vol 1-1, June 1982 Science and Technology Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. Scriptures of Previous Dispensations Compiled By Research Department Of The Universal House Of Justice. Shirin Bowman, Ṭáhirih K Vajdi Shoghi Effendi — Recollections, Ugo Giachery Socrates Compiled By Research Department Of The Universal House Of Justice. Spiritual Institutions: The Foundation for Oneness compiled by USNSA, 2000 Star of the West Stewardship and Development compiled for the USNSA 2005 Studying the Writings of Shoghi Effendi compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. published in Studying the Writings of the Guardian, ed. M. Bergsmo To Move The World: Louis Gregory And The Advancement Of Race Unity In America, Gayle Morrison U.S. Bahá’í News Unlocking the Power of Action, Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. Unrestrained as the Wind: A life dedicated to Baháʼuʼlláh compiled by U.S. Bahá’í National Youth Committee White and Negro Alíke (Kindle edition), Audrey Mike William Henry Randall, Bahíyyih Randall-Winkler World Order Magazine [incomplete] Writings of Covenant-breakers and other Enemies of the Faith Compiled by Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. Writings, Bahá’í: Importance of collecting and safeguarding Compiled by Bahá’í International Archives., published in Bahá’í Studies Review, 11, pages 100-102 Your True Brother: Messages to Junior Youth Written by or on Behalf of Shoghi Effendi Youth In The Vanguard — Marion Carpenter Yazdí Zikrullah Khadem, Itinerant Hand Of The Cause, Javidukht Khadem